l m, rv, wn4t fcfcli Ti WPllMlMii , ..., .U," ""l qgyireJTBrtrrziu2ujaBpsaaBBnflc?-. A 001 Inv'n Q ,f Place to Keep Ycir M . i.B Is in one of our Purses or Pocketbcoks We have so many kinds we cannot de sebe them in an advertise ment. Come rn and look at them. We have the largest assortment in the county. G L. C0TT1NG The Druggist. Zifacsximsii3tasioxf-iMsiri33Ktx3xi. Sunny Alberta I! litor Choir "1'nke a mcsMige mid a token, 'I o these (1 s, ant 1 1 ionds of mine." If it wore possible to send a token I would like to send a sample of the bjuutltul weather we are having heie in Alborta. Every day is a repeater; cool, frosty nights and warm sunshiny days, with no wind nor storms of any kind to mar the serenity. I sometimes wondered In Maj and .Juno why It was called "Sunny Alberta," but it is no woudor now, the old settlers say it is characteristic of the country to have such weather and last year and year befoio were the exceptions instead of the rule. The loads ate dry and one e.m go tinywheto without fear of mud Tf Alec Philips weie heie now, I could easily show him the "two feet of dry ground to stand on", or two miles eith er for that matter and the live feet of wiow "Hob" Potter piomiscd me for November 1st has so far tailed to ma teriulizo in the minutest form Harvest is over and the threshing well begun My oats nvoiagod about i bushels per a -re; some tlelds went much mote Mine are tin eshed while some of the big tlelds aie in the stack, which may make sotuo dilToi once I ha e ."00 bush els of potatoes fioin one ticto and u lialf of giound and as they aie all in the cellar I know what the yield was for them Wheat in t his pait of Alber ta is not the best The yield is fairly go til, but is badly stiui'k with smut, caused T supp s by so much nun in June It has boon in my a year since I saw, i l Xobr iska, such good feed, the last of October tor stock as tlieto is heie Cnttlo and lioises that inn out have nut ha I a tnoi.t hful l'hn. and will not need any lor sometime to come unless it com s a heavy snow and I never miw fatter stock aujw heie at any time of the year. Prices are good for most everything; two year-old steers that will weigh 1000 pounds d most of them do, are worth W and three- ear olds aro worth from forty to tifty dollars. Oats aro thirty conts por bushel, potatoes forty cents, eggs twenty conts por doon, and butter oighteou to twenty cents por pound Thoro has boon lots of hay put up and yet it is woith from four to slxdollaisa ton for shipping to the mountains, tho gi oat market for Albor ta for nearly everything Thero Is a ory largo immigiation into Albotta this fall, mostly from tho States and a largo number of tho visit ois either buying laud or taking up homesteads Of course pvcyono who comes is not satisfied but in tho main It is homesickness that takes people back moie than anything else. I saw some voiy bad cases of homesickness this summer. Mr- Hioomlioldcut 110 acies of hay on his farm this year besides quite a crop of oats nnd barley and has a good sized pasture on it besides Ho only had 100 acr s of land, so you see tho livid Is not qulto barren. Thoro Ih a good deal of sport hero now for hunters as piairio chickon aio th'.ek, as well as partridge, ducks, and other gamo. Thoro are plenty of deer onlynfev ml es west of its and not long ago a I ear was seen fo r milos oast o us Since then I. hum mil. lug, l 1 ll.'llt 1 M 1 X 111 111" Hill tl t k? 1 sometimes wish 1 iiu.i Hilly lime In- with hU gun ,,r i:,l (iil o ,t witli hN i'Iu 1 see bj the tepo ts on W'chstc count j that then- nic man change going on now In my old home at Inavale, there Is u two stoy ntmlier ynd the Doctor has tot 'inodtoi keeps and my oil ft tend, Wesley Wilson, has bought a building utnl will soon stnt an under nker est ibllshment, u heagiooil to 1 see a so tint my old friend anfii-lab ret in the vineyard, Admit al Simons has bei n doing some heavy gaidening this yeat and among othei things his successfully gi-ilted tee 1 ish pota o to the so git mi plant and cteitetlanew kind of sweet po tato TlieadmitM was always soine hat ' ptojeeky' . I see also that my old ft lend John lint ledge -til lie ieves in the doi.ble