The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1902, Image 4

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fil V
CHIRK lUBW-'ll'1' ' "'I'vNY
Out rent...
BnureU t tne rot ofcrf t Ked CKhcI '
rcouilciAMinatl tnlie:
ahvektimsu uatks
' Fur iiI1mI on nnUcuotl.
' Fort Hamlin to Kctzebue Sound, Alailca
Profession 1 Paper United Stat
O ol Klwil Survey No, 10. now in nre j
consists or tin iiui-itieu rj' -
Mr. Walter 0. M iideiihsil of n H-o-otiiniNonui't'
from Fort llnntliti t
Kolnelme Sound. Alfc-kn. ! way o
Dull Ktmuti. Allen and Kobuk rivet-Thhs-ri'eoiinalwance.say
Mr eii.iVu
hall, wa carried out ill iurniuce of u
dau bich ha bwu followed f(ir
v l.v the United Stilts U-olotfi.-wl
Survey in th toKTnbi- and
lrttftt- exrdoratlcH of tho inn ki.owu
part, of Ala ki.andiu tb collection
of uoh intonation a wi'l e oi in
terest not to the acJcntlflc world.
hut to the propeeto . the miner and
the trad r LlveHr- be iik contiiiu
ally lrft Iwaiii-e the location and
clu'inicter of trail, dralnasre wy.
mountain rant:'-, Hiid m un
known, or became the knowledge
which a few iHe- is not in a form
available for the u-o of others Cap
ital di-apieai and year are waited
by prospectors who push out beyond
. the frontier and pursue their -enroll
for old where cold does not exist
Crudtiu ly the waterway- and
mo Mitain .system- are beitnr mapped
and reliab o hifornmtiou is iwina tra'h
ered concerning the dl-trlbntion of
timber, the numbeis and character of
the native inhabitants and the pres
ence or absence of pune-all matters
of vital Inture-t to the traveler who.
whatever his object, veil ures away
from tin jrrent central waterway of
the Yukon or from the fur-tnulinir
.-tation. of other -tteiuns
The route ivtis fr in Seattle, about
the middle of May, lilU, to Sknpwny
at the ileal of Lynn Canal; thenco to
Dawsou, Fort Yukon and Fort Hamlin
and on up the Dull ISiver to Dall City;
thenco ncroi- to and dowji the Kanuti
Hirer to Hortfuuin on the Koyuhuk:
thenco into and up the Allen It Ivor
and across tho portage to the Kobuk
River, dotyh the Kobuk to Kotzelu-
F-oun I, nid bnol: by steamer from
Xonir to SVUtte about tho middi of
October ijlio dl-tati e traveled f om
"Fort Yukoik ou the Yukon Kivar, t
JPeeritiK 10J1 Kotebue Sound wa- l.US
ttho rcfTou u brconsil uttton tlr-t
became rff flnir ' ' u.n to Kui"ivau-
Ti th'- 'S 'f Li in Otto
!iPCJrvotihu ..rinau in lif
slin vice. ' . vhi!e in command
Of th" ' rlf K ,:iK.discei.-d Kwtzebiie
Sounu iu I-''' Smooth u a number
of O.tpoiiitl' ! idoritf tl,e Cou-t aud
into the iu rnr o the r-i'ii
liee'niuiR'fe. inciudiu the remarkable
mid winter jouru y of l,.VXlmi e-from
the coast north of Bristol Uay to
l'oi t liairow. made iu 1?:7-1; ly
Lieutenants Jarvis and ilertholf and
Doctor Call, of the revenue cutter
Bear, for the relief of whalers itupris
oued at Toint Karrow.
Tli' most important physical fea
tures of that part of Al-ka lyim:
uorthof the Yukon i- a reat moun
tain ranee, tho Kndlcott Mouutaiu-,
fr tu :i,0 t T.OlO feet liish, exteudiu
from the Arctic .ost ju-t north of
KotzelniH Smnd eastward anl north
eastward to and beyond the interna
tional boundary letween the iWeu
Iiue lUver and the Arctic Ooeati.
North of this range the cold arctic
storms may be expected at any time
throughout the ywur; mmth of it, t'..
