;a I r " ' . -.?$&..? ,-r-Xy ,-,, -.,X- VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1902, NUMBER :$7 MINER BROS., SNAP SHOTS AT AUTUMN ATTRACTIONS. HOSIERY. The following items contain explicit information about being well hosed at the smallest expense and you wont find equally low Prices for such excellent qualities anywhere else. i Case of Childrens Hose. Regular value 15c. Our Price 12 1.2c 1 Case Ladies Hoso. Regular value 15c Our Price lOc FLANNELIENES. 50 patterns Uanncliones rang ing in price from ICo to 20c per ynrd, (or Waists, Wrapper, and Kimonos. OUTING. 2000 yards skortlengths Outing Flannel 1 10 vt ya tengins. rsgular 10c Advance sale Pirce 8c IOOO yrds. Remnants in 1 to 5 yard lenghts at 9c yd.. CALICO KM 1000 yards Strictly First Standard prints, light and dark colors 4c yd Bpeelal Display of TABLE LINENB l&c to B2.00 per yard Napkins to match many patterns. Clearing Sale on Fancy patterns thread yard wide PERCALES. Regular price 12 1-2C of 84 Special MINER BROS. rWv ffjjrf - FOR SALE s Duroc I Jersey (BOARS, l All eligible to'register. t or at my farm, 2 miles south 4 I Cloud. Dickerson west of Red JACKSON. Gomspondenee. Ittms of Interest as Reported by Chief Reporters at Several Nearby Localities. DRY CREEK. A big rain in tills suction, Sunday night. I'M. Himcs sold a number of st.ers last vi'uk. John Saladun bought a now wagon last week. Wallace Maynard and wife attended tho ltunlick sale last week. Mr. Ueaton and Mr. Sheldon have bought a now disk drill together. Mr. Morse's now hoiiso is noarly com pleted. They are plastering it this week. Ortli Cunningham is down with the typhoid fever and is under tho doctors care. Will Durdicks salo came off last week and considering conditions things sold quite high. Kd.Seaton is buying a car lrnil of cows to fatten He bought two of Al Decker last week. AI Decker is having a now well dug an a new wind mill put up this week. John Whittwor is doing the work. Miss Laura Decker has been staying for the past two weeks, with Mre. Morgan Davis who has been sick with heart trouble. SOUTII WILLOW CREEK. Miss Dora Lacy visited with Miss Nellie Bon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lacev called on A. C. Hon and wife, Sunday. Jake Lacy nud Mr Mousnaug havo sold several head of cattle, lately. Miss Nellie Hon began a seven months term of school, Monday, atMt. Hope. Charles Adamson and family visited with A.C. Hon and family, Sunday. There is probably the largest corn crop to grather this fall that Webster country ever had. Mr. and Mr. Samuel llruner expect to start for Indiana, the 5th of October, to bo absent about three weeks. A three days rain nnd every ono is smiling, especially tho farmers who anticipate a wheat crop next year. Wo nre pleased to see Kov. Hlackwoll and his est! able family a ain occupy ing their beautiful home ono mile cast east of Mt. llopo school house. Mrs John Norris, formerly Miss Bessie Godwin, of Willow Creek, and now of Sheriden, Woyming, had the sail misfortune, last week, to Iobo ber infant child, MANITAUA. i&llaaaaaflrvlwaaaaaaSiiAK'M 1 ana mues west ot Keel t City'lDray and Express Line, B, Utf.J ROSS, PROP, BLADEN. Charles Morey is working for J. L. Grandstaff. J. R. Denton transacted business in Cowles. Monday. Frank Waufle was a passenger to Lawrence, Tuesday. W. H. Hoffman is in Kansas this week looking up a location. Mrs. George Nowhouso of Red Cloud is visiting in this village. Plenty of rain tho first of the week. Report that from tivo to six inebs of rain foil. " Rev. Preistly returned from confer ence, 'luesday. He has been sent to Guide Rock. Roy Grandstaff and wifo are visiting with the lattera parents Mr. and Mrs. Laird, of Oak Crook. A little fight took place, tho first of tho week, in tho now bank building, in which noithor party was very much hurt. A few blows passed when tho clinch camo nnd man by tho namo of Pounds laid tho banker full length on tho floor. This may do for boys, but for mon who prido themselves ns being law abiding? citizens, it is a