The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1902, Image 3

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,t j Jffift ),tiff yr isl Jk
Appropriations Not All Used A Comparison o! Republican
Methods with Fusion Methods Sketches
o! the Republican Nominees.
Lincoln, Nob.. Oct. 2T, 1902.
Tho time Is mar at haml when tho
voters of Nebraska will havu au op
portunity to say which party shall be
entrusted with tho management of
tholr public Interests for the next two
In making a decision partisan bias
should be cast aside and merit alono
hould count. Tho right of each party
to the confidence and suppoit of tho
voters should rest on how well tho In
tcreats of tho voters have been con
served. The republican party submits
this question to tho voters for deter
mination, (.onsclous of the fact that
an unbiased expression at the ballot
box will elect tho cntiro republican
ticket by a splendid majority.
Naturally tho voters are concerned
In tho relative facts pertaining to the
public record of both parties. Hero
thoy are:
Tho fuslonlsts expended the largo
amount appropriated by the legislature
and at tho closo of their two-years'
term had unpaid bills outstanding
mounting to tho enormous sum of
1140,000. In addition to this. $23,000
had to bo raised by emergency appro
priations to provide funds to carry
on tho business of the state until tho
rnirnlnr nnnrnnrlatlnn COIlld 1)0 USCd.
The total deficiency created by tho
fuslonlstB was therefore $172,000, by
far tho largest in the history of the
state. ,
The fuslonlsts had an army of 227
relatives und friends, who wero
neither Inmates of the Institutions nor
employes of tho state, stopping at tho
various state institutions at tho state s
The fuslonlsts. through their In
satiate greed for spoils, kept tho state
Institutions In constant turmoil,
resulting In demoralization. Incompe
tency and a recklet3 waste of the pub
lic funds.
Tho fuslonlsts foraged upon the In
terests of tho state, committed whole
sale thievery and fraud In disbursing
tho public funds and by tholr lack of
business methods, coupled with a pain
ful paucity of honesty and economy,
increased the interest-bearing indebt
edness of tho state more than $200,000.
Tho fuslonlsts filched Interest money
from tho state treasury to such an ex
tent that ex-Treasurer Mescrvo Imme
diately upon his retirement from office
made a spot cash offer for tho largest
banking house In Adams county.
When Meserve was first elected he was
struggling under a large mortgage, but
ho possessed such wonderful business
sagacity (?) that In four years, on a
salary of $2,500 per year, he accumu
lated enough to pay off a mortgago
that amounted to more than his entlro
salary and buy ono of tho lending
i..nia in wpHtnm Nebraska In addition.
Had the fuslonlsts evidenced such
shrewdness in taking care of tho
state's finances as they did in taking
caro of their own. thousands of dollars
would have been saved to tho tax
payers. ,
Tho fuslonlsts solemnly promised to
eschew the acceptanco of corporation
favors, but not only wero the railroads
bled for thousands of dollars worth of
posses for other than official purposes,
but these self-constituted "reformers."
with a taste for regal luxury estab
lished the precedent of riding about
on special trains. They promised not
to accept a pass and It was perhaps
In fulfillment of that promise thnt somo
of them took a whole train, thereby
making their promise "good" with
compound Interest.
Hero are tho facts on the republican
The republicans have made a saving
to tho taxpayers during the lost year
and ten monthB of $189,000 and at this
rate of saving tho total saving for tho
two years will bo more than $200,000.
Tho republicans compelled all the
Interlopers at tho state Institutions
to vacate and only tho minor chil
dren of tho superintendents are per
mitted to stay free at tho Institu
tions. Tho republicans will closo tho blen
nlum with a surplus of moro than
$200,000 In the funds appropriated by
the legislature. Tho cllfforenco In fa
vor of tho republicans as compared
with the fuslonlsts, who owed $149,000
at tho end of their term, Is therefore
The republicans have managed tho
Institutions better, cheaper and moro
harmoniously than the fuslonlsts.
whllo throughout tho wholo official
machinery of tho stato not a charge
has been rondo of dlBhonesty or extrav
agance anywhere.
