The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1902, Image 1

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voi&jme xxx.
XUMHElt .10
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Low Prices,
Combined with quality, is the entering wedge.
V--W V w w w
J , 'rt
, ? 'i Miner Bros.
1 '.
If 1' .7' Jff . . . . 1
Miner Bros.
Miner Bros.
'woiir wants, no matter how plain or luxurious, have a com
mon meeting place here.
ivies' ADvaevs
Wo hno about fifteen or
twenty Writ' pers lt'ft. To
i lose tin in nut, wo ollVf thvni
your choice
Weto4! HMurl .( .1 h.
w wniMuMA,a im jttmn' "
i'-'- r '',! y ii li.iluili' r
(' iofs uo' (1 . ws el r ,'1
ItiiMlkot chiefs novel come
I'm till! Hol'.i : v triulo
ftjTjO ('( - , m ecial lot 6'o
.On is' . " or .! or l or.) lor so
,10 tic. . lit
t-rt iJ:i 'j.
blO .., at
JtOthor values at
V 20c, 2,'e, HOC, .l.'c, 40c, HOc, 7.r)C
r ? ! v n,Kttr.wi
3Vy SAxvexvs
ft Linen Ilankorchiof Cen
ters 8 .15
Hanclko' chief Linen, 11(5
inches wide 1 00
Embroidery Linen, per
yard 10c, f,0c, -CO
W Stamped pattern1'.
W Now line of Battonborg pat-
qj t(rns and supplier
M u plenty of tinio to huvo
fi tin in ready for Christmas
Linen finish Daniuss.. Kin
l.'c Linens illoj
(iOi Linens file
i0e Linens Too
8! 00 Linens 8.1o
A nice piece Furniture makes
a nice Christmas Gift.
Cooler sent, solid oak Rock
er $ no
Cano seat, oak Comfort. U 75
Cane seat, solid oak Sow
ing Chair 1.H3
All American Mills Kersey,
Mitin, silk timl Mercerized
lining, uire?tl(Hit iVUM)
Ml ii m torS(M, piico. i?lf(
All H.'dlo I J on, price.. 7 )
Col'i-- iiluck, tan and blue.
Special Christmas prices
I!i (it) Smyrna Kun....&l 70
"(i '2 ' . . . . i! 7r.
IS.nSI .... noo
Welton, Persian and
Moqucttes 91.10 to 100
Full size douhlo Blanket, .1(5
. 72, each $ .SO
Othor values at
7oc, cioo, $i io,nno
Heaviest double Blanket,
made of s-hoddy wool,
och 7G
Union Blankets 1.8S
All woo, per pr , .'! to 8.00
Special values in Hosiery j
1 case of Children's School I
Hom;, wotth Lie. special vz
lease Indies' Cotton Ho.v,
worth l.V. sifciu' ... 10c
I ca n L'ldii".' Fleece lined
Ilo-e, bit: iiiirgain l'-'l
5oV &Vojes
hyp Sp clal values in Ladles',
l?M Misses' and Children's Golf
im (i loves . . . ,2sc to sue pair
wo are altering tno oest va-
('no in Kid Gloves over olfored
tho buying public in Rod
IftaW Syys
(5 cans Sardines S 2."
l(i-oz can Clover Leaf
Baking l'owder. L'liaian.
teed equal to any or
money refunded 25
BulkColioes 10,15, .'JO, .'10, .35
10 oz Baking Soda 5
2 packages Foreo 25
j-U box Baker's or Low-
noy's Coftoa 20
8 bars Cudtihy Diamond
C Soap 05
All l.lo bottles pickles,
enow enow, otc, at 10
i can uostonUakodBetms
tomato sauce 7
Fancy Knglish Walnuts . . 10
Bon Bons 8
Fancy Holland Seed Cab
bago, por lb 1
MAC !-
sr5i" a.
I " T ..Kill
'.PROMPT ATTiniiuru
Speciul attention givon to
Mail Ordors
iciaw am
"Dress 5oo4s
Spoolal soiling of Wortod Dress Goods, in plain colors and
novoltios, 38 to 11 inches wide; 20 patterns.
December prico 2 Iv
Tievx) "Doo SmWvxvs
f&Ss I
WMi If Gloves, our prico
Hm iwfi """ """ """
38 to 42 inchoswido
Commonly sold lit 50o to 05o.
Colors Bluo, "rod, black, groy, tan.
iner Brothers
Subscribe f.-r tho Cliief at Colvln's
'J'hos Bob 11 is in (Snide Rock (siting
his daughter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Chtisty
on December 8tli, a son.
.1 Hutchkiss of Bur Oak attended
tho auct ion here Stit unlay.
Born on December St It to Mr and
Mrs Clias. Hodges, a daughter.
.less Dunbar and wife ttto visiting
1 tdtttives in Guide Rock, litis week
Airangeiiieu h tire in progress font
jChiistums tieo at the school house
The revival meetings at the Chris
(inn church dos d Sunday evening
V. 1' rollings sold all his horsss at
tho auction last Sat 111 day u good
Mrs Garrison's biother, Mr Grant,
started Tuesday for his home in
Fi 10 Heii'lloy has hited to Gitriison
.fc Co. to work in the implement house
one year.
C Guy, a brother of the Guy Bins,
of this place, arrived fiutti Iowa Tiles
day evening.
