wrsKK a iuii tvmmamemtiKOfxvnmH KccnfiBxa.r.'j.'UKBKR " In the ' Cutting Drug Store" contest tho following are the successful contestant: Liiura McCtino 17M words AdiiShVtx. lir: words .J. II lttdloOg l'Jti!) words Myrtle Robertson . . . 117K words Until Johnston HC'J words Lois Ucckvvith ll.Vt words C. L. COr TING The Drug-gist. ;UVA4Mr.uroATfffiM.;rarwtMrvit Miss Ni'llli' Howl wai in Oxf rd this week. 0eur Hughes was in tho city the fi.st of tlio wick. J 7 lloscoe duller spent Sunday at Ids, homo in tin idly. Sam Fotcr wi'iit to Uuling Tins day for a vi-it with friend-. V A. (i.uiHon and Jacob (J ill, of lJlue Hill.weio Red Cloud visitors Wed nesday. I'M win Ui'iitlty of Wyoming is visit ing al tliu Iioitit of his mother south of this uity. Clias. (iurber, of Ksbon, Kansas, was in town Tuesday to visit witli relatives' a id friends. l'leidcnt Itiosivelt has di signal! d Tliiiilaj, November '27, us a day of thanksgiving. . U. W Unshoe and wife eiiteitulnedjii' number of friends from Guide. Kook tit dinner Sunday. Golden ShauUlin, returned to this city, Sundu, after an ubcnco of some mouths in California. The stone cross walk, between the Hotel Kojal anil the Holland hi Use, was laid the that of this week. Henj F. W jodheiid of Luweiunco win a Mod Cloud visitor, Weilucsd J', and niiiile this I'Hi'o a pleasant call. K. Ii Cox, oin' of the proininent and substantia! faun -in of (ileiiwoud town ship, tiaiisieted buini;?s in the county so.it Wednesday. Cli ill Be, e it tin lied ti hu home in this i v Wo tuc-nl-iy inoi ning, afu r all ox i nd 'I v iit. at the homo if lis boy no al dtiVs in M tine f ii'i K. ri vii,en a' ins iiouu thy; Ii - of III' Wl-eK. II Oi'iniu Inn accepted a pislthW it i I' K l'eilllian. r 1 ie l.aiiz came down fi. in Finnk in, Tii' mIii, lo vole.' 1 lie Iis-cs Kills and Lena 1 Incur if Co vlt wetn in this city Monday. Ml.-. I'M a Sheppard, of Guide llt.ok is visiting ut thu homo of Miiyoi Hump ton ami wife in this city. Tn mi i ii Bros, have had new shelving put up on the south side, of their gro eery rooms. Mie. Geo Iliitchison ainl Mis. (101111 I'ojer of Cowles were visiting in this city Monday. , Horn S.iiiinlay to Mr. and Mrs. 11. K lCiiielinen, living southwest of this city' I inij of uil il Nebtiiskn weight, i Mm h A Mniiiuvilii-, left IihmIiiV, in 'i .mi g fir Mel'inik f r an oMendfl ViT. Wl II ll IT .nil, ,1 tines Hlnl t IV tn i 1 . A disputed finui -iMiihi'lol. snys. 'I, ;il liu pt n-;oii of Yul ntilii II.S'IHIV 1 1 r of Hi iM'h. ml has 'Hen itioroirod to $12 per month. Wiii k o uro smoothed away by ils h ii.i'u t.iiteh II' nit. titvd und do-pio-'ol peopln ui 1 lind iicuii'in It ok) M mii hiii Tea. !).V. For .nli' by C. L. C t ing Henry Messier has n-signcd his posi tion lu llailoll's Cash itnigniii House, mid accepted a pisliioii with tirm In .Hustings ;ind will leave tor that place in a few tlavs. I. mi Ivnminr. n f.n nun- ltiiKllilliI li.ivi but who is now in thu employ of tin, rrfiv.tt'iimiilit in Wtiulil llrrlntl I) 11?. spent 11 few days of this week visiting friends in this citj. A bi haul by highwaymen, substi tute nuri oth"is who sioal tlio good iiamo and fame of Hooky Mountain leanndn fainous by Madison Medi ciii" Co. Ujc. For sa'o C. L. Cotting. Tin subject for Fiiday night by the KvangeliHt was the Uefonnatory Move ment which resulted in the founding of the Hrethren Church a necessity. -Silt in day evening is the I.ovefeast and Communion Sunday morning ho closes his work here. M'ss Viola Waul, our popular young