Tho reiftibllcnus In making appoint
ments selected applicants on their
morlts with tho result that tho Insti
tutions are now In chargo of officials
who acquired their positions becauso
of their honesty, fidelity to principle
and fitness. Positions requiring pro
fessional skill, like tho suporlntend
ency of tho Hospital for tho Insane,
tho Asylum for tho Insane, tho School
for the Deaf, tho Institute for Keeble
Mlnded Youth, tho Institute for tho
Blind, wore given to men of high and
recognized standing in their respec
tive professions, whllo positions re
quiring mainly exocutlve ability like
the SoldlorB' and Sailors' Home, tho
Nebraska Industrial Homo, tho Indus
trial School for Hoys, tho Penitentiary,
tho School for Juvenile Offondors, and
.llko Institutions, were given to only
.those of recognized ability and known
ibouesty. The large savlug In the ox
'pense or maintaining these Institu
tions and tho splendid success In cur
ing and taring for the Inmates, as well
aa tho existence of harmony and econ
'omj; everywhere, is tho fruition of clr
cunV.octlol. In making appointments
and is a 1 acy contingent alono on
concerted honesty and lldelity.
Tho voters must pass upon these two
records. Whether tho republican, who
have bo successfully mannerd tho af
fairs of the state, shall give way to
the fuslonlsts who so shnmefully dis
sipated the stnte funds and so gen
erally preyed upon the Interests of tho
tax-payers, Is tho question the voters
must decide, It Is not a choice be
tween parties so much as It Is a choice
between public honesty and public
thievery. Government Is expenslvo
enough when conducted honestly and
economically, nnd the political party
that exists only for the Bpolls nnd
profit there Is In It Is unlit and unsafe
to trust with the management of tho
affairs of such a large corporation as
a stato.
Tho fuslonlsts, for the sako of
"loaves nnd fishes," are trying to In
duco republicans to vote for Thomp
son for governor on condition that
they vote for the rest of the republican
ticket. Everybody may not understand
that the governorship, from a party
standpoint. Is by far the most Impor
tant offlco In the stato government.
Moro than !)0 per cent of all the ap
pointments to offlco are made by the
governor, and, should tho fuslonlsts
elect only their candidate for governor
It would turn over to them again all
tho stato Institutions and nearly all
tho Important department appoint
ments. Republicans have been ap
proached, too, by fuslonlsts with prop
ositions to trade on congressmen, but
so far as Is known without much
change In results.
As n matter of fact there In no
danger of any candidate on tho repub
lican ticket being defeated and If re
publicans avoid trading in votes nnd
those who believe in tho party of pro
gress and prosperity vote as they be
lieve, a solid republican delegation
will bo sent to congress and tho repub
lican stato ticket will bo elected by
upwards of 15,000.
However, It takes votes to elect a
ticket and republicans should go to tho
polls on election day In solid phalanx
nnd vote It straight. No republican
should remain away, as a. few stay-at-home
votes In each precinct nmounts
in tho wholo stato to thousands and
might bo tho means of defeating the
republican ticket.
Hero are a fow pertinent questions
for the fusion campaign managers to
What has become of tho brands and
marks' fees?
How much Interest on tho perma
nent school funds did Mescrvo pay
over to Meserve?
What was there about those pigs
"Your Undo Jake" Wolfe sold the
state thnt made them worth $124 each,
or 15 cents an ounce?
Does an election to congress entitle
a congressman to room and bonrd In
a state Institution for himself nnd
What has become of tho 227 Inter
lopers at tho stato Institutions?
Where are tho books and records
of the Institute for Feeble Minded
Youth and where aro tho surgical In
struments that were there when tho
fuslonlsts took charge?
Where ts the $1,500 the state didn't
get for timber cut and sold from stato
Innd at the Soldiers' Home at MUford?
How long havo tho merchants of
Nebraska been selling linen, laces and
fancy underwear ns groceries?
WaB It fear that the cows would go
on a strike that prompted the fusion
superintendent of the asylum at Hast
ings to buy 24,000 pounds of anti
quated butter at double tho market
Was It to accentuate his opposition
to the trusts that the fusion oil In
spector pocketed $500 in fees belonging
to tho stato?
Did the manipulation of Insurance
fees cost the Insurance companies the
same as it cost tho state?
Did the wool In those cotton cloth
suits bought at tho Hastings asylum
como off of "Your Undo Jake" Wolfe's
$124 pigs?
Was it to Instruct tho little children
of tho Homo of tho Friendless In the
crude science of Indian warfare or to
enkindle patriotism that tho Bnttle
Axe brand of plug tobacco was bought?
Under the late fusion administration
tho department of Public Lands and
Buildings was tin hotbed of scandal.
The head of that department unloaded
"fancy" live stock on tho state at fabu
lous prices and land leases were Jug
gled and farmed out on an elaborate
scale. This was ono department where
reform was sorely needed and George
D. Follmer was the man of all men
for the place. Mr. Follmer Is not only
a good, hard-headed business man, but
ho ts ruggedly honest, and with both
these qualifications he Is Just tho man
at tho head of a department where
business methods and honesty arc
highly essential. By hard and faithful
work Mr. Follmer has leaned nearly
ovcry aero of school land in the state.
Only a few acres of land remain un
leased, whereas his fusion predecessor
went out of offlco with upwards of 50,
000 acres unlcnsed and many leases In
Jeopardy In addition. There has been
no farming out of school lands during
Mr. Follmer's term. Every acre has
been leased as the law provides.
Mr. Follmer has further shown that
ho 1b possessed of good business judg
ment by managing his department for
much less money than did his prede
cessor and for much less money than
tho legislature appropriated. When
ho took charge of the department the
funds for its maintenance wero in
most instances exhausted. The legis
lature had fulled to take into account
fusion "thrift" In addition to ordinary
expenses, as a result of which tho
funds wero sadly depleted. Mr. Foll
mer has managed tho department and
transacted much moro business, In a
much better way ami for much Icsb
money than his predecessor and will
close his term with a handsome sur
plus In tho funds.
It Is conceded by school men nnd
educators of all parties Unit V. K.
l'owlcr, superintendent of public In
struction, Is tho most thorough nnd
practical stnto superintendent Ne
braska over had. Mr, l'owlcr Is de
otcd to educational work. Ills whole
lifo Is wrapped up In tho schuots. Ntt
a minute of his time has been dovotcd
to nny other than educational work
alnco he assumed tho state superln
tendency. Ho has familiarized himself
with tho schools throughout tlic state
and has acquired a knowledge of their
needs and conditions which qualities
him for successful and efficient ncrlce.
Ocorgo W. Marsh has Bet a high ex
ample oh secretary of state. Unlike
ex-Secretary Porter, Mr. Marsh has
never undertaken to Justify the. appro
priation of public fees to his own use.
Mr. Marsh has turned over to the
state every penny In feen collected, and
oh a member of several important
boards, which are constituted as heads
of tho executive department, ho has
been a stickler for honesty nnd econ
omy. Nebraska has never had a moro
faithful und deserving official than
Georgo W. Marsh.
It might bo of soino Interest to show
the official figures nlong tho lino of the
fees from tho office, turned Into the
state treasury. Tho same fee law has
been In operation under both admin
istrations, but tho figures tell au Im
portant story.
Secretary Porter turned In fees as
January 1, 1897, to Sept. 1, 1S98, $21,
482.47. January 1, 1899, to Sept. 1, 1900, $19,
214.20. Secretary Marsh turned In fees ns
January 1st, 1901, to September 1,
1902. $47,6G3.3G.
Thus it will be seen that In tho snmo
period of tlmo Mr. Mnrsh turned over
to tho stato moro than twlco as much
money In foes as did Porter and in the
eight months turned In nearly $7,000
moro In fees thnn Porter did In two
periods of eight months each or In
sixteen months.
During tho four years that tho fu
slonlsts controlled Nebraska tho fees
from tho office of secretary of stato
turned Into tho stato treasury only
amounted to nbout $7,000 ubovo the ex
penses of the department, whllo In tho
twenty months tinder tho present re
publican administration over $30,000
has been turned In to the stnto nbovo
tho expenses, or nt tho rate of $1,500
per month. When the record is com
pleted it will bo seen that Secretary
Marsh has turned over to tho treas
ury moro than five times as much
fco money In two years as Secretary
Porter did In four years. Of course
Mr. Marsh has not stolon tho fees
from tho marks and brands commis
Commissioner of Public Lands
Georgo D. Follmer, tho present In
cumbent of tho offlco of commissioner
of public lands and buildings, is one
of the pioneers who form the bone and
sinew of tho great commonwealth of
Nebraska. Moro than thlrty-ono years
ago ho took up his residence In
Nuckolls county. Llko all pioneers,
his chief resources wero Indomitable
energy, unlimited confidence In tho fu
ture development of tho state, a keen
sense of Justice and acute business
A plain, unassuming man of tho peo
ple, ho grasped his opportunities as
they came to him, until his good Judg
ment and business fairness earned for
him a position as a leader In tho af
fairs of his county. This position ho
has maintained throughout his long
residence there, serving tho county
four terms as treasurer.
Mr. Follmer's business experience
has been varied and uniformly success
ful. Ills nttentlon has been divided
between farming and tho real estate
business, this experienced coupled with
his long acquaintance with lands and
their values tends to mako him pecu
liarly fitted for tho position of com
missioner of public lands and build
ings, and by combining business prin
ciples with affairs of stato In such a
manner that every dollar accruing to
tho school fund, or appropriated for
special purposes under his Jurisdiction
should bo turned to the best advantago
of tho state, ho has at all times en
deavored to merit tho confidence the
people placed In him two years ago
by electing him commissioner.
During his Incumbency he has not
only given his entlro time and best
thought to tho duties devolving upon
him as commissioner, but has turned
his knowledge of land values Into dol
lars and cents for the school fund. Ho
has looked carefully Into details, yet
has been Just and generous to tho In
dividual whon such action would not
conflict with Justice to the state and
within tho law. In the line of duty ho
Is fearless and unswerving. Ho has
collected thousands of dollars of back
interest on school lands, some of which
had been duo the stute moro than ton
years, and ho has never forfeited a
single contract where the owner
showed any deslro to retain tho samo
by making payment sufficient to Insure
good faith.
Business methods havo been applied
by him to tho work In tho office and
of tho stato boards with which he Is
connected, to such an extent that tho
business of tho state is conducted as
systematically, accurately and prompt
ly as Is his own private business. When
ho accepted tho position of custodian
of tho public buildings ho accepted
likewise the responsibility of keeping
them in repair and in a condition
worthy of tho dignity of so great a
commonwealth. Fusion economy had
stopped short of necessary repairs to
such an extent that both buildings and
grounds were In a sad stato of dilapi
dation. To bring them back to a satis
factory condition was no small under
taking and required tho expenditure of
no small sum of money. Facing an
unpromising situation, he took an In
ventory of tho needs of tho Institu
tions and went to work to remedy tho
existing evils with tho consequence
that never before In the history of the
stato havo the public buildings been
brought up to so thorough n stato of
repair and been managed with so great
economy to the state.
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Never II the history of tho office
has the land been so closely tensed
and the law so carefully followed In
the collection of delinquent interest as
dm lug tho present administration.
There Is now but seven hundred sixty
live and slv-tentbs acres uulensed
school land In the whole state. This
fact will account for the Increase In
the school apportionment which ex
ceeded any other apportionment (ex
cepting one) ever mnde. Tho tlmo Is
nt hand when outstanding salo con
tracts will mature rapidly nnd be con
verted Into cash. Only through the
careful leasing of heretofore non-revenue
producing lands and tho collect
ing of all moneyB due the stnto has
Mr. Follmer been enabled to throw
Into the school apportionment so largo
a sum of money ns tho hist apportion
ment. Owing to the carefulness nnd watch
fulness of Mr. Follmer. few forfeitures
will need to be made this year, thus a
great saving will be made to tho Btate
In that auctions of school lnnds will
be held In but few counties.
Those who are personally acquaint
ed with Mr. Follmer know thnt he has
always proved to bo a painstaking of
ficial, guarding the Interests of the
state as carefully as he always lias
guarded his own personal Interests.
Ills record proves him to bo a safe,
conservative and care-taking offlclnl.
The voters of this stato cannot do bet
ter than stand by the man who has
placed himself on record ns a faithful
guardlnn of all public Interests en
trusted to his keeping. A vote for Mr.
Follmer means protection for all tho
vast Interests of tho Btato entrusted to
his care.
The present stnto superintendent of
public Instruction, William K. Fowler
of Washington county, was not nn at
tendant at the Washington county re
publican convention In 1900, nor at tho
republican state convention that year,
either as a delegate or as nn Interested
spectntor. Ho was superintending tho
schools In his home city of Blair,
which he had been doing for seven
consecutive yenrs, and knew nothing
of the talk of his nomination until he
was telephoned an Inquiry asking If
ho would accept It. The school board
there reluctantly gave their consent
to his accepting1 tho nomination and
only on tho condition thnt ho retain
his position In Hlnlr during tno cam
paign, which he did. He was "drafted"
for the nomination, and, so. In fact,
was tho present deputy superintendent,
J. L. Mellrlen. for the position he now
holds. Mr. Mellrlen was at that tlmo
superintendent of tho city schools nt
Geneva, nnd wns not nn nppllcnnt for
the position of deputy superintendent,
but accepted at Mr. Fowler's request.
It Is not strange that at tho republican
stato convention this year the re
nomtnntlon of Mr. Fowler was unani
mously conceded. In fact, no other
name was mentioned and no other per
son was for a moment thought of.
One good term deserves another.
During tho twonty-ono months that
Mr. Fowler haB been In offlco ho has
dovotcd all of his tlmo to his work
nnd duties. He has traveled extensive
ly, has been In nil but two or threo of
the ninety counties of tho stnte, has
attended twenty or moro commence
ment exercises each spring, has spent
the three summer months each year
visiting teachers' Institutes and aside
from tho ninety county seatB, ho has
visited ono hundred or moro other
cities In the stnto and the rural schools
of many counties. And not only has
ho accomplished moro field work than
has ever before been nttempted, but
the office work ltns Increased corre
spondingly. Thirteen letter press
copy books of live hundred pages each
have been filled In less than twenty
ono months with official correspond
ence. During the cntiro preceding term
of two years, 1899 and 1900, less than
nine books were filled witn correspond
ence. This Indicates great confidence
on the part of tho public In the pres
ent state superintendent's opinions and
decisions. The stnto superintendent
and hlB offlco force havo also always
been very prompt In the dispatch of
official business, answering letters and
inquiries as far as possible the day
they aro received.
All the former publications of tho de
partment have been Improved and en
larged, and In addition to theso Mr.
Fowler has edited and published 10,000
copies of School Laws for Teachers, a
pamphlet of twenty-eight pages; 12,
000 cbples of Special Day Progrnms,
consisting' of 110 pages, larger and bet
tor than former editions; 25,000 copies
of Caldwell's American History for
1900-1901, for high schools and eighth
grades; 5,000 copies of School Build
ing and GroundB in Nebraska, 280
pages; 2,000 copies of Official Decisions
of tho Stato Superintendent, 72 pages,
and official circulars at moro or less
regular intervals greater In number
than over before, Including 25,000
copies of a largo circular to school
board officers nnd members rolatlvo
to tho annual meeting.
In addition to all this oxtra field
work, enlarged correspondence, and
now publications. Superintendent Fow
ler's record on economy will Btand tho
search-light of public opinion when
compared with the record In this Jlno
mnde by his predecessors.
It Is generally conceded that educa
tional positions Bhould be out of poli
tics, and for this reason mnny superin
tendents, principals and teachers of
democratic and popullstlc tendencies
aro this year openly supporting Mr.
Fowler for a second term, and at tho
Grand Island fusion convention a man
had to bo drafted, though only n
"straw" man. A comic question In this
campaign Is, "Who Is Fowler's oppo
nent? Whence docs ho como?" This,
too, among school superintendents and
principals! On tho other hand, Super
intendent Fowler has been a leading
mnn In educational circles In Nebraska
for tho last twelvo years. Today ho Is
tho peer of any stato superintendent In
tho United States. He has been an
activo member of tho Nntlonal associa
tion since 1892. and at tholr conven
tions his opinions nro given careful
consideration by the leading educators
of the country.
Llko all successful men, Mr. Fowler's
genius lies In his hard work. In mat
ters of education ho believes In tho
merit system. Tho people of Nebraska
will never trado a successful educator
llko Superintendent Fowler for an un-
l known quantity.
Hon. Frank N. Pout, nttorney gn
eral of Nebraska, mill tho republican
candidate for that offlco at tho mining;
election, is a nallvo of New Jersey,
llo was born at Newark May 31, is.12,
nml moved with his parents to Toulon,
111., In 1855, His early education was
gained In the common schools of that
city, and ho began tho'study of law In
the offlco of Hon. W. W. Wright, coun
ty Judge of Stnrk county, in Janu
ary, 1875, he wiib admitted to tho bnr
of tho state of Illinois by the supremo
court of that state, and entered nt
once upon the prnctleo of his profes
sion in Stark county. In the year 1881,
Mr. Prout removed to (Inge rouuty,
Nebraska, locating at Blue Springs,
where ho becanio a member of the
well known law firm of Burke &. Prout.
He continued in practice at that point
until 1889, when ho took up his resi
dence In Beatrice. Ho wan married In
May, 1880, nt Brnmfield, III, During
tho years of hln resldonco lu Beatrice
Mr. Prout has sought only the honors
to bo gained In the practice of his pro
fession, to which ho has applied him
self with zeal and the determination to
succeed. Aslilo from tho offlco of city
attoruo), In which ho rendered most
vnluablo pcrvlce to the city, he held
no public offlco until In t89S ho was
nominated and elected to represent
Gage county In the stato sennit. Ow
ing to his high legal attainments und
fine equipment na a legislator, Mr.
Prout took high rank In thnt body, nnd
by his vigorous courso and sensible
attltudn on public questions attracted
general nttentlon, as a man well quali
fied to fill high public station.
As n logical sequence to his splendid
record In tho state senate, Mr. Prout
was nominated by the republican stato
convention In 1900 as Its candidate for
attorney general, and In tho fall of
thnt year was triumphantly elected
over his fusion adversary.
Attorney General Prout Is a forcible
nnd convincing public speaker, and his
logic nnd eloquence have mnilo him a
favorite with republican audiences
throughout tho stnto. Whllo not un
tifflce-soeker, he hns for many yenrs
assisted In upholding republican prin
ciples on tho stump nnd is nn ardent
Attorney General Prout Is modest
and unnssumlng. nnd has not followed
tho practice of his fusion predecessor
in tooting his own horn, but will lcavo
n ccor.l for competency and efficiency
thnt has never been equalled by any
oi tus pteiiecissors.
His duties ns attorney general havo
ic'V'Ired him to deliver more thnn two
hundred legal opinions. In discharg
ing these duties he hns ndvised the
heads of the executive departments of
tho stnto. committees of the different
houses of legislature, and nearly nil of
the county attorneys of tho Htate.
The epidemic of smallpox necessi
tated additional legislation giving
greater powers to boards of health.
This power was granted by tho Inst
leglsliture, and Mr. Prout was called
upon to Interpret tho statutes nnd to
define tho duties and powers of hoards
of health. His opinions on this sub
ject nlone would mako a text-book on
public health and safety. He has nlso
construed tho reform-school law, tho
new game law nml mnny other statutes.
Ills legal opinions will soon bo pub
lished by tho state, and will mnke a
inrge volume of invaluable Instruction
on tho duties and powers of cxecutlvo
All work relating to his offlco hns
been reduced to a perfect system. It Is
a reproach to the stnto that Attorney
General Prout had to label, endorse,
number and rearrange all the files be
foro ho wan ablo to find nny particular
The suits In which tho state In n
party havo been mannged with equal
ability and rare.
During his Incumbency he has tried
on nn average three lawsuits n month
in tho supremo court, nnd hns had
pitted against him the best legnl talent
In the stnte. Out of sixty cases de
cided by the supremo court ho has won
forty-live. Somo of the most important
causes submitted to the supremo court
on behalf of the state ure still unde
termined. In addition to all this work,
ho Is a member of eight different stnto
boards which havo required nnd re
colved from him a great amount of
tlmo and labor.
Mr. Prout's modesty has prevented
tho publication ot much Interesting
matter concerning his efforts In hehnlf
of the public, but the facts Just men
tioned are public records or which Mr.
Prout has reason to be proud. Unjust
criticism or his official conduct Is duo
wholly to tho depravity and ignoranco
of tho fusion press
Nebraska has been somewhat fatuous
In its production of men of moro than
an ordinary turn or mind but the lust
ono to spring to the surfao seems to
havo tho capacity to outstrip them nil.
He nppears before the publli through
his magazine called "The Knocker, a
Journal for Cranks." Tho magazine Is
all that tho name implies and during
the past fow months has taken front
plnco In tho literary reviews of many
of tho largest publications, getting
first mention from the Chicago Chroni
cle and Now York Herald. It has
sprung up llko u mushroon, but seems
to havo the stability of an oak. It Is
published at Blair, Neb., by tho hx
chango Printing company. Us editor
Is the versatile Will A. Campbell, a
Nebraska product, and n young man of
maturo Judgment, who seems to havo
tho correct idea of life and has the
swing of language to properly ex
press It.
Warm Congressional Campaign.
Tho redisricting of Mississippi had
a curlouB result. Threo Democratic
congressmen Patrick Henry of Vlcks
burg, John Sharp Williams of Yazoo,
and Charles Edward Hookor of Jack
son suddonly found thomselves In tho
samo district. All threo wanted to go
back to tho houso; only ono could.
Williams has won out In tho primary
and remains In congress. Williams'
cauvaBB Is Bpokon of as one of the
greatest over neon In Mississippi, Th
last day of It found him In his shirt
sleovoB in a reputedly hostile ward of
Jackson speaking ultornatoly In Eng
lish, Gorman und Kronen. His own
county wont for him solidly nnd ho
mado surprising Inroads In tho coun
tira of hla competitors.
Immense Consumption of the Luscious
Dainty Throughout the Land Fig
ures Show the Extent of Its Won
drous Popularity.
The pumpkin pie Is onco moro
nhrond In tho html. On tho counters
of the confectioners, In the windows
or the dairy lunches and on tho cm
bossed menus ot the hotels whoro
wealth mid fashion Hock, It Agalu
takes Its honored place, to gladden
with Its presence tho heart or old aud
New York preeminent In most
things Is the greatest pumpkin pie
eating city In the world. During tkn
senson, from September to Kobruary,
there are, on un average, moro thnn
15,000 pumpkin pies a day eaten In
thnt dty. Estlmntlng each pie to con
tain live pieces, au army of something
like 75,000 pumpkin eateis muster
To mnke 15,000 pies a day requires
25,000 pounds or pumpkin and 10,000
quarts or milk. Such dry, prosalu and
exnet things us figures are hardly In
keeping with the poetic pumpkin; but
It Is Interesting to figure out tho fact
that In the tour mouths or so during
which the pumpkin pie nourishes theru
nro about 3,000,000 pounds ot tho fruit
used to mnke the pies which aro eat
en In thnt city, nnd a million nnd a
qunrter quarts or milk. With a pencil
and an Imagination Interesting figures
or the consumption of tho United
States nt large might be worked out.
