The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1902, Image 7

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The Marriage a la Mode
How Loving Couples Arc Quickly Made
Happy in Pittsburg Nine Minutes All
the Time Required for Ceremony
. SMmA
Major aonornl Snniucl Baldwin
Marks Young, U. S. A., who, accord
ing to Adjutant General Coibin, U to
bucreed Gen. Nelson A. Miles In com
mand of the nrmy of the Unltod
States, entered the service ns a pri
vate in 1SG1, was mustered out at the
close of the civil war ns a brigadier
commander by brevet, and reentered
' tho regular army iih first lieutenant.
Gen. Young went to the front In
Cuba with Shaftcr'H army in 189S as
The Four "Bonanza Kings."
Tho wealth of "Tho Four Bonanza
Kings" has been much exaggerated.
Basing their belief on such movements
In tho stock market as that of 1871 und
the ?10 dividends they once received
monthly, men have asserted that one
or the other of the four was worth
$150,000,000. Hut unless Markay ac
cumulated groat wealth after he left
the Comstock mine and tho San Fran
cisco stock market, and alter his dis
astrous deal In wheat, not one of them
wns ever In possession of $25,000,000.
Hut they enrae up to some such figure
as that from nothing and kept to tho
end a large part of what they made.
And with It all neither California
nor Nevada can point to one great in
stitution of art or education or char
ity and say: "That Is an enduring
monument to the 'Hlg Four.' "
Speak Ancient Language.
Thero are less than HUO.OOO people
In tho United Kingdom who speak r.o
nnguago but Cymric or Gaelic.
Tho lender of tho religious fanatics
'n Somallland, against whom Great
Britain Is about to begin a genuine
war, is the eon of a Somali shepherd
fnd la about thlrty-flvo years old.
His operations began early In 1899,
when ho led a raid against a neighbor
ing trlbo on tho pretext that Its mom
hers had stolen Aunelj from his peo
Plo. Ho was man an ordinary mul
lah, or priest, but after a numbor of
successful raids ho proclaimed himself
the successor of tho inahdl, assumed
n antagonistic attitude toward tho
Hrltlsh protectorato government, and
jnmouneod that ho Intonded to rule
lio Interior, leaving tho coast to tho
Europeans. Great Britain, with tho
brigadier general of volunteers. From
.Inly, IS'jn. to 1001. he served In tho
Philippines, his tinal active scrvlco
being as mllltr-ry governor of north
western Luzon. Ho wns born Jnn. 0,
(Jen. Young has just returned from
Europe, where with Gens. Corbln
and Wood he attended the German
military mnneiivcis and wns received
bj King 1-Mwnid. I.Ike Gen. .Miles, ho
has risen from the ranks.
Decries North Pole Search.
Sir Clements Murkham, president ot
tho Royal Geographical hooloty, ot
Great Hrltaln, has denounced racing
for the north pole as "tomfoolery." "It
would bo all very well," he Is reported
to have tnld, ''to try to got nearer
what wo call the north polo If deep
sea soundings could be carried out on
the way, but that is well-nigh Impos
sible." lie also made the Interesting
statement that wo now know practic
ally all that there Is to bo known about
the polo from tho geographical point
of view anil that the majority of scien
tists are convinced that It is all ocean
beyond the point nlready reached.
Educational Books In Demand.
Hooks of an educational character
are borrowed by 54. ti per cent of the
readers using tho West Hum (Eng
land) public libraries.
Good Shoe Dressing.
Orange Juice is one of tho best
dressings for black shoes or boots,
Boer war on Its hands, was unablo to
furnish sufficient protection to tho
friendly or neutral natives, with tho
rosult that thousands of them Joined
tho mad mullah, being given tho
cholco of doing so or being raided. In
March, 1900, ho attacked an Abys
sinian oxpedltlon of 1,500 men sent
against him, and although bo lost
2,500 men and retreated, tho ferocity
ot his attack Inspired Menellk'a
troops with such a dread of him that
no attempt was mndo to pursuo him.
Three years ago ho had 3,000 follow
ers, with only sixty rifles; now ho has
40,000 men, a good percentage of
them nrmod with rifles secured in
raids on caravans.
If you are In n hurry to get married
this schedule ought to prove helpful.
There are always plenty of bints on
how to live on ?2 n week; how to
catch a husband, how to procure it
we; how to make beef stew nnd
clean Ivory-handled knives, In the
newspapers, but, sad to state, them
has been no one to get up nn official
schedule or guide for tho tise ot young
people who want to get man led. Most
men think It takes all day to tie tho
knot. It might take alt da or nil
year to untie It, but It lakes just nine
minutes, by the w.itch, to tie it.
You might be standing on tho cor
ner of Fit th avenue and Sinlthlleld
street at say 10 o'clock In the morn
ing, heart whole and fancy free, and
you might leturn to tho same corner
In exactly nine, minutes with nil tho
cares and responsibilities on your
shouldurs as a mnirled man, Of
course you must needs have provided
yourself with tho girl, but If what men
say Is anything to Judge by, you enn
get tho girl In less time than It takes
to go from tho corner nnd get mar
ried. Bo that us It may, for the fol
low who wants the whole thing over
In n very short space of time thero Is
plenty of opportunity.
The hurry of Americans Is provor
blal. They are always up and doing
nnd never waste more time than Is
absolutely necessaiy on any one er
rand. Thus you see with tho aid of
this schedule' tho busy man of Pitts
burg makes an appointment with his
futuro wife. They whisk off to tho
marriage license window, thenco to
the apartment of the fellow who ties
the knot, and in nine minutes he will
be scon shaklne hands with her nnd
on his way to his oHlce, whllo sho
boaids a trolley car and makes a call
on her now mother to acqunlnt her
with tho facts of the case. Thoro Is
no iiseloss waiting all day for a mar
riage In tho evening and no crowding
out of a bed on a cold morning, nt an
unheard-of hour to participate in a
morning wedding. You chooso a sen
sible hour and like a scnslblo man
after consuming nlr.o minutes you re
turn to your olllcc a married man, at
tend to your dny's duties, and then In
tho evening you hunt up Polly nt her
new mother's, or her own mother's,
nnd you are now In a position to pay
a hoard bill for two Instead of one,
as a result of nlnc-mlnutes lost from
the ofllco thnt morning.
After you have mndc several kinds
of a fool of yourself at tho marrlago
license ofllco by tripping over your
age, nationality and so on you movo
on to Mr. Brown in the prothonotnry's
ofllco, who was at ono tlmo a preach
er. If thero is anything that Mr.
Brown does lovo It Is weddings. Ho
Is so fond of then that he is always
nrmed. In his pockot ho always car
ries tho little book so lndlspensablo
to functions of this kind. Through
somo wireless telegraphy tho same
Mr. Brown hears murmurlngs of your
npplylng for a license. Ho stands up,
brushes down several Imaginary
flecks of dust from his well-fitting
coat and grasps tho little book tighter
than ovor. He has tho assistance of
tho urbane usher who is posted at
tho door to guide the trembling foot
steps of strangers. Poets have said
that all the world loves a lover, but
tho poets aro wrong. They should
have said that all tho world ridicules
A Man Feels Like Ten Cents and a
Plugged Nickel,
a lover. A man feels, In tho vernac
ular of tho street, "llko 10 conts nnd
a plugged nlcklo." His hands seem
to havo grown so that ho doubts
whether at any tlmo, elthor now or In
yenrs to corao, ho will over bo ablo
to get gloves to fit thom. Why In tho
world has ho novor noticed in all theso
years that his hands aro In the rond?
How has ho over managed to earn a
In shuffling around trying to mnko
known his wants his feet assume tlm
proportions of an elephnnt's tootsies.
That settles It. They are bents
puto nnd simple. Ho Is posltlvn that
a man with feet like thnt hasn't any
right to live, and at this ho gets a
look nt his faro in yonder mirror.
Bed Isn't tho color that describes It.
