2ES5SK;- -''&; ifrfi - --. - 7-r . , ., ... ygy V v, "fy' f :k fi kW .. www '" "SsriffW r'.V - W,ftljT.-. jMr-w..v n-!te I vs. r 'NMittibww,WUrti.ir','i'j, Red Cloud, the Geographical Center of the United States, a Good Place to Live In. VOLUME XXXI. KED CLOUD, XEMIASKA. SEPTEMBER IS, VM)',i. NUMBER 38 W. MINER BROS. Bift Store MINER BROS. Most of Comfort, Of Elegance, Of Satisfaction FOUND HEBE Wrapper ft Waist Goods Notions. 20 piocos of heavy fleeced lln"d .V wrapper (rood val price, per yard. rapper ana waist uoous, value, 12 I '2c. Special Be Handkerchiefs. 200 dozen Handkerchiefs, Linen and Cambric, Hemstitched, Embroidered and Laco. Each 5c Many of these are half price and cannot bo duplicated for le88 than lOo. Dress Goods. 38 and 40-inch all-wool Suitings In popular weaves, worth t5c to 5c. Special at 5tt Embroidery. 1,800 yards of embroidery in 4 1-2 yards length, sold at 10c to 18c per yard. Per piece 35c Seld Only ! the Piece. Black Satlne Petticoats. Special job. 5 dozen 91 25 and tl 60 Petticoats at $1.00 Each. Other values at 84 00. Talcum Powder, 5, 10, 15 and 20o Va8o"ono, 5, 15 and 253 por bottle. Dress Shields. 5o pair. Pearl Buttons, special job No. 52G'.', 3c dozen Twin Anchor Hose Support ers, 23o. They give the correct carriage Spoi-ial in tho new Finishing Braids at 5 and 10c Special job of Nickel Thim bles, 2 for 5c New novelties in Hair Orna ments at 15, 25, 35 and 00c. Necx. Ribbons in Taffetas, spe olal at 15c yard. Special va ues in Handbag, Wristbags and Pockerbooks at 50c, 750,11 00 and II 25. Special job of Cord Elastic Web, fancy colors, at 7c yard. Remnants. Remnants of Outing Flannels: 12 l-2c Outing Flannels at. . .10c 10c Outing Flannels at 8c 8c Outing Flannels at 6c Remnants of Petticoat Outing Flannel: 1 5c Petticoat Flannel 10c Swerve Not. If your luck is out of whack, Keep on hoping, Novor turn a coward back, Keop on hoping. Though tho world bo dark today, Though your skies bo damp and gray, And you loso in every play, Keep on hoping. If your wlfo is glum and cross, Keep i'U hoping, If sho trios to bo tho boss, Koop on hoping In tho coming by and by, A nice gown may catch hor oyo, And sho'll bo as nice as pio, Keop on hoping. If your sweetheart is unkind, Keep on hoping. If she can't mako up her mind, Keep on hoping. Praise some other maiden's charms, Fill hor breast with lovo's alarms, And sho'll flop into your arms Keep on hoping If your wifey's mother comes, Keep on hoping, Though your ears have aching drum., Keep on hoping. There will come a joyous day When she'll take herself away Maybe up to heaven to stay Keep ou hoping. At your troubles never shy, Keep on hoping; You'll be a winner by and by, Keep on hoping, For the darkest hour, thy say Is before the dawn of day, And your clouds will hike away. Koop on hoping sold s'oadv to stronir all wook. oxcont lli.lit ...no t nat.t l.i.i.ltL. ...Itl..1. I.w.l 111 I at . 15 cents. Kat native withers sold from $3 40 to $.1,75, owos 83 to 83.35, lambs 4 50 to 5 Feeding wethers Jj Irlng 83.25 to 33 33. lambs around 94 J I no run today is o,wu, ami tho market is 10c highor. Thoro was s mio inquiry for 1200 lb drivers at 375 to $125 and good draft horses woro wanted last wook, but light to medium horses were 95 olf Mulo business whs dull. Some choice sixteen hand mules sold at 9100 nround and cotton feeding mules 14 !t to 15 hands, good quality, aro bringing nro bringing 805 to 9115. Jno. M. Hazklton, Llvo Stock Correspondent. tfttcct H)44444!U ...Eye and Eye Glass Care... W ET us pilot you out of tho misery Improperly treated eyesight Into and danger of overworked and tho rest and satisfaction of ro- Walstlngs. Remnants of Waistings: 50a Waistings at 35c 250 Wuistlnes at 18c 90 und 75o Wool Wnlstlngs..50c Satisfaction or Money Back Is Our Guarantee. Miner