The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 19, 1902, Image 4

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i iv:
One year...
tu month
. uo
Bntered at tnc poll office at Hed Cloud, Nei
Mond clan mall matter.
Pvmlabcd on api'llrnllon.
State Ticket.
for Uotcrnor,
Of Polk County.
for Lieutenant Governor,
K. (I. ll'UII.TON,
or Doiiglnn County.
Kor Secretary o( Mute.
01 Hlcliarilion Count,
Kor State Treamrer.
01 Vnlley Cotmty.
Vor state Auditor'
Of MicrMati County.
For Attorney General,
Of Ghrc Cotmty.
For Commlloiier J'ubllc Undo ami Hulldlnit.
Of Nuckolls County,
For Supetlutcndcnt Public ltntruetlon.
or Vahlnston County
Congresjlorul Ticket
Kor Cocgresimau. Mli District,!
Of Hed Wl.low cottuty.
Legislative Ticket.
Vor senator. Wth dlitrlct,
mm or Xuckolli County.
For Kepreienutlve 4th District,
Of InavaleTowmhlp.
County Ticket.
For County Attorney.
Of Hed Cloud, 3d Ward.
For Commlnloner, tit Dltt..
Of Stillwater Precinct.
For Commlnloner. 4ih Dlt
Of Red Cloud Precinct
If you gave Jtour doy a bi(? ro a calf
aad Inter sold it and pocketed the pro
ceeds, don't join the church until you
have squared up things with :h boy.
It will be a hard matter to keep him
from playngwlth the cat.s tail white
you offer fimily praper? if you do.
Pawnee Cheif.
We beg to acknowledge the receipt of
several dollars on subjeripiton this
week and while we feel very thankful
fr theso favors we will this week ask
the indulgence of our subscribers both
on account of our lateness and lack of
news. Owing to the lack of help we
were unable to put our news matter
iuto typo. We have made every en
deavor to obtain moro help and believe
that we will here after not only furnish
the paper on time but will be able to
maintain our reputation of publishing
the newsiest paper in the county.
There is seldom a week passes, and
hardly a day when citizens are not cal
led upon to contribute something for
cbarlty.s sake. It ia always the mer
chants who are asked to shoulder this
varied andgratuitous giving. Some peo
ple seem to think that those who are in
business can pick up dollars anywhere
and ought to contribute willingly and
liberally every time they asked. As a
rule dollars are not plentiful with buts
ness people than with any other. Just
remember they have troubles of their
own. Beg your money for awhile of the
lank owners and retired men who have
plenty of money drawing interest. The
business men would appreciate the
change. Pawnee llepubliean.
We have had the privelege of read
ing three of the "Simon Sophead"
letters which have been sent to differ
est people in this county and will say
that they are receiving a great deal
more attention than they deserve. Iu
each of the letters, which we read,
some reference is made to the death of
President McKiniey, claiming, in effect,
that it was the Populists who were
responsible for that dastardly deed
No one but a person who was trying to
injure the Republican etue would write
such a letter as such fooluh letter
could only have the effect of causing
PoputUts to tiek to their own ticket
A-to who is the author f the lettei.
wo etu not :tv but have trnui; jtii
ious. The letter are ail mide up oi
about the ame kiad of silly lot and
might more nearly etntnate from a idiot
than one in possession of their sense?
Hut of this all persons tiny be -inured,
they do not come from any one wh
has any thing to do with the Hepudlican
side of the campaign, but are Uaued by
Mno one on the out side and is done oy
ome private individual.
The date set for the holding of the
Vioat o invention has been changed
from September 27th to Friday October
3rd. 1902, owing to the fact that Presi
dent Hoosevelt is expected to be in
Histings ou the 27th of September.
IUmember the date of the convention
is Ootoberatd.
Bonto Mora Facts.
Sue In tnc. Nntion of tho (Into of
Sepu-uihui 11,11)0-.', I iiotictil :t head
ing "Know the truth." Thl is Irit
want Umlci tlii" It-itl thf mtku tin
ns'urtHin Unit 1 put out stoUf In re
giitil to I,. U Pcisigrr Not much
gentluinuu. Put on your own pees
imil rend my circular apiln It sttys
facts us shown in the Huihu Journal
Then they point a letter from J, A
011i, Jr., of Vnlley county to Mr I..