In tho days when people who uro
now middle-aged were boys for It Is
to tho mule sex primarily that tho
pumpkin plo hns always appealed
pumpkins wore raised as a "stolon
crop," a row seeds placed at Intervals
In a field or Indlnn corn or p-JtatooB
orten giving, besides tho regular crop,
a ton or pumpkins.
But now tho pumpkin, though still
to somo extent raised In the old way,
hns nttnlned the dignity or being con
sidered worthy to bo raised ror Itsolf
nlono. Pumpkin rnrins uro numerous
nil through tho central nnd New Eng
lnnd states, nnd yield good returns to
their proprietors.
Tho largest pumpkin rarm near Now
York is In Monmouth county, N. J.,
whoro a tract ot 300 acres 1b given
over principally to the raising of pump
kins. Tho cultivation of tho fruit, tco,
is no longer a haphazard affair, but la
conducted on scientific prlnclploa, tho
soil being thoroughly! fertilized with
tho special view of provldlng tho klud
of richness needed lt tho pumpkin.
Found by Its Owner Art Street wner
She Lost It Five Uleara Ago.
Tho luckiest woman fstho west is
Mrs. Anna M. Scott of Denver, CoK,
Klvo years ngo, in returnlhgfftfi"a
pnrty, sho lost a dlanmpd earring
worth $200. In looking for. something
else a few days ngo sho found tho dia
mond In tho street whero sho had
dropped It so long before.
Hundreds of persons had passed
ovor tho hpot In tho meantime Rain
and snow had burled the Jowcl in tho
sand, nnd at Just tho right tlmo tho
rain again washed tho diamond cloan
for Mrs. Scott to find It. Othor per
sons had looked In vain, when it was
lost years ngo.
"I was not looking for It," said tho
owner, "I was looking for a little ring
that my daughter thought sho had
lost. As I could not find tho ring, I
went over the ground rather carefully.
"Suddenly something sparkling
caught my oyo and then I cried right
out loud, 'Why, Micro's my diamond!'
"I was fo surprised to see it that
I could really hardly believe that I
was awako, or that It was 1902 in
stead of 1897."
Wedding Gifts In Coffin Box.
A young married woman In ono of
tho neighboring towns must bo given
credit for originality in securing
menns for transporting her wedding
gifts. Her new home Is in a distant
city, nnd sho recently returned to hor
old homo to pack her presents. The
problem presented Itseir of finding
something of sufficient size to hold
them. A boxmaker waB consultod,
nnd It was found that it would cost
about $5 to make a box to ordor such
ub sho doslrcd. Klnally it was sug
gested that a common coffin box
might answer tho purpose. Tho young
woman Jumped at the suggestion and
Invested $2.50 in a long, plain plnu
box. Tho neighbors of tho young
woman's mother were startlod to see
tho undertaker drlvo up and tako tho
big, long box into the houso. A num
ber of hurried calls were mado beforo
tho mystery was solved. Tho brldo
says sho will mako good uso of tho
coffin box after sho returns to hor
homo by utilizing It as a couch.
Sprlugfield (Mass.) Republican.
Strange New Herbs.
Tho gardens nnd fields of Yucatau
are filled with succulent vegetables
nnd odorous herbs unknown to tho
outer world. In tho cultivated flolds
at the proper seasons aro grown
classes ot Indian corn, beans, squaBhes
and tubers for which wo havo no
name, ror tho reason that wo havo
never seen or heard or thorn, reports
tho Pittsburg Dispatch. Tho forests
and Jungles contain fruits that, excel
lent even In their wild stato, could ba
mado delicious by sclontlfic caro and
cultivation. There aro half a scoro
of wild fruits that offer more promls
lug results thnn did tho blttor wild
almond, fho progenitor of tho peach.
r juwut --i., ,. ,..'; , WOHHO.AUS" Pi'-TYi..