teacher, is lying very sick al the Ashby hotel. Tlio teacher of Woods countj and our citizns bavo piovided the bjst nurse obtainablo, however, to at tend her day and night anil wo f el of her iccovory. The Free Homes, Augus'aOkla M. M. Stern and wife leave tlio fust of next week for Philadelphia, when Mr. Stern will engage in busitii.s with his father Mr. irid Mrs Stern have boon residents ol hioity for a number ofjoirsnnd h.ivo many friends licio who will be suny to have theiu leave, but wish them success in their new Ivin. L M. Ci'ibill, Monday , purchased iln llVery stlble, hnises, harness, buggu K I-. bud. i f In i le si cut Sunday in this ci v Mis l.ulu Mi lnw Weill tn IlitiMih, I uei!i Cciiini;. M W. hullci, if Cnupbill, was in tlio city, Wediie-'iliiv James lttnden and wife spent Sun day with fi lends at Bladen. A stone orms tilk has bei u laid on Fifth Aveiineatid Web-.(er stieet. C. Ii. Columbia, of (initio ltock, wis n county seat litor, Woilncsday. Mis. A. It Scllais went to luauilo, Wednosilny, for a visit with relatives. Henry Ludlow of ciimpbell vNitcd witli friends in tills cit,, Wedni sday. The wink ol panning the building, occupied b )r Tul'o)s was begun Weiliicd iy. Mis Cliuoiioo Siniitiu-n,ii( llistings i visiting a' tl-e ImitiPiifA.il Kiley it d w ife in tin oil, i Mm U d.,-1 i M, Hitd-, . f Ki-ii-nf.v 1 1 ivuMii ili cut, WiMini -.'lit, fr :f ' it Wi'h Ii five tied fiii i! Fnd (iui' its unit mniliei ifr,Thni. day nitimliiir, for Miiouii, nhi-ro ibi-y will make Mull In tne In the future. Wcdnendiv, J tines IViftonn had tlm IllgO In . der tree, wlii Ii slood by the .side of Wild licit'.' hum r simp, chopped down aril reiimved It is -aid t'.iit eii'it bilde his many friend, bin in a fi w tout they dwin dle, (low n lo one. Tl n''s ltni-kj M inn tainTei. Makisiitd ki ops her well. For sale by C I,. Cotting. Dr. 1 11 Keck leports the arrival of a twelve pound bihy boy al the lionie of 1). A. Dickey, lust Wednesday evening. As soon as Dave gets back to earth wo may be able to tell you what be thinks about it At the homo of the brides parents, Mr. and Mis James F Diain, at 0.00 o'clock p. m , Wcducibiy, November Oth, 11)02, acctirci' thninairiiigeof their daughter, Miss Maltha, to Mr Ijiuis W. Mean, the It-v. M 1" Divon i llici atiug. Onh immediate tohtivc ami fiiends .v ore present. The biidi mid groom weie ilu recipients of a number of useful ptesents. Camp Shoiniuii, Hastings, Nob, Seyt, II, 1!)0'. To whom it may con cern: This is lo certify that thoJef frey Twins have appeared on the pro gram every day of our iciinioa, at the lingo tabernacle, and they have hi en a delight to the niniiv thousands who li'ivo seen and he-nd them in their. sing ing and elncuiiou. Tliu i million com milieu heartily recommend them to iinv eit'ort lining ciniinittei) who may dj"lre clean, wbolesinneauil iiistructivo eiiterl iiiiiieni W U. St J. dm, V. 11. Trim bh, I'. J ('reeih. inlvl".l.ilnVlia(ijiiailAvl,il.atil.l.,i(nlnlil,il, Fm.K :,mJ urns K-ncill left Moil- "'7 rtUrt". "... ses, harness, hnggu-j day morn i. for fin) cunt) , li.umi, ' PinipiiiiuK the livery stable bus, u-hiihor t.i.v ivmt t ,,.., ,u.inness of J. U. McCuiro and.M.ld tbt aged giM.i.lf.ither, who is ov. r ninety hi.r.es, I. imess and buggies to U .rt-n years of ae, vh . in they have not sun ' Un.tl.er-. Mr. Crabill will use a p.ut for thiity two years. of the building for a street car barn ' and will conduct a feed barn in tlio PI... 1.1V 'P. ..I..., ...ill 1 I ll.. Kril aiiuui-uiuj ...