The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1903, Image 6

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Crcscoua Gains Victory Ovor
Timo at Lincoln
MILE IN 2:081-4
Clip llnir Necrnrt From If Is lCrnnl
fur llrflf (lllln Truck Twriitr
1 IiiiiikhIiiI 1'eoptn Sfo
Him li tli I'ur
(JcrBceim clipped one-hn!f ftroiul
fnvni his riHonV on u hnlf-n. In traik
nt the stale fair grounds, l.lnroln.
Nrl BopliHiilicr R. The wr ulerful
troltor did .i mill) In 2 0S', niu when
lie (IiiIhIiuiI the performance, lip allied
back before the Judges' Htand n ilit a
lilr, crowd mi If nothing liml happ 'iifd.
!! actually iiclpi'l as .If lie llimiKlit peo
ple ern.y to ict nxtilctl over m III tie
(t thing i' a wtirlil'tt record.
Tlio horse was In pel fed form The
tr.iilc Wii.T. excellent The da) was
Ideal iiiub the enthufiinMii of thousands
diovc III 'inltital to do his lii'st. Un
der riicIi conditions, It was not strange
Mint tlio lii'.st time hpretofoio iiiikIo
should lip lowered. That thin should
have lin)pi'iil on thu track oT the
NiOlrnnlcH. stale fair association caubed
no -little Ki'itlUcntloti
After wntnilng'up miles, the
KDrir) stallion appeared with his run
ning iik-Uch ami the speeding car.
Thorp war. no Jockeying, Kverythlng
moved Mint clock wink At n iiiartrr four o'clock ho received the
woidword "do," With enrs pointed'
straight nhend, tho marvelous unlriial
tplllod to his work at a pace from
which ho pvpr r.wnrved till the finish.
Ho made- tlii- quarter In :!-. the second
quarter in i lie same time, the third
4ii ".Cj and tin; last in :!Hi. going
uroiind ovcrj foot of .the way without
ii hitch, n flip or;u'break, Ry hls'bldp
vwe tlio runners RullopInK like mad
iud just n little behind on the outside
was the p.wiug ear coining HKp a inon
ler wIUi the, rush nf its jiuiuy tons'
momentum Hut Crefleeus kept Mead
ly on from I he first tick of the watch
Oil the signal that work was ended,
his tremendous strides (ovciiug
Krotiud tin it has never been covered
before In Nebraska., It was ecstacy
from a horseman's standpoint to watch
Milk-nnil p-'ifccl hllss to contemplate
the feat when It was diiun. Thousands
li cored tint animal and his driver Mr.
Kolchuni, as they appeared hefoie thu
umphit heater. And when tlio an
nouncement of the time camp, tlio
vast crowd roco pii masse and gave
the royal aiiliunl his due of apprecia
tion. About 4 o'clock thu automobile came
n the tiacli and thu runucrs fol
lowed. Charles Scully created a sensr
lion, appearing In a low sulky with An
unknown. .1 It. Couch by name. Mike,
Hie Tramp, the raw, lanky anlma', that
always puces Oroscuua, followed,
driven by I'd Mitchell. WhMo the
drivers wio getting in trlvi, C. 13.
IMmxcr nt the car about iho track
for Htcnm and In ti vory t-jv minutes,
the trotter appeared and (lie race was
Cresccini was off 111 a flaBli. Ills
rcnt charicl eristic, la ability to rush
and he bIhiwh It frmi the beginning,
though the llnlsh. calls Tor the aamu
power to a Krcar decree, lleforo tlio
crowd tho word had been
ipn and th trial wus on. TIioukU
only an exliltion inllo, with time as
J ho oppori't, It was a race.
