The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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JMUn ' .-''- v IR ' r "", " .... (
I'll II ' .
J Vj) ' 'SscrlvnerAO l
I f j" Cotldr S a Good Place to Live e. ,
i rail jzW 'ytMWm 54 .-:il
I r-i " ' - - -"Till" "j'j:2 1 fI ' i UlJ.llC on
) ' S -. is " ",,orK0 Amiu'l w rh!o Ilia now v man n nv ,jj' -,
( fl ? nT - ?! - -. 53" - 8 tRFli "'u,r,,,y I Atf''y ""1 ,,,M"1 "'"","1 "' ' SWiP CtBi5ry
' S I 5 B4 iJfc -"J. $3 Sn f ft 3 'If fc ' N U WnuKOMPr limiulit homo u ''l '"'H'"'"' v .Mm.-iriy -uii'in nun at S SBSfiL J & tlSG-1.
' -i 3 f I- . S ML? CUffl ff P W I Jy H fi 'on.l errors Thursday to nut ou feed il """ " """'. w"'" '"' rim....n
P' ra - r - -v ;' n jli a r rni. u iim iiumiuw imu nnm iii .tir ini ,t
rTl .1 I I
And visit tlitt B8,
Goods are here, Yc
dise that w pay
Ity and price saving.
Every! hln&I that
Wrapper & Waist Goods
SOplocosof heavy tleeced liud
Wrapper aud Waist Goods,
regular value 12 1 c Special
price, per yard 8 1-2C
This Is an exceptional borpaiu
when you cousidor that best
Calicoes aro worth 7or. yard
Fancy Ginghams.
30 pieces of Fancy GioR
GioRhams for
Aprons, waists an
Dfesses, worth 10c
I,8G0 vard9 of ombroldfcry in -1 1-2
and G 3-4 yard pieces, sold at
' 10c tO18c per wn-d. ' Tr
piece 1 35c
Sold Only In Pieces.
Ready Made
Walking and Dress Skirts. A
few of our many styles now on
sale This is a now department
with us and abounds with only
ouly the best No old stock car
ried over
Miner Brothe
Red Cloud,
The Ideal American Woman.
Losuon, England, Aug. 20
ut i uuivuisiiuy uuiicuuuu tuut i-iiu
Amerlcon woman is tho best dressed
tyoman iu tho world, und a trip across
tho Atlimtio with her represented as
hbo was from every stjato in tho Union
-Trwould havo convinced any skeptics
ivmulniug among those not above tho
pangs nt ouvy.
Vl will try to picture to yon tho com
lloslto American woman as I saw her
,4ho goes on board in Now York in a
mohair Seoillinn or liuou suit, with a
dainty light shirt waist aud clarmiug
(stcaw hat, and makes ono In a pretty
1mo of .veil dressed women ulous? tho
rHUing as the steamor slips from the
fjl hen, aftor apuonring at dinner iu
same gown, sho puts, it neatly
uy In her steamer trunk or Cross
f, not to bo seen again until the ship
bks, when sho dons it for a holding
Jor second frock shows her good
Sao. it is a walking slur; or cotiiny
adcloth with jacket to match, woru
er a severe shirt waist of Uannel,
Jored hat and heavy Lu Rome
I Uteyes.
I,Tho woll dressed American womun
IfigeB nono of her land chic at bou, hut
her appears In a now and ciinrnilujr
jtlit, fur th6 sea aud shipboard form
runuHuuiiy uecouuig sening lor a
bnan, provided sho is clad iu i wny
Icopo wiilt tho unusual com! tions
By impose.
Bo our sousildo American hcods not
stories wo hear of tho gri nt 'Tihu
Ibn la woihanS dressing ou Hilji
?a The New
wSI! find flSerciian-
ycu well both in qun!
Ywi LZ; and Wear
100 dozen puro Llnou Handker
chiefs, hemstitched aud em
broidered patterns, each'... 5c
100 dozen Cambric Handker
chiefs, hemstitched, lace and
embroidered, each 5g ,
Dress Goods.
38 and 40-iuch all-wool Suitings
in a 1 the popular weaves,
worth (Wo to 75c To Soptem
tembor0, special at 5fJe
Valenciennes laces.