-limner are b"V a d bright, though
sli rt Xor h of the rauge th cum
try is timber e: -outh uf it trev- n
nr re or les atuniant throughout tli
nvr TnllefH. the liodicott Mouu
tvkins form a geueral divlie between
tlie arctic drainage proper anl the
rlv r lloAinc into Berias Sea and
Kotaebue Sound, the largest of which
is the KoyuVuk, about 7j0 miles lonjf.
Atter dlscnssinsr the local veography
aml tho ceoloy and notini; tht the
country between the Yukon aud Koy
ukuk is free f om all evidences, of gla
cial action, tho report take- up briefly
the economic nolojry of the nviou
An elevon-foot be.1 of lignite ciml l
found on Coal Creek, about 1 mile
above it.s entrance into tho Dall ltiver
of which I or S feet apparently of (,'ood
quality The outcrops of lignites
along the banks of the Kobuk are
from 0 Indies to .1 feet m thickness.
aud are probably valueless economic
ally Tho reports of the occurrence
of coal elsewhere iu the region are as
yet unconfirmed. Prospec iuir for
gold on tho Dall, the Allen, the Noatak
aud tho Kobuk r.ver lias -o far failed
to develop any de(K-its of value
Sotno i'2o,(X0 of jrold wh.s taken out f
the Kotxebue Sound district in the
late summer of 1901, but another .i
son's work will be requirod to (five u',
l'i..'per ilea of the rii'hix--.- p f e
CmdlMJiei'k district
At th" wuth ' tli- l:v'l l'.ueiK a
- ' klitt at of V
vHl'S to !'."
need of Mippliti. On th-- Kar.iiti
ltiver is a similar INhlnj,' -e ttieiiieiit of
lTh'tps sveiity-tite ho;, ukuk Indi
aus. who t chntijre yame Mini furs with
the trader or wrk fr the Koyuktik
Much the most enterprising;
mid reliable of the native peoples eu
iMtinte ml a e the Eskimo of the Ko
buk Vdllcy, some 2M in number iu
lH'l.uho proved themselves elllcient
laborers and 'com iutelliireut and iin
itatiie aud anxious to leatu KiikHsIi
and civili.ed ways
Winter tempo attueof tV) tr TO do
C ees below zero are reached for a few
days at a time in this interior region
adjacent to the arctic circle, but dur
inir these severely cold periods it Is
u ually perfect 'y calm Tho mo e
danperou times re tho of hl-.'her
teiuperattire and wind At such timos
man canuot face the wind ml live
The summers are -hurt, but warm
etionph to be pha-aut the motlths
from the middle f June to the mid
die of September l iutf available
travel by the water'nys o for pros,
pectin j he n i litos and th- :i t
are well nigh in olernhle nul"auces
during the Mim er
Silmon wa th in.ilit food of the
natives living on the Koyukttk ad tho
Kobuk befo o the a ival of the trad
era with their stores. Waterfowl to
plen iful , lniitf all of tho .streams,
since they breed iu great number, in
the lakes aud jnind of the tundra.
Geese, dti k aud tarmieanaro numer
ous Cti iboii ate found iu the region the head of K.nuti ltiver. a
few mountain sheep tire iu the higher
country; bl ck ln-ar tiro distributed
throughout the district; moose ate
fire, being found chiefly toward the
south aud east iu the Yukon drainage
b isiti; smaller animals are plentiful in
certain localities
Spruces, cotton" ood, birches and
willows are generally found at theV . ',. , '
lower levels throughout the district I f '.".,";" 7 lnfM,,' '' ""' T"
traversed, the -outlier., ami astern ''" ' "'"',e ,,,lr1 ''';' M""'.
hores of Kotzebtte Sound excepted; ' ?U' V'" U', "' ,v"r ,,"",,,e '' ' ,l C'
but the treeare usual y small (;r!is,0, '' L-'"'" ' '"ig "''"'
sutllcient for food for pack animals ) er ; ti,;.,,..
grow a far north as the patty went ,n 7 h,rt"n
Ited currants and cranberries are ' nd n KJ mi e-Win Sjirj, if
found; bilberries ate widely distrib Wtlton Firm o V- , gm o x ot
iit.-...min,,iiuiioeriiesgrow on tue
tundra everywhere; hardy and howv
tlowers are abundant during the short
sum titer eiiou Collect lun.s of the
tlora of the region were made, of
which the chi-Miied list are published
iu the iepo t
Ilovr the I'ornirr Olitiilneil Some Cimh
Oueil ti- the I.uller.
