u SCIENTISTS OF ENGLAND AND GERMANY GIVEN THE NOBEL PRIZES urrruuN, HANDSOME ACTRESS SHOT DEAD BY JEALOUS LOVER. ON PHILADELPHIA STREET m f WqgP, ijJL "O rm WQi mas a M rvsnr Zsrir ' it I Tho Nobel reBcnrcb prize of $10,000 Iiuh beon awarded to MnJ. Donald Iloss of tho Liverpool (Eng.) school of tropical medicine In recognition of hl Investigations Into the mosqul to malaria theory. Major Iloss will Bo to Sweden next month, when King Oscar will present the prize to htm. To Dr. Kmll Fischer or the llAln university, Is awnrded tho p.izo-abr natural science and chemistry, wlfte the prize for physics and medlclno U divided between Dr. Arrhonluii of tfce "1ftrs. CHrvtVitvof Wyoming l to I the .iniYMftl Ermine. Woman has cnterTTf many hplfercs formerly considered suited orjly to man, Including even tho. legal prores alon, but It bos remained ror Mis. M. Allies Onrrett ot Garrett. Wyo.. to bo the first to don the Judicial ermine. Mrs. Onrrett was chot.cn by tho voters of Garrett precinct at tho lato ulectlon, and she will assume her Judi cial duties the first Tuesday following tho first Monday In January. The morn strenuous duties of the con ntable, however, have been left to ono physically capable of executing tho orders of Mrs. Garrett's court. Elmer E. Slothowor having been elected to enforce the commands of the femalo Judge. Mrs. Onrrett Is evidently a woman of advanced education. Ilelng n prac ticed penman, or rnther penwomnn, aho will keep her own dockets, nnd, possessing some knowledge of legal forms, Bhe wiU use that knowlcdgo to acquire, more. A number or cases, small but Important to the lltlgnnts, have already been continued trom one docket of tho retiring Justice to that over which Justice Onrrett will pre side, and it 1b apparent she will have the opportunity very frequently to bring Into play any or Portia's 'quali ties sho may possess. Real Hard Work. While down in Oklahoma not long ago Senator nevctldgo or Indlnnn met Delegato McQuIre or that territory, whom ho complimented on his flue physique. "Oh, yes, hard work mado mo a strong man." said McGulre. Tho fndlana man replied With n touch of ecoru: "If you had tolled In a sawmill, as I had to do, you would have had a right to talk of hard work." "You never earned your bread nu a section hand and ptimpod a handcar, did you? No, nor you nevor did any steamboat lug. More than that, you have not nunched cattle for four or five years, and. senator, when you have had a whack at thesn occupations you will regard work In a sawmill as a box at ihe opera." THE FIRST WOMAN JUSTICES RECALLED FROM THE Don iiiKii Otaner tin. rt. Avi GAvrcr t ' Stockholm High school and Dr. Fin sen of Copenhagen. Each wholo prize Is worth 310,000. MnJ. Donald Itoss, who Is awarded tho prize for original research, Is an English medical officer who has seen long service In the East Indies. While there he was Impressed wlUi'tho rav ages of malaria among white men nnd set about learning the'enusc. In one year out o'r 178,197 men In the Indian army over 75,000 were sent to tho hospitri with malaria. Major Iloss began his Investigations and soon concluded that mosquitoes had some pjBociatlon with the prevalence or the disease. Ills theory wus In vestigated and proved to be correct. J Dr. Kmll Fischer of tho Ilerlln unl- verslty. who was awnrded the chera- Irtry prize, is noted ror u. number or nluable discoveries In synthetic hcmlMry. Prof. Finson or Copenhagen, Is the discoverer or tho "light euro" ror lupus. Although a doctor, he does not practice medicine, but confines him self to pathological research. CAPITAL. Colombian Government Withdraws Its Washington Representative. Senor Joso Vincent! Concha, who has been recnlled by his government tfcvfcv ,AV llvczrcrt CarM4 from his post of minister from Co lombia to Washington, has had a short stay In the American cnpltal, owing to his persistent tactics us an obstructionist to tho negotiations for Ihu Isthmian canal. Concha arrived there Inst spring, and wus well re ceived, lie enmo with a good record as a diplomat and master of Interna tional law. Ho had been uttorney general nnd minister or war In tho cabinet or tho United States oi Co lombia, and Is nlso suld to have been an excellent soldier. TO SIT ON COURT OF CLAIMS President