The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1902, Image 4

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    J 31114, tlj
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V. !
ruM.!iti r
Uue yrr ..
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Iniercd t tne pon office t lied Cloud. .Neti.
ocondclt wll mullet.
I'uruUtieil on illctloti.
i State Ticket,
i For (loTenior.
Of 1'olk County,
for I.lcutcuniit Oorernor,
Of DoiirIm County.
1'oriecrtliiry of state.
VI Itlchnnl'on Count).
For Mute Trcuviu-r.
Of Valley Count.
or Mnu-Amllior'
Of -lietl'Ian County.
I'orjAtlorney (Iciitral.
ritANK S. l'ltOCT,
of (iw Count.
For Conimtloner I'uMIc l.ntid nnd lltilMltnir.
Of Nucleoli County
For Superintendent FuMIc liiMrnctlon.
of Wtilnutoii County
Congressional Ticket
For:Cot:greiimti, Mil DIMrlct.
Of Itcd Wl.low County.
Legislative Ticket.
For itetiator. Mill ilMrlct,
of Nucleoli County.
For Hepreentt!vc llth DUttlrt.
Of IimvaleTownMilp.
For Float Iteprcrcntatlvc. tli lltnlct.
or it. ue inn.
County Ticket.
For County Attorney.
Of lte! Cloud. 3d Ward.
For Commissioner, Ixt DM..'
Of Mllhvater I'rcclnct.
For Comtnlsiloucr. -tilt IUt
Of llol Cloud I'rcclnct.
Lincoln Letter
Lincoln, Oct 27-Speciul Corre
Hjiondonco to tho Chief Tho last week
of tho campaign finds tho republicans
of tho state well orgunized, nnd conll
dent of victory Tho one thing neces
sury now ll recognized tobothntnll
roptiblicansyurn out on election day
mid do theitr duty. The state com
mittee is grtiiled at the Interest niau
ifested, uml Jims sent oiitcheering news
to tho local) committeemen
In t lie xTieant line, it is learned that
tho fll-ium imilv is tnckiiiL? ill (IIL'UII
"'''tin, as it is also lacking in leglti
inutu issues Their campaign lias
lieuuothu liaiihazard sort, urged on
only by tlie tliirst for olllcc on part of
individuals, and enlivened by agents
of the brewery trust. The only sem
bianco of detail organization is that
of tho saloon interests, which seem to
huvo enveloped or displaced the state
organizations of tho fusion parties.
This Is significant of what may bo ex
pected in cuso tho fusion ticket is
It is now contain that there is method
in tho attuck of tho brewory iuterests
on Mickey. It is not so much that
they are opposed to Mickey as it is
that they are seizing tho excuse to
wage a light which may give ytheir
friends control of tho state depart
ments, and possibly of tho legislature.
The state is to be met witli a demand
this winter for sweeping changes in
tlio Slocum law In case tho saloon
interests are successful in gaining con
trol, it is learned that they will even
demand tho ropiul f th" Hipi'ir M.iw
which lias been on the stututejbooks
so many years. This is a condition
which will open the eyes of the voters
of tho state. It is not only an attack
on a good citizen, but it is a coveit
utta'k on existing laws.
Tho exposuro of W ll.Tompson and
his railroad passes has created sonn.
whut of u sensation here, and has fill
ed tho populists with consteniatjun.
Some of them actually belioved that
their caulihito was an atiti corporation
man. They had hcird with much
pleasure tho newt- that he w is not u
railroad lawyer, that he did uo lc ul
bus Hess for thu cnmp inics New It
develops tint! h hti' h en in (be j.oht
leal uittploy of nil the principal com
paule.s for yours, nnl lii" ioelietn art
full of pHhbts, and the proof of bis
fnlso-prctous of utl monopoly Uni
has given his cuudidaoy a discldod set
buck Tlie exnohiiro U n good Joke oi
the pretoiiUcr, ri1 has disgusted many
of his followei.s
Last yonr thero wore in tlip Hint1
about llO.O'X) voters who d d not go to
the pulls. It is beliovod that the turn
out this ?: will lio lurgor, although
tho t ' u Is backward, and many
fin nier hi a .n i heir cornUelds, or are
outfitgwl in thtMtihing out their uali
gwlu, .Tii feeling Is abroad t Imt u
" roU'QfJjfyir f r the ropublWii UcU"
inuii TOteto suhtaln "
hli. s?plMdW
rcnsoii tlio farmers will he more reiiiiy
Mum .it... nuit-llli... il... l.ti,.. t.,
v...... v... iw -... .... v .,,v i,ii.i -i
iiecessftry to out tlu-ir vote. With
UiMW-VfH mill I'ni-porlty the Nhiiu
there is little dniiht that nil ijoo.l cit-
l.nw will mo their duty on election
Truthful Facts.