-. ..... ........ .... "... ,.. -,, ,.,., f ,,. I.,,,!..:,,,. ........ J...V ... ...U ............. . I I f I 5 3 3 3 3 rc O UIOilil opera nouse, i-riuiiy iiiiu oiiui- day, November It and 15. Prices 15c, I 23o and !55 . Keserved seats on sale at tbo usul place. M itinee, Saturday afternoon at 2,.'i0; puces lOu and 15c. Tins entertainment is to bo given for tho benefit of tho Congrcgatioiial church. Sunday moining, Shenfl McArthur received a telephone message from Franklin, asking him to stop a young cotiplo'wlio weie eloping. The couple was cauglii on F.uutli avenue soon after the receipt of the ine.-s.igu and Was tul.O'i lo the Jill anil itie p.ueiiisi Dr. II. Peck, one of tho pioneer .set tlors of this county, diod Monday, .'it bis homo southwest of this city. Fun eral services were held at tho residence at 230 p. in., Tuesdav, tho Rev. M. P. Di.xou of the M. K. church, conducting tho services. Dr. Peck, for a number of years lived on a farm south of town city and was a veterinary surgeon of considerably ability. Tlio Woods county Sunday seh .ol assieiatioti bold itsannnil convention at Auguste, Sa'iiidaj and Sunday ,and upi n learning of the illness of Mis-. lui.ii wi. in' M i.i, in tin1 Cntiioilc o i noli, in t Siiii.l iv mottling at II) 'to III! 'Vliileui t'link nb nil P we wld itfi!i s ilia J i cei i inn p -is iii In i aielu 'he s en pilitig to olll Col I I'lll. Mis .teh McFail.uiil leiiiriied lo In r liiuiie In this citv, Vcstenlay, after a'i e.Mei ileil visit with fioliiilsin Lin coln. Mis Kines-t Welsh rotttiucil to her home in this city, tho llrst of the week, after mi extended visit with iolutivis in Poiiiisjlvutiin. 'M in ioit, nt the i. ITien of the count J judge, last Thursiliiv attoinoon, Fretl Meigllcld and Miss V. I). Vaughn, of (initio ltock, Judge Kdson olliciatiug. Tneie will be sin vices in the Chi it inn chill eh in xt Suiiila) mot uing anil even ing The itt'V. Ii. L. Applegale of (i'i nwtit d, Nebiasl a, will coiiduel the sei Viei s tlio. W llniinr, of low lis, was n am i tt Miiidn evening, eoiiliiig hen loh. mi tie tb hate betwien Oveii.iin and Mi. Poller win -h whs held in Hie Colli I lioll'f. Dr. W.rrlckor Dr. Puddle of II i-t ings will inei'l "Jo, oar, unsound ihioat iMilentf. ami ilioo nteding gl iimi lit td, In Dr Ceigliloti's olllcc, in Ked Cloud, Sal 111 till), NoVelllbet Ifi h. List Sitiiiilay afternoiin, at thctllieo of the count) j'.dge oceiiied the wedd ing of Lewis H. A. Oeslerlilail, of Nucl.ols -.loiinly, and MNs Sarah J. lleiiclder, of Webster county, Judge Kdsou iilllciatiiig. City Dial sial Ltullow, yeslenlay, in rested seven bo)s, cliuiging them with the destruction of property on Hallow een, and they weie brought up hi fore Judge W"st fur trial. A continuance was taken till loday. bin vices each bundny nn. ruing al 10.110 o'clock and evening at 7.!10. Sun da) school at 11 o'clock. Pioiching at I uiliaii Clock and lltimell Hfhool house each aliernatu Suiiila). Key. Win. Il'iiiptmanii, pastor. On auotlier page of loilnv's Chit f appeals an abstract of the vote cast i Welisti r county, Tuesday, Noveinbei I h It appears in uunlllei'il form Ibis wek, hut will ha cm reeled and appiar in i 111 nil lignrcs in our ne.xt issue Yet ulay being Clias. MeKeigll ill's Ill'h biitbdiiv, a large number of his friends, fiom tlio country and this city, gatheri d -it his home, in the south pint of the city, ami pioceedcd to lake pos sesion of the piciniscs. After a most bountiful dinner hail been partaken of by tlm giiests.tlmv