The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1902, Image 1

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. J.JJ.A. "MLyycyy.-r: .J.lI5S!I'L-'?T'Py
iwwwnftwi ,-ryrn. -
' lir - """ .lll
RED CLOUD, N13HKASKA. ( 'TO II tilt HI, 1902.
Miner Brothers
Du JHf Vy irn &t&0 KyW
flVTOHV fS,nt",a, UMSfL
T 2JBfc
Black Satine
Several styles of accordion pleating, with drop-skirt corduroy bind
ing. Other styles pleated, ruflled and plain. They are made
from Mercerized Satine, and are just as handsome as those made
of the best silks and will not cut ami pull to pieces. : : :
' ' ' - ' Prices range from : : : : :
$1.00 to $4.00 Each.
Warmth Means
If you wear one of these pretty garments you will be comfortable,
both mentally and physically. They are the garments best suited
to the needs of the average woman in cold weather. We have a
complete assortment for Ladies, Misses and Children. : :
LADIES' 45-INCH COAT American Mills Kersey, heavy satin
lining pearl buttons, velvet collar, strap seams, in black tn cr
and castor .... . . 1J.OU
LADIES' 27-INCH GARMENT American Mills Kersey, pearl
buttons, storm collar, guaranteed satin lining; cannot be r? cr
matched anywhere at the pries . . i.uU
Misses' Garments, from . . $300 to $5.50
Children s Garments, from . . 2i00 to 8.50
Dress Goods
VVe want you to see this
winter's weight in the new
K.lll Qtlt'tSilrru Tl,.
so fine in texture and coloring that they cannot fail to please you.
One lot of 20 pieces of S-inch wool suitings, in a strong line of
colors, sold elsewhere for 60c; our price . . 4VG
51-inch broadcloth, 90c; other grades ?, $1.25 and $i.-o her yard
Wflit PjtffrnQ There are many nice pieces of
Well XLS MTcLLLGl US tf0ods ;n slockfrom i.hich to
make waists that are just to your liking. : : : :
Mercerized cotton waistings, fancy weaves, per yard . "c
Wool waistings, per yard . . . 60c to $i2s
Metalic print velvets .... 90'c
All goods purchased in this department sponged free of charge.
We are preparing to unload an
other carload of furniture this
Week. flnrvlc 1-irmi-iVifr ilirnnf -.
the factories and loaded from Chicago. Our prices are a saving of
ten to twenty per cent. And when this car is unloaded we will
show bedroom suites as follows: : : :
Bedroom suites . . i5-ntnAnnn
o 1. 1 1 ,. . 1 . , I2.sO to yoo.oo
Solid oak dining chairs, each . . go to 00
h-otels8 .... s'ooto 50
iron beds ..... 2.50 to 20.00
Grocery Department
Fresh Ginger Snaps -jlc
Bulk Coffee gc
2 packages Force . .... 25 c
7 bars White Russian Soap . . . 25 c
5-lb package Oatmeal 25 c
10 packages washing powder . . 25 c
32 ounces baking powder . . . 20 c
8 bars Diamond C Soap . . . . 25 c
We have just unloaded a big car of Holland seed cabbage. It is very fine. In
ioo-lb lots, or less, icper pound. A carload of fine apples. Get our prices
L-v,b-V- : :r
Sum Johnson's new barn Is Hearing
cuinpicuon, 1 1
All is quiet mi our crook, and health
gonotully is good
1' A Fair will commence thoercc-1
lion of a now burn.
Chus. IJaiiott bet hK best horse (us '
usual) a few days ago. (
Our schools at Atidorsonvillo anil
Ml Mope uii' pmgrcssing nicely
Harvey .M. rrill lost a line cow n -cntly
l.y allowing her to run on al
lullu Win. II li'oMMicrans Mibl one of his
driiing teams to Mr I.'.mls ol' Hod
Tin- little show at .Mt. Hope school
house was a success and well worth
the money. .
Sam .Mount ford and father iccently f
sold some fat cattle to Win Uil'ool P
Hod Cloud
Our creek was well icpresented at
v. .).
Hod Cloud this week to hear
Hi an and others.
Finishing up sowing grain, cutting
cane and alfalfa and digging iiotatous
is tlie order of the day.
Chus. Arbuoklo's relatives, whore
side iu Oklalionia,liaoieturned home.
They formerly lived bote.
Hotter late than never, the .superin
tendent of our load through Lino
township is now repairing the wash
outs of the big rain, or watc spout.
Wo 1110 boasting, to some extent,
that we have a crop of all this year,
and do honesty believe that wo should
have out a mixed crop every year iu
Kansas and Nebraska
Mr England, of Fountain Oak, is
visiting iu our parts. 1 prophesy ho
likes Kansas and Nebraska or No
braska better Hint will come back, us I
told him ho would do before he left,
though am of the opinion ho has done
well enough Occasional
i1' !KhJ E,
have a surprise for you.
Watch this space next week.
The Jewelers and Opticians,
Ele ti. u ne.t Tu. rduy. Vote early
iinu vote ilgi t.
Some ol 0111 otili fai mors huvo com
mon, ed to ha k . n I . rlo iheir i orn.
Jloni P.iui dt w h tr.uitiicting bus-ID0-.S
at Auiiipi el , ui Tuesday.
Geoigo M .(ili a biitiuo-s
flip to .his. Uv 01 i'ii j las- week.
Win W...M side 1 .! a In. 1 m last w eok
wn ui u ii'i oil s an.!b and faith
lai t iu id
Ti joui.g Imin-, (11 m C.uaplol,
w. to -o co n g , i.i, an o..g tun people
lor their clnueli 1. h.
MlH. (ililll'h Mill llllllgli'OI Imvo
muveil 1 11 o iln-ii hoiitf, ili entl) pur
chased 01 II h, IJh h. ndiier.
Our nexi lopiesoaiative, Cliuilo's
Hiiuti rof Jtmva e, wtis llrtkiag bunds
wnh our piopic, lfisi WL-uiiuiituy.
Mr CJoodell and two liu.e girls from
WVetern, weio visiting wiiu hU broth.
01 of this phuo foi 11 to .v da) h, luturii'
lug I.oiiio, M inlay.
FrrnkSwiezy ol Klue Hill wj.s in
town, iho tbht ol ti.o week, Hlnihing
liuuds with old wjuaii.timt oi. Uy tlie
way V. S, is going tj tho legi-lmuro
tli in winier.
Why is it w h 11 mtui -tsnil by nartv
principle an Guinea of I3luo Hill uud
bu Uilloid of Owlets thai ihoy uhotml
bo ea h'd boidIii nils by 1 .0 cituiiMatus
of their parly wl.o huvo violated tho
triibt iu them by tin ir eonsii-
tuttnt ?
Hniiy Di.ngim of IIiHtmgs spoke ih
oiX'iini-C;.) ih SiuiidciH, clioristor, Mi
Wooils'ule a 11I MI-sh Ada Mcllr do wein
ehou 11 "S ilelcgitO'H to the uonvunt'on
ut HedComl, 'hellO h.
H nib 11 hml n mirrow ricupu from
wlml u ighl have bei 11 11 seiioiis til e,
Friilny niglit jibt ut closing timn,
smoke was discovered in tlo du-t
room iu the 1 us', elevator. No time
was !.t. in clearing the room cf its
conteiiH unit the siiinlilerltig lite put
out. HmiI tho elevator burned the
town would probably have burned
as there was a high wind blowing from
the otilh and eart and 1 o lire piotee
tiiin. GUIDE ROCK.
Win Hooves n tu 11 d '10111 I) nv r,
1 1 hi. W.'t'U.
Jaiui't T.ivl r i hi-ilii,' corn for
Henry W. tt.
Hrno t Moranvi lo is hi-lpiug II H.
Moraiivil 0 thii wo.k.
Iiiliu Kim oy of Jewel count'', Kan
his, was iu town, Tuesday.
Co 11 Ih milking from t'.iily to iifty
buhhels per i.cio, inthlt vi inity.
Oeorgo L. Day of Supoilor, cindi
iluto for ht.ito seuHtor was hens Tliurs
dtiy H'-v. Mar in now pronches, al oniut
Iy at Otildo Hook a .d at ihu Ohiiiftede
kc1i ol I1OU8O.
Miss SiiihIiwoocI bus a bidy dieiul
from De.s MoIiioh, Iowh, vl-iting whh
ber, lids wi ok.
(1 V. Hunt has opoiiod 11 pho ojraph
gullory over Jonos' huulwni 0 toro and
doing Home lino wo. k.