An Cuzlishman has Just had a very
curious experience, snys the Loudon
Telegraph. He had lent a Turk some '
.. .. . I
money, om wie man was unauie 10
pay and on Ills de. Miil laid n par- .
ticulr .hive on Li wife and ihil- (
dre'i to meet the dclt. The ehliot ma
una i;iukiii urr:iii-i ujenis iicroriuiig- i
If, but alo died, end be. too. begged .
his family to pay tl.o money as soon
its they could.
One day the Englishman received a
vixlt a mer.der of the family, ,
who mid that there were now four !
members of it left, and they were '
ready to pay. but one of the daughters
refu-cxl to subscribe Ikt share, deciar-
lng that the money was never really
lent. The others, however, vlshd to
settle the matter, and if the English,
man would come to the house it would I
be arranged. "I?ut." the Turk added.
"If you see there Is any difficulty Just !
Bay that you leave It to be settled In I
the next world:"
Accordingly tlie nncll.shman went to
the house at tlie appointed time aud
met the family In the presence of a
mollah. the ladles belie- behind n
screen. The mollah began by nsking '
If he had truly lent the money, how '
much It was nnd if he would take any J
Ies. One of the wom-ii behind kept I
saying It was all a fraud. The English
man then declared that be had lent t'.ie
money, that he bad not asked for .r.
tli-t tbey had told b:ai to ctu,o rM
tet It and If they did not want ti i y
It he would Wave the Dsittter to t . t
tlsl la the next world.
There wa dead atlenoe for a f v.- u.
metits, and then the women .a'. : 1
their brtHher. and each paid her i.-e
without a word. It seems tho pro-; .s-t
or meeting the father in the other
world without having carrlwl out his
wishes was too serious a thing to face.
In baking bread It Is better to overdo '
rather than underdo the work.
To make a good digestible pie crust '
use eruu instead of lard, and It will
be light and healthful.
If there is not batter enough to All
the gem pan, put cold water In the
empty space before setting the pan In
the oven.
The rich cheeses, which have tho
largest percentage cf fat, are those
which blend well with bread In saud
wlchca or with macaroni or rice.
For a quick cake beat until thick
four eggs. Add four tablespoonfuls of
ugar, half a cup of Hour, a little cin
namon and lemon rind. Heat well and
spread on n baking pan. Bake in quick
oven and cut lit once.
Sweet potatoes are much richer twice
cooked. Baked or boiled merely, this.
vc'ctatle U good, but when the Ivk
lug or liolll.g U fallowed by a yu'.e
quoot In the pan cr In the
even they .re far better.
A :: t-L.e&e pudding l Eitid.? by
gr ;!i;g ile co.hvb of Uv&,l and v..r
" a: d
Mahara's A'i-S:ar Mituttls Coming
W lint i m ire relit tlmti a teal,
hiRht, gnufftv ii t if..ittin ei.
with it j..,j niu. .in fni
i) in. c... -in rh v.,-, . . v . ,.-m-iii.
it i,,.,. H , i..,, ,, int.
U i'll Itif 1- ,.,. '.( . . i . , . t
bom hoi! t:in:i. in n. , ., i,.t, .
htimU .in i-n ie mount., n l i .
zling eo.iuiiiei in -t th no ! em t, oil
with A I' Ml !ie Inie, im v.."- n
'hat i Iil ei, ii i i,. .n...,, t,-,.
b-eii pin ii.gptlin nj ij.H i m t) .. i
ntie Mb tre1 linn, wlilen u. I ft
at the ll.-il Cloud npeia nnu. ilimitii
even ng, N-v-mli-r IT
A Startling Surcri.
