The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 19, 1902, Image 5

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    It's a
Eastman Kodak
Machine !
It tlocs nway with tho dark room.
Penults developing nnywheie any
time Developing your films in daylight
gives getter result!!, us ciiry to de
velop ti (ioznn expostiies with this
us one exposure the old way.
Kxpense of developing ntid open
and less than lialf using tho inic
Practrcal Demonstration
September 13 and 20
at 3 o'clock p.m.
All iilms purchased of us will lie
developed free of charge.
Jewelers and Opticians.
Syecial In order to induce you to
crll on us and gel our prices on
roos we will Rive a watch free,
Costs you nothing and you may
got tho watch.
Soo J. O. Butler.
Girl wanted at City Bakery.
Threshing coal at Koby'satfromSl 25
to 17 00.
If you want job work of ony kind
call and see us.
When you want a first class horse
blanket go to Butlers.
Ludlow Bros, have a quantity of fine
brick for sale at their yards north of
John Storey of Cowles was attending
to business matters in this city, tho
first of the week.
J. W. Stratton of Blue Hill passed
through this city, Sunday, on his way
to Texakanna where he has been called
by the sickness of a brother.
When once liberated within your
system, it produces a most wonderful
effect. It's worth ono's last dollar to
feel tho pleasure of life that comes by
taking Uocky Mountain lea. U. u.
There will bo an old sottler's picnic
in Ludlow's grove north of this city,
Thursday, September 25th. All old
settlors especially invited, also tho
public gonorally. I. B. Hampton,
Pres. Old Settlers' Ass'n.
Services at tho Methodist Episcop 1
church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m.
and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rev. M. P.
Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. V.
AiDrignt, superintendent; jumui r.v
worth League, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Bruner,
superintendent; Epworth League, 7
o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, presidont.
Louis Sodorborg and family returned,
from Longraont, Colorado, where they
have been living for tho past six years.
Mr. Soderberg and family will niako
their homo in this city during this win
ter and expect to move onto their farm,
south of the river, in tho spring. Wo
welcome them back to this county and
count oursolvos and tho community
gainers in many ways by thoir return.
Charloy D. Uobinson ex-county
treasurer of this county, has purchased
tUn :inui r Wm Knnn. In tho firm
of Rife and Koon and in the future wht
bo ono of Rod Cloud's pushingJbusineM,
men. We are very glad to sccttiat
Charley has decided to remain with us
and wish him tho largest measuro of
success Tho firm will in tho future,
as in tho past, coutinuo to dispense
grocorios and meats. Wo did not learn
as to Mr. Koons plans for tho future.
Albright Bros, of this city won, over
Hasting, Lincoln, Omaha, anil Kansas
City in a contest to furnish pianos for
the Franklin Academy, nnd make the
first shipment. Thursday.
Advertised Letters
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postotlico at Red Cloud, Neb.
rnska, for tho week ending Septomber,
18, 1002.
A. Albort. I.N.Boyle.
O. Tjjico.
fii. -Tl. i . ..
These letti rs will bo sent to tho dead
hotter oilice Octoboi 2nd, if not called
for before. When calling for abovo
please say "advertised." T. O. Hack
Igu, Postmas'tor.
Subscribe for theCniEF now
only $i a year, gives you all
the news.
w anted Dishwasher at the Hon Ton.
Want d
H. Koby.
Com, oats and wheat W
D.irrel Burden is the new
the Cheik.
Miss Anna Tulleys is now
in the Nation ollice.
chcif divil
James Loekhnrt of Hhideu was a Bed
Cloud visitor, Tuesday.
Miss Panuernnd MissSwee.;of Blue
Hill were In this city, Saturday.
F. V. Taylor, undei taker and cm
balmer, opposite Cutting's drug store.
Gel your Delineator of 1'. NowhotHo.
Oiders taken for Huttotiek pattern.