J'ho rexiner had the center for tho
fiihl ha'X and the auto came steaming
uly riittlo way behind on tho otit
Hldp.Ueforo the positions wero noted
all wen down tho Unci; n round tho
llya turn. Tho automobile at tho
fart had a slow lire ami laired, but
iUrcscoua hncw ho was against tlmo
uud thcro was no lai; about him. Tlio
riiniKJr Itepl Just u little, hi tho lead
tuid tho car bohlud. Theie beonicd no
rluuiKO 'n tho work of tho tmttor. Ho
buckled down to his Rait from the pole
mid apparently kept 'it. CouiIur In
on' tho KtrotPh with a Rround covorltiR
.wIiir, ho ranio ui)der the wlte in 1:04
1'or tho half. Ho kept a steady motion
and tho runnpr's work on tho side
coined to havo nothlifR to do with
tiif action, Mr. Kotchtim drovo with
if tawtj In his hand and knew the
itpced. Ho talked to Cresccus all tho
way around and Crescons niluded,
"Como on now, can't you do better
than this?" said tho owner to his
tmlllng servant Tho Hotter kept
steadily on .without the touch of the
lOxcltomcnt was everywhere but on
tho track over ly tho three-quarter
polo which had bpon passed In l:3ti&.
Tliero wa enough causo for pxcltc
ment thcro, but every animal and
overy man wns bendluK to his work
with redoubled energy. The horso
IiussPd tho car. They turned Into tho
jitrotch with a momentum that seemed
in carry with It n preslenco of record
breaking. On. cnmt Cresceus and on
thundered tho pacemakers,
t Down to tho wlro camo tho sorrol
y.ntalllon jioundltiK tho earth with his
forefeet as he reached forward, each
step n leap. In his eyes wns tlio look
of victory. Ho showed tho confidence
of accomplishment. Ho camo on and
on llko iv powerful engine that brooks
no stopping. With tho crowd stand
ing breathless Cresceus camo under
tho wlro a record breaker. Ono run
ner was a neck nheart, but the other
and tho auto had discreetly retired to
let tho world's champlou havo his
Not tho least pleased of nil was
Cieorgo H. Kctchum, who held- the
rolns. Wonrlng n Binlle so broad that
his gonial fnco could scarcely contain
It, ho drovo back before the oniphttho
xlor bowing his acknowledgments of
tho ovation, So Intimately connected
Is tho work of tho horso with the dl
lectiou of his owner that tho spectn
orB felt the honors should be di
vided. At the stables .Mr. Ketchum gave
his homo an affectionate caresa as tho
Ki-oonw (foranionced their care. To re
porters he said ho was highly gratified
with the result.
Corn Will .MnkiMi It lie rni IMIiu W:rit
WtUlllIT ('llMllllll'l
The UnlveiFlt of NebniHlia weather
cro bulletin, IsmiuI Hcptcinbcr V
The pnat wicl, has been warm and
dry and gcnrinlly favotnblo fur agrl'
cultural IntcittitK.
The minn dally temperature has av
prnped 2 ipcrc(M alio( the normal In
eastern months and fi decrees abovo
In western. Tho maximum teinpcin
tnTs were bftwrcu Si) dcRrrcs and !Rt
dejints on four das of the week gen
erally, and ellghtly bWmv SO il green
in the other three dajs. In thesouth-
etcrn part of the Mate the niaxl
uini temperatures exceeded !)0 de-
cefi on three ilays. The minimum
' npernlurcsf wero between CO and (JO
i ;n'es. ,
The rainfall was confined to light,
ttcrod showers, occurring on the
i or filh. In a few northern uiiin
i 4 the rainfall ranged from a' quarter
- a lilt l mure than half' an Inch, but
ncrally it was Ipsa th.iu a tenth of
i i, Inch, mid In n large portion of tho
iitate no measurable amount fell.
Threshing ami haying progiPSEcd
rapidly, the dry weather of the week
being especially favorable for this
character of work: threshing fiom
shock Is now well 'advanced ' and
threshing from stack has begun. In
some central counties some grain still
In shock Is sprouting. A large eiop of
wild or prairie hay Is being seemed
In the northern and western parts of
tho tlate. '
While corn has matured somewhat
slowly In enslern counties ahd nerds
warmer weather, still It has inndo a
substantial advance and condltlonsuro,
moro promising than a week ago. "in,
western counties corn hns matured
rapidly and somo early planted In,
southern and western counties Is now
beyond danger of Injury by frost.
Harly corn Is denting. The corn, ei op
promises to Im excellent if not in
jured by frost, but two or thriiA weeks
of good weather without severe frost
is ncqdeif toj mature a considerable
portion, of the com crdp. while some
late fields need moie than a month.