Cowles Xeh, Oct. 1W, IWl. To the
independent voters of Wehster coun
ty: We now coino to the jmrtliiK of
tho ways This letter will ho the lust
I slmll write before election I hnvo
tried to inform you since thotlrstof
September us to tho wuy your last
legislative contingent voted on the
freight rato bills that came before
that body I have told you the truth
I have thrown no mud, but simply
Miown, by the records, that IVIslger
and l'itney are not worthy of your
votes They are now roaming over
the county evhlbiting indivldul letters
stating that they were goody, good
while in the state houe Tin -e let
ters try to .h'.w that l'itney was () K
How do they know Ho never votid
on any tailioad legislation when he
had a chance 1'eisiger also has a let
ter from some of his friends, telling us
what li good boy he was while up in
the house We think he hud a good
time, as he used a suite of rooms that
his salary would hardly pay for,
!... ...I.... r .. .. l.n i.i
o...iiiiK .; iiicsL- icuL-is ruiiiiiins me
of going out into the Held to catch a
horho. I take u pail, put in n few Iter
nels of corn, ami when near him, I
hllllkll (III. ...ill .,..,1 Iw. nm,.u. I ,...f
it.. . .', , , . h 1
nun. inn. lurr iu rme or worK, oi
Now, on your votes on the lth of
November, will depend whether your
present legislative contingent ride you )
lor two years longer, or not directed
by railroad lobbyists Vote for prin
ciple; do not sell your birthright for a
mess of pottage. A greater piece of
deceit was never practiced on the vot
ers of Webster county
Itemomber the national bunker's re
ply to the munufucturer who wroto
him risking his opinion of the outcome
of 'tho recent labor agitation. The
banker replied: "A willing slave is
no more willing to have the shackles
struck from his limbs than the work
ing people are to lift a hand in behalf
of their rights Some of their leaders
howl and try to arouse them; it is all
wind nothing will come of it One
half derido tho rest, and hence will re
main helpless Look at their votes;
that tells the title. They want mas-
tors. 'I hey don't desire to bo free
All wit havo to do is smile on one and
kick tho other The fact of the mat-1
tor is, they think they are liolpIessjirsV-xiH-x-x
inn iiih,i hi iniittu inuiii ueiievo n.';.
All empty stomach, u -naked backisl,J
our argument This is all wo nee I to ' !;!
temuiii 'masters' With nil their' J
grow lings during their secret meetings ' ;JJ
net day they me first to discredit X
their leaders who work for principle X
and without remuneration Tho whole ' i
t ling in u nutshell is. they are so cow- 'X
ardly they are unwilling to cvon vote X
flit I lli.tnu..ll-..u '
' 1 hey realize they aro slaves; let
them belieo it it pays w. We would
bo fools not uso them in every to win
money out of them."
Havo no fear of the working men;
they'll never disturb our mastery, for
whero cowardice is udded to ignorance
resi-tnnco to power is impossible.
This is tho same kind of loynltv
shown Lincoln over forty years ago.
Do you want some more of it? If not,
look well to your vote on tho 4th of
November. Your truly,
Kd. Gilfohd,
People's Party Committeeman for
Pleasant Hill Precinct, Webster
America's famous Beauties.
Look with horror on bKlu Et'ption,
Blotches, Suie, Pimples They don't
Hue them, nor .vill uuj one. who u,e
llticklen's Arnica Salve. I loufies
the face Kczeniu or Salt Kliuein van
ish before it. It curessorelips, chapped
uiind, chilblains. Infallible for Piles.
5c at '. L. Cottiug drug store.
Look the Fact in the Face.
The progress of a bad cold toward
4'illoping consumption may ho teinby
s ulden. Don't let this ugly fuel fright
nt you, but when 3011 begin to cough
Nike Allen's Lung lialsum, Unit stop
'" eougli by curing the cold, I'lepu.
ti: -ns containing opium, uureiy q ihi
High for u time. 'I liete i rn nur
" 1 'tun in Allou's Lung HiImiiii
3 'i i i'l ilrngsisti,
( e p.-liplc! Illtll1 J I H il ti,,
! ue menu of never n m iui.u
ui' 111 ; isiuga suhmbote f,i n, .. 1 ,
ue k i-i v louniHin un iDi.ti
) .,.
tiiis,m .it dictno f'u. l''ni
L Cottiiiic's -truif uir.
-K.i- III (
Rtwum4isni Cured In a Day
JUr-ttc' fur rheiiinntlini am! umimIkIii
!ll; .1 -i-.i f'i,ri oneto tlitee i linr
ton upon tilt system Is rfiunrkuMu nm)inh
eriuue. tl!sno t ouro Itie I'Hi.o riinl ilu
tlw-iH lramiKtUtelrillMippArii. TI10 tlr-t ilo-i
ifntl) Umic; if ruiu au) ! sj ().
? Uili. diugnUt. K.l Cl'MM. Xcli
(nihmmitory Rheuiaatism zutti In 3 dav
Morton I., tun of Lcbnua. Ii'd tys: j
i liurt liitUn.rtiiorjr them. Ml-' i In in...,
jiim 'i ..'i'l Jnlltl, herOntiili. n- . rrll.le mic
1 1 i.a'iy ' f (! wurc nvpoltin 1 u lo .
Bt:QHI' . 1 b.. iQ.bClt lid I- ll Sll.kfl,.
- hut : , I 1 .. tr ti
- ..f 1 , imUMi
' ' .' i- 1
County ('ommiMliincr UieliaH
I, It. !...... t. i. .
imuilj, ililllillll.
KrHIK.ctl, ,,. ,, ,,., , XL
tj S u,vV "
I iviiiii r u' 'ii w ciiiii'Miny lor sin
I. I.. I.
bisi- N.M.-n. 1 1 turn. .1 M ..ii.ij f . t,
.St .I'Ki'iDi h -ii. he liii iii.i v. n.
W'Uli hi- l.i'iiM.
Mi. (fH.i;in Wi tier nf Uin.lf Hock
win iriiMilniir in lniin .. u,-.t wi in
t'n- ii,Tn'Mliy.
! .J Clark leitiriiid tin- ti t nt
Un- wifk from Y-nn, wiii'ie .in- im
h'-i-n viuing her put. in.
H. in, S-iMinl'i , Oioh i 2.,, to Mr.
unci M Wrmi m ,t ., v.,,i ,,it l
tie- iKlliii,Mt nVoil'liiiiiii,
Mi a ml Mr- .John Mitchell tin-ic
j Icing over tne nitvciii i.f ii m w
iMiiiilciMt ti.i-ir lioiiiu .SiiiiiIiij, Oclo.
-i 'J(J IiS a girl
.Mi- L. II Kniihi-I hi Xuiu.M icmi.m-
.1 ll C .) Wllh-t Of MllllIlM, Ol.l .11.
visaing with then -i-i.-r- j tn.-ct .
!-.. I. ic iirrcn aim Mi, II. A. II iw
Kcinp'iiu K.iiiiciI K.i. lit ii in liini-i-
all iie. week, u 1 1 1 1 ; .l. niluv iiiulit
... S 1 1. t I. j. . .
.i.i in- hi --in i uir net I'lim.iij ii i si iiiii,
1. .1 . !.. . I. ...
vititiiii. i iiu .Mgni iii'im-f Ulitlst"
111 i."
Mi.. Klmer I).-1, mg nf McCook an l
Mri. Drain of KurnkH Spiing-, Aikuti-
I .
, 8a , uiieil in the city, Hie hr,t of tho
we.'k, (or a visit at the home of W. A.
Mitchell and wife
A 11 ... I... I.... I. ...i .1.. i. .....i ,.
' .". '" "" """ Mil"" HR
1 which t'ioil south of H
oren Hum. livery
stable, removed to his farm northwest
of thi-i city where it will be r-m idehd
t I-ito a dwelling lioue.
Dr. Werrick or Dr. Unlilli- of Hunt
ings will meet eye, ear, noieutid tin oat
patients and Kioto needing glasses tit
led, in Dr Ceighton's office, in Hed
Cloud, Suttiiday, November 15 h.
Ilivt- ymi Iicmi to t e revival
s-rvices at tlie lirethren church? You
are invited for you soul's benefit. Serv
ices continue each i-venii g at 7:1!, and
n ilium normal at 1 00 p. m. on Sunday.
A hard timeo social will bo held,
Nnvi mber 7. 100-J at the school limine
in ili-tnct 27, n prize will be given to
that one wlin lien represents tlie haul
times, l'logrnm and supper served.
Admittance 10 cents
Mr. Kngliih, of near I-iuvtle, was in
the city vesteriluv, and piirchii'fd an
invoice of wnllpauer from 11. K Grice,
Willi which In Hutu, r tin. l,,.,,u,. .... .1...
' ' .-'usu un urn
old homestead which belonged to Cur -
LU Allium :ill(l ljf l4 uilKl huf un
' Carrie oegan to wield her hatchet
llE HAVE the cleanest
of Groceries in the
and lresh. e have made
Hadtll iS: Co. to accept our
I; very order
hns nur
No "kids"
to mix up
your orders.
' ;! order them
' $
from :
Do you wear stockings?
If you do, we have the stockings
and the yarn to make them
Stocking Yarn at
Also a full line of Crocheted Hoods.
