The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1902, Image 1

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NUMKBll 51
' '"''kW!''ner BroSm Miner Bros. Miner Bros.
Low Prices,
Combined with quality , is the entering wedge.
OTOwants, no matter how plain or luxurious, have a com
mon meeting place here.
AW "JDvajievs
roThavo about hlti'L'ii or
twenty AVrm pers loft. To
elbsotln in out, wo offer them
your choice
5fool 10 to ? I U oii'h.
AvAji1 '"" "i i'..iiu:r
nVfAfu f . .nf( iw Ml i" in 1
iejtinncii.ei duets ver (nines'
AM tfl
Fofjtho Holidrv Uado
oatTbtieeial lot So
mQL- ,,r ()I ),'r, for 5
dor.?nF fOo
dozlfttt So
j20cT5c, .10c, n.'c, -10c, flOo, 7Sc
, .
! ..WjSMW
M . I.M. n
Hankorchief Con-
chief Linen, JiG
wldo 1 00
dory Linen, per
-10c, fiOe, -00
d patterns.
o of Hnttenborg pat
d .supplies
A nicopieco Furniture miikos
u nice Christmas pift
Cooler soiit, solid ouk Rook-
or sano
Cano sent, oak Comfort. 12 75
Cane scat, solid oak Sow
ing Chair 1.35
All American Mills Kersey,
satin, silk ami Moiroriod
lining. ere WOO to tl'2 00
All i DO to s (Hi, price. .81 50
All h.-,o(o rjiiii, price.. 7 00
Colors lilacl;. tan anil liluo.
Special Christmas jiriui's
.'SO ft) Smynm l!u....61 70
:it 7-J " . . . . ii 75
JS v SI " .... 5 00
Woltou, l'oisian and
JIiKlueltos .91.10 to 100
i.Vi' fr .."
if timo to havo
JhltH'jrehdy for Christmas
&Uk?JAiiith Damasix.. 30c
i 11.00) tBous 8.'o
Full size douhlo Bhiiikct, 50
x 72, eao'i $ .SO
Othur values at
75c, 8 100, 81 '10, $150
Heaviest, douhlo Ulanket.
mado of shoddy wool,
o h .75
Union Ulaukots t.SS
All woo1, per pr , J.'lto S.OO
l Svoeevves
Special values in Hosiery
1 case of Children's School
Hose, worth 15c. special. l'JJ
lease liudies' Cotton llosi-,
worth I'm, special 10c
I cast Ladies1 Fleece lined
llo e, lii harpiin I'.'Jo
av Gvtavs
;iw5and Children's Golf
'" Giovea'?. . ,2Sc to SQa pair
rallies in
$m .
retoEeriiiK tlio best vn'
le'ln KJci G loves over offored
;;hfe"tuyliag public in Rod
0 cans Sardines 8 'j.'i
Kl-oy, can Clover Leaf
BakliiK Powder, Kiiaran
teed epial to any or
money rofunded 25
UulkCoflees 10,15, .SO, .'10. ..T
1(1 oz UakiiiKSoda....... . ft
1 packages Force 25
-ll box liukor'HorLnw.
ney'H Cocoa oq
8 bars Cudahy Diamond "
U Soap 25
ah ioo bottles pickles,
chow chow, etc., nt
i can uostonuakoilDoaiiM
tomato sauco 7
Fancy Knglish Walnuts'! !l0
Ron Dons 91
Fancy Holland Seed Cab',
bago, por lb 1
Special attontlou givon to
Mail Orders
Tvess SooJls
Spooial soiling of Wortod Dross Goods, in plain colors aud
novoltlos, 38 1 1 41 inolios widoj 20 patterns.
JJocombor price 2 1 c
o AOooV Sxvvs
fl 3LavATiY' nrlnn f.9A
r,swTTw?" ;
1 HW coiora.
38 to 42 inches wldo
Conunon'y sold nt 50o to 05o.
Colors Bluo, rod, black, grey, tan
ner Brothers
The snow cainu too soon for all of our
funnels to get their corn out
School is doing finely under the
guidance of our teacher, Mr Shannon
The road work at Cedar Gulch has
been postponed until spring it will
ho a . rent improvement
Misses Minnie and llessio Whltoloy
left Monday morning for a visit with
friends and 1 datives in Missouri.
Miss Mabel Noble, who has been
visiting with relatives in So'itheru
Kansas returned home uist Thursday
l'oin Hlaukenbaker is cleiring away
the sod pint from the frame house
formeily occupied by Mr Usboiiru
prepaiatoiy to moving it to where he
now lives.
The few lucky people who have
sleighs are enjoying themselves this
winter This is the finest snow fall
' that has been witnessed in this state
for a good many years
The box supper at No (I!) last
, Thursday night was a good deal more
of a success than the one of a week ho
lme A good program was reudeied,
I which was on,jn.ed by oveiyoiio.
' Dennis McCartney and wife visited,
on the eieek recently 1
I Ileatou was on the creek a few
days since, bu ing stock 1
, 1 he I'IimmuiI Dale school will com-,
meiice again next mouth, after an ex
tended vacath n
I Messrs Mountford and h-'cilvner
sold their hogs in Rud Cloud la t week
at $5 05 per hundred
I Albert Scrivner lias tlireo corn
'gathering wagons in his field. Ho
planted 110 acres aud the yield is good.