Plowing is well udwiiU'ed, with the
ground In excellent condition. Sowing
of winter wheat Is generally begln-
'nlng nutl will bo pushed lapldly In the
next two weeks.
Potntots are u short crop In most
parts of tho sl'ite; however. In a few
localities a fair to good crop is re
ported. SiiKnr beets are doing well
und promlso a good crop.
, Pastures and lauges are in an un
usually r.uwl condition, and linage of
all kinds lb' plentiful.
' NuMounl Crop Coiul lloim
5Tho nntlonnl weather bureau's week
ly crop bulletin says:
Early corn Is maturing rapidly,
some (ields being safe from frost. a:(L'
cutting Is In progress in southern audi
central sections of the corn belt. I .a to'
corn has advanced satisfactorily gen-,
orally in tho great corn states, exceptj
In Iowa, and under favorable condi
tions the bulk of the crop will be safej
In two or three weeks. In Iowa It Isl
maturing slowly and the crop needs;
rain In Knnsas. Arkansas, southern
Missouri and the mates of tho upper
Ohio valley.
Spring wheat harvest Is ncnrly com
pleted In the northern Hocky moun
tain states and threshing Is general.'
Italns have again delayed stacking nnd'
threshing in North Dakota, nnd this'
work has been Fomewhat retarded by
damp grain In shock In Suuih Dakota,!
nud by damp weather, which has;
caiiFPd damage to wheat in shock and'
stack. i
Complaints of rust and shedding arp)
general throughout tho cotton belt,;
and as a result tho condition of cotton
has deteriorated during tho last week.'
Prospects for an average crop of ap-;
pies are reported from portions of Newl
England, the inlddlo Atlantic states.
Iown, Kansas and Oklahoma; a light!
crop Is promised in Missouri, less thnii
the average In Now York, although thtJ
fruit Is or better quality,
Drouth conditions havo delayed
plowing In th Ohio valley and Okla
homa and mom rain is needed to pre
pare tho soil In Washington. Excel
lent progress has been mado with this
work tu other sections and wheat seed
ing has begun In Missouri, Kansas and,
MunnigrrH of Tolmcro llmivn Arrested n
Now York.
In order to test tho constitutionality,
of the. act passed by the New York;
legislature at Its last session prohibit
lug the uso of tho American flag for,
advertising purposes on cigar boxes,'
cigarette and tobacco purchases, J. It.
McPlke. manager of tho cigar depart-,
meat of a wholesale grocery store in
New York City, submitted to nrrestj
and was taken before Justlco Dlanch
nrd of tho supremo court on a writ of
habeas corpus, charged with having,
exposed for salo and sold two boxs orj
cigars containing advertising mutter
in which tho ting appeared.
Counsel for McPlko held the law
unconstitutional. Any question in
volving tho uso of tho American flag,
either for advertising or other pur
poses, he held, was tolcly within the
purview of congress, us It was a mat
ter of federal and not stato sovereign
ty. Justice lllanchard parolod McPlko
until Friday, when ho will enter a;
pro forma order dismissing the writ,'
thus upholding the constitutionality ot
the net. McPiko's counsel said that an
appeal would bo taken.
Child Crippled lr Kenper
Llttlo ftve-ycar-old Esther, daughter
of Fred Grimm, a farmer living flvo
miles east of Norfolk, Neb., was hor
ribly cut In a mowing machine The
llttlo ono had secreted: herself In tho
grass to surprise her brother, who was
driving the machine. Before tho sickle
could bo Btopped It had taken the en
tiro flesh off tho calf ot tho left leg
and cut oft tho small hone. It la
feared that the child will be nerma.
I neatly crippled.
Crop Figures, as a Rule, Ahead
of 10-Year Average
Corn of SUtr thirdly Kqual to Tlmt of
I.uU Year, lint KrttcP Tlitfii, Mutt
at Ilrr Neltlilir -Itaporl of
HtntUlU Inn Other New
The monthly icport of the chief of
the burpau of statistics of the national
department of arlcultuie will show
the condition of corn on September 1
to have been SO.I, us compaicd with
7S.7 on August 1, 1!I0::. 8-1.3 on Septem
iber 1. 190:!. 51.7 at the corresponding
rlate in l!)0l, and a ten-yenr average of
These flgiues, as well as thoFP on
other crops, indicate the condition' oir
September 1, and no attempt la made
to anticipate the results from fiitute
weather conditions.