100 pieces of Valoncionno Laces
Insertions., for ii nA
picoe. ..-. ...iX'.'X.t 2fil
Retail valuo os these goods 3c
to Co per yard
Tho loose garment unquestion
ably the correct style for this
season Our pi ices will bo lower
than over will range' from j5"
to $30 G .rmeuts 1U bo on
dtsplr.y September IB.
board. Sho is a womun )f taste mi
does uofc go boyoud a prot y silk strl"
ly tailor-mado waist at i inuer, cfl
riuiy utted ovor a C B A la spiril
corsot, and worn with a (plain clo
skht, with porhaps n bit ofllaeo ut tl
throat, and a Hunt scurf to keop h
hair tidy when stopping on deck for
snltwhlff hoforo' wrnpplnglherself
nor (jontiueutal comfort g.liment mil
'turning in ''
When tho weather Is really bluster
sho woars that most comfortublo of nl
headgear for n windy day, tho Visor
cap, nud with It n long ulstor Tim
sho pro-outs an attractlvjo picture o
Amorican womanhood oi which th i
olemonts may do thoir w
ust WlUlOUf
rullling tho serenity of hd
: outuuo.
Low Rat WA.
Tho liiirliiigtnu
oUVrl round tril
tickets as fnllnwa:
Douver, Col., and
Juno 1 to Scpi.JJO.
rdiurn, 213.4X
Colorado Spilngs, Coloi and returift
Slfi.GO, Junol to Sept 30.
rueoio, uoi , and ro
.(nnn 1 tii Rnnl RH I
turn, $10.0(1
Glen wood Springs, ColoJ.nnd rotur
825 15, June 1 to Sept. 30. .
Ogdiiii, Utah, nnd return. 830 &
Juno 1 to Sunt. .'10. S U
Salt Lake Cit,y, Utah, and i of urn'
$30 pO Juni) 1 fo&opt. 30.
Dondwond, S. l mid rnlurn, 318.rO
Junol to Sept. 30. Vl
Hot SpiIngH, S. I) m.d roturuJj,vi;
510.10, jumiaio sept, 8U.
Cuslor, S 0 Hiid.jKitfirn,. 810.0(!
.Tiino 1 Ii Sunt HO
,.,.-., . r- . .
Aislf lli'tiil nmtnl-. fm n. tl. i I... . I !
... -, n .. imi.iti uiio.
iiuiii iunv i iuu? in it new
I C Vo f cut his third o
fftlfu Wednesday
JatiiPs UiAVlrl Ims llniliMl hU Hill
plgwiiiK. is mmnK.(l in on-,
lftfclllK llMlOIIVJ
Rudolph .Shiilfy. is puttiiif,' up u now
fjaspur, Dean im.l Myrtle Smith aro
sojourning this week with their p istor,
M U F Heed, west of Hed Cloud
lip aud Mrs I!iihlilii- inn iiHiiniiiir
'the reunion nt Hastings this wo-k
Clmrhs 'Alios shel ed his corn and
toqif it to ninrko last week. He sold
. . . . . .
it for fll cents per bushel
N L I). Sinllh has his spring wagon
repaired nud painted and now looks,
quite tidy in his new rig.
t C Munger and family and P N.
Campbell and family havo returned
from their vacation and are now ready
to Irike up with renewed vigor tho du
ties which hnvo bo n laid aside for n
short time
Tho meeting of tho prayer band hold
at U.SH Creek M E church last Wed
nesday night was well atteuded and,
under tho guidauco of its able lender,
Mfc Henry Parsons, u spiritual feast
wjri enjoyed by all who wero present
Corn is ripening rapidly.
The nights aro very cool or this
time if year
S, C. Shuck and wife wero tlio guests
of ill Drain Sunday
Mrs Helen Carpenter and daughter
Jennie nr. attending tho leunion at
Hastings this week
Mr nnd Mrs F D. Hutchinson nnd
Mij Campbell of North Branch at
teuded tin- Wesleyan Mothodist conference-
at Ames last week.
..Tlio farmers nro busy making hay
Richard Tumor reooived a telegram
Tuesday from Saliua, Kan , stating
thlt his sister was nt. tlm iiolnl of
jdelth, and he left immediately for Sa-
mi. 10 tie nt ner oeiisido.
lmrle.s Turner was the guest of his
nts this week Ho is on his way
klahouin, where ho will mako Ids
iro home.
ionds hnvo received word that
McKeo will soon return to No
ka to mak this state her future
Irs Maine ot Mount Hono wns
king GiandniH Soderlind this week.
nest Ik'UlIflninin linrvpsldil Kroil
MllfcrV millet this week.
