The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1902, Image 3

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Nicholas Fish of tho famous New
inil; family, bunker, father of Hamil
ton Fish, the tough rider, hero of tho
Spanish war. ami a btothor-ln-law of
Mm. Stuyvosant Fish, tho Now Yorlc
soclet loader. wa so hiutally at
tacked in ,' public drinking place In
West Thirty-fourth sheet, Now York,
Sept. lti. that hu wns picked up un
conscious on tho sidewalk In front of
tho placo and tal.on to tho Roosevelt
hospital. Thoro ho died.
Tho killing of tho famous banker by
Thomas Hhnkoy, private detective,
pool room hanger-on and Chinatown
guide. In a quarrol ovor a woman, was
as evil an episode as Now Yoik bus
known for years.
Mr. Fish was killed by n blow bo
savage that It niptured a blood ves
sel In his brain. Ills skull was not
fractured by his tall, as was at II rat
t Sharkey. th slayer. Is a slant In
fclo and strength. Ho was drunk and
ng'iy when ho entered Khrhardt's sa
loon and discovered tho frail old bunk
or drinking with Mrs. Llbby Phillips
and .Mrs. Nolllu Casey.
ypllk Wtj I
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Mr, m I
They had been drinking together a
long time three hours, according to
tho waiter who served thorn when
Sharkey camn in, and, probably at tho
invitation of Mrs. Phllllpa, at whoso
house ho had spont the previous night,
oat at tho table with them.
It was over Mrs. Phillips tho quarrol
started and tho death blow was struck.
Sharkey says ho had been drunk for
a week, and that he does not remem
ber exactly what happened, except
ithat Mr. Fish objected to him and
Anally Jolted him with his elbow and
Head Triumvir of Tammany to Suc
ceed to Leadership.
Chnrles F. Murphy, head of tho Tam
many triumvirate, who has been se
lected by the present rulers to Bticcoed
Richard Croker as leader of tho or
ganization, wns formerly dock com
missioner. Politicians predict that in tho event
of success at the primaries tho Croker
faction In the wigwam, will unite on
'.Murphy as the former boss' succes
'sor. 1 Tho Carroll men, however, sueer at
Mho Murphy boom.
William Doverr' success al the prl-
Charles F. Murphy,
marics, his friends utum, makes him
tho logical Icador or Tammany, and
ho will fight for tho honor.
Latest Oriental Fad.
, Another oriontnl fail has bloomed
forth, largely, It Is believed, as a re
Isult gl tho rolgnlng fondness for tho
klira dressing gown or wrapper.
'Th 'O'hlneso or Japaneso gown re
quires shoes to match, and thoro Is
'qulto a domand for tho straw slippers
which Chinese wear. They nro with
(out heels or bank and a novlco needs
pructico before being able to keep
Ithem on tho foot, especially In going
hp or down stnlra. Tho odd foot cov
rerlng harmonies well with tho
CAo.A..J.,,.,t,,AfliJ.j. .ttr,.;.(
that ho responded with a blow. He
"If Mr. Fish had not been drinking
and I had been sober there would not
have been any trouble, and Mr. Fish
would be alive and I out of the Tombs.
"I don't believe It was a hard blow,
and do not think ho would have fallen
had ho been sober."
Though tho police say Mr. Fish had
no previous acquaintance with the
women, another story prevails In the
neighborhood of tho tragedy. Thero
it is said ho was frequently In Mrs.
Interesting and Picturesque
Those of Eastern Europe.
Tho most Interesting and pictur
esque girls In the world are the Rus
sians, declares a Parisian writer.
They are ready to die foe tin Ideu.
The Russian girl nihilist is not afraid
to be sent tn Siberia or to be im
prisoned in a tower, or to be hanged
by the neck for her Ideas. Sho Is
always ready to translate her ideas
Into acts. Roumanian grrls are ex
quisite. Thoy havo all the attractions
without tho vlcos, of tholr ancestors
of ancient Rome. Tho girls of the
other Danublnn states do not yet
count for much, as they are not edu
cated. Bulgarian maids are, however,
making progress because of many
American teachers In Sofia and else
where throughout tho principality.
Increase of Live Stock in Ireland.