(' )) Campbell returned Mom De
witt nioiiilny evening biiuging his
Awibiau team with him.
J Lee of Superior lias puichased;
Mis 1 ickerson's millinery slock and (
will iiNo put a lt'ackot stote and
jewelery btthiness into the building
lid. Mpriitiville's team inn away with
it load of Montgoineiys chickens Mon
day morn ng. Casualties, a broken
chicken coop and two chickens killed
O. Dunbar has purchased Frank
Guy's restaurant business His son
Rotund is in charge until his ttrri vial.
Bessio Whitoly spent Sunday with
Sara Arneson.
D. S. Ilolcoinb's new barn is near
ing completion.
Mr and Mrs Mao Fulton spent
Sunday with Mrs. Arneson.
Mr and Mrs. R. B Fulton vl-ited
with Mr. and Mts Frank Blanken
baker Sunday.
Miss Nellie Hastings lias returned
from Red Cloud where she has been
attending school.
Anna Kincaid, who has boon slaying
with her brother Frank, has gone to
1 Tixeler to visit with her sister
Say, but this is freezing cold
weather, isn't it? If this keeps up the
boys will have to sharpen their skates,
Tom .Jones lias moved hi- barn to
his new building site and will moo
his house this week, .John Barkley
is doing the work.
Minnie and Bessie Whitoly ate
spending 11 week or two at homo
previous to a month's visit hi Missouri
with friends and relatives
It is reported that Mr Shoemaker
has sold his farm and will soon inovo
to Franklin Wo are sorry to hear it
as tlioy are well liked in tho neighbor
hood Clydo Points is on tho siek list I Ills
week with a bad soro throat. This
ailmont soomsto bo epidemic as several
pooplo in this vicinity havo been simi
larly directed
Tho box supper at No. 3 hist week
was not much of 11 success. Elthor
tho boys wero not hungry or olso they
had no money Somotimo in tho near
fnturo wo aro going to try again in
hopes that tho boys and men will como
with empty stomachs and full pocket
books and go homo vico vor&ii.
jN ALL AGES silver and jjold have swayed the
l world and ruled the hearts and minds of mankind.
While tfold is of more intrinsic value in the hearts of
the people, silver articles are as much desired. Our
display of : : : : :
Gold 5aid Silver Goods
is the finest ever 'shown in Red Cloud. We have all
kinds that you will admire, at prices that you will
regard with interest. : : : : ;
At tho homo of tho brido's brothor,
Samuol Arnold, sovon miles south of
Bluo Hill, at 7 o'clock Monday oven
ing, occurred tho marriago of Miss
Carrie Arnold to Mr Edgar K Hans
At tho appointed hour tho young
couple, attended by Margaret Biink
limn and Ray Nelson, took thoir places
in tho parlor where tho solemn words
.were spoken by Rov. Hummel which
'.... ,ln 4 1...... ....... .....1 ...IP,. .1(1
iiuiuu mum 1111111 unit hu. 1 1 toy a 10
two of Webster county's best young
pooplo and their many friends wish
them success on thoir jotirnoy.
Jvist Ql few suggestions.
The girl or boy, wife or husband, mother or father,
who gets a watcn lor vnristmas v-11 never teei more
""" B1-' ,l "iin.ii iui .111 laiuian jii ntvi I H.HI IIIUI
hearty pleasure over any event of heir lives as a goo
and valuable, or ornamental and Useful present, uotl
ing ran excel a good timopiec. It is received with
equal pleasure by one who has been promised or by
one who is surprised. Our line ojf, watches this year is
something amazing. We can su ily your wants for
anything, from the lowest priced to the best an
ornate. Best ol all, you may depend on ge&ikg 7K
satisfactory and reliable timepiece witlua'uaran(ee
that means all it says. : : - : . :
Our stock of silverware must
be seen to be appreciated
we are making a handsome
display in this line and hope you will come in and
inspect it. Our styles are artistic and the quality is
beyond question These goods are bought direct from
factory, the prices are put right down to rock bottom
basis and we think you cannot fail to agree with us that
you have never before seen such value as we now offer.
Nothing more attractive
in style, quality and price
could be asked for than
we arj 'showing in our
holiday stock of Ladies'
and Gent's Chains. If
you are contemplating a
gift in this line for i rel
ative or friend, do not fail to inspect our offerings. We
have the styles, qualities and prices that will make the
purchase of any chain in our stock a bargain. : :
e carry an excep
tionally complete .as
sortment of Rings in
all styles and sizes and
sell them at a uniform
ly low price. If you
want a good ring with
out paying a fancy
price, our stock will af
ford you the gratifying field for selection and secure
for you the utmost in honest worth for your money.
-v'. p- V .
irviv2s.x,- fair
To those who feel that they can
not afford to slight some ex
pectant one and yet must make
a limited appropriation "go round," we espepially rec
ommend a purchase here. Small articles of merit and
worth too numerous. Here will be found something
for "your best girl " or "your best fellow," or for a
member of the family, from the little tot to the grand
father, all may be suited with the useful and orna
mental at prices that will please. : : :
inn n
Remember, we noronly give satisfaction, but we give
the most change back.
Come in and see our display. Gladly show goods.
.lemhoase Bros..
Buy your Christmas Gifts of Red
Cloud merchants.
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