The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1902, Image 5

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In tho " Cottlug Drug Store"
contest tho following are the
successful contestants:
Laura McCuno 1700 words
Ada Sliultz 1 1K1 words
J. II Kollo,,,: 120!) words
Myrtle Kofflrtson ...117(1 words
Ruth JolinWoii 1102 words
Lois Bcckwith 11 5.' I words
See J. O Butler.
Wanted Corn, by W. B. Roby.
Iiunry Kowler is again at work (or
tho lladcll Cash Bargain house.
F. V. Taylor, undertiiker and em
balmer. Opposite Colting's drug store.
J. O. Hutlor will sell you a good
warm lap roho for a very small price
Just unloading another car of tho
very best quality of Mnitlatid coal at
W. D. Roby's.
What do you need in tho way of
harness or hardware. You can get
tho best of either at Butler's.
LloydCrabill is having tho street car
lino extended so that ho car put the
cars in tho barn. '
Klwin Lewis resigned Ids position
with tho lladcll Cash Bargain house
rtfid Tuesday morning, left for Kiota,
Mrs. Jos. Graves and daughter, Mrs.
Itollison, went to Bladen Sunday, for a
visit with Mrs. Graves' daughter, Mrs.
Frank Smith, left Sunday, for Mans
field, Illinois, when ho was called by a
telegram stating that ono of his brother
was dying.
Mrs. Clarence Shumway returned to
her homo in Hastings, Saturday, after
a short visit at tho home of A. 11.
Avaley and wife.
It is .-aid that every luide his many
friend., but in a few jons they dwin
dle down to one. That's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Makes and keeps her well.
For sale by C. L. Cutting.
W. S. Reuse and wife left Tuesday
morning for a vi.sit with relatives in
Tccumseli. Mr. Benso expects to
rottinii within a week and Mm, Bene
will remain for an extended visit.
Dr. Worriok or Dr. Riddlo of Hast
ings will meet eye, ear, nose and throat
patients and thoso needing glasses lil
ted, in Dr. Creighton's oilico, in Red
Cloud, Saturday, November 10th.
Tho n6xt meeting of tho Modern
Woodmen of America will bo hold on
Thursday evening, November 20, tho
meeting night having boon changed.
I. W. Euson, Clork.
Services oach Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock and evening nt 7.80. Sun
day school at 11 o'clock. Proaching at
Indian Crcok nnd Huruell school house
'each nltornato Sunday. Hey. Wm.
Ilauptmann, pastor.
Wo aro. indebted to Albright Bros,
for a very neat thurmoinotor and baro
meter, such as they aro giving with
each $.") 00 worth of goods purchased,
either furniture, carpets, rugs, musical or other goods. Wo hope
by the use of ihn barometer to be able
to tell when to get in out of tho wet,
The laditH of tho Baptist church
were pleasantly entertained at tho
home of Mm, -J. D. Cnins on Fourth
m-onuo last Friday afternoon, l'iano
solos by Mr.--. Craus and whistling
solos, with piano accompaniment, by
Miss Margurit' Craus wero somo of
tlio features of the afternoon. Lunch
eon was served, which needless to sty
was delightful. The ladies alt report a
splendid timo aud unite in wishing that
Mrs. Craus will soon repeat the enti-r-tnlnmeut
. . . i
A Iwenty Year
Life Policy
'In an Old Line Company is;
the best kind of life
Tho ensh valuo of tho policy at tho;
ond nt tno period is more than
you Imvo paid.
'Firo, Lightning, Tornado and
Life Insurance,
l In tho best Old Lino or Mutual'
O. C. Teel, Agt.,i
For a nice win in Inn robe o to Joo
Miss Mellio lloyd returned home.
Mis Kiunia Graves went to Blade
Mrs. M. S. Hants is on the sick lift
this week
Mrs. Talbot was visiting in Guide
Rock, Sunday.
Jas. Grlmeger of Wjinore was in
this city Saturday.
N. l Curtis of Lincoln was in the
city the Hist of tho week.
Do you need a nice light harness?
(Jet it nt Fogel's; ho handles tho best
for the least money.
Get your horse blankets, lap robes
and harness of Fogel; he sells tho bot
for the least money,
Walter Warren has left St. Joseph
Missouri, and has accepted a positii
in Des Moines, Iowa.
I, 1'. Albright and daughter, lone,
returned Friday Jailer a business trip
in Lincoln aud Omaha.