wliiled away tin horns of the afternoon by playing games rf viuiotis kinds. Supj or was solved at iho proper hour, after whiih the evening bonis and until thu small -Ihonisof the inori.ing, the guusloi j ') f ui tin t ii -elves by dancing, inn until j eb 'ired for that purpose. In the af 1 1 - miHii Charlie was presented vviiu a 4- hands m lump, in token of the high rje-teeui wlih which bei- held ami as a f- -, n.vei ii of lln oecissioll V 1 1 nresent eiit w v? .,a WJ. MF6 st svjay rr '.Ol " u,- aw REARA? OOUTffBEND. IND. LIMSTl,;. :'' -V" WOOL, Limeht ms j & WESTERN &8ABE A f ST A I FY Tl 6 W t CJ a fird &3 0.4J H B Iii tf J d SOUTH BEND9IND. W'b8 I SOLD BY Baifite . . - -, n.vei 11 01 nn oecissioii ii prest M ! Iff ti 77i " tf fo. r' express lln-nisclvi s as havinc s)i JA C. 1 l ViCirO fjaniHt eiijoableday and evening. t Tho Santa Fo Iliilway has rocen and I GarpenteFs Tools, I Gouiden-Haley Glotbing. Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. y t WW sXr r'U V Ssf "- r'r of 1110)0111 Kl.nl) uoiilled Tiiosliuiifl,!W'r,,i il I''--"''1 appi'o.i i -tu lesoln- later 111 the day, leu-used the young Ulan, nild he nt one) pioceetled 11 his Wu) eii-jt l'n g. n Wis eoiidn. tint to lier uoiiw- t Km'i.k in b ui- slu-nll S iiiiIiij et iihik. J list re. lived- A full lin of out door tall plai.tn g und winter bulbs, consisting of tulips, hyacinth, froesia", NaicissiH, datVodils, j-mq ids, cjid sus, snow-drops, Heimuda and Calla lily, and Chinese sacicd lily. Very huge, select bulbs. Also a nice lot of chrys anthemums in bud ami bloom. Pi ices reuotiublo. Please call al the shoo stoic and see thoin Home-grown car nations in hlooai. MltS. Hl.NHY DlKPKUlCII. Ked Cloud, .Neb -r - - v "9 - -" m -9- -" - -s -.. 7 Jo-' " --f' rzf-j'j2-&' kVjir. .. are attractincr the atten- e- tion of nearly every one I now. We have seversl differ ent styles of Finish A Twenty Year Life Policy In an Old Line Company is; the best kind of life insurance. 'Tho cash value of tho policy at the ' end of tho period is tnoro than you havo pan! 'Fire, Lightning, Tornado andl .( the J-ifo Insurance , ' 1)1 I. 111. ol ' VVA' -V"V "'?' ' Muuiai" V-VVr f :(). C. Tec1, ALJ lion i-f sjmtmtby ntid condolence and piiwnttit iheiii to her through a coin- Uil'tee funs Ward vvbo has bi-en l.,iiigscf at tne A-lil.y hotel foril.ne w 0 -k', in a teacht r 111 out public hcIiooN nudisal-o an earrio.st Sunday scliool worker, and the entire town ni'o fo'ici ors of her leoovory. The Frco Homo., Angusiia, Okln. Jako Nustein expects to leave us ii'jniil tho first of ne.xt week for St Jostph, Miasouti, where bo will 111 ike Ins house in tliu fiiMire. Ho will con tinuu the inaiitifacturo of cigars in his new home making the saino brands ti nt present. Jako has been in biisintss in this city for about fourteen yeuis and as many friends, all of whom will bo sorry that he li-avos, btu as ho has promised to comb buck and visit with tho boys evoiy few months, we will try and ho contont. Wo wish him success in his now location. Now that election is over aud is a matter of history lotus turn our uttont Ion to things that will bo of immediate value and that have been over looked during tho campnign. Wo boliovo that this city needs a commercial club 0110 c mposed of tin-business mon uutl one that will not only a' tempt to dn s.ujj thing but will curry through what thai h'gin. The business men should gel logi tlur mid work Kgeibet for the m ii-r. m of thu city. H'-rritoforu wlo.i it i. 1 m i'i-h , ii liid in been