wrte," T-'v-tJW " A:if-, r , l-.i m 4 i I.I rA WlrmH tl v u V'i ft i fe I Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon tho mind, dis courages and lessens amblllonj beauty, vigor ' ' nM.t fikilaitiilitaHii hamm ..M I..IUV.I IlltlljO i.UUll disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent mat ins not uncommon for a child to be born 'afflicted with weak kid neys, If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scald3 the flesh or If, when the child rpaches an ago when It should bo able to control the passage. It Is yet afflicted with bcd-wettlng, depend upon It, the cause of tho difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards tho treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble s due to a diseased condition of the kldpeys and bladder and not to a habit as most peoplo suppose. - Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Tho mild and the Immediate effect of -SwampROQt I? soon realized. It Is sold flj triirlU In Mm. CTsk.'A' cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle bv mall free, also oamDhlet tell- tinnm t,t Hwumnn.,i fag all about It. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmei & Co., Dlnghamton, N. Y., be sure anC mention this paper, -" -iii --- BEST FOR THE : BOWELS It J on linwn't n nirnlir, In-nlthy morcim-nt or the tnlti ry tin. ) m iu III or will l, Ilnejuur bowrliiolirn. iimlbv rll l'trr In Ilio (lm or l WUt.litl.rilll l':".l tliinc. roil . Ilio Hiiinotli finl.iiicli' I. Inunt nili twiiy ul ki 11 Ini; iliu tnimlr clvnrmi'l ilcnn lalo tnliu CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY l'lfnuiint. l'nliittlilt' I'.it. lit. Tittt. (.nnil IlnOnoit HKlr HIkLi'ii, ', i-nl-i n, or (irlii,-, 10, IS, nnil bl irno frr lfx. 1 rill, flit In n kniiit.li. nil I Ih.i.LI. t lit. .--lull AltllreM (IS ITIIIIIMI IIK1UIV (OTtl'IMT, tlli.ll.llor NFIT TOIIK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN net u tlct ii Qiuiif. Tn ft; ioc dr cicui Kit w ct Wis i INGLE INDER ... ..oV iwi v ci -.i VX J ifll.V v. flWTTk: UM&W w. tuummi I . ... V u .iA .2ZMV mtnvrcr, hut GHTgjJ STRAIGHT CIGAR ,$'ltrtW ltaa. rr Nn,NL aiMt(l ll . wm NwttM f-m DON'T Be Fooledi Take the i;cn original ROC.V.' MOUNTAIN TEA Made only hy Mudleon Medi cine Co.. Miilnon, Wli. It keep you well. Our trade mark cut on rich package. Price, .-; cents. Netennld in bulk. Accpt no ubftr aaiPui.i . tute. Atk joiir druggist. grM CANDY CATHARTIC . at Genuine tampcd C. C. C. Never si Id In bulk. Beware of the dealer who fries to icll "something list as good." t CMICH'-s.TEFl'H ntlGLTil IVBOVAL PILLS .i,nAn.i itre -i i i..ii..k r.i Ll' I " ' V tUl(ltt ".jfrorX f" ?"i,i"5'Ti:i;- j.ni.i.imi r'NAASA 111 IIKIl kill tiulil lur.li t. ,:. w, 1 TT rJ. Mgwn iiui runnier ifclnr P W.1 l)uui:triii. xu,lltiillur.4 ii.nl I...II,.. Il.in. Huj of your liru.xl! triii ici io llldl. fur l'Mrll.il.i.L 'r.,t....l.,. l ffi "Mrllirriirl.illti,il(jiT.lf r. .' I urn 11.11. io.oimi l.-umnui,:, fuiibr hriil.i. -t . .. mi . .. Mentlun tliU mr, Nlutlou l, I'lillu" in! , "C.C.C" on Every Tablet Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and (accept no other. Beware of fraud. .AH druggists, ioc. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and 5 At OKB Vnurl lfan,a..t Sji5beet,T,0,.?n' 'orrn of tobacco inlna ew lire and vigor by taking M9.TO.BAO. 3It?iki,,we,,e mn trong; MSnyKTa ired. All . druggiiU. Cure ouaranteed.' iiook. KUUUUY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 .. PARKER'S , HAIR DALSAM lVumoici laiiiii.nl troth. I',?Tf r .Tti V? ""tore Orny ltlr to ilk Vouilifui Color a Ic. .milium l)ml. This alenaturo Is on ovory (hji of tho nuln6 Laxative BromoQuiniuu Tabid. tho remedy that curi'N coltl iu one tny ssassasszsia MiuYisa-szAL2&Liuu r iiihtS ....Hlr All frlSI- IA1I&. lit l i'iMijIi Stitin l'nti. 1.iuI ft.n I gJvlTrSHsSSlSKl.ri in ii i h i.i hi (iriiL'Ki!. U4 How .li r. Your Kliliu-jv- Or Ilobbs' BparajusrilU euro ullklilnvy I1U. Ran. Ho free. Aild.blcrllDK Uunn'ilyCo.ClilcaKOOf N.V m Let the Truth Be Known. I''- U. Ovcrinnii Itcpllcs to tin1 NiUlmi, j I'til wi'i'k the Niitlon I'huiKxl H"'1 "iiimij uiloilii'j Uvtlllliill li'liiscuto vi wltiuniH in., Mimiiiiiliiiir in $217 CO In Hii'jKiulli (,' ciim lij fiiilhiK lo iikiio i h .Mr. Potter to Inkn il(iiisltinim of .ll'VI'll jUlllKSMN IfxItlillK in Dnl otn ''"iinty, iNi'liiii.sku mill ilmt Mr. Ovir- niiui liiul itiuiHM'.s wlilt'li foil 557 tlittl In) iliil not: tibii Jo lliocnsc. Tills Inst liitiKu )h puififiii hilly, us nny iliinh HiK pi'ison knoMM (hut In mi iuiioiiiuit ril'U it NOIIII'tillllM fllTCAHIIiy to Iiiivh tvllni'ssi'v, toiiKi'l I'liui no rii , who iro not n.'L'il mill 3d il w ulil nut In 'f'to i !-k ilu ciin' willioiit lnivinjr t'll'lll plCSdlll Aito Dim otln-r rliai(,'c( tin' Niiiimi ii'Mnlti tliui lOvm iiiim M'lviil I'nticr with notleo tlmt ttu was Hilling to tuku tin' ill-positions, hutixi'iisi'c l'oltttr mid liliiini'H Ovi'iiiiiiii on tho gn tinil Unit Oviiiniiiii did not hi-ivo IiIh notieo until nfior 1'ottiT hnil ri'ceivi'ri tho onlnr fi"in.;JuilKo AilnniH for his witnemuo anil until after I'ottfr Imd sent tho pic cose for tho wltnpflsrs to tin- sheriff of Dakota county. Wu proposo to show that Mr. Potter hnil n.fflelrnt notice. Tho fact that JuiIkp Aclniiifi rhvu lilin .in order vfor tho witnesses in no way excused. Iiiin ftoiii 'tnkltiK tho deposi lions ami was no ,.v,nv for not taking tlieiii, mill further, thai it io nolti no that I'otter had sunt the pioces to tho s'liilir of Dakota county In fore notice was served on him to take the ilepo.si tfoiH. A short time befoi o court i'otter li'til proposeil lo takn ilepositious of witm.sMs in Dnknin county anil Mr OwriMun ifid not aL'ice to take tin in at t "if liiiin for iii, icikoii: )uil(;e AdauisMiud wtitieu Mr Hunt n 'lint llM. Illil iii (Olill ul Kill Cloud oil li Tiili, open tlie ipiity session ami ii j uin Ilic ,Jm t ci in until Intel on a i mil it the Mimilpi . Mi Oviiinaii Knew thai when .Indue Allium caino line that Mr. lN.t'er W'Hilil ho oliliireil in apply for eouiuil Hory pioecss for the attendance ol his witiift.scii, nnil, iu older to do this, he would have to name hi wil iii'st-cs ami In confided to the nutubei for which the slntutei'pn vidos, while, if ho hull iifceptul Mr. l'ottei'ri lirst piopo-.il, i'otter could have taken tho depositions of any number of.wiinrssii, ami would not have been conliniii lo any cut tain ones Now let u. .see what wasili.ne JiuIko Admin came to Kid Cloud, Maj ftth, held uimtt tlu .Hlli and (lib ami then a j'.iiimil court until Miy Kith. On May Ulli, iu the foinoon, i'otter was nppointeil attorney for Ktiuint,'. In Uir aftetnoon i'otter inade a hhowint; for compulsory process for fifteen wit nesaes ( all he is allowed under the law of this stateDfor tho