Roocevelt Will Appoint Judge Wright of Illinois. Judgo Francis Wilght, whom Presi dent Roosevelt has decided to appoint to a seat on the court of claims, Dis trict of Columbia, Is a well-known Jurist of Urbana, 111., who bus served on the Circuit court bench of Cham paign county, and who attraoted at tention some years ago by Instructing a Jury to Indict the lato Oov. Altgeld for violation of tho Hag law. Judgo Wright has been quite promlnont in Illinois politics. H0 vvns elected to I tho oenca ' 1891. i . ' JxA li&t &ISSL uSlL fill Tl Juoee FtAHcu IT. Wfiotr Vv -if It All Depends on You. It l.n't the wny Unit Is stormy Where 'tho storm clouds hide the dny It Isn't the thorns thnt pierce the feet; It's Juki how you walk the way. It liii't thnt lions linger With truth thnt nro keen to slny It Isn't the rorrow to-ilny to-morrow; It's Just how you walk the wny. It Isn't thnt crowns awnlt you The golil of the rainbow's ray It's only the Faith thnt lives through Death. It Jim how you walk the wny. Frank I.. Stanton, In Atlunta Constl ' tutlon. Water Boat and Water Wheel. Of course, any boat, unless It hap pens to be an Iceboat, a stone boat or The Water Boat Afloat, a gravy boat, may be called a water boat; but I am speaking of a boat driven by water as well as through water. Its principal parts are a tin pan and a tall lamp chimney. Close tho small end of the chimney with n cork. Into which n rubber, bent glass or lead tubo Is tightly fitted; prop the chimney up In the pan with tho small tubo projecting over the rim, fill tho chimney with water and set the chim ney craft afloat. It will move with the ease nnd grace of a turtle, though not so fast, until all tho water has run out. You can produce a better Imitation of speed by using, Instead of tho pan, a little wood en boat or more shipshape model with tho water tube projecting over tho Htern, but unless the vessel Is very broad or beam it will capsize. In fact, the boat Is made not to go fast, but to Illustrate a principle by go ing at all; and another Illustration of tho same principle is given by the water mill now to be described. The mill Is mado of tha same lamp chimney, or another, with corks or plugs in both ends. Instead of one water tubo It has two, three, four or more, going out like tho Bpokes of a wheel and bent at tho end all in tho same direction. The chimney Is Bet upright between two pivots, which press against the upper and lower plugs, and Is filled with water through' a hole in the upper plug, which also serves to admit nlr when the mill Is turning. Tho only uso of tho top plug. In fact, is to give a point or support, and the vessel must be open to tho air The Water Wheel In Motoon. at the top. As the water flows out through the little tubes the mill turns in the opposite direction, nnd If thero Is not too much friction nt the pivots it will soon be spinning rapidly. Tho water boat and water mill are examples of what are culled reaction machines. Tho principle they Illustrato is that, generally speaking, you can not move anything without moving something else in tho opposito direc tion. In both of these cases as tho water is forced out in tho direction of the wator tubo tho boat or tho pnrt of tho mill from which It flows is driven In tho opposito direction. Tho recoil or "kick" of n gun Is nnothor lustra tion. At the Instnnt of tiring tho gun moves backward, If It can, and If you uro holding It against your shoulder you feel tho icactlon ns a "kick," and it tho gun Is heavily loaded you may move bnckwurd with great prompt ness. A vessel might be propelled by fir ing heavy cannon from tho shore. Now, ir your big brother, who Is a sophomore and nearly full of wisdom, says that the pressure ot the stream or water against tho air drives tho water boat and tho water mill, tell him you know better. Tho nlr has nothing to do with It, and tho llttlo machines would go Just as well ir thero were no air better, indeed, as then they would havo no air friction or resistance to contend with. A Present for Papa. What's tho uso In spending your money ror a pair or letter scales, whon you can make a pair ror yourself out of a sluss Jar and a pleco of stick? Besides, It will be a dectded novelty and will excite the wonder or your rrlcnds, who wilt be