f , - - J0 ws ' 'W' m r- ' f f "1 v I j rr " THE OLD RELIABLE KV-'urw'a ahinC POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Sec J. O Hutler. Wanted-Corn, by W. H. Koliy. S. J. Franklin, of Renvoi City, wn n town Monday. Stnuhon H.ivleis, of (Suhtu Rock, wui in town Tui'Mliiy. Get prices (in fins before you sell J. U. Cai.iiwkm.. Albeit Kerncy of Auroni, Nebraska was visiting fiiunds hcto TuoMlny. N. M. Doiidna of Guide Rock was n town Sutunhiy titinsueting businev-s. F. V. Taj lor, undertaker anil mi biilmcr. 0ipoii Cutting's ill tig stoi c Win. Voiiiloitceht of Guide Rock, was in Red Cloud tlio close of lu-t week. lion. W. II. Householder, of HI, iden, was ttiitisauting hnsiiiLjs in Red Cloud, Saturday. Just unloading another car of llie very bent quality of Mailland I'oal at V. 1$ Roll's. Get your horu blankuts, lap robes ami hanies-, of Fogul; liu .,ull.s thu bei-t for thu least money. Do you want a Imriol of fanny, New York tipples. Turuuro Ilros. will bavo a car loail next week. A. Holnii s, who travels for a Chicago clothing linn, ii quite .sick, at the Hotel Itoynl. He aniveil hoio fit m H:istiiiR, Monday. Will Yoiser was visiting friends Iteri! Sunday and Moiuiay. Will is now ox press lno.-senger on thu Orleans St. Francis braneli of the II. & M. I will open my dental oll'iee for a short time in thu Dainerell bloek, December 23, ami at Cowlos tho IWth mill JlOih. Call tarty to arrange for appointment K. A. Thomas, Dentist. Frenoi.ing at the Christain church Suiiiliiy morning anil evening. Sub ject Suuilay evening. "Is Christ Divine or only Human?" All aro cordially invited. G. L. Applogate, pastor. Services each Sunday morning at 10:110 o'clock and evening at 7.30. Sun day school at 11 o'clock. Proaohhig at Indian Creek and Humcll school house cftcli alternate Sunday. Iloy. Win. Hatiptniann, pastor. At tho meeting last Friday ovoning of lied Cloud Chapter No. 19 Royal Arch Masons, tho following oflieors wore elected. L. II. Ulacklodgo, HigM Priest; W. A. Mitcholl, King; O. II. Kaloy, Scribe; A. Galushn, Sec. and C. D. Robinson, Trea?. Tho friends and neighbors of F. I). Hutchison, of Penny Creek, spent a very pleasant Thanksgiving evening at his home. There wore nearly hfly present to celobrato tho twenty-thinl bnthdav of tho eldest son, Loch. The company was highly entertained bv tho hostess, who forvod a bounti ful supper, consisting of oystoiv, deli cious cakes and iirmy other "goodies." All ei'jije'l lliu mii'iu "''! games, which occupied tho timo not spout .it tho table. Just lci'oived: A full lino of out door fall planting and winter bulbs, consisting ot tulips, liyaciulhs,freeias, Narcissus, dnlYodiN, juiniuil, ci incus, Miow-diops, Iiuimudu and (Julia lily, and Chinese sacred lily. Very huge, select bulbs. Also a nico lot of chrys anthemums in bud and bloom. Prices reasonable. Please call at the shoe store and sto thorn. Hoino-giown car nations in bloom. Mils. HhNiir Dn.nuticu, Rid Cloud, Neb. Vr'A,rA'vVysV'' A Twenty Year Life Policy 'In an Old Line Company is the best kind of me insurance. Tho cash value- of tho policy at tho ond of tho period is moro than you havo paid. 'Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Life Insurance, LIn tho best Old Lino or Mutual Companies. !0. C. Teel, Agt, Rkd Cloud, Nkbhaska.. For a nice win m lap i obo go to Jon Fogcl. T. .J. Waul teturneil to Kansas City Tuesday. Who has a copy of tho first isMio of the Ciiikk ? (ieo. M. Castor of Rivorton, was a Red Cloud visitor Wednesday. 11. H Igou nrrived in Red Cloud yef teiday for a visit with his sister, Miss Josie. Another new stock of turnover col lars for Indies, just received F. Now-house 11. Moranvil o and wife, of Guide Rock, aro visiting relatives in Red Cloud today, Douglas Gather arrived in Red Cloud Wednesday evening for a visit with his parents, ,' Do you need a nico light harness? Get it at Fogel's; ho handles tho best for the least money. C. M Storey and Johniu Storey of Cowle went transacting business in Red Cloud, Tue.'day. luilge ISurko and wife of Atapahoe aro vMting at the homo of their daughter, Mis .1 R. Mercer. Mrs L. II. Fort left the first of the week for Oilcans for n visit with her