Goo. W. liunimel of Blue Hill w
nttendiiiR to business in this city Tues
.lay. For lire, lightning and tornado in
surance see li. 11. Fort, in l).uovell
Mrs.C. C. Cowdoa Jeft, Thursday
morning for a visit In Hebron, Neb
raska. For a clean, ea9y shavo or hri nd-to-date
hair-cut, call at Ward Hiatt'a bar
ber shop.
Kvrton Foe returned, Sunday, fronijy
a pleasure irip to Denver and the J
Mr. and Mrs. Miner and daughter
Irene returned, Wednesday, from their
trip to Ohio.
Fred Martens of Denver was looking
up business matters in this city tho first
of tho VftSidc,
Joo Warren who has beon laid up for
repairs, for the past few weeks, is again
able to bo out.
Wanted Horses and cattle to pas
ture, two mile9 north of Red Cloud.
Olivek Hkdqk.
Lafe Horburger returned, tho tlrst ofa
the week, irom Hastings wuere no was.
during tho reunion.
For a strictly first class harness,
heavy lap robo or heavy horso blanket
you bavo to go to Butler.
We understand that Link Skaggs will
go to work soon for A. Burdick, in
Smith Center, Kansas.
Next Sunday thore will be services at
the Episcopal church at 10:30 a. in. and
at 8 p. tn. Everybody welcome.
You will do worso than this if ycu
don't buy your harness and hardware
of J. O. Butler, next time.
Major I. B. Hampton nnd wifo loft,
tho first of the week, for a visit with
relatives in tho northwest.
If you want an abstract of title to
your land or town lot, call on L. H.
Fort, in Dameroll block.
Will Roats and wife roturncd, tho
first of tl o week, from thoir wedding
tour in Colorado and tho west.
A. S. Barry foreman of Superior Jonr
nal ofllco was in this city, Wednesday,
and made this office a fraternal call.
The work of installing tho heating
plant in the Potter building is progress
in grapidly undor the management of
W. R. Parker.
Mrs. Kate Miller went to Emporia,
Kansas, Wednesday, for a short visit
and will go from tbere to Pennsylvania
for a visit beforo returning hero.
Henry Kesler returned, Sunday
morning, from McCook whero ho h
bad charge of tho Hadel Mercaut
Co's store, for tho past month.
Tho largest car of furnituro that ever
came into the Republican valley un
loaded by Albright Bros, this week
Nnthincr in tho their store.
Another car load of Standard granu
lattd cane sugar just received at the
Store. More Sugar for your
money than any whoro in town. Minor
James Mitchell was down from
McCook tho first of tho week to visit
with his brother Robert who was injur'
ed last week by being thrown from a
Chas. Lewis returned, the first of the
week, from a visit with his parents
living south of Franklin, nnd is again
at worn in the Hndcll Cash Baignin
Dress does not make tho person.
Nor does a clean exterior indicate a
clean interior. To bo well, all oigans
of the body must work in harmony.
Rocky Mountain Tea does this work
C. L. Cotting.
Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made
by tho Madison Medicine Co., is made
of raro and costly herbs not found in
any other preparation, therefor got the
kind von read about. 35 cts. C, L.
Mrs. Dutton returned to her homo in
St Joseph, Missouri, Thursday morn
ing, after n visit with her brother C. C
Cowdon in this city. Edger Cowdcn
accompaiucd her to her homo and will
make a short visit thore.
p t nvnti!i,tfii,( t,.i.K .1 1
J li J .1 III1U1I t ILII (IX
Cpamt that is "just as yood C
Iwhcn you can get the old
reliable Hkath & Milligak?
rtliat lias stood the test lotv
(half a century? I have is
complete stock.
H. E. GRICli. 5
John Polniolsy went to Wilbur, Wed
nesday. Isaac Crow and wife of (Suldo Hock
weie in this city Saturday.
Chas Cather returned from u busi
ness trip to Iiiticolu, Thursday.