Mts. Arno. who wns injured Sunday
bytf Uiug from a wagon, caused by tho
sonfcj tipping back, is recovering and
will-toon bo able to return li6mo
f5JLs Graco Hobertson of Franklin
(a felting hero.
.''sos K(mfl '! Luolla Watt w 11
tld tho State university thiswin
toR iMfcs Radio VniiL'lin wlll nttmid
Jckfliil at Grand Lslnnd this winter.
irenco Crary leaves today for St.
ph, Mo.
ss Minnio Hayes has roturncd
at. Joseph.
S. Trelf and SOU lmvii retornprl tn
homo in Denver after an extend-
sit with relatlvos in this noigh-
s. Harder has returned to her
o In Leaven won h, Kansas, af torn '
with friends
iv. Headloy has tendered hisresig-
I'll US linstor of thn Chrlsf.inu '
i'Ii and expocts to romovo to
111 Dakota next month.
Hannah Crow celebrated her
idiotli'bliUtduy list Saturday by
"lining her childrou and grand-
r ut a dinner parly,
iry Viu ghn's iiiusln class gavo a
Mcuduy tr,lig. 'ilio affair'
cry tucc ossful
'iy -i
i nnr,ili.i(ii ,Muri'"nv -ilii'innnii ut
wiicii ill1 ri'liii'.-n
!. D.IW
iTii.iimwmi nj'i into u WHli-iii.v,' la
I1 . - .. .
" ,u',f.)i-oJll.i iiikI v.s tliortm.,1. Tin. I.,..
iravetl pnii-iut h iv tiiinpitii ut ,
tlm u hi I'niiiiiiiii.i'y.
Ml ltlill.i P.llifkfill Ik (III. Uii Milium
r,.r 7in.i .MM U.i.avla Sum ..I
P.vul, I
Miii llnirar ind Mrs. Waller wtio
l)lia-int f"ilet in tliN in.'gliiiorlini
last Pijldiiy.
I'r'd Unti, wlui Inn. bt't'ii H'iniiiiiini;
in Cilifonii.i and nthui' ucmIimii .iImmn
(or tlmldAt twn yony lultiriD'd In his
h iiuo Ttic.xfhy
Mr. HiubikiT and win Harry at
tfiiili-il tlio fiiticial f .Mr. atid .Mr.
DowTiKuiips'in's littlu son Siitui'dity.
Mrs Sioiey and family of Cowics
and her brother and family from I tin
vale weiv visiting on Willow creel:
Hpv. mid Mis. Kiupftno of Cowh-s
vixiti-il Hi lends in this rii'iniiy Tues
Threshing about finished Wheat
has averaged from 18 to 22 bushels
per act o Most of the fanners will
stack their small gram lu tho future,
as thoy believe the yield will bo much
better. ,,
i ' I
Born, August 20, to Mr nnd Mrs
John Sutton, a ten pound girl All
doing well
Mrs P. S McGuire nnd daughter
Irene, of Omnha, nro visiting with
Mrs, Arneson this weok.
Harry Gray of Chicago arrived on
Monday to spend his vacation wi-h
his cousins, J C. and 11. S. Holcoinb
and Mrs Arneson
Tho weather Is just what wo need to
ripen our corn crop
A good many fnrmors nro busy plow
ing their wheat fields
Mrs. Will Ttoseiicinns was iu this
neighborhood recently taking views.
Campbell Bros.' Circus.
Wkst Sl'puiuou, Wis, Juno 15
To Our Friends:
Tho Eagles, to mako suro that thoy
wero getting a high clnssuttractlon for
their Fourth of July celebration lu
tho shape of a circus, sont mo to
Fargo, N D., for the expiess purposo
of witnessii g tho performance given
by tho Cnnipboll bi others. Tho fol
lowing is m opinion of tho exhibi
tion. It is certainly u good show nnd well,
worth attending. Whoever pays to
see tho Cnnipbell show will receive,
their money's- worth and tho right,
change back. Thero are no skin iames
of any description allowed with tho
nggiegation Everything Is of n high
standard and strictly first class, squaro
aud atovo-board. Tho parade, was a
magnifh out affair, It was long, mid
attracted tlio greatest attention. Tho .
show itsolf wns groat mid its ovory act
was applauded. Tho tent was packed
to the 1 mit m d all seemed more than
satisfied with tho peiformauco amp
bell Bios ' Miow Is tho cleanest e.xhlbl
tion I ovor saw. You and your familj -can
take iu the sideshow mid you will
find nothing thero to bo olfcii ed nt.