KialiiR ens'-, uanilii)r each one of tin in, t-evcu of whom weni fiom Dakota ei iinty, wilb in three hours after l'ottet made his applications and'Kave the nnmesi f the witnesses, ho wished fiom Dakota o unity, Mr. Ovoiiiihiii obived uti him, by Sheiill MuAithtir, tho following n ilici: State of Nobraskn va Frank Keating. I'u John Potter, Attorney for Defend. ant: WhcioiiRiOYoii have tiled an appli cation in tho distiiot cot tit, asking foi coinpiiUory process for thu attonilnnee fr m Dakota county, NehrnHka, being a ilHiance of some tluee hunilied and twenty iiiiIih fiom4Kni Cloud, Nnbras k i, for tho follow iu(r wiinei'-cs, to i ; Ms Kied Kei tint, Kied Iv'ating, U Hi in O'DelM.I iKo i' 1 1 1-, Cm I II. u S HI, ( li'illcs Hi nllei, .Mis JiilM Killl-., K Vii Mil del' ami otlieis N w , In n foie, jou nil! hen hj lake il'iilce that I, is utility iiltornej of Wibs'ei count j, IS'i li u-kti, in oiili i lo s He lint eiiollliolis ipc.ini to Webs -or county of In inging said witmM-.es to tliis comt, heieli) illir to waive ail provisions of Urn statutes iu regard to taking lt p isitioiis and of notice ami Borneo of piocesi of notice, and here by oiler to take u.o deposit joiih of. said witnesses beforo tho county judge or any nolaiy of Dakota county, on any day or any time jou may tiamo or se lect from this day up until May 12th, iucliuling all said of Mav l'Jth. E. U. Dvkuman. I hereby certify that I Hurveil it truo cooy of thu above and foregoing notice on John Potter, attorney for Frank K.iaiing, on thoOth day of May, 1002, at I o'olouk p. in., of said 1I113'. J. A. MoAirriiun, Sheriff. What a jut worful notieo this is. Evuiy witness Potter asks for Mr. Overman sets out iu his notice ami stitemhat ho will waive all provisions of law and process ami take the de positions on any day Mr. i'otter will natno up to and including May l'th 100J. This notieo was herved on Mr. Potter, n. is shown by the loturu of the sheriff, at J o'clock May, tiih. Mow, would Mr. Overman not have Ix en a fool ic hnvii accepted the pro po.itiou funn Mr. I'otter to go up into Dakota county, the homo of tho Kent inin, andalliwcd Mr. Potior t. take thedopositi,,,, ,,f j,l ni aly .y,,,,,,,,,, he wished without uaiiiii them beloio 1 jlls ten ..f :Uo penei. I.. . ns, s vitlene.i in o unpin tun t u ,.IIS hj pi'ciu'iy wheiitl,,. Mtteof i,Ks!ie pi. ividi-s bj sn-i,.,,, ,u oftl.oCiiininal Code as 1.II0A-. Tliut, before ilm ,,.. funilaiit can h.ive eoinnulscu y process for witnessi'H hu nnwt 0 an alliduvit n ml stnto tho names: 0f Ms wiiuessn and that tho court may then nllow him not to exceed llfteon witnesses. AssionasMr Ovirnian compelled Mr. i'otter to name his witnesses mid conllno himself to the number of wit iiohci the stntiites piovlde for ho linineillately -eived tho above notice, giving Mr. i'otter from May (itli to May l.'l'li to take his deposition ft. The Nation says Uvei man served him 10 late. What n n excuse. Potter was served May (Mi, comt adjourned until May M1I1 and i'otter had nothing on eai th to tlo, not oven any other cvse, to look after, but take thu depositions in the, Keating c ise. J,nt us ask how much notice tho law of thi , nte gives 11 pei. son ami what w.is given Mr. P.'Uer to take depositions ami show if ho had as much 1 inn or inoiu under tho law would have given him? Sec tion .'ITS of the Civil Code of our statute provides as to deposition, " i'ho