The following table shows for each
of twenty prlmlpnl corn Mates tho
oiidltion on September 1 of the last
two years, with the ten year averages:
Sept. 1. Sept. 1, Ten-year
In .va
'irutilca . .
1!)03. 1P02. Average.
00 ,
K uisas 7 1!
Mn -oivri 7ti
T.x.M !M
IniLaua 7i'
(lOOrgla 8!i
Tennessee 01
Kentucky 81
Ohio .'...('.7
Alabama 00
N'oith Carolina ...80
Aikansas W)
fWlHKlfKlppI OS
Virginia 81!
limit h Carolina.... SIJ
h'outh Dakota 80
pkhihomn .72
Pennsylvania 70
United States S0.1
The average condition at harvest of
winter and sprlng'whcat combined was
d.7, against SO on September 1, 1902,
.2.8 at the coricspondlug dato In 1001,
iiud a ten-year nerngo of 78.3. Tho
following tnblo shows for the principal
wheat states the condition on Septem
ber I of the last two years, with ten
year averages;
Sept. 1, Sept. 1, Ten-yenr
State 1903. 1902: Average.
Kansas 80 49 08
Minnesota ,..70 81 80
North Dakota 73 94 75
South Dakota 8S 03 70
Nebraska 75 90 72
California 70 ' 78 82
Missouri .ri3 101 7S
Indiana 00 88 ., 74
Ohio 7i VJ 70
Illinois DO 00 ' 00
Pennsylvania 82 80 81
Oklahoma 81 .00 81
Tcmis S3 DO 75
Washington ..v...78 03 02
Tennessee 07 50 !. !
i o wa 04 74 S.'i
(.Michigan S5 00 71
United States 74.7 80.0 78.3
The averago condition of the oat
crop on September 1 wns 73.7, ngalnst
79.5 on Augiibt 1, 1003, 87.2 on Septem
ber 1, 1902, 72.1 on tho corresponding
Mate In 1901, and a ten-yenr average ot
The following table shows for each
uf tho ten principal oat states the con
kHtlon on September 1 of each of tho
Hast two years, with the ten-yenr nvcr
ages: Sept. 1, Sept. 1, Ten-year
Stnte 1903. 1902. Average.
Illinois 70
iown G7
Wisconsin 81
S5 81
00 80
100 87
95 SO
80 07
90 S7
107 83
98 84
100 88
99 84
87.2 SO. 6
Minnesota 79
iNobrnska 70
Indiana 08
JNpw York 95
Pennsylvania 83
Ohio 78
.Michigan 84
United States 75.7
Tho nvorngo condition of bnrloy on
September 1 wub 82.1, ngaiust a ten
yoar average of 82.2.
Tho average condition of ryo on
September 1 wns S4.1, agnlnst a ten
year average of 85.3.
The nverngo condition of buck
whent on September 1 was 91.0, against
a ten-year average of 84.4.
Tho avcrago condition of flax on
September 1 was 80.5, against S0.3 one
Month ago.
Tho averago condition of potatoes
on September 1 was 84,3, against a ton
year average of 7C.0.
Tho avcrago condition ot tobacco on
September 1 wns 83.4, against 82.9 ono
month ago.
Of tho thirteen principal clover
seed producing btntcs', four, nnmely,
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa,
report Increased acreages, while all
tho other principal states, except Cali
fornia, In which stato tho acreage is
the same as last year, report de
creases. In Colorado nnd Utah condi
tions nre below their ten-year aver
ages, while all other principal states
report conditions nbovo such averages.
Tho average condition of ryo on Sep
tember 1 was 93.0, ns compared with
92.0 one month ago.
Tho number of stock hogs now be
ing fattened Is 5.1 per cent less thnn
the number one year ngo. Reports as
to slzo and weight of stock hogs In
dicate a condition of 95.1, as compared
with a seven-year avcrago of 91.2.