Rev. Hr.yptnmn of Koariey will
preach next Sunday in tho Cor;relt
ional Church and at Indian creeVMj 3(
" in. morning servicer at 10 CO 'aniT'
i '- -M"
tbc evening at
xun Fraternal Aid Association will
meet to night, Septembor 10th in Pot
tor's hull instead of September 20th ns
reported in last week's Chikk. All
members are reouestod tn lm nmcimi
Ralph Popo is expected homo in a
short time Ralph's visit will nrnnnlilt
lin lltllnli mint..!!. .1 . .. . . L J
... . t,
uviuucii vui iimuu ns owing tot ho nuir
of officers in tho navy, all ensigns itls
expected will bo ordered to sea again,
nt once.
Winfield Pope arrived in this city.
Saturday, having beon called bv tho
serious illness of his father, Jay Popo,
but finds him so well on tho road to
recovery that ho will return again to
Trinidad, Colorado, where ho has been
for tho past year.
Sam.Tomplo has again begun to buy
hogs and cattle in this dtf , llo has n9
yet no ofllco but is using tlie street as
his placo of business. Wo nro glad to
seo that Sam. has again taken up this
liro of business. Ho is to well know in
this commity to need an introduction,
sufliciont to sav wo wish him success.
Mrs. John (. Potter was struck by
lightning, Tuesday, whilo at her work
near tho kitchen stove in her homo
north west of this city. Tho bolt struck
her just below tho kueo on tho loft leg,
fortunatoly no vory serious damage
was done. Tho samo bolt also set lire
to tho houso but it was extenguished
beforo any damage was done.
U Uivb tii JUrtfctb li bvhitti di f-
1 Builders
7 E.
Jtadawe i
I Car penters
Tools, I
are attracting the atten
tion of nearly every one
We have seversl differ
ent styles of
I Finish
to select from and can
make you PRICES to
fit the kind of house you
are building.
Carpenter Tools,
. we have the
Standard Makes, I
I'and also a complete line
of the justly celebrated
every way, to give abso
lute satisfaction.
Always bear this, our motto, in
mind when thinking of buoini;
(pTV pf yyr'r'f Tif Tyy ,
Odd Fellows Picnic
The Annual Harvest Home piculC I
the Odd Fellow was held in (5firbH
grove south eait of this city, Wrdties
day, and was eoncidoring the weathti
quite well attended. Thete were a
latge number of Odd Fellows here from
other places The lodge and visiting
Odd Fellows met at tint hall at 10-iJO
and headed by the Superior band
matched in a body to tho grove. The
Rev. t (5. lltowu of Superior delivered
a short nddiess on Odd Fellowship
which was listen to with marked attent
ion and while the addicts was shott
still it was appreciated by all who heaid
it. After the addiess dinner and all
pieseut sat down to a most bountiful
feast. After dinner various games and
ninusoinont.s were indulged in The
tug of war between the (iiihlt Rock
lodge and Red Cloud was won by Red
Cloud's heavy weights. There weie
two heats in this race and the first heat
was won easily by Red Cloud but in tho
second heat it icquiicd both suioncuv.nd
strength to win. The horse ' ,. ,
lug contest was won . -"
and J. H. Ball- ,.,"""'" hl,B?"B
ri,() . "i Iho ladles running
vns Very much enjoyed nnd was
I won by the Mcsdaincs Salndun. Tho
fat mans race was won by couufj clerk'
Garber by just a part of tho length of
his.onKU0H Miss. Mabel Saunders
was tho winner .'Ui '10 ladies, tomato
race and Irving Ely "? the tomato
race, for men. In the 'J5 yard atif! (1(11
the stake race Oliver llodgo was tho
winner and Chas fnsblo tho Amboy
illling man of courso won the sack
race. tiii rutin hit men u-nu unn i.t-
Frank Whittwcr. Tho various game
races and aiimseini tits wero hlizhlv en
joyed by all. In tho evening tho mem
bers of this lodge and visiting lodges
initialed live candiates into tho myster
ies of the order. F. W. Cowdcn and D.