notion shall be .served so as to allow tho ad verso party sulllcient tituu by tho usual route of trnvel to attond n ml a day for preparation, exclusive of Sunday and thn day of service". Under tho notice served on Mr Potter, wo will give him May Cth as tho day of servico and count that out, tho 7tlt wo give him for preparation; ho Is now entitled to go to Dakota county by ilio usual route. LfjtiviiiR Red Cloud on tho morning of the 8th, nt "10 o'clock, on train No. 22, ho would arrive iu Oinnha via Lincoln, nl 7.:i.r) p m on the even ing of May 8tb. We would not have him hurry over to the Union depot and gel out ot Omaha iii.uiedliitoly which he could do, but will givo him a nice ulghi's lint 111 Oiniiha Leaving there t (I lo on the innming ot the Oth lie would loach Dal.o'u City, tho county iu of I) ihoia ciiiiiiU , 011 ilio ( tieino custom sid ,, DtLotn t!l utiiy, at lO.IJO o'c.ock on Miij in Ii. lt02 Wo will sot the taking of the t'c positions for one o'clock on ihu . fti'inooti of Mai Uth Mr. Potter will then have all ol the Muni the law ol ih" -tato sas he is en titled to, iet under the notice ho was given fiom M.ii (l li ud to timl inclinl iug nil of May 1'Mi to tnko the deposi lions. Tho Kentiiig ca-o being bi 1 he coin 1 set for ttial f r May 14 It, thence Mr. Potter could havo taken do position all of May 12'h and had two days to have gotten back in linn of tii.il. In the Keating case theio were sonu thing over lifiy wiiuesho oxauiined 111 d the case aigued in about two days, ho ice the evidence of the seven wit ncsses could have sutely been taken 111 0110 diii ; but, snis tlie Nation, tho pro cess hnil been enl to tho .slut ill' of D,i kota county bt foi6 notice win served This, wo claim, is absolutely null ue, aud wo t li ii k the Nation has been 1111.1 iufoi mid, as we do not bc'icvc the Na tiou would ptiui stub an unreasonable story. The recoiils at the office of the clerk of tho distiict ct urt will show that Mr i'otter's application was mule Mai U Court (lid not convene on that morn ing until !l o'clock and the mail for the oast wus made up at 0 !I3. Overman's notice was, as shown by the jhenll's return, served tit -1 o'cIock on tho saint day, Mai ". hence there was no mail which loaws Ued ('loud beforo o'clock, which could have cariied mail to thu shenff of Dal.ota county, nnil, ovon if a letter had been mailed at nny timo on May ., all thai Mr. Potior would havo needed to have, dono was lo have followed it with a letter to the siiuiill, telling him of the taking of tin depositions bi the agreement belweei h" and .Mr Oieiiiiuii As wo have aooe stiitt il, the ttial ot tho ease wa .sol for Mai l-li n' net no pioc. ss to tin sneiitl would Have caili-d lor .Miuesui b ji'foioMay 11 ilm.iil m.ii li.- a eopy of CUnip,.,r. Ilio Nam n ftinher quotes .Judg.l S-il (.'ultiife M:.i mil a v.ilual.lo wm I. duiiis mid sols ..in that .Jtidgo Ad.iinitiml,.v,.n f,m ,. ,.,,, , ,,1V( , said in bis reimii ks on tho motion tm a new ttial iu 1 lii Keating case as lol Iiiwm "Somo attorneys might h.ivo talked loi get' and homo might have talked louder than tho prisonei'.s coun cil, but it seem to 1110 that every point has been brought out and thatovori thing could bo done has been done in 1 ho prisoners behttlf " We wish to infoi in the Nation that wo agree with tho opinion of Judge Adams, that Webster county din her dmy to ;Fiank