U. IVislger. In this letter Mr Ollis
says that ho was the best posted linn,
on the ill's ntid out's, of any nitiii up
there, meaning I presume in the House.
If lie wns, the !imii journal does- not
disclose tho facts In his letter he s ts
thcio were two classes of men in t e
lnt Legislature One class voting for
n recoiii foi tin uwlve-. and then vote
iu n way to kill it anil the others ti jiug
accomplish some thing for the people
Yes! Tho House Journal and the Senate
Journal disclose the wheio tibouts of
tho nbovo classes nnd it llnds two in
Webster county, Poisiger and Pitney of
the llrst class. Then he says it wns
through Mr. Poisiger'setToi ts that house
roll No. 255, the Oilis bill was sot
through the house, that the other bill,
meaning the Sprcchcr bill was sought
to bo killed by its introducer. But the
House Journal sho'vs that Mr. Sprcch
cr "smoked" the railroad committe out
and brought bis bill to a voto beforo
Mr. Ollis did his, although he, Mr. Ollis,
was tho smartest man there and had
the help of L. C. Peisiger as well. He
says tho Sprecher bill (tho bill reducing
rates all along the line) had been dead
for two weeks before the voto on it was
taken, this goes toshow then, that there
was a conspiracy to kill all anti
monoply legislation and when tho vote
was taken, on tho Sprecher bill, it was
killed by such men as L. C. Peisiger
voting against it. But what was the
matter with Mr. Ollis that ho did not
get his bill before tho bouso while the
other was dead, as ho says, he having
the help of L. C. Peisiger also tho help
of a committo as well Where were
theso gentlemen! Could it bo possible
that thoy were out exercising their rail
road passes? Speak up gents. Let us
havo the truth, although tho House and
Sonate Journal's are sworn to by the
Secretary of State, yet we suppose the
people are looking to you and the edit
or of the Nation for the truth, if so they
will be sadly disapointed.
Read my letter again it miy be the
means of reforming some of you.
Like Joseph of old I can interpert the
Ollis letter. L. C. Peisiger was on the
railroad committee through whose
bands all freight bills had to pass. I
see the Sprecher bill which reduced
freight tates all along the line, go into
their bands and after looking it over
I see them jump on it stamp and pound
it till it is almost dead, then taken
in'o the House where it is smothered
with fusion votes. I see them go to the
committee room get the one leged stock
rate bill, tho Ollis bill, and rush it
through tho house, thinking perhaps,
to cover up their treachery, then send
this Ollis bill to the Senate, there tack
on an amendment and on the last day
it comes to vote and is knocked out
by the Pitney's dodging.
Any more letters you want sized up
gentlemen? Send them along.
Cowles Com foi Pleasant
Sept. 17-02 Hill precinct.
A caucus of the Republican voters of
Batin precinct is called to meet in the
Harris school house, on Saturday, Oct
ober 4th, at 2 p. ru. to nominate precinct
officers and to transact such other busi
ness as may properly come before the
caucus. Robt Harris Com
Will be fatal to the sleep-walker. Will
he draw back or will he take the final,
fatal step? A great many people are in
peril like the sleep-walker. They are
diseased. The disease is progressing
day by day. The time comes when one
more step away from health ia fatal.
The man who has suffered from indi
gestion or gastric trouble
foes some night to a
inner and returns home
to find he has taken that
last step from health
which can never be tak
en back.
To neglect the cure
of indigestion or some
other form of stomach
trouble is dangerous. It
is also inexcusable. Dr.
Pierce's Gotdcn Medical
Discovery cures diseases
of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and
nutrition 'it purities
the blood, stimulates the
liver, cures biliounea3,
and eliminates bilious
poisons from the
. "The praue I would tit
Wjbj tOE'vevmr c.l.Un Mnlic-t,
Uf Dime-y I vanm-t utter to
w ronl or describe with pen
W write Ja II Vm'in h-i
Wg of tjo h Mtfflia -.t Hunt
with what our phvticua aul wa induction
I doctoral wuh the tot around here and found
no relief I wrote ou and ou adutl rue to
u Dr Pierce Golden Medical Ducovery I
ti.k three bottle and I felt o koo.1 that I
toppeU being cured I have no tymptomi ot
tCiitnc trouble or indige-.tion now
If you ask your dealer for "Golden
Medical Discoery" because vou have
confidence in its cures, do not allow
yourxlf to be switched off to a medicine
claimed to be "just as good." but which
vou did not ask for and of which jou
kuow nothing.