Uiifus Micksh is having an addition
built to the house which ho recently
purchased and is making other im
provements to the prorerty.
Tho county commissioners wero in
session at tho court house this week
A full report of the proceedings will be
published in the Chief next week.
i)n another page of today's Chief will
be found a tabulated abstract of tho
oflleial voto of Wcbtser county, cast at
the recent election, compiled from the
oillcial canvas of tho ballots.
A big haul by highwaymen, substi
tutes and others who steal the good
niuno nnd fame of Koeky Mountain
Tea inado famous by Madison Medi
cine Co. 35c. For sa'o C. L. Coiling.
F. Nowhouso has had tho house,
which stood ono block west of tho Red
Cloud mill, removed to his farm, north
of tho city. John Havel and Will Ku
drua used their traction engine to do
the pulling and J he Harkely super
vised the woik
According to tho giiino law paed
by the Noiiraska legislatum of 1001,
"llshing in every manner, s. ape and
form is forbidden from November 1st
until April 1st " Those who have been
going to the river with pole, lino and
hook, through force of habit, will re
gulate themselves accordingly. Every
known violation will bo prosiouted to
the full extent of tho law.
J. 1) Mines, United States revenue
collector for this district, was in this
city the first of tho week and in lookino
over and cheeking up deeds and other
iustiunisiits in the county clerk's oilico
ho discovered a number of instruments
which diii not have enough revenue
stamps on them and also a numlu'r
which had no stamps on them. Ac
milling to tho revenue law these in
struments are invalid They are in
Ncruinouls which wero tiled previous to
July lit, 1002.
Last, Tuesday evening, at the Apex
Howling alloy, live of Superior's expert
bowlers mot and defeated, by eighteen
points, a like number of Kcd Cloud
bowlers in a serio3 of three closely con
tested games. Tho Superior team was
composed of Mossors Stino, Felts, Ham
mond, Johnson and Wait, and Hod
Cloud's team of Mossors Lano, Clark,
Cummings, Tnit nnd Lucszler. The
homo toaru for some causo was not in
good form and did not play their usual
good game. Wait of Suporior made tho
high scoro of tho ovoning for a ton
framo gamo making 108 points and
Messors Stino nod Lano tied on second
placo with 100 points. Aftor tho gamo
tho Suporior boys wero taken to tho
Hon Ton Cafo and thoro treated by
Frank Cowdon to a supper. Tho Sup
orior boys express themselves as very
much pleased with their treatment
Last Sunday morning, nt 8:30 o'clock,
at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Euiigli, residing in the
north part of tho city, occurred tho
wedding of thoir daughter, Miss Hon
nip, to Dr. Norman II. Morrison, tho
Hev. M. P. Dixon, of the M. K. church,
performing tho cerotnonyil'iio nurl
ding was a very quiet iiirair, there be
ing only a few of tho most intimate
friends present. Tho young couple de
parted, amid a shower of lice, on tho
ten o'clock train for a wedding tour
througii tho east. They will visit, be
fore they return, the principal cities as
well as other points of interest. Upon
tucir ret in n to this eiij, they willuecu
py the looms recenti) vacnted ly Mr
and Mis. M M.Steiu. over the Cmv-
ilen-Kulcy Clothing Co. storerooms
Dr. Morrison is well nnd favorably
known in this city, having spent the
greater portion of his life here. He
for some timo taught in publio schools
of Hcd Cloud, and, having decided to
tako up dentistry as his life work, ho
entered tho Omaha Dental College,
from which ho graduated with honor
in 1000, after which he associated him
self with Dr. J. S. Kinigh for tho prac
tice of his profession, under the firm
namu of Kiuigh & Morrison. Tho
bride is one of HedCloud's handsomest
midmost highly accomplished daught
ers, and tho doctor is to be congratu
lated upon having chosen so worthy a
bride, Tho Ohiof joins their many
friends in wishing thorn a pleasant and
prolitablo voyngo o'er life's troubled
and turbulent seas.
Will Cassel of MjCoiiU, was in tho
city Wednesday.
Mr Carpenter of Niponeosp lit Situ
davfn this eltv.
Mrs Ada Hvler left yesterday morn-
I ii for Norton, Kansas,
By Slieiipaiils in was down from
Hiverton the llrst of this week.
Wtlnk'o are smoothed away by ifs
healing touch. Drain tired and do
pto.ed people wl 1 llud a cure in Rocky
Mountain Ton. .Tic. For sale by C. L.
H, II, Ktimmer is installing a new
100 horse power engine in the Hetl
Cloud Holler Mills, f no balance wheel A
oi tno engine alone weighs two ami one
half tons.
Jake Niistein left, Wednesday morn
ing for St Joseph, Missonii, where he
wiLHtiakc his h mio in the futiiie. He
ill continue the manlactiire of cigar
as lieretofoie. Sylvester Ludlow will
look after his Intel e.sts In this city.
The Jellify Twins will beat the Hcd
Cloud opera house, Friday and Situr
day, Xi.omliei M ami 10. Prices ifie,
23o and !I5 . Hcci veil seats on sale at
the Usui place. M ilinee, Saturday
afternoon at 2 ..'10; prices !() anil inc.
This entertainment is to lie given for
the benefit of the Congregational
A few week ago Joe McClellan was
In Htveiton and while theio was ap
proached by a lady and asked to pur
chase a chance, on a watch which was
being rallied al a church festival in
Suporior, which he did, putting the
number 140, in his pocket nnd thinking
nothing of it, until not i tied that ho was
the fortunate one iu the drawing. In
duo timo Joe received the watch,
which was a beautiful gold one, and it
being a ladies' sl.o ho presented it to
his wife who is tho proud possessor.
Last Sunday evening, J. H. Morse
and wife living noitlieasl of this city,
received a telegram, telling them of
tho serious illness of their son, Hoscoo
at Commauche, Okhhomn, and 10
quested that Mrs. Morse come to that
place, but as Mrs. Morse was unable
to have Mr. Morse left for that place
Monday morning. Monday evening
word was received from Couiinanclie
that hoscco was dead. Upon Mr.
Morse's arrival there Tuesday, he ini
modiatly made arrangements for the
bringing of the body to this city for
interment, arriving hero last evening
Funeral services will bo hold in the
Congregational church this afternoon
at 1 o'clock, conducted by tho Hev.
Win Hntipliunti. The pallbearers wilt
be composed of members of tho K of
P lodge, of which the deceased was a
flctfdwe i
I are attracting the atten- I
tion of nearly every one
We have seversl differ
ent styles of
to select from and can
make you PRICES to
fit the kind of house you
are building.
Carpenter Tools,
we have the
Standard Makes,
and also a complete line
01 tne justly celebrated
every way, to give abso
lute satisfaction.
Always bear this, our motto, in
mind when thinking of buying
County Judgt's Office to Ik Movtd.
Yesterday morning tho county com
inl'sloneis adopted the following the
following icsolutinn,
Rcsolvedi That for convenience nrd
economy, wo the county board remove
lioyffuiuly judgo'ii oilico on or before
iiiuary 1, 1P0H, to the northwest loom
on the first tlonr of the county court
house, now occupied by tho sheiilT,
and Sheriff McArthur Is hereby in
structed to procure teams and men
and rem ivo said county Judge's ofllce
fin nittiio to place above dislgmited.
Tho above resolution wns introduced
ibyMllchards of Guile Rock. It was
'fnoved by WIImiii and and seconded ny
Gcrlach that the resolution be adopted
Those voting ayo were: Wilson, Gcr
lach and Richards; nay, none,
An Educa i'tnl Sug'csto'i.
It is now the time of year for farmers
to consider the matter of sending their
sous mid daughters to school dining
the coming winter, and the editor of
this paper feels like giving a little ad
vice on this point.
We are a s aiinch friend of the pub
lic echools but their work is general,
and what most boys and girls need is a
course iu business. If they are to re
main on the farm they certainly need
it, and if they seek a position in t e
city they must have It.
There are several good HusinesN
Colleges iu tho West, but all things
considered, wo believo tho Grand Is
land liiisiuess ami Normal College of
Grand Island, Nebraska, o Iters more
advantages than can bo found olswhero.
This school is particularly strong iu
securing positions- for its graduates and
those who want to be sure of employ
ment will regard this an important
point. Tho expenses aro very reason
able and students are not required to
day for same until they have time to
graduate and earn tho money. Ex
ceptiotial care is also taken as to the
moral surroundings of tho students,
'lhu Collegs sends out a very attractive
littlo paper free, and wo would advise
all who aro interested to write fur it.
Boiler Explosion.