stitiid.ud. as It.is In en pi oven by recent events They aio all ill lit b ,t they nevei wil Mite audit I is going co t th Ir good coking mic , I Moil (Jrice. two nice dol s eve y ! nn is nun heieaftei Its up to S uiitor Pitney now, h ought not to be outdone ly any layman of the pa ty. I see by the papers that my old ftietid Joe Wat ten It's been lather done up again. I It p Joe wont chango his ii'ldtess to "over there" for a long time jet as I should dko to shake hU honest hand on o ni"io be foio wo imikit the jouruy. I well re member tho ln-t gam" of chance Joo ever payed. He hd IoupmI J. din Fotor his siiu-ugc plmit wnen J hu killed the fatted pig and when Jdin brought the plant home also nrougt with it t.wo pounds of nico sms-go free from both gristle and tnist'e and It niudo Joo's mouth water t look at it Joe wander d down t wn that af tot noon and m -t John Kellogg and told him abuiit the sausage John had four pound of tiipe lie was taking home and ho piopo-od to Joo that they go to the club room and p a a gamo of ciiKdt, t s o w h would have both ."Sh.-en-y" McFarland hold th stakes. The gamo was iiitore-tlnp and Joo linal'y .n out "Sheoney" was gone a s the stake, I moan the sail nuge and nine Joo and John swoo olf that day on cards hiiiI to thU day the -igiit of an ace makes oith-r ono of them in id R"speetiull , Oct. 22d, l'.i()2 U G Knioiit '?! See J O Ihiilei lhttoe Jcisej hogs for snle. A Twenty Year) Life Policy I 'In an Old Line Company i&) the best kind ot life ) insurance. The cash value the policy at the end of the pernio 1 mum titan you li ivo pa l audi ,' Fire, Lightning, Tornado Life Insurance, 1u tho, I...- Oil hine or M n t un i ('. uipmniw. v 0. C. Tee!, Agt.,. ir.i fun li, BKHKA Kncpiiie of J K Jackson M IS. Ivlliuu in of Lincoln was in this cit the litst of the week (food Dontfstic coal flout 81 fiO to $7 per ton al tho bun al W 1$. Robj's St t vices ut the lii et In en chtttch e idt Siittda Picai'hiii.: al 11 a. in., ami nt 7 HO, i. m Sunday -cliool tit 10 i. m All aro muted income C II. buti l, p Is'.Ul . Noticed to Dclitot , Hn mg disolv tl our p tittieislitp utnl wishing to sMniglil en up our books as soon as nossible, those knowing themselves lo bo indebt ed ns, will please to call and settle their accounts us .soon as posible. Hike and Koon. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stern gnvo a farewell reception to a uuiuber of their most intimate friends, Wednesday evening. The evening was spent in playing progressive whist, Mrs. i. Brndbrook and W. N. Richardson suc ceeding in winning tho prizes. At about midnight, all ndjoiirend to thollou Ton ca'e, where an td.iborato supper was oeivcd, as only W. S. limine knows how to soive 'Iho tables were buntiti fully decoiated with carnations and each guest was piosi nte.il with a souve nir, consisting of these lloweis. Alto gether, it was n most cnjonblu till un . W J Hrj an spoke in this city j ester da to a small audience fiom a pint f oi m which had been elected fur the purpose. Tnerowasa lack of tho ett thusitism with which Mr. lliyan has been gieotod hetetoforo. Tuere was also a lack of belief in his siuceiity In tho subj-cts of which he spoke. Ho spoke of impel ialism, the trusts and other so-called democratic issues. Ho spoko of having seen a number of Ameiican sohliurs who had become in sane in the Pnilippines from the effects of the tiopieal climate and lack of pioper stutlter, bill failed to mention the fact Mint Congressmen Slinllon bctger had voted against making an ippiopn iiion fui the building of .sliet ti i f ir tin si- siutie olihcis .J 11. Muk ami Julge N r.is ad ibissetl Uic luigest atidieiieo at the opt i i lust (.veiling Una Ims giuhciul in un tiij, to hear a political pet eh, in 'lie past y ii, Tlio opera Iioiimj was tilled to vol 11 jwlnii ami the speeches v, ere listened to with maikel alien unit (icoigo L D.i,of Sti enor, can (tidatn for st ito si naloi fiom tins dis iiici, was jiiescnt and niarte opening uhhi'-s. Mr Noli is spoke fur tin hour nut foil m'niilt's and was Iriqieiiti iti'etiupteii with applause, and dwelt pi i is p nly upon uaiioiiitl issues, show ing the fallttoy oi Iho position of Mr. ftli