You can get the People's Common
tense Medical Adviser, icoi pages, pa
per covers, frtt by sending 3t one-cent
stamps, to pay expense of matlin-' only.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Burfrlo. N. Y.
The WiMnlclitirU.
Perhaps no wild iiiiliiuil Is more fa
miliar to country people tlinn the wood
chuck, livery lillHdo nnd meadow Is
dotted with the xmnll piles of enrth
which mark the doorway to his home.
Tho woodcliuck prefers n hillside or u
knoll In which to dig his hole, for heie
lie can easily make the end of his den
higher than the hcglnntru:, thus avoid
ing the danger of being drowned out.
What could bo more unlike In general
appearance than n woodcliuck and n
siiulrrel? Yet they lire cousins, both
belonging to the fame family of mum
mnls. Tho trim body, sharp claws nnd
nglllty of the squirrels iniikc It possi
ble for them to lend nn nrborenl life,
Jumping recklessly from branch to
branch, while the ilabby form nnd
short legs of tho woodcliuck better
mliipt him for digging than for run
ning or climbing.
The iiittuu' of the food of the wood
chuck Is such that he cannot lay up
stores as the chipmunks do, nor Is It of
mich n kind that It can be obtained
during the winter. The case of this
creature during the winter seems to be.
therefor.', one of "sleep long nnd
soundly or starve." During the win
ter's sleep or hibernation life processes
go on very slowly, llreathlng Is re
duced, nnd the heart beats become so
slow nnd feeble that they cannot be
felt. They como from their winter's
sleep nbout March 1 In New York.
Country Life In America.
Enrlr amr of Animal.
Among the many names for cattle
none Is commoner than those which
come from the roots mti nnd bu, "to
bellow." Hence we have the Akkadian
nm, "bull;" the Turkic cn-ek, "cow;"
the Egyptian nm, "cattle," nnd Jhe
Mongol bukii, "bull," but a more dis
tinctive word Is tor, which seems to
mean probably "horned" nnd which
nppenrs not only as taurus, but ns the
Semitic thor and the Mongol shor.
The bull, whether tamed or wild, was
no doubt well known to early man.
The names for goats arc also sugges
tive of connection and Include tho Ar
yan abt, the Semitic at and probably
the Akkadian uz.
For sheep perhaps the oldest word Is.
the Egyptian ba, but there Is a word
for lamb which seems to be widely
distributed, as the Semitic kor, the
Greek kar and the Finnic karl. proba
bly from the root kar, to "Inclose" or
"guard," as meaning a herded flock.
From the same root come words for
pasture, no doubt allied. Scottish Re
view. The Doctor Didn't Coast.
A Celtic cool; askiV r mistress one
Monday for of absence the fol
lowing Sunday to attend her brother's
"Why." exclaimed the mistress, "this
Is only Monday? Surely, nobody's go
ing to keep a dead body a whole week!"
"He's not dead yet. mum," explained
the cook.
"No? Well, he may die today or he
may live a month. No doctor can safe
ly say that n person will die at such a
time that a day may be sot for the fu
neral." "The doctor's nothing to do wld It.
mum." was the further explanation.
"Ol'm sure Sundny'U be nil rolght. fr
he's slntlnccd to be hung Friday."
MltlRBtlnar ClrenmManeea.
"Are you aware of any mitigating
circumstances in your case?" asked a
magistrate of a negro convicted of
stealing a coat.
"Yes, sah; lots ob 'em. Ef I bad
time, Jedge, I could talk to you for a
week on dat subject."
"If you know of any mitigating cir
cumstance, please state It."
"Yes. sah; I'll tell you ob one right
now, sah. How easy would It have
been for me to bring my family Inter
disgrace and misery, sah. I Jess re
mained single. I nebber mar. led. sah.
Anudder mitigatln' circumstance am"
"Odlccr, remove the prisoner."
Knew Who to Blame.