Some very suggestive tables show
ing tho changos which havo taken
place In Irish farming during the past
half century are given In tho statis
tics recently published by the Depart
ment of Agriculture. According to
theso returns thero was In Ireland
last year a population of 219 persons
to each 1,000 acres of land, as against
a population of 315 to every 1,000
acres In 1851. With this diminution
of 30.5 per cent In the population In
fifty years, thero has been an increase
in the number of cattle in the coun
try from 143 to 230 per 1,000 acres,
while tho number of sheep in the
country has gone up from 102 to 215
per 1,000 acres, in the same period.
Power of Shells.
In 1870 an ordinary shell when It
burst broko Into nlnotoen to thirty
pieces. To-day It hursts Into 240.
Shrapnel, fipn In 1870 scattered only
thlrty-soven death-dealing missiles.
Now It scatters 340. A bomb weigh
ing about 70 lb. thirty years ago
would havo burst into forty-two frag
ments. To-day, when It la charged
with peroxlleno, It breaks up Into
1,200 pieces, each or which Is hurled
with much greater velocity than tho
larger lumps which were scattered
by a gunpowder oxplosion.
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Phillips' company, and that he knew
Mrs. Casey well.
There was n third woman In tho
oaso whom tho police speak of as Mrs.
Pickle and who Is said to live In Har
lem. It Is said that Mrs. Pickle Is a
sister of Mrs. Casey and that the
meeting between Mr. Fish and Mrs.
Phillips wns for tho purpose of Intro
ducing the banker to her.
Sharkey Is now In Jail In default of
110.000 bonds charged with homicide.
The two women were relelased on
$500 ball each. They figure on the
police blotter only as witnesses.
Mrs. Fish Is totally prostrated. She
has been under tho care of a physician
over since she was brought almost in
sensible from Roosevelt hospital.
After the gruesome formalities of
the coroner tho dead man was taken
to his home in Irving place.
The funeral services were held from
St. Mark's church, tho Ilev. Dr. Batten
Once Political Ruler of Capital City,
He Had a Checkered Career.
Local politics of tho capital of tho
United States city onco were ruled by
Alexander R. Shepherd, who died re
cently In Mexico. It was when tho
District of Columbia had tho terri
torial form of government and he was
governor. He made many improve
ments in the city's appearance, and
while charged with corruption and
refused confirmation by tho scnato
when President Grant appointed him
commissioner upon the change from
territorial to district government, he
later was hailed as the founder or
Washington as it is to-day and praised
for IiIh work.
IPs admirers claim that to him Is
Alexander R. 8hepherd.
duo tho architectural beauty of tho
capital city, ao it stands to-day, and
tha claim is not disputed.
A Lady Cabby. ,
In the New Zealand town of Nol
son woman has been asserting her
rights in qulto a now direction. A
local lady recently secured a cab
and horse and onterod Into compe
tition with tho Jchua of the town,
who at once took alarm and protest
ed thnt sho had no Jlconso. This dif
ficulty was quickly overcome, and'
the lady "cabby" cntorod tho lists on
equal terms In that respect. Now,
with her smart turn-out sho Is secur
ing all tho fares she can find time
to drive,
i (jR-T mil
Smart and Useful Dress of Woolen
Blouse Suits for the Little Girl
The Proper Way to Pack Flow
ers. No Extra Welnht.
There's a tendency toward light
weight wool fabrics for autumn yes,
oven for winter gowns. Pialso bo!
women aio tiled of dragging honvy
cloth around well what use? nono
at all since tho lighter weights aro
just as wiu in and so arc suitable for
cold weather wear.
The weight of a fabric Is often duo
to u concealed mixture with cotton or
to stuffs iihod In tho tlyo. It Is cum
hersniiio and not ueaily as warm as
a lUhtci weight material that Is all
Soft white wool goods nro conspicu
ous In tocent exhibitions, as well as
bright and moio subdued i olors.
Deep greens and blues, violets and
laxonders, ginyn and browns all aro
s'town In Invlshi.oys and with a cer
tain tint In each taut Is dollciously
Isn't It a bit odd that every jear
tho old colois tome back to us con
spicuously now? To tho end of time,
likely, they will bo tho same still,
always with an unusual freshness of
hue not ccn in any predecessors.
Smart and Useful.