Keating. It furnished him botii witnesses and lawyer, gave him a fair trial before twelve honest men, aud wo agree with Judge Adams that this was on nigh, but Mr. Potter seems notsati.stied but bus carried the Keating caso to tho supreme court aud ttioro proposes thai Wedsler county be made moio expense iu behalf of lhijitcr Clara Is nn amateur pianist, Dora man Keating. It wns John Potior who j ,8 n" amateur photographer, Edna Is ordered Clerk Hidden to make a inn I an n,lintur pointer, ami Elvira Is nn script in this 0,0,0 for the Mipie.m- ainntcp, ostronoiner, but you don't fril1l'l 1 1 IlliMliiti luia 111..1I1. li... .... -. 1 t 11 iti-' iiiuiiu mu iiutr script and Wibbtercoiinty has paid Mi liurdon for his task a nil if any tax pay or doubts this statement let him ask Mr, lliiitlen who pieseuied his claim, which was allowed by the county bom it Scptemtier Hid and latir paid l tho county tieastirer. Wo havo now answered evety chaige which Ilio Nation lias made conclusive IV. Of eoiirse, aiiMhing which the Nmioii milit cliiirgo in Ms Inst i,ui beftup elnctioii wo cannot unwi r, tlieiefoie, tiqiiest the Vto to not consider any charge fm wlieh thue is no chance for leply. Real Estate Transfers, l'raiisfois for tho wcok omiing Wed nosdny, October 20, furnished by J. U. Bailey of tho Webster County Abstract company: J Mcriin and wife to Fred it aiKui-tt i 11 w Jill) w.l ... 3 Henry (Jimtl, tiustee to K LPe ,, lot 8. bh-ok M, Hliiu Hill, w.l . 'Jeo C May and wife lo 0 F Pen- nliiaton, sw J ill 1 , ivd E V IJiowtiing to Willaid A Hrowni'tnl nwj rj.snj n iu i and sv s5 1 j) Wl Liillior I'. Uiown ami nif.-to Wil- lard A Hi own unb . j snjiiml i' si ', 1 0 wil Willard A Uiown and wifu to Ltithei E Hiown unb i 1 nu C 10 ml Mai ia Ilrown to Ucrnnrd Iteiu- ingiai28 I Dqcd V L Htiuv and wifu to Win It lCuO H(H) IfKO Cloud j nt 1.1a W( 102 I H Han pton and and to Unttie K Itiili lots liJnml If, block 11, Smith and Moore's add to Ked )clt"1 wil Fred E McKeoby to Trustees of 100 ' Lodge 180 I 00 Flot 11, block 7, ltd Cloud wd , 50 C E Perkins, trustee, to Wni Ii Cramer e ne J) ij u wo OOC Chas K Hngan to John 1 (JuV so iandi'HsnJ20 2 9wtl 5100 $11081 Moitg-ges Hied.... Morlgige.s released .? 8017 00' . TO!).') 00 1 A "Catch Ponny Social" will be given j by the High School Juniors nt Masonic , Hiill.Fiidtiy eveuit g, Oct 21. Ev. ij body ijuts in nine ceirs ami gels out f, r more n siai us nk'i.e, it un'i ai" . I'hci. 's- no olhei , its naliire's wonder, it w-tiiniig p.inlii.'.. t.. the heart of 110.11 ' kind Such i Kn-ki Monntiin Tea :JV At C 1, Cutting's id ug itis To Cure a Cold in One Day I'-ik' Laxative linuim (juiiiino Tulici All diuggiits refund Hie money it ii fails to cure. E. W. (iiove's signature is nn each box. 2."ii'. Sim's a radiaiii, witching, wondrous gem that beautiful, bliislnn wife ot mint'. Sim h an iiiicl on earlh, so iu c-tii he, only take Koekt Mountain Ten. At C. L. Cutting's ding stoic, 'I lie Moler lt.11 bet-College, Onialia, No., wiiits- men to i. arn bather trade, sti'uly practice, tiialilied teachei , deni oiistratioiii, etc, ate the advaiitiig.'s, Complete 0111(11 of tool-, given emi. glidll'iie, In mil illeluilt'il Cfilalomie oxplnining all mailed free. Lurking on Street Corners mid in tne . .its nic vagabond em irci.w of air nhoo cold torn h sets the li.o ii ofiieuralgia.ini iln 1 uiatism :it Hun work of tin meiii. M. iln n nmgie in (In fin in ot l'ei 1 j Dais' PaiiiKtller, com t leis the imp. miiiI lestoies pe-ice of iiiiml with ciiiiif .rt of body. You wil. iv.' uiuisoll imiii n day id miui b Keeping ibis goiul .ml nmetly iu Hi. I'ouse. Then- is but one Pniiikillei, I'eiry D.ivis'. His Life in Peril. "I just sei'iiiid to have gono all to pieces," wilii-. Allied H.