W. Turnuro nro to bo highly commend
cd for their efforts to make this picnic
tho grand auoeess that It wns,
- -.
Programme of tho W. R. C. supper
and entertainment Saturday overuinir.
Sept. SO:
Called to order by president,
Song, America.
Remarks, Mrs. Knight.
Song, Myra Griffeth.
Remarks, Joseph Garber.
Reading, Mrs. Chaney.
Music, Mnbol Howard.
Remarks, Mr. Richardson.
Around tho world, Ralph Popo.
Duet, Nelllo West, Stowart Albright.
Recitation. Mamie Widemin.
Solo, Rose West.
Remarks, J S. White.
Solo, Stewart Albiight.
Recitation, Delia Reed.
Song, Albright Btos.
A MedlisTal Megaphone.
curiosity of great antiquity li still
to be Been within St. Audrow'a church
at Wllloughtoii, near Gainsborough,
says mi English muguzlnc. This Is a
quaint tfpcuklug trumpet with un ob
Bcuro early history, dating back to the
times of tho KulghtH Templars. In
Bhnpo it reneuibles a French horn and
1b more than five feet long, having a
belt at tho end of the graduated tube.
It wiib formerly six feet In length, but
Is now telescoped at the Joints, where
the metal has apparently decayed.
'iraOlUon declares It was formerly,
sounded rrom too tower to summon
aid In case of need, as, when blown
at a height, tho weird, deep notes the
trumpet produced could be heard a
great distance away In bygone dnya.
It Is believed that this curious Instru
ment has often been used to call to
gothe the villagers, thus dispensing
with tho usual bell, nnd to give addi
tional power and strength to tho choir,
being then probably used by tho chief
singer, ns tho trumpet Intensifies vocal
Bound to u marked degree.
llrniieclird For n Day.
In the llttlo hamlet of Nordhnstedt,
near Mcldorf, a singular custom Is ob
served annually. According to tradi
tion, It dotca back to tho thirteenth
century. During that era the hamlet
was on ono occasion attacked by a
band of robbers, -and tho men of the
village were soon compelled to beat a
Thereupon the women boldly at
tacked the robbers and not only van
quished them, but also took the leader
nnd several of tho band prisoners. Aa
a token of their grntltudo tho men
have ever slnco allowed the women to
celebrate this great event by holding
a festival nt stated Intervals, and on
such occasions they exercise no au
thority themselves, but submit in all
thliigB to tho will of the women.
Tho latter grcntly enjoy their tem
porary supremacy nnd, ns a symbol
thereof, never fall to fasten n lursc
wooden slipper to every lamp nnd
chandelier In the hnmlet.
A Uront Stickler For Htlqnettc.
Dr. Thompson, mnster of Trinity col
lose, CnmbrldKo, wis an excccdiiiKly
cold nnd nustore mini, never taking
much notice or tho underKraduates un
der his cure. On ono occasion a Trln
lty man happened to bo out wnlklng
nnd wns cnught In a storm. He ran
across n field nnd took shelter beneath
n large tree. When ho nrrlved there,
ho found, to bis horror, that Dr.
Thompson wns beneath It seeking pro
tcctlou from tho rain. For sonio tlmo
both stood silent, watching tho clouds,
till nt Inst tho undergraduate, growing
desperate, ventured to remark that ho
thought It was clearing up a little.
"Sir," snld tho doctor haughtily,
frowning upon tho wretched youth,
"nil communications to tho master of
Trinity must bo made through the
tutors." Kxehnngo.
