Red Cloud Chiefi. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. red cj.ui'i). NKBRAHICA :... Never answer your folly. n fool according to Tho world Is waiting imtlciilly to hear what 11. Lehr Ih going to b up to next. Never put orf till week after next wlmt you might Just as well Imve dono last month. "Another good tnmt ovor In Knat IIoHton?" bad man found out. gono wrong No! Another Tho princess of Tnhltl, who hns ar rived In Son Francisco, Is mined Art liunhlulhliil. Jlmlril! A Nebraska family hns been poison cd by sardines. Sardines tire like peo do. There nro some bnd ones. Since running Into that undiluted rock tho battleship Massachusetts has had to eat Its monls stnudlng. l'mf. l.nngloy has no doubt that bin air ship would lly down If he could get It lip high somewhere and push It off, If the banana crop In ruined soma Inventor will come to the front with; a canvas banana with sawdust stuf ling. For those who don't mind how bard they work when they play there Is! nothing superior to a good game olJ chess. Another renson why nutoinoblll.Hts, would tlo good country roads Is that; Ihey want to get awny In n hurry from Irate farmers. Conceding, ns Corbett does, that he was whipped In the second round, it must bo further conceded thnt he put up n gamo light. - , 1 . ... Mr. Carnegie's experience proves that tho rich man should always make Ms prlvnto secretary a mllllonalro be foro letting him go. . To tho mnn of uncertain footing the report that there Is a failure of tlio crop of banana peels would como as a piece of welcome news. Women can t seem to understand thnt tho men who hole so attentively nt the gauzy peek-a-boo waists are not Impudent Just envious. Now, If tho Turk only would lie droamlng In his tent some one might hllp In and chloroform him and save n whole lot of trouble. Mosquitoes that blto people to death hnvo appeared In Philadelphia. Hut why chould anybody care to live In thnt town, anyway? Tho doctor snys Mr. Gates must liavo nbsolute quiet mid freedom from excitement. Let tho jack-pot bu di vided and put tho chips away for the present. Perhaps tho Oregon chemist who announces that be has succeeded in making silver from gold will now de vote his efforts to making water out of wlnt'. They had a cakowalk nt Mrs. Del inont'a over In Newport tho other evening, there being no monkeys pres ent to require a show of dignity by tho guests. New York Is boasting of a girl vlo HnlBt who taught herself to play. Wo Know a girl who taught herself to play tho violin, but wo can't conscientiously boast of her. There Is reason to fear that many persons will bo disappointed when tho north polo finally Is discovered nnd tho photographs of tho locality fall to show tho polo. Fitjiro Sons and Daughters of tho Revolution in Cuba will have only to c-stabllsa tho existence of nn ancestor natuoJ on tho list of fiO.OOO soldiers on titled to pay that (ion. Gomez has just prepared. England hns decided to put a few inoro millions of her liquid capital into thrco now battleships. Of course tho Investment will bo floated all right, hut lu tho very nature of things the icturus will bo small. A man In Now York has been adver tising for a wife with a glass eye. The inferenco which will strlko every body nt once is thnt he is anxious to secure n wife who has only half a chance to seo through him. It Is henrd from Washington thnt the Agricultural department's young men aro now able to break themselves of the habit of eating their breakfast with a seasoning of borax that Is, If they can get any unseasoned beef Lieut. Edward Arthur Fitzgerald ha a married tho divorced wlfo of Henry Norman. And It is easy to Imngine tho sardonic oxpresslon with which Mr. Norman wishes him great Joy. As society has demonstrated that It In not