Mrs. B. A. Bntton moved to Wy
moro and tho Rov. Hoadley will move
into tu r homo, this week.
II. M. Largont bus his hioim coin
cut and will commence .scrauing it to
morrow. Ho Iihh a now uui'-hlim.
Win, Heed mid wife of Iow.i visit. .1
uneven) Htomacli ami liver tmtfWfs"
that I hint suffered with 'w yeaid,"
wiites l. Muse, Durliam, N. C, "Dr.
King's Now Life Pills saved my lifoand
gavo perfect health " Hest pills on earth
nnu oniy -joc at u. jj. outing's drug
Advertised Letters'
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho poHtollico at Ked Cloud, Ne
braska, for the week ending October
10, 11102.
Ottle F(... E. D. I'attn.
Siiin'l S. William.
These loim.w will he ent to tho dead
better clllee Oclober .'10, if not called
for btifote. When calling for above
pleiisu say "advertised." T. C. Hack, I'oMmaster
To Hie Farmers.
Heie 1 urn at my. Dice at the rail mad
trnck.ifhilj tobiiyyotii lions and catilo
at a higher pi ice lliiui ever liofoie, for
I am alone in the business and do not
I ave to divide prohts and am willing
to givo you the benefit. Heiniinber
the more stock I buy the higher piic&
I can jay. Uring your hogs to thu mil
road track, always higher there.
Cuttkji, tho High Uuyer.
tl.eO.A It Hull. Insi Mciiiiliiv H" "' " "ttruuw Tui'siUy. Mr.
in in the Ititi. 11 slamlpoint Ho laid- " . Ii"" Mr ,Jnrt!,,s WL'' "'l i-s
gieuthtrihs on it costihoi '!0,"or
.tiio iiihiiuuioiH, under Mis Hannah Ciow s.arted,,
rub , 11 oie It r ci ul in Juiv tim 1 ... n .. i '"r l'(l Lodg , Mo .tana, who esln o..
c-ui'ii r but 1,0 il il notoxpiiui Ahy it 1,0'IS to HI""1 tim wlattr wita her
wu 11 who man wi ulil buy iiioid co.I ! ''""Hbtor, Mrs. lA..lo Hio 1.
iliwynir, inJuiy thiu ho 11 lijht hiiin i tleoro H ural of Humbolt, spociej
in Dceimliei in .Jttli prices, .iijiiitlor tin Contimntal Iiisniaect
Co., was visitiii' ttu ir n-nr.h iiintlvcs.
Atti.oM B olmri'l", Build lyovonlng
an Epwoitli Lenguu w.ts orgmiUoil,
MissHonlo Womhlils 1 10 ulentj Mn.
Wolf, In s v c piot float, Mm Ij (J.
Cut'ei, hceiii .1 picioeiit; .1 .',
Saui.di-if, ii'oi in di-pnitii). ntj Mis.
.Iih Uaun.'oif, h 0 ul depiiiMiioi t; Mrs
L. B. Spenco, becro ai) ; Mr. H ,wor
nock, tieiifiiiii 1; Ml-s Gertlo Siijdor,
Colvi'i .V iiiieiiH, hero Sat'iidiy
Vo. 11,' Uiot. ors, ea t of lo.n, have
juiiei us.-il a now wugou . r nauliiu tU ami sjneads tho
t 0 hmd at it is ilrtwi aeios the
Ii. Id
Out Of Death's Jaws.
. "Whim deuth suemoil very near from
Shylock was the man who'
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There are many
Shylocks now, the convdfes-'
cent, the consumptive, thp '
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it taKfe
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscie.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and tliey
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years ''
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesln
Wo will send you a couple of
ounces free.
SCOTT 8t QOWNE, Chomlstsi
400-415 Poarl Stroot, Now York. '
yc. sua f 1.00 ; all druugiit.
i J
Miir 1 r uxtz. -
'"'"' tWMIHH 1 Mil I lt3Cme.jg.aorvasri,i., .-..-., -..u - . . .
LVL -y.t '( i ..; vs..o3ini,Tw; ,
KiW&vyym&ims&v: rfj-VMtw 'ZIT
- 1 - r 1 ji - mrj irfcWBfc--,"- -rwi '
eammmMgj rnt VTr -iK.irJCjr.