sure to give you credit ror a lot or Ingenuity. Oct a glass Jar or bottlo with a wide mouth and pour It nearly full of water. Then get a piece of round Btlck about ten Inches In length part of tho roller of a window shade will do, or even tho small end of an old broomstick. Attach a weight to ono end of tho stick, so thnt when you put it Into the water in the Jar about three-fourths or It will bo under wa ter. On top or tho other end or the stick tack a small square of card board, which will be tho platform ot the scales. Tho next thing is to put tho ncccs sary weight marks on tho stick, 'to do this, borrow rrom somo one, the druggist or tho grocer n hair-ounce, a one-ounce, a two ounce and a three ounce weight. Put the hair-ounce and a three-ounce weight on tho platrorm first, nnd note whero tho water comcB to on tho stick; this you can easily do because the stick will be wet. Then take It out of tho water ami mark that place for your hair-ounce. Put the stick gently back Into the wator, and lay tho ounco weight on the platform, when tho stick will, of course, sink lower than It did at first. Tnko It out and mark tho ounco place, and do this with the twoounco and tho throe-ounce weight, ono after the other. The stick will now be graduated, showing a half-ounce mark, an ounco mark, a twoounco mark and a three ounce mark, and when you aro In doubt about tho weight or a letter, all you have to do Is to put It on tho platrorm, and there you are! If tho letter weighs one ounce or less, a two-cent stamp will carry It; If It weighs even tho least fraction moro The Letter Scales Complete. than ono ounce, It will take two two cent stamps, for the rate Is two cents for each ounce or fraction thereof, If it weighs more than two ounces and not moro than three, It will take take three two-cent stumps, and so on. Tight Rope Performer. If you hold a needle on a plate In erect position and a magnet at a certain distance, according to Its strength, you can let the necalo go and It will stand erect with a trem bling motion. Cut tho rront and back of a small piece or cardboard and unite both parts with tho help or corks nnd pins. Tho rront has a square opening. On tho back or tho front piece a small horseshoo magnet Is fastened and un derneath tho magnet In horizontal di rection a piece of wire; the height ot tho wlro depends on the strength of tho magnet and has to bo arranged In such a way that tho needle will not be pulled up to the magnet, but will stand erect on tho wlro. Cut small figures of paper, for In stance, a tight rope walker or dancing girl standing on one leg, having tho exact height or tho needle. Fasten tho flguro to tho needle with tho help of wax, ob shown In tho Illustration. Placo tho figures below tho magnet on tho wlro and you will see them danco Hko real -tight ropo walkers, or you can make a trapeze of a match and two pieces or thread on which you can place tho figures and they will not rail off when you set the trapeze In swing lng motion. "To put the skina or potato, orange pool, etc., on the cloth." Throw them under tho table. Tho Shah or Persia always docs this, He who maliciously tukes advantago or the ungardeil moments of friend ship Is no farther from knavery than the latest moment of evening from tho first of night. Lavater. I ,i dL A I I fl9 1 ; . . . mm . . . . " 'p3cpcpxaocoocaxox T WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm 8 1 1 ft-jjccocxcoooooooa30oi IwSPi . M -'KATE HA5KETT Iril & jfemii nURDEf?E0 BY AN ACTOR- U T"jr1 Kate Hassctt, leading woman In the stock company nt Keith's Eighth Street Theater In Philadelphia, was shot through tho heart and Instantly killed by Barry Johnstone, late of Richard Mansfield's company. Johnstone then turned tho pistol upon hlmseir and lodged two bullets above his heart that will probably causo his death. The motive for the crime was Jealousy. Johnstone lost his position with Mansfield a few days ago and went direct to Philadelphia. He lay In wait for ss Hassett at the stage door of the theater and followed her a block after she left. Suddenly he sprung upon her ns she passed under an electric light, and shouting "You are not true to me," GREATEST OF GERMAN ARTISTS. Adolph Von Mcnzel, Who Has Dedl cated Picture to Americans. Adolph