strong enough to suppress tho toy pistol tho only thing left to do was to discover n euro for lockjaw. Russia may havo just been waiting for something Ilka tho killing of an other consul to give It an opportunity to select Its helping of dark meat. BANDITS IN CHICAGO Murderous Work of Desperadoes in tho Windy City KILL FIRST AND THEN ROB Htrret Itulhtiiy Men Victim of Di-mlly Atlnrk lliinillt Open I'lre Without a Woril of Wnrn- ' Init 8:1.000 TuUi-n A Chicago, August no, dispatch says: Without a word of warning two men wcro killed and two others wounded by hold-up men nt the barns of the Chicago City Hallway company, Sixty first and State streets, at an early hour today. The shooting was done by three men, who escaped after securing $3,000. Three of tho men who wcro shot were working In tho cashier's ofllce and the other was a motormnn asleep In the outer oilier. Tho men in theblllce wpre shot bcfoic they were aware of the robbers' presence, and the motormnn wns killed as he was rising from n bench where be had been asleep. Tho dead: Frank Stewnrt, assistant clerk In cashier's ofllce, shot through body while standing at his desk. Died half an hour later. John H. Johnson, motormnn, shot through head, died Instantly. Injured: William D. Eilinoml, receiving clerk, nhot In left thigh while at his desk; will recover. Henry Dlchl, shot In the head, will recover. Tho robbers took no chances, but disposed of all the. opposition of tho employes beforo they entered the ofllce. Choosing tho time when tho employes were busily engaged In balancing up the receipts of the night, just'nfter the last conductor had turned In his money nnd left the barns, tho robbers sudden ly appeared nt tho receiving window nnd began shooting. The first Intimation those Inside the oftlco hnd that anything was wrong was when they heard the shots. The first bullet fired ntruclc Stewart, and be fell to the Iloor without a word. Ulchl and Kdmond, who were sitting near Stewart turned to see what was the mnttcr, but beforo they could leave their chairs they were rendered help less by the well directed bullets of tho robbers. Johnson, the motorman, who was asleep on a bench in the outer ofllce, hearing the noise, started up to go to the assistance of his companions, but watt shot nnd killed before be could get on his feet. Making sure that nil opposition had been removed, tho rob bers then broko open the door of tho cashier's oftlco with a sledge hammer and secured $3,000 In bills which .was lying on tho desk. They then made their escape. Four men were urrrMcd three hours after the robbery, on suspicion of be ing Implicated In the crime but they have not as yet been identified. FARMS UNDER WATER llnutlrcili of At-rr l'looili-il In limine Con 11 1 7. N.. Tho highest water ever known lu that vicinity covered all the level por tion of Dodge county lying next to the creeks nnd drainage ditches the latter part of last week. In every direction from Fremont hundreds of acres of lnnd were under water. Farmeis were compelled to move their families from their homes, and cattle that depended for their food on the pastures had to go hungry. Tho condition was unprec edented. No 0110 remembers ever hav ing seen so much water on the ground at any one time. The city suffered somo from tho henvy rainfall and the drainage question has been pressed homo to the authorities, but the situ ation In Fremont was many times bet ter than In the country. Around Leavltt and Ames the water overspread the whole country from a depth of six Inches to a foot nnd a half. A high grade west of l.eavltt which has never been overflowed before was under water. Those two towns are the cen to rof the beet raising section, and It Is believed that tho crop Is' parctlcally ruined. The submersion will