It's a Eastman Kodak Developing Machine ! It does away with tho dark room, Penults developing auywhcio an-timo- Developing your films in daylight Hives Rctter icsults, as oary to tit" velop u dozen cxposiucs with this as one exposure the old way. Expense of developing and opert and less than half using the ma chine Practrcal Demonstration September 13 and 20 at 3 o'clock p.m. All films purchased of us will be developed free of charge. Newhouse Jewelers and Opticians. Syeeial In order to induce you to crll on us and get our prices on goos we will give a watch free, Costs you nothlug and you may got the watch. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Sec J.O. Uutler. Girl wantod at City Bakory. Threshing coal at Hoby'satfromll 25 to 17 00. Grant Turner was in tho city oveH Sunday. Hrncn Framo is now at work, lor ulie I and Robinson. If you want job call and soe us. work of ony kind New turnovor collars at F. Newhouse. Call and see them. Miss Elsie Kollison wo understand is still on tho sick list. F. A. Swoezy of Blue Hill was a Hod Cloud visitor, Monday. When you want a first class horse blanket go to Butlers. Walter Kaloy returned, yesterday, from his visit in Iowa. i Ed. Piatt left, Tuesday Omaha for a short visit. morning f Miss Stella Ducker was on the sick list tho first of tho week. L. P. Albright and Miss Ethel Hosm er went to Alma, yesterday. J.B. Summers Jr. of Blooniington was in this city, yesterday. John and Kay Miner of Guido Hock were in this city, Wednesday. Get your Delineator of F. Newhouse. Orders taken for Butterick pattern. F. V. Taylor, undertaker and em balmer, opposite Cotting'a drug store. When once liberated within your system, it produces a most wonderful effect. It's worth ono's last dollar to feel tho pleasure of life that comes by taking Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Miss Bess Kaloy, arrived in tho city, the first of tho weok, for a visit with her brothers C. W-, D. H. and A. U. Miss Kaloy will go from here to Lincoln where sbo will niako her homo in the future. Dress does not mako tho person. Nor does clean exterior indicate a clean interior. To bo well, all organs of the body must work in harmony. Rocky Mountain Tea does this work. C. L. Cotting. Services at the Motbodist Episcop 1 church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m. and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rev. M. P. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P. Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep worth League, .'J o'clock, Mrs. Brunei-, Miperintondont; Kpworth League, 7 r'eloek, Mrs. Mitchell, president A Twenty Year Life Policy In an Old Line Company is; the best kind ot hie insurance. ' l'lin cash valuu of tho policy at tho; end of the puriou Is moro llian you havo paid. Fire. Liohtnine, Tornado andl Life Insurance, i the boot Old Lino or Mutual! Companies. C. Teel, Agt.,i if. llKl Cl.OL'l), NkIMUSKA 'WWWW ' ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Wanted Dishwasher at the Hon Ton. Watitcd-Corn, oals and wheat V H K)by. Mhs iJessie Pucker Alma for a short vhit. homo from Tho new turnover collarsat F. New house . Call and see them. Dr Damerell and Mr Hoien weie in Mine Hill the litst of the week. Nato 1'lalt U again the chelf pusher in the Piatt and Freel umber yaid in this city. 0. P Scott of Unwind was looking after business matters in this city, Wed nesday. For lire, lightning and tornado in suranceseu L. H. Foil, in P.uneroll block. Dr .1. F. Hradshaw of Superior was lenewingold acquaintance:! in this city, Monday. For a clean, easy shave or an up-to-date hair-cut, call at Ward Hiatt's bar ber shop. A M. Walters of liliiu Hill was at tending to business matters in this city, Wednesday. (Jeorgo Coon has begun tho erection of a dwelling house on what was tho Fair grounds. Next Monday is tho lact day on which real cstato taxes may bo paid be for advertising them. For a strictly first class harness, heavy lap robe or heavy horso blankot you havo to go to Butler. If you want an abstract of titlo to your land or town lot, call on L-. 