Ardmore, I. T. An engine and four
teen gravel enrs went through a brldgo
near Hugo on tho Arkansas & Choc
taw road, killing four of tho train
Nashville, Tenn. The union na
tional association nt postofllco clerks
was addressed by Representative
Georgo W. Harris of tho American fed
eration of labor, who advocated organi
zation and atllllatlon with the federation.
1'iilto.l .Stit" Ha Itoqiniftril tlmt Tur
' key ilcliruil nn (llctiil
United States Minister Lcishman
has presented a demand to the Turk
ish government for the dismissal of
Ileshld 1asha, vnll of Ilelrttt, on the
ground thnt so long us he Is retained
In olllce the lives and property ot
Amerlcnns In Uclrut uie insecure. Tho
porto hns not yet tcplled to the demand-
nor has thctelieen any develop
ment In connection with other Amer
ican claims.
Tho dispatch of Nazlm Pasha to
ilelrut from his post at Damascus la
considered to bo a picllmlnnry stop
toward a settlement. Nazlm Pasha
received an enthusiastic reception up
on his arrival at licit tit. a crowd at
the railway station, cheering1 him re
peatedly. Tho town was then perfect
ly tranquil. According to tlio latest
telegrams, however, the consuls con-i
tluue to transact their business with
Itoshld Pashn, vnll of Beirut.
l'lHii. Which, If Vurrlail Out, Would
Mm ii u Itotulutlon lit l'liniiiim
Representatives of strong Interests'
on the Isthmus of Panama, who make
their headquarters In New York city,
are reported to bo considering a plan
of action to bo undertaken in co-operation
with men of similar views In
Panama anil Colon to bring about n
revolution and form an Independent
government In Panama opposed to
that In Hogota. There Is much ner
turbatlou on the Isthmus on account
of the failure of the canal treaty,
which 1h ascribed to the authorities at
Hogota. and the natives of Panama
think it is to their best Interests for
n no wrepubliq to be formed on tho
Isthmus, which may negotiate- directly
with the United States n now treaty.
Woiiuin mnd Itor .Herlomly Hurt !y
KuntiMHjr Hone
A distressing accident befell two of
tho employes at the postolllce in Wa
hoo, Neb., Wednesday, resulting from
u runaway horse. I'o3tniastcr Ander
son's son. Carl, aged 'fourteen, nnd
Mrs. Claude Smith wero driving homo
after tho distribution of the evening
malls, when a few blockB from the
postofllco' tho horso became frightened
and ran away, overturning tho carriage
and Injuring both occupants In a very
serious manner. Tlio boy struck on
his head nnd was rendered .uncon
scious. It Is fenrcd nlso that he is
injured internally and may never
rally. Mrs. Smith sustained a broken
leg, both bones being fractured at the
ankle, and 'is otherwiso badly bruised,
but her Injuries are not considered so
serious as tho boy's.
, Home net troyeil by FJr
The residence of D. L. Halues, la the
cast part of Franklin. Neb., was total
ly destroyed by lire. The tiro was not
illscovcred until tinder such headway
thu& It. was Impossible to save a thing.
Mr- Haines anil, wife are In Indiana
vlsftlng and tho loss will be very heavy
On them. Not a cent of Insurance was
carried and tho fact that thoy aro be
tween seventy-five and eighty years of
ago will make the loss much more
rrotmts lluvr- KftVrt
After listening to the protests of
Bheep owners against th recent order
compelling tho dipping of all sheep
on account ot the prevalence of scab,
;tho board of sheep commissioners at
Cheyenne, Wyo.. modified the order
so as to allaw flocks not affected by
scabs to have clean bills ot health, In
spection to bogln nt once.
Mob In llelgriide StrreU
A mob at Helgrado, Servla, made a
great demonstration ngalnst the nows
papors which have defended tho army
oflleers recently arrested. The crowd
attempted to proceed to the -Turkish
legation, hut was dispersed by tho po
lice. Many persons wero slightly In
jiucd. A tSnnrrnl Strike Ordered
A general strike was ordered at the
Nelson Morris packing plant In South
St. Joseph nt noon Thursday and the
plant Is practically at a standstill. Tho
trouble wns caused by tho refusal of
the superintendent to discharge a fire
man who was charged with being un
fair to union workmen. Twolve hun
dred men aro out.