cause leaf blight, root rot and the destruction or tho sugar content. In addition 10 lllng up mud on top of the beets, North, west and east of Fremont the flood overspread the country along Uawhlde creek and several drainage ditches. The Elkhorn river overflowed and the Platte s1ept awayoo asrnorathelHve. aurter was very high. Grain !u the shock and in tho stack was swept away. The fears of extensive damage to the corn crop havo not been without basis. Reports that came lu were to the effect that many fields-have been and are still partially under water. The nop was bent down a great deal and mud washed over It. Where tho fields are level they can hardly be expected to dry off Inside of three or four days, and some will not be free of water and mud for a week to come. This will, hold the crop back from ripening, and a good deal of It Is certain to bo caught by frost. HERE AND THERE Bristol, Tenn. Fire has been raging for two days In the Cralgen tunnel on the Clinch Valley division of the Nor folk & Western, It Is supposed that tho fire was caused by the Ignlt-lou of a stratum of coal tn the tunnel, New York Among the passengers -s ho arrived aSturday on the steamer Maltke from Hamburg were the Coun tess von Walderseo and her sitter, von Walchter Lnutenbach, Oeorse' F. Haer and Gen. A. W. Greeley. Vice-consul is not dead Itt-iiortcit Axfumnliintlon of (Inierntiirul Olllilul All n MWdilio It transpires that tho report thai Vice Consul MagiiBhcn wns killed is Incorrect, nays a CoiiFtantlnoplc dis patch. An unknown Individual llred at him and the bullets passed dose tc tho vice consul, but' did not touch him, Tho villi of Helrut afterwan's visited Vlvo'Couhiil Mngelsscn, expressed re grets for the outrage and ordered measures for the arrest of tho perpe trator. The error In aiming the Vice Consul had been killed arose from a mistake In a cipher telegram. Snys a Washington dispatch: A de cidedly new turn In the c'w of I'liileO States Vice Consul William C. Mngcls sen nt Helrut, Syria, who was reported to have been assassinated last Sun day, developed when Is became known that the repoit was Itiiorieet. and that although Mr. Mngelsson hnd been shot at be was not even Injured. This Information came to the stntt depaitmcnt lu a dispatch fiom t'nlted States Minister l.clahman at Constnn t.nople, who said tho mistake In mak ing the oilglnnl announcement wns due to an error In the transmission ol the clpther dispatch from Consul Ravn dal at Helrut lu reporting the Incident to the mlnltter. Tho dispatch fiom Mr. I.eishmnn followed closely on the Associated press bulletin on the Mime subject which had been shown to the prominent officials of the government. The dispatch from the minister wns communicated to the president at once at Oyster Hay. Its contents were, ex tremely gratifying to the' officials ol the government here, as Is relieved the situation of its cxtieme tension ail dleaves the way open for nil ami cable and peaceful adjustment of the Incident. TO HAVE A DEPOT Lincoln to lie Muiltt llriuirli of Hie t'lii'inlriil Ciiiiiiiuiiy. A New York, August 30. special says: The Ava Chemical compinv ' t this city, In which John I). Rockefeller, the Standard Oil magnate, Is heavily Intel ested ami which was recently in corporated under act of congrc-s at Washington, Is to commence active op erations thioughout the United States and Canada at once. The gencia'. ofllces of the company will be In New York. Tho factories and depots will be In other places. The company will manufacture a line of proprietary rem edies unit standard chemlrals. Sofie tary Arthur E. Ibbotson of 08 Wllium stieet, when seen, said: "We hope to be doing bi'slnfss with in 11 fortnight at most. We will es tablish depots at many points, and shall have several factories. One of these will be at Lincoln, and we may have at least one more In Nebraska. I cannot give you any Information be yond this at present. 