vtsvjjJHitfidHF ; fS - iSv AOu C2B5-yJFr:4.'' Kj""1C:'tc'"' - .t 'tiBaaawaaaaawtS BBHKBPBHFNtM?MMfiivfcisKSrB kePhhKL Af xsaaawsiKmMp) JamawaMaaaa' xi'WI' vsHBHtiiuKjIH ii felMIIIHBMIflMHfflEiE9K5H VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 10, 1902, NUMBER ; MINER BROS., SNAP SHOTS AT AUTUMN ATTRACTIONS. HOSIERY. The following items contain explicit information about being well hosed at the smallest expense and you wont find equally low Prices for such excellent qualities anywhere else. Gomspondenee. Items of Interest as Reported bv Chief Reporters at Several Nearby Localities. i Case of Chilerens Hose. Regular value 15c. Our Price 12 1.2c 1 Case Ladies Hos( Regular value 15c Our Price lOc FLANNELIENES. GO pnttorns llnnnelienes rang. ing in price from lCc to 20c per yard, for Waists, Wrapper, ami Kimonos. 1000 mils Remnants in 1 to 5 yard Ienghts at Dc yd. OUTINQB. 2000 yards O'-tting Flnnnel shhrt'.engths. 7 to 12 yd lengths, regular 10c Advance sale Firce 8c calico- 1000 yards Strictly tirst Standard ( prints, light and dark oolors 4c yd mreclal Display of TAalLKLINENB tb fd B2.00 per yard Napkins to match many patterns. LOWLES. Chas. Spinklo bought a wagon of Good and Hennott, Wednesday. JohuTnmp'on wentto I'remnnt, Inst Monday, where he has employment. Huv. Hippelou is attending conference this week. Horn to Mr. and .Mrs. J. C. Waller, iasi saiimiiiy, ugiu. ur. franklin in attendance Mr. mid Mrs. J K. Sininions liave gone to Franklin to visit the hitters parents. Misses. Margaret (Srccnalgh and Georgia Scott entertained their friends at the (Ireenalgh home, last Friday night. A plensant time was enjoyed by nil. A vetenary surge en from Hurr Oak, Kansas, was here, Wednesday, to doctor Jack Wullois colt which was cut in the barb wire. Dr. Eranklin was hero on business, last Wednesday. Miss Kdith Kdson returned from Doweeso, Saturday, where she has been visiting relatives for tho three weeks. Mrs. Tait of Ilul Cloud is visiting relatives here this week. Ihe Cowles ball tenm went to Frank lin last week and played two days at tho county fair against the Franklin team and won both games. Score 4 to 14 and 6 to 6. Tho boys were not at all pleased over tho way they were treated by tho Franklin people and have no desire to go there to play again. NORTH BRANCH, KAS. Light shower of rain visited us Tues day evening. Knima Poland commenced her school Monday. Delia Haskins is Mill improving in health. At last report Corn Parsons was no better. Ft one Fngoii started, Monday, for eolumbus, Ohio, to take a course in n Medicnl School. Will Fishburn is on the sick list. Wm. Clitic's brother from Clatluda, Iowa, is making him a visit this week. Mrs. Pollock, Junius and Ina were pluasenl callers at Toland's, Sunday. Mabel Smith and Forest Collins of North I5ninc.li were married at Nelson Nebraska, Monday, September 8th. Kev. Hester's brother, from Ohio, will preach nt North Branch, next Sun day. John Zopp has the drop on somo boys who wuru in his mellon patch. John is jnst ahead two horses. Mrs. W. P. Clnwson and Mrs. Jas. Saunders who havo been visiting friends in Colorado returned tho Hist of tho week. Mrs. J. C. Crane who has boon visit ing her father in California, returned to her home last Thursday. Mr. Neiwnngcr and family of Mc Cook, aro now residents of ltladon hav ing moved in Albert Wiiutlo's property. Mrs. Lvdia Lockhart returned Tues day, to Iter home in Ked Cloud after a sojourn of several weeks in this vicinity. A party