The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1902, Image 1

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NUMHElt 1 1
Miner Brothers
Store News,
Black Saline
20 Styles
Several styles of accordion pleating, with drop-skirt corduroy bind
ing. Other styles pleated, ruffled and plain. They are made
from Mercerized Satine, and are just as handsome as those made
of the best silks and will not cut and pull to pieces. : : :
: : : : : Prices range from : : : : :
$1.00 to $4.00 Each.
Warmth Means
If you wear one of these pretty garments you will be comfortable,
both mentally and physically. They are the garments best suited
to the rifceds of the average woman in cold weather. We have a
complete assortment for Ladies, Misses and Children. : :
LADIES 45-INCH COAT American Mills Kersey, heavy satin
lining pearl buttons, velvet collar, strap seams, in black in K.f
and castor .... . . 1J.DU
LADIES' 27-INCH GARMENT American Mills Kersey, pearl
buttons, storm collar, guaranteed satin lining; cannot be n ra
matched anywhere at the pries . . . f.OU
Misses' Garments, from . . $3.0o to $S.5o
Children's Garments, from . . 2.oo to S.50
Dress Goods
We want you to see this
winter's weight in the new
K.'lll nirinrrc Tliuw n
so line in texture and coloring that they cannot fail to please you.
One lot of 20 pieces of 38-inch wool suitings, in a strong line of
colors, sold elsewhere for 60c; our price . . 47c
5.-inch broadcloth, 90c; other grades $1.10, $1.25 and $1.50 beryard
rrcooLO m cllill,il ru ROods in slocI. from which to
make waists that are just to your liking. : : : :
Mercerized cotton waistings, fancy weaves, per yard . "-c
Wool waistings, per yard . . . 6octo$i".
Mctalic print velvets .... goc
All goods purchased in this department sponged free of charge.
the factories and loaded from Chicago.
ten to twenty per cent. And when
show bedroom suites as follows:
Bedroom suites
Solid oak dining chairs, each
Iron beds
We arc preparing to unload an
other carload of furniture this
week. Goods bouoht direct fmm
Our prices are a saving of
this car is unloaded we will
$12 50 to $60 00
.00 to 3.00
5 00 to 13.50
2.50 to 20.00
Grocery Department
Fresh Ginger Snaps ylc
Bulk Coffee 9"c
2 packages Force . . . . . 25 c
7 bars White Russian Soap . . . 25 c
5-lb package Oatmeal . . .
to packages washing powder
32 ounces baking powder .
8 bars Diamond C Soap . .
We have just unloaded a big car of Holland seed cabbage. It is very fine. In
100-lb l'ts, or less, ic per pound. A carload of fine apples. Get our prices
iwsmer brothers.
C I). Fisher purchased a farm In
Stillwater this week
Win an I Andy tiny wore at Keil
Cloud on business Tuesday.
A. L Drinkwator 1ms purchased tho
F. A Vance limn north of town.
1I0I111 Klndschor and son William
were at the county seat Thuisday
C 15. Casler pui chased another farm
1101th of town tlio llrst of tin week.
Colviu A Hiircus will take your sub
sciiption lor the Lincoln SundayStar.
Mr liny and Mr Chrisinan of Iowa
both pui chased farms near hero last
week. I
Walter V Watt and wife start for
li. ho tonight wheie they espeol to
locate I
Mrs C impboll has moved into the.
picpcity nlu iccently pui chased of W.
I! Watt.
P.uties fiom Lincoln Xubraska pur
chased two farms noithwest of heio
last week
John Strut ton of Hall county, X o
biaska is in town today, Mr Stratum
formeily lived heio
Win Heed and wife uriivod from
Iowa, today. Mr Heed is 11 brother of
X Heed near Xorthbianch.
Now is tlio timoto invostif you
real estate in this vicinity as it is sell,
in),' and advancing every day.
Mr. Guy and Mr. Chrisinan will
perhaps lotiirn to Iowa this week und
arrange to move hoio in tlio spring
Miss Amy Potitt is seriously ill at
hor homo south of town. Her mother
anived fiom tho western paitoltho
btato Monday morning
It '?'?
We have a surprise for you.
Watch this space next week.
The Jewelers and Opticians,
W. W Woodsido has improved his
place with a now gi unary.
IJutchor Heynolds has gone to Wy
oining on business and pleasure.
Mr Van llouton was a visitor in
Juniata tho latter pat t of last week
1) II Clink retained Tuesday even
ing ft 0111 a business trip to Lincoln
Mrs Tuppcr who has been visiting
her sister Mrs Hint lot leturned home
iuonuay 1
(leoigo Xewhoitso and wife of Hed
Cloud Hundujod with tho hitter's par- i
outs Mi and Mis Wash Hoe I l
Mr McArthur was on tho crook this
week, notifying tho ones who aro to
servo on tlio board at, tho coining elec
tion Tho United Hrothron preaehor has
commenced his work 011 this charge
Set vices will bo held overy Sunday
moi ning at the hchoolhouso
Mis-, (iiaco Arnoson and John Sut
ton woie married at tlio home of
tho bride's mother, at noon on
Wednesday, October 10, in the pres
ence of a uuiubar of relatives, by tho
Hev Mr Williams, of Uiveiton After
congi at illations, dinner was solved.
Homo very piotty presents weie given
t lie happy couplo The In ido is one of
Webster county's fail est daiiL'htoiH
A giut Ionian from Tobias had a car ,m, js ,, accomplished d highly
load ol apples hoio this wo.ik which ho r spec-ted young lady Thegioom isit
dis(o-cd ot thiough 1'iank Wautlo yung man of sterling iualllles, Isa
CD Hopu is building a now house haid woiker and 1b a man who makes
on his farm noil li of town to lopliioo 1' lends vvhcmvoi- ho goes We extend
tho one binned down mini) timoago our hcaitiest congratulations
Tho Clifton Comedy Co whohao BLUE HILL
entertained tlio people lor tlio past C.ilboit King is visiting iclativos lioro
week left '1 ucday moining for Camp (i)s vtj.ek
beU I H. Hishop's mother is visiting her
Dr To Misend of Campboll and Dr son's family
Wog.aun of Ulue Hill weio called to ilr ,, Q , ,
see II 11 Watson's youngest child who ,,, ,t we(jk
is veiy sick
A moving picturo show hold forth
in Cicoiialgli Hrotliers hall Wednes
day night.
Mrs. Holdi edge of Inavalo returned
to hor homo after a week's visit with
rolativos lioro.
Hov. Deakln of Taylor, Xobiaska,
will fill tho pulpit of tho Congregation
al Church uot Sunday.
Goo Hoitlor had tho misfortune to
lose a linger by gotting it hurt in a
Uuoshing machine tills weak.
Mr. and Mis. J l-J Simmons left for
thoir homo in Calif, last Wednesday
alter a several weeks visit with lola
lives. Won! comes fiom Unit Morgan at
Mnrshficlfl, Oiegon, that he is well
pleased with tho county and has ob
tained steady employment at Wiper
Hmost and Lloyd Heed ioturnod
home Satuiday evening fiom Heatrico
.Mrs Day and daughtor Mabol spout
Sunday at Campboll
tif... tt i .. I. ....
wheio thoy had found employment' " " "-""ran, sou oi our loiiowiowns
this .summer. " m .spent Sunday at homo
Mr I O Dennett entertained Sun-' 'l," Ioliiliyfl. brother and wile,
da at his home, hisson W L Heunett f,om low.iro visiting here now
and lnmily and his daughtor Mrs L C I Editor Ashby's brother and family
Sionce and family days heio the past week.
10 11 Co Al Heed and Chas Spenco' ,n' Hummel was called to Hod
were chosen as Judges of election and Cloud to poiloim a mairiiigo cormony
I! AndeiKin and James Sanders Monday
as cleiks I election. ! Oluis Fussier and wife ioturnod
Miss Vdu McHride was tlio success
ful contt stunt at tho Clifton Coniudy
Co in I1 o wiudup, having outstiippod
hor compotitois forty votes or moro
I O H Pitney or Inavalo aud h C.
' Poisigor ot Hluo Hill was in tho vicin
ity the tlrst pint of week nailing up !
i tho lolt-s that IM CJllfoid of Cowlos '
I l.-iini.Wim. into tlwUi. i.,lltl..l I
. .w. .....p, ... ...v.. j'WJ.tllltl Itlll'tH.T
fiom tho 1 () O F convention Kii
daj ovcnlng;the, lopoit a gran 1 time.
Ho L O Hai lis and wife, I Hanson
Grace linker, and Killth Pel aro at
tending tho convention of rhiistian
Chut olios in Omaha this week
Out Of Death's Jaws.
' When louih ML't'iiiuil voi linn fjom
a si vi to btom icii and liver tnuihlo,
Hint I hud miffeicil wjih for yean,"
wiiies P. Mum, Duiliaiii, X C, "Dr.
K'i'g's New Life Pillss-ived 1113 lifeand
gave pet feet heiuth ' Hcst pills on eiu Hi
and 011I3 -'if at C L. Cutting's drug
st ue.
Mis Hdd. Scott Is on tho sick list.
J C Waller went 10 Hod Cloud
Mr. Hue Williams of Fianklin was
huio Tuesday.
Mi and Mis John Stoiy ioturnod
Tuesdaj from Omaha
Cap Hoitchin of Hud Cloud spent
Fui iiltiiin Wednesday night in our town
' J H Stiador and U V. Paul mo
Mis Ainohou lost a good milch cow
on allalfa last week.
1 Mr FruliiiV. little girl is bulfoilng
lrom intlammatory rhtuiaatism
A very pleasant dunce was given a'
tho home of Mr aud Mi
Satuiday night.
School counnoiiced at Xo .'l, Monday ho," f,'"1 ",0 ,"'v"tiou at Out 1I111
moining, a good teacher having boon Mr Hustorand family of Franklin
bocured at last. uro visiting lelatlvos hero this wook
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There are many
Shylocks now, the convales
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it take
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple of
ounces free.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chomlsts,
4O0-4IQ Poarl Stroot, Now York.
juc. aud 1 1.00; all druggists.
m 1
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