The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1902, Image 4

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lK,jlijJv ..f,,
I ..M
ono. i. n. NHwiiou3i:. iiiiitnr.
One roar...
U month
Hntorod at the pom othco nt Hod Cloud. Neb.M
eoondclMitnnll mattot.
Furnlolicil on nppllcntloii.
Governor-elect Mickey bus rceoK
nizod tho vuliio of the country press
by upptiltilitiK u number of editors to
lucrative posit ions
It has boon announced for tho
stcenth Umutliat . I'lerpont MorKiui
has two hilenl pint neis in Ids steam,
ship trust, if Mich exists
Michigan 1ms three loprosenlnt Ives
in the piesent congress imiiied Smith
How they must Imvo chuckled over
tho Browns they left at homo.
Senator Dietrich litis turned tho pa
troniitfo of the Kifth concessional dis
trict over to I'ontfiossiniin-oloot Nor
rls, who is now In Washliinton.
Why Is it, when a populist begins to
Krow rich under lepubllcan prosper
ity, some other political heller pleases
him better? Will some populistically
inclined editor kindly explain?
Uoosevelt once said: "Anyone can
bo president " 'I'herels one man with
in the boundary limits of limp-cat
state or Nebraska who is in a position
to question the iieetiiuey of the asser
tion AVtate paper say.s. " The Nebraska
legislature will bo opened with pomp
next month" lias the short-sighted
editor been laboring under tho im
pression Unit tho peo)lo thought it
would bo open d with a jackknifc, or cot Ic-orow?
W. T. Strnd, the London writer on
economics and other leading ques
tions, hints that tho time is rapidly
iippnmchintfwhcuit will bo the United
Statos of tho Wui Id instead of U S A
IIo heoins- to think we want the eaith
mid in o in the habit of Kottitih' every
t ltiiiLT wo no after.
It is mm rumored thai .lames. I Hill
will soon retire fioin the Northern l'n
olllc, mill that he will devote his time
to tho Northern Securitieb c uipuiiy.
Ho is quoted assaying tlisiV. an oiiimii
haid times is near at hand. vMr full
views tno vein .ueiim trninio- .tmi
much apprehension
Tho socialist piut will bo
in the Held with its tiekut in tho mil
uicipnl campaign in Omaha A Ipnll
has been issued by the piosideut hud
socretary fof'a couvoutlou to bo Weld
Januury 5, lor tho purpose of nominnt-
udMatdk t&v tho olllces of mayo' .
r:-s.i j . ,. , .. '
Glork, troirMv'lcoiiiptioiier, iax;oom
mlssiouur uiuF'oue eounclltnnn rrom
each of tho nine'waivt ut tho oil
It is said that ox-liovernor Ylof, of
Texas, has become a wealthy oilocrat.
Perhaps if ho should meet the trust
octopus in a lonely gulch on a dark
night bo wou'd now shy at it. A
fow years ago, when ho was garbed in
tho robes as tho chief executive of tho
Louo Star stato, he was a profound an
tagonist of it Uright pictures, 'mint
ed in oil, frequently Imvo a tondency
to roliovo such feelings.
Tho annual meeting of tho Nebraska
Press aasociation will bo hold at Hast
ings, February 10 and 11 Editor
Broedo of tho Tribune anticipates
that there will bo an attendance of
about two hundred ot Nebraska's best
editors -men who mould public opin
ion, help to make tho laws, but seldom
break them Their visit to Hastings
will mean much and the Tribune feels
perfectly siito In saying that they will
bo glad they came.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads thn news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
It II cures made bv Dr
. (7"vW i '?"",cr5;:jwamp-ioot,
!fl J&Pl I nndffi!JSJiver
1 ' X i Lrn.-. c ' I
T ! . --.. .WHV.U1, '
Jr It Is the rreat rricdl-'
n-sTi r9lri..,u -i .i . '
j .... .. lull I pi I yi I llC IlinC- I
t teenth century; dls-'