1 may be able to be moie specific within a few das." GETS THE DEATH PENALTY .lurj In tini-lirl Murilrr 'n4 Itrclnrel rmicrH (iiillly A (icorgctnwii. Ky.. August 2t dis patch says: The jury In the case ol ex-Secretary of State Caleb Powers-, charged with complicity In a conspir acy to minder Oovernor William (Soc- bel In 190(1, today found the defendant guilty and Imposed the death sentence. Powers was sentenced to Imprison ment for life In his former trlnis for complicity In the conspiracy. It was on his motion that he set-ited the new tiinls each time. The verdict toda caused gieat excitement among the friends of other defendants in these casen. The third trial of the defendant closed shortly before noon. Several hundred people i-rowod the cniut room when the verdict was read and in tense silence prevnlkr.. The jury was polled and each man de-lured the ver dict of guilty to be bis finding. Pow ers sat unmoved whi!e hta altornrys asked for time to" make a motion lor u new trial. Troop. Soon to Moblllci The war department has deslgnnted the troops that aie to mobilize at Ft. Itlley during the fall maneuvers. They are the first battalion of engineers' headquarters and baud of the Ihft and third squadrons each of the Fourth, Eighth and Tenth cavaliy. Twenty eighth and Twenty-ninth Held bat teries, the Sixth, Twenty-second nnd Twenty-tlfth Infantry, three regiments from outride departments not yet des ignated, but probably the Second Twelfth and Twenty-first Infantry. Kam-as will send one brigade of In fantty, two batteiles of artillery, the total strength between 1,300 and l.JOO men; Nebraska, Missouri and Arkan sas one regiment emir. Colorado one battalion of Infantry 400 stiong. Ne braska will also send Iw signal imps, sixty strong. .These troops, with the gnrrlwm at this post, which will also be encamped with tho maneuver division, will mak a total strength of about 15,000 men, which Is about 5,000 more than It wes at tlrfct thought would be modllled. TerrlfylnK U"t MHciiltlrent The correspondent of the Associ ated press at Naples ha !un U'luii.c from spending a night on Mount Ve suvius with the speclnl permission of the authorities to pass the prescribed limit. The s:enc was terrifying, but mag nificent. Enormous masses of liquid, tire flowed almost to the correspond ent's feet, foimlng great mounds. The eruption .continues nnd the vol. time or Inva Is acquiring vnst propor tlous. mm w war Turkey and BtilPart Defiant and Aggressf SUBLIME PORTE 1WORS IT Only 11 .Mlrm le Can I'mi'iiV t llottlll tlis .tliijr Hi-Kin HI I hit I'or- umlllh'H Wiir-ililiMViit ('iiIIiiiI duck Hofh In official and rcvbiitlonnry circles the opinion Is freely lid that war between Bulgaria and 'til-key Is Imminent, and can be averted V noth ing short of n miracle. It lsyot ex pected that either government wil for mally dechuc hostilities, but tut the prevailing londlllons will forcobn a war. There Is no qurstlm that large lim bers of Insurgents hno rcce.tly crossed the frontier. An extenslve'Jcit break in northern Macedonia is povl lile any day. The Autonomic piinfeu tfilfgrnin from Constantinople dcclk- Ing unit tue suitan. iii'iiu-nicu ny il counsels of German-, now favors i war with HulgarUi. The Turks n Sofia, however, tal.p an optimistic view nsKcrLinir that tin re I sno danucr O 11 war, as Turkey doe not dcslio one tinil Prflii.n l,m-tllliniwt mill tho lll-rl'H1 Hulgarian government arc not lu 11 1 position to rone Hostilities. . Nine hundred lefugeis from Mulko-j tlrnovo and suriounillng vllluges hnvej arrived nt Urumku, Bulgaria. The refit gees say the Turkish gurrison fired up on the Bulgarian port of Malkotltnowr with the object of dealing tin Iniprcs slon thnt a revolution wus In progress.; TIia tirnfm.t tiitm mnnnil tlin tllllp-nrlnti i notables of" Malko'tlrnovo and cndeav-J orcd to force them to sign the state-; ment that the Insurgents were the ng-J gressors. 