r-ir r,wT-''''r -WU m W . !t R MODERN HOME AT MODERATE COST The modern homo of moderate eoat Is one of the most difficult pi oh lems that confront the nrchltect of today, slnt he muni produce for a modest expenditure n design which will embody the numberless comforts and conveniences heretofore only dreamed of by the rich. This result can only be achieved by long study and through a natural genius In con struction and design. Part of an architect's business Is to make housekeeping easy and economical. Henuty Is also Import ant. Nothing nttracts more than nn artistic bouse. It costs no more money than nn ugly one. Hut jou must know how. It Is the thought Hint lo put Into the construction that saves the money. It Is the knowledge of design that enables the nrchltect to form n simple, yet refined detnll. A cozy Ingle-nook, a dainty oriel win Adow render a home doubly attractive, and should you wish to dispose of your property, a practical and attrac tive design will frequently double Its value. A few new features worked in this dainty little home manes It stand out ( if!!:'' .'J'"' , r"i,W idggtofli quite prominent when compared with the ordinary five-room cottage. Note the beautiful bays and divans such a cosy placo for the large, easy pil lows, and Just tho place to show them off to advantage. Tho largo open stairway gives a roomy effect that you cannot get In any other way. In the celling of tho first story the Joists are pine, dresBcd and varnished, on which is nailed a double floor, tho under layer forming the celling- The rooms arc not so large, It Is true, but large enough to be easily furnished la artistic effects without expensive outlay. Largo rooms half furnished look bad. Why not consider quality Instead of quantity even In building a home? Cost f900, built first class In every respect. HE WAS NOT IMPRESSED. Old Indian Chief Turned Up His Nooe at Gorgeous Trappings. One of the civilians nt the state house has a good one oh tho mem bers of the glided staff which he is telling with great glee, says the Cape Ann (Mass.) News. Down In Old Town a few years ago, says the man who tells the story, they were entertaining the governor and his gold-encrusted staff. Tho Indians were enjoying the staff as much as tho staff were en joying tho Indians. One old chief of a lost tribe had been watching the gliding from a distance. Finally he came up to one of tho aids, who was standing a bit apart from the rest. He looked the colonel over. He studied him attentively from the front nnd rear and sides. "Belong to tho army" he asked. "No," said the colonel. The Indian paused and studied the effect anew. "Navy?" "No." Another long contemplation of the gold lace. "Mllesh?" queried the Indian. There was withering contempt In tho "No" of the answer. The Indian went away back and sat down. Ho had run his limit, but still ho wanted to know what all the trim mini HlOOll for. Onco more he loped up to tho colonel, and catching hold of his algulllette, put the question squarely. "What do you belong to, heh?" "The governor's staff," replied tho aid, adding a llttlo strain to tho double row of brass buttons that chased themselves down to his gold lace belt. "Oh, h 1," said Lo, and ho walked away with his head in the air. LONDON HAS A PROPHET. Rev. M. Baxter Predict the Second Coming of Chrlt In 1920. Thero appears in the most expen sive column of London's newspapers of theblggest circulation one of the moBtfcurlous advertisements ever publRied. It consists of a long prophecy, occupying two and a half columns, and describing a series of momentous events which are to occur between 190G and 1929, and which will culminate In tho second coming of Christ and tho beginning of the tnlllenium. The prophet describes himself as Rev. M, Baxter of London, nnd his creed Is another of thoso elaborate doductlonB from figures nnd signs in tho Book of Daniel nnd Revelation. ?-sm. uK jsgfK ssi Ky ft j Hi-: on t rt-s e I FT ' , ' H lly. Mo declares thnt what was formerly Caesar's empire will be divided, be tween 190G nnd 1917. Into ten king doms, Including France, extending to the Hhlne. taklkh In Oreat Hrltaln without Ireland. 