The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1902, Image 7

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Simplicity Comes In.
It Booms that wo have had ho much
of clnbornto cmlirolilory this year that
thoro Ir to bo a reaction this fall In
favor of simplicity. Wo aro to havo
Homo of that good old-fashioned em
hrotdcry known as cross Htltch, anil
It Ir to ho used on everything shirt
waists, lunch covers, dollies, turn
overs and ns a marking for household
linen. Some very pretty luncheon
cloths done In crosa Htltch ki colors
blues, reds and yellows and In n
very old-tlmcy and slmplo pattern
nro shown. Exqulslto chlrt waists are
seen of whlto crash with fronts cov
ered with doslRtiH In cross stitch dono
In blue and whlto, and one of the fash
ionable brides Is having all her linen
marked In crots stitch. It's the same
old story after much elaboration wo
return to cross stitch and simplicity.
Handsome Bridal Gown.
This bridal gown, worn by Mrs.
Sadie 1'rlco Toll, now Mrs. Percy
Turnurc, Is of pale grey cropo do chlno
with insertions and a collar of antique
lace. Tho turban Is of palo gray fur i
felt, trimmed with an ostrich plume
nrranged in cavalier fashion. Phila
delphia Ledger.
'Novelties In Buckles.
Pretty novelties In buckles for colo
nial ties are shown, as well as new de
signs In houno slippers. Tho patent
leather slipper does not reign su
preme, as It once did; there arc satin,
matt kid, suede and dull-flnlhh kid,
each appropriate for morning wear In
tho house or with evening gowns. Tho
candal slippers for dross und evening
wear aro fashionable this season.
They have three straps all patent
leather, with Louis XV. heels. Hut
the season's hosiery Is .so smart that
many women refuse these dainty
strapped sandals. With handsome
hose, very low dancing shoos aro
uhown, but tho heel cannot be low;
it Is a modified Du Harry. The Cuban
heel is as popular on tho Colonials as
ever, and "swell" shoes are shown of
a::Sfi::T ' leEacMAafiiucxv .
HWHWOHXni i-gHu in wjtt b a
a S I fffrfc"rai-aS?M8Jl .-"-
--"-- J WVl r.r. '. I'tAJi WiX7Jm vRiTStf-'lTRT-3fcv- -
this last at from
York Tribune.
$3.G0 to J5. New
New Shade of Gray.
Very fow new colorB have come out
this year, but there Is one thnt has a
now name, at all events. Ico gray It
Is called, and the shade Is really dif
ferent from nny of the multitudinous
grays which havo been on the market,
ico gray is not quite n smoke color,
nor Is It at nil on the drab order, but
It Is an attempt at a pale, clear, trans
parent looking gray. A bluish glint or
shlmmor gives It the name.
New color effects In dress goods aro
continually being Invented, and every
year wo see mora beautiful shades
than those wo havo known before.
The simple pinks and blues and hard
grays of ten years ago would hardly
bo acceptable now. Softer colors and
complex Intermlngllngs of shades are
sought by the smait women.
Tho now Ice gray Is a beautiful
winter tint, nml Is handsome when
made up with touches of gieen, or
simply combined with white finished
by a trimming of delicate frosty-look-lug
Pressing Outfit.
The girl who goes to college or the
woman who travels will npprecluto a
gift of a pressing outfit. The essen
tials are a tiny iron such ns is used in
pressing the frills of babies' caps, a
small bread-cutting board, and any
one of tho numerous heating inven
tions which are made to tit over n gas
Jot. A square of due sandpaper and a
stick of wax complete tho outfit, which
may bo packed In a neat box. The
Iron nnd the board aro to be had at
the 10 cent stores. Tho convenience
of the outfit is very great. Humpled
ribbons and veils, handkerchiefs,
stocks, laces nnd frills can bo fresh
ened In one's own room, nnd certain
chiffons mmlc to do duty over and over
Monte Carlo Coats.
Tho Monte Carlo coat in various
designs Is again popular this season.
Some of tho coats aro In three-quarter
styles, others arc In hip length
with nn Inverted plait at tho center of
tho looso back and n similar plait
on each side of tho box fronts. The
styles In cloth, ns a rule, have a single
capo collar and bishop sleeves, while
the silk coats havo flowing sleeves
and two shoulder collars, with a llnish
ot laco or embroidery and a double
row of buttons.