1110 noiiioirs rciuseo 10 uo; so. anil the first man who refused was hnnced.the next day. Tim MiiiTflmilnn li'.it'prH nt Soft pin tin Hint no ntzLM'PL'iito of "2.000 Hill I'nrliiitH li:ivi 1 1 nMPil tin? frontier Ir small parties and joined the insurgents!. uuriiiK i lie nisi ii'ii u.ijM. iiuui-iui .mi. toluiiT. the nresldent of the Mneedonlao, II committee, nnd Colonel Jankoff, imjtY of the revolutionary leaders, who are w.v. .. .w...v.w..... .v..... , iw In .Macedonia, sent word that this, now Insu surgent fours total l'-'.OOO to 15.01 tue en. i ncy cii'i imii u Kciit-iui iiq sunectlon will bu proclaimed llll. week. DIVORCED AFTER YEARS ft m .. ...!?! sn,,c nn.,. ...iMiai... i or, ii-'". not or late grov :""U :';,," .,., T,,inentlng since M, miu.i .....i- usu -'" .'"".vColomblnn congr better knovn as Charlotte Wolfe, tlfatfg ota uCsplte wire of a wen Known citizen oi uicr.tx,nf-,iPB .. f . utdron county. Nebraska, and resldl near Shubeit, made the discovery thjtf her former husband. John Elliott, wS living and a resident of Nemaha eouai-j ty, and at once began an actlou for iMj voice from him. In her petition bw sets up that she married Elliott n Missouri prior to the civil war and tlif t in M2 her husband, John Elliott, vtlj unteered In the Twenty-ninth regimen of Missouri volunteer Infantry, nnd time the nst sno ever Kntrw or nun wag when the regiment was placed board ship for transport to the ti-enio smith. She claims that HB6 linnril i. Mnn oft PI- (if IiIk ilrnth ill the service and as a consequence she mir-' ricu .Mr. wojie oi amnion, uom nii. marriage there are seveial children now grown to manhood and woman hood. Instead of being dead, John JCIt llott. or "Jack" as he has been knowt nrmmil Aiiliurn. Neb., for the Inst tlilr) ty-flve years, deserted fiom his rejgl, ment and went to lilt rormer nomoiii llr.n...,t n.wl fct.t, tltnrw.,1 tin PITlRMfW1 .llirnillll I, .IIIVI ll,,i ,,,iii ..- ..., the plains to me gom neios oi wuw' nla and elsewheie, and finally lankjl li. I'loiinwl.- liriw-lllll N.'nlll!lllll (OtllKy. In 1h67, where he soon nfler maniMjJ daughter of Chesterfield Camp, $b';i whom lie lias seven cniiiireii, uu biw", nnd nearly all man led and with fami lies of their own. Elliott now Vfty In Auburn nnd Is a paralytic, havln;? been wholly helpless for the last Ivj; yeais. ft-,' K? It . .X li JttitfTn mill lliiim to lir l.nrjje mill ibi The demands of fashion are imori f, Oilu unnvim thnn tisiinl tn?.ft; iwt, iuiu into . ...'... ...... ---t-r ,.,m,lj Miifl-c fiml llilnc U-lll 1)1' C-vtell- slvely worn and are made large (and lonn. aim ll' and color tlio wearer i fnm.v lull Oli.V lllllUl llo sI'1Ih1i1V tUftd Furriers are kept busy, and lJJjM Voelker of Lincoln has a stock large than all others combined in tne i fi-ntii which selections for niade-tf-C iler earments are cut. His creaflo nri iiiRtlnitlv Parisian in style, lien correit. Mndn by Voelker Is a guara' tee of worth, style and fit. WRh Hum tllm IIoiiiIk 1.i-pi1 Hans, a detective for the Nor) western lallroad, who has-been Jhcu cernted lu the county Jail at jAlu worth. Neb., on the lndlctmcntofi grnnd Jury for tne Killing or onea Ltihe some two years since, wusyitfcrj .i,i iiv tin. illlnf nf nu iitmearajte JC bond at the October term of court? 