'and India. Spain, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Syria. lOgypt and the Halkans, These ten king doms will form a Latin confederacy, which will be leagued against Ger many and Russia. The prophet says that a lot of terrible things will hap pen In the ensuing ten years. Poor America does not figure In the awful chronicle, presumably because she finds no place In Biblical history. WHERE BALLOONS ARE MADE Immense Numbers of Them Turned Out On a New York Farm. "You would bo Inclined to think you weio dreaming," says a writer In Pear son's, Mr. McGovern, "were you to walk through the larm of Carl 15. My ers, nine miles from the city of Utlcn, state of New York. Hero can be seen, on constant view, In summer time, a large variety of aerial craft airships that actually lly, Just as they Jddin!ini. p TnTTTTnj w do in tho story books, doing strange things that you had supposed could never happen In reality. "HcsldcB tho array of now kinds of air craft, it Is a fact little known that every Amcrlcan-mado hydrogen bal loon In uso In tho United States whether by the government or by pri vate individuals Is a product of this ono fnrm. "Most striking among the things to be seen at tho balloon farm is a fly ing machine, that really flies; not merely a working model of an airship that 'flies' a few feet along a track on the ground, but a fully completed fly ing machine that soars Into the ac tual skies as high as any bird a ma chine that ascends, that turns and divos as readily as an eagle does. "Many othor curious aerial vessels have been turned out from the Myers balloon farm, and some greater won ders nrc In course of construction. It is not only his own Inventions that Mr. Myers constructs on his balloon fnrm. He makes all sorts of aerial contrivances scientific kites, freak balloons, nlr vessels for other In ventors. "Tho greatest number of the balloon farm products, however, are big hy drogen balloons." WAR LOSSES, OLD AND NEW. Perfection of Modern Weapons Has Had No Marked Result. Mr. Maurice Low's highly Interest ing analysis of the cost of the Boer war and other wars, recently printed In the Tribune Review, and an artlclo In tho London Chronicle elaborating other phases of the samo topic, sug gest to some the conclusion that mod ern weapons nnd methods of battle have greatly lessened the number of casualties. That Is a welcome con clusion, and It may be In a measure justified. But it Is probably not as fully justified as some suppose. Ono writer says that "the perfection of modern weapons leads to an extraor dinary reduction of casualties." But his own statistics in the London Chronicle scarcely bear out his enthu siastic belief. Beginning with Marengo, he gives statistics of tho number of combatants and the number of casualties In twenty-two Important battles, In eleven wars, down to the present time. At Marengo tho casualties were 21.7 per cent of tho whole number of combat ants; at Austorlitz, 13.5; at Jena, 17; at Eylau, that "bloodiest plcluro in the book of timo," 34.3; at Borodino, 32; at "that world's earthquake, Water loo," 24.7; at Inkerman, 18.3; at Get tysburg, 26.5; at Sadowa, 6; at Grave- 1 -- E 1 I ' I i : c D'mnnRrn M I m . ' 7 c III a i3V L r lotto. !; at the third battle of Plevna where the Turks moved the Husslnni down like grain, 19.5, at Santiago, 12, at Colensu, r.f; at Paardeberg, .'t, nn at S'plon Kop, 19. 'J. In the last threi only the British combatants nnd casualties ate reckoned, the number o the Hoers not being known. Now these llguies do show a smaV er percentage of casualties In the hitei than In the earlier wars. Hut tin change Is not unlfoim nnd Is not nl ways marked. Gettysburg was tnor destructive than Waterloo and nenrl twice as costly as Austorlitz. Inker man was worse than Jena. Plevnn surpnssed In destructlveuess most ol the Napoleonic battles. Our light at Santiago fell little short of Austorlitz In the Hoer war the HrltlBh losses at Colenso and Panrdcburg were light, but nt Splon Kop they were heavier than those nt Austorlitz, at Jenn, at Inkortnnn, at Sadowa, and at Grave lotto, and fell Just short of equaling those nt Plevnn. Moreover, ns the wiltor quoted himself says, the Hoer losses In these battles were probably much heavier than the Hrltlsh, and so, if they were taken into uccount, on-W r'vmtr v..;!.i!" i'.yy.is,,'n.;ityij'''i''k' zO ....... ! ISIWW'fWK'I'W'! " H Ui 1 i t -' r. x . ;5.tf'" ." '"" .fTTrrvtr-. the proportion of casualties in this latest war would fall little short of that in the wars of old. Much has doubtless been gained for humanity. Hut not yet Is wnr waged with rose water. Enjoys Joke on Himself. Peter Lynch Is a New York man who Is philosopher enough to extrnct some fun out of a joke at tils own ex pense. He suspects some one of hav ing inserted an advertisement In the papers putting him on the matrimonial market. Mr. Lynch is hnndsome, pass ing rich, debonair and 35. He Is nlso a member of the exclusive Montclair Bachelor Club. He said: "There were 140 young women who wanted to mar ry me up to G o'clock last night. This morning I received twenty more pro posals, all of them coming from wom en scattered through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania nnd Connecticut. I belong to a bachelor club and would be subject to n heavy fine were 1 even" to make the leant semblance of a goo goo at any member of the fnlr sex. Of course some of tho boys think they are having n grent Joke on me, nnd have engaged other girl friends to push the gnme along, but I urn a good healthy subject for them to practice on, and I guess I am hnvlng as much fun out of It ns they are." A Useful Barometer. According to n French meteorologist a cup of hot coffee Is an Infallible barometer. "Put a lump of sugar In the cup," he says, "and then watch the air bub bles which are formed on the surface. If they form themselves Into a group in the center the weather will bo fine. If they adhere to tho cup, forming a circle, It is a token of rain or snow, according to the season of tho year. Finally, If they separato from each other and occupy no fixed position, It is safe to predict that the weather will be changeable." A Fairy Tale. 'And," said the good fairy, "for your noble deeds I will grant you any wish you may desire." "I will choose," said the lucky per son, "a ton of coal." Hereupon thero arose great conster nation In the ranks of tho fairies, which terminated In n proposition to arbitrate the matter In order, If pos sible, to compromise on a ton of dia monds. Thcso long summer days are Just like tho short winter days In ono re spect n fellow likes to turn over for another snooze In the morning. i le i Ift By JOHN R. AUJSICK, Aaltiof tl "Myltrlou Mr. Mownl." "Thi Dark Stringer." "Clirllc AlUutliU'f Doubt," Etc. Copjrtcbt, 1397, by Uouiiit Iloxmi'l SON. All rUhU rtwrsd. CHAPTER IX (Continued.) "Why have you lived hi long In AlnskuV" "1 could not get away." was the nnswer. "Yours Is the only face I have seen since I left my friends, the Indians, save those who held mo captive," "And you hnvo escaped?" "Yes." "Then come with us to the camp on tho Klondyke." "Klondyke I've heard of It; they often talk about It when they think me asleep, but I do not always sleep when I seem to." Paul was lllled with delight, for here was a chance to uninvel the mystery In which ho was Involved. Another silence fell on tho group, broken by Paul asking: "Do you know a miner nanied Glum?" "Glum- Glum- no." "Glum Rnlhtou." The old man again shook his head, declaring ho hnd never Known such u person. Paul was disappointed. Fiom what Glum Ralston had told him he was confident that this mysterious hermit of tho woods wns the long lost captain who had followed the Indians lo the plneo where they raid gold lu gieat quantities whs loiind. But when the mysterious hermit illnclulmed any knowledge of him at nil ho was quite ns tar away fiom the solution of tho problem ns he had been before. Next morning the patty resumed their match guided by the sun, which shone n portion of the day. Paul and the hermit wore constantly to gether, and hourly grew more nnd more trleudly, until, as tho noble nature of the hermit unfolded Itself, Paul canto to lovo htm. Ho wan known to the hermit by his wobrlquet of Crack lasti, for he had been called by no other iianie since his nrtlval In Alaska, Paul was hourly entwining him relf ubout the rugged heart of the old man. Ono night when they hud halted and the Indians were building a fire for tho night tho hermit said: "Crack-lash, you Impress mo strangely. I don't know why, but I have grown to love you ns If you were my neatest relative. When my own dear boy grows up to manhood I could only wish that he would make as noble n man." Paul, deeply Impressed with the old man's sad story, expressed a hope that he would hoon be able to leave Alaska and rench his home, nnd that his wife and child might yet be ullvo to welcome him. Their stock of proviclons were run ning short. One day tho Indians came on the ttail of a mooso nnd wero anxious to ntnrt on Its trail. Paul gave -them permission to go, while ho and tho hermit kindled tho lire and prepared to make themselves comfortable for the night. Tho prisoner as usual s.