J'iii'ii'ii'uiitiiu.iiiti a .aik.ifciiiiiil,u,ij,ii,iiij,a,,i,,Lii,ijaaiiiiiiii(ii.aii,,Lii, it ate
ill lie preserved if you buy your
land Meats
of lib. Evervthimr
lot of I leavy Castor
Nothing better.
mi mm
ftZt Uj
mm g
Up-to-ttate Qracefs and B.ttohers.
wtr n v M-nftitii.v,
A ! l- tv 4 "-
It -V'l " illll VI :
ty- - - - ""
Art Rooms.
A ''mi' i'N' Mm
! Picture Mouldings,
Picture Nails,
Picture Chains,
Moulding Hooks,
Parlor Easels,
Artists' Tube Paints,
! Artists' Brushes, !
Artists' Brushes,
Artists' Easels
and Mahlstlchs.
J 1 r.Mi.. fit t) , V ! C ior Hint
Pt-wi I'm tin.-; t-illt F.iiKi-l ami I
I. mil-1 ll. S . ll "-. II tllil l in ii. I ml t
I I'll III! ! .11111,11 ., . ! , ftc
Artistic Portraits and
, Frames Made to Order.
I' i m H . h. It .t L ii- . N.
I Slops the Cough and Works off the Cold
!i .. y. .
t J.asnuvc uriiili" iillium- I uiiict cum-.
1 . . .
a com in one .lay . cine, im pn
2'. cents.
Thill NiiiiiIiit lit.
So prevalent Is the prejudice ngaltist
the number 13 that car companies in
many cities- have been obliged to omit
it, as the car bearing It did not "earn
Its living." In St. Joseph, Mo., No. 13
happened to he the car oftenest run
over a certain line in n locality chiefly
lnhnbltod by negroes. It was discov
ered after n time that these would
wnlk blocks out of their way to take
the cars of a rlvnl line, but as soon as
No. 14 was sent down in their district
the company's receipts resumed their
previous figure. Thirteen as u house
number nlso is looked upon with sus
picion, and the expedient of 11, 112
and then 15 Is often employed. New
York Tribune.
One of the Great Dlnnern of Venice.
1'erhiips the most expensive bnwiuet
ever given in Venice was that to Henry
III. of France. He was feasted In the
great hall of the doges', palace, and
there were bllver plates for 3,000
guests. At another time the sumo
monnrdi was entertnlncd nt n sugar
linnooet tin. nniiklns ii1ntis L-tilvnu
B . t ,, i-'..'i ........, .
forks and even the bread (so called)
were nil of sugar. The Venetians were
mightily pleased when Henry took his
I ...
tllll.t.'l1 111 tllu tlflwltl .i..,l rx lit.. ..
prise round uint it uroue to pieces.
! At this feast 1,200 different dishes
were served, nnd 300 sugar etlicies
, were distributed nmong the ladles.
and most complete stock $
city. Everything is new
arrangements with Alfred
produce checks, thus lmviiv
you all the advantages of a department
store. To our friends in the city we
wish to say that our experience as clerks
has given us the advantage of knowing
the particular kind of goods desired,
and you can find them at our store.
If you wish to be sure to get your
: : PHONE 102.
neat and
A new
35c ur
Oils at
Try some of it
AinmMn- -r 'fvvnmmmvmm
a, ff &n AA'ScSi w &
Bargain House,
Cloak Sale
November ist
JlJR. A. L. FRIEDMAN, from Cleveland, Ohio,
' will be here for this day, with a large manufac
turers' line of the newest and latest Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Jackets, Monte Carlo Coats, Auto Coats,
Long Coats, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits and Skirts.
Every garment will be placed on sale at special prices
for this sale. We invite you to come and see them.
Also special selling in all our other departments.
Special bargains in Dress Goods.
Special bargains in Outings.
Special bargains in Blankets.
Special bargains in Underwear.
Special bargains in Men's and Boys' Overcoats
and Suits.
Special bargains in' Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Alfred Had el I & Co.
Just Received
a large stock of Boots and Shoss for
fall and winter wear, consisting of
Ladies' Fine Shoes, warm Shoes and
Kangaroo Calf for good service. : :
Children's Shoes for boys and girls,
adadted for hard wear. : : : : :
Men's Fine Shoes and a complete line
of good wearing Shoes for fall and
winter. ::::::::::;
A large stock of Ladies', Men's. Boys'
and Children's Overshoes : : : :
Not Made by a Trust
Felt Boots and Overs.
Any of my leather goods that rip or
give way in the seams repaired free of
charge, quality considered. Prices
the lowest. : : :::
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
touilcUns: material. Etc.
Why Educate for Business?
tJZ'Ttii defn& Pn lU I!ie Cmml World demands thoroughly edu-
Womfor" f Preparing YonK M and
Chicago - Lumber - Yard,
Lumber,. Lime, Coal and Cement.
City.Dray and
E. lii. ROSS. PROP,
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Cnarjes as low at. Tne lowest
tfina5 -
i)iP &u vif S
Express Line,