-o, of Wolfaie, Tx "billimisness and (l ,um, b-o-k bad nihil" life a bin den, 1 cotild'iii eat or sleep and fell almost too worn out to w,,,k w,,',, l l"'K"i lo use Kleeiiie Hit lers, mil tuny uoiK.'d womleis. Now I sleep like a i.u, e..'i eat anything, have gained In sitiiiu'-h ami et joy Imd -voik " I'litu ..mm. vigoioiis n .,,h ,,,,0 new life lo Weal.,leM. -iiii..!m n ;j. .1 pie. 11 y lllteii. (),iy r,0c lit C. L. ( i- tuiit's ilrnu' siiui , Manual of Soil Culture .Sfinl me it o 1 1 i,t stitino iiikl r 1 mo-is, Oinnha. (Jem I ill )issi.igi i' agent, I Goes Like Hot Cakes rnsiesi seinng 11 nave in mv s ore," writes ilruifBist o. T Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is l)i. UiimVs New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ami Colds, be c.use it al wai h fiirijs. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I havo known it to save suti.'rers from Throat atid Lung diseases, who could got no help fiom doctors or any other reme dy." Motheis iely on it. host physi cians presciibo it, and C Ii. Cutting guarantees satisfaction or refund price. T1111I bottles free. Keg. nizcB GOe. and $1, All Aniatenra, Culture Mother My dear, your sis- . f, t I'reity uaugiiter On, yes, nianinin, I nm an nniutcur llanceo. Hero's my first eniWKeinent ring. IIU Cliian. Augnstuu (no longer tho yoiincy , Well, there's 0110 eoinfort-they nay nt , forty n man Is either 11 fool or n nliy , "'' Angelina (nearly swnllowlng n yuwn) -And are you phy.lel,,.,. then? Augustus-No. Bieliin. Angelina- Oh "VI111 1 Jarred ller. Mother (Mxithlngly) - Von mustn't nilml what he mijh itliout his mother's cooUliig, my dear. All men 1I0 that. Mn riled DaiiKhter (wtiriuly)-I don't, nvunumj tt'a ttMfettilugs lw Bnyu about , tny vooblutf tho tfwmoy me. ffHEDFOHD's? 'BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE Aff rScariBi lW1 ...y A Sallow Pnnitllnvimi .1!,-! & biliousness nntl n coaled tonguo are coinnion indications of liver and kidncydiseau's. Stomnch nnil uowui iroumes, suero as they aro, ciyo nnnietlinlo warning by pain, ...... mu nnil Kioncy troubles, V..U..U,. ,ra, i.iiiuui m, 1110 start, aro tii 1 ,"ir,,i;r,10 curfi' ineiiroril's Illmk-DratiHlit never fails to hene htdiscased liver and weakened kid noys. It sth-3 up tho torpid liver to throw off tho germs of f over and ague. It is a certain proventivo of cholera and Britht's diseaso of thp kidneys. WiHi kidneys re inforced by Thedford's Black Draught thousands of persons havo dwelt nnmuno in tho midst of yel low fover. Many families live in perfect health and havo no other doctor than, Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on hand for uso in an emergency and saves wauy cxpensivo calls of a doctor. Mullln5,S.C, March 10, 1961. I have used Thtdford'i Black-Draught for three yean and I have not had toco ii ? iuCtoi.r ,lnce ' havc bccn taklnS ' .. .. ..is iit nicuicine tor me that li on the market for liver and kidney i wuu. niiu uvsiitiiii.i nnn nirirr jjj tompiamu. kcv. a. O. LEWIS, V itftSkSv -v , 64 C & ,-,,,. 