V- y few could believe In looking tit
A. I'. II iinllei, heal'hv, rnlnt. t lach
til ti of I'diii n, Ind.. tat lor ion
e r- lie MitTorul uch t lnt f om
in- un a itii a- le i on ie dute n
' Hu -. uiiiii t tin iii-.i-u. iti.
ii t . in, E r oi'Hi -ii. ' T" to
il Wii-i. J n .i Mir." to- !.-, ' ,il it
I hurv ti it . t -i i w "tig- I,, . r.-i n y.:,i '
1 'ley ietili,;. -,. k. i!)le . ,(, i,,.
i''o!a i . i it', .m. ienriig-1,
t-i-rviiisi , s, hi p .it- ili'.sin nd
t'ler piririthraiii. In iuhi. tl
60" .i C L Cntttn; il'iijte o.e,
Th Grtat Atiwricatt CHawte
On th hrrls of H -! (ii llliiil illt
MMiip-a hwling t,li.. ,M Htlil tir iii-xt!
thing iii Kfiowr tlte we ,i)ihi-jc .tiring
tike emii .' w-oi,itii iwnn iiv..
wild teil -ore cli-st. and stiif bttcl,, I
L-u-Mlv. l'etiv,' I'.dnMinn i. m
hand to irive ifln-f. Take ii Inn ttntllv
j'1"'1 '"'' '' u'," ,,,L' aeliing ll..-h. All
dttigji:, i ir. Tih-i-o U out one I'ain-
killer, P. ii i I), vis'. C L. C'H'
-tartline but True
"II everv one knew uleU n gland '
medicine Di King's New Life Pilu i-."'
write- I) H. Turner, Di'inn-eytown,
t M ...II ..i, .. . .!..
, Hi.ei -, SIVl. wh. I i
Hied a hoinoie f-vei -me on ii In...
Motlnnu e s-eoti'il. i'.-i ively eiires
hru.e-, fe o is u ei r , eruptioiH, h,. ,
boil, cmi's atdule- Only S,j c -u .
Guaranteed by ('. L. ('oitins;, d'tiggi-t.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day
.My-tloCure for rhOHmntl-m mul jieumllii
remllly cure la f 'om cm to three ilnys It e
tlon arsni the ytem h toumrlHtilf nn.ltny
ttrlon-. Itrtore! at onto the eii mi.t the
OIee lmm.)Ii'!y illMpi-ors. -rjie grti!o'
"nr beneai. rrtu, an t. nki Lv ii.
K Crlre. il'iutlil. l,.1 nru.1 Xh I
i.ii.... !. i,.
v0,., i. m.iof t.'i.or. imi .a -v
n"v .bl', i""ntMiT rtwmiMium m tcrj-j
i .') :n,nl J' "- (.er j ' r . . . rr. 'Ir i! !
.' - i - , -. r- - r , r ;,.,, !m..- i u- J
t t"r -ix vr, a -j. i
"'M'rttt. ..:.. n fur itbenmai a.
i-. r-i nu i.i. at
'iraioit 'ti tur c ir lain tircliMet
ii K. H t.'e
lr tgii
Mother u h -..,,.! Pi,r.r4 forcbllderii
S-.ce fuilv iin-J by Mulbjr ?my. our t-In
thif hllfli ..' ll..twi I.. V,v im.. l.a. .
i Uhliesf .j ..h. tee:hllllj d'.oraMv. wore
UJ n-sruNte the txwti mui abtmy wo.-w.
Jo erS ft tetimonl.iK They never (M At
Hitnui;lt.. Me -imple fre .ilJrv. Allen
i oIibmH. l.M? y . V.
It Kei'- the r ee. Vna nnil Pry.
AV to ilny for Allen' Koot L-e. imwilcr.
It cute-eJitibUl -. nwallen cati!ii: .ore. nch
line dump feet. At nil ilfutfsltuilsiuief sores.
Some men uevcr acquire enemies be
cause they have no money to leud to
their friends. Chicago News.
in some New Zealand towns there
are more women voters than men.
' ' ' - '
I.. .'' I.M.-V-. . . '
Of nIritoii, Ttum.
