The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1902, Image 1

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4M V (A t twjar iW)
r Le-
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f'V?"-'" JM:
- " " ra. :rL kv' Pvif Ktluk. iJfD'KviJ -MitfrTn -" -"-- 5clElSt saaty ,
H"ir""i... ri ; ' '
1,J hi
Miner Bros.
V . 1 . - i ;,iru I.IM M .& V r . Af 1 -Vl.fa. rf . - - JkX . A ,i i -.J- - 14 FM . - J. AV 1. Wn IW iHI -- Biaat -J .J I'' ' 1 I tl I "1 'I tt
We are brought to the realization that only
three weeks remain until Christmas
Buy Early. our wants, no matter how plain or how
S ) rnri-iii n ttt r- - . .-- .-, , ..., . -...
o V591 AnvV i VJ I H l - -.
'UliVJ I
It i't'
jfj w) ,4 Wo aro oIlurhiK the best va'-
13 VnjSft " in Kil olovts ever olloi ed
I "'ifwm 51 r, GI()V os 0,,r ,,rIl' -'1,2S
lv "vSb Lai '0 line colois.
LH'iiS Mim-' mill Childun'sCioll
jtJKfcSSE (iliics 25c to SOc 1'iiii
t if TnSi ,''ou 'l0('" ol1 Special Sulo
rf flf VlSP n,l,',,s f this'.oa'-onS eiy
1(11 " latist mid lies! styles
.111 ft'r
rtffll Ail V
m iM Froni ! t0 r' or of tt kintl of
M M J tlio best Mercerized Satin,
'It $W h '"" Ho"li nccordian pleat-
IS m$ M ed and yoke waist bands.
" f IffiM i 81.00 .to $4 00. During this
ti Ol m salo
!frM il e5c to $3.25.
.. A JL S J5,m51:.,....,, JB t iJ 1 V h klLfcfetl ST IT 3fc
Miner Bros.
Three "weeks till
; luxurious, have a meeting place here.
Dvess &oois
Spocial solliiiff of Win ted Diess Cood, in plain (oliiis mid
iniM'llu-s, :!s t , il iiu'hes wide; -0 patterns
iU'fi in k i iiirt 21 v
TAe30 ADooV SwWvws
.'!S to 11 iuehes s iilu
l onuiion y sold at fiOc to G'm
Colors Ulue, led, blaek, grey,
A pike Hurry in Handker
chiefs Good news of good
Handkci chiefs never comes
For the Holiday trade
fiO do. , special lot 5c
r0 do,, at 2 or .'1 or J or o for Sr
10 do. , at lOa
10 do, at IGc
Other Milues at
joe, aril-, :ii', :rii, joe, r.oi-, Tflc
Sjivcs'1 ABvblys
Wc hao about lifteen oi
twenty ia peis h It To
i lose th in out, e olloi them
j our choice
Wei oil 10 to Jl J0 oii-li.
Full sio double- Uli.nket, 5(i
. 7d, eac' .SO
Other alues at
75c, f 100, $1 10, $1 50
Heaviest doublo Hlanket,
niado of shoddy wool,
oich 75
Union lilankots 1.85
All wool, per pr , $.'! to B.OO
fi cans Sardinos 8 25
KJ-oz can Clover Leaf
Baking Powder, guaran
teed ennui to any or
money rof unded 25
BulkCoflees'10,16, .20,30, .35
10 o. Baking Soda ft
2 packages Forco 25
M-lh box BakorsorLow-
ney'H Cocoa 20
bars Uuiialiy Diamond
t! Soup 25
All lfio bottles pickles,
chow chow, etc., at 10
1 can BostonBakcdBeans
tomato sauco 7
Fancy English Walnuts . 10
Hon Dons 8)
Fancy Holland Seed Cab
bago, por lb 1
Miner Bros.
In plenty of time to havo
them leady for Cliilstmiis
Linen finish Damask.. IGo
15c Linens fllo
!0c Linens 51c
Me Linens 75c
$1 00 Linens 8"ic
3Vy Ses
Ijinen Ilankei chief Con
tei-, . 8 .15
HnndKc cliict Li i n, 'M
inches wide 1 (0
Lmbtoitleiy Linen, per
J aid UV, 50c, -CO
htaiupei' patterns-.