Xnl I 1 '.. ,i !,-. , aillt has ii. . il,i i- -4 ' ' U 'are. to selcrt from and can make von PRICKS to lit tin kind of house you c- buildnm. I are In Carpenter Tools, we have the Standard IWafws, 3 ami iiso a complete line of the justly celebrated TRUE BLUE and CHIP-A-WAY goods. WARRANTED and GUARANTEED, in every way, to give abso lute satisfaction. Always bear this, our motto, in mind vhnn thinking of buying HAUDWAIti:, h WE SAVE YOU MONEY. MORHART ;. liE L iy lias recently adopted a now device for transmitting train order to locomotive engineers or conductors at telegraph stations with out reducing speed of the train. It is tlio invention of a retired Santa Fo on giuecr, and by Its uso it will bo possi ble for tho tiuliiiuastor contruliiig the movement of trains to communicate or ders to tho etigineor or conductor at any telegraph station on tho lino with out necessity of Hugging tho train, and thereby losing much tlmo in "slowing down" and getting under way again. The device is somewhat similar to tint used on fist in iii trains for picking up mail at small stations where tiain does not stop. The in I'D lion will not itlouii In produ 'live ot economi in opt rating ttiiins, but will b a gieat sav ing of il no, nun ii is this plutiu which isofinteiest to tho traveling f'ldio, is the s'tvng of time is (H'ecud with out inc.i .isiiig tipeetl or in auv otinr way detracting from tho safet, id tiuvol On November 10. Ii the llrst teim of this ) ear's school of Agriculture will open at tlm University. Thu attend ance promises to be linger than any pii'vious year, for tho faimeis are be ginning to rcnli.u the advantages tiller ed are piaclicall) fiee lor the educat ion of their sons in siibjucis peilainitig to funning The school is open to any )ottiig manor woman who hits com pleted the work olio red in comni'.ii schools. Such MihjiH!l8iui tho breeding and judging of live stock, general bor liculiuio of Held ctops and manage ment, injurious insect, practical work in butter and cheese making are given the llrst year. There are also courses in Knglish and mathematics and each student is n quired to do some shop work. Later in tho courso votniiuary practico is given and special attention to tho euro of livo stock. All iho wot k is very pratical in its nature, tho aim being to take make tho young farmer most useful on the faun. The ex penses aie not heavy. Then is an on u anon fee 1 f ." 00 mil 1111 iiiciituntal fie of i 1 00 and h email fee in hbnai.iv nud -hop II liiui two! 1 "-.)i 0 in !' 1 d 1 .1 $. "," per V.fOk lhe t. .-il ex -. el stiuf'. b ' at . in in vr Ho . nU-f el Wi;s 1 1 il.-' 1 1 I i I l IHU. 'ui' t .1' t1- he 10 ' I'.i i' ?.) . .4A M Gash Store; carloads of hand-picked Winter I 1 tap 37 hrsA ."- W '. fc..-rV'' -' -'--, ...aiuo ,,.. iitimiTwmie''rf;)(tf'Thmittti', unit uy ilu wim7 KwKKviar. ft m m m (t m ?J We have just received two m w ft) ft) Come in and get our prices on ft) quantity lots. ft) ft) ft) ft) (f) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) q ft) Extra Fine Cabbage at to Poun &I.OO per hunrfrdl Ibz J 'fyM -: ti&IHSf J. . iiiii.t-ii i--iiMir"J""lJI--"'-J---'fnjnf'nrairiii itn" ji r nri'i'i""r " JT"TmWiniiir'i-n'iiiiiii- irw MBHKiSy XjTgylgBMiaPiMiBWBiWiiy'i i tftl"JJ) '"' yopimu .ii MiritWJeggBVawtMf J IfclvW 2gffl H ' ' i r .. ii lw B) s' - y s-f iXt i ii iXt d U ii b U ii ii 0 i i ii i l i ii) J 0 ii W ii) 0; i ii) i) i) ii) ii) ii) ii) ii) t) ii) ii) ii) ii) ii) i) ii) i) ii) ii) i) i) U) Mi M a ivvjmr'' S&S&mt 6nov,,'