'iJHe bond Klven wns for $10,000. It ti signed by prominent stock menfof county. Itnulver (or I.iihii Compa .iiiHtii-n Aiisio In the sunrcrao court of New York', has handed down a de cision granting n temporary receiver for the New York Building and Loan Banking association. A deficit of $ai7, 000 in the company's assets is reportod. Norfolk Mhii Mllu-r Police circles of Norfolk, Neb,, are considerably stirred by the disappear ance of August Hurg, a stonemason woiklng In the Northwestern yards. He. ato supper at his hoarding house Saturday night and has not been seen since.- It Is known that he had a con siderable sum of money, hence there are fears of foul play. He Is a Swede with a limited knowledge of English, Is six feet tall, has a full nuibtache, and bad on his working clothes. His room mate Is confident that ho was not a mnn to drop out of sight voluntarily. HUb f P ft 2 nr MbU. EVERY DAY A BIG ONE (Iri-iit Trent In stori- tor TIiiim- Wlni At toml tin- Nt-liriKli.l liit' I'nlr The gates of the NilrnVkn state fair will swing open lor the in option of vlsltois on September I. but the fair will really not begin until the follow ing Monday. Monday will be Lincoln dny and Labor day nt the fair grounds. Pub lic ofllces nnd business houses in Lin coln will close the gnnlei part of the day, giving every one nn opportunity to visit the fair. The labor organiza tions will nttend the fair In large num bers during the nfteriioon. Tuesday will be Ci'-sceus day. On thnt day. In addition to the other good speed attractions, till-, notable horse will hot against his r'-cord. which un til ir few days ngo wn tho world's ri.nn1 fnf Iritlliiy 'lhn llll:L that tills l. -CU'- .iiAl.'l"t77-T tirfflt IMU'f-'fll Wtlt- .MUISL-B icluiu t,i "I-" -- -- bo ati Incentive to his owner to mauo particular effort to heal ins recoru on tho state fair grounds; and a rc fenrJcably fnst trot can be expected. i'WednoEdny will be Fraternal day, '.Bull "jlllC onicreiiL inmijiiui uib""'u (tlons In Nebraska will b' out In largo IXlllllIIJtJIB. V111IH'JLII I U . nv..---- 'different organizations wi I ue a ica- Lure or the day s entert. inmeni, anu. tbq'ro will ho bands- In abundance and rtuies anu ucmoiifiniuuiia ui iftt nttrnrtlve order. J IK Thursday. alwayB a gfrtit dny at tho 'air, win nave somo spccim uniuv.- ons In races and on Kriuay tno graim tnck parade ought not to bo mlsseu any. ThlS parade of premium stock J,.i .n ..Kvnltlrn D(ll1l VllflT fl tl ft l public do not realize what .they ItjiVo when they fall to be at the fair IW UlUll' imimim; v.n . ,?- opViidny to see this. ! V ... .WIRIT OF REVOLUTION (laliiA Form In riiiiiiimi u Itenult of ,i Cnnnl Votn TheVplrlt of revolution Is gaining In iun A. Mm Icllinliu tlK I lip rPSllll 0 J-ije reJAtlon of the rnnal treaty by tho ;piomuan congrens m jiokiu. bj" Pinamnlllspatch of August 31. Gcn- eal Hiirtas, conunanunni at run. Jhtuarlnn. nnd "vlrttmliy tho com mander A all the government forces ifb and aramd Panama. Is at this tlmo the only qllcer to whom the govern- t-1. . . 1 1. Iin,,n nf nliflpl. BH'llt II1UJ iOli Willi UIIJ HUIO II, v.iv.. nnv rnt.ilutlonnrv snlrlt. Even ho j a Warm i-mpathUcr with the caual g is a wa i'tn hci project. ' m An fnr- Mi nnvn foicc. it is prac Americnns or pro- IS", li. Ically controljed hi J 1 1. 1 JVrnericnn Englisjin rn. They form tno Running, navlgatln forces. ', The revolutlonar and engineering feeling at Panama h. it bus been fo il time ueiore uio vColomblnn congre was convened at lie optimistic uio- reccived from tho krjnlted States con lernlnK the canal matter,' It was neur for a moment In flnMn mn tuitiiintinil I nt the treaty would ilbc ratified. The p wcr of money In a Innlnmlilnn rontrrpih Is too thoroughly flindcvstood. and hen It was known ti,nt iu iMin-onn-inMiinl railroads ol kibe United Statct were opposed to tho ."ratification or th) treaty it was iu iior granted mai'mi? i "uu,u "- l.i ,,. I II tvnJ i-nli-lllHtPll that tho defeat of the trccly would make no big deficiency in the treasury oi tne ituub eontlnentnl rallrqad Interests. I Qn fnr n thn kllliehtloil of the 8UC- Vnua nf tho revolutionary movement 13 "concerned, there can be only one con- !)