New line of Uatteiiberg pal
teins and supplies
Special Chiistmas pi ices
HO 00 Smyi na Hug.... SI 70
:)(i.7'J " .... 2 75
48.81 " .... G00
Welton, Per.sian and
Momiettes $1.10 to 100
A nico picco Furuituro makes
u nico Ciiristmas Oift
Coblor sent, solid oak Rock
er $2 50
Cano seat, oak Comfort. 2 75
Cano seat, solid oak Sow
ing Chair 135
1 1
'rot hers
C'nlvin has somo l evidences fur silt'
F O Brooks U an anging (or a pub
1 c 'lie.
.1.8 Put sons, northeast of town, Is
ipiite sick.
C K. Cnmpliell,, went to IMVitl,
CI iience Keeve stuittil on the uriil
ro no lonilay.
The rcial till (oiiliuui'd :il 'do
(M'tislian chinch
ICiiimei llngiiii was on the Hick list,
h H li a iccoMiicil.
I (' I'luik is mi the lame list, having
! hi'i'ii kn kid ! a hoise.
Wm. Cituv litis letiitned fiotn tlc
We-iti'in pull of the Mtate.
,) I). iNou, of Supcuor, was in
town on business Tuesilaj
(iiii I'toinltit was liouie fiom Deuvei
for riiaiik"gi nig with Ins uients,
.1. A. Htiley bus piitchised Hie
Kibcits piopeity of l)i Moiunville
Milton I'liiitielil's hoise tun uwi
I'm situy e eaing and di molithi d his
Oni hiindiiil Iioim' me uiUeiliiid
to he sold at auction .sitilil.i Di ceiii
Ijh (i h.
Mr and Mis Win Kitkputiiclt mu
i'i juicing oer the at i hal :ti theii liume
of a oii.
U c -lie iufoi iiimI that A Wlutmmo
'win uiuiij f i diii Iowa in the near
fir me and (ncupj liKfaim
U'lion Ttiaukgiviiig .eiviccs wetu
h nl al the Cliti-tiiiu cliuich conducted
i) K Shel man, Headley, Uttel buuk
mill Citnphell,
ItcU'Ucil to lute forlnfct week.
Mis Qmirlcs Ailes is on the sick list.
Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Simpson a buby girl.
Mis. Kate Fisher and daughter aiu
quita setiously indisposed.
N. L. I). Smith was unfoiiiimto to
lose a fut steel just lieforThunksgiiiig
Claience and Coin Heed weiovUil
ing with her patents on Tliunkt-giving.
Pent I, Blanch and Mabel Pope weiu
out to visit tin ir sistci Thnnl.sglvii'g
Mis. (iioige Pupa was visiting her
d uighteii, Mis. Miijo Ailis, the lliot of
the week
A W Hidingiain has icntiil the
lilac i lati Ij vuciiii (t lij tJ .1. Smith foi
the winter. I
The weather continues lino and Hit.
fainicis ale iinpioving the time har
vesting tlieir ciop of coin.
A. B Wiggins has commenced mov
ing feed onto the (Jim. Coon's faim,
which he husiented torn term of yum m.
The school in Dist. No. 80, progresses
in a satisfactory wny under the guid
ing hand of its able instructor, Miss
Aliee I'opo.
Gul Holmgiain, an old lime resident,
is buck again from Utah, Ho biings
his family hnck fiom the laud of
pioaiiso to Nebraska.
Itectlvcd It late rnr liut wick.
C. K. Bu9ter of Franklin visited rel
atives here this week.
Mis. J. 1). Storey visited relatives in
Iinivulo the first of the week,
Misses Thutsa Hubbard and Bertha
Il'iught visited our school Wednesday.
U Adams Dn and Warren Kdson
iniulo a business trip to Inavulo last
Mo id ay.
Mrs. Addle Carpenter of Inavalu
visited over Suuday with her father
U. Adamson,
Albert Koenoy came down from
Anrora last Friday to visit with rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Albert Thompson is enjoying a
visit from her mother and sister from
Auiota this week.
Mrs L. Busey was called to Colorado
last Sunday by tlio serious illness of a
brother and neico.
The pupils of Miss (Jontgia Scott
gave a musical piugi am al her home
lust Satutday afternoon.
MUs Mabel L'ltta, who is attending
What We Say in Our Ads We Do
in Our Store.
Wo Never Misrepresent I
i. id
-'-' l i
"' i
i 7..1
J 1
ifcM wtfwrpt urnw "in " A
1 vfe--
BlvJtZa: ww a a sF v&"2a7 1
The Jewelers
Vho Make ' Their
school at Fiiiiiklin spent lier Thanks
giving vaeutiou ut home.