'Vc siuait yet useful dress depleted
Is made of a sott gray twilled woolen
mntcilal and tho simple coat bodice
can be worn over a blouse or with a
fiout of laeo and muslin. The skirt Is
simple and of a convenient walking
length, while tho coat can bo wont
open to Miow tho blouse of ft out be
neath, or buttoned up In double-breast-
cil fashion. For traveling or for wear
on one of tho dull days wo meet with
so often now, thero Is nothing so con
venient ns a dress of this kind, which
Is at once soft and warm and yet by
no means heavy. Woolen materials
of different sorts aro Indeed very fash
tollable, ns womankind has found out
that they crush and soil less easily
A Useful Gown.
than muslin, and arc rcnlly so light In
tcxtuio that thoy nro almost, if not
quite, ns cool as tho more diaphanous
Wanted, Sunshiny Women.
Some of us like to complain of tho
world and tho spot we aro destined to
occupy In It. Things aro not Just ns
wo want thorn nor ns wo reel they
should lie ror us. Rut wo overlook
the ract that the particular spot In this
world which wo aro given to occupy
is, and will be, precisely what wo
choose to make It, says Woman's Lire.
Whether wo do right or wrong, wheth
er wo aro happy or otherwise, depends
very largely, ir not entirely, on our
selves. Wo havo nil experienced tho reeling
or brightness which a sunshiny wom
an brings with her whorover sho goes.
Sho may havo Just as many worries
to race, Just as many nnxletlcB to
bear, but Kho overcomes them largely
by n bright and sunny disposition. Wo
aro not all cnpablo of laughing in tho
face of trouble or adversity, but wo
can nt least make an attempt, nnl
oven If tho laugh lacks the ring ot
hoaitlnesn, It Is Infinitely bettor thar
tho ft own or sigh.
For the Little Girl.
mouse suits nro nlways boeomlna.
to little gills and innko tho best of all
flocks for school and kuocknhnul
wear. This stylish model In suited tc
sorgo, tlannol nnd similar wool fabrics
and to both linen and cotton ot tlio
sturdier soita. but as shown Is of hluq
sorgo with bauds of blnck In aid and
gold buttons.
The quantity of material roqulroil
for the medium size 18 years) Is 44
yards 27 Inches wldo, It'i yards 44
inches wldo, or 2"h yaids 52 Inchoj
To Pack Flowers.
It Is ti mistake to use cardboard
boxes In packing (lowers to bo sent
by mall. Always use a tin bov, lin
ing It with a shoot of damp moss and
above this a shoot of florist's paper,
or tissue paper if tho other Is not at
hand, taking oaro that it ills into tho
coiners and around tho sides. Tho
flowers should bo placed In, low after
row, until thoio is a layer of ilowori
fitting Into tho other all over the bot
tom or the box. Never crowd nor
put ono layer on tho top or another,
Tho rowB must bo as close together ns
possible; tho fiowur heads or each
row should bo on tho stems or the
row immediately picccding it, so that
when tho box Is finished only flowers
are to bo seen nnd no stems.
Fashions In Collars.
Tlio cape collars so conspicuous Just
now call into servlco all the fine,
short-haired furs. Krmlne will bo fash
ionable, purtly as a medium of black
and white combinations. It is toady
In capes, capo collars, long cloaks, em
pire senrrs, stoics, mulTs nnd trim
mingB. Chinchilla, soul and bnby Iamb
aro standard, nnd beaver and otter
will gain now favor. The flat stole, In
ono form or another, is tlio most fash
ionable of tho small fur pieces. It Is
wider and longer than In recent sea
sons. Loosely fitting bloiiBo coats,
with long basquen or skirts, are made
in flexible fur nnd nro ornamented
with touches of embroidery nnd lace
on bolt, collar and cuffs. More looso
box coats of fur will bo seen than in
tho last fow winters and all tho flow
ing, exnggointcd Hues or tho summer
coats aro to he lcpealed in fur for
those wlio can afford such costly gar
ments. ,. pj,,-, '
Breezy Frills. """
Shaped rufllos finish elbow sleeves.
Laco Is much threaded with ribbon.
Picture gowns should accompany
picture tints.
Pompadour taffetas aro made into
adorable little dross rigs.
Veils and trimmings nro still worn
dangling nt tho back of hats.