daughter, Mrs .1. O. Wiles. What do you need in tho way of harness or hardware. You can get the best of either at Hiillut's. .las Padgett took his little sou to St. Joseph, MisMiuri, tho first of the week, t) havo a surgical operation pel formed, Geoigo Tophain and family of Shickley, Nebiaska, is visiting re latives in and near Red Cloud, Ibis week. Mrs M. W. Dickerson returned Sit unlay from Lincoln wherd she has been visiting her son and daughter and their families. Win. Milliard ai rived in tins citj Tuesday evening for a vi-it with his sister Mrs. L. A. Haskins, and with other i datives. Miss Hiielah Hall returned from Ciiuipnell the tiist of the week, where she spent several days visiting with id ifives and friend. There will be service at the F.piscupnl cliuu'h next Suuilay morning and even ing bj Rt. Rev. ISishop A. R. Graves Kvery body welcome. Mrs. C. C. Rrowu of Columbus, Indi ana, aniveil in thu city last Wednes day for a visit at tho homo of In l mother Mrs. Lon. Clapp. 1'ho All Auioiican bowling trio wi.l give an exhibition of their skill at the Apex bowling alley Friday, December 13th, afternoon and evening. When last heard tho eight-day clock, which was stalled on November 21th at noon, at Nuwhouso Hros., and on which so many guesses were registered, was still running. The Ladies Aid society of thu Haptist chinch will servo diuncr and supper in connection with their handkerchief sale, Saturday December 20th. Place will bo duly announced. Art. llradshaw is wearing a far away look on his faco this week, wo 8upposo.il is caused by tho prosonco of thababy girl which arrived at his homo tho lirst of tho week. Tliero will bo a special mooting of tho Knights of Pythias next Monday ovoning for tho purposo of electing ( llicers and tho transaction of impor tant business. All members aro urgent'y ri quested to bo present. Tho ladies of tho Christian church will hold their bazaar on Saturday, December 13th. They will havo on sale many useful articles suitable for Christmas presents. Chicken pie din ner and supper will also bo served. Come out and help them. Wednesday ovoning G K.Cross, R K Davenporl, K. K. Phipps, Geo. Masei and D. 11 Rhodes ol Franklin wen initiated into the mysteries of WobsUv encampment, No. 25. I. O. O. V. A. A Peak of Franklin accompanied tin m and witnessed the cerinony. After lint cxccrsic? at tho hall wero completed all ail mined to tho Hotel Rojul whom a bin quul was served. Tlin Ciur.r would like a good, w correspondent in every precinct in the county. Wo want correspondents n send us in thu news, such ns marriage, births, deaths, arrival of new roMdont, etc., in fact anything and everjthlng of a news nature Wo would r quest those who havo neon corresponding i Iih moro prompt in sending in then items as irrcgulaiity or lack i f prompt ness is u serious inconvenience to this olllco, and unlim some of nurcuiro spouriciiU aro more prompt wo will bo compelled to obtain other correspondents. O. C. Teel returned Saturday from Indianola, where ho had been to attend tho funeral of his niece, Miss HlliuTeol, daughter of Aninii Teel, which occurred at that place on November 25th. Her death was caused by consumption from which sho had been a MiilTorci' for tho past threo years. Miss Teel was born in this county twenty four years ago, and when but a small child her parents moved to Indianola. Tho deceased was also a nieco of R. D. Thompson of Bcavor Creek township. For tho past low years sho had been in tho employ of tho Westorn Union Telegraph Co. in tho Lindell note), Lincoln. J f VV Ai - V - fc V f' Mis (.'has .MeKeiluiu hasiecoveted fn in hot recent ll ness. Miss lleiiluli ll'ill has aeeepted a position with Alfied Hailell- Co. Tho ladles' bachelor club h s lilted up rooms over Tin mire Hros.' store. J II. Ualloy wni transacting husw' ness in Omaha tho Hist of tho week. J. O. Hutlor will sell you a good warm lap robo for a very small price. Mrs. Lafo Hoyd of Bladen has been quito sick this week, at tho homo of Dr. Cook. F. T. Hnpka and Charles Watcrbury, of Blue Hill, transacted business in the city today. C.J. Piatt and wlfo entertain the whisi'olub this evening at their homo on Seward street. We understand