Mis. Lu Hind, coininnncod her
school worK at Willow Cmuk last Men
day ufto a lliret weeks' viioalian.
Mis H in v Waller cumii homo friiiii
Bed Cloud Wednesday, whom sho had
been iiiting lelutives for u few dajs
A socinl dunce was given at tlio
linneott; W. Higcrlii Filduy night.
Aluigeciod in uuend tncu and
all lopnil u oh iMiiiit linn'
Tli' SlnnilliiHT Army,
Old -I'ooi fellow' And bo you
area soldlei?
Coiporal Canuon Yes. ma'am.
Old I'm nwfull.v sorry for you.
M., my, to think I hey never allow jou j
to sit down! I
Coipurnl Canuoii Ma'am?
Old Lady I said I was sorry for jou, I
and It Is heartless and cruel for the
government to keep it standing tit my
Oil the time.
Coiporal Cannon Ma'am? Oh, jes
ma'am, thank jou. London Chums.
I)lx'orr- of Iron.
Teacher Johnny, can you tell
how Iron was first discovered?
Johnny Yes, sir. '
"Well, Just tell the cIubb what your
Information Is on that point"
"I heard pa say yesterday that they
smelt It." Spare Momenta.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It wu made lor.
nr Till!
PEOPLE'S BANK of Rfr" of,u,, D
Incorporntcd hi the Stnto of Nehrniia'! tlio
tliiko of biiHincns Nov. 2flih, vo.
I.nnim and DIbcouiiIh .... S00. KT 41
(hunlniftH, Kpcurcil kihI iuiecure(J.,
hlHtu ami county warrants ..,
Furniture and llxturcB ..,
ctirri'nt oxpoiikeianrl lxc pald..
1 1
l.trlW si
VII 3i
1.37U 40
Due from National aim State
HaukH, raHli til f3 (A
Cliorku and iem of exclmiiKO -317 77
IIIIIh of oilier baukH a.Uil 00
NioIuIh and cents ........ 33 08
Hpcde 2,718 75
I.crkI tender noted ....... 2,(00 oo
Total (anil on hand.. ........ 3S.I&5 18
1133,207 10
Caillal tork . . ......... flh.rco 00
Hlllltlui fuml ..... IOOjOHI
Undivided nrofltB ... .,.. 4 "i'i 07
Indlvldiml lleposlH aubject
to check - 177,185 33
Demand Cortlllcaleaof dv
poult .. 88,897 (7-1W 48.! 3J
.. II3JJ07 10
County of WeiJbiiT, ("'
I. V, hherw)0(l. cahr of tlio
bikho imnini iihiik mi "iiiiaiiiiv hiMiir Hint tin'
nliiiVf Hliiti nii'iil I' iMirri'i l 1ml h trine up) of
the reirt uimlu In tliu Muti lliillkliii' lnuird
lATrr.Tl W. iKnioiiii,Liililer
.1. I. Misrit Plrcitor,
( II Mishi. Piiii'lnr,
'iili-crllid mid Mvirn lubcforo on r.rl
ilrtj of Die inlur !')').
A. II brLi.Ai, Notary 1 ubiiv.
W1- ",u not
' ' inst. but wi
not sollincr at
rv aui: si:i l-
i(. at lower prices than otli
i is ask for the same goods.
Our regular plain figure
pt ii s are lower than others
spet i.tis. We have the new
er, cheaper stock, larger as
sornnent, lower prices.
When you want a watch,
dock, or anything in our
line come in and we will
prove every assertion we
and Opticians,
Guarantees Good.
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:'
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means long sickness.
To stop the continued
lo.s of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
fc ling of weakness they
nt id Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gics new life to the weak
.Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
ncYves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
He lure that this picture In
the form ol a label it on the
wrapper of every bottle ot
Einuliion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c and $1 1 all druggliU.
We llud, in looking over our hooks,
ihat quite a number of our subset ihors
aeiii ai rem s on their subseiiptinn,
Tim Chief is one dollar per eur, pay
nine in iiilv.inee, Those knowing
tiifiiiM'hnt, indebted to us will ple.tso
.nil and settle. Your kindnesss hall
ni ver be (oignlteu.
fft. 1
C2f &U2' U X VASr' U W
t i
i '
:tffr-. i-vv'5-a.itwijr'-..w.' 7.nCVT