Ittch Chlnnnian Flnatlr Land
Under bonds furnished by friends in
Now York city, Snm Ho Sang, tho
wealthy Chinese merchnnt of Hlmrnra,
has been allowed to land here. Ho
Sang Is a rWtlsh subject and was born
on tho Island, but was held up by tho
Immigration ofuelals under tho Chinese
exclusion act. Ho was detained on
ship nearly a week.
I.lmn, Peru A regular passenger
train on tho way to Croyn with ex
Presldont Romana and a party of his
friends nnd Alfred MncCuue, nn Amer
ican, to whom tho government has
granted a concession to build a rail
road In Peru, collided with a descend
ing train. Ono person was killed and
thirteen others were seriously In
jured. Senor Romana and his party
and Mr. MacCuue escaped with a se
vcro shaking up.
St. Paul, Minn. A special from Hel
ena, Mont., says: Carey Snyder, alias
Georgo Savage, was arrested' at Colum
bus by Kansas City detectives on a
chargo of having held up a pawnr
broker and his wife In Kansas City
a year ago and robbed them of 17,000
worth of Jewelry.
Cleveland A 3-ccnt fare ordinance
was passed by the city council, the
first ot Its kind in tho city. Mayor
Johnson Is said to be Interested- la
tho new lino which, according to tho
conditions of grant, must bo In opera
tion by the first of April, 1904.
Nnmos of Six Indicted Postal
Officials aro Published
Other, llourtrr, Wero Wllllnc Work
em In tho I'lot to SivliKlWi the Nn
tlonnl Ooterniiu-iit .Ira Ac
rtiurd of Attcliilit In DefrnnJ
'A Washington, September 11, dis
patch says: United States District At
torney Reach today announced that thu
six persons numed In the seven In
dictments returned by tho grand Jury
last Tuesday are:
George W, Heavers, fornipr chlpf of
tho division of salaries and allowances,
postofllco department.
August W. Mnchcn. former general
superintendent of e free delivery sys
tem, postofllce department.
James W. Drwln, former postoriice
Inspector, with hcatlqiinrtcrs In- San
II. George H. Huntington nnd Isaac
A. McGclhan. both of New York city,
owners of the Columbia Supply com
pany of that city.
K. D. Schcble of Toledo. O., a den
tist, and Interested In the firm of May
bury & Kills, of Detroit. Mich., lettur
box manufacturers.
Reavers, Machen nnd Erwln nre
named Jointly In one Indictment for
conspiracy to defraud the United
States. Another Indictment Is agaltust
McGcihnn, Huntington nnd Mnchen for
conspiracy to defraud tho United
States nnd still another is against tho
same three for conspiracy to commit
bribery, both under section 5440. II. S.
Schnbcl nud Mnchen nre indicted Joint
ly for conspiracy against the . United
States and ngaln for conspiracy to
commit bribery.
Another indictment Is agnlnst Mc
Gclhan and Huntington for bribery,
and the last Is ngalnst Machen- plngly
for accepting bribes under section
5301, revised stntutcs. All tho Indict
ments aro based on transactions relat
ing to the supply of letter boxes and
paekago boxes ami devices. Somo sen
sational chnrges are made. Tho, In
dictment against Reavers, Machen anil
Krwlti' alleges that the Postal Device
and Improvement company of San
Francjsco, formerly the Montague In
dicator and Ixittor Rox company, was
composed almost entirely of western
postal employes: that In1 1900 It sent
postal employes; that In 1900 It Bet
aside 1,000 shares of stock for "for
warding its Interests" and that armed
with this authority Its president. Dan
iel S. Richardson and Inspector Erwln
camo to Washington, saw Heavers,
Muchcn, Heath and others and got an
order for equipping 2.0S9 letter boxes
with their device.
The indictment says the company
was systematically relieved of its obli
gations in tho way of paying freight,
crating, painting and printing cards
for tho devices It was furnishing. Tho
indictment charges that Reavers and
Machen1 owned stock under nssumed
names. Most of the thousand shares
of stock set aside, the indictment says,
went to different postofllco oflteials,
and again President Richardson came
to Washington, and following an in
crease In the contract price ho got
for the company, dividends wero paid
on the stock.