Brothers. Old Settlers' Picnic The old settlers of Webster countv will hold a picnic at tho court house park in Red Cloud next Wednesday. A splendid program of speaking, muslo and other amusements has been arranged atid a great time is antici pated. The following prizes have been offered for tho occasion : Largest family, ono of whose parents was born in Webiter county Glass set, Miner Bros. Largest family, both whose parents woro born in tho county Ono-half dozen photographs, Bradbrook & Sehultz Best looking couplo of tho pioneers Half dozen photographs, Bradbrook & Sehultz. The oldest unmarried pnir One pair of tan blankets, i'. McNeny. Biggest boy born in county Pair of shoes, Frank Smith. Prettiest girl born in county Sugar bowl, Albright & Rifo. Oldest ?irl born in county Picture, Henry Cook. Oldest boy born in county Knife, Ed Amack. Largest couplo in the county Cake, W. S. Benso. Smallest couplo in tho county Sil ver pepper and salt boxos, Ay s & Bailey. Oldest girl whoso parents were pio neors One dollar, O. O. Tool. Boat picturo of stocktito at Red Cloud Box of cigars, J. O Lindley. Boat picturo of stockade at Guide Rock Watch fob, T E. Ponnvin. Best picture of stockade at Cowlos Coffeepot, Pope Bros. Bigiiest story toller of tuo old sot- tiers, excluding preachers and lai yers Hat, Beokwith, Wescott & Storey. The man who Killed tho Inst buffalo Ammunition, Morhart Bros. Oldest democrat on the grounds Hat, CowJen-Kaloy Clothing Co. First populist One year's subscrip tion toTnB Chief', J. P. Ha'.e of tho Nation. Oldest and straightest republican Ono year's subscription to tho Nation, P. O. Phares of TriE Chief. Youngest baby of pioneers Baby ponder, 11. E. Grice. Fattest pioneer Ono dollar, Rev. Uauptmaiin. Youngo.it grandparent in grounds handshako, Harry H. Holdrege. Biggest lift by pioneer Cigurs, W. H.Sawyer and Harry MoCormal. Farthest throw of hall Gold collar button, No ffhouso Uros. Winner of foot race Cuff buttons, Newhouse Uros. Longest jump Old yarn, Irving Walker. ' Highest jump Old story, J. S. Gil ham. Best horseshno pitchor of pioneers-Jack-knife, F. I iterson, Most varied bill of faro of grasshop per year One dollar. E. v. Buss. Market Letter. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 14, 1003. Receipts of live stock at Kansas City last week and same week last year were as follows: 1003: Cattle, 03,582; calves, 0,193; hogs, 35,025; sheep, 23,225; horses and mules, 1,244 1902: Cattle, 70,712; calvos, 0,107; hogs, 22,351; sheop, 30,820; horses and mules, 080 Supply of cattle last week was vory heavy, as is usual at this season Tho market was nervous, but on the whole was steady for the week. Beef cattle advanced readily on the days of short supplies, but declined when plenty wero here, but the close was like tho close of tho previous week. The sup ply of sho stuff was well adjustod to tho demand and there was little change Veul calves remain at high point. Aloro quarantine cattlo were hero than woro needed. Stocker and feodor trado had a big week, with bulk of offerings common to fair westerns. Average prices were little changed ex cept for common light cattle, which sold lower Vory few cattlo wore held over at tho end of the week. Country buyers scorn willing to take all of them Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednes day, September 10, furnished by J 11. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company. C F Guntl and wlfo to Emmot A Bnodfker, qcd, nwi 28 4-11....9 21G5 Vina T Douglas and husband to Isaac D Clnpp.wd, t3 nw4 and 2 sw4 28212 2500 Frank V Taylor and wife to R T Potter, wd. se4 0 and n2 sw4 2 nw4 and lot 3 and 4 in 10- M0 5000 R T Potter to Matilda E Taylor, wd, tame 5000 Llacoln Land Co. t'i Christian 7 McCoy, wd, iota 17 rind 18, blk 17.' Bladen .