I i Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All tho blood In your body passes through your kidneys onco every three minutes. i no moneys are your firs uiuoupurmcrs.incy ni ter out the waste or lmnurille.1 In the. Iilnnrl 1 1 if .u... . I.I. . ii nicy uiuaitr. or uui II L of order. thnv fall tr dn ineir work. Pains, nchcsnnd rheu matism come from ex cess ef uric ncld In the blood, due to nerlccled fcldncy trouble. Kidney trouble causes qulclt or unsteady heart beats, and mnke.i ono ff.el as though they had heart trouble, because tho heart 'is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and artcrlos. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles vero to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can mako no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rout, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits bv all drutrclsts In fifty- cent and one-dollar slz- gjwHi! C3. You may have a -JMi samDle bottle by mall Homo of nw-.mn.nnot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. BEST FOR THE BOWELS ir you haven't a rrirtilar, healthy inovMiirnt of th. twirl- .ry ilny. you're III or will !'. Krrp your bowel-open, awl Imi well. Korer.ln tho khnpouf rlo tent nlil flour lilllilon, In ilaiiKirotn. Tim mouth uttriuW. ni"trrrrrtnay of kitplng tho bowel clear anil clean ltu titUo CANDY CATHABTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY rtennnnt, l'alntaMc poliut. Tusto llooil, linllnod, Hever Hlrki-n, Weaken, or UHpr, 19. !ft. nml M renti per lio. Wrltu for free mtilt. ami l.uuklet n Lralth. Ail.tio-H l tkkmmi ittxtiir ronrm. mi. ami r xi.it yokk. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Dont Be Fooledi TuKe the i;cn original ROC.V MOUMTAIN TEA AlaJe only Iiy .MuJIion Medi cine Co., .Muitiion. Wit. II tefi" you ll. Our trade mark cut r.n vuch package. Price, ,-,; cenl.i. Naver anld in bulk. Accept nn aubstr tut:. Auk onr ilrnnglit. CANDY CATHARTIC iU DroilUt. Genuine itamptd C. C. C. Ntvtr sild In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "jomcthlng ut as ijood." mx ciiit:n-.iTCtvo tuausv .TJv Orltfluul Ohl Only lt ml'. PfJ.V-J,tlAl'K. iiin io l.i.'. -. " "r mi l VVi ' ciiinii.sri.r-r. t.NtiU'i) t)i.U',ffCiin KK1I to I Col.l . ,". id. "i'.ft r- V rff '"' tlL o liil. no ullirr, llclu.r fc isi uii:isiu hiiiiiiiini, ,,ti itiiuu. "" fh tlun. nuy nf jo j, t r il ' 'bWula tf uuai- lr lril nl r. I" lluo.illi 1 ol "li,ll-l Tr I nil,-," (.-(,r,lj r- xr luru nun. ii'.im "' ll lirvecifij. t'llrl U It 1 h.iu.j iliby Nlitlluu.l, i'l. !!.., I'u, C. C. C." on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cascarcts Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and a:ccpt no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, 10c. HAMJT TOBACCO SPIT LlwIlN I and SMOKE ,r1 YourLIfenwnyl Vou can tie cuteil of any form of tobacco usIiir -'ly,.to niailo vvfll, ctrouR, inaittt-tic, full nf pew life ami lKOt ly taking nO-TO-UAC, inat makes weak men etronir, .Many wal.t ten pounits In tea JayB. Over nOti.QQlt cured. All lni(,Riu. euro Bunriititecil. Ilooli lfS,.l!V,'K.a,Jlco 'R. AiUlii-M STISUI.INO IU1MUDV CO., Ulnwo or New Vox if. 4J7 'loA-.v- ''I" t-M-SAM taSHlW -(?''""' '"1 '" 'H tin aiir. fl22. '" f 51 ' ' "' l"1" ' p. tj.t'ai.- 'l5"Jl" to :u loi vi.ir: color" '-iGllMJs r '.? ' ''P 1 . hurlMI. 8 ffisCfrtrv & y TI1I1 alimatiiro la ou every tix of tUo Rcnulne Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tawcu tho remedy tluit t'iire i o!,l In tirio day KKESHEES bullLS IVIIHIt ALL ILSt I AllS. Ik-ii Conub ttj-rup. T.iMi'.i UooU. Uec iniimo. iin iiy iiruvu'uu. v How Are Your Kidney f Dr.Hobba'arataausrilliicqrcalUWriorllla.faw. ttftttc Aild.bierliLK Ilunn;JrCo.,Cnlcan(QorN.y. mm B3sa wiiK ""-rfr.i ry a? in tva i iHCp Jv ffisa THEYTASTEVERY A MUCH RJ H 5i" laroeaRaw 0-fc.-Yif?ff;a,ji,J,.Tii uial'li' U.lOt. ' llWIII I ) )H ' K H V7 -UflfiSI COMMISSIONKKS i'ltOL'EEDINtiS. Kkd Cloud, Nr.mt. Oct. 7th, 1002. Board of county commlssionem met in tegular hc-hIoii; mi'iubiin present: IUcIihiiIh, (li'ilncli, Wilson, Ov'uriniin. Chairman May absent. On motion V. il. Uerlaeh was elected chairman pro tout. On mot on tins trenMiier was liisliiiiH- ... . , .... . ... , ' .... . I .... ... KMIV1.V ..... .,...,-. .... . ... ..,, .... ., in Tfi iiiiri'iiiii in Tiiy nil iiii -.i iiiv it Hnlcy nml Jackson's- aililition to HH (loud fiom 67.80 to 3o 50 motion iiiado In Overman unit Hceondi'd by Wjlsnn, tho road pell'loiitif Ii Adaiiison i't ill , , , . , , ,, .... ..... .. 4 ho ginnUil. Hit- following is Mm v t" taken A.ie, Uvm man, ihoii anil UIcIiiimI, tiny iione On motion the iefgiinti'n of H. AiuiHlioiig as O. II. 11. I). No. ID wm aceeplLil anil .loo Hulineek win ap pointed to till the vacancy at 1 bond approved. On motion the i Hieial bond of J. U. Mei-.s as O. II. Ii. I). No. 11 approved. On tlm road petition of John Hang int, et al , the chub limn appointed the following committee: Overman, Richard and Ccilacl). On motion the boaid adjourned tin til Wednesday, October Bill, 1002, 8 o'clock ii.iii. WKDNKSDAY, OOTOUKIl 8. Hoaid mot pursuant to adjournment. Motion made and siconded, tho treas urer bo insti noted to trunnfur 1000 fioin the iiiMtuu fund to the bridgo fund. Motion prevails. In the matter of the refund from tho Netira-ku Meiciuitile Mutual IiiHiir iiiico Co., on motion the lolm'i) unified turned to county treasurer ami credit tlm Hiimo to general fund. In Iho matter of thu contracts of commis'doneiV, Iiiclimd and Overman for, two roadi;radr.s with Austin & liiley Co., limited. It is oi timed that mii ii I contracts lie. placed on tile until tho lime of tln.iii.ituiity of said con tiactH will bu paid on luprescntalion of proper claims by habl Company for naid balnnco duo on said contracts on motion the above resolution was adopted On motion thu three claims of Judge I'M so 1 1 in tho lleaton, (iarour and I'lielps cased weio n joeti-il. On motion the treauivr is instructed to sell lots t) to 1!, I) Ik -JO. Smith ami Mooie's addition to licit Cloud, for $li.'.2o anil cost of sale. On motion the claim of A. A. Harvey (or $125 for damages for opening road between sections 27 anil '2'i, 1, 1), rejected. On motion tho Treasurer bo instruct ed to sell lots 0 to 13, blk 7, Grusel's addition to Hluo Hill, Nebraska, for OOuts on thu dollar' ami 1001 tax and cost of rnle. On motion thu board adjourned to meet at 8 a.m , October Uth, VM'i, to go as an ollleial body to Inavale, and to inspect damairos dono W. J Vanco as shown by claim tiled by V. J, Vanco Hoatl mut al 1 o'clock p in. On mo tion the claim of W. J. Van:e for a $200 ilnmages dono by water was re jected. In the matter of furnishing coal for the county olliccis thu bids were opened and on motion the contract was let to V. U. Ruby at $0 f0 pur ton. In thu matter of tho road petition of A. Iloais ot al. the committee bog to render tho following report: We, iiur committee, advNo action deferred on account of lack of funds." J. (5. Over-iii-tii. W. liichard, K. 11. (Serlach, com nitteo In the matter of tho mail petition of A. Il'iits et al. was refi tied to tlm fol low lug committee: Wilson, liichaul and Overman. On motion tho trcnMitor i- iiiMiuetrd tu refund John Kicslmcli ill 1 10 er- toneoiis asscssiui'iit on peiional piop i . 1'iih claim of Ae.ert-lienfrew Cubniei C"., tor Slo alliiwul, les- f i eight HI 17 O 1 mot ton 1 lie tieamei N iii-uiieted id rofuiid Olti ikjt-lv-i f'-'."()eii"ii(toiM a-ie.'.hiiieni in sele nl dm net N . i!l Million uiailo and .sei-uuiliil lie treasurer he iii-tiitetnl to lui.tui ten ui-iits each for all town lotn advi rtised for di'lii'ipietit ia.t- instead nf ten ui'iils fiir iineli dfi'iiptinii mutiijii earrii d. On niiitiou Imaiil ailj mi'iied until 8 n'ulni'k a in., tJi-luln-r 1C, hoard met liui'niiaui in to j 111 nnieiit. Ou muiimi the el.iun nl .). M. Cliatlin fur $15 tor legal aihiM- for.lnne Ituu ko ill IIH lllf 'Hl' '!l p ,u t' d. mi day, ocTOMin 10. utyj. On ihi 10 Ii da.v nf O.tnbir A. I). l.l(r. A. (J. Jjlnnntllnki-i, pill IV nt Ho llr-i pari and Wnl)tei uiunlj party .if tlm it;iiil P'l'l, wf.iiexvth mat Il.e piny t Hie liMt pari iLsieiw ii) ennvoy lint ) the iitl'l nl llm .eeniiit p-,rt. nl 0 eut'tain vuti'-i I nt' ph ee n' Imul Iniiittul in n-eliiili 1'2 Lino lnuliip, Uing atiout 111 1 nils mint 1 f liviT hiidge eon laiiiing ulinir i aeiei nf lam, cniitidi'i- llMn-,$ir e.oll III IlllUil. A. (1. 6TO.NH UltMChlt, pait nf lii.il pull. Wi li-ter ('i)iintj, per K. II. (! riai-li tiuptri eli'iii'iuati nt xi-uiiimi pari. Oil Din lull, tllO tnllnWilig I'lttill 8 vein and. ted alii allnwtit and eleik rl( led t'l dlllVV Will IMIlta nil Ilie MiV nl fliUdM (iKNKHAI. Fl'Ni). 1' iw llroH ... ... $ 21 Oft J 1' II ile. prlutliiK tax llti , ;c3 10 J 1 Halo, rliittnK is ."Xl Turtitiro llr i. iiillei M 3 3; .1 tin Fuller, Jnluir work. Id 00 llnmuioiid Uro A Htcvtne, for blatilb 14 00 K S Oarbcr .. 373 92 WSAnhhy, printing - I ss 23 Mm A'.Mar, commissioner service ........... 0 CO V Iilclianlfi. " Miernood A Alhrlidit. ofltco f-njiplli- .1 A MrArthur, attcndliiK county, etc C It Wilson, commissioner servlcu I' It Ocrlneh, " .tallies' Harden, office cxpenseses I (I Overman, cnininlMloiicr sen Ice.. 88 SO a TO II 73 27 00 2-J 80 17 a in.. ll.if....H K..I.I....I ft.. ..1.1... ",""" ""-" ...-... v.-. e m-i .. . II Kdrlrc. rilllruMippllo a ,Tj M Slllu j0rna Co. ulllru Mipp lie 21 1)0 IHMIiOK Kt.'M). V Itnurlilu. bridge work I.ihn flrlllltli. bridge work.. ... it to i m l. Mncii " Trmli'tn l.iitnlier I'n, lirMgc iiinti-rliil )s ,,r)M1(fll '' mi rj "' ''l J It .Mlltan. lirMKiMViirk ...... Ailnniicutnity, onu liiilfto t d lir.ilni'S mi llliU Ho ry Aiend", nrlilgo work Aiiitlu i lIvy.lnlilKo iiinturliit Ihiirj C'laiiMin. Iirldu uurk .liuiiC'H McClliiti ck " WIIMiirk-y. " CuiiiiulM'luiivr Dlitrlc Nu. I. Iinli; nk .IiimiIi Iloliitluh. lirldiitf work Ihvlnlit .linn", lirlil. v iimti'tlal TrodtTf l.mnl.or t'u. lirMKC imitcrliil .1 .M Klucn 1. Iiitilnu woik 1HW : M) 71 'Al HS ftO I.. CO 32 i" 21 HO :i.' Mi ys mi a m SCO I'liilt .; Kri-t's Co. ItrlilKf limtcrlrtl 21 1 70 Hull A r'reue Co, " IHS 3D V L'luii-un, rock ilrlll 7ft B M lli-iil. Inldeu work It) to W II .IuIiiimiii, ' I to .1 II linker. rcinlrliiK pile tlrlie -J 00 V S Iliitl, lirldKO matcrliil 121 31 HM'roinlllt. " :a 12 K Hour liln. brldKC work fi U) K Clitiifon. " 81 117 .1 I. Puller, " 17 I!) 1, 1. Kunyon. hardware for bridgo 'M M Wni Iruim, Ijrlilk'O mati'rlnl I'.'l (.11 Kltiic-r Sltnoii". Iirldgv work ;..... 0 lift Aii-lln Itlley, tirltlse nnitcrlal 107 tlrt Itbl'roudllt, ' SI ai (lUurRC t'laiiaon, brldn work -. 1 IJ M A .1 spiers " Ki '-'.1 Win Knceli'. " l." 00 Cood Si lleaiiclt. brldite material 31 GO ( V lllto. b?ldKo work 42 (O I .1 K lliiuicH, ' .. . II &"i l'OOIt l-t'Nl). IIPMIc, mipplles - U7 9I W II lt"by, t-iutl 3 ) V A May, Mippllcs 0 M .1 O Caldwell. Mippllcs f'.'7 It I) I.i-KKett, for taking care of poor IS 15 Tiirniiro llron, iiippllc t l.'i (lOOll A ItCllllCtt. t'lippllcH 10 'l' II K tlrlro. Mlpplli'- 7 20 Tarniiro llrot. supplies II 2.1 I: W Cnplen, Mipt poor larm mid cxp 12 t) Allied lliilcll. hiippllc)- Wolf llros. Mippllcs Slicrur A: IlriuNliaw, Mippllcs i; McKiirlaiid, Mippllcs for poor faun ItOAl) PU'M) Mcllh-H llediie, road work Mary Ileatoa, " , Oe'rKuHliu' ' tlarber, " Wolf Hro . " Win KiikoIh, " V A Carpcnlcr, , C.Il'lalt, " .lohn Thornton, " lolin Zojec, " 1) M Clarber. Henry (llllmtn, " IS (K) 20 25 a 1 A't is Vi i 2.'i I X, 3 7.'i 13 Ml .1 DO IU 0 7 30 5 00 A in I m 3 CO 3 75 2." 00 V II Crablll, No further business appealing, the board ndj mmed to meet November 11, 1902. K. S. (iAKUKIt. F. II. Op.ki.acii, Clerk. Chnirinan I'rolem. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative IJiomo Quinine Tablets. All ilrucgists refund tho money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 'Joe. .Shu's a radiant, witching, wondrous gem that beautiful, blushing wifo of mine. She i an iiurcI on earth, so yon can be, only take Kooky Mountain Tea. At C. h. Co' ting's drug store. Out Of Death's Jaws. "When death Heeinod very near from iiRi'veio dtoumi'h and liver tmuh.o, that I had suffered will) fur yeais," wiili'.s V. .Mue, Diiihani, N. (' "Dr. Ivng'-i New hifo I'ilU saved my life and gave perfect hualth ' Best pilNnn earth and nnlj o."n- at O L. t'nttiiigV duig t'iie. Goes Like Mot Cakes. 'I-'axtefrt -I'liiiiu n nave 111 mv h tire," wi ite- di iiKL'"nt (' J- Sniiiii, nf Davi-, lt., "i-. I)i. Dine'-. New Dienv r fur Cniitiimpiinu, Cnughs antl CnliU, l eau-" it always cures. In inj six jeais nl sales 11 lias never f.iiied 1 have Iuimw 11 it to save e Here is trnn 'I'lnnat and Liiiik disea-es, who eniild get 1111 help fmni ilneiors or any oilier reiue ilj." .Miitht'i'rt reli on it. best phj.-i-emus prexi-iitie it, and C I.. Conn. gii.iiaiitees satisf.tutinn or refunil priee. 'I'lial lintlli'.s fret. Heg. Si.t s WJo and il. Advertised Letters' I. it of )eitet s 1 emaining uncalled tor atllie piisiotlii-e at Hud Gioim. Ni. iirujilca, tor lite week ending Oi'tnliei It), VMl Ottin K. x. K. I). P.itte. Sitm'l S. Williains. Tht'hti leltt is will lie M'lit. to the deml better nlllee Oi tnliei' HO, if mil called fur liefmo When calling for almvi pit lih'- 't adverliseil." T. CJ. Ii,ru ll'.K, Posimastur .. Manual of Soil Culture. Send inn a - cum iatiip and I will mail ion fnc a eoi of ( IiiiiiiiIm-iI'.-Snil (.'ulinre .Miinual a vulnaliln wink tlmt ovi'i) f.timer ought in have. ,1 Kiaueis, (irni'rnl n.is.-i-ngei au'iii, Oiualia. Lurking on Strt Corners and iu luoeai'-i aro v-iubouil cm 1 luni.s nf air whoso cold touch sets the litmus of neuralgia and ihmimaiism at their wi'tl; nt tot merit. Mudei n ningiu in the fin 111 nl IVrry Davis' IVuiKillei, com-(iu-i ilie imps mid restores peace of mind wiili I'niiifiirl of hmiy. Yon will save joui'hlf ninny a day of inisurv by keeping this urood old rtmeily in the house. Theru is hut uiki Painkiller, Terry Unvls'. FtlHLIO KALK. The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his residence two and one half miles west of Red Cloud opposite the Moon ranch, on Tues day, October 2t, commencing at :i ho a.m. sharp, the following tie I MM' m i .... ' scrji. i lironer... (,,.!, acriui.ii prupui) low 11 73 iir.AD or stock described as follows: Kurt) -three head of rattle consisting of q good milch cows from two to nine years old, patt fresh and pait will be fresh; one high grade shorthorn bull three-year-old, fifteen head of stiers and heifer from one to two ).ira old and eighteen spring calve. ' Twenty-four head of hogs consisting of five I'ohu.d china brood sows, ' three barrows, and sixteen si weiks' oh! pigs. Five he-jd horses, con ! sisting of two good brood mares four years old, weight about 1200, one family driving mare nine years old, weight about 1100, one one-ycar-o'd gelding, one spring colt. Also the following farm implements, feed and household goods: Two farm wag ons, one nearly new, one spring wagon, one top buggy, one mower, one nay rack, one walking lister, one cultivator, one two-section drag, 1 weed cutter, one coin cutter, one stirring plow, one breaking plow, one hog rack, one good set of double harness, one set got d buggy harness, one grind stone and many other small tools too numerous to men tion. About forty tons of alfalfa in the stack, about .poo shocks of cane and Kaffir corn bound, one straw stack. One cook stove, one hea ing stove nearly new, one gasoline stove nearly new, thiee bed ste.itK, one folding cut, two bureaus, one Singer sewing machine, one est n sion table, one cupboard, one kitch en table, eight chairs, two lockers, one cuiter table, one stand, one bed lounge, one book case nearly new. some dishes, some cooking u.ensils, two chums, washing machine ami other things too numerous to nu merous to mention. Also about thirty chickens. Terms of s tie All sums of S5.00 and under cash in hand. On a 1 sums oviS $? a credit of twelve months will be given, puicnaser giv ing note with apptoved-e urcy .mil bearii g 10 per rent imoie-t f out date ot sale. No property 'o be le moved until s ttied f-r hi vs.- p 1 cen. discount f r c.ish on all sums over $5,00. Ciias 15. Smiui. C. I,. Winikiv, Auctioneer. J. J. 1 i 1, ( In GnltiK l' Ine V.yv. UnlesH one has some other sort of knowledRe to contradict It It Is natural to nceept the evidence of the eye. Therefore the answer which a teacher recently iccelved from her class of Hinall children was not altogether sur prising. "Which Is farther away," she asked, '-.-.tight ml or the moonV" "Ktiglaud!" the children answered (julekly. "I.nglanilV" she questioned. "What makes you think tluitV" "'Cause wc can see the moon, and we can't see Kiigland," answered one of the Inlghte.st of the clasH.-YoulU's Companion. There was a cry in the streets. People rushed from their doors and strained their eyes on the straggling balloonist fighting for life. l?cn the poor, pant s-J ing suiiercr in tlie tick room was for- eotten while the fain II y Razed breathless at this stramre i . -.'. e ... .- .. ... . '". ' '"'B'yoiuwair. men uiey wcui naeu IU lilt- ait I. KJtllll IU It'll UI lllf It'll HMU struggle for life thev had just witnew-cd. Tl .1!. ....'I I.... !.. .!...! very eves a more terrible tuo.e pathetic struggle was going on daily. There crm he uotliing more pitiful than the Btrugule the coiiEUtupilvc iv uui iiul i;ttiu iu infill nun iiiiuci iiittir uuikcs against iiu.e.ifee. ine greatest .... . . 11 .... . . ticip 111 inis struggle is gamed uy inc. me of Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical JJis- cotery. It cures obstinate coughs, weak mid bleeding lunns, eumciatton, and otlirr atltneuts which if neglected or uiwkillfully treated find u faUl tcrmina- tion in couhtinmlrou ". ... . '""'.I'""."' .. . "in istisoneoi my iMiicuten wna tutlenni; ou xntint of nkcvcrccourh hectic (ever. Masiimr actoiint of 11 severe coin-li heclje fever, wasllnn ...!. -1 1. .,!.... ...".... .11.-... "l I.....' 7. "i iiviuumuimi i.j iiihuiii ui 1119vuxt.11 iiiiius." wrilrs Rev lost. nil 11 l't-siitriiiiin. of ll.irnit 1 ui iitsn not wrltf Kev lost pit H l'esptruian bprins, Irtiltll Co. N C. "1 promptly ruvc . 1 .. -.. .. - ... - .. ner ur k v nerce a lioltleu Medical lllscovery villi Kiatlfyltm Micxtsi, and the now enjoy 1 t'ctlliill hcaitli Thl btinn true, I hereby hcaitlly endorse jour medicines." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med icul Discovery." There is nothing "just ns good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the M DIscoTtry," -x JHsHn is Hlrffw- There was a cry In '' Bli?V7ri-- "e strccs- 1'cople 1J KT'ji" W-l ntsneti irom meir BTflr S4 doors and strained Kt their eyes on the rj straggling balloonist 1 xf fiuhtitiu for life. in .-LPxW & $& w X I have had occasion (0 use youref WMeck-Drnusht Stock and Poultry Mcdl. t I? cine nnd am pleased to jay that I never cine nnd am pleased to jay that I never il.frl Anirfblnr fnr-tnrb It. il tin, I. -If .. fl good jatijfnctlon. I heartily rccom- 1 llltnu II IU till UWIiUJ Ul HOCK. J J. U. BGIIIUR, St. Loulj, Mo. J Sick stock or poultry should not ent cneap siocic toon any nioro than sick iiersons should expect to bo cared by food. When your stock and poultry aro sick give them med icine. Don't stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unlonil tiie bowels and Btir up the torpid liver and tho animal will bo cured, i it bo possi ble to euro it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads tho bowels and stirs up tho torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken In time. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicino and it will pay for itself ten timesover. Horses work better. Cowa oivo more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay moro eggs. It solves tho problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out ot tho smallest amount of food con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. fwwwwwwwwwwwvwww M "Shave?" You are "Next" at Oliver Schaffnit's Barber Shop, Basement Poller-Wright IJiilliUnn. J ; Scissors Ground, Razors Honed, j AND ALL KINDS OF EUGE IOOLS SHARPENED All kinds of Imi-hor work ixiintPi! , vii Minis ii imiiHi wnih l.xitmetl )iumui nun mhi isiiuuiuu J guaranteed. d tJtfrfC-frtt Ctf-tCt (( ? 5 What Do lb ww ' - 41 U TT T-l You Eat f , . . lor bt'eaktaSt. 1 r, ..1 . aru to nnd any t-U;.-, Mp :.,.. .-.f tiling tlllS timu Ot the year ? Try some m m of that line 1 bacon m which we have and it which we are sell- f m iii si) cheap. $ i ,-,, a -T-i ii Sherr s E-ricishi'w ,, ,,, C1'll'-"CI' w liuii In-r- tm I in- I'm p e. -viaa-i-3 3 3-?aJ-3-J-33-2-5-2-3 2-35 fc-ii-ieS-cf-fi-fs tc-e-e-t-a-s-Js MfiiChT Ef0'S. Undertakers and Funeral Directors. 2J C.M.1.8 ANWI.I(l'.l NtUIII Oil DAV. 1) 1 1 'l t f'" Phono Kiimbir, Ilost- dunuo 111, Ofilce, No 81 ft it 't -ji-j-jiias-J-so-si-s-s-igc-sj-e . ! .1.-3-3 J-Ji-SSi-jas-i-a-SS-a-Jij. ! .! -vl .' T j! yj Q 13 f jR C S ' m f jH' fr" I u. 1 f w j ' t 2UOO UUSMKLS 2000 .1, 1 "j , ! FINIS w , m M V 1; c A pc ,-., ' f -- ' v' 1 iLiN IJAVlb 1 v .. 11,111 ..., 1 1 1 1 J in wu 111 eui- iu s or iiy iik n l i,,,i A 1,. l.l.,.. ,. F. ..,-. ,. i.i!i l "! ...nw w...i-. .., ..v.,,, ... ... (, TiO cents pet'Kullon : : : : : 1 ..,. ii m : : 15. O. 1T1TS : : J; Cuba, Kepublio County, Kniibtis JjJ fttttttfttfrtfffrftf Cffe One Minute Cough Cure, cures. ' That U whit It wu ratdc Ion I 1 Tt 1) n It ft m f) BfiKEY and CftfE. f When in town eat at thu Hon Ton when- it is clean, J f cool ami no Mies. u5 cent Meals at All Hours (Soi)A l?OL'NT.K' .J Ol-I.N ifij mv diirn 111 k i t ill of hii",iu, drinks. W. S. UENSB, Prop. v" COLVIN & MARCUS, EAL ESTATE FARM LOAtNS. Lock llox 33. OuUle Hock, Net). k III kinds of property bought, soldond exchanged. COLLECTION'S MADK. TEIt.M ItllAsONAlILn JOHN UAUKLEV, House Moving and Raisins A Sl'KCIALTV. All work gunranteeii .atNfnettuy. Your wink solicited. JOIING. I'OITKK, KTTORN6Y-RT- L.Kln, Over Mi.nr's Grocery Siore. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Tlie following 'lii.n'cil hiiriicIiiu'Iii In C t'dii-'tltillloii nf llieStHtt-ot NelirHskn, n herein nflerwl rurlh In full. Is -abiiiltucl tu tlieuiti-t ur ot 1I10 Mnleiif Nilirnlii. 10 lie voted 111(111 nl the neutral elit lion tu U- helil Tuenlny. Ni)emier, A. 1). UJ2: A Joint resolution iruioiliiK to ninem -i-nlon one or iinlcle llfleen of ihe t'oiiMiliillon of Iho Mute ot Nelirnska, relnthe to the ijim hit of MilunlttliiK iiihI mlniitliiK iiuieiid iiientx 10 the CKli-l 1 tutlou of the Mule of Nebmaka, "' " Honlnil ami KnaeU.l by Iht l.Mdturt J1 . m -c iin.i it 1 jiiii rt-i iitru umv ui nruu v uilrnii of tliuroiiMlliitlon or the MKtu of NebiiisHM nmeiule.l tore nl hk follow,: bh i section 1, Hither hrnuch of the leglilHture uihv iniioe iiniiii(iineiiif to Hilt roin-llluuoa ami If lliUMinelienRienl to hv three llflliK of the lucuibeii, elected tu each hoiie. meh iiro tiosed nuieiidiiieiiti t-linll be. entered on the Journals, witli the kiikhihI iiajn. nnd publUhed nl leaM onco enili week In at least one i.ewctm per In each county here n ncwrer Ib pub- lUlieil. for thirty days Inimediately prt-eedliiK Ihe next election of euntors and rcpreM-nai-Hies, at wlikh election th muie hliall be nib ! mlttedio thccleetoiN for npiiruval or rejection. mm 11 luiijiiiiiv in wif eierior- voiiiik ill fiicn 1 ' election 011 niich pi(jo-ed iiineud neut, hall L vole to adopt ne-h nnieudiiieui. the niiiieslmll m become h putt of IlilM'on-liititl. 