11. Fort, in Damorell block. fciank Hadloy returned to this city, the lirst of tho week, after an absonco of somo months, in Missouri. Homer Shorwood and wifo returned, Monday morning from their trip to Cal jfornla and tho Pacific coast Feed Temple and Hugh Ileal wont Omaha. Thursday mornincr to tak in t o Might of tho Aksarben, festivities. E. H. Marshall, secretary of the Un ion Fire Insurance Co. was hero the first oflho weok settling up some losses. Rev. Maudus Barrett of Cresco Iowa will preach in tho Congregational Church next Sabbath morning and evening and at Indian Creek in after noon. Mrs. Charles llazolton and children of Kansas City, arrived in tho city tho first of tho week for a visit with friends. Otto Kessol of MarhL'head, Illinois, arrived in this city, last Sunday and will make bis hoir.e in this county in tho future. Will Shouso who has been with Harry Sowtor for somo timo left, luesday, for Hastings whoro ho has sccurtd a position. Tho base ball nine of tho high school of this city went to Superior this morn ing to play a game with tho Superior high school nino. Miss Albert and Mrs. Emma Hictson of Rockford Illions are visiting in this city this week with tho latters sister Mrs. Harry Stroup. Mrs. Thomas Euiigh and son Claude left, yesterday morning, for Omaha whero thoy expect to make their homo for the next few years. Tho largest car ot furnituro that over came into tho Republican valley un loaded by Albright Bros, this week Nothing in tho their store. J. W. Wallln returned to his home north west of this city, yesterday, from Lincoln, whero has just completed tho erection of a largo dweling bouse. J. II. Smith was in Naponeo and Blooinington all of last week settling up insurance looses and incidentally doing somo other insurance business. Georgo Wilson and wifo arrived to this city, last Friday, for a visit with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. W, Baker and also with other relatives. Wm. Parkes and wifo loavo this morning for Galena, Kansas, whoro thoy go for a visit with tho family of Samuel Parks aud thoy will also visit with Mrs. John Parks in Cartcrsville Missouri, before they return to their home in this city. Carl Person U now tho solo properitor of tho second hand sloio, ho having iniu'lwisi'd tho intoicst aud good will ol Mr. KiHiyou in the business. Ho will continue, at the old stand, to handle a most compluto stock of nc w and second furniture, stoves, 110.7 sowing machines and etc. When wanting anything in his lino give him a call, ho will always treat you courtiously. John Jesscn, the origional oil man of this city but who is now with tho1 Economy Socioty of Pennsylvania, Is-f Vlsllllig mil iiiimui I" uus ciij, uuiiu talks very entertainingly of tho sociuly and speaks in terms of praise of John Dus, who is at the head of tho society, anil who also was formerly a eitiziii of this county. Beyond looking a liit.o older Mr. Jusnen looks and uoUllko tl.o sumo Jld John of former days. r hy experiment with a) (paint that is "just as good"? (when you can get the old) reliable Heath & MillioanJ rthat has stood the test for) (half a century? I have a? complete stock. H. E. GRICF. 5 GENERAL CITY NEWS. Minnio S. Smith arrived in tho city, yesteulay morning from Wymore, for a short visit at tho omo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Smith. Hubert Neuerbuig, the depot Ircstua' rant man is rejoicing over tho at rival of a lino largo baby girl, which evepf oeciued last Sunday morning. Mrs.L H. Fort and daughter Nettie aro taking in tho nights of Ak-Sar-Ueii Canival. in Omaha this wetk, tho guestu of Charles Fort. Hcrt Augden left, Thursday morning. for Ills llOlllU ill IIIvsi.i Viilirnabn. Iptfrt has been -in tho employ of Kite mm ivuoii ior somo time. Mrs. S. Sch wni m, who has been visit ing here for some time expects to leave, tho lirst of tho week, for her homo in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The city now has on hand a car load of good paving brick which it is selling to citizens at what thoy cost