of liladon cilir.ous waited upon tho Carleton Concert wagon, Tuesday evening and invited them to movo on, warning them of tho con sequences they returned. Every truo populist should road Ed (iilfords letter printed in tho Chikk of September nth, Ed. knows what ho is talking about. Among those who attoiidcd the roun ion was Mr. Mid Mrs, A. Wnutle, Frank Watiiie, Dr. Koolor, D. S. Phelps, Kobt. Boyd, Vet Widdcrchein, Mary. Grace and Mablo Boyd and Charles Morey ami lady (row Blue Hill, Clearing Sale on Fancy patterns I thscrd yasd wide PERCALES. Regular price of 84 12 I-2C Special MINER BROS. DUTCH FLAT. Mr. Milllor, wife and son had dinner with Mr. Houghtaling, Sunday. MIsb Maud Hutchison was calling on Mrs. Shannon, this week. Fern Hutchison spotty StnoTay with Mr. Shannon's boy, last (SJId'ay. Mr. Frazier and wife l the, pastor and wife had dinner Witlf Mr. Merrill, 9 it rcnctgd BLADEN. Mrs. Wash Heed returned from Hast' ings Monday evening. Kov. Priestley is attending confer ence at Wymoro this week. W. D. Wayman and Mr. Letner drove to Ked Cloud Tuesday. James Lockhart was transacting business at Red Cloud Tuesday, Mrs. Clarence Frarao went to Law rence Monday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Werner of Blue Hill, Sundayed with their son Fred South of town.) C. A. Kastorlay who has been in Cali fornia in the past month returned home, Saturday. Dollia McCallum, Cora Loe, Warner and Josio GrandstaiT v ero passengers for Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Minnio Christio of Genoa, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wash Reed. Among thoso who wont to Holdrcdge Friday, to see the elephant were: W. E. Thome, Cal. Morey, Con Uagnns, Alva Cox and lady, Walter McCoy, Ed. Wrattan Geo. Denny and wife, O. Goodoll, H. Knapp and daughter, Ed. Doylo, Jas. Saiuders, Jack Cox, Wm. Bennett, D. O. Bonnott and wife, Wm. Scrl anal wife, L. E. Spence and wife, John Boom and two sisters, Sid Pounds, John Hall and family, Jack Moore and many others whoso names we cannot get. S-VaA- vVVVaVV FOR SALE 8 Duroc Jersey I All eligible toregister. Inquire of M. W. Dickerson' or at my farm, 2 miles soutn ana 3 miles west of Red ' Cloud, J. E. JACKSON. rYWAAAwA'' last Sunday. Rev. A. W. Cortner preached an elo gant sermon to a largo audience in our midst last Sunday Mr. Sproulo was calling on tho ladies at M. Houf htaling's while tho old folks were away from bomo. ' Mcssors.fHoughtaling, Michcal and Shannon havo a now patent on stacking which they indented while theshing for Mr. Houghtaling in Jewel counts Elmer Frazier opened school -wiUia uno turn ouioi senuian, monuny morn- ifl(. h , t Wednesday t . 1 ..- Il!ft.. ...I.!1n Mian llnlLinUt. V weild.stfrt! rod across tho lino in Neb raska. Tlie Odd Fellows of this locality at tended tho picnic, Wednesday, in groat shapo and Frank Whittwer won tho foot raco in good shape, but Mr. Shan non coufd not win tho walking rr.qe On a couut of the second heat, City Dray and Express Line. J. S. Mooro has purchased live lots south of Mr. Bonner's pluco and has fenced, them in. Davo Crow was a passenger for Swanton Monday, to seo his brother who is dangerously ill. Mrs. Proistly who has been visiting in tbo eastern part of this state return- m B, Sn. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the cfty. 'Charge's as 'JjW as the Lowest , ,,r - " I f mtv AftfeKitSibR ACAMfe'teXPRESS CO. " PLATT 8b "FREES CO.. Chicago '- Lumber - Yard. RF.D CLOUD, NEBRASKA Lumber, '.Lