The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 26, 1902, Image 4

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J"-W ft . T"" L.J
fc-Kft ,,)fVJ- -
rusuiiniD bt
0.B0. P. H. NBWHOUSn, 12dltor.
Oa jrear...
III I ! I ' ' "
InMrca t tntf pot offlco t Hed Cloud. Neb.M
Moond cImi toall mattot.
Purntahcd on application.
Railway Statistics.
Tho report of tlio intor-ntnto com
mission contnlns im oxtoiiHlvo tibstruct
of tho Fourteenth Anniinl Reports on
thoStntistlo- or Ilnilvviiys in tho United
Stutca for tho year ending Juo 80
1001, which gives Inn brer vwiy 'I his
fitu istlo for tho your named This
8ttitlsticnl ropoit Is slmllur in char
notor to previous ropoit, with tho
addition of hoiiio now Hummiulos,
Thoro is included In Iho toport of
tho commission also u synopsis of tho
preliminary report on tho income
account of railways in tho United
States for tho year ending Juno !I0,
IDOL', this preliminary report bolng
prepared by Its statistician in advance
of tho Dual statistical icpoitfor the
yeur. Tho preliminary ropoit em
bodies returns of railways opoiallng
193,385 miles of line, or pi obably 1)8 per
oont of the mileage that w ill bo covoi ed
In tho htutibtics of lailways for tho
Tho passenger earnings of tho rail
wnyB represented uoroflTU.I'JDJGo and
tho freight cnrn!ngs?l,'J()0,831,m In
eluding tliesn and otheis earnings
from operation gross earning nmotint
od to nf71l,7fit,'.!00, or H,70I per mile
of lino and opoiuting expenses toil,
10(5,1. '17, I0.",or $3,100 per milo or lino,
showing that net earnings wore MiO."),
010,70."), or $3,100 per milo The net
earnings of these lines, It iipponi ,oio
Sril,3f)r),r21 gi eater than those locolvod
dining tho piovious year
Tlio total incoiuo of tho loads cover
od by this advance lopoit, including
82,71 U'.fcJ doiived fiom Investments
and miscellaneous sources was SfiSS,
5131,'Jfrl. Inductions from income, not
including dividends, aggiegated ioS,
ir!),!)(51. This amount compiised in
terest on founded debt lent of leasuie
lines, betteimeuts cliauge to income
taxes $ 10, l'J(!,(i75 and other cspondit
nros miscellaneous in ohm tor
Tho ropo-it Uiows that dividends
locltT-''Ioii stock amounted to i 100,.
5S5,0r)9, and its appeals fiotu com
parativo tlguros that tho dividend of
fho same roads,, disiegirding unim
poitant exceptions, w oio nearly M0,
000,000 greater for tho last fical year
than for 100)! Tlio suriilus from tho
operations -it the toad for which ro
turns nro comiiiled was $70,18."i,:!G7.
--IJtocomploto revolt for tho year ond-
ing JUTlr'iliWl, gavo a sin plus of
881,7(11,78.' -r
It should bo expIifired,TJ0i'haps that
tho amount of dividends stilted iorj
preliminary report, which is coilVMfl
from tho returns of. operating rondmls
only, doos not roprosout tho ontiro
amount of dividends dcclarod on tho
stocks of all tho railway companies in
tho United States, sinco dividends de
clared by such companies us havo
loused tholr property to othor for
oporatlou aro puld from thoro own in
come, which is, apart from tho small
portion dorivod from Investments,
essentially tho flxod or contingent
rontul paid to thorn by thoro lessees
As an aid in estimating tho amount of
dividends that tiro aggregato ot divi
dends, $1dG,73T),781, declarod during
tho your ending Juno 30, 1901, included
obout 35,000,000 distributed to stock
holders through tho agency leased
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads tho news.