- 60 Jno R Greenhalgh and wife to Mike Stroble, wd, 2 se4 21- 3J1 1300 Edmund B Smith and wife to Clara A Perry, wd, lot 20, blk 22, Smith & Moore's addition to Red Cloud " Western Lnnd and Trust Co. to Henry F Clarke, wd, sc4 12 211 2400 stored vision. Wo understand Eves und Evo Glasses our busl ness to lit tho ono to tho other. Wo know tho Eyo and its noods wo know tho dangers thut follow In tho wako of dofectivo Eyes and strain ed vision. Our knowledge of tho Eyo and practical oxporlonco in tho g, IIIUIIK in iiuinsu.i is ill, jriir nurvicu. wu u.Miuuiiu juui ujun muumniui. scietuiiu'iiii.v: ton you tnoir exact condition, ikiviso you wnni to uo anu grant you tho privilege of doing as you please. y v EYE CARE. Waltlns und hoping never betters ailing vision procrastination Is the thief ol good eyesight. The change which come to the eye are be yond tho power ol the Individual to remedy. is trouble. Neglect to elve eyes proper and timely care 1 responsible for much of the president day eye A very little strain upon this delicate structure soon exnausts its aeucaie nerve torce. When the eye first troubles, the man of sense gets It. knows there is need of help, and stralghway Let us aid vou to better vision or the observa tion of what remains. EYES EXAMINED. A little wny from right I J a great way wrong T with eye glasses and spectacles. S We make a study of Individual needs and fix tfc frames and lenses with exactness. b Every appliance science has devised Is at our command, Every pair of glasses must preclsety suit the JJJ wearer and us. S Each lens, each frame. Is thoroughly Inspected, Z If there Is flaw or blemish it Is discarded. S Your eye glasses are as Important as your T .u..ll.. I iMHA..... U. Ih. .1111 K M.I1I 7GIKIil l liiifVI kail., iivib uia vhii.. .iiv and the facilities to make them so. EYE GLASS CARE. GLASSES FITTED. ft ft ft 3 NEWHOUSE BROS. RED CLOUD. NEB, l: Jewelers and Opticians. 4ft Back to the Old Home. On aeptntuber 1, 8 and 14 and Octo ber G the Burlington offers round trip tickets, good thirty days, to many points in Indiana and Ohio, at faro and a third ratov An excellent oppor tunity to visit old friends in tho east. Ask tho ticket ngont for further particulars. at prices 81 to 91.25 lower than pro- vailing pricos for fat cattle During tho weok fat stoors ranged from (4 75 to (5.55 and grass natives from 84 30 to 84 90. Best light veals brought (5 75, and, as woight increasod and quality dropped off, on down to 83 50 Ma jorlty of stockers and feeders brought 83 to 83 75, with a fair sprinkling of sales up to 84 Run today Is 10,000 head, a moder ate run for this season, An effort was mado at tho start today to boar pricos on lower reports and a big run at Chi cago, but this was unsuccessful and the market turned out steady. Top salo up to noon was 85 35. Local pack et swore good buyers today. Hog pricos gained a big quarter up to Thursday's dosing market, which was the high point of the week. This gain wtos entirely wiped out, however, on Friday and Saturday, and closing sales of tho weok were less than u nickel different from tho close of tho previous wt ok, 8G 17 being the highest point reaohob Attraotivo pricos swelled tho rocoipts last wook and to day's run is good at 7,000. Prices to day aro steady to fio lowor, with 85 87 for top, und bulk of sales at 85.70 to 85 80 Light sheep rocoip's ut Kansas City mado tho mnrkot hero indopondont of othur markets, and shcop and lambs Total W8440 Mortgages tiled, 83,300. Mortgages released, 80,700. Low Rates West via Burlington Route. 825 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 825 to San Francisco and Los An geles. 822.50 to Spokano. 