shame and a disgrace. Marriod at tho homo of tho brides parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hoffman, Wednesday, September 17th, Miss Lottie Hoffman and Bruco Howersock, tho Rov. A, J. Young pronouncing tho words which mado them ono. This young eouplo aro well known in this vicinity and their many friends wish them joy nnd happiness through lifes journey, They began houso keoping on the old homo placo. GUIDE ROCK. During the month of October, Dr. Morrison will be in Guide Rock, Thurs day and Friday only of each week nnd will be in Red Cloud on Saturday. SEVENTH ANNUAL CON VENTION of tor decii'lks ok cluuit Guide Rock. September 18-10. Meeting called to order by tho presid ent E. C. Christy, at 2-80 p. m. Thurs day, after a short talk by tho presid ent, prayer and praise service was con ducted by Bro. H. A. Curtis, of Prairo Center. At .'J p. m. address of wel como by Bro. L. C. Harris, of Bluo Hill. Following these numbor of subject were taken up as per programo and wero ably discussed in an interesting and instructive manner. Tho subject wero; "What can bo dono to cause members of tho church to regard 'theh pledges to tho church as saired," "Is tho preachoror tho church members responsible for non-nttondanco at church during hot wonthorV "Tho C. K. pledgo do wo keep it." Then came announcements nnd appointment of committees by tho chairman, which closed the ntternoon session. Tho evening session consisted of praiso service led by Bro K. Hendlynnd chart sermon by Hro. L, C. Harris' FimiAr Aktkknoon. Devotional conducted L. C. Harris, Hro. Headly presiding at tho meeting. Hro. V. K. Shirluy, of Harvard than gnvo n very interesting talk on "Tho benihts of a grading system in the lliblo school." Opon discussed followed. "Tho relation of Auxiliaries to tho church" was next discuscd, and then followed a business session, reports of committees, and etc. Aktkiinoon Skssion. Praise service led by Bro. Kd. Pual of of Cowles. Bro. Shirloy thon gavo an address, making n splendid appeal for tho National convention at Omaha, in October." Duty and sociability among church members wns tho takon up in open discussion, followed, by an ad dress by Hro. Headly "Tho Blblo school a framing school far Christian citizen ship," and an nddrcss by Bro. Harris on, What attitude should tho church and C. K. .society iissumo toward popular a smusomonts. FlttPAY KVKNINO. Praiso service, H. F. Cobbsof Guido Rock, leader; sermon by V. K. Shirloy, subject. The lamb of God that taketh away tho of tho world; follownd by a sermon by L. C. Harris, subject, Three important questions. Closing with tho song, Bles'd be the song that binds. So ended our seventh annual convention. May God bless our work and further His cause in Webster county. Mrs. J.J. Martin. Sec. . m Fortune Favors A Texan. "Having distressing pains in head back and stomach, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes W. P. Wh ito head, of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon felt like a new man." Infallible in stomach and liver troubles. Only 25o at O. L. Cotting's drug store. There will bo a caucus of tho voters of tho Republican party of Inavale pre cinct, on tho evening of Tuesday Oct obor 7th, nl 8, o'clock in Charles Hunt ers store, to nominate township officers nnd to transact such other business ns may properly como before tho caucus. Wni. Rinkol. Com. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CIW AGENTS'.FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. a PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Yard. RKl) CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, l. Lime, Coal and Cement. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will soil at his farm seven miles north east of Red Cloud, three miles south of Cowles, or three miles north of Amboy, on Tuesday, September 80tb. Commencing at 2 p m. the following property to-wit: 20, head of stock, consisting of 8 cows, 5 yearling steers, 3 two-year-old heifers 2 yearling heifers, 0 spring calves and two head of horses. Also ono harrow, one sulkey plow, ono stirring plow and one sot of doublo harness. Terms of salo. Four months timo, will bo givon, purchasor giving noto with approved sicurity bearing 10 per cent intortes. Five percent off for cash in hand. W. V. HKAL. Men of oak Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. " Men of oak " are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff., "V-'cott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution. Send for f roe oamplo. SCOTT Si. BOWNE, Chemists, 400-415 Poarl Street, Now York. 50c. nnd $I.OO 1 all druggist. Books New Use for Refined Paraffinc Wax. A now and important use for relined paralllno wax seems to have been dis covered by h prominent rcsidont of Ohio, living near Lancaster, who had two trees badly damaged by storm, ono being a maple and tho other an apple. In onch caso a Inrgo limb was broken down from tho trunk, but still attached to It Tho limb9 wero propped up and fastened securely with strrps, very much as n broken leg might bo fastened with splints, and then molted relined wax poured into and overall tho cracks. Tho "surgical operation" was entirely successful. Tho Paralllno prevented the escapo of tho sap, kopt out the rain and moisture which would havo rotted tho trees, prevented tho depredations of insects, and tho limbs seem thus far to bo perfectly re-attached to tho trees. SNAKE RIVER PLAINS OP IDAHO. In Bnllon No. IDS' now in press. United States Geological Survey, Prof. Israol C. Russell discusses tho geology and tho water rcscoures of tho Snako Rivor plains of southern Idaho, Tho main objects iu viow when tho work was undertaken woro to ascertain how far the geological conditions, particu larly beneath tho broad lava-floored plains bordering Snako river, favor the hopo of obtaining mowing water by drilling wells, and wbero test wells should bo put down in ordorin ordor to determine tho correctness of Inferences ba.scd.on geological and other condit ions. Of the 25,000 square miles of tho region, alout 1,200 square milos wero examined, the nihin routo lying cast ward from near Boiso across Klmore, Lincoln, ami Blnino counties and into Binglinm county as far as Bliickfoot. Given Free. Commencing, Saturday, Jane 21st Below we give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arabian Nlghti (8) New and Rtvliedldltlon The Fortnnei of Nigel Scott lTtnboe. ........... ttrott Ueyond tbe City (9). A. Conan Doyla Strange Secret.. A. Conan Doyle All Sorti and Condition! of If en . .... Beiant and Mice Jet ...... .Kdwtrdi Knight Errant Lyall Beppo tbe Conicrlpt-.Aiithony Trollop Cblcot the Jester ...Dumai Countess de Charily ..... -.Dumas Love and Liberty.. . .....Dumai Tbe Conscript . .. Dumai Vlcomto de llragclonne ..-..Dumas Coninelo ......... Sand Tho Counters of Hudolitadt Sand Indiana .. . . Sand Fanchon the Cricket . Sand Dcldeo .. . . ..., Warden Confessions of an Bullish Opium Eater... .... ..'. . I)o Quliicy OoldElsIo Marlltt A Daughter ol IIolli . Hlack Ths Fronlleriimen (3) Almard Tho Ulltucdala Itotnnnco Hawthorne Anlath Mario Corelll Unrda . . ........Ebers Pilgrim's Progress.. Iitmyan The Deemsters . Hall Calne Humphrey Clinker Smollet Corlnne Ho Stncl Paris Sketch Uook . Thackeray The Man Who Was (lood . Menlsk Jack Homer.. Mary S. Tlcrnan IlninodCllo . ...... Mary 8. Tlcrnan WoodlanderH.. ....Thos. Hardy Tho Dctlrc of tho Eyes... Orant Allen Not In tho Prospectus . Danforth Itamunlrli . . ..Lotl A New Noto.... ...... .- McMahon Dragon's Teeth............ .8crrau Tho Cedar Star. -.. ...Mann The Crystal lluttoii. ........... Thomas A Living I.lo............. ........llourget One of these books will be given with every dollar you pay on subscription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free. If you pay two dollars on subscription you get two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one of these handsome books. Come in and get one before they ar all gone. mi fl ms i i t nW5si 1 m..Ml g,p jM,.),-, f V turn 3MM ' yiwi,-ti '-.MWWJI Mil I ifltt ,