McGclhan, principal owner of the
Columbia Supply company of New
Yorlc. Is ennrged with agreeing to pay
Machen 50 cents for each dollar and
a quarter paid on the paekago box
contract by tho government. Specific
payments to Machen aro cited In consideration-
or increased compensation
and under tho package box contract,
ostensibly for attaching a different
support to tho boxes.
Tremurer Mrlntyro of SoMiiril Ktl
niiiten n Surplua of 47,000
Tieasurer E. Melntyre of Scwnrd
gave out a statement of tho cash re
ceived during tho Nebraska state fair
with an estimate ot tho total amount
that will be puld In from all sources.
He ahows tho cash receipts ns follows:
Mon,l,a" 2.5S0.00
?"e",Bj 8.S02.50
Wednesday 3,902.25
Thursday 8.030.00
1,rlda' 4,052.30
Total $28,043.01
Amount duo from R. & M. for
sale of coupons 7.8R7.D0
State appropriation 2,000.00
Cash balance from last year. 2,000.00
rT,lTotal , 140.930.51
Tho estimated expenso of tho fair Is
In the neighborhood of ?30.000. in ad
dition about $4,000 worth or perma
nent improvements were placed on tho
grounds in preparation for this, year's
exhibit. They constltuto new barns
and grading the rae track. This will
leave something llko ?7.000 to the good
Tho board ucxt year will bo In. shape
to make some needed changes and to
erect permanent necomniodatiotui for
exhibits that were greatly crowded this
Killed lijr Dllputlo
Alexander l.indsey and Jospph
Dougherty were shot and killed last
night by two deputies who wero trying
to arres-t them at Camden, Tenn., on
the- chnrflo of assaulting Daniel Stock
dalo, nn nged white farmer. Stockdnle
ls In a precarious condition.
Customs Inspector Thomas R. Contes
and Lieutenant Osborne, constabulary
supply ofllcer, both stationed nt Snn
trcdlno, who were arrested on the
charge of misappropriating government
funds, havo bee ntried and' convicted
of the crime. Lieutenant Oaborno has
been sentenced to ten years nnd In
spector Coates to eight years' impris
onment. Dean Tompkins, trensurer of
tho province of La Union, has also
been convicted of forgery, hut scn-
S. w b?,n rc8.crvo1' The minimum
penalty for the crime Is Imprisonment
for twelve years.
.Striking Coal llnrm Told to IXnm
Work hy doliu Mitchell
John Mitchell, president of' the unit
ed tnluo workors.of America, arrived In
Kunsas City Friday to "confer with
the mine owners nud initio Avorkers of
district No. 25 in nn effort to scttlo
their differences, which caused tha
Btrlko of eight hundred men at Novln
ger, Mo. Mr. Mitchell hold lnfurmnl
conferences with the operators anil ,
representatives of the striking miners
from the time ho nrrlvcd until late
Inst night, when he gavo an ultima
tum to the striking miners In thn
form of an order for them to go bad:
to work In obedience to the contract
of their own ropiescntntlves with tho
operators, which contract, Mr Mitchell
nays, they htivn disobey by striking.'
ami remnlir at work until the scalo
for the coining year, tinting from Sep
tember 1. can' be ngreed upon. Mr.
Mitchell fitither told the representa
tives of tho strikers that, no effort
would be mado to adtsjouaoluolnlu
would be made to adjpst tho wale for
Hit coming year, until the men go
bad; to work. President Mitchell or
doied the men back to woik, not at
the request of the operatois. but upon
hU own Initiative. !eeauso ho bellevm
that the miners by striking hno vio
lated their agreement with tho ojicr
ators. '
The rtrlklng conl miners at Novlnger
voted In mabs meeting Friday. after
noon not to return to work in the
mines until they receive assurances
tlmt they will be paid for "brushing."
resident Mitchell received a mes
sage to this effect from the committee
which went to Novlnger Thursday
night to urgo the men to return to
work. Ho conferred with Vlco Presi
dent Lewis and President Colvlllo and
Secretary Maul of the unions of dis
trict No. 25, nnd It wbb decided, to Issue
a call at onco for a district convention
of miners to meet in Kansas City and)
take up the entire controversy.