"Wine cf Cardul is iri!td ibitnln
to tirtd .omcn. ljir ju it'ed for
stvcnytjrs uith ucaVnm and bcr-Ing-doun
pjin, and h4v.njt tried sev
eral docton and different remedies
vith no success, your foir.e ol Ctrdui
wis the only thing vhich helped me,
and eventually cored me It seemed to
build up the weak parts, strengthen
the system and correct irregularities."
By "tired women" Mrs. Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses, falling of the
womb, ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have.
You can cure vntirlf at linmo with
j this great women's remedv. Wine
I of Cardui. Wine of Car'Jui has
cured thoj3aiiis 0' u- rhtel
deters nave failed uU . . Whv
not begin to get well t. '..r? All
tiru2if.u haie 11.(0 l-otl. . For
any stums ii, liver cr bow I diior
dr Thedford'i blaci-I'rausjht
i'i.-c!l beusl.
y ' W
jrf - r
I i
l ,y HVK,
i ! '
9 M t
i n.5 iiba 1' i1. . 1- I
I , ll CiJU.Ji Jj.N. ..I ',V,,tigB, i
4 . . . . v
Two Dendw o-l Sou akota. o s
of t inlet-j e r. p ajed with dynamite
the other day The result was never
in doubt
Doiniiilkee Joktijijkean is the
name of a young man whoro ently eu
t r d An Arbor col ego. H will
perhaps endeavor to b.i d up a name
for hiin-e f
'Everything was cr ated f'-r n pur
pose " The pug d g, which has long
eeti regarded as usedcx, hits i eeti
iitllir. ii by a Missouri nan a weapon
wit w .ich to slug his wife and kie
fonie i voire I wyef a jnb
A ctiji c ioi',n in Plotida ast ik
cejrb aUd the fiftieth annivir-ut) ol
thei maiTitigc and they dec ate a cro
word ha ne er passed between them
At this distance it cuuuut be a-cer-Uined
aa to whether tiM are deaf
tnutea r accompllnhed liar
An Indiana minister clal i.a to have
O ia III his life nerfo m: rulnt-i n
lmtidred marriHg rer onies and not
a tng o div. rce has ro ul d He
-s.o-id ptit.ll h his formula for the
bMielit of mi- y .. titer piv cher- vi o-e
matriiiges -eem, in so many instance-.
tte lacking inadhe-ive
An ea:ern health jo irnal claims
that bathing is injurious to the li tilth.
This claim u ny find Mipport in the
eon-idera'ion of the usually robust
appearance of th m -t. who call at the
back do rs i-i the winter audtis ner-
missiou of he go .it h uewife to
IHitlo up the ga d n for a modest meal. '
A French editor and marquis have
uiraiti met with swords on the bloody
Held of battle One ecaped entirely
with his life, while the other uh"ered
from a slight puncture of the right
shmiluer. An accident of this kind
wo .Id be laughed to shame on the
green Ileitis of Kentucky
Because his -weethcart rejected his
proirere I hand, a G rover, Vieouiu.
lad of -eventeen shot at her through a
window, doing no o h r damage than
brea ing the mirror she who was hold
ing in her hand. Believing that lie
had killed her. lie walked out 'o her
father's barn and took a suee s.-ful
shot at hime f ,
Now that the season for roasting
chestnuts, is at hand in the east, the
report ha gone forth that thb Hums o
Society of Boston will begin n crusade
agauit the baking, because of the
pain inflicted upon the worms It
beems sooiewlw o' a query a. to
whether the niemlHTs, of thatoraaua
tion think th little vpiirme s shall
b eaten raw
Ai!p Amid Flames.
BreaKin inua Oi.inj( nin-, -oine ,
tiremen lately dragged Hie sie,.pnlC
inni ites from death. Funcinl security '
n ! l..ik ... r. ...
VOtl nee-li-IM en ,',..V '.,., M .','!
v ...... --.....7 nun vui i;, iiui
doit. Di- Kino'. V..,,. ii...,.r. i
uoiisiiiiipiiun gives peitect piotertion
against all throat, chest, and uing
troubles. Keep it nesr, and av.ndo
suffering, death, nnd dector'- bins,
A te:i-L)i,tinfn -top,- h lute cough, pnr-s'-t-nt
ti. ii,e n,.t stubborn. H.itin-le-
nnd nice 'asting, u gimranieil t..