820 to Salt Lake City, Butto and Helena. Proportionately low rates to hun dreds of other point, including Big Horn Basin, Wyo , Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Colum bia. California, etc. Every dsy until November 80 Tourist cars daily to California. Personally conducted ex cursions three times' a weok. Tourist cars dailv to Seattle. Inquire of near est Burlington Route agent. Atteatta, 0. E. 8. There will bo a regular meeting of Charity Chapter, on Monday, Sept. 21, 1903. All members are requested to attend as there will be work. Mrs. Allco Myers, Worthy Matron. Tho good roads movement started at tho republican county convontlou Is being steadily pushed forward. Tho old settlors picnic noxt wook will bo a momorablo affair. Don't miss it. BLADEN. H B. Boyd and family attended tho State fair. A. W. Cox took a number of hU lino rod hogs to tho stato fair. Among tho number was ono two years old which weighed 840 pounds. W. B. Housohoulder and wifo attend ed the state fair. Jas. MeCoy and wifo were in Lin coln this week. Bladen now has in oporation, for the benefit of the farmors who patronize 1ho town, a town pump and wind mill. Two cisterns hivo also been put in the street and these will be tilled wltn wator and will bo nsod in cno of firo. Quito a niunbor of peoplo from B'ndon and vicinity attended Camp, hell Bros, show In Red Cioud Thurs day. Wo understand tho trimmer at the millinery store was unfortunato in the loss of somti of her wearing apparel Just Saturday ninht. WILLOW CREEK. ANiTOBa. Fred Bon Is taklngcareof bis father's third crop of alfalfa. Miss Edith Peterson is attending the Lincoln business college. Threshing has been at a standstill for five days owing to damp weather. Clarenco Lewis and wifo of Red Cloud wero pleasant visitors on the creek last week. A killing frost and freezo tho night of the 15th which will mako a great deal of soft corn. A. C. Bon sold four head of cattlo to a man from Hastings last week, and also a cow to Mr. Childs. I S:hilos has been vory sick of lato. Ho Is a brothor-ln-law of Perry Norrls and makes his homo with him. A party of young peoplo from Wil low Creek and Cowlos picnicked last Sunday at the big rock southeast of Guide R'ick. WALNUT CREEK. Mr. Warthon is hauling lumber for a new barn. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones wero in Red Cloud Tuesday. White frost Tuesday uiRht. Late corn will ba hudly damaged, also cane and Kafllr corn. J. O. Holcomb and sister, Mrs, M. E, Atneton, returned home from tb slate fair Friday. Born, September 4, to Mr. and Mra. Frank Blankenbaker, a girl of usual Nebraska weight. All doing well. Rob Mitchell has cut and burned the weeds along tho roadside on his farm a good exaraplo for others to follow GUIDE ROCK. Uncle William Sabin is very sick Quite a frost and some ice here thf morning. W. L. Wilson of Suporior was here on businoss last week. O. J. Lum aud F. Newton are going wost to look for oboap land. Dana Columbia it on the aiok list this week. Dr. Robinson is attending him. J. M. Dean. II. BorgQold and E. J. Mooro went to Red Cloud on business Wednesday. Gsorge Proud lit has returned from Denver and is employed at bis father's lumber yard. Mri. Golden, mother of John Golden of Stillwater, arrivod in Guide Rock from Missouri yestorday. Mr. Gilletto of Bloomington has been ongaged as pastor of tho Christian church fortbe coming year. Perry Dunbar, a brother of J. and O L. Dunbar, arrived tho first of the week, having driven from Illinois. NOTE IT DOWN! THE PQJTAM U.S.SEPARATORS W THE BEST VTV, lVSii I BUY ONE AND PROVE IT We have th following trnfr point t ChlctRo, bioux i.uy, pioii. l.aCroMt. Mlnneinolk. Omiha liwl, Qucbw. Sheibrnoke. I'. Q.. Hamilton, Ont. A Urtti all letlfTt to Btlhwt Falli, IV, Vormont Farm Mnohino Co., ,,,-, Bellows Fnlis, Vt. ,ia .v,rrm T rilF llHTSMini ti"l VI -'I a c vi. s '-r ifc. i.jjaMaiaaaiaMttarti -tatftiaiai3MawtatH:A- k-tt "V4tpttV !"'V.i