The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1902, Image 4

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    WflliMWWII'?1" I '""'""I"
ritnLi'mn at
t- One your 1 '
llimniithd v
Entered at tnc post office m Itcil Cloud. Neb. r
ocomlclMiinftli mMier.
Furnished on ntillcnttun.
i;- State Ticket.
t Kor Oovcrnor,
rj, . L . .. II, MH.'KhV,
j4' "" Of l'ulkCoiliil).
dp for I.IcuU limit OovcMiur,
wk, u. i:. o. M'oit.'io.v,
Sfe" ; OHiotiKliiM'iMiit.
' j Kor fct'Cictmy of .Stiitf,
WS i' , Ol.'OlltJI'. V. MAItSIt,
Sf' ' ' Of Ilk'liftliUult Cnillil).
Kj, For Statu TieiiMiicr.
K', Of Vnlley County.
Ki'T Kor MrttuAtlilllor'
R? r oii.uti.r.s wi'.sros,
seL'! ' ofSliotlilnnl'nutiiy.
Hif W For. Attorney (U'licrnl,
g& fl lltANK N. I'ltOUT,
SK if ,, ' or (,"K ''oimty.
H- K For Commli'Moiifr Public I.iiiicImiihI I ill 11 1 11 k-.
fi& ft oKoitni: 11. roi.i.Mint.
' JP of Nm'kiillR County.
sm W For Superintendent I'ulillr Instruction.
W, It WII.MAM K. FOWl.Kli,
Ik,, ft. Of WnnhliiRlon County.
K m i
Congressional Ticket.
ForlCor.jtrcMmMi, Mli PMrlrt.i
O. W. NOItlllS,
Of Itcil Wl.low County.
Legislative Ticket.
For Counter, Willi lltilrl,
OF.OItOi: I.. DAY,
Of Nuckolls County.
For Heircentnt!vo4ltli District,
Of Imiviilo Township.
County Ticket.
For County Attitiify.;
j3.1T.: v. v iivntMAN,
of liiM Clnml. '-M Wnril.
rorCominlssloncr, lt Dlst
Of Mllluntcr Preplan.
For Cominlssloni'r. till DM..
"" 1: II SMITH,
Of Itcil Cloud Precinct
where, with cheaper labor, It costs lest,
nnil competes Jwlth other sewing ma
chines miinufiictutid in England No
Singer sewing machines tuo (xpurtiil
from thi country lo Euiopc, the Enu
lish factory xnpplMi'i; thtit minuet. It
is only by lensou of t'lienii lulior in
England tlittl the fntii :t r cm com
pete withotliei English-made innclitncs.
Free trade would pl-iee mil woikmcti
on the level witii th English wnil.nien,
by allowing thce English machines to
come into flee cninpetltion with those,
innnufnettiied licit' for the lioine
The only Fedeiul law ever patted for
tiie icgtiinlioii.s of tnists was pastid by
a Republican Co nun s. Don't ovcilook
tliat faet. 'I'lie Hi im ( nits suli.Mqtioiitlj
liail contiol of Cm.C'ii , ns well as of
the Preiilcney, Inn tint muy did Hie)
fill topass anli Must Inns tlnnimh Hit ir
Cnngics hut thcit Pm id lit 11ml Attor
liejfieneial lulled loecente Hie Ihhh
thai actually weieon the stuttic hooky
paced there ly a Republican Congress.
H lieu Democrats tall, about the gnat
things the Denioeintic paity would do
against tiie, jus' spnng thiit recoid
on tht'in.
Every student of political economy
knows that the so called trusts aru the
result of ncont wonderful industrial
condition. It is simply evolution. Just
ns the individual manufacturer, in his
small shop or house, gave place to the
joint-stock company and the factory
system, so the combination o.' factories
and plants suceeds the smaller corpora
tion. President Roosevelt lightly says
they wil Ibu of wondeiful benefit to the
country if handled by prudent men in
the right manner. The Republican
party has never been found wanting in
an emergency.
There will tie a caucus of the voters
of the Republican party of Innvalcpro
hint, on the evening of Tuesday Oct
ober 7th, at 8, o'clock in Charles Hunt
crs store, to nominate township oillcers
and to transact such other business as
mny properly come before- the caucus.
Win. Kinkcl. Com,
Tiiisis a Republican year.
Tbo publican ticket 'his fall is not
naiy "9 .. ...... 1... 1 :., u .. .,.,!, ;.,.. I... M,,r
'A r-Iuu" uiiuuumiiniijiiiiiii, ........
ttfc"aII9tny ticket that the people have
D opportunity to vote mr ncrt -1 j-
Ha dell's Cash Bargain
House I
mmwm ' mtnmmmMmammmmmmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmummmmmm
4MkMMiMWt kkUM.
Kf.M - iptHrl
m km
'r- pi
r t' t M' I.V J i . &" S
jw) M m I) j
Exceptional Bargain Values
that will be interesting to all careful buyers!
Special Dress Goods
tMlb o.
tho m"e- Voto It straight tliis year
riot? never did before.
if j on
E :
According to an exchange a young
lady wrote a letter to her parents on the
fnrni informing them that she was
"dead in lova with ping-pong." The
old 111 tin indignantly ordered her home
stnying that bo wouldn't stand for no
Chinaman marrying into the family.
In one of Ids rocent spoches Mr
Bryan wild: "If wo had tuoro mou who
would quit making money in middlo
life and devoted their timo to tho
bottermout of their follow men, this
country would bo considerably bettor
off." Well, lot us soo; isn't Mr. Bryan
about fort-three? Clay Center Tiuios.
Tho barometer of prosperity is stead
ily showiug and upward tendency.
Treasury receipts from customs in
dicate tho purchusiug iticliuatioiiof tho
people, and moasured by this tost Nat
ional prosperity has oeen rising over
since tho passage of the Dingley law.
The incteaso in customs recepits for tho
current month thus tae exceeds by $2,
500,000 that of tho corrosponding period
a year ago. Tho accumulation of gold
in tho Treasury vaulta bas now reached
the sum, unprecedented in this coutry,
of $540,000,000. An abundant harvest
is yet to be gathered. Truly aro these
Republican yoara of fatness.
A Kansas paper notes that, of the dozen
car-loads of old iron received every
week at the local Junk-yard, "probaly
nine. tenths consist of farming imple
ments ruined by rust. Many of tbo
implemonu look as if they could still be
saved from tho Junk pile by a black
smith; tho farmer thought different,
and bought new ones." Such are signs
of that carolessnoss whish sometimes
accouipanits prosperity; but tho same
thing proceeds advorslty and then,
how ugly it looksl If the mortgago also
could be loft in tho field to gather rust
and wear out, tho condition of tho plow
and mower and binder would not so
much matter. Sluco this is impervious
to moisture, evou to tears. It would
seem nioro business liko to take care
of tho machinery that may help to pay
it. St. Paul Republican.
Continued from last neck.
We now come to question No. 1 of the
Hopkins letter which asks "was not the
Ollis bill geueially Mipporlcd in the
house by all patties and did not the
senate lay it on the table by the help
of the three fusionists volin atfainst it
and three being absent, nnimig whom
was () R. Pilnoj". The Kdilor of the
Nation ignored the latter "art of this
question by saying. "() It. Pitney was"
nhtcnt, 'I he senate journal shows Unit
Mr. Pitney answered toll call in the
morning of the last day alo in the
afternoon at ,'i p. 111., and it also shows
that he voted on nearly all bills coming
up the last day, and on II. R. No. 100
the bill called just before the Ollis bill
and which was bought up less than ten
minutes after the vote on No. 100 was
taken, when Pitney's name was called,
ho was gone. Ho had bobgud even the
one legged Ollis bill. This settled all
freight, measiites in the last legislature,
in favor of the railroads and aguinst
the people. Question 5 related to the
number of bills introduced and was
answered correctly. Wo now come to
question number 0; Does tiie house and
senate journals show, that the member
from our senatorial distiict, was one
in the Semite so to help do." This
question the editor of tho Nation
dodges. Railroad passes seem to be good
things to dodge behind. In the Nation
of September S5th, I tiotiee Mr. Hop
kins has another letter in which he
scores Mr. Peisiger ami Mr. Pitney,
then ho says, ho wants Mr. Peisiger and
Mr. Pitnoy and tho lloat rcpesontative
to publicly dolino how they stand on
these matters. Don't set up nights,
Mr. Hopkins waiting for this legis'
lativo contingent to explain, if you do
you will get awfully sleepy, for they
started out with false hoed and must
keep it up. Ho thon says "to cover up
mistakes I abhor." No mistakes Mr.