Volvot hat bindings nro often over
an inch deep on the outside.
Even ti gathered rufllo Is prettier
If It bo shaped flared that Is.
Many largo hats droop both bnck
and front, but more In tho back.
Quito tho most popular are tho eo-llcnnc-liko
weaves In wool and Bilk.
Klbow sleeves may bo finished out
with tho revived white undorsloove.
A lot of very pale cream-pink roses
makes lovoly a white sheperdess hat,
Some muslins and organdies aro
often as sheer as moussollno or chif
ron. There's a certain chic in tho pic-turo-hut
binding or black or corded
people m
Wlnfleld Scott Stratton Passes Away
After a Brief Illness.
Wlnfleld H. Mtintton, tho millionaire
mining man, died at Colorado Spring,
Colo., Sept. II.
Wlnfleld Scott Stratton wns horn In
Jonvcon county, lud., In 1813, and
wont to Colorado when hu was 24
yenis old. His first nnd groatest
slilko was tho Independence mine, in
tho center of tho present Crlpplo
(Jieok field. It niiulo him many tlmo)
n mllllonnlic, nnd wns ultimately Bold
by him to an English syndicate for
Stratton was nn eccentric character
in many reh.ects, nnd hnd ills own
Ideas about using his money. Whllo
Indulging In tho freaks a rich man
can afford ho did not like tho Idoa of
having Idle surplus on his hands, so
ho inadu many Investments In Colo
rado real estnto, nnd many of tho best
cornels In Crlpplo Creole and Colorado
Springs belong to Stratton.
Personnlly Stratton wns of Blmplo
tnstos and habits, with n maiked dis
like for notoriety and publicity. His
charitable deeds havo boon many, anil
most of them have been marked by.
good Judgment. Ho redeemed tho Ta
bor properties for tho widow of Sena
tor Tnbor In gratltudo for kludnoss
shown him when ho wns poor, nnd all
who displayed unselfish goodness to
ward him in Ills days of poverty have
had no occnslon to regret it.
No one knows what his fortituo Is.
Hot Corner for Such as These.
In that land of shadows whoro mon.
are Biipposed to repent tho wrong
deeds done in this life some obscure
corner will doubtless bo reserved for
those who havo boon worso than sin
ners In that thoy wero blundorer
Thero u-lll meet Ihi trnllnv tnnn -
did not notice, the boy who let
door or tho elevntor open, tho
who rocked tho boat and tlio In
nil who did not know it was
Doubtless, too, this will bo ono
most unhappy groups among the n.
t. tudes.
Miss Gertrude Arden Expects Fortune
from a Railroad Device.
Ono or the young women who poses
In tho front line or the choniB In "Foxy
Grandpa" Is of a mechanical turn of
mind, and sho has made uso of her in
vcntlve powers to make and havo pat
ented a lock bolt to hold the plates ott
railway rails. The bolt locks tho nut
so It cannot slip. A patent has been
applied for, nnd tha "show girl," Miss
fiortrudn Arden, hopes to make a for
tune with her Invention. Sho Is a
widely traveled nnd well-read woman,
and has been prominent In Southern
society. At ono tlmo sho owned au
orange grovo In Florida, but ono win'
tor, threo or four yeais ago, a fro3t,
Bwopt her trees away, and sho turned
to the stage ns a means of livelihood.
Prior to this change of occupation,
Miss Arden had encircled the globe.
War Statistics.
According to tho calculations ot
tho Hospital, an English medical
Journal, 5,770 oillccrB and men wore
killed In action In tho South African
war, and 2,010 died of wounds which
they received. Tho deaths rrom dls
ease amounted to 13,272.
In action ono officer was killed to
every 10.15 men, and ono officer was
wounded to every 11.34 men. Rut
or thoso who died rrom disease only
ono in every 38.5 men was an officer.
The number or Invalids sent homo
during tho war was about 70,000, and
or those moro than 0,000 died or loft
tho service. Tlio vast majority, of
course, wero restored to health. To
piovo that tlio wnr uflor nil was not
a big one, tho Hospital quotes tho
figures of tho battle of Ornvelotto, in
which tho victorious Hermans had.
32S olllccrs and -1,!)00 mon kilted aud
uearly 13,000 wouuded.
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