-.t In sullen silence, with his back ngalnst a tree and his eyes fixed on tho firo. Paul and tho hermit sat engaged In earn est conversation. The termer was talking In u low tone, telling how ho bad been robbed by tho prisoner and three others, and followed them Into Uo forest. He wns In the midst of his narratlvo when two objects sud denly appeared beforo them, each with n Winchester rlllo nnd said: "Surrender or you nro dead men." Resistance wns useless; they wero prisoners almost before they knew It. CHAPTER X. Paul Learns That Laura Is In Alaska. "He, he, he!" chuckled Ned Padgett, rubbing his hands gleefully at seeing the tables turned. "You hove In sight, mates, In good time. Must 'a' ltnil fnli- wlnilH." Paul linil nil fllfllcilltv In mnlrlnf out the two men, companions of the third, whom he had met on other oc casions. As these were tho men who had robbed him and whom he and old Glum hnd chased In the forest, lliere wns llttlo mercy to expect from them. With thongs of senl-skln Paul nnd the hermit were quickly tied hard and fast, and told they must move on before the Indlnns returned. As It was dark and the snow falling rapidly, thero was llttlo danger of even tho Indluns following on their trail, shrewd as they wero in such experiences. Tho night was dark and the snow falling, so It waB difficult traveling. A strip of walrus hide was tied about tho arms of each above their elbows nnd fastened about their backs. They were hoavlly loaded, and threatened with the knotted stick which Ned car ried lit his hand when they staggered under their heavy loads. On, on and on they staggered through the darkness and over the uneven ground. At last Paul, utterly exhausted, sank down at the loot of a tree. "Oct up! Go on!" cried one of their captors. "I cannot." "Ye Ho!" cried Padgett nnd raised his club. Hut ono of his companions quickly interposed with: "Hold on, Ned. Don't bo n fool, uow, and throw away every chnnco wo have." "What yo goln' F do?" asked Ned. "We'ro too far away for tho Met laknhtlnnB to overtnko up, so wo will po Into enmp nnd wait till mornln'." A roaring fire wn '.milt against the side of a great stone which reared Its snow cupped head a hundred feet luti ippi the nlr. Pnul's pack was removed from ltlr back and be Inld nt. n blanket In fiont of tho lire wltu the hermit by his side. The rascnl named Morris came to the old mnn'n side nnd said: "You said you could not give up thnt secret If you wished." I did." "What do ynu mcnn7" "It Is lost." Morris stnred nt him for r. moment with wide open eyes unit gasped: "1 don't understand you, Cap; you are talkln' In riddles." "I care very llttlo whether you un derstand m or not." the old man de fiantly answered. "The secret Is lost. It wnB wiltten In cipher on a walrus hide and tho walrus hide Is lost." It was some time before tho Idea could get through the tblcti skulls of the ovsnllors. but when they camo to fully comprehend the loss they roared like madmen. Ned seized his knotted stick and swore he would brain them both, but bis mmo cool coiupniiLui Interfered, saying: "It may nil be a tuck. After all It may be only a trick to throw us off the trail. If we decide for the old iisf fo pass In his checks, let It be done deliberately nnd give him time to icllcct." So Padgett decided to let them live and trust to some chance to reveal the hiding place of tho money. Paul had henrd the above conversation be tween their captors and waiting for an opportunity to speak with the her mit when he would not bo overheard by thchi, whlspeied: "In the waliiis hide you icferred to the one loll In the cavern where you took me?" "Yes." "1 took It." "You?" There wns nn expression on the old man's lace almost flerco as he asked the question. "Yes, 1 took It." "What did you do with It?" "Gave It to the miner who wns with me before I fell from the precipice and whom I found after leaving the cav ern. He said hu bad seen It beforo." "Whete?' "The Indians who had enticed his captain away In search of gold bad some such hide, only there hnd been painting added to It since." The hermit turned, nnd fixing his gieat, em nest eyes on him In aston ishment, asked: "His captain had he been a sail or?" "Yes. sir." "In what scaB?" "Almost nil over the world, but hlb last voyage waB In a sealing sehoonor to St. Paul Island, Alaska, nnd this const." "What was thin sailor's nnnio?" "Ho Is called old Glum." "No other nnme?" "I believe Glum Ralston Is his name, but after all his real name, I don't think, Is known. In this coun try nenrly everybody goeB by some nickname, nnd I fancy that Glum Rul stou was only a nickname." "Might hnvo been Jnck Ralston." "Well, since you mention It, I be lieve i onco heard him say his real name was Jack Ralston; however, I will not bo sure." Tho hermit wns very calm. Paul waited a long time for him to answer, but the old man was hllent ns the grave. Then two of their captoiH cntno near where they wero sitting, and they dared not tnlk anymore. Their Journey wns veiy painful and difllcult. Grown desperate, Paul had determined to escape fiom their cap tors even If he hnd to kill them. One day they i cached a great, gloomy cavern which extended to an unfathomable depth lu the earth. Their captors had pine knots on the wall about the cavern, and lighting two of these went back to whero there were piles of dend grass and a table of stone on which lay a pack of gieasy cards. Here they took up their abode. Several days passed, and then Mor ris and Padgett left the cavern In charge of Tom Ambrose, who tied the prisoners every night, established a deadline' in the cavern in daytime, and swore he would shoot the first ono who nttempted to cross It. Two or three weeks had elapsed, for In that dungeon night nnd day wero ono, when tho two men enmo bnck and with them another whom Morris seemed to have known. He Intro duced the newcomer to Tom Ambroso na a friend fresh from San Francisco. Pndgett took Paul to where tho stranger snt on n musk ox hide and the latter asked: "Is your name Paul Miller." "It Is." "Are you from Fresno, California?" "I am." "Do you know Laura Kean?" "I do; what of her? His wholo frame was trembling with anxiety and emotion." "She Is In Alaska. Just landed a few days ago nt Junenu In company with Mr. Theodore Lackland." "It Is n He n He!" ronred Paul, be side himself with rage and mortifica tion. "It's a He and I will crowd It down your throat!" Beforo anyone knew what he In tended he had his Informant by the throat and hurled him to the ground. Tho guards camo to tho relief of their companion. Paul was quickly torn away from him and his hands bound. He lay upon tho dead grass ylled In the envern. His mind was in a whirl and he kept saying to him self: "Can It be possible? No, no, It Is not possible. The wholo world may bo false, but Laura Is not. Coma to Alaska lu company with that man na, It 1b not true." A thousnnd tumultuous emotions were stirring his breast nB he lay on the dried grass, striving to pcr- suadu himself that after all this wan ionic horrible dreniu. The man whom ho had iiHsnulted In company with Padgett nnd Morris approached him. Morris handed Paul a letter in tho well-known handwriting of Lautii tvcnn. It wns dated at Juneau and addiessed to Paul's mother In Fresno. Tho letter was brief, saying sho had Just nnlved, and would rest a day or two befote ptoceedlng farther. "Isn't that evidence?" asked MorrW. "Yes; but she did not come with him." ",Oh no; he enmo on nnother ship" Then be lied when ho said they camo together." Mortis laughed n cold, snrdonlc lough, and In ti voice that seemed to have nil the evil of a demon In It, answered: "Though they enmo on different ships fiom America, there Is but ono train going to the Klondyke and both will be In that train. Tho chances are she knows no oun but him, nnd you know I.ncklatid'B feelings towards tho girl. When ho stnrtB to win ho wins; he's got millions to work with, nnd It It's necessary to buy the entire pack train off he can do It." Paul Miller groaned aloud, but made no answer. Ho realized how great her danger and how uterly hope less he was to aid her, "Now you ,aii save her," said Mor ris. "Save her? My Heaven, how? What other Infeinal scheme have you on baud?" "You were overheard talking with the old man about a walrus hide. From whnt you said It was understood you knew something about It. If you will give us Information thnt will lead to finding It. you shall bo given your lib erty nnd be taken to UiIb young lady, Laura Kean." "I cannot," groaned Paul. "Why." "I don't know where It Is." "What did you do with It?" nskeil Morris, his face expressing the deep, est concern. "I gavo It to nnother. 'Where he in or what he Iiiib done with 1. I do not know." A look of disappointment swopt over the faces of the captors at thin announcement. They retired to nenn the entrance of .the cavern and thorn held a consultation. "It's nil a pack of lies," cried Pud gctt. "We've been twenty ycarH In these woods wnltln' t' grab that pile, an' no nearer to It now than before. Knock out their bialns an' go away is whnt I sny." Tom Ambrose, though equally aa much a villain ns his companion, urged moderation. During all the years the unprincipled rascals had struggled to get possession of their enntive s secret. Tom had acted as a brake (o fiery Ned'B temper. A "We have a hold on the old ma one of the plotters at last declar "Ho can be made to tell where tht; gold Is cached." "But he don't know." "Ho does know. Ho must know." "Well, whnt goodil that do? Hain't we been the lust eighteen or twenty years tryln' to open tho hatches o tho old ciipen, who's ns close-mouthed" ns a clam? We've threatened t Viang him done everything any ono kin, but It's all no use." "Wo got n stronger pull now thnn ever." "What Is It?" "Comu here." t His companions gathered about him and he spread his arms around their shoulders and begun to reveal tho plan which emanated from his won derful bruin a plan that was dlabolr leal, but promised success. (To be continued.) RACIAL FEUDS IN EUROPE. Antagonism Engendered Between Prussians and Pales. Hardly u day passes but the news papers contain striking evidence ot the antagonistic spirit which Is being engendered between tho Poles and tho Prussians. Last week it camq to tho ears of the publishers of a Polish paper circulating In WeBtphalla that ono of their compositors wns about to marry a German girl. They con sidered that this stamped him as ii traitor to Poland, nnd although lie had served them faithfully for many years they dlsmlscd him on tho spot. A large number of Poles work In the Westphalia coal mines, and In order to furthor tho amalgamation of the races the authorities have Issued regulations to the offect that no per son shall be employed underground who Is not proficient In tho German language. Tho Poles obstinately re fuse to know a word of German when they happen to bo called up to make statements In public. A few days ago a Polish miner had to give evldenco in a Westphalln police court. He was, of course, ua Innocent as a newly-born babe of any knowledge of German until the magis trate threatened to report tho case to hlB employers, who would have been compelled to dismiss him. Thereupon his German came back, and ho replied fluently to all the questions put to him. Ills wlfo had been present during tho hearing ot tho case, and was waiting for him lu tho passage just outside tho court room door. As Boon as ho appeared sho bitterly reproached him for hav ing given way, and to render her arguments more forcible, soundly boxed his ears. Sho then kicked nlui with such vigor that ho had to rac down tho corridor Into tho street' to escape tho attentions ot his "patri otic" better half. London Lender. Novels Read by Statesmen. Tho yearly bill for novels suppllofj to tho library of tho French Chambei of Deputies Is usually botween ?4,00C. and I4.S0ft f mi j w i m K U ' W.. I Wl rw"wi mm , v jit iVwaAIiW'--!"! ? P" ".1i'X&'It reriresHftfr 1, tf r . yffi fits a&toH$&m& J'X "-"" ;- -".- ra'SWPIfrj 1 12ii21ffitiMmmmmmmmmWmwWi?i'',XX frog i iiwi in in mWm'mmxmmmmm rr Ymimmnw i".wJsmimmmrimm!mmmi' mmmm m'