tileiibeigei nnd the iifnsil of the ilfino u.iis to pi.'id(' (hi'ller for out in i uiiii i Tail In the Philip- tun' e- M Mickey dwelt on &t!,ti jiii Hint n1' Lot mi oralni,hi. n m.e'l hllli-i If I" In ll'iiioujjli bmi- i un, i ich ii mtu ks U - tsiit iitiom'-ii'ijt -f i an ti (.' nut O'tiuii iiuiei (Seint'h wis In 'he i IH, Mm .1 i , l Unite leiiiiueil to his home I Mnoiiis, S'lHiitl ij. Miss I'm, i I'uiiijs spent Sunda wt h ftieinls In (ttiide Kock. I Mr ,nd Mis. Kiss Pile ictuiued th ir home In Pies'on, l'uesil iy Heibeit Ooiiovei ami wife of McCook weie visiting teliities in this city, tlds week. J L Minei was in Kivcrtou Monday attending to omo biHiues's maturs tiiem Kd. Hobltis, was up ft out (initio H ick Monday, and til idu this otf 'u a pleas int call. J ike M'lmlelllMUin, now of t'hicign, but foimeily of Blue Hill, was in the 'it, Tuesday. Mis Uo Ziut tettltned to het holm oi Mi (' ink, iMiiiila, nfit'i a sinut visit Willi lei lines in this eit (lentge M Castoi and w i(e of Hivii ton istitd tt the home ot S Wtstiind wife, Hie III si of the week. Mr and Mis. U.cai Vutgei of Scot is Hlttlls, Nobtn-k'i, tiiiUed in tliis city, Mondn.fora visit with nivi,. Mis M. W Dickcison, left TuesMslf inotnlng, for Ktncolu for an oUendert, visit at the home of her sou ami daught er Rev Slici mini, late of Ohio, will pieiteli al tin-U iptist Chin fit Stimla evening at" 'M The public is cot dlall invited. Iloss S'dlais teturnetl to his homo in this city Sunday morning, after nn ex tended stay al the h nuu of his siswr, inScotts llluIN, Nebiaska. Mis. L 11. Rust letuined Saturda fioinavilt with leliitions in Denvoi City and Pap says they have a fow wolds to say to one another each day. The Km ton Kotncdy Ko. cariles fourteen people, all of them artists Jn their especial lolo. Tlie company also eartlos its own special scenery. To tho opening play, Monday night, Indies will be adtntited fieo if accompanied by a pet Aim holding a paid reserve sent ticket Tickets must be reserved tie fore 7 p in. Seats on sale at (5 1 ice's driip stole Puces, 15c, 2oc and a.'ij. Just received A full lino of out door fall plaining anil winter bulbs, consisting of tulips, hyacinths, frcesia", Naicisstis, daffodils, j mquiU, cue 'tis, suow-diops, licimudn ami Calla lily, anil Chinese sacred lily. Veiy large, select bulbs. Also a nice lot of chrys anthemums in bud ami bloom. Prices reasonable. Please call at the shoe store and st e thcin. Hoine-giown car nations in bloom Mns. Hkniiv Dikukimcii, Red Cloud, Neb. Co tide n s eld "A i r !. I. . . vTTTTol MSN s'wssv v,VnsV'vr ili it lb lit it tb l lk Ik lb tl lb lb lli lb lb lb ib l lb lb tt l tb tb S- Bailders HaFdmare I and i Garpenteps Tools, f The same old nielancholy days Arc with us onco again, When hens no longer chant their hiy.s To cheer the heaitsof nion; When turkeys ripen on the trees And poets twang Iho lyre, And maidens sit on manly knees Ilofoie the pallor the. Again tho Tom and Jerry glides Adow n tho rubber neck, And comer gioccty statesman rides His hobby hot so on deck, And husbands sing u doleful tune And wear a look of woe, While thinking how dodgastod soon They II liuo to shool snow. An Ohio pieachei claims to have discovered the "secret ol eteimil life" It is no secret The tnlnlsten hae been pleaching It for centutles We can pet haps watch J Plot pout Morgan's smoke to better iitlantage wljen ho has completed the coal deal iippn which he Is now llgnrlng. A Kansas Citv paperrcfeis to Janios J. Coibott nntlio'iii'st lutelleoliinljof all pugilists As the ftcl'vo pugilist banks mot o on muscle than brum, none of the othc's will envy him that dl Unction Of tho nine bundled horsos already entered for the Now York horse fair and show less than ono bundled have barely tail enough to keep tho files away 'I his does not scoin like giving the horse a fair show. Leon Skizoolnsinalowski, niiino and all, escaped from an olllcor of tho law in Now York the other day, but was recaptured after an ecltlng chase. A mini with a handle like that should bo allowed to run at huge only In his own country A southern congressman, In an ar ticle to last Sunday's largo dally papeis snys his success in life Is duo t ho