Hopkins; they made to errors. They
killed both freight bills and to keep
their treachery in the house from tho
people they sought to cover it up with
a cow hide, and skin: that is, by reduc
ing rates on live stock ten per cent.
Then we notice, what the Nation editor
has to say of Mr. Pitney. Ho tells us
''that he is an old settler in Webster
county," that "ho stood by tho party
through its ups aud downs," that, "ho
was a good neighbor," that, "they
(Pitney and the editor) were neighbors
for a good many years." This may all
bo turn all be true but Mr. editor, is not
tho above O. R. Pitney, tho one, we are
talking about, the O. B. Pitney that was
in the senate and dodged even the one
leged measure known as tho Ollis bill.
Our legislative contingent docs not
seem to care any more about the "dear
people" than a dog does about a dry
bone, but about as much as Vanderbilt
did when ho was told what tho pooplo
wantodjhosaid "The people be damn
ed. Those gontlouien should be left at
homo to look aftor their own business,
and it aitended to as faithful as tho
peoples, they will soon bo in tho poor
Yours truly.
Committeeman for Pleasant Hill
Precinct, Webster county, Nebr.
Special nice showing of the New
Dress Ootids in a nice, laigo range of
fabrics and tmltei us and at extta .tpec
ial prices that will mucIv be inteiest
Prices raiigini; fimn
25c to $1.50
per yuiil
Spcclnl Carpet Sale.
Kelliiii! the New ('uipets at tpPinnl
bargain piics It will nv you to Imij
a in w carp-it dining t in- file
iWc grades at 28c
18c grades at 35c
fiUi1 gt ades at 38c
t!0c guides at 45c
70c grades at 58c
Cut and matched without attc.
IlaniUomo new patterns and design
Special Advance Sale
of the New Cloaks.
The gieatest and best showing we
have ever made in L-ulies', Mise' ami
Children's New Cloaks and (iiirnient.s
Price values beat atiythiutr evet shown
in this line.
The New Raglans, Monte Car
lo and Gibson Coats
for the little folks
Ira lino this teuson
ci me ami si e tiie
wili to litiv or not.
We have an ( -
e invite Mm lo
ille whet In I- ( II
Underwear Sale.
The best values you have ever seen
ate here.
Children's Underwear, from lfjo up,
beats anything ever shown fully tiftj
per cent.
Ladies' fiOe-fleoced Vests and Pants,
a .special iiumOer, a special number, at
23,!, worth 50c.
A great wool number.
Bat gains in Ladies' Underwear at
50c, worth fully twice the money.
Special Sale of Ladles' Shirts.
The very newet and laiisi stlis
e are very pioud of our lincof Skirls
Thc are extra nice
Prices range from
92.50 to lO.OO.
A big line to select fro 11
Extra Special Dress
Goods Department.
Willi each Dress Pattern, at 50c per
yard or over, we put in the linings as
follows without extra charge:
(I yaids Skirt Lining.
yards Sileia.
1 vards Duck.
I caul Hooks and Kjcs.
1 ct of Stays
Special Wrapper Sale.
Our 1 1 v. line of Wl upper-, ice 111
The allies this season aro better
than eei . We show -i great line.
Special for this 'ale, 1 50 Wi upper- at
St. OO.
Yew Lace Curtains
Handsome New Patterns at Bargain
Special Underwear Sale
In our Clothing Room- 50 dozen
Men's New Winter Underwear placed
on sale at your choice for 50c. Four
ilillerent lots and kind to select from.
They are usually sold ai from 75c to
il 00. It is a Great Snap.
Boys' Underwear at '.Vie to 50c.
See our Men's and Boys' New Suit-;
Hiey are (iieai.
Waist Sale.
We have received the new
Silk Waists and Wool Waists.
We invite you to see them
Special price values for tHs tale.
Special Bargain.
In 7c Outings. Your choice 5c yard.
Special Values In Our Shoe
th-n will iive you money,
lt'ii g'lins in Men's Shoes
Bat gains in Ladies' Shoes.
B'U gains in B'ys Shops
Birgiiins in Children's Shoes
New Kmbioiiloiies at
71 , 1 0n and I So
that are great values
EXCEPTIONAL Bar ci.ii. Vines in
the New Table Linens m
25 to 75c.
CV 1110 and ,ec them; it will pay you.
Millinery Department.
Extra Special showing of the New
R-ady-to-Wear Hats and Pattern Hats.
In Our Grocery Room
You will find that we are sollirg tho
right kind of Oroooues at prices that
will pay you to buy of us. Please give
us a call.
Of choice lot of 10c Outings
Your choice, light or dark,
7Jc per yard
Our efforts to sccu
and we ban state that
New dishes to select from
ire special values in each of our different rooms for this season's business have been welrtoowned,
at we have the stocks and the prices that it will pay you to buy of us. Coupons with every sale.
..Alfred Hadell & Co..
Do you wear stockings?
If you do, we have the stockings
and the yarn to make them
Stocking Yarn at
Also a full line of Crocheted Hoods.
Will be preserved if you buy
1 Groceries
land Meats
I of us. Everything neat and clean. A new
i lot of Heavy Castor Machine Oils at 35c per
Kciiiuu. ruining ueuer. l ry some ot it.
Up-to-Dato Grocar andlButohtr:
The statement is uitulo in tho Dem
ocratic text book that sowing machines
mado iu this coutitry aro sold cheaper
abroad tbau at homo. This .statemont
is not ture. Tho Singer Sowing Ma
chine is manufactured in this country,
and it is also manufactued In Eogland,
America's famous Beauties.
Look with honor on Skin Ea'plious,
Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't
have iliein, nor will any one, who uses
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies
tbo face. Eczema or Salt Rhuem van
ish before it. It curessorelips, chapped
aand, chilblains. Infallible for Piles.
35c at C. L, Cotting drug store.
Tbo undersigned will sell at his farm
seven miles north east of Rod Cloud,
three miles south of Cowles, or three
miles north of Amboy, on Tuesday,
September 80th. Commencing at 2 p
m tho following property to-wli: 28
head of stock, consisting of 8 cows, f
yearling steers, 3 two-jear-old heifers
2 yearlisg heifers, 0 spring calves and
two head of horses. Also ono harrow,
mio sulkey plow, ono stirring plow and
ouo set of double harness. Terms ol
silo Four months timo, will no given,
purchaser giving note with approved
s.ieniitv heating 10 per cent intertes
Five percent oh for cash in bund.
Only f 1. 65 lo llaitiugs and return
October 6 to 11, inclusive. Ask the
Bnrlington Agent,
Look the Fact in the Face.
The progress of a bad cold toward
galloping consumption may bo terriby
sudden. Don't let this ugly fact fright
ii you, but when you bogin to cough
take Alton's Lung Balsam, that stops
tho cough by curing tho cold. Prepar
ations containing opium, merely quiet
the cough for a time. Ihore is no uar
colic durg in Aliou's Lung Balsam
Sold by till druggists,
Hall Rates To Omaha and Back.
Via Burlington Route.
October 15, 10 aud IB.
Only $5 50 to Omaha and return via
the Burlington Route account National
Convention Christian Church. Tickets
good to roturn till October !2 4 but exten
sion till Novt'inoer 30 may bo socurod
For additional information ask tho
nonrost atront. Burlington Rnuto. or
write J. Francis, General Passenger
Ageut, Omaha,
bulldlns; material, ljfto.
Red cloud. - - Nebraska
His Li' In Peril.
"I just seemed to have gono all to
pieces," writes Alfred Bco, of Welfnre,
Tex,, "billlousnoss and a lamo back
had made life a bunion. I could'ntcat
or sleep and felt 'ilmost too worn mt to
work wheu 1 ben in io us Eleeiin- Bit
ters, but they worked wouiluis. Now I
sleep liko u top, cati cut anything, have
gained in strength and ei joy haul
work." They give vigorous lualth and
now life to weak, sickly, run-down peo
ple Try them. Only 50o at C. L. Cot
ting's drug storo.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
'Fastest selling a have in my s'ore,"
writes druggist O. T. Smith, of Davis,
Ky., "is Dr. Ding's Now Discovory for
Consumption, Coughs und Colds, be
cause it nlways cures. In my six years
f ciiles it has rjfvor fjll:, j )ftV0
known it to save sufferers irom Throat
aud Lung diseases, who could get no
iii-lp from dociors or any other remo-
uy." niotuers rely on it. best pbysi
cians prescribe it, and C
guarantees satisfaction
price. Trial bottles free.
50c and II,
L. Totting
or -i
. , J1J " '" wHQ)pMh 'v i MIMBBaCVWSaiag2