that there is to be a cigar factory established in Red Cloud in the near futuie. Maude Parker, daughter of Mr nnd .Mrs. Will Parker, is quite ill at her liuiue on Sewaid stieet. The KXMmt'so power engine recently puichased b R 11. Ivinnnier for the Red Cloud roller mills, has aniveil :n d is being placed in position. Do joii want sale bill-, progianiinis, letter paper, statements, or cnvclope-l' It so, gel llicin at the Chief. All kinds of piloting on short notice at prices cousUteiil witli good work. The Re. Father Lougnot received Ills iimtocyeie this morning. Ho ex pects, in pleiisiiit weather, to ue it in going to and from iho dillerent Oliuielies at which !ie pioaehos. , Since madam fashion has dccieed that women need not comb their hair the market price of combs and culling irons has rallen to -.tieh an extent that they me alinot given away. Theiowill be no football game In tweeu ltlue Hill and Red Cloud tomot row, as it has been indefinitely post poned. The boys do not wish to ini-s meeting the Franklin team and feel thai they cannot lay romorrow and be in .'oiidition to play at Frimklin in t week, Sal in day. The decision of the dis'rict court in tlie case of the city of Red Cloud vs J.W Moon, wheiein a pottion of the bloek now known as thu Dninerell block was involved has been nlllrmed by the Mipreme court. Tho supreme court has also handed down a decision in the casu wherein the F. and M bank building was involved. In the lirst case the lot involved is tho lot over which is the Hadoll Cash Hargaln house. This lot, unless another settle ment is all'ected, will bo sold and proceed- applied on thu judgment which the city holds. s vv'v We Cannot Complain of Dull Trade. O UR NOVEMBER business was the largest Ai our lnisitu-ss history. has started in cold and stormy, and there are lots of people in who need good, warm Winter Clothing, Shoes, Caps, Underwear and Mittens. We believe that we arc better prepared to furnish y this county. The store that 7 I lO December the county nir wants than any other store in makes the lowest prices is certainly entitled to the business, and we want you to see our line before placin; your bill for Winter Goods. We advertise honest g6ods. False and misleading state ments have never to anyone. By ho dealers attract buj the buying public you out, ami tin beyond redemption yet proved of substantial benefit ding out fictitious inducements some ers to their stores once or twice, but is shrewd, and will be quick to find value of your goods is destroyed .ri. V IFor instance The man who sells soap and advertises that all the good housewife Tias to do is to buy the soap and sit clown the soap will do the test, is no more of a well, we'll put it plainly liar than the clothier who adver tises: "All our $t8 and and $20 suits reduced to $..9S." The sensible man who reads such an ad. does not be lieve it and will keep away from the store that adver tises such reductions. A $10.00 suit is a $10.00 suit here and a good one, too. We are selling Overcoats. Lots of them The prices and qualities are doing the business. tl ki lnb vi tb lb ll till U ll tlrtlkil Uili lb bvlf tilt Villi lit- Lap Robes AND Horse Blankets. A stock ranging in price t from 75c to $3.00, and B BCEEEaBa jtAmmuam ...Gomden-Kaley Glothing Co... The Store that (lever Disappoints. m 1 Jememucr tney are good ones. '"WV Don't pass us by if you are looking for a bar gain in a New Harness we have them and a & nice line to select from, r cr f- Ai-A Wo menu whnt wo sny when wo cay wo can you money on Harness. ''WV- Como In nnd ace our stock of Harness since we Increased the line. Council Procetdings. Council met Wednesday evening in tho olllco of City Clerk Ueiglo, all members present. Petition of citizons that tho city pur chase live stroot lamps to bo placed on the main stroots, was takou under ad visement. Motion made by Pulsipher and seconded by Griiroth, that tho oillces of day marshal and streut and water commissioner bo declared vacant. Motion carried. Moved by Hollistor nnd soconded by Pulsiphor that tho olllco of night mar flhal'bo doclarod vacant. On roll call thoso voting ayo wero Pulsipher and Hollistor; nay, Stauscraud aritToih. Motion carried to reduce salary of night marshal to 812 per month. The following bills wero allowed: Geo. Scott, labor 811 00 G. W.:ow 8 CO Dr. 11 F Raines 10 00 F. Plumb U 8.") L. II. Rlackledgo 20 00 J. R Mercer W) 00 G. W.Dow '! 