In a city not subject to earthquakes
there lived a family which had one of
those domestics of the break every
thing they touch sort. Recently the
town experienced a slight shock. Pic
tures were thrown down, crockery and
furniture rattled about In the midst
of the tumult the mistress went to the
head of the stairs and called out in a
would be patient tone, "Mary Ann,
what are you doing now?"
Each to nia Own.
"I teir you." said the bachelor with
the crusty way of thinking, "I don't
believe In this business of henpecked
husbands. I think a married man
should exercise bis will."
"So do I," agreed the woman with
an alimony, "so long as be doesn't in
terfere with the married woman exer
cising her won't." Baltimore News.
The Original Man.
Miss Waynlng To me there Is noth
ing like originality. Nothing would
give me greater pleasure than to meet
an original man. I
Mr. Hartless-If you had been born a '
little sooner. Mis Waynlng, you would
have experienced pleasure In the
society of Adam Richmond Dispatch.
A I. lute 3lltindcrtnndlni;.
Young Mother What will you charge
for a photograph of our little boy?
Photographer Three dollars, madam,
but It will be considerably cheaper for
a dozen.
Young Mother A dozen! Oh. no, we
can't wait so long! LIpplncott's.
A Fnttlillnns Kutrr.
Chlmrale What kinder pie do you
like best?
Mag Oh. I dunno pumpkin. I guess.
Chlmmle Aw, I dou't like pumpkin.
It musses up yer ears so! Smart Set.
He Told Her.
Teacher Johnny Stokes how many
make a million?
The DomeMlo NoeI. " "
The domestic novel may be said to
have begun when the worthy printer
of Derby publUhotl his "History of
Pamela." The way that the Idea of
writing such a lxok occurred to him
Is slgiillkant. lie Imtl been asked by
a bookseller to compile n complete let
ter writer that might serve the ladles
of the middle classes, who were not
versed In polite literature, ns a model
for corresjMindoiiee. RlcliiinUon took
n servant girl as the Imaginary corre
spondent, and then, Introducing n nar
rative to enhance the Interest of the
letters, he produced his Pamela, with
the Intention of both Instructing and
Interesting his renders, so that they
might learn simultaneously the art of
letter writing and the nrt of virtue.
The novel began, therefore, In n series
of letters "the most natural ns well
ns the most improbable way of re
counting a narrative." nccordlnc to one
of Its earliest critics. KIchntdMUi
avows his object he writes for the
women, and, be It noted, for the wom
en of the bourgeoisie. Westminster
The I'bd of the ItlKht Foot.
That the right foot Is, like tho right
hand, ordinarily more mobile nnd nt
the same time stronger than tho left
might be attributed to tho more fre
quent exertion of this side were It not
thnt tho peculiarity Is said to extend
Itself even to the constitution nnd the
left extremltfes are asserted to be more
liable to disease than the right. The
more dltllcult movements In stage danc
ing nre usually executed upon the right
foot, nnd it Is generally considered
that unless double practice bo nccord
cd to the left leg nn ungraceful prefer
enco for the right will be shown by
the dnncers In their public perform
ances. Most people trend more firmly with
the right than with the left foot. There
seems to be n greater capacity for pro
pelling the body with the right foot
From this the horseman springs, with
his left in the stirrup, and unless left
handed no boy In his play hops natu
rally upon the left foot-Tall Mall Ga-
- jj '
One Mlaerr of Analo-Iadlan Life.
Every night at dinner the Anglo-Indian
holds n kind of levee. The In
sects vftilch attend dance gayly round
the lamp, nnd one has to watch one's
plate nnd glass carefully lest some of
the Insects should dance Into tbem.
There Is one Insect a little, flat
brown, shining creature which emits
the worst odor in the world. If one of
these touches your food, the whole Is
tainted and rendered inedible. You
dare not kill these pests, for If one be
squashed the whole room becomes
filled wit'i Its disgusting smelt and Is
uninhabitable for the next half hour.
So these abominable Insects fly about
with Impunity while the poor Anglo
Indian must perforce look helplessly
on and Inwardly sigh "Spero meliora."
London Saturday Review.
The Colon Jack.
British newspapers complain that
Englishmen often hang the union jack
upside down.