Shelling has commenced aud corn is
soiling at 30 cents. Tho cobs furnish
splendid fuel witii which to kindle
fires these cold mornings
J T. Fruit and sons aro still thresh
ing grain and shredding corn, Kaillr
corn aud cano Tliero aro yot a
number on the crook who have not
Alf McCall, 0110 of our best fai mors
and stock raisers, was, nrosnectiug
amoiiiig us last week He purchased
10W) bushels of corn of George Mount'
ford at 30 cents per bushel
J Win Scrivnerislniildiuga new barn
Tor Chi r Fair, while L X Fitzgerald
1 and O A Ilovalt are erecting a similar
struetuie for the old gentleman Fair
The latter is Hearing completion
I The hiithday dinner givci at the
homo of George Mountford recently
(was well attended Tho old gentle
man was presented with a fine watch
by Ids wife which she had purchased
for tho omission.
W. A Rosoncrnns is preparing to
build an addition to his barn. Many
new granaries and cribs may bo soon
all over tho country. Surely, the'
farmers must havo something to put
Ifet t n ltntv nil n mill nil t li ai rh iihifttiuilln. '
111111 ilium, uisu wu nit Liioiu uiii'iwtv
Gathering co u is tho order of tho
day Some of the farmors have flu
ished, homo are half done and some
are uono ahoad, having fed it as fast as
they gathorod it Tho yield is much
lightor than was expected, it running
as low as twenty bnshols por aero,
whilo somo claim from forty to fifty
Clark Stevens is a lucky man. Ho
recently held tho tickot which entitled
him to a fine watch at Xowhouso Uros
fowolry storo in Red Cloud. On ono
other occasion iio drow a key, which
unlocked a drawer in a storo in Red
Cloud which contained twonty-fivo
silver dollars, It is scmotimos bottor
to bo born lucky than rich
Tho Wosloyquartorly meeting hold
at Pleasant Dale recontly by Kldor
Hester of North Uranch, Kansas,
assibted by Rov Campboll, tho pastor,
was well attonded, somo from quite a
distance being present As tho house
is too small in which U hold meetings,
tho writer would suggest that a church
be built at or near that place in tho
not distant future
Mako a Christinas nresent to vour
menus uy souuiug tnem 1110 ciilot
r3 -irwriSiirr 1
rwJh as h SI JR!
J- t.l ilVJJ"JJU-VTiXlt'r..J.r
imm&W-- '
-N ALL AGE.S silver and gold have swayed the
l world and ruled the hearts and minds of mankind.
While gold is of more intrinsic value in the hearts of
the people, silver articles are as much desired. Our
display of : : : : : :
Gold aund Silver Goods
is the finest ever shown in Red Cloud. We have all
kinds that you will admire, at prices that you will
regard with interest. : , : : : :
Jvist a. few suggestions.
!, mother or father,
who gets a watch for Christmas' will never feel more
hearty pleasure over any evcivj of their lives as a good
and valuable, or ornamental atd useful present, noth
ing can excel a good timepiece. It is receicd with
equal pleasure by one whrychns been promised or by
one who is surprised. Our lijie of watches this year is
something amazing. We cafti supply your wants for
anvthiiiL'. from the lowest nriclcd to the best and must
ornate. Best ol all, you mnW depend on gey;gu,:aT
satisfactory and reliable timu'pttice wit,iinjyuarantee
that means all it says. : , : :
Ourv&yt'R of silverware must
be seen to be appreciated
we are making a handsome
va1l.. . A. . . - - TV.' T rilJkTl
'"WW -w"-' -(jyK-""-"
display in this line and hope you will come in and
inspect it. Our styles are artistic and the quality is
beyond question These goods are bought direct from
factory, the prices are put right down to rock bottom
basis and we think you cannot fail to agree with us that
you have never before seen such value as we now offer.
Nothing more attractive
in style, quality and price
could be asked for than
wear1; showing in our
holiday stock of Ladies'
and Gent's Chains. If
you are contemplating a
trift in this line for a rel
ative or friend, do not fail to inspect our offerings. We
have the styles, qualities and prices that will make the
purchase of any chain in our stock a bargain. : :
We carry an excep
tionally complete as
sortment of Rings in
all styles and sizes and
sell them at a uniform
ly low price. If you
want a good ring with
out paying a fancy
price, our stock will af
ford you the gratifying field for selection and secure
for you the utmost in honest worth for your money.
To thos.e who feel that they can
not afford to slight some ex
pectant one and yet must make
a limited appropriation "go round," we especially rec
ommend a purchase here. Small articles of merit and
worth too numerous. Here will be found something
for "your best girl " or "your best fellow," or for a
member of the family, from the little tot to the grand
father, all may be suited with the useful and orna
mental at prices that will please. : : :
Remember, we not only give satisfaction, but we give
the most change back.
Come in and see our display. Gladly show goods.
.lemhoase Bros..
Buy your Christmas Gifts of Red
Cloud merchants.