Moderator of (lenernt Amtomlilr Kayi
t'rehytrrhin Will (let Together
A Denver. Colo.. Sept. 11. dispatch
says: The Rev. R. I- Coylo, moder
ator .of the general assembly of tho
Presbyterian church, who has Just re
turned to his homo in this city from
a lecture tour in the cast, believes that
tho time Is not far distant when tho
twelve different Presbyterian churches
In1 tho United States will become one.
This probabllltl, he says, la due to the
reconstruct lom of the creed ft, his de
nomination which took place last May.
Cahinlstlc and Armenian lines which
have so long kept his nnd- tlio Cum
bcrlnnd Prcsbyterlnn church sepnrated
hnve now, he says, been effaced and at
present no distinctions other than cer
emonial separate tho two great re
ligious orders that began as one In
thu days of Cromwell.
"Another step," said Dr. Coyle,
"that our church took at tho last gen
eral assembly in May and one that
tends toward tho unity Idea Is to cm
phoslze Christian education. With In
tellectual development many sordid dis
tinctions that tend to keep churches
separated will bo obliterated. Our
church now has an educational com
mittee nnd upon It has been imposed
tho duty of raising 512.000.000 for edu
cational pin poses. Most of this money
will bo spent upon schools In the
west, for our institutions of learning
in the east are In good shape flnan
IiiHtrm-t Admiral to C3nt Rpndy to Hot
Into Turkish Tronble
A Paris. September 11, dispatch says:
The commander of tho rFench Medi
terranean squadron' at Toulon has le
coived orders to hold In readiness to
leave for the Levant n naval division
consisting of the battleship Brennus,
the nrmored cruiser Trevlllo, the sec-oud-chtss
cruiser du Chayla, nnd tho
third-class cruiser Ltnois, under tho
command of Admiral Jaureguiberry.
Reports received by the foreign oiricn
nt Parl3 from Constantinople said there
Is renewed agitation' among tho Mus
sulmans within the city, and fears aro
oxprctsed of a Mussulman attack on
the Syrian population. This agitation
followed the appearance In tho Turk
ish pnpers of accounts' of the Bulgar
ians dynamiting trains and blowing up
tho steamboat Vaskapu. Tho govern
ment considered that official sanction
of the publication of tho news was
the best means to avoid- exaggerated
btorlcs of tho explosions. As tho gov
ernment had rigorously suppressed any
montlou of explosions during tho past
twenty years, tho recent publications
caused widespread agitation-.
Cull to Prayer
Following tho helpful custom of pre
vious years, a committee nriolnted by
tho ministers' union of tho city of
Lincoln call the churches to tho stato
to prayer on Wednesday, September 23.
The scopo of tho prayer Is to bo left
largely to the commltteo of arrange
ments In tho community whero special
scrvlcps are held, u Is suggested, how
ever that prayers be made for a re
Mval; a blblo study; an' ovangellstlo
nwnkonlng; moro aggressive efforts iu
missionary work among tho Indians,
jiilsoners. nnd neglected clnsso in, the
nome land; for nn increased interest In
world-wide missions; for municipal and
national ollklals and voters In this
IT'."11?,'1 that n"ilernncc, impurity,
and other evils may be overcome It
is recommended that each church hold
a meeting during tho day and that,
when practicable, there bo uulon ser
Mecs held iu tho evening.
More than twenty women' and child-
honT ITsn,,C(1 rrom a tenement)
Se. flrt '," lAinK l8lam City early
!ii7i., i rvlozin l,(rf!ona wero sllghtljl
ami spread rapidly to a six-story dot"
n en thinCnt najolnln. Vur police,
uihiin iro ncarb' r,,8hcd '"to the
tw n vSna,Ul blK0c l Betting oul
twenty persons who, but for thelJ
me y arrival, would, havo ijerlshcd.
i ffr",1 a Woman l hc
Herman T.." c""B,lt '
, u ulU1Url
b unhurt.
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