. IStewLiSh'i'J
'X&Dr. Kilmer, the cml-
II. -.L. .
nent kidnsy and blad-
.-T'liiii, c..fdir, s?eclallst' and is
wonaertully successful In prompt y curing
Lime back, kidney, bladder uric acid trou
uieannurigni s Disease, which la the worst uounuoss nas a proiouint aiiniirmion
(or ih,dney ,r,0llbl,:- i for the beautiful sentiment or Christ-
Dr. Kilmer s bwanip-Uoot is not r-o ' ias time- I'eace on Earth. Goodwill
ommendcdforcveiylhmrfbutlfyouhav.jkKl. ... .. I , ijiiiui ; -mm ''
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will bo found Towunls Mo- 'dioiiK, like Indivld
Just the remedy you need. Itluibeentt icl mils, believe in good will toward men,
In so many ways, In liospMal work, InpriNuO s" long as tho lolicy is convenient and
practice, amontr the helpless too noor to m,r. tuolltable. .lust now (ionnanv and
cnase reltei and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement lus
been made by which all readers of this p.iper
who have not already tried It, may h.ue a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a I .
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When wrltlngmentlon reading this generous
Oiler In this naner anri cvRT'
sena your aaaress to tsmTer
Dr. Kllmer&Co..Blnc- !ite4M
hamton, N. Y. The "'iUt
recular flftv cent anA ii,mr.- mC
llomoo' riwunip-lliwt.
dollar slzc3 are sold by all good druggists.
Mr. Swxy, of Webster.
P. A. Swoozy, of Bluo Hill, cnndl
dato for tho speakership, was in Lin
coin, Monday. This was ids llrst visit
to Lincoln since election. Ho took
tho opportunity to Interview a number
of local politically
Mr. Sweeny lias lived at Bluo Hill
for twenty-ono years and Is qtilto well
known in his district, having tnkou mi
active part in politics as a republican
How sco nty judge for two years, de
feating MuKoighan once for tho place
and being defeated once by MuKoighan
As tho light looks now to Mr
Sweezy's friends, tho leaders will have
a hard tlmo lauding tho plum ami in
tho event of such an Incident, some
other candidate will stand mi excel
out show of wlnning.-Stato Journal
Tho special edition or the Scientific
Ameiican, devote I to transportation
on laud and sea, cannot fall to attiact
widespread interest, both of
tho vert handsome iniinnei- in wnh h
it is gotten up and on account of the
voluminous amount of Information
that It contains It Is safe to say that
anyone that reads it carefully tluoiigh
will llud himself thoroughly posted
both as to th' magnitude and high
quality of our railroads and shipping.
I lie Scientific American has its own
characteristic way of presenting what
some people might call dry statistical
matter in an Interesting form, and the
present number is no exception to the
rule Hoth artist, mid editor have
collaborated to certainly good ell'ect,
and wo believe the number will inet
everywhere with a hearty reception
The State SheritlV association held
a meeting at the Lindell lioiol, Liu
coin, Monday, for tho purpose of e
lectingollleers for tho ensuing year
and deciding upon impoitant ques
t ions or policy Tho chief topic for
discussion was (he four-year term of
olllco After prolonged discussion,
tho twouty-ono iiioiuho's in itttont'
iiuco adopted a lesolution favoiing
tho change Abbott, deputy countv
attorney of Douglas county and a'
torney for the executive boaid of the
County Ollleer.s' sociation, was pies
cut and gave a talk on the question
from a legal standpoint, presenting it
as 11 will have to bo -howu totho mem
bers of the hgishituie. Adiaftofa
bill was shown which scorned to meet
all leqiiiienient. Ileretofoio when
t he quest ion has come before the legis
lature, it has been handicapped be
having the questions of fees and other
demands of the county olllcers coupled
w th it to luirrass the members inter
ested in pushing the measure This
year the proposition will bo submitted
alono without any side issues to ham
per its champions The sentiment
among county olllcers generally seems
to favor the four year tei m, both as a
great saving in costs of elections and
as a reward that is duo the olllclals
"Peace on eat Hi, good will towards
men " Wo hear that message every
Christmas, says Walt Mason in State
Journal; It Is woven into the fabric of
immortal poetry; it is sung by choirs;
it illumines sacred pictures; mid then,
when Christmas is over, wo forgot all
about it, and go around hunting trou
blous wo always have Tlioro should
bo peaco on earth; it would bo easily
accomplished, if pooplo would always
respect tho rights of others; if they
woro as willing to forglvo ns thoy aro
to tako oirousa; if they would keop
their children penned up in tho sum
mer, mid their cows iu the winter; if
thoy would quit overreaching and mis
representing and lying. Tlioro should
bo good will towards men; good will in
the mind of each or us Tor other follow
And wh shouldn't there bo such good
"ill? Because the human animal i.s
born solgsdi, and ho can't get over it.
Kach man is anxious to increase his
account, and, if in doing so, ho injures
tho coins of somebody else, so much
tho worse for somebody elso The
great manufacturer has theorotlca
good will towards Ids competitors, but
ho is not happy until ho has froon
them out of business. J. Piorpont
Morgan probably has good will toward
all tho world; he can afford to have,
but there aro many ruined men who
irlt tbelr teetli whenever thov Miinlc
' .if ! I in .Tiilm n l?m.lsufnl1nn Iu 11 11...
- .. ...
... ...... I..'.... ... 4 wvJ. ..J.... w. .". . ..I..)
limn, lull ol moral sontltnents and
I''""" sllWhi h"t h nmiw-eil a mighty
.... i i ii.. r r l.f.
l,,lu,n" " using i no lornis oi uiscom-
...,i;i.. ..., . l...,,,l,... .1.,.,.... II.. I.... , ..
I' ll niujuiiiif, riiiijn, IIU nils .SII
mucli good will toward tho pooplo, and
the, Islng generation, that ho gives
K'eat sums to univo sities; tliey aro as
heavy a drain upon his as twen
ty-live cents would be upon yours, so
, . . . ,. ,.
you (""n "l,lm't5mto ,,is Kcnorosity IIo
Client Britain aro giving domonstia
t Ions or good will by -Itting upon little
Venezuela So it seems that the flood
Will idea is an irridoscout dream,
uioroV the pity.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
Mystic euro for rlieiiumtlmii ami iicurnlKlu
remllly cures la from one to three dnys. lis ho
IIdii uon tho sjktem Is teinarkalilo anilmjs
terlous, It removes nt onco tlierauso ami llio
illsi'MK-Immediately disappear. Tlio llrst dose
dreally bciielHs. 73 cents and 11, Sold by II.
U, Grluc, driiKtjlbt, tied Cloud, Nub.
do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it?
comes in scaled, air
tight packages; no
chance for handling,
or dirt or things to
get in.
Clean, Fresh and Fragrant.
First Copy of the Chief.
Last week tho editor of tills paper
asked: ''Who has a copy of the first
issue of the (Jhior?" The result is
satisfactory. Tho following letter
explains it:
La Porto, Texas, Dee 10. lPO-J
Kditou Ciiih-:- I see by the Chlor
of rhe nth. you want to know who has
a co).v or the lb-it Issue. 1 have one
It was, I think, the thbd copy run oir
the pre-s. It may be of some intei est
to ou to know that the llrst copy or
tho Chlor was sold for clWl Theie
were present, when that copy was
printed. J. A Tulleys, Lee S Kstoll,
.1 li Wilcox, John Penny, tho editor
' L Mather, and several who o names
I do not now recall. and myself Thoie
was some rlwilry as to who- would have
the lirspapcr and it was ohl for tho
prlco stated, to John Penny of tho
lli-iii of Penny Ss Perry Tho ba mice
of us received a c py at the rate of
S' 0 ) per annum in advanco The Hist
issue was run oil' iu my collar under
tho building tlnt't originally stood
whero.Miner Bros ' sfoie now Is, which
was then being fitted up for a hard
ware store The business houses in
Red Cloud at that time were: S t.!ar-
her & Op , gem nil merchandise, in a
oun-sliJ'ry stone building located where
the- lied Clou 1 National Hank build
iug now stands; Penny A: Perry, gro
ceries , mid dry goods; Potter Si
Williams, drug and wet good, n'n'd a
hotel called the Valley 'House, which,
I think, -till stands on the bank of
Crooked crook, east of Webster street
on Fourth avenue, witii J C Win-no ,
proprietor. M IJ McNirr
Tlie HTVind
That bin". s iioOih'v goud i heat on
riai. ds of miM'liicf in the fall and win
iir, It pioitiiei s dial iimM ilttiigi-ioti
of common cuinplniuis a lnid cold.
Vo'ui cunt wi 1 not become liioiicluu-,
not citiNuiiipih-u if u make innel)
use of Allon'ft Lung Tsiko it
ftqiifiitl mini tiie cutigh ntd lie
stopped up feeling in tho che.t me
gout!. Co n liu 1 1 no opium and will not
t-uuib d'scitiou. C L (' nine
Manual of Soil Culture.
Si-nil mi- a 2 cent Mamp ami I will
mail j on fn a copy of Campbell's
Soil Culture Manual n viilualile woik
iliiit cvei'i fiiriunr ought to have. J
Fianeis, (ieneral nassenger iigut",
(ireat tonic, In aces body and btvin,
drives away all impurities fiom your
sys'ein. Makes you well. Keeps j-ou
well ltocky Mountain tea. a5c.
C L. Cutting.
Low Rates For The Holiday.
To points within '00 round trip
tickets will ho sold at grently i educed
tales on Diccuihcr 21, sii and 31 and
'.Liuimi'V 1. Hood leturmng until
January 2, 'Mi. For further par
ticttlais asi; the Hmliuuton agent.
Mrs. Laura. S. Webb,
Vlre-l'reMileiit M'omnn H-iuo
entile t'liilm of ?iorlliiTii Olilo.
"I dreaded the change of life which
was fast approaching. 1 noticed Wine
of Cardul, and decided to try a bot.
lie. 1 experienced some relief the
first month, so I kept on taking It for
three months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take it off and
on no w until I have passed the climax."
Female weakness, disordered
menses, falling of the womb and
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
They follow awoiunn tothochango
of lifo. Do not wait hut tako Wine
of Cardni now and avoid thotrou
blo. Wino of Cardui never fails
to benefit a suffering woman of
any acq, Wino of C.inlui relieved
Mrs. Webb when sho was in dan
ger. When you come to tho clmngo
of lifo Mrs. Webb's letter will
mean more to you thnn it does
now. uui you may now avoiu mu
Buffering sho endured. Druggists
sell $1 bottles of Wino of Cardui.
"Snake Den" Is tho nnnio of a Miami
count school site.
Two Topeki druggists aro making
cut rates on opium. '
A Neodesha grocery clerk n Greek
boy isnainedtioorgoDoMetropoulous
Kinsley is getting tired of electric
light propositions ami now wants some
of tho real thing.
Smith Center will soon look proudly
nt an nutomobilo factory which is
about to bo put up there.
Favorite Cliristmasglfts In Eldorado
this year will bo china plates with pic
tures of "tho old swimming hole" made
famous by Will White, painted on
A Titian blond, plump and pretty. Is
touring t hi ough central Kansas selling
. a oeaury union lor men ami sou runs
I out f supplies before slio gets half
through drumming the town
James Kiuemmi, wlio is believed to
be the tallest man Kansas overclaimed
us her own, died at his homo in Cherry
vale Ho was oT very slender build and
nieasiued wjiirly seven ToM.
(iieenburg pooplo uro rather hoping
th t the coal famine will strike them
good and hard becaue if it does they
will not hesitate to sacrifice tho rail
road slati u for I ho town's benefit.
A tramp looking man drifted into
Wellington last week, mrajed in a
linen duster, a straw hat and overalls,
but just ho same ho put up, or down
rather, j2,llX)c sh for a poieo oT land
Two Sheridan county farmers f railed
"sight and unseen" ono rainy day
lately. One of tho l;.swappois" got
eighteen feet or wornoift gas pipe and
the other one, aneiiuully worn i ut
A Lind.sborg paper very unkindly
calls Salina's cherished opera liouso
a "cheese box," and throws Abilene a
bouquet by advising pooplo to go theie
whenever they want to see anything
deco'.t. ?
A man iu Hope is just recovering
from n very sotoro illness and during
Ids convalescence has read every book
iu town that could be boriowed. J he
hipdy is now about exhausted and lie
Is looking to tho lllblo a a last re
source Sipco tho editor of the Citiinrion
Jacksonian said tliat tho best looking
woman iu own woro led stockings it
is noticed that eery ono of tho fair
.sex who comes down tho sir et, holds
up lierdicss just a triflo higher than
usual, just high enough t show a
gleam of scarlet.
Tno tola Register indignantly pro
tests against Now York having the
llrst bank president and assorts that
lulu can make thai claim its own, for
Mrs M H Northrup has been at the
head of a bank iu tliat town for many
years, mid .Vr.s Laisslo Hartman is
the vico president of tho bank of
Allen county.
UKcepH tho Fcoi Wnrtii mill Dry.
Ask to lny for Allen's Kout Ehsc, ii powder.
ItcnrcNchlllilnl s, swollen, HWeutlnn, sore, noli
liiK dump feet. At nil tlriiKH-lbt "tul shoe storey,
A &
iS A
L em!
Now goin on.
FREE to buyers
of Holiday Goods.
Every cash buyer
of $2.00 worth fje's
a Hand Painted
Present. You can
buy piece-meal and
it all counts.
BAKERY and GAffr
When In town eat sit tho
lion Ton wheie it is eleaii,
cool and tin flies.
'15 cent Meals at All Hours
iSoda Fountain is Open h
Fifty-siv dilleient kintb of Minimm'
V. S. BENSE, Prop.
Lock lloz -. Ouldc Hock, Neb.
Ml kinds of property bought, sold iind
f '
An Interesting Story
?r, - j r i ; 7 gCc ' "
f'. i t A r.(-.
vvssrJr i
is the Story
To make it doubly so to you this year we wish t.
call your attention to the great variety of useful
presents in our store. Late years, ideas run moi"
to presenting presents that have some merit in them,
that are of value to the receiver, that do them soim
good. Nothing more appropriate to give than t
suit of clothes or overcoat, pair of the nobby up-to-date
dress shoes, nice cap (and our line is immense1,
muflltM's, the Way mufller is the right thing. 1-tir
Gloves, silk lined; wool lined Gloves and .Mitten .
In Neckwear we show you more nice things for
presents than ever. Silk Handkerchiefs, plain or
initial; linen in every style. For the boys, buy tlnm
a Suit, Overcoat, Cap, Leggins, Mufller, Mittens or
Tie. Nothing the matter with a pair of shoes for
the boys.
9 ..
, .V
LvJLAar-i.Tl.-.LLg'Trvj.V V.-)'ij -,
Will be preserved if you buy your . r
1 Groceries
land Meats
of us. Everything neat and clean. A new
lot of Heavy Castor Machine Oils at 35c per
gallon. Nothing better. Try some of it.
Up-to-Date Grocers and Butchers.
Do you realize
That Christmas is only two
weeks away.
Have you decided what you will give; if not, come in
and let us help you. We have just received a full
t m r e of Cnristmas goods such as
Mufflers from 15c to $1.50. Handkerchiefs, ic up.
Gloves from 15c up. Chatelaine Bags 10c to $2.00.
Mcrry-go-ronds $1.00 to
Shoulder Shawls. Hoods.
Also a beautiful line of Chinaware such as cups and
saucers, pin trays, mugs and other things too
numerous to mention. Call and let us show you
these before you buy.
House Moving and Raising
All work giiuriiiiiccit iitiifetory.
Your work solieite
Over Mixer's Grocery Store.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
That Is what It wu made for
- - v Jr
of Ghristmas. ;
s ,
. jk
.i. . . ...". .-1
( h
F. Newfoouse.
and Funeral
2! P ?,hono Numbor, Robi
j; doucolll, Offlco, No. 84.
' v'5siT,rr . !..,. , . Z-
"'jsawsflaiwu f: