The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1902, Image 1

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i. aw a"
Another carload of Furniture to arrive about
October 15, bought direct from the fac
tory. We offer values that cannot be duplicated
anywhere else. : ::::::
To Make Room for New Goods
Odd Dining I hairs, wore 1.00 to H 10; to eloso out S -65
Dining Tables $5.00 to &1G.OO
Hookers l.OO to 7.SO
Mat losses from 2. SO to 7. So
A splendid value in Poplar Cupboard . . . S.OO
SECOND FLOOR :::::::'::::
INGRAINS :::::::::: '.
Sultana Cottage Carpets, per yard 3 .'-5
Unions .'K
Extra Super Cotton Warp $ .47 j to .55
Extra Super All-Wools 47 to .70
AXAHNISTER : ::::::::: j
Ono pattern, per yard S 85
Saxony 1.00
Extra 110
Wo guarantee to lit all Carpets. No ehargo for wasto.
ART SQUARES ::::::::::
In 2) x3, .'I x.'l, :i x 1, per square yard Gli
RUGS :::::::::::::
:K) x 00 Smyrna 91 !0 to ft! 50
IK. x 72 2 75 to 1 00
18x84 5.00 to 7 00
WEST ROOM ::::::::::::
The now patterns have arrived. Host. English Semi Porcelain
Dinner Sets 10 00 t, 18 00
Toilet Sets HOOto 15 IK)
All Dinner Sets in open stock
. . . Brothers!
v? S7r . 7r ??
t s y i. s j w w j
Business, Short hand and
Teachers Alen of successful business
.... . l.-viw. limit I'lifi' I'ni.llllit I'.. i. .,.i.l.l ilt...u,., ,l ..( ..... !,....,.
Expenses -Very reasonable I
Advantages - 1 Individual Instruction when needed. a Students per
mitted to advanco as rapidly as ability will allow II (1 sses for those of
H.iiili.d h-. well as advanced education -1 Assistance reiidurod In Kiiiii-lnir
cmploymo t 5 Advantages of a Capital Oily
Catalogue and "As Others Sue Us" FREE Addioss
City'.Dray and
E. ini, ROSS. PROP,
Goods Delivered to any part
Chicago - Lumber - Yard.
Lumber, Lime,
1 ' 'jTnr"ri-ti',-ia
Money Back!
s. Jr
Typourltlng, and Common English
experience and teachi'tiir ability
txpress Line
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Coal and Cement.
Items of Interest as
Correspondence. :i
Nearby Localities.
Nis Amy I'otltt, is on tho sick list
N w corn is selling at III) cents hero.
County ( lork Gather was in town
Et uost Aloranvillo was down from
Rod Cloud Wednesday
A brother-in-law or CIps Eddy's
has moved into Alva Minor's house.
Mr Snidor has moved into tho
Vaughn house across tho creek, oast of
Walter Watt has his goods packed to
ship to Idaho, whore ho expects to
I Mis Ml Colvinand Bertha Robin
son have returned from their visit to
, Colorado
S John Knigge, of Stillwater, pur
chased tho material for a now house
, this week
Clrns Guy mid wife have returned
from Iowa. John Guy, a brother of
Chas,c nio with them
Charles Hunter, republic til nominee
for representative, was milking au-
(piaintaiico of voters hero, Wednesday,
Rov. Heady, P E. Fairflold and J.
W Rood are attending tho convention
of Disciples of Christ in Omaha this
Uorn-Ootobor 11, to Mr and Mrs
F. A. Maiies, a son of usual Nebraska
weigh' Dr Race in attendance; moth
or and child doing well
Mrs. T. F Fisher and Mrs. Andy
Guy returned from Dos Amines, .Iowa, .
Wednesday where they had been call
ed by the death of their mother.
Air. and Mrs Hampton spent bail
day la Hastings.
Tho Misses Trich nnd II nigan spent
! Sunday at Rosolaud
Rev AlcCoitnoiighy ollleiatod at tho
funeral of Airs. Alny
ws P -
County Treasurer AlcGrary
froin Rod Cloud this week
Mrs. Newcomer is visiting her ;
daughter at. Kearney this week I
Mrs Dr Wc-gman is dangerous v
Hit this writing, with small hone.-
her recovery.
-Mrs Ream, or Doweeso, vl itod Rev.
and Airs Iliimmel Monday. Mrs. II.
accoinp-nied her homo 'luoMlay.
J O Iiuigoss and family departed
Ti.esday morning or Rivorl'in, Iowa,
wlu-ro they will make their future
number from Blue Hill al
tended tho
b trout fair at Hastings la t
week and woro much pleased with tho
Jessie Williams and Carl Alorey
woro married at the homo of the bride
Thursday or last week, Rov. Harris
I Miss Work spent last week ut Hast
Harry Goodoll Is visiting relatives
at Western.
! C E Hicks is treating his buildings
to a coat of paint
Air. Williams, south of town, lost a
horse the latter part of last week.
I Air and Airs. Al U. Wholau spent
I Thursday and Friday t l(nolniul
Mr. Denton and family returned
-Monday to their homo in Oi.klitnd,
Ion a.
Charles Sponco Is Improving his res
donco with a now porch and a brick
Marlon E Lo gave a toinporanco
lecture at the AL E ohurch, Thursday
and Friday evening ,
Airs. Robort. Millie1 tonothor, who
has boon visiting JkjJ" Aimed to her
homo at Edgar, J I
Tho Clifton AJo Co Is ontor
taiiiing tho people of this vicinity at
tho G A. R. halt this woek
C. audit. Taylor loft Monday with
tho intention of purchasing a stock of
general ni-roliuudiso at One! la, Kan.
John McCalluin, jr , took a carload
of porkers to tho St. .loo market, for
hich ho received f7 10 per handled.
Lola and Emma Johnson, who have
boon with their mother all Hummer at
Eureka Springs,
Ark , returned day
Mr. and Mrs. J hnson relumed'
Tuesday from Kansas City. Mrs J's
health is very poor. She has not n-
is very poor,
coivod tho belief II she expected
the ihaiige.
Rev A. W Conner will preach tons
for another year.
The M W. A 's or the Flat. Intend to
tnKo in Red Cloud Thursday.
Clia les Throckmorton is visiting rel
atives in Red Cloud this week
Alfalfa killed a cow in short order
for Harvey Merrill last Saturday.
Air. Engstroin and faiuilv wore call-
. "'K Mr. II Morrill last Sunday
Al Slaby is now threshing in Kansas,
having crossed tho lino arter tho Into
GrantChrlsty is no longer at hreshcr,
but is now a corn shucker in Mr. Gib-sou'.-
Ren Gibson sold his surplus cattle to
Mr. Houghtalitignnd his hogs and com
to Mr Roals
To judge
Shannon is
from apporances, W G.
very stylish these days,
but it is duo to poison ivy.
Mrs. John Merrill is a very sick lady
, and under tho care of Dr Damerell
Wo look for a speedy recovery.
Charles Utirgoss, of Jewell, was in
Smith county trying to get a seed drill
to sow his who t, but every ono was
Abraham Michaels and family wore
i visiting wl h Mr lloughtiilinghist Fri-
day night a (1 wore shopping in Roil
Cloud Saturday.
II, ire. .. 1, ....III ,,,,,1 1.-....I 1 1.,t 1 1......
woro ,..,.,,. Ul,(, clmul Moll,,.iy
,.,, .,., , ,. ,,
as tho market was . vorslockeil.
Albert Thompson is on tho sick
Aliss Lucille Putnam has purchabod
a now piano.
Airs Roy Carpenter is visiting G A.
Latta this wo k.
W. W. l'oak niado a businos trip to
Franklin, this week
Tito grading at tho ranch bridge is
now done and tho bridge is crossablo
Airs Sarah l'oak of Franklin, is
vlshitig friends aim relatives hero this
Rov Kojher and family aro visiting
Alts. Kojhor's parents in tho eastern
part of tho state.
hittlo Good lias been abhont from
.school several days this week on ac
count, ot sickness.
Airs. Iloldredge, or Inavalo, camu
Wednesday for a vibit with hoi (laugh
tor, Airs J D. Storey.
Air and Airs John Storoy aro in
Omaha this week; Air Storoy, to bu
goods., and Airs Storoy, a dologato to
tho Chris iau convention
Jack Walker, Fred Foo and Charloy
Roiinott. ui' no. to ho questioned
about "ground hog" or' lock-ups" sinoe
their recent Hastings trip
Weather changeable.
Mrs Wildoy was tho guest of I. E
Fox this week.
Grandpa lliokswas busy harvesting
sweot potatoes last week
Tho grain and hay was badly dam
aged during tho late rain.
J-'rud Wildoy has sotno spring calves
and yearling steers for salo,
Will Scrlvuor and Sam Mont ford
were in Lino this week on business.
N ORDER to bring you to our store to see the
finest and most complete line of Jewelry,
Watches, Clocks and Optical Gootls ever opened
in Red Cloud, we give you an absolutely free
chance for a Ladies' or Gentleman's Watch.
e7"" All we ask of you is
over and get our prices on anything you may wish in
our line. We know we can please you, as our stock is
complete1 with lowest possible prices.
At the present time, so long as the stock lasts, we
are making extra business-bringing prices on Spectacle
A ton-year guaranteed, gohl-lilled
Spectacle Framo . . $1.05
were SI 50
$2 (H) Frames .... $1.83
1250 Frames .... 1.99
.1 (K) Frames .... 2.44
a 50 Frames .... 2.88
The Jewelers end Opticians,
Thoro will not bo as much wheat
sowed this fall as last, as com is king
Ed Alontiord will lovoott thol'otor
Conover placo In smith county, Kan
sas, in tho spring.
Amos Guso is busy seeding Ho has
to do his own housework now as Frank
Vandyke has raised a boy.
S C Shuck has had his house fixed
up with a now roof, brick foundation
and other repairs, William Campbell
doing all the work
Airs Alnyo Alios Is quite seriously i
ill (
Wo had another lino rain Saturday
night and Sunday. i
( harles Alungor was in town tho first I
o'f tho week with his daughter ,
N. Ij 1) Smith has ho omo tired ofj
pumping water iy nana ami uas pur
chased a mill.
Aliss Alico Yopo Is on tho sick list
and her pupils tiro helping her out
with her school work
Airs, Sanderson and family, old tlmo
Garllold residents, aro hack from Illi
nois wlioro thoy wont a year ago with
the intention of making their homo in
that state
Tho corn ,s too wet, and groou to mil)
yot hero
Oscar Eiuick has moved on Air
Ilinos's farm for tho winter
Will llolsworthis -ndsliing threshing
this wook His stacksaro awful green.
Wi 1 (hilbreth will movo in with his
father soon on tho north side of the
Will Uurdlok dually got slatted lor
Custer county Mth his car of freight
and had to ship souo besides and leave
some behind
His Life in Pril.
"1 just si-niiii-it t'i in ve '.ii all to
oi i.i-," wrltKi Alfn-d IImi. -d Wellaie,
T x,, "lilllii.ii.ine.s.s and a lauiii b.ii.-k
, iiiaiic 1 (- a liui'ih-ii. I .-"iiiii'iii eat
r ch-ip and felltdaiiMt too worn out to
voik wliou I ties' in i" us E'l'iitiio Hit-
-t'i, Inn tliey wnikul v Inm. Now I
. i!ii like a ioj, can eat iinyiliiug, have
giiniiJ in strength and hi j iy hard
ivoi'K " 'I'liuvuive vigorous li ahli ami
MV llflj to VI'll(.',MlllKIV. I'llll.lhltVII (Kill
pe. Ti j Ilium, Only u()u at C. I. Cot
t m ii -s drug store,
I', id.i'iils ti me, n infers above
Timro'u no other, its nature's wotnler, a
w it ining poultice to Hie heart of man
kind, Such is Rocky Mountain Ton U5i
At C L. Cotiiiig'a id tig mors.
'wiHWWtUftff l''5W
to come in, look our stock
Our guarantee is back
of the makers' warrant
on everyone of these.
Real Estate Translers.
Transfers for tho week undine Weil
nesday, October 15, furnished by J. H.
Hailcy of the Wihsler County Abstract
Fun nio L. Ttirkliigton to (nliel
Gariior, wd, lots 7 tu!2 block 0
Inavalo $ q, Aniia.M. Ilein,, wd,
so i so i 1-1-0 800
Maty R Killottgh to Joxeph R.
Kilh.iigh, wd, din) aw J !G 0 0, S2t
Samuel H. Lightfoot and wife to
C. L Ileiney, wd, no i !J0--,MO 2500
William Hunts i ml wife to Alar
tlia.J.&leiper, wd, lot l,2atnl3
block 11 Small and .Moore mid
to Red Clmul 40O-
Jaino-j laylor to Jennie .Al. .. ,, ,,
l'iv or, wd, lots !1 and 1 block
15 Vance's add to Gulilo Rook.. 1550
William J. Vanco to Floyd R.
1'itiie.y, wd, lots 1 to 8 block I
Ina vale... .' ,-)00-
Henry C. Cutter to Cora Al.iy '
Cutter, wd, lots7,8aud l) block
damn n and Monies add to Ri-d
Cloud i!U0O
Tola .0315
AlortgMgis li led $ 1000 00
Mnrr iriii" releiised 1 1887 00-
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There are many
Shylocks now, the convales
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it take
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple o
ounces free.
SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists.
400-4IB Pearl 8trot, Now York.
joe, and fi.oo ; all drugKiiU.
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