It is n clear purplish pink, and his
eyes are protruding. Oh, yes, ho Is
sick. He Is satisfied with thnt. Why,
ho hasn't looked that way since ho
bad scarlet fever!
Yes, ho Is sick unto death. No well
-4 life
Taking a Drink after Going Through
the Ordeal,
mnn ever looked llko that. And tho
sad part Is that his pojr little wlfo
will be left alone In the vorld to pad
dle her own canoe. Hns nnyono over
heard of such a pathetic tale. An
other look and no sees bis features
working. Why, lie Is actually In con
vulsions nnd then the plpo goes out
und ho wakes up. Ho has been talk
ing to himself. Of course, If ho is
marrying a widow he Isn't hnlf bo
stupid, for former experiences hnvo
taught her to keep her oyo on tho
groom nnd with her help he puts in
his "I wills" to the satisfaction of Mr.
Hero Is a story you'll hear In enso
you happen to havo llvo minutes to
spnro when you go to get married.
John Smith came In to hnvo tho knot
tied, find being told that tho chargo
was - ho almost droppod nnd ex
claimed: "I've never pnld over $1.50!"
There are no frills on theso mnr
rlnges whllo you wait. Your ducky
cannnot wear a liberty satin frilled up
with chiffon, neither enn sho float n
long white train nnd a tullo veil that
hides hor blushes. Instead If, as you
are, sho is hurrying through to get
back to work, sho will probably wear
n blue nnd whlto calico wrapper with
slippers down nt tho heel and her hair
up in curl pnpers. She has been too
He Grabs the Little Book Tighter
Than Ever,
industrious In putting tho houso to
rights before sho mot you, and Inas
much ns nho oxpects to go back to her
work, Just as you hnvo gone back to
yours, sho thinks it n wnstc or valua
ble time to go to tho trouble, of taking
down hor "bangs" and changing her
A good, sensible, mntter-offact
wedding It Is. You want no flummery.
There nro no decorations in tho apart
mont whoro tho marrlago ceremony Is
performed with great eclat, unless it
be a lacy cobweb in n corner and tho
wedding music Is supplied by tho
musical click of nil tho makes of
typewriters under tho skillful fingers
of vnrlous employes and muklng vari
ous sorts of noises.
It may bo that you will spare a min
ute to take a drink of malted milk or
other refreshing beverngo after going
through tho ordeal. You havo gono
and got married in nlno minutes, and
If that Isn't a herculean tank then no
taan over deserved a drink. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Famous Boer Scout Here.
Capt. P. J. Vlsser, lato chief of tho
Boor bCoutB, has como to this country
to llvo. Ho Is 25 years old and stands
six feet eight nnd a half Inchos In his
stockings, Ho wants to go Wo3t nnd
sco tho rough riders thero, nnd thlnka
he has seen about as much rough rid
ing as any man who ovor straddled n
If tho wlfo Is a nlnvo to fashion tho
ponr husband must of nocosslty bo a
oiavo to tho almighty dollar.
if r r t. i vvvw.
1 ,
1 Hill 1 fsW tii SMM
Ilnmon Reyes Lain, tho Filipino au
thor, arrived in San Francisco last
weok on his way to Washington to
glvo tho results of his Investigations
in tho Philippines and loll the Islund'B
needs. Mr. Lula Is rocognl.ed nj ono
Canadian Minister of Public Works
Suffers for Indiscretion.
Unllko M. Polletan, who mndo in
discreet speeches and btlll retains his
J. Israel Tarte.
post In the French cnblnet, J. I.
Tarte, Canadian minister of public
'Aorks, has been forced to resign bo
cause of unauthorized remarks ho de
livered In Europe recently. In accept
ing tho resignation Sir Wilfrid wroto
Mr. Turto that "his action In discuss
ing a policy ot high protection during
his absenco In Europe without over
consulting with htm was wholly un
constitutional and contrary to nil no
tions of responsible government." Ho
was u Conservntlvo up to 1891, when
he chnuged his politics and Joined tho
Liberals. His homo is In Quebec.
Parisian Character Dead.
Ono ot tho fnmlllnr figures of tho
bohemlan Quarter of Paris was known
ns Marlim, a smnll, slight, weazened
individual whoso chief characteristics
wero the bublt of smoking countless
cigarettes and a liking, equally ex
travagant, for tho company of liter
ary men and their talk of "shop." Not
long ago Mnrlus fulled to nppenr In
his usual haunts and repeated knocks
at his door elicited no response. It
was presently found thnt Murlus was
dead nnd wns a woman.
Irish Member of Parliament Has Long
Been Prominent.
John O'Donnoll, who shook his fist
in tho fuco of tho British prime minis
ter In tho Houso of Commons, was
elected in 1900 to represent South
Mayo In parliament. Ho Is a nntlvo of
tho County of Mayo, Is 30 years old and
was tho ilrBt organizer of the United
Irish League. Mr. O'DonucI) has been
John O'Donnell.
Imprisoned In Castlobnr Jail and In
Sllgo Jail for alleged Illegal agitation.
Ho is secrotnry of the directory of the
Irish League.
S -4
or tho greatest authorities on tho
Philippines. Ho Is the author of the
most comprehensive history of tho
islands yet published. He Is a gradu
nto of Oxrord, and Is n naturalized
American citizen.
New York Institution Promises to Be
Great 8uccecs.
A now woman's bank, oponed In
Thirty-fourth strcot recently, ondod
Its first day's business with deposits
aggregating $155,000. It seems only a
few yenrs sinco It was n difficult and
somewhat embarrassing matter ror a
woman to securo bank accommoda
tions. Now Bho is tempted by lures
of handsomely furnished rooms, pret
ty stationery, new styleB , In check
books, so Important has her" patronnge
becomo to banks thnt make.' a specialty
of It. t
Tho Franch woman has aywnys been
a financier, tho American only rocont;
ly. With her emancipation! has como
an understanding of business affairs,
tho transaction of which In Xforracr
generation was left to tho monfolka.
Tho new way Is tho better by mr.
New York World. N -
Boer Commander Who Is Now Making
a Tour of Europe.
Gon. Christian Do Wet is ono of tho
trio of Boer commanders who havo re
cently hnd nn audience with King Ed
ward, visited Holland, nnd boon
cheered In tho streets of Paris. Ho Is
coming to this country later. With
his comrades ho Is, appealing to tho
peoples of all nations for coutrlbu-
Chrlstlan De Wet.
Uons to assist tho destitute and edu
cate tho children In tho land for which
ho fought. Ho accopted tho results
of tho South African war at tho tlmo
ho sheathed his sword nnd hopes for
continued pence. As a leader of a
Boer nrmy ho wns for months beforo
tho surrender tho sharpest thorn in
the sldo of Lord Itobcrts. Again and
ngaln he eacnped tho taps of tho Brit
ish nnd kept tho field ngulnst over
whelming odds.
The Crops of Nebraska.
Tho ncrengo and yield of Nobraska
crops has been compiled for tho pres
ent year by Deputy Labor Commis
sioner C. E. Watson. His estimate of
uuiuuku uiui yivm ia; winter wnoat,
1,904,939 acres, 45.781.53G bushoU-r
spring wheat, 645,828 acres, 7.749.9G3
bushels: corn. 5.51G.801 acres. 17(5 537..
0.12 bushelB; oats, 1.G38.C47 acres, 52,
403.701 bushols; barloy, 78,414 acres.
1,900,350 bushels; rye, 483,554 acros,
8,703,972 bushels.
Balzac as an Inventor.
A Paris bearchor after facts has
mndo tho discovery that to Balzac be
longs tho honor of having Invented tho
wood-block pavement for streets. Tho
flirt referc-nco to It is found In that
author's comedy, "Morcadet," which
was played at tho Francnlso, In which.
Mercadot dilates on tho udvantugo ot
such pavement, slneo with wooden
blocks In tho streets barricades are
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