..i...i rri.o nxalitnn nf the IsuimUt lUIUOIUII. .lit ,,... - hs unassailable. It is not approachable 'n.o1on,1 l,v crrnt hmlles of trOODS and 'can only be attiicUctl through the porta 'of Colomand Panama. With the naval forces In control nf tne revoiiuionisio such attack worn possible. The Bo neither money n. he practically 1m- ota government has r the credit wun which to purehnl i,o tfnr vessels. A declaration of Independence on the part of the isthmian people will. hardly be followed by anything more serious than the kicking out of those whoso folly may lead them to proclaim loyalty to the Bogota government. llurned lijr Curliollc Acll A. V. Watson, of Lincoln. Neb., waa badly burned by an application of car bolic acid to his bare back. Mr. wat- 1....1 i.onn cjiffcHniT from backache. and Mrs. Watson, hoping to "lioyo him, started to bathe his back with liniment. By some error she got a bottlo of carbolic add Instead of the liniment. This she applied In copious quantities. beforo the drug began to burn. When It began to hurt him sno noticed thnt her fingers wero also be ginning to burn. Water was used to remove the add and a physician waa summoned, who worked for two hours with Mr. Watson to ease his pains. His back was burned from his neck to bis hips, while Mrs. Watson'B hands wero severely affected ny me ikiwuhui u.u NEWS IN BRIEF Sir Thomas Linton hns decided not to visit St. Louis this time. Martin Husey. aged seven, died In the city hospital, St. I-ouls, ot hydro phobia. He was bitten by a dog five weekB ngo, Th fourteenth annual convention of the national association ot letter carriers convene. August 20 In Byra- . .. ..nil Inf n trricerBCtit",OUt from both ends, a carload of bridge lumber destined fur Norfolk, Neb., was icsola ditch, dumped located In a Jin there In a wretk. Another catioau was ordered. It will take $4 ,00(1 to repair the ln by the battleship liar Harbor, ShawtOllver. of New Juries sustained Massachusetts at General Robert York, the new isslfitnnt secretary of war, has entcieii upon uu- uun his office. i. o...l.,,l..rf Inprrtnrv nf the ISll- iuna Creamery ass-octnllon. has ad- . .i... iin.iniLj Mnn'c I pniriin of VIBCU 111" UU"""" - " , Sioux Falls, S. D.. that the annual convention, which was to have been held there in October, has been aban doned. A desire to have a big conven tion In St. Ixiuls next year Is the cause given for no convention this year. ' i if $ '.ft'f '',.'! f"''-"" - v4 ifrV Notice Worth Medi nn, Tit T7riinriMt Jlwt r,mLt ulnttiir nf -.-.. .ti-JIUMMC, HIV l.imjUi.OIUWI v ilenlth for Chicago, Is sctfitig out tho following notice, wlilcli U being posteil nt all stations J which mill for Chicago Is beini: slilmcit "Milk cans must be clean ituilu and out. N' ......... , . 1 ...... .. ,.... i-i in.uii-r jiow ciean a a.11 luiiiii1, u- i foro using it should bol'ashed wltli-y soap suds, rinsed wlthicloau water nnd then scalded. Mill shipped In dirty cans In liable to lonilseatlon. Tho notice is not mear. to merely SCnro necillln Inln linlnir linti nlrendv lipnn Impl-nil titlhv nrt In a number of cases nilc arrlv tbo Chicago depots hal been and poured Into tho lowers. should be tbo fnto of ll Irty Just as long ns tho ceisiutioV ouy anu use tuny mnicriore ar tnat will mako mlllc iifan 'uncle 1 manner and deliver It u dirty Ft a A man thnt will uso a t Hy can r delivery of milk is nl 'KOthcr it tn bo rnrf1no In llu m liiotlm. tho man that Is sen 'llousl) rcf uuuui. liiu unlivery 01 mi in im v llkelv to be nnunllv clean methods of nroriuctton Tho. CI ofllcer thnt pours a ct : of dlVtyl Into the gutter Is