fact that ho woiked while others slept The widely published fact that thoro is not a colored man lu tho pres ent congress may be true, but thoro Hceins to bo something just as good Wanted. Corn, by W. H. Robv. A C. Campbell, of McCook, was ill the cit csteidiiy. hen j on want a Hist class hotse blanket go to Butlers. The new tut novel collaisat F. New bouse . Call anil see them. Mr A R Re nolds, of Illation, vis ited tt lends i i thecil cstcidny I' A. (5 mil, of C iwles, was Mining tho visiims hi the oit osl( nla. (Jet join l)i-lhii"itoi of F. Newliouse Oidets taken fm Riiiteiick pattern. I)r Tullcys is now 1 tented in ihu looms timleiiicalh his foimer olllco. F V. Taylor, undei taker nnd om- balinnr, opposite Cotting's drug stoic. For tire, lightning nnd tornado in surance seo L. II. Fort, in Dumorell block. Just unloading, a car of tho very best quality of genuine Maitland con), atW.H. Uobj'a. Soe tho auidcrn cooking wonder tho are attracting the atten- t Majestic R.inge-at Mitchell and Poter iiuii ui uuai iy every uuc fr eon's, uou i got iuii. now. We have seversl differ ent styles of Finish Hardware, to select from and can make you PRICES to fit the kind of house you are building. In Carpenter Tools, we have the Standard Makes, and also a complete line of the justly celebrated TRUE BLUMt and CHSP-A-WAY goods. WAKRAN'l 1I) and GUARANTEED, in every way, to give abso- kCSTALEY MFG. Q, BS.MENS'FINEVD 6VfEARADWR$W0 60UTHBENDJND. ' . k ' T ' MORE LENGTE MORE I I f, Ivj ,. V-lt ', LcV(t 1 ',, v i1 r iA'VMlJUtu.uvl' MJ' -TiJIV" J.H.'il" , BREADTH . . '1' ' h Mln .""nvrJ MORE WOOL, MORE WEAR iP FicfQARMcNT HlUTlKl Hll U iBEADcw v.Stfrw Mi w I niC mmAPWZK' -' ""LflMK w- miL.-s "nil i WESTERN "WADE " A.CSTALEYfeCO. L. ..SOUTHBENDjINR ,.. .. SOLD BY Gouiden-Haley Glothing) Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOIN -- -iw -w -; nv rji. a 9 ' -v - - t -i a !M' ' 0 " S 0 m 0m 00W"w (ti m m m & TOWE Gash Store. lute satisfaction. AUvii)s bear this, our in tto, in iitiml when thinking of buing HAKDUAUi: WESAVS YOU MONEY. s- ( e- s-e- 6- t--s-( t- r ( t t C ( c- H(fiWri1,1,VT'M"t,1l1'l"f'f,1,'H'l'1i'0'l1 MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. If you want an abstract of title to your hind or town lot, call on L. II. Fort, in D.iinerell block. The November number of iho Dolin cator at F. Newltouie's; also take oi dm s for HuUeriek's patterns. For a strictly fust clnis hniiu'S', heavy lap robo or heavy limse blmihit jou have to go to llutlcr. Kov. Mr. 1'iiostly, of (iiildelliikt attended tho Kpwotth L sgtie coiivh'i tion in Red Cloud ycstcnl,i. J. II (iteeuhnlgh, of the linn of (ireonhnlgh Uios , of Co wins, trans acted business in tho o ty Wedmiiilav. M. S. Marsh unit family arrived in tho ciiy from Grand Island jesturduj Mr. Marsh will iismuiio chaigoof llif Hotel Royal tomoiiow. Sol vices tit the Kpisci pal church oven Sunday at 1U 'M ,i. in and ut 7-U0 p. m. Holy coumnion mrj lii-si Sunday in Ltieh month, limi 'me ah Ii . m . II Scott. V. It SUlion, W A. "iliolietikiik ami L C V' iiner wert- i moiig the Uliio Hi i i t'ois in ltd Cloiiil josteriiitv. 'I tie Chbif ackuuwl- (lues u fiiiitdiy Chi . Yon hboiild watch your hn-foont Bt night now, r you miy g'tuplnUiP iiioining and liud Hint tin) hen i lint laid the golden egg litis been bortowed and may neer be leinuii it. Atthuopuia home ono woo-, com nionciiig Moiuhiy evening, Nuveinbol tl, ICempt'iii Konmd', U Oamign ol ptogiain nightly -w ami up to-dale specialties bitisenu vt no waits. Scivices at ibn M.i'hodwt JipUrop 1 chutch: 1'ieiicl.ii',: -m U o'ulunk a m. itiul 8 p.m. h tie msi n, Be?. M I' Dixon; Sunday eh'i, 10 o'olnok, U. V. Albright, mip'rtni. ib un J" ir Ep wurtii linHguc, S t'i 's-k ' '' siipi rhiisMidt'iiit " ' ' ! o'clock, Mt. M iu'-i . t.v-... We have just received two S carloads of hand-picked (t M m m m (?) m m o Winter Apples. 4tl.4 J - I S Al iWAvwATw IflaflHI Tit W . S . S .S'S S- - . t .lk.,. BH0S.1 ,i E: i CI tl ..Come in and get our prices on jg quantity lots. jg i 0 it 9 at 1( .1 $$ usid wndlrGd lbs zlffi x - fr.r &C: I 3 ft 1 i r I L Ui : I I M ', II i m.jm f;f W v WW 111 a I m I I a t ui li J i . B UI mmm m$&wg$& 8affvim!MtHantRII