To ascertain which Is the "top" nnd
which the "bottom" of a union Jack
look at the diagonal red cross (the
cross of St. Patrick), nnd you will note
that the white "edgings" to It. which
nre really the diagonal white cross of
Bt Andrew, upon which It Is placed,
are much broader on one side than on
the other.
The flag Is right side up when both
these broad white "edgings" are above
the red diagonals on the side next to
the pole, whereas If you get the two
narrow "edgings" of white on the top.
on the Bide next the pole, your flag is
upside down.
St. Cathfcert'a Comb.
It was formerly the custom to bmw
combs with the dead, which clearly
shows that these articles of tho toilet
bad sacred significance in the eyes of
the people of the old world. Tne comb
burled with St Cutbbert and now pre
served at Durham, England, Is of
Ivory and measures 64 inches in
length and 4fa inches In width. It Is
ascribed to the eleventh century and
has a double row of teeth, divided by
a rimm! nlnln linnrl n.pfni-irnH In fha
middle with a round hole for the fin
Familiar Prorcrba.
Mr. Churton Collins, in the New Lib
eral Review, traces the ancestry of
some of our most familiar proverbs.
"It Is a wise child that knows his own
father" is from the Odyssey; "Famil
iarity breeds contempt" is a saying of
Tlutarch; "Set a thief to catch a thief
Is of Cato's coinage; "One swallow
doesn't make a summer" Is cited by
Plato as already proverbial, as was
"His bark is worse than his bite" when
Qulntus Curtlus wrote It down.
The Ilen.on.
Wife I think these new women who
affect masculine attire are ridiculous I
Husband I'm sure there's no dan
ger of your wearing men's clothes.
Wife-Well. I should say not.
Husband No; men's clothes couldn't
possibly be made expensive enough to
suit you. Philadelphia Tress.!.-.
Maud I think that It Is Just too hor
rid for anything. Here I've been stand- '
Ing over the side of the vessel for half
nn hour and can't see It.
Ituby Can't see what, my dear?
Maud Why. the equator The cap
tain said we were crossing It
rnrru.nnnblf Que.tlon.
"What happened 4 Oh years ago this
year?" asked Freddie's teacher.
"Don't know, please, sir." answered
Freddie. "I nm only seven years old."
Thr Miser' Stitrr.
"He lived very poorly."
"Yts. hut he died rleh."-Cblcac
-s a a a - a aAA4444a aaAa&A' lv
rZr.--r&.jS,- ..&t'lKf -"'K027f
Our Stock of Shoes is now complete (or jv
Fall and Winter. We have given a great deal .;
m oi nine uuu iiiiciiiiuu
1 9cnooi i
I Shoes
11 and are confident we can please you in vi
(0 Styles, Prices and Quality. j
W h
( Child's calf Shoes. 5 to 7 1-2, vl
$ at $1 00, 1.10, 1.25. k
( Child's Kid Shoes, 5 to 7 1-2, j-
JJ at 75c, $3.00, 1.25. vl
& Children's Shoes, 5 to 12, $
at $1.00, 1.10 up to 2.00. ft
$ Ladies' Shoes from 60c up to $4.00. jj
ft We can save you 10 to 25c on i
ijfi every pair of Shoes. W-i
Silk Waists.
We are selling our Ladies' Silk waists at
wholesale prices. We have a beautiful line in
all colors in the new styles. Come in and see
them. We have special bargains all through
our Dry Goods stock that will interest you.
m Groceries.
Our Grocery Department is so popular that J
it hardly requires advertising. We have THE W
Stock and lead in
ft Bring us your Produce.
m market for It.
ITurnure Bros.
My stock of WINTER GOODS,
consisting: of
Yarns, Dress Goods,
Flannels, Hoods,
Outing Flannels, Baby Jackets,
And every thing in the way of TRIMMINGS.
Highest Market Price Allowed
in Exchange for EGGS.
i rrwir un a
Will be preserved
1 Groceries
land Meats
of us. Everything neat and clean. A new
lot of Heavy Castor Machine Oils at r ihm'
gallon. Nothing better. Try Mmr of j.
Up-to-Date Grocers and Butchers.
litiiiainji'rnciterlcil, Eto.
red cloud. - . Nebraska
iu -.
We have a
w tli t
fr fr
if you buy your
Johnny Very few on dls earth, mum.
rJ2aKStJL2KT i