,& l'. tqr ( w y t. ; V ' I rt V w '. IT . Coming to Red Cloud, ONE DAY ONLY, Thursday, Sept. 17. eflMPBELL BROS yi ' ''II ' ' ""I ' "j' """ ' "mmm'"i I"' A! LI J U AV Europe's Greatest Gontoibution FOR THE AMUSEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. UNQUESTIONABLY THE GRANDEST ARENBC FEATURE EVER INTRODUCED IN AMERICA. I0W DOUBLED IN 3 RINGS 2 STAGES CIRCUS MUSEUM AQUARIUM $1,000,000 MENAGERIE Real Roman HIPPODROME The Foremost Show of the World; YOU CAN NEVER AFFORD TO MISS THE FREE STREET PARADE SI ITWEFFORENOON WELL WORTH A JOURNEY OF 100 MILES TO INSPECT. "W SHOWS DAILY AT 1 AND 7 P. M. Mn Hour given to Witness the Animal and Museum Curios before the Commencement of the Circus and Hippodrome Performance. Bowling is a pleasant recreation, is invigorating and is a healthful pastime, and for a pleasant hour's amusement nothing is more interesting than a game or two at the : : : flpex Bouilinq Alleys v. l. McMillan, Proprietor. holoo Tobaccos and Cigars Always on Hand "HHEDJIATI8M CVHKl) IN A DAY. 'aVyttlo Cure for Ithcnrnatltrn Mid Neuralgia 'tetttrallyrmeiln 1 in .Itlays. It action upon .be ysu in In rritBrkntile ami mysterious It Tlttom at mire iheraute mil the dlseaselm--irtrincly Oliai'iearr. Tlie Oril dote greatly 'tr.pi. it, cem and t w. told by 11. K. noe, Druggist, lted Cloud. "Writd Young men to prelate for goTern--'wnt trillion. Fine opening! In all depart "mulls. Good salaries. Itapld promotion. iXeeailnatloni sot n. I'anlculsrs free. Iliwr State Cor. Init., Cedar Kapldi, la. IKrtAKMATOKY KI1BUMATISM CUHED IN 3 DAYS. "Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Iml.,tays; "My "wife had InfUmmatorr Kheumatlun In every satiKlei and Joint, her mtlerlng was terrltle us.d her bedy and fare were swollen almost be. yoncViecognltlon. had ben In bed six weeks 'and bad eight physicians, but ricelved no txneflt mull the tried the Mystic Cure for Rbaumatlsm. It gave Immediate relief and she was-able to walk about In three days, lam nre It saved her life." Sold by II. B. Orlce "TJrugglit; lted Cloud. Wouldn't this make you dry . Tfho Ico cream ami soda water season is ngulti at huuil Tho tlmo when von want a nice, cool, refreshing drink front our1 oxcollent fountain or a dish of cream from our ro frlgorators. I Our soda fountain is now opeu and you may obtain drinks at 5sc iqc and 15c, S!he Bon Ton W. S. DENSE, Proprietor. IS rtiMA am af.J.J 2 mti Laxative Bromo Quinine Tweti. js rievwiMHakm boxes sold tw part 13 Months. This Signature, & GREAT CONSOLIDATED . SHOWS TWICE AS BIG AS BEFORE THROUGHOUT 01. prH 222 South Peoria St., Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1002. Eight months ago I wu io ill .that I was compelled to lie or lit down nearly all the time. My tomach was io weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I Tomitcd frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed ao much that my throat ana lungs were raw and tore. The doctor pro nounced it Bright'! disease and othera aaid it waa coniumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de sire to lire. A sister Tiiited me from St. Louis and aiked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that itsavedmylife. Ibelievemany women could tare much suffer ing if they but knew of it Talue. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottlo of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day? wiN&cwmui Land Buyers' Excursion, Bargains in pasture and hay land, improved and unimproved valley and upland farms in Valley, Greeley, How ard and Slionnnn counties. Piistmo and farm lands from 8r to $20 per acre. From S'.OOtoJ.'iOOstcunK an improved or tiver bottom farm. Excursion will leave Cowlcs for Loup City 'luosday, Sept. 22, over B & M R. R. Loup City and return, 84 17, on this date only. Securo a farm uuvv anu get. lanoiora rent, write for particulars to A. 11. Keeney, Cowlcs, Neb. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Tako Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tab pis. All druggists refund the money f it falls to cure. E, W. Grove's signs- ure U on each box. 25o. HIPPODROME TRACK a v vmi ; a vruiu in vrne icr GUIDE ROCK. I. D. Colrin Is getting up nn oxcur slou to Oborlln, Kansas, to start next week front Otiido Hock. Somo lino samples of corn aro being brought into town this woek. Dr. J. F. Urndshaw of Superior was in town Monday. N. J. Castor, of Northbranch was in town yesterday. F. D. Crow has moved Into tho Oc cidental building. Tho Methodists havo bought a hotiso near the houso of Joseph Hunter for a piiwonago. Tho Uuido Rock' school opened Monday. Krtnti and Louella Watt havo gono to Lincoln to attend tho Conservatory of music at tho university. MUs Ulauch Holand is studying music nt tho Franklin academy. Quito a number from hero aro at tending tho stato fair this week. Henry Street is now clerk at tho Uuido Ilock houso. Win, Guy has his now rosldonco about completed. Undo John Kindchor's son Thomas is hero from California. Mrs. William Kindcher is in Colo rado for her health. An Undo Tom's Cnbin show will bo hero tomorrow. J. II Cooloy of tho Guide Ilock lumber company is up from Hebron. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednes. day, September 9, furnished by J 11. Hailey of Webster County Abstract company. C C Cox to Selisa Cox, sw qr 22 and nw qr 27-2-10, wd 8 1 A II Thomas to A II Keoney, wd, noqr 21.3-11 2500 Win II Thomas, Jr, Jim It Green- halh,wd,ie qr 21811 3200 Byron L Goodell to Wm Reiher, wd, lot 13, block 0, Bladen.... 000 Thos J Bronnan to Ben Ludlow. wd, lota 16 and 17, block 20. Smith & Moore's add to Red Cloud 100 Ben Ludlow and wife to S B Kiaer, wd, same 100 C as A Campbell to Sylvia Knutson, no qr ne qr 17-1-10, wd COO Fred A M Brown to Flora F Brown, wd, part nw qr nw qr 3-210 1 Clans Rose to Harm Anderson, wd. a hf sw qr 33 49 1400 W L Millioa to E J Million, wd, wd, w hf 211-0 1 Lena G Hill and husband to Geo . Ruaeo, wd, lot 16, blook 8, Vance's addition to Guide Rock 25 Total 18828 Mortgages tiled, 85,850 Mortgages released, SI ,050. Low Rates West. Tho Burlington oilers round trip tickets as follows: Denver, Col., and return, 113.45, Juno 1 to Sept. 80. Colorado Springs, Colo., and return, 15.00, June 1 to Sept 30. Pueblo, Col., and return, $10.60, June 1 to Sept. 80. Glenwood Spring?, Colo., and return, 825 45, June 1 to Sept. 30. Ogden, Utah, and return. (30 50, June 1 to Sept. 80. Salt Lake City, Utah, nnd return, 830 50 June 1 to Sept. 30. Deadwood, S. D., and return, S18.M), June 1 to Sept. 30. Hot Springs, S. D., and return, 815.40, June 1 to Sept. 30. ' Custer, S. O., and .'return, I1G.00, Juno 1 to Sept. 30. Ask ticket agent for particulars. RathachlM'a Intere.t In Chess. One of the Rothschild family, though he never takes part In tournaments, is. known to be a flrst-class amateur and his Interest in the game Is so great that ho has found positions In his bank In Vienna for many a struggling pro fessional chess player. London Dally News. 1 Bolt for Potting. The best soil to use either for pot ting or top dressing la two parts good turfy loam (that from an old pasturo Is best), one part leaf mold, half a part dried horso droppings, rubbed quite flno and half a part coarse sand. The whole should bo well mixed. OfflclaU Sorve Communion Kmblemf. At tho communion sorvlco in ono of tho Presbyterian churches In Wash ington ono Sunday recently the bread and wine were passed by two admirals, a general, two supremo court Justices and a former secretary of state. Mora Driaklng Watar Troablaa. Detroit people are swearing because they get live lisards from their hy drants. The patronage, perhaps, doea not warrant the company In furnish ing them with crocodiles and hippopot ami. Denver Post. CureaCria in Two Days. , WTjCfa. oia every DOX.Z30. ABOUT THOBB BIO WAVES. IVot lMTgt Than TJinal, but Da to Hoars Foattlon. I One does not hear nowadays when' a steamer has an experience, ltko that1 of the Teutonic on her last voyaga over quite ao much talk about "tidal waves" aa always resulted from nuobl episodes a few yeans ago, but oven now there seems to be a very gonoral misapprehension as to what happen? In these cases, and a still moro gen eral mlsapprohonslon as to why It happens. In reality It 1b hardly more exact to speak of "giant waves" than of "tidal waves," for, though the waves In any given series differ ap preciably in size, the difference la rarely if over enough even to begin to account for tho damage that one par ticular wavo among the many harm less ones often does. Olllcers on the brlilgo of the Teutonic, desplto the shnrp watch ahead which they wora doubtless keeping, saw no notable ng gregntlon of water approaching them, and tho reason they did not was that thero was nono to see, says tho Now York Times. What thoy did notice was a lively sea, with the usual vari ations In the distance between Its ele vations and depressions. Then the vessel's stem chanced to strike one of the larger waves just at the In stant whon the stern chanced to bo raised by another larger wave, and as a natural consequence a lot of water camo aboard. But It didn't "rush aft," as most of tho accounts say. The water comprising a wavo has no horizontal motion, though tho form of the wave has, and what "rushing aft" thero was, beyond the not very fierce In clination of tho shlppod sea to find Its level on the decks, waa altogether due to tho rushing forward of the steamer. The Teutonic's speed In ordinary weather averages somewhere In tho neighborhood of eighteen knots, and with a vessel moving nt that rate a large mass of water, though dropped straight downward on her forward section, reaches the stern, or some in termediate obstruction, In a very min ute period. The motion Is In most part only apparent, but tho effects aro the same as though the water moved Instead of the ship, and the conse quences to passengers and deck etnir tures, while often serious, are not in the slightest degree myatarioua. "Olant wavea," like "tidal wave." are only encountered by vessels driven rapidly Into a bead sea, and whenever such driving 1b done the experienced pas senger will carry himself cautiously, though the oeck may have been dry for hours and the sea no higher than before. Such passengers know, as do all the sallormen on board, that f pMp and sea happen to assume certain relative positions a wave that other wIes would attract bo attention will do what none of its peers has done -rsrh the deck and cause it to be -nt by some tons of water moving, o r.ll intents and purposes, at a aped o much less than that of an express WHERE BEGGARS CAN RIDE. Crr Chvap Ennnth In Sf Z'fn1 to fllr All w Moint. !!o;?s are so cheap In Auckland st pcdestrianlFm bids fair to become '.r..t. The postman does his round heseback. The butcher, a huj;c lt r ung over his arm, canters up ..h nrtered provender. Schoolboys, .o ::-fc'i.tntiy sharing a mount, ride o srUno'., w-here a paddock Is reserved : :ht:r ponies. Even the lanipllghier ."fcrn.s his duties perched on an rbllng r.ag, while the droves of live ot.k, posing along the reads are al ays ur.der the care of a mounted es ort. Whoa an outdoor man Is sent ou .n errand that would entail walking a uv.:er of a mlje he invariably spends en irlnuteB In catching a horse that