9 n arc "Next" at Oliver &G!iafr'ni; j Barber Shop, c 1 Hiseiiient I'olti't-Wrlglit Utiiiding. J I Scissors Ground, Hazors Honed, AM) liDGEl ALL KINDS OF TOOLS SHARPENED y AH kinds of tiatber woik i-MTiited J prompt ii ami saiNtiictiuu j! giiataiileed. V m fc 4, 4 AAAAAAAMMAVSfAA 5 "What Do S You Eat for breaklast. Hard to find any J thing this time of I the year ? Try some of that fine bacon which we have and which we are sell- $ lug so cheap. Sherer i3 Bradshaw III. I ll.'l ..l I III ' ''' P '' , . , , ,"i J73. -vi iiTt s. s-j-3 liiis j-J-3 ' -i-i iZii-f-i-i. fif CE-&f Jivf, v. M 1 I ALBRIGHT BHO'S. Undertakers and Funeral t Directors. CAI.I.S ANbWEKKI) NIOHT OK DAY. W Phono Numbor, Ilosi donoo 111, Offlco, No. 84. - ammmmmim rs4 lb lb U Ml APPLES 2000 11USHK1.S . FINE. 2000 11 n vi.-c a nc - Jl . " . MEN DAVIS lb1 ' H! ' m Will sell in car lots or hv iviu.n i, , J ,7,,!! Z elder nY fiou. io - ,i GO cent si per gallon : : : : ; lj ' ib ib ib Ui ib ib i 'o 111 It nv : : K. f. I'I'JTfc? ( ul 11, licpulilio I'oiinty, Kansas r-i i-&e 6-&C-5 et j-tft t f & &t One Minute Cough Cure, cures, That (4 whit It wa made for. m if BON TON fRnKPOVanH nnuu 3 j-nuiH mm jn iu, when in town eat at the J 1 Ll u Ton when, it ia clean, J 1 e cool and no Hies. 1 f 15 cont Meals at All Hours I fa , ..." i untain is Open :l..r ,.,,. . A l""j',o uiiieieoi Kimt; oirtiinitifi ill inks, W. S. IJENSR, Prop. COLVIN & I3ARCUS, EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Uox -a. Guide Hock, Neb. ll kiuds of property bought, sold sad exchanged". COM.KCTIONS MAPE. TKIt.M ItKAsONAIILET JOHN HAKKLEV, House Moving and Raising A sn-.CIAI.TV. All work giiiiianteed satlsfaetoiy. Your work .stJlicited. J OMNO. POITFIt, KTTORNSY - HT- L.AIaT, 1 . Over M.zi'i's (iniceiy Store, i PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The fnlltm-liiK iiinins.Ml .it.un.l ttiiiit to tho C.illstlliilUili of tin- sirtO. 0f SrUrnkil. ns h.-rullt lifter sfifmili It, mil is Mil niltu.l to tin-tint nr of Hie Miile.if Nel,riiskn. lo ln iole.1 iitxiu nt the Kfiiirnl elci lion to le hc,l Tiii'vluv Nicmiiir4, A. I), w: '' A J11I111 ri'siiliitliin iro.u-liiK lo iiniiml u'dlnn iiiii'of ii'tlrtumti'L'ii of (lie CoiiMlliillnii or tlie -tiile 11I Ncliriiskii. relntlxe lo the mnn hit of nil.iiillilni; mill mlojilliii; nini-inl-meiits in the Coiisiltiiiuiii of Hie sttf of ebllb)!ll, lit (t llooltttl m,l Knurl,, I l.y Iht 1.,'jhUilun oj the tilule oj .tt.iwikti: Mvtiiin I. Tlmt s. rtl.in one of iirtlp'o llflreo of tlivriiiisii.iitionorilie s0 0f c.Jta. )B iiineinli'il lo reml .is fnllons- -iftlmil i:itinr l.rniifli of ihe liulvliiiure iiiiij pti. pose iiiui'iiilmi tits to this 1 oiiMliuiloii nnil II ttii' s,unuluiiL' enl to In tlirno tlftl.s .,r I , , -.-w ...,, ... ,,, uiivt' illlll Ul J the ini'iiiliiTs . Ici te.l to will lioii-e. cueh pro !.osi luiii'iiiliiioiits Mini! ,L. eiiterui on tho J'lU rmilh. i itli ihu . ns nnil in. is .i.i.i ...... 