Frederick von Menzel, who has dedicated to the American people his recently finished pnintlng "Fred erick tho Great In tha yenr 1778," is tho foremost historical pointer of Germany, and ono of the oldest of liv ing artists. This great Teuton pnlnt or was bom in 1 815. He began his art career at llerlln when, he was fif teen, from which ago he supported himself by his efforts wlth his pencil nnd brush. Ills earliest successful painting was "Tho Hound Table of Frederick the Great." Meirel has pro duced n score or moro or pictures with Frederick for their subject. Chipper at Ninety-Eight. A marrlngo took place In Kansas City a few days since which had sev eral circumstances or Interest. Tho groom was P. W. Kenyan, a rarmer or Osborno county, who camo to th city to meet bis bride, Mrs. Jano Earl or Saratoga county, N. Y who arrived on tho same day accompanied by two daughters anil her mother. Mrs. Eurl In the sister ol tho first Mrs. Kenyon, nnd her brother-in-law became hor husband. Her mother, Mrs. Jones, who accompanied her, has 11 children, 11 grandchildren, 54 grent grandchil dren, und 8 great-great-grandchildren. Sho has reached the great age of 98, yet she was ub chipper at the wedding servlco ns her daughter and tho long Journey had not distressed her at all, Kansas City Journal. Society at Leavenworth. Under tho headline, "Hotter Class of Convicts Coming," the Leavenworth Times proceeds to rejoice at tho bet torment of the tono of society at the federal prison. Bootleggers and horso thieves from Oklahoma will not be so common, while grafters and smooth sharks from Wisconsin and Indiana will bo moro numerous. Congressman Scott adds that "hell probably has Its smart set.' "Kansas City Star. opened up a rapid fire from a revol ver. The first shot must have pierced Miss Hassett's heart, and almost with out a sound sho sank to the sidewalk, dead. She was a remarkably hand some and clever woman. When Johnstone shot hlmseir he fell to tho sidewalk almost upon the woman's dead body. Kate Hassett was one of thp most recent recruits to tho stage, appear ing prominently for the first time last season In Leo Detrlchsteln's "The Iist Appeal." Sho was cast ror tho leading role, and though sho did not score a hit It was agreed that her dramatic talent was unmlstnkablo and experience alone was needed to make her an actress or more thau ordinary ability. v Brought to a Crisis. When Senator Scott first went to Congress a committee was appointed to Investigate alleged Irregularities in his election. The West Virginian paid considerable attention to this commit tee, dining nnd wining the members elaborately. This went on for some time, but finally be learned that thu committee Intended to report In his ravor, but liked his entertainment too well to elosu up their labors. Then he gave them ono moro reed, but over the cigars told them thnt henceforth tITey might live on bread and water for nil ho cared. The report exoner ating him was forthcoming next day. MRS. BESANT STILL A LEADER. Monster Audiences Listen to Disciple of Theosophy. Mrs. Hesunt left England a few days ago, on her way to India, whore matters connected with tho school for natives, hlch sho founded nt Uenarcs several years ago, claim her atten tion. She is going by wny of tho con tinent, nnd will hold theosophlcnl meetings In Germany. Switzerland and Italy eventually bailing from a southern port. Mrs. Ilesant will return to England In June and persup her calling as a hitter day Dlavatsky In the vicinity or London. A few years ago It wns prophesied fully that Annlo Ilesant was about to be Ignored by the world at Inrgo nnd Englnnd in particular. Hut this prophecy has not been fulfilled. While in Englund Mrs. Hesnnt held many lectures und It was only n few days before her departure that she spoke to a monster audience who listened to her with nipt attention. Sho retains that marvelous charm of hers and while sho does so sho will not eeaso to affect multitudes visibly, and while sho pursues her present, din. erect and Intelligent educntlonul methods in India, she will not coasa to win the approbation of a largo por tion of tho English people. lV7ra-j3ca4AT JSU'arrtasaisfwt! -'tSsp- ' -jL .- --rwy7--or--- vjj T." M ' ' rwsc JiiawfWl1?wJvvwfwBW'nfP"wTlrl, -)"