ic may ride. But moro ludicrous than ill elEe was It to see a sweep, his at 'er.tion to the kitchen chimney com pleted, canter off on his nag, with tho beg of soot perched on the saddle be .'ore him. As an lnstanco of tho topsy turvy state of things antipodean It may be mentioned that It is considered smarter to drive In a hired carriage than in your own trap. J Wlaoooaln's Obligation to the Foon In the absence of a statuto creating an obligation, the supremo court of Wisconsin, in tho case of Patrick vs. Town of Baldwin (86 N. W. Rop., 274), holds that none rests on a muni cipal corporation to maintain or relieve poor persona, and that a court has no power upon the ground of moral obli gations or the equities of any given case to hold such a corporation liablo to a private person who may have re lieved or supported a poor person. And where the law imposes on a muni cipality the duty of maintaining poor persons and designates officers there for to aot In its behalf in tho per formance of such duty, their mere neg ligence will not operate aa an lmplle.i request to a prlvato party to supply a needy person's wants, upon which such party can act and hold .tho muni cipality liable as upon an Implied con tract DNlfa of BaakUa Vaaak. The design of Mr. Ruaktn'a tomb la a cross of the early English type bewn out of a block of green slate and lettering la replaced by symbols. On the face the candlestick of the tab eraaela represent the "Settaa Uunp" the "Hon of St Mark's," e Iwinu of Venlfte," in the oentaf, am aitfct near a ulna fnmt and beaWe th ria log turn auMecte "Modem Peintara, while below If a tfure with a fcrre, On. the baak ar gt Qcocxe aad.the Dt.-mc oa, the Grown of Wl Olive, Par CUviiartu Beaaaae and LUlea, and al tin fao uato this LasV U nnraeaV ed by the ntyuent of the voimm Lb tho viucynrdV I MANY MAYORS IN NEW YORK. Raat Bide ftaetlona Have Tbalr Own Though TJnantliorJasd EieotlT. Certain sections of the east side In New York elect mayors of their own each year. It is generally a matter ol common consent or a casting of votot at some saloon on nn evening beforf agroed upon, and the man who wln goes for ono year under tho tltlo ol mayor of Poverty Hollow, or some other like appellation. Upon festive occasions he Is permitted to dress up In a regalia of his own choosing and head tho procession. Usually ho Is n saloon-keeper, and as his place of bus iness becomes tho local city hall, lu coins much money becauso of the beoi and other drinks sold therein. Hla edicts aro of an advisory character, Tho mayor of Chinatown is a man ol real authority In many ways. Ol course, he hns no recognition In n legal way, but nniomj tho Chlneso hla In fltionco and power count for a great dent. The method of his cloctlon if curious. Thero are several factions, each of which Is pushing a candidate. At an appointed hour all of theso meet In a public hall. Every man basins to talk nnd they keep It up without ces sation. After a tlmo some of them grow tired and drop out. The rest koop on. Then more go away, and the candidate whose frlonds remain the longest and talk the last Is declarod elected and no one questions his au thority. The oddest election of all Is that held each year In the city alms house. The men thero havo no vote for city officers, but as most of them have been voters for years and don't like to give up the habit, thoy hold nn annual election of their own an. I choose a mayor of tho almshouse. A new election will bo ordered in a fw days. Thero Is a vacancy In the of fice. JuHub Bullock, who was onca a soldier In the German army, has laid down his life and his honors together. He had bean mayor for eleven years. There are three, candidates In tho field. "Uncle Mike," who Is running becauso ho has a wooden log; Myers, the ex sausage man, who used to supply the city aldermen with Frankfurters, and Sandy Meigs, who had a distant cousin who was a hostler In old Commodore Vanderbllt's stables. Chicago Chron icle. FAITHFULNESS OP CANINE. Bald Bar to Tra for Muaa Days. Bark loa; far Asalataac. The mysterious disappearance ol two valuable hounds owned by A. V. Combs of Oakland, Cal has ben plained, and the story behind It prov.t one of the most remarkable cases o: canine faithfulness and determination ever recorded. Combs was one of a party of hunters who returned a cou ple of weeks ago from a week's hunt ing trip In the-mountains -back- of Crescent City, Del Norte county. The party had' taken along four bounds, which were missed during the first night in the mountains. They had evidently strayed away during the night, and for the following four days the hunters were without tuelr com panions. On tho fourth day, however, two of the hounds returned to camp the two belonging to Combs being U:i ally given up for lojt or stolen. Whet: the hunttrs were ready to start fo: home tbry Informed Superior . .Jttd? Cutler of tho mysterious disappear ance of the two hounds and requested him to advertise a reward for their return In his namo. One day Mr Combs received a letter from Judse Cutler conveying the happy news that the hounds had been recovered; that they were found In the mountains sev eral rnllcs from where Jno Oaklandrrs had been hunting, by a miner, who had heard them barking for sevcr.il days. The miner had gone to Inves tigate and found two hounds holding the fort at the base of a large tree, Into which a bear had climbed for safety from their. attack. This was the ninth day they had remained on watch at this particular tree. They were completely exhausted and very nearly starved to death, as was also the bear, which the miner killed. Diet Aimed at Orarstoutness. A new "cure" has appeared In Paris, said to be much In vogue, especially among members of the smart set. It takes the form of a special diet and tho particular malady at which It is aimed Is overstoutness. The Idea of this diet Is that everything, or nearly everything, must bo eaten cold; and even hot coffee, tea or soup Is forbid den to thoso following the regime. Tho early breakfast of toast, cold game or hnrd-boiled eggs and ham Is accom panied by a cup of cold milk. At luncheon, again, there Is nothing but cold meats and cold puddings, with bread and cheese or salad; while again, at night, the meal hiay consist only of mayonnaise of fish, cold en trees nnd entremets. All this may bo well enough and possibly beneficial to somo people, Hut to claim that a "cold" diet of this sort will prove ben eficial to all persons afflicted with too much lleah Is claiming too much. Faahlon'a Dlotlon. The word "charming," as applied to men, women, music, books and weath er, baa gone out with the century. Like the black velvet bows for tho hair and the pulley belts, It became common, and has therefore been dropped from the vocabulary of aoclety email talk. Attraothro la the smart word now If it happens to be appropriate. If not, there U a ohoioe of expressions, the simpler the better. In tact, aoolety eeenn to be striving afte simplicity In apaeoh. It no longer says "yacht! ' instead, va hear the simpler wont boat; playhouse where we formerly heard theater, and ao on ad Infinitum, By theae earmarks one's social statue la easily recornlxod. 4ttf n , Man'sMissiononEarth; I X Ai dft ffirth In TIIR OOLI MHDAI. X ritlK TICEATISK, the beat Jteillcal X Work of thl or any axe, entitled T 2 Tho Science of Life, or Blf- Ju X Preservation, X i Library Edition. Full Ollt. 870 rP-i with s Knitravlngi ami I'rucrlplloru, only t, by , mall, Healed In plain packagp. X I It U a trpmure Tor KVEItV MAN.I Tonne. Mhlille-ARoil ami Old. Write J -for It to-day. Ilio ni-cret Kpy to Health, T lUpplnci", VlRorout MANHOOD and hale : olrl Htffl. Auort-'M Tho 1'oahody Medical Inatltnte, & ; No. 4 nutnnch M. (onpoMto itcvoro Home, J- olileat nnd bent In this i. d 111 ISfll. Author and T. v lloiton, Mnti.li tho C country! catnnllahct! i lur liluiu mnii iiiii. i-ma nun v.uiiBuiui,t T PhyMeliin to tho Initltutt. Rrmluate of liar- x vard Medical CoIIckc, clatu 1HM, Consul. if tailon by letter or In person, 0 to 6. $ Sunday, 10 to I. -k Know Thyself Jfannal, a "ado Mecom j. X brochure, KHKK, scold i Inclose t cents for X Ipostne. Treats on Kxliausteil Vitality. X EDITOR'S NOTE Mcdlc?nBUt"Tobb?cn f n Died fact, and tt will remain so. It Is ns & sH standard ns American (lold. ... HS tf. Tho 1'cabo-ly MedltM Institute lias many ) 1 Imitator. Oiit no ium.- lloston Herald, jj; .r :-i ...... T..I...; !-.i. -t.i-i ..--.. i. ..... si fDoN-r Be Fooled! Oenulne ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA U put up In white packages, manufactured exclusively by the fifadlson Medlcint Co., Madison. Wis. Sella at js cents a package. All othera are rank Imitations nd substitutes, don't risk your health by taking them . THBOENUINU makes sick Esople Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest ealera sell the Oenulne. IIOLLISTER DRUQ CO, Madison, Wis. PCHICHESTCrVa CNQLIBH ENNYR0YAL, PILLS Bsrfti AiwaT.r.iini0 i.aaie.. iirunsits fbr UIIIUIIKTKK'.S KNGI.ISII Id HKD dI Uald aittlllt boiei ...Il llh bin ribbon. Take other, llffu.o Daagcraaa MabatltaUaas and Imlta tlaas. Ra of yr Drscctit. or ro4 4o. ta """i?-"". I'arUoalara, Trotlaiaatala J "Keller far La4laa,"M !ilr, bj re. Sara Hall, t O.OMO T.tlnaiilft1.. Ralrf h. all DraiiWti. CklekasUr f 'keasleal Ca. 8444 Sfadtaaa Haare, l'UILA.. k'A. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clf tnd brsutirits the httr. l'Minuits a laiutUnt growth. Never Fails to Destore Gray Kntr to lta Youthful Color. Cunt Ktlp iIIkiio A hslr fslliiif. t-'w.sndllnist DruiririiU WIJP aaaeoHKO! SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION serves u a bridge to carry the weakened aad starved system alont; until it can Nad firm support in ordinary food. Send for free sampla. SCOTT Si IIOWNE, Chamtsta, 409-415 I'eail Street, New York. 50c. and J 1.00 i all druggist. "Shave?" You are "Next" at Oliver SchafTnlt's a Barber Shop, 3 Basement Potter-Wright Building, Scissors Ground, Razors Honed, s AND I ALL KINDS OF EDGEj TOOLS SHARPENED 1 9 All kinds of barber work executed J promptly and satisfaction I guaranteed. J xaaa4 a em asms am e.oaaa i T ME TABLE. Red Cloud. Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA QUI G 'AGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY Bl. LOUIS nnd all points east and south. DENVEU HELENA BUT1E SAL7 LAKE O'T POIITLAND S.1JV FJMJYCISC0 and all pointi west. TRAINS IKAVE Aa FOU.OWB: No, 13. I'asjicnKur dally for Obcrlin , si; ncl brenrJiei!o. ford. McCook, Deuverand all points we.t.. "O!l0e.m. No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe. iC,V"V1,y'. Atehlion. St !?J?l,i.Lll.,col,i v' VVymore and all point east and south 2'jrj am No 15. Passenger, cully, Denver, all e.o!.ac?'r N0, 16, B v'a ' ' m ... . .060.a. ?.uAd,A.,'"l,l,sii Grand la. Lttni.."lBfk "' and ill tv No. 173. pally except Sunday Ox. hi.. 1 ,oriI."!ai"lcrmeill'eioint.1iioop.ia Buteiorcanada "UT p0,nt ,u lno Une1 e.Tiorn,!J,2"n,!J5".'. .. blcs. man. or ticket. lOloud.Nobr. or J Kra'.irl??,!"1 AB?n, He(1 J Agent' Omaha? Nibra.Ia:0l" "uonl '"-nWf I W.4LJ m ai. .vtviu WBI immWA 3 Ja i ;! 4 m i J CM- it- -i- "w- -fimm9W' 9& V fc"i7?TsttrsrTr7 -MtWMgmqp.sspQfty- - A l 'km , -aa-sMmr j.Ba r"M '-pH'By rfitlU. , V -4tfW