11. ...... nt JenM onieenih weuk In til Inist one iieusim. j. In i tw h count ulirre n m-nsinin'r Is lml.. sIumI for thlrt .Ins Ilium iliutoH preieilliiK tnu nrAi riri null III So-s tlies nt w hli h 1 li ntini iii.. ..mi ti...!i .... ...t. llllll iiilticil 10 thi'eirdois for iipironl or rc-Jcitlnn 1.111I It a iiinjr.rtt) of the eli'i'lors oiIiik ill siirh 1 ilerl on 011 such i'o,o-ii niiitml prut, slmll JOlL- tl) llllll Ml.'ll llllll'llllllielll. the Ml 1110 hllllll i-iiniiuH imri 01 this I'oiiMiinili n When more lllllllOlll'HIIll-lllllllVlltlH Stlt., t tlicSHIllD V IM-tlOll. tllf slmll . k() MilmUltcl s , cn. iil.lf ilio doctors to 0u on ench niuciuliiiciit K-i.irtiii'ly, All liiilloiH iik'iI nt Mir-h I'lcrllnii on mrh niiii'i.ilini-nt orniiieiiiiiiiiti,s,H mNt. wtlu-n or iirhilcl ilifrciiii th tollow inir : for iweoscd ntiieiiiliiii'iit to the I'niistitiitioi, rclntlnn to (hero niMirl the Hiiltject of tiiu n.iitiiiiiucnt) hiuI, AKiilnst iroNisui Hiiii'iiiluipnt to tlieCoiiMltii Hon riUilnii : tci (here lnuTt the nillleet o' the iiint-inliieiii), hiuI the volt- of chiIi elector ' ii'f "1" .Wlcl1 "'"ciHlineiit or niiiniilmeiits hhiill hu 11 eslKiiiiloiI h) iho olci lor Ity niiikliiKa. ( n.ssM lilin pen, . pencil in ft circle or Kitinro lolii'lilHceiliittlierlKhlof thu IIiivn the uoriU I-or or Attiliin" ihe hoiomiI Hiiieiiiliniiii. n leHitillilckliuio vole tliiTi'on or l.j ImlliHttiii; .m:e,hV.ielK,,,,,,t;,M,.Ul "" WM "' v,!;.iL"f v . su-ril- H-crelury or Mute of iho Mule of NeleuKl,ii do hi'itl.) certify tlmt tho lorcKolNi; ni ,i,s,., nnn nilmu I lo iho CVhikUui. liittiitt ihe s,m. f xebinhin s ,1 truo nnil i-oiM'i 1-111.) 1,1 the rluuiHl enrolled unci en .riisi., 1.111 iih .nss,.,i in the menu M!ontli ; 1 r.i,.k,i us ui.,ieiirs lo.m srid orlirlnul Itl I 011 r--...i. ... iiiu 11 Kispilll e ill til SIAIi. of n. .)! mi- 111 mis., in,e. umi Hi, 11 -ulil i.riiusiiiii.u.i Mk I 111 Ut I Sl,,Ml ll III lllll j I,lf.,.l , .. ,.L ..t .1... I M.ii'it! Nol.rnl,ii lur their u.Ji.t.tloii or n tin ,''.'." '.'....".'. K "vr") J- h ""." "' '' "1 Id on 'I iivH in-... uii) in sin. inner, .. I) I'.imJ. in lesilini.i.) B,l..llf, imv JieiiiiiiMiU'linv s;iii"j;dil'Xi.lilii.Krei out ol the siiitof 1 no e hi 1111 1, in his M 1i.1v i.r .iniv 0. .1... (ruiiini l.ui.i nn,. 11, i,k,i',i vi.... 1 1...1 iieil ''i., ol Hit- iiili.,enileiiee ot ihu I tilted "MiHt till line li...l hiiiI 'I'll, nil ..innlli 1 -.iiiuktiii nm. nili,. hod mid T ' itn.l of this Mute the Tlilrt) sixth ...... ii:o. v W. MA UMI. 1M.AI. Meii'tnri of suite. TIMETABLE. B. St M. B.Y RED CLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CUICAUO 51. JOE KANSAS CITY 52. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL7 LAKE C'f PORTLAND SAA FKA.YC1SC0 and nil pointy west. , , r TBAINH LEAVE AS VOLLOWS! No, 18. Paskcimer dally for Oberlln 1 and 8t. franclM branches. Ox- -3 fool. McCook, Deuvcrand all points went.... . . 6:10 a.m. No, H. I'umeiiBer dally for St. Joe, KaiKHB City, Atchlnon. &t. Loud. Lincoln via Wymote and nil points can and notilti i-3i a.rn No 21. Pahsengcr. dally. Heaver, all noliita In Colorado, Utah and California .. ti:i6 pm No, ii. I'amciiBcr. dally for St. Joe. Kaiikafc Clly. AtchUon. St. Loud and all polno caMnnd south .. 10'OOa.m. No. 171. Accoramoilatloii. dally except SiinilHy. llastliiKK, Orand I. land. Illnclt 1IIIU and all liolnihlii thu iimhiTcat laop.ia. No. 1T3, Dully except hiinilny, ox 1001 ami intermedin e po nt l:il p.m. , "Iwi'lim. illiiliiK, and rccllnliiK a.alr ears ?'! f,c",' 'L "'f""Vh traiiiB. TlckeiKtohiaiid Kr.'-Sn W R"y polm '" ",u Uulle' 1.Monr,!,"fn1rrm',V?". "m. l?,jl":f'"J, r tlcken a istiiteiori'ntuidA .k.u for Information tlmn uliitc ,oc . .1., TT..I. .. call mi or H.l.lress A. Conovcr. Ari'Iii Utd ClMid Nbr or J Poiik l. i,m ral 'HkiuiiBci i-O "".THE CHIEF, $1.00 per year. 1 A ii il aw