doli j a scr tho consumer and to lo cleanl) duccr of milk In tho mntry. A Loss -oss to D irylng. ,'i rry to lea i that Prqi''tJ)i Wo aro sor D. II. Otis of tho Km as AgrlCttlt Collcgo hns reslgnc I his thcro to accept a b tor-pay ring the ns mnnnt'or nf n rn pli ' .it. Otllff o, Kansas. His salaryl'liere is'fliio 12,400 per annum, witli froo il.oise rent and several otbr things tprown In. A few of our coligcs aro pjl'P'K exceedingly low sala cs aud tirii ;ini able to hold any man hat prove!. hjm self of value.. A nt :ber of oBi' col leges arc paying fait mlarlea afid are holding their expe I agriculturists, but others do not se n to rcalu) the value of n live ma t like PrMissor Otis. During tho la it two yeam-wo seen niiitn n. rumher Of HBon havo seen nulto a tumbor or fci leave their positions rr.tb collein: lilnd go into commercial flfe. beca,u:i In their former positloi s they coiliaiot make a living. We ire not suffjst- Inp- thnt. lit irli snlnt In lip nnlilMbllt that fair salaries bejtlao ordorjflthc unr in our ui;riciiiirji cuiigkbii-buuii experiment stations We caiiBil ford to loo men llllc Professorl Wo doubt it this gei'ioinan fs'pf ted to remain very feng on thojif 1 1-3 ' . ) Kerosene Pools. , i Tbo inhabitants if some pad rural New Jerser h rd that tb way to get rid of i nsqultoesJ jjui. nuiuouuu uu i u mu I'uui nonds. Somo of the a wero sotz In tho movement t) at they kerti liiu jhjuub ill iuv v J.v ijusiuiea. cow feeding In su i a pastiir in great agony and i post-moth amlnatlon was he over bet stomach revealed tho cau so r I dcatn, which was ljtroscne. The er examined his iasturo and tho water covered hith tho iloa I Tho other cows wttro taken ftcl pasture beforo theft bad timolol of tho water. Til 8 should ail caution to the ncrDlo oncacetLl laudable work ol mosquito lion, water inai animais ara to drink should never bo nia subject of this ticatmont. wc tho farmers llvlnk near town laces will have p be moro ant on tho lookout for this treatrrl their pastures, especially It tlJ . i L . i... ,'.il pastures nuppeu iu uuio 'y stagnant pools ft water. fit Siberian Batter In EngUnj Rocent reports from Englal claro that Slbetian butter Is eoii In such quantities that It istd, izing the maAet. This but ovor fdinwE cttat variation la ' Somo ot if ranks with 'tb butters, on Ui market, but nibi Is of so low i grado that It ji:i into channel'! where It' is use! J wise than onltho table of th.d er In Its niftitral rorm. tt'ii however helrd by tho fact hij poor Danish butter Is appear! thouch tho kood makes cootfj arrive. It ll surprising that' .1 butter shout! begin at this .eel to make nil Impression on thi mitlonnl mnrket. for tho -H Iirva been lunlv at tho work' I Ifchlp-,,.. ping buttetj out of their cottiC a fow year. Under govornnj perVlsIon Ithelr quality ofll for my should Htetdlly Improve, and!! years wllll doubtless find (0 creatcr faitor In tbo Engl (ah than at pfsent. lr) una Dairy Meetll latin uairYmen ffinML- a iTng 'heTn' "their locality ell to address H E. Van Normnn, ecrelory of the Indiana Stat Da -ymen's Association, I.afay. etto, Indiana. The association is am lous to preach tho gospol of dairy im- I i j jij I Hnlrv tno will do provomea' ami win arrange to hold meetings! In suitable places. The vicinity of cheese ractorte., cieam orles, slj'mmlng stations r (ream Bhlpplnglstatlons aro desirable locall-, ties for PhlB work. Tho .schooMiouHiV1 Is almoi' always obtainable tor such nicotlngl nnd should be so usii, u K desired no do most of thU ork this Biimnietjnnd fall, and thos wishing such nyetlngs should apply at once for datjs. speakers nnd program.. Tho K'ord "clutch" is applied botfi (f to the Kitting of egga under the hen IDd tfllthe brood batched from them. m I V. -1 ic. .1 4 J. aisWt JW'