11. When inure tlinn ono iiiiienliiietit im t-iibinltieil hi the i-ainc 3, election, they kIhiI. Iip to Mibmltled ns to en- m Hl'letheelccturs 10 vote on each amendment T K-parmeiy. il All ImlloiH used nt Midi election on Tfili 3 i niiier'ilrncnt or tiinpiiclriu-tttti -IihII have urliun T I or rlnui thereon Hi mlluulnx: Pnr i-orpiiM-d iiiiieiiiiiiieiii iu me uuiimiiiiiihii rciaiuiK 10 (iiere insert the nubjerl of me n.neniline.-.t) mid. AKiilu-t proim-ed nniciidiiieiit to Ihe I niiMltu tlou reluiiiiK In (here Insert Ihe subject o-the nitii-iidi' phi), nnd die vote of enili elirtor vtitlnv on such nuii-jiiliiK-iit or iiineiiduii-iith shall be ilcslKimied by the elector by inaklncn eros wPh h oii 11 lenclilu a ilri-ic or sipMre to be placed ill the rhtlilof the lines the word rorur.AiiHlii-i" Hit proposed hiiiimiiIiiu'IiIh. iih lit1 shiillde.lte tu vole therion. or by ImllrntliiK his pii'tetei. if nn lotlni; uiHchllie uhtiisiieli machine 1 In use. I. i.f". W. .Maritli. ncti'iiiry of sinie of the state of Neb rtskii do hereby eerlif) that the fiireRiilin; proposed nine-inline 1 10 the I ou-lliu-Hun ot the Mate nf Nebraska l 11 true and cotr.ct copy ol the rutliial emolled ainl e: m ' "-sin "in nn piisscn nv inu iweniN setenin 'u "' Iikimiuu e or ui sun. or xu m'i'"''!! ns appears trotn m. tirlcliuil bl 1 on 4, file in ihln ntllce. nnd iliat -aid proposed amend D iiciii 1 Mniiiuiieu in ine ipmiiiieu vn er or ine st ue of Nibriiska for tln-lr ailoptlon or rejeo lion ill ili ecueral elo 11. 11 10 Im ti.-lil mi Tne da. Itio -41I1 day of Sn. mlier. A. 1). IWJ, 11 tesihimiij ulieieof. I Imv beleuii'O el my linn and nlllx.il iht'Kieiit t-ii ot UieMaleuf Nebiiik'ii. t Ho em Incoln Ills 2id d,iy i.f .Inlv. In the 2J eni uf 1111 I..111I tine Th u-und Nine Hundred 2J "lid Tun ol thu liiiiepundciie-- ot ihe I'nlteil T s-iiUfihe tine Hiiiiilrcl anil Tut 11 1 seeiuli, 7 ; and uf Ibis Mate die Thlil sixth. J , tfl-.o. W MAltMI. 2l t'EAt-I stcielarv of stuif. 1'ifS T1A1KTABLE. B to M. R.Y HUD CLOUD SEllll. LISL'Ul.S UMAIIA CHI CM! 0 ii 'I J OK KANSAS i.lTY S'l. LOUIS mid DKSVRH HELENA IWT'JE SAL'l LAKE O'Y PL) Jt TL AND 5..V FJi.lXClSCO and all point) ivcst. '-2 J! I all nuinU taut nnd it south. T'UIN" I.KAVK AS J-UI.I.OWn: , So, ta. I'asMiiiiier dully for Oberlla nnd St. l'riim'l-.l.i,itichc.Oi ford. .MeiiooU. Uenveriiud all poliils west 0 10 a,m. No, tl. 1'iissciiKi'r dally ror bt. Joe, Kjiikuk t'lly, Alehlxoii, si. I.ottls. Lincoln via Wynioie aim iiii pumist'Hsi hihimiiiiii t'ji a iu N ' n it. I'asteusei. dally. Oeaver. all points In Colorado. I'lnli aud LMIItorniK 8:W)p.m. li, 1'assciiKPr, dally fm St .Inn. IMUISI I.OIlin VOIltll Kunsns t'llv. Ati'lilkon. -it I.oiiIh and all poluu cast aud 10:WlK.n. Oj Nn. l"t ArconiniiKliiilnn. dally escei.t lb' 5111111H)'. iiiisunus. lirHim 1 ibi laud. Illnrk Hills and all vk poinuiii tiio uirihttii l:uip.m. 7 u IT3, V"m ''i."1" v,1l,"""' x- t , '"",""" """y11"'-!;'' t- nan p.m. l , !Jh.-ji1iib. illiiltti;. mnj rci-llittris cbnlr rr. v (rents free on hrotiL'h runs Tlctcissr.i.i .,,,1 i ,ai,us checked to any lailnl In tin llniiV.rt Ml . .'T. .........' '' M) I1""" 111 lUO Uultod . -llMtl .Hi .llin.10. Forlnforuialloa. llmo tiilis. uions nr tickt. call on or addri-ks , r-j'mvtr, Astent, Hed t'loiid Nub 1 or .1. Kriiiiufjiiioucv Pasbciiirer AgeiU tluialia, Nobrastt. ? THE CHIEF, .1 xfr.Ta.v.i JjlSLi 1 $1.00 per year.