X?1? "V 5T- -- -r-" '"- zeg3&3&3g- -4 . -il 11 - t-... 5-r-v. .4l2ii-ciBL. - - -9ff. piifiiiifl!'-- r,,;(' i Jif-V- u '"I M-r' ,i wji." ?-- w. ji&Wj&SP&Vl - ,- - ji"- - ----- . . - - "ra-iw CMf ?M ; "'- I if 1 l if i I' ;Tr i "-- :"f, nh mtmbm - - rmr uii M (EUIitfy uBsA TK Hi LH 13 iH J llVWv. VViB r'M. r - V "iffgg: T'J - m u j-P - W , a $&S(L4l mw Its - m Jibs- I 1 r R 8rt 'w L - I Ir - -" -- - 3s? h5m i- l?W5v. .JA "-&tfir&3t-..Mihsr fe" HfeAB,'.l. r M m, ', ;3 " -,;-(" .i .:. - --1--- air5', mv ti-'ws&sk ;'?:--,r-T't. -wJi -n, '-ij .- .--jl ..mm - -- .. jm 'l x. .'i- t.KiiBV r m i ' 3T 5 -. t:tr i k t, ,-w t i) ir '.-wm.' .- r-'i-t.. " , h.i. n. a FHki. .not mm. r-- ih "v i 1 ' i t r ' . wml- i' m m m VRZ .! l"VW 12. V ? 7. J " m-'Tryfr.(ymi ' t&?a. y&i1 'dTVi ..ts' rtadtBa(llffiaBfcfe ? A.JL- :;:li -. iBBioaPs irLT-"x. ihJE'v rh. 'arra-A &. - pniHnp i jtriBaT- i . ' jt-- -t Hi - iF "" i i j.kiujnrHrLBi i-mdr,r m n ibnBiir- b - - - - . n j- ca v- --: t rw i- u. .t r'i a-it sAJjmmtiaL.:a.j-iiri,ri.LmB- i-r-iir-rri a.' nj --f j-c - i iv i 'i- t'nr vuv jr-or k s.l rr--- -3itj,i.:nBPirTi v nnrji)iBHri.miiuiBWirl. -wi'iw auMC XTrj..v.a 'v f ;dtc . 'JferS5f:a-A:iBKi'E72 -fi fc nj tt tf VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, XBBKASKA, XOVKM1JISK 21. U)()2. XUMIJER I Miner Brothers9 - B.g Store. CHAIRS! Built on Right Lines ! In buying chairs sec that they arc built on right lines, so that they will be comfort able and durable. All chairs we sell are made to hang right, to give good ser vice and sure to look nice. Rockers. Wood Scut Sfwmj; i-lmirs Sl.OOJ ClIIIC M'llt M'Uillir chair- 81.2.). Solid O.ik ciino M'iil .-(whin I'huii ?1 J5 1 It. .1 ...... .ll H I. (l.l hf.llt if ,.; jm Solid Oak, cobh'cr j? scat, a leader ii SO. ' , VV.-,7f r-i-T-K-tr i- tm 1-sfffU j ft- Zlih m Diners. t-CJ), sr& ,--- ..vui ij 6 (I !---J'-. I f -LJ ! 1 KiicliiMi cliaiu- 50c. HiU (I wood cunt' -cat diiici TS'1 Solid O.ik cane cat dinci- t.") . Wood scat, liaid wood "1 00 Solid Oak, wooil MMIt Jl SO. So'hl Oak, i"i -.a'. i 2.) l SO 81 75 iii'1 s2.uu Large Comfort Rockers. .Maple, "u!ic cit, ?2 00. Hal d wood, wood oat $2 00. Hardwood, wood scat &2.&0 Solid oak, cane scat. 82 ."0. Fancy Christmas Rockers. Miiny Uiiniloniuo Designs I'licesrnngo from $2 75 to 310 00 unci). Odd Dressers. Ash Dressers, 20x24 nlaKP JO 00 Elm Dress r, closed toilet $10 00 Solid oak, full swell front, French plato mirror 11 SO SPECIAL VALUE IN Parlor Cabinets, Iron Bods, Suites, Couches, China Closets, Sideboards, Buffets, Book Cases, Etc. In one of our display windows wo iuj showing a Dining Room Suit Quarter Sawed Oak Sidabnard, (1 Solid Oak c"fru) Heat Diners 1 Solid OakMish top, extension table, All for $23.00, Sewing Machines. Mt rJ "Tml MADK ON A "FIELD" Sewing Machine. '1 his livicliinc ni'ikc-i in'tii r Mi-nin-i with less labni" than any other, l'hev aie the peifcction of thought and "kill and an- made to -ell at low cost. Hall Hcai ii fj. An eNpcit to .-how machine-. Field at $20.00 and $25.00. Invader, Si, '.so to $15.00. CLOAKS! PERFECTLY TAILORED. PERFECTLY ELEGANT. There's fat himi and style in our lead) made garments. We have 111 dividualitv and health Another new It t t IVJonte Caries Kisliion's, Xinn.i Sv elt . Pi ice- 1 ii !t ii 1 in $2.00 to $10.00. VMmtaw ft I. . V V-T'"" J' V'Wfy iRV l TfVi. J Qttecnswave. The Shelving of China in our t ire U 1 ir ahoe In oi'dinai v Heie me some of the in -si beautiful 100 p ecu sets you uv-r -a v. $1000 for linglish part gold traced. $13.30 for best English semi-porcelain. The Turkey's Turn. This is the time when the bird of freedom gives awny to the bird of Thank), giving. You