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
; and oladder remedy.
u is tne great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered alter years of
scientific research by
ur. runner, tne emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and Is
or i
ii ii jrv i
" 1-iCP K
iir i
i',U t f i-m-F
tj r 1 lvr a
vvon('rfuiy successful In p-omptly cinnij f,o1 Hiat you have done what was ex
lame- back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- pectedofyou. Hut if you missed your
forSlSSS3 topped the nva
Dr. Kllmes Svvainp.Root Is not rec-' milcho "' " undor it, you limp
ommendedforcverythlr.jjbutlfyouhavekld-, ljaclc to J'011r position witlt just as
riey, liver or bladder trouble It wilt be found , iniyiy bruises and with Gj'oaohos vol
Just the remedy you need. Ii has been tested liiiu mttii .i ..,- liL., ,
Insomanyways, In hosp'ial work.lnr.lvato U . uly0H AUor two h,oam-
practice, among the helpless too poor to nur- '"s'i "hing twenty llvo-minuto halves
i.uaao icuci .uiu nas provea so successful In
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
iimuui ii younavoKiuney or bladder trouble,
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and P'Cl
send your address to jrtfJirrdtSHto,
Dr. Kilmer ii Co., Blng-mPW!MilUfijifgt3
hamton, N. Y. The -iili
regular fifty cent and itomoo diW-itat
Don't mako nny mlstnko, but romom-
bor tho name, Swump Root. Dr. Kil-
uior's Swamp-Root, aud the addross,
Blnghnmton, N. Y., ou overy bottle
every case max a special arrangement has your ".special car" to tho gyrrr and Kot a
sample bottle sent free bv mall. ain n hnt, b!l11- It's idtick mostly Without that
l Ullls have been introduced in the
Austrian and Hungarian parliaments
to mako tho maufactiiro of sugar nn
industry under state control.
Strong pri'H"su"io"lsT)oITigT)rought to
. bear upon President Hoosovelt to
decline tho invitations as arbitrator In
Venezuelan embrogllo, but has as yet
foimod no dolinito conclusion This
prosstiro comes from tho leading news
papers, from prominent public men as
well as from many of tho senators and
representatives at Washington
If tho city council wish to do some
thing to help tho tiro department thoy
might purchase a few gallons of tho
stulf which Is sold for coal oil, Wo
understand that it is guaranteed not
to burn and that it will put nut any
lire if applied in time. It would make
a llrst-class llllcr for a hand gr nado.
O Cleveland of Princeton, X. .7 ,
still maintains that ho Is a young man
of ambition. Ho is also a man of
illiterate none, supreme gall and aud
acity, with an Inclination to occupy
tho place now being tilled by Roosevelt
Tlio Amotion!! people how oxer, view
tho situation from another standpoint.
It is reported that James .1 Hill is
very much opposed to tho granting of
an increase in wages to trainmen.
Notice of the demanded increase has
been tei-vcil on tho olllclals of tho
Great Northern and Northern Pao tic
Notwithstanding Hill's obstreperous
opposition to g anting tlio Increase, it
is reporfed in railroad circles that tho
demands will bo granted
It Is not quite plain what it can pro
lit two gieat eountriiH like Great
Britain and Germany in coercing a
small nation like Venoula whoso chief
accupatiorr is i evolution, which cannot
be annexed and which Is likely to
prove n bankrupt Tho only piollt
thai is apparent seems to be in tlio
blockading of Vene.uela's commerce
which cannot but help tho Anglo
German investors
The U. S Civil S'i vice Cnnrnii"don
ii'poilsth-ufor the joii-ending.) iiucilO
Il)(i2, ilit'io wi'io 11,03:1 piusons an
(Minted fiom its i agistors. There who
IfiD'.'mnin tlinu was i vor h(fnri! ap
pointed in a single year. Anjotio wish
ing Inf. i mation about thc.-e portions
can eecuioit fien by wiiting for the
Civil Si'ivice niinouiieenn'111 of the
Cnliimhiiiii C iP'spoiKleiice C dlege,
Washington, D. C. The foipmissioti
will hold examinations toieeutu voting
men and women forthoMi places during
Mai eh and Apiil at Henri ice, Grand
Maud and Omaha
Many people do not know that thtsj
appointments ait undo without politi
ij'il liillueaoe and that a huge shaieol
ticin are tilled by those having only a
ioninion school education, but such is
now thoenss.
Tho Lincoln Nows says that Lincoln
giVla uro very caroloss us they f roquont
ly Xpso tholr hourts. Yo, and tho
Nowsvpould go futhor und still toll tho
truth rj.y saying thoy olso loso tholr
hoads.-islIustiugs Tribune
Tho flrsft big "cornshucklug" story
comes from Kunsns, in which stato a
man is said ) havo huskod and housed
115bushola cirn in flvo hours. If
this doos riL-ntitlo tho gentleman to
tho huskiu Jtaord, it certainly entitlos
him to another Vocord, If Ananias cun
bo considered out of tho running.
Lincoln Star.
Tho following iiotico appears in u
county pnpor this vvook: 'TukjMMii.P
A bay horso, weight ubouLCj pounds.
Has whlto hind logon tho faun of Mis.
Blank." Tho notice is nicely con
structed, but it .shjmld Irnvo contained
dotuilod information as to tho where
abouts of tho othor legs. Thoy might bo
located noaror to tho owner's place
Lincoln Star. J
Fruuk Leslie's Popular Monthly for
Docombor'suys: Whon a human citn
pult, in leather holmots ami dirt
smoai edcan us suits, springs suddenly
und with torrlllo rnomontum at you
through a hole in tho Hue, you grit
your toeth and dlvo in to stop it If
you bring down your man you can
jump back to your placo bohind tho
lliif, with tho bleachers rattling, and
" ""i son oi iriitig you go Daok ill
nmount of moio brute musolo
worth auj thing at all.
" Ke01'b ,ll Keei NVari" ""', 1,r
, AkIc to.iuj for AUoii-n Foot Khh,,iv potwlor. '
It uureH clillbUI (..bwollon, Hw(atliiK sore ucli.
itiBilHinpftut. At.ill.lniKnlsUnn.ishoohtorcH.
ac. .
, (iront tonic, b, aces body und brain,1
drives away all impuiiiies from your
sysuun. Makes you well. Keeps iou
well. Rocky Mountain tou. one. '
C L, Cutting.
of the coffee you buy adds to iu
value in tho cup.
Lion Coffee
comes to yoa fresh and of full
packages. Bulk codecs lose their
strength, deteriorate in flavor, and!
aiso gainer uirt.
Unirormltr, frmhnM nl full trntrth
i uaan 01 uion UOITOO.
Junction City is Immensely pioiid of
Its em ty jail.
in CiiatniKi I lie "lioys 'ijairy tlieir
dunks iu Ii .How, glas lined canes
Gn n farm ncm Thaer U xtneked up
high and sir ngln 50,000 bushels of coi i .
A Canton faiuur mis mUed and
mm killed a lino crop of celery, some
thing unusual for lCinsas.
A Newton met chant advoilisos that
tho "boHdtcssid women iu towii au
ili'isc that wear Ins sholis only "
Hutchinson Ingoing to build a fa
ten j lo make b cs and bain-Is in
wnleh lo pick ilii- wilt tvho minis,
The Sons and D.iughi'M of JiixiIim
keep Salina in good slripe with a little
help nn the side fiom the town cIliuiaN
P irsons' idea of a ripping good time
is to tit a tin cjin to a yellow it must
he ii'llow dug's tail and see it uiii
down tne stient.
Ab nk iu l. Cigna has a hot ail
huigiar aim m so peifi-cilj adjusted
that the uiiplojeij have i(, Ko out of
doom to Miii'u.
The demands for olllce iooiih I-i o
great in Cliaiitiie that aline building
planned to suit this. special leipiiieinent
is ab"Ut tti lie h.nll.
An ICmpoiia man loves to tceall the
time when heeuited his wife, whoso
hoop skills compelled tin m to walk on
opposile Nides d Hil sliei't.
In 105 Kaiisus couirlls there aie
twi-ntj live women supciiLtendrnts
and onli thtve of tin m so far can have
"Mrs." on their tombstones.
White vi st havo reached Clay Centi r
and tho "small set" jnting men wear
them at all sorts of doings from church
suppers to high noon weddings
If Wlnfleld would pull down Mime ot
the old wooden verandas that line its
principal siieef, it would not look so
much like a relic of "Kip Van Winkle"
Dodgo City is thn latosi R-itiBTs town
to want come gas of it's voij own1 and
is ulioiii to miik home well and inci
dentally some money lo seo whnt cun
bo found.
An enterprising denier in Knterpriso
advortlnos "lit lug us your hides," and
a neighboring editor says ho would bo
awfully glad to do so, but ho has only
oho and can't allot d another this
A farnnr who bus made considerable
money oiT his farm near Eskiidgo
thinks he is getting toooht to do chores
nud is talking of buyiug a newspaper
In order to havo sonio may wink nnri
.spi'iid the rest of his days iu peace. .
L'iCiosse women gavo n supper to
make sumo money to improve tho
ci ini'teiyand then mlveriisemontiead:
- - VMW
A sallow complexion, dizztnesn.
biliousness and a coated tonguo
aro common indications of liver
nnd kidney diseases. Stomach and
bowel troubles, severoris they uro,
givo irnmediato warning by pain,
but liver nnd kidney troubles,
though less painful at tlio start, aro
much harder to cure. Thcdford's
lilrwk-Drnuclit irevcr fails to bene
fit diseased liver and -weakened kid
neys. Itstrrsup the toipid liver
to throw oil tho germs of fever nnd
ague. It is n certain preventive
of cholera arrd Dright's disenso of
tho kidneys. "With kidnevs re
inforced by Thedford'a Black
Draught thousands of persons havo
dwelt imruuno in tho midst of yel
low fover. Mnny families livo in
Scrfcct health and have no other
octor than Thcdford's Black
Draught. It is always on hand for
uso in an emergency nnd saves
many cxpensivo calls of a doctor.
Mullins, S. C. March 10, 1901.
i have used Thcdford's Black-Draught
for three years and I have not had to go
to a doctor since I have been taking It.
It Is the best medicine for me that is
on the market for liver and kidney
uouoies ana ayspepsia ana otner
complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS.
"1'n In p onhiigi' our gruvoyaid one
to the social mid eat mir wullbis."
AC Ifey c uriti f timer has a cry
sallsbieiiiii daughter a nung vm ueii
who Iiiib wni ked liv liH -I'll- dill i'H the
c u a lurking ami has GOO liusiiels ili U
Up to her ei "ill', it is n he li'ipeil-he
l i i.... ri...i... i.. i ...
iiiiinii iii'i ji isiuins ut-iiu inn inn
A woman ho twenty vears ng.nvas
"It" In', iciiirni'd tii hoi old
home lecenili and Is dieadfullv ills
gruiitli't! I)m'hii,ii alihotigh she tins
married n tich mnn and dresses t to
kill no one pa.vs any attention to h r.
Holtoii club ultls lent a a gieat leal
mote at their meetings than new tt
lei ns of llatteiiutirg or unique ilc gns
for stocks, and tho lesult of teir
-tml !- is a collection of cooking i -n
I .vhieh iliey have iiuhlisliitl in ink
foi in
hen vouwotth i thinking about u in
natiiig a Mr. Pi'bvzlilowiiz that s ell
ing Is absolutely coirect for nnyor
and if they do it wont lie a fair te of
a maiH condition, when coming Ii inn
kite at night his wife asks him to iio
uourice the name.
Kills is such a quiet, well belli .-ed
little town, never thinking of or gu rt
Ing iigalust wlckiiiuess, ttiat tin 'en
and uiilientd, a 1 1 amp threw a b ii k
through the windiw glass of a c iua
"toin and can led away the safe, md
not a soul heaid him.
A voting swell in Topeka who has
not been able to liaVe his uncle re inn
his ovi I coat, w Inch that geiitli man has
hail since eaily spiing, and win is
olillg-dto tiun his collars and i
alwiiis in nidges to take his J
women fi lends to par lies in cartles,
and t vet i one wondirs how lie do
Kiiisus farmers always Und im
lil.utei how busy they me with t
own woik, to ilo soiiietiiiug
uiighbois who me in tiiuihle,
week while Fiedeiiek Usellne of
uion lii veiy ill with tiphoid fe
his item fi lends gathei i d his col n
slot imI it it away and ilid some m
or. iu()
em petiter work on his Ii u as and sli
The III Wind
That blos nobody goml U billon
emu. ils of mischief iu the fall anil .in
ti r, It pioiluci s that most daugi ms
of common complaiuis a bad ltl.
Vour cold vvid not become t'loiic. ur,
nor consumption if you nctku t neli
Use of Allen's Lung B iKam. '!' ke it
fii(iieutlv until the cough am tie
slopped up feeling in the ehc ale
gone Contains no opium ami wi I not
distiu b digestion C L Cutting i
Manual of Soil Culture.
Send me a 2-cent stamp and 1 will
mail ion free a copy of Camp .ell's
Soil Culttite Manual a valualilu otk
that every fanner ought to liavtvV .1
,'t .1
Fianeis, (Jeneral
PJI bravu the stoims of Cinll.oot TiSs,
l n cioss mo plains oi gl
I'll leave my wife and ctoss the
Ruber than be without R
Mountain Tea. :!"ic. C. Ii. Cott
Low Rates For The Holiday. I
To points within ii00 lotind rip
tickols will bo sold at greatly reduced
rales on Decumber 21, 25 und 31 und
January 1. Good returning until
Januaty 2, 1003. For further par
ticulars nsk tho Burlington agent.
I Red
is A
I Fill
i i
Now goin on.
FREE to buyers
of Holiday Goods.
Every cash buyer
of $2.00 worth gets
a Hand Painted
Present. You can
buy piece-meal and
it all counts.
:BAPRY and CflfE
When iu town eat at the
Bon Ton where it is clean,
cool and no Hies.
'15 cent Meals at All Hours
Soda Fountain is Opkn S
.I'ifty-slv dillereut kinds of sumtnet
V. S. BENSE, Prop.
Lock Uox S3. Qalilo Hock, Nob.
Ml kinds of property bought, sold odd
;? Ktfx-UKU&uwvxmxntt mm;w.; ;: ;
An Interesting Story
.-. v
JTSzfl" -
I is the Story
I'i'-i To make it doubly so to you this year we wish to ;:;
vi call your attention to the great variety of useful y,
"'i'f presents in our store. Late years, ideas run more ;;
i. to presenting presents that have some merit in them, .;
V. that are of value to the receiver, that do them some v.
.' good. Nothing more appropriate to give than a V
V suit of clothes or overcoat, pair of the nobby up-to- ".
.;." date dress shoes, nice cap (and our line is immense), ty
,' muflhrs, the Way mufiler is the right thing. Pur '"
.:; Gloves, silk lined; wool lined Gloves and Mittens. ;
. In Neckwear we show you more nice things for '.
.";.! presents than ever. Silk
initial; linen in every style.
( a Suit, Overcoat, Cap, Leggins, Mufiler, Mittens or '".
;'.. Tie. Nothing the matter with a pair of shoes for )'
ii the bovs. '.
Will be preserved if you buy your
1 Groceries
land Meats
of us. Everything neat and clean. A new
lot of Heavy Castor Machine Oils at 35c per
gallon. Nothing better. Try some of it.
Up-to-DMte Grocers and Butchers.
' iTi,TiiT'riinn.rif
Do you realize
That Christmas is only two
weeks away.
t v
and let 1
decided what you will give; if not, come in
help you. We have just received a full
nne 01 v-nnstmas goocis sucn as
Mufflers from 15c to $1.50. Handkerchiefs, ic up.
Gloves from 15c up. Chatelaine Bags 10c to $2.00.
WIerry-go-ronds $1.00 to
Shoulder Shawls. Hoods.
Also a beautiful line of Chinaware such as cups and
saucers, pin trays, mugs and other things too
numerous to mention. Call and let us show you
these before you buy.
Housi: Moving and Raising
All work iunianteeil MuMuctory.
!l. Your wnr k solicited
m - -
Over Mi'or's Grocnty Store.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la what It wad made lor.
of Jleiu Year. I
Handkerchiefs, plain or
For the boys, buy them
& Storey.
fr f
fr fr
Fm NewfaoMse.
5 Undertakers
A. n
M " 1
and funeral J
Directors. i
2 doncolll, Offloo, No. 84. S
v reytii"
( .. " ,'