city. Tho brick cost tho city delivered at the depot hero, td.2r, per thousand. Congressman Walter I. Smith of Iowa will speak in this city October 7th. Mr. Smith lias a national reputation as a speaker and tho people aro promised a treat. So como out and hoar him and don't forget tho date. SALEMEN WANTED to look after our interests in Webster and adjacent bounties. Salary or commission. Ad dress. The Victob On. Company Cleveland, Ohio. SMITH VS. SMITH. Trouble among the Smiths. Smith ran away with Smith's daught er and Smith ordorcd Smith anestcd at Smith Center. Lator Smith ni rested at Smith Conter and Smith ordered Smith released at Smith Center. Tho first Smith that solves this Smith Smith problem wo will give a threo months subscripition to tho Chief free. i I Builders E. c- c- 4 a 9 4 4 4 4 . flardw e j and Carpenters Tools, I are attracting the atten tion of nearly every one now. We have seversl differ ent styles of s-c-s- fr fr fr fr fr fr' fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr ! Finish Hardware,, to select from and can make you PRICES to fit the kind of house you are building. In Carpenter Tools, we have the Standard Makes, and also a complete line of the justly celebrated TRUE and CHIP-A-WAY goods. WARRANTED and GUARANTEED, in every way, to give abso lute satisfaction. Always bear this, our 111 itto, in mind when tliiukini! of buviui; fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr 4 HARDWARE, 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. 4 I? nT11MT1'P,l11'PV'P1i1171i1i1iT1'1"rMT J, I) Watthaiu of Louisville was in the city tills week looking for land 111 this vicinity with a vel.vof purchasing. Another car load of Standaid granu lated eanu sugar just leculved at the uig sioie. Moio sugar for your money than any wherein town. Miner Bros. Grant Mct'arland, a former Red Cloud ousiuos man but now of Omaha, came to the city, the lirst of the week, called here by the sickness of his mother aud finds her recovering slowly. Frank Graves, an old time Red Cloud boy, arrived in this week, Saturdny for a visit with liis mother Mrs. Joseph Graves, andjalso look up, incidentally a farm that he may rent for the coming year. Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Mediciuw Co., is made of raie and costly herbs not found 111 any other picparatiou, therefor get the .kind you lead about. 35 cts. C. L. Cotting. Noticed to Debtor?, Having dlsolvcd our partnership and wishing to straight en up our books us soon a poslile, those knowing themselves to be indent i'tl us, will please to call and settle their accounts as soon us poible. Riki: and Koon. R. B. Fulton and wife of this city and son Willis, of Riveitou, left Tuesday morning, for LcRoy, Kansas, whore they will visi t with relatives for a short time. They also expect to take in, boforo they return, tho Kansas State G. A. R reunion held In Wichita- At the colt shew, which was held at Charles McKelghan's last Saturday lieorgeAniack was awarded 1st on shir colt, Bert Tenant 1st, on nil purpoi colt, and A. B. Wiggius 1st on tnulo colt. Crooked Creek has at last turned its course and now runs over at tho foot of tho hill on which stands Govonor Gather's grove and home, this loaves Georgo Lindsey'a iso houso high and dry, Charley Kaley's pond is also somo distance from tho creek. It is not known yet what action will bo taken with regard to it. Galon Lewis returned, Tuesday from a trip through the Carolinas and other southoru states, whero ho had been looking up a home. Mr Lewis sold his homo in this county a short timo ago and we predict it will be but a short time, if ho leaves this county beforo ho will return. Wo should bo sorry to havo Mr. Lewis loavo us for good and all. m Not Doomed For Life. "I was treated for threo years by good doi'tors," writes W. A. Greer, McConnellsville, ()., "for piles, and fistula, but, when all failod, Bucklcn's Arnica Salvt- cured mo in two weeks." Cures burn-:, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, eruptions, suit rl-oum, piles or no pay 25c at C. L. Cotting'.s drug