A person does not usually cmo to tnko
his wife mid children into an ordinary
sideshow, but ho need havo no four of
finding anything vulgar with Camp
bell's. I imifct not forgot tho nieuag
oiio witli its la ost attractions of rmo
aud valuable animals. They have tho
largest elephant I ovor siw, mid I
think thoy know what they nro talking
about when thoy say it is ih lmgust
in tho world, i oui respectfully,
J. S. CitAU;
t'auipboll Bros.' show will exhibit in
Hod Cloud on Thursday, Soptcinbor
Market Letter.
KimsiiH Ci'y, Mo., Aug. 31, l03--Hocolptsof
lii stock at Kiiiimm City
'just week nnd same week last year
wero as follows:
Im l"0l: nttio, 52, 1?'; oaSi .u'.'j
lngs.'.W.Un, sheep, 27 ,3.J1; horsi" and
- S wtMW",'wrtfc'uaiflw
'f ' "l ' ui tmi of Iho misery nn I .Inm-o, r Orworl,d niul
JL l;''V'V'ii'atod oy;.sil,i i. (Ik. ,,.st aud .uUMfai'l lion ,,""!
V K'l
i ... ","' , . MS ,'" ' KXS i""1 KV ensues our busl
IIims In hi li. n i (i I hi. ut In. ! W. ii.... il... i' i ii i .
lit.. . I... I i ii ...
Ian ,-rs thai follow In
m- kiiowledc. nl ,o
el isinli o
y, tllitllgor Gltlssi'H Isnl yi'lIP syrvli'O,
ik -i ii'iiiuinuiv:
: Kn
nut m tlio prlvllogool doing as you
i r
U Wnil'ijf a-i i ho-) i nqynr Ix-ltora mllnu vision
t ' 2"ICI'I,SI "il on i- the tliiel ol good eyasialit
.fc The chatvn whi .h comi lo tho (.yB Bro li-
11 yoJa M Pov,rr olMiD Indlvlduil tu umudy.
.ef l-tt to Hive us proper nJ timsly uto Is
ll ,re",r,lbl8 ,or "ili "I Ilia prasldunt day cyo
A very little strain upon this dellcita structure
,L soon oxhnusts is Joiicte nerva lortu.
lien tin eye lirst troubles, the inin o( sense
JJ knows thera Is need ot help, and straiRhwiy
- -v:.".
Let us nld an in httnr vlinn . n.. ..,.,.....
tloncf what remains.
Jewelers and Opticians.
mules, 1,3(11.
In 1002: Cattle, CT,10; calves, r,870;
hogs 18,079; sheep, 1 1,000; horsos and
'mules, 1,1530. -
For the month of August cuttle ro
celpts hero exhibit a. shortage of 10,000
head, or 1(5 per cent from August last
year, but aro about tho sanio as Au
gust two yours ago Supply of gooil
corn cntt'e last week was again too fow
and they gaino I ','0 to 30 cents', reach
ing ?5 00 Friday Tho supply of fin
ished cattlu in sight is small enough
to encourago predictions that$ catt o
will bo soon this fall. Steor. of fair to
goodllesh aro now bringing il 75 to
5 '.Ti There woro plenty of wintered
S3 '.'5 Thero woro plenty of wintered
westerns nud thoy woio unchanged for
... a ....... 1 ri- i..i- ..I
... w ., , ,,,,,,,1
with unimportant changes und with
tho bulk of tho business done at 32 25
10 93 23, nnd scattering sales up to'
Ijllll IVITUIV 1 l'flll.. Ill flflll'a llf i U fl.ll.i. '
f J
5 Light weight, calves bring 1 50
,to5 30 Stookerand foeder businoss
continues to increase aud 000 cars '
irntfi ttiliiik s Mm rm. i .... t ..a. ..I. i
'. w "" '" .' 1"": .'
Diei:iiiiii.ur.s woio ireo uuyers all week
and, and cattle woro onsily dliposod
of out of ilrst bauds. Tho ween was
disastrous to tho speculators aud they
woro forced to mako concessit! -s of 2()
to 30 cents in ordor to uu oad ul tho
close of tho weok. Goo I weight thick
tui'dors, however, as tho rlso in fat
ftuir, however, supported this kind,
I'i'h-'os ranged from isriil to 51 155
Today there aro 17,000 cattle horo,
,u"l litfht runs elsowhero helped tlio
market hero Fat steers aud stockers,
mid feeders aro steady to str ng, cows
ste-tdy und gtass steers a ltltlu loworf
m tho initlvo division. There is good
,Ifl,t howov- r, and u drag Top steers,
Last week was marked by big Hue-
tuiitlons iu hog prices, which got up
Tfee U. S.
m w&
That the U S Separator leads all others has been
M rt$sk
wA i x! $f MtlN&M
HA LirfiL-iw2sH,iS' Ti-H.7
II rm
W'u have the following trrtnifer nnlntt
Oiiulu SioiuCliy Montreal Qi elicc,
Mj.irtu m, tttitt 10
Vermont Farm Machine '
i jwcmarisiT
i rrr" .' i
'i " . ,."W.f5SW5'l,,
' . I DW-M - " Vy
"3 33334
iluss arnH.
the wake of ileiVi-tno Hvos nnd strain- ill
K,. nti.l prui lirnl oviVloiwo in the
. ... .in- i.4n- iiil'l IL1 lll'IMIM
Wo nxnmiuo your
1 1 1. 1..
phiaso. v v b
A little wiy Irom right is a, Rreat way wronr
with eynulassin nnd spictaclfS. '
Wo make ,i study ol Individual needs and fix it
frames .ind lenses with exactness. JJ
Every appllnnca sclenco has dovlsed Is at our b
command. uv
Every pair of classos must precisely suit tho yl
wearer and us
Eich lens, each frame. Is thorouuhly Inspected, f
II there Is flaw or blemish It Is discarded.
Youroya classes am u Imnnitiint vmir b
eyeslehtjs Imrortant. Hero tho skill, tho will
and the facilities to make, them so.
to ?C 15 for lightwoights Tuesday, but
sett'od buck again. Not result ofhf
I weok's business was a 15 cent lojK on
i;auniiiK Knwc.s, wnno ngiiL nogs good
enough for shippers show no docliuo.
Tho run today is less than 12,000 head
and prices nro weak to 5 conts lower,
with i.r 82 for tup and bulk at 85.40 to
ft (15
Not many nativo shoep aro coming;
almost all are westorns. Nativo lambs
aro worth around tr, for best, and na
tivo wethers up to S3 75 Tho market
did not change much last wee; a lit
tle weakness in lnmi-s Demand for
j feeding stock scops up
are worth S3 30; lambs
mill uiiHira
are worth S3 30; lambs for feedimr,
M 83 to il. Uuu today, 0,000, mostly
-- -
wes orns .Market steady on sheen.
strong on lambs.
I'ange horses showed much ac ivity
tho Hist part of last week, but 'quloted
down. Trade lu broken stock Is In it
healthy condition Homy boned
horses will meet with a good demand
this weok
Mulo trado is quiet. Ton
last week for 10 hand stock, but not
choice quality, was 151.15 around. Some
nice 15 hand mules brought 9137.50
mound, a vory stiff prico. Medium
sized mules havo tho call and big
ones aro being hammorod.
J.vo. M. IIazklton,
Live Stock Correspondent.
Nearly Forfeits His Life.
runaway, almost ending fatally,
sinned a horrible ulcer ou 1 ho leg of J.
IJ Orner, Franklin (Jiove, III. For four
! it l-II,l ml tlm doctors and alt
ii'inriiii'-. ma imh-kii ns Arnica s-uvo
had no tiouldn to cum him. Equully
gonil f-r burns, biuises, skin orupiiuns
ami piles. 25c at Chas. 1.. Cutting's
drug itnio.
Leads Sfes World
proven so many tunes that It Is n wull-estah-lished
fact, 'lo those who doul t it, wc call
attention to two verv decisive vic
tories: one nt the Pun-American
Model Dairy, where
Tho U. 8, Won tho World's Record
with the average test of .0138
for 50 consecutive runs; the
other the recent competitive
test between six diilerent
makes of separators nt the
Kansas State Agricultural
College, where
Tho U, S. Excelled All Others
In I lie tests of ekimmilk nnd
total minimum Iocs, accord
uig to Press Bulletin Mo. 133
Tor renru of many oilier yit,tor!e,
write ti cawloguej.
Chicaro. La Cum.e. Mtniitannll..
Sheitruoke 1' Q Hamilton, Ont.
fltllwt ftUii, 1 1
Bellows Falls. Vtu
.i -..- '-.: 'f.
i M
cJiv4a J8 . . .
hfiif "Jhj&y
x .