-ati-fy bi C. I.. Cotiing.
1'. ice W. smj Ji.oo. Trial Dn'tl.- free
How to Git Rid ol a CoW.
" I vt-r Oe tid ol h-ei:?'
s ti) Oibj qiii!ln of ninn
' I' i - - ' u 'e;tr
( iiP't ,jb.i-
- I... !i..-a-., 'I j.:, r- n;
on-re . ..e- . r-1.c. ir . !V!.,
'-, a., ur ... in tf . Ii i r is
ilt'illMli' th Hi. 1 -tag
siiiuiiion. CLCtitnz
7 the Cough ani WotVs off tfc Cold
.t''l'e IPiillln Ouiitnp Tnh'el. 1 iim.
1 en il m mi-' iH No cute, an pay
i Exclusive
iArt Rooms.
-A Ci-iiipleie Line of-
t Picture Mouldings,
j Picture Nails,
J Picture Chains,
t Moulding Hooks,
Parlor easels,
Artists' Tube Paints, 1
. 1
trusts' a rustics, 1
J Aril-its' Easels
and "vJahlstfcks. '
t 1 . . hi- '
t' - -, .Hi'
1 I, .
.1 T ' '
--. t .
I HI 1)
? dfcssti Received
a !ar '( stock of Hoot's .-.ntT Siuiw
fall aiul winter
I.adieV Fine Shoes, warm Shoes and
Kanparoo Calf for good service. : :
Children's Shoes for boys and girls,
nclndtcd for hard wear. : : : : :
Men's Fine Shoes and a complete ifte
of good wearing Sho--s (nr fall and
winter. :::::::::::
A large stock of Ladies', Men's. Bos'
and Children's Overshoes. : : :" :
Not Made by a Trust.
Felt Boots Site! Overs.
Any of my lejillvr
give .. in tlv ,
i'h.iri:'. ''!.iiir i
Had Cloud, Nebraska. S
' ' ' - '- ' - I I I -! I I
::;: -
' 'A
' '5
' '
E II. WE the cleanest aw! most complete stock
ol Groceries in the
and fresh. We have made
Hadell S: Co. to accept our
Every order
I hus our
A'o "kios"
to mix up
your orders.
order them from :
Hr M ASP MM C 9 )
M 0 FT ft W m
Do you wear stockings?
If you do. we have, the stockings
and the yarn to make them.
Stocking Yarn at
tlU ,W!
n At
A.150 a full line of Crocheted Hoods.
I F Newhouse j
2 "
1 AM I Mm WMt A
2 I If f f f- XA
Will be preserved
: Groceries
land Meats
. -3
of us. Everything neat and clenn. A nmn
lot uf H-avy ''astor
gaUuii .othuicj better.
Up-to-Date Grooers and Butchers. f
tijirfiviorVT Tviirrrvwviav.ji-riiiijinivv-niiini-ti,tiitiii1i1,1lTe?
TRADERS rrjMlBissii? Co,
i)Ki.rus IN
l3llilclitTLJ' l-XiTttKiTll, 1-5 to.
Our Graduates Suooood Beoauso Wo Teaoh
Them to Do Somothingl
Our Methods, Courts of Study And Hqulrnif nts Are Unrxcellfd Wr help youne txopl
who desire to succeed EXPENSES LOW. OOUKSKS THOROUGH Trite lor
Chicago - Lumber - Yard.
wear, consistinrr n(
- that rip or
iir 1 fn-f of
i'i!. ' I'ric s
: .:-::-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-
city, hvervthinc is new
arrar.gements with Alfred
produce checks, thus giving
you all the advantages of a department
store. To our friends in the city we
wish to say that our experience as elerks
has given us the advantage of knowing
the particular kind of goods desired,
and you can find them at our store.
If you wish to be sure to get your
: : PHONE 102.
Ut J.afc
W rw W (
S i St fr
if you buy your
Machine Oils at 35c per
i ry some of it.
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