store. APStorr of Henry Clay Dean. A good story la related of Ilenry Clay Dean, tho famous orator of a generation or so ago. Mr. Dean was generally referred to as "Henry Clay Dean ot Iowa" oven long after he had established a homo In Missouri. He explained bis change of habitation In this way: "You see, they passed a ne farious prohibition law In Iowa, and there's your whisky gone. Then they abolished capital punishment, and there's your hanging gone, and now the whole population seems to be drifting toward Unlversallsm, and there's your hades gone. I can't live In a Btato that has neither hades, hanging nor whisky." Argonaut Dad Hand Made lllm Moner. When Lord Curzon wns at Oxford, ho wrote an abomlnablo baud. One day ho penned two letters, oue of them to a relative and ono to a chum with whom ho always discussed tho faults of their respective relations, and ac cidentally put theso letters into the wrong envelopes. Ho was about to write a profound apology to bis rela tive when bo received tho following note from him: "Can't read a word of your four pages, but guess you want somo money, you young rascal." In closed was a Bank of England note for a good amount Korean Washerwomen. The hardest worked washerwomen In tho world aro tho Koreans. They have to wuuh about a dozen dresses for their husbands, aud they bnvo plenty to do. Tho washlug Is usually done In cold wnter and often In running streams. Tho clothes are pounded with paddles until thoy shine like a shirt front fresh from a laundry. WIIIIlIK to Help. "You havo wounded me," ho sadly said as ho rose from his knees "wounded 1110 so deeply that I shall never" "Walt," sho said, picking a book off the table. "Let mo see what 'First Aid to tho Injured' savs to do In such n case us yours." , Grew Too Pant. Llttlo Tommy when told that ho was" ' growing fast answered: "les; too fast. 1 think they water mo too much. Why, I havo to tnko a bath every morning!" Exchange. A Fault I'l ml or. "You were always n fnult finder," growled tho wife. "Yes, dear," responded the husband meekly, "I found you." Wearers of FINE Should not forget that we carry the Finest Line of up-to-date Shoes in this city. In fact WE are the only concern that handles a real fine line of Shoes. What WE inean by this is: A good fitting fine finished, stylish Men's Shoes. The Selz Royal Blue are the Best Shoes for the money in The World. Next comes the Perfects at $3 OO. Selz Kangaroo $2 75. Magnet Calf $2 50. The Enterprise at $2 OO. The Top Notch at $1 75. WORKING SHOES! In Working Shoes WE lead them all in the Vindicator and Liberator at 51 75 and the WHEN YOU WANT SHOES, DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE BUT WEAR A SELZ. A New Nobby Line of Hats and Suits Now Ready to Show Couiden-Kaley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. ?r ',., 1 TORPRE - BROS. I 1 Cash Store, I m Or jJJ Leaders in Low prices with High Class Goods. yjf 2; Our Stock is larger than ever, with values better. I(W fl? . ifc $ Our Shoe Stock 2; Is the Largest in Webster county with jj fL values that defy compition. We will J? m save you from ioc to 25c on every pair. W (f - tf VS We are showing a nice line of Ladies' iljf W coats, capes, wraps, &c. Also a Nice ij ff Line of Skirts that will please you. ty W Of JJ A Warm Line of Furs and tf S Prices Warmer. All 5g j New and Up-to-date. tt I Outing Flannels! t to Best values in Outing Flannels ever 6ffered 5, m 6, 7, 8 and iocts; everyone is worth fully 2c h more than WE are asking. Clark's n Thread, 3 cents per spool. VP GROCERIES I m 20 lbs Uust Granulated Sugar $1 00 Jjj m 3 lb Can Solid Tomatoes ioc a: (ijV Hering prepared in mustard, in bulk, per pint. . ioc i Mustard in Fancy Dishes, regular ioc packages, 5c (JJ (0 6 bars White Russian Soap 25c to 6 bars Lenox Soap 25c ft W 7 bars Silver Leaf Soap 25c l to 7 bars Heats'em-all 25c ft to 6 bars Santa Claus Soap 25c W i!i 6 bars Diamond C. Soap 25c f ;f 6 bars Swift's Pride Soap 25c W ;. fc jf 1 lV-'Vi SHOES Scalper at $1 50. A W 9 A n i v v-- i'i'L (. BSpriffiSS Maiirr f jM-ar" RJSSfti Wtft-A