ought to have the best to get your full enjoyment from iheitnr. Wo will soo that you get the best of goods' FRUITS--Apples, Poars, Orangoo, Lemons, Grapes. NUTS- C'hosnuts, Hickory Nuts, Walnuts, PecaiiH, Filbirts, Almonds. Hrazils, Celery, Assorted Pjo Fruit; Mince Moat. Mister Brothers STATE CREEK. Duck mid goose hunters are numer ous of late. I Property sold teal well at the Wm. Uarrott sale. . Hoi Stnncr is having his residence painted and repaired i Mrs. Pearl Scrivner visited Mrs. Win Ko-oiicrnns, last week I A. CI KnplvHm Iiiiik.Ii) (...in.. itl..i yoiu g hogs of Wm. Uo-cncians. I ! Uncle H I y Vaiiilyko is having a very seiious time with udi-ablod limb. I Mrs Win llu-klns is in rather poor health although able to bo around some of the time Sam Shuck's house has a 1 ew ap pearance .since lie has built 11 new ' porch mid brick foundation Kmina Moliue coutinenced touching' near Woinor, last Mondui . This Is her llrst school and c prophesy that she will be 11 splendid teacher. Will Canipbel who lecontly tnided hisfmmto Hiue-t llaskius for Iowa 'propoity. has moved to town mid Kinost has possession f Hie farm I Alan Carpenter lias bought the team ami 1 IIL'L'V OUIK'll liv I'.ilil (ii-nvvoll 11ml has gone to visit his lather in Colorado. He expects to let 111 11 in the spiing. Samuel Mount ford met with a teal painful accident last week by .strain-1 I ing his ankle. At present, it is some butter and ho walks witli the aid of crotches. j Oatheiing corn is the out rof the f day on our neck Some Holds mo down and not yielding as well as the tanners expected when wo wore having those heay inins. Zol Stouor mid John Coibitt are riding in now buggies A I Scrivener, Oscar and Cluis. At buckle, Oeo. Mount ford, Oils Molino mid Clias. Hanett have new wagons. I V II Scrivner says that Smith county has elected the entire roptib- lican ticket by mi average of about tU ! majority and that ton years ago tliat county was aiiout ;hh.i majority populist or donio-pop j Wo -co intprovoinonts in every oi rection. Jas. (iillis has an addition to his icsldciico, Win l''raucis has a now reshli uce, P S l-'iasior anil Sam John son have large, now barns mid many 1 ...1..... 1 1. ..in 11. i, 11.:. .llll-l- lllltl' IMIlll lll't UIIIJS. .Vll III1S C ' 'h evidence of piosptrity. I LUWLlii Mrs. Mil. Moinii lui- oc n (piilo mii k uiii is now mi l 111;;. Mr O-car HoH'o Had Hie nu-Ioiiuiio to lose a giuxl hoi.-e last Mouda. Mr J D btoie illumed TuiMlny from Uenvei, wheieho had boon tiaus acting biiiiie-h. The M. V. A baikot supper last Sat in day evening was well attended and a good.y sum icmi.'d Mr John Oieeualgh Jr and wife en. tertaiuid ft lends from Hod Clou 4 Wednesday and Thursday. Prof, Thompson's mother who has been visiting him for the last week, re turned to her home in lo'va hiBt Wed nesday. Huv. and Mrs. Kojher returned last Saturday from the eastern poit of the state where they have been visiting for tho past mouth. Miss Ellis linger enteitninul a few of her most intimate friends at a din nor party, November 16th the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. liemptoii of the Good Templar organization held gospel Tempeiance meetings in tho Christian church Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings, large crowds attends oach ovening and nil speak highly of the lectures. A Good Templar lodge was organized with qulto 11 membership. What We Say In Our Ads We Do in Our Store. Me Never Misrepresent ! EITHER QOODS OR PRICES I Irt - ' "Wi "tj !". rN .fe J i?!ofer2 " Zi & W he Kvw7TS.nvv nnM IJT'Ii) are not selling at COSt, but VK AKH SKl.I." int. at lower prices than oth ers ask for the same goods. Our regular plain figure prices are lower than others specials. We have. the new er, cheaper stock, larger as sorrment, lower prices. When you want a watch, clock, or anything in out line come in ami we will prove every assertion we itt'iku. REMEMBER THE GUESSING CONTEST FOR THE n n Who Make , 920.00 WATCH CLOSES NOVEi NEWHOUSE MS Tho trial of D. S Phelps vs Hall, damaae suit, is 011 tlie docket for tills term of 0 urt, Xels Anderson sold his quarter of lmiil for 8.'i:!00 to 11 Mr Denton from Hamilton county. Mr. and Mrs. W II Iloll'nimi have gone to Helvllle, Kansas, to consult w th a specialist Foley Wholan of Kos hiinl drove over to -co Ids father who has been having a spell of slcl ne-s. fZR GO. m I Good. 1 III ' llinllM'l iH'HItii imL m! The Jewelers and Opticiayis, Their Guarantee i BLADEN. Did you f.eo it biiowj Will did It. All kinds of weather tho pn-t week. Jack Moore bhipped out a carload of old iron. Mrs (iravosof Hod Cloud Is at tho homo of tho Heynolds'. Friends from Lincoln mo tho guests at tho homo of J A Lcosvoldt, HLUE HILL Clyde Deluhoy is much better at the proent writing. Miss Lioulah Ashby vl-ited wl h frieiKls in Hastings, this week. Mrs Goo Marl in mat with u painful accident, 0110 day last wsek, severely spraining her wrist The foot ball team, notwithstanding the loss of a few teeth, is crowning it self with glory. Mr. and Mrs Clias May of Hladon spout Sunday with Mr Williams mid family of this place Mr mid Mrs Oliver Wright camo up, Monday, from Red Cloud to attend tho Hull-King wedding. Tyrol Beaver, wife and baby arrived hero, Saturday, coming to attend the King Hull wedding, Tuesday. Ono of Cluis. Wiitorbury's Ilttlo boys foil, Sunday evening, mid recolvod Komo very voro Injuries, dislocating a shoulder anil fracturing his collar bone. Rov. Father Haronal camo up from Lawronco, Monday ovoulng, to colo brato High Mass, Tuesday at 10 o'clock, in the Catholic church. Mr Hummel recolvod tho sad Intoll genco, of tho death of Otto Stokes, at his home near Grandviow, Iowa, Nov 7th Ho was about 45 years of ago and loavos, to mourn his death, a wife and 11 vo children. Ho was at 0110 tiino a resident of Webster county, owning and living on tho farm now ownod by Frank Van Patten and located south of tho rlvor. Ho was a mombor of tho A O U W lodgo of Rod Cloud. Ho was n momber of tho Methodist church, u good neighbor and was efcteomod b all who knew him. Tuesday, Novoiubor 13th at 8 o'clock at tho homo of tho bride's parents, In north part of town, at high noon nc curroil't ho marriage of Mii-sGnico Hull to Otto King, Kov G. W Hummel of lldiallng Tho young people are two of lllue Hill's best mid brightest Miss Luck In Thirteen. My s ndin l.'l mile- Win. Spirny, of Walton Furiiiire, Vl., got a b x of Hiioklon's Hrnica Salve, that vtn lly euied a lioirible fever soio on hi- leg. Moihing o so could. Posl.ively cuius biiis-os, felons. tilc r, eifiptions, boils, boils, corns ti I'd pile- Only 25 cell's. Guaranteed by O L. (Jotting, diuggist Proverbs "When the butter won'.t come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy ! proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers arc worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something 1 astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you the penny, . c, a sample free. He lure tint this picture In ;1 I (he form of a hbtl is on the 1 wrapper of mry bottle of ' w r r.inulslon you buy, B j SCOTT & BOWNE, j Chemists, jl ! 409 Pearl St., N. Y. .' oc. and ti.oa 1 all drunrhls. fcl CONTIM'KII US I'AIIK 8. Sfiir'! JSslaSJ I:! I -: ! wi S&ii wn ?c i kTiiii'niMMi,niriRwMgf'p f ,sy a