If tho white woolen shnwl has be
come soiled, dip It into n bath of
corumoal nnd rub It thoroughly.
Two or three tahlespoonfuls of
strong but delicately flavored tea arc
said to enhance the delights of apple
A mingling of clove nnd lemon flavor
-. V vi
In tho afternoon tea Is delightful. Drop
a whole clove Into each cup Just be
fore serving.
In bottling pickles or catsup, boll
tho corks, and while hot press thorn
In the bottles; when cold they aro
senled tightly.
Nail a piece of barrel hoop for a
handle over a box In which to bring Ire
chips. Tho dirt will not sift through
as when n basket Is used.
Washing In cold water when over
heated Is a frequent causo of disfigur
ing pimples. Hot water and a piece
of flannel for a face cloth are prefer
aUlc. Never sun feather bods or pillows.
Air them thoroughly on a windy day
In a cool plnce. The sun draws tho
oil and gives tho feathers a rauclJ
Pretty White Waist.
Mouse of white taffeta, or cloth,
tucked nil over nml fastening on one
side. It Is trimmed around tho neck
yoke fashion, nnd down the side with
btltched bnnds of turquoise bluo vol-
vet, finished with chcnlllo fringo ot
the same shade. It Is also ornamont-t-d
with turquoise buttons. Chic Pari
cicn. Anne Hathaway Curtalna.
If you have a basement dining room
or rather dark bedroom where long
curtains shut out too much of tho
light, try tho effect of tho linen Anno
Hathaway curtains, copied from tho
o!d house at Strntford-on-Avon. Theso
aro simply fecrlm or dotted Swiss,
made about three-eights of a yard in
length, finished with a finger and n
half hem at tho bottom and a two-Inch
hem nt the top, shirred very full upon
a brass rod or cord and hung ncross
tho top of tho window casement.
Theso do not cut off tho light, but
give an artistic finish to the windows,
which shndes alono leavo too severely
The Taffeta Gown.
Tho taffeta gown, although it may
bo not as popular ns some of tho other
creations, Is, nevertheless, a beautiful
effect and hns that body aud rustlo
to It that can bo obtained in nothing
else. Then, too, it can be made to
stand alono more than any other fab
ric, aud does not fall flat against tho
body as do tho thinner nnd less stiff
materials. For a Jacket effect or any
thing on this order. the taffeta Is ono
cf the most excellent materials that
could tie used, a'ld In gowns that show
a bolero, or a frock and frills effect;
t:pper portion it Is a great favorite.
No Doubt of It.
Tho waiter started as tho woman
Rot up and left tho restaurant. Then
hs she disappeared Into tho street ho
rushed up to the proprietor nnd whis
pered Into his ears': ,
"That woman was a man In dis
guise." "What makes you think so?"
"I'm auro of It," said the man with
tho napkin. "8hn ordered a steak, po
tatoes, salad, cheoso and pie nono of
ypur coffeo and rolls and" hero ho
hissed tho words Into the car of his
listener "she tipped mo I"
Nothing Doing.
Ooodhnrt I'm surprised thnt you
shouldn't consider him charitable.
Whonover nny of his neighbors aro In
trouble he's always the tlrst to usk It
be can do anything for them.
I'epprey Yes, he goes about It llko
a woman out shopping. It doesn't
cost him anything to ask questions.
Undeserved Credit.
"Sllnp Hrlnknor says he stayed un
der water fer nigh a mlnll-'n'a-hulf
one day las' summer."
"Indeed! He must bo nmphlblous."
"Eh! Well, If that's tho (Ireck for
liar you've hit It right fust tliuo.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ho Does you' talk raw oysters?
Sha Nope. Do shells hurts malt
More Tractable.
Oreat Employer I always employ
married men If possible.
His Friend Good Idea. Holps to
conEervo thnt sacred Institution, the
Oreat Employer I hndn't given that
a thought, but I suppose It Is so. I
employ married men because thoy aro
more tractable.
Her Vocal Charm.
"Young Ituddlestor. Is going to
marry Miss Wlpples, Is he? She's u
good, amiable girl, but not at all at
tractive." "I know It. Ho fell in lovo with her
"Her voice?"