Wearers of
Should not forget that we carry the
Finest Line of up-to-date Shoes in
this city. In fact WE are the only
concern that handle 3 a reed fine line
ol Shoes. What WE i';iean by this Is:
A good fitting iine finished, stylish
Men's Snoes. The Selz Royal Blue
are the Best Shoes for the money in
The World. Next comes the Perfects
at $3 OO. Selz Kangaroo $2 75.
Magnet Calf $2 50. The Enterprise
at $2 OO. The Top Notch at $1 75.
In Working Shoes WE lead them all
in the Vindicator and Liberator at
$1 75 and the Scalper at $1 50.
A New Nobby Line
of Mats and Suits
Now Ready to Show
A Twenty Year
Life Policy
In an Old Line Company is;
the best kind ot life
'The cash valuo of tho policy at tho;
enu oi tno period, is moro than
you havo paid.
Fire, Lightning) Tornado andl
Life Insurance,
Lin the best Old Line or Mutual'
O. C. Teel, Agt.,i
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Low Rates via Burlington Route.
President Koose volt's visit to Omaha
September 27, during tho Ak Sur-Hon
fostivitcs, will bo a gala occasion. A
gorgeous eloctrical pagoant Saturday
evening, Septomber 27. will bo ono
of the features. This will bo repeated
Octobers. Tho Ak-Snr-bon fostivites
open this year on September 24 and
continue until October 4. Lowrattsvia
the Burlington Route ask the agont.
m 9 m
Back to the Old Home.
Tho Burlington Route has organized
tho low rate of ono faro plus 9'i for tho
round trip from all points on tho It. &
M. It. railroad to many points in Ohio
and Indiana, Tickets on sale Septem
ber 0, 10 and '2.1. Good returning for
U) days, Tickets gold via Chicago,
l'eoriu or Si. Louis Ask tho Hurling
ton agent, or write. I. KinucK (iuneral
l'uisengor Agent, Omaha
Northwrst in September and October
Low rates every day via tho Hurling
ton Ho 11 to 10 points in tho Hig Horn
liuilii of Wyoming, in Montana, Idaho,
Washington, Oregon and British Co
lumbia. Tho Burlington will sell ono
way tickets at uncommonly low ratos
every day in September and Octobor.
Ask the nearest Burlington agont, or
write J. Francis, (ionornl Passongor
Agont, Omaha.
Manual of Soil Culture.
Send mo a 'J-cent. Ntamp and I will
mail you freo a copy of Campbell's
Soil Cultuie Manual a valuable work
that every fanner ought to havo. J.
Francis, General passongor agont,
Glothing Go.
i What Do 5
i You Eat 5
for breakfast. 5
Hard to find any J
thing this time of
the year ? $
Try some of
that hne bacon 5
which we have and
which we are sell- I
ing so cheap. $
g ShererSBradshaw
uutcuers for The I'eoplo.
: Exclusive
j Art Rooms.
A Completa Line of
J Picture Moulding,
Picture Nail; i
Picture Chain,
Moulding Hooks,
Parlor Eammla.
m Mrlim ... aa.. '
Artists' Brushes,
i Artists' Easels J
1 anri Ml.l,.t.i,. &
J Materials for Oil Water Color and
4 Pastel Painting; 1'iuit. Flowor and (
j i.iiiiiiauitiii) oiuuioH, muni painted
t t luuuia mm ouilvoilll'S, OtC , etc.
Artistic Portraits and
J Frames Made to Order.
i Potter Block, Bed Cloud, Neb.
Thro' Tourist Sleepers to Washington,
Tho Burlington ltouto has organized
tho low rato of 831.85 from Bed Cloud
to Washington, D. 0., and return for
tho National Encampment, G. A. B.
Tickets on sale Octobor 2 to 0, inelusivo,
Good returning until October 14, but
extension until Novembora, 1003, may
bo scoured. Through tourist sloopcrs
Omaha to Washington, Ojtobor 4.
Double berth, 83 Ask tho Burlington
agent, or write, J. Francis, general
passongor agout, Oinahn.
I) w
1 I
-l v;