00 A L. Sutton 1 W) Frank OIiu-on 0 00 K W. Ross SIM) I II Ludlow -i'l 00 J. W. Kinsel I Ml J. M Sollars 10 00 C K. Fearn 0 l.O.O. F. Lodgo 30 00 I I!. Hampton -" 00 O.K Reiglo 35 00 (J.W.Dow 25 00 K .1- Pulsipher 12 50 J II Suinsor 13 CO John Grilloth 13 CO Geo. II Hollistor 13 00 Geo Suiolsor 15 00 Advertised Letters. List of loiters remaining uncalled lor at tho postollicu at Red Cloud, Ne braska, for tho week ending December 1, 1SKM. ;;rs:?xr:?x 7E HAVE the cleanest ancj1 ,110St complete siock ;; yy of Groceries in the cityl Everything is new j and fresh. We have made arran)ements with Alfretl !! Hadell & Co. to accent our nrodllcc checks, thus giving M 3 1 ! 1 I I I ,j Every order has our personal attention. No "kids" to mix up your orders. you all the advSiuges of a department .j ..Twe store. I o our riSntIS wish to say that our exefhee as elerks has given us the advantage of knowing the particular kind of goods desired, and you can find them at our store. If you wish to be sure to get your & groceries DELIVERED PROMPTLY ;jj rnuiNU 102. 1 order them from REIGLE & WEST. 2 Boxes 22-Cartridgcs gor 25c, !X?X-IX Jivbibibibvbvbvbii;iblbibvbvbviilbibililbiblbiliibibiblbibibvblblbvbUiibvbilvbvbvbibiivbvivbvblbvbvbvbvblb4t YOUR HEALTH Will be preserved if you buy your Groceries and Meats of us. Everything neat and clean. A new lot of Heay Cantor Machine Oils at 35c per gallon. Nothing better. Try some of it. RBIFE & ROBINSON. 1 Up-to-Date Grocers and Butchers. S-f- fr fr s-s-f- fr fr fr. fr fr fr fr fr "l"-""""""-"""-""-)"-" MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. Jas. Hristo John Darwin Albert Ficedinan John Juusun Mrs. Mary Louis A. K. Norris 11. I Mrs. IJungard Minnio l-'inorty Will Gnvo L. 11. Kimball P. R. Neal Mrs. Susy Scott Stoll Theso loiters will bo sent to tho dead hotter olllco JJecembor 18, if not called for before When calling for abovo pleaso say "advertised." T. G. Hack kh, Postmaster. I'll bravo tho storms of Chilkoot Pass, I'll cross tho plains of frozen glass, I'll loavo my wlfo and cross tho soa Rather than bo without Rocky Mountain Tea. 35o. O. L.t dotting. The III Wind Unit bloi - nobody go d N In nt on orniMis of lniiehlef in the full nl wl tur, It )I(hIiic(!h that nmsi dinirerous of comiiion complaints a -ul cold. Vour cold wi 1 not become Inonchitis, nor consuniptioii if you make, timely use of Allen's Lung ltalsam. Tuko it fiT(iiontly until tho cough and thu stoppediip feeling in tho chest are gone. Contains no opium and will not disturb digestion. O. L. Cutting Real Estate Transfers. Transfeis for weok ending Wednes day, December 4, furnished by J. II. Halley of tho Wobalor County Abstract company: C. P. Norris, admr to Mary K. Hubbard nw4 bw4 18-2-0 deed.. 800 C. P. Norris, admr to Clara B. Dailoy no4 nw4 18.3 0 deed 000 C. P. Norris, admr to Melissa C. Hngan nwl nw'4 18-2-0 deed 1200 I I. (' I' ll I Is, -ul, 111 ill 1 1 fll-ll. Drown in I sw I 18 2iU deed John M. Applegatu 10 Holdcn S. Applegate -'.! net .'J2-1 10 wd .. Jehu M. Applegnti) to Minnie Heii-on 1.3 net IIM-IO wd L'lmnierl Um to Ijillio M. Qumglo, lots 4;intl 7 blk 13 and lot 7 blk G Rosemont 010 A. D Ramify and wlfo to Philip Kverhart lots 11 and 13 blk 7 Hoovers' add H II qcd . 1 iino 000 000 Total $ 5301 Mortgages llled 8 3C00 00 Mortgages released 2180 00 Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. wlfo liHtl liilliimiriHtory rheumatism In every Morton I.. Hill of Lcbniion. 1ml.. fflvs: "My ir iiml lntliuiiinHlorv rheumatlBin In every mimcle end Joint: tier nifforlug wbb terrible and iior imilr nnd faco wero iwoolen almost beTond recognition; bail been In bed for lx weeks and hml clKhl pliTalcIaua, but received no benefit utilll die tried the Myotic Cure for llbeumatUm. It gave luimedlato relief and the was able to walkabout In tbreo days, lam aureltiaved her life." Sold by It, K. Qrlce, Orugglut, lied Cloud, Nob. ? V --&&- 1 - ..P1J. - x-JgfJj- -vx-mr: Btewii&ttittuv tvltlJlt"-1- '-1, - ...