A terrific explosion of a thresher
engine boiler occurred thee miles north
of Cowles on tho farm of P Sproukle
Tuesday. The rig belonged to Alex Sea
ton and was a new 0110. Somo trouble
had been experienced with the safty
valve and it had been screwed down
about an hour before tho explosion.
Seaton had just put a good lire under
the boiler nnd went over to tho thresh
er when the boiler broke loose. Both
cuds of the boiler blow out. One boil
er head went over tho thresher and
tint led itssolf a foot dee)), !200 yaids
from the engine, the other end wont no
1 qiinldistanco in theopposito direction.
Every mm on the job was knocked
down, nearly all of them Misininiug
some injuries from hot wa'er, coal and
cinders. Those mst seriously injured
Harry Conway, hip badly bruised.
Peter Howe, thrown from top of
thresher lifty feet away, badly scalded
iu face with hot water.
Charles Sproukle, lower part of body
and legs badly scalded.
Kan an Spronklo, cut on head.
Tho explosion wns hoard six tuilos
away and that no ono wns killed out
right is a mystery. Doctors Hall nnd
Owings roport that the injured aro
costing easily. The engine Is a total
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for wook onding Wednes
day, Novombor 12, furnished by J. II.
Bailey of tho Wobslor County Abstract
H. H. Pock to Fannio M. Phillips
lamb in sw, 2 1-11, and lots in
Railroad addition tolled Cloud
wd $ 300
L. M. Crublll and wife to James
McGuiro, swj, 1 3-12, wd 2,'WO
Johann l'ohl to Bluo Hill village
w 22 feel lot 11, block 1, Busch
addition to Blue Hill, wd 20
James McGuiro to L. M. Crabill,
lots 1 to 1, block 1, Wilbnrn'fl
addition to Hcd Cloud, wd .... 1500
Paul F. W. Moedo to E. U. OveV
man cj nel and ej se, 21-2-12,
wd 2000
Lincoln Luid Co. to Conrad
Wagner lot 15, block 11, Guide
Hock, wd fiO
Conrtui Wngner to Eli W. Fowl
er lots 11 and 10, block 11,
Guide Rook, wd UOO
Jos. J Smith to Maud Mjers si
Mi, 10 1-10, wd 1000
Jinnettn D bmith to Maud.Myers 22-1-10, wd . , 2"M
William II. Cloud and wife to L.
J Kuglerw, 11 1-12, wd 2150
Total aiSfKO
Mortgages Hied 3710 00
Mortgages roloased 500 00
Miner Bros, have a now dolivory
lust rocoivod: A full lino of out
door fall planting and wintor bulbs,
consisting of tulips, hyacinths, freoslns,
Narcissus, dall'odils, jonquils, crowns,
snow-drops, Bermuda and Calla lily,
and Cliinnsosacrcd lily. Very largo,
select bulbs. Also a nice lot of chrys
anthemums in bud and bloom. Prices
reasonable. -Pleusu call at the slice
Htoro and seo them. Home-grown oar
nations in bloom.
Red Cloud, Nob.
y-sk. t 1 1? t xt :,.i t...i.t.. ..:.... .i... . .i i
t iniMj ill u mi iii inuinii mi; Miyu-i ui.ti uiu wuiuuer mail ,
j Is about to drop ;i large chunk of cold weather,
right down in this vicinity. Better crawl into'sotnething
warm one of our big, loose, grey, rough Overcoats.
They're the wannest thing
:$8.00 anb $10.00.1
Of course; we have many other kinds.
Do you remember how cold it was last year ?
Gee whiz ! Wasn't it cold ?
Heter take the hint.
Men' Overcoats, $;voo to $16.50.
Boys' Overcoats, 3.00 to r.j 00.
Childs' Overcoats, 1.25 to 5.00.
Lots of good, warm Underwear to Boys' Seal Back,
25c per garment.
Selling more Men's Suts
Why ? Come and see.
We sell
.- mm n ,o mm -w M. rm m B
T0H140HE - BROS. I
2J We have just
carloads of hand-picked
(jj Come in and get our prices on to
(0 auantitv lots. Vl
4 Exta Fme
1c Pound
W CI ff -
fl W fsrm
out especially good ones at
than any firm in town.
S&tz Shoes.
Glothingj $b.
a te ! am n.t
- -s....
received two
" i
lmm4ml lAe to
mm M MMmm
iT-.r, .r.fiM-f1Sm