"Yes; she use3 It so seldom."
Plenty of Rope.
"Yes, Indeed," said the steersman to
tho admiring young ladies who formed
tho cargo of tho yacht; "yes, Indeed,
this tosscI makes sixteen knots nn
"Mercy!" commented one Innocent
young thing; "at that rate you must
uso a lot of rope during a year."
Fierce Indeed.
"Now, then, children," said tho
bachelor, who had been commenting
upon polar expeditions, "who can tell
me what fierce animals Inhabit tho
regions of the North Pole?"
"Polecats," shouted tho boy nt tho
foot of the class.
JKBK&J' fT" iI Css-'
Proprietor Hut suppose we raako
and you can't sell It, what then?
Promoter Then we will print "c"
chair dressing. Sec?
Good Fishing.
"I bco they nro trying to fish a lot
of coal out of tho Merrlmac river
whoro a coal bargo was sunk ten years
"Hy gum! that's tho kind o' placer
mining that pays nowadays."
Youngblood "My rich undo prom
ised to do tho right thing by mo In his
Crltlcus "That's too bad. Ho
really ought to leave you Botncthlug."
Loading Man Wo are having an
KansaH City.
Manager What's tho trouble?
Leading Man Why, tho Ileef TniBt
Mr. Jones I wiah I had the now
Mrs. Jones I'll lend you tho cook
up 1,000 bottles of your hair dressing
In front of hair on the labels nnd havo
A Rustic Conclusion.
"Well, well," remarked Farmor
Korntop at tho zoo, "this hero lions
pears to bo real good-natured,"
"Mebbo," suggested his good wlfo,
"It's ono of them socle' lions yo read
about In tho papers."
Ne Plus Ultra.
"How daro yon try to kiss mo?"sho
cried indignantly. "Don't you know
nny better?"
"If I did I'd try to kiss her," ropllcd
ho, "but raally you aro tho best over "
awful time playing "Quo Vndls" In
has taken our bull away from us.
An Unusual Button.
"TIiIh collar button Is my own Inven
tion," said tho street fakir, "and tho
nnmo I havo given It Is 'Fault.'"
"Hecause everybody has faults?"
suggested the rod-noeod man In tho
"No, my dear sir, simply becnuso lt'
so easy to find."
Preferred the Reality.
"Loi'h go nnd bco tho mimic battlo
between the fleet and tho laud forces.
They nro about ready to begin."
"You enn go nnd watch It If you
want to. There's to be a cockfight
down hern In n bnrn not far away,
and I'd rather boo thnt. It's mora ex
citing." Knows What's Coming.
"I boo that all tho explorers have
returned from tho Far North," ob-t
served tho mnu with the Incandescont'
"Yes," raid tho man with tho plcklo
nose, "I havo canceled my subscrip
tions to tho magazines."
colt broken.
after dinner.
She can break anything.
Before the Axe Fell.
Charlotte Cordny was being tried
for tho murder of Marat.
"Hut," protested her counsel, "you
exaggerate tho affair. Ho merely got
a dlrklsh bath."
Desplto this masterly defense, tho
Guillotine onco more did its deadly
woi k.
Relief Under Any Circumstances.
Mrs. Touser And ufter tho wny you
havo treated mo I supposo when you
dlo you expect to go to heaven.
Mr. Touser I don't know, my dear,
where I shall bring up, but I have no
doubt It will seem llko heaven to mo
by way of contrast, you know.
In a Boston Library.
Hnrnes I suspect that PIngrey Is
quite n literary man. 1 know ho
spends tho greater part of his time in
tho public library.
Howes Yes; ho tells mo It Is so
quiet there ho can get a nap almost
any time without being awakonod.
Rubbing It In.
He If you wefuso mo I shall put a
bullet thwough my bwaln.
She Tho Idea! How could you?
Ho I supposo you think I'm talk
ing llko a cway man?
She Oh, no, llko a sharpshooter.
The Green Corporal.
"Why didn't you sack tho town ns
I ordered?" demanded tho Irato gen
eral. "Hokn8o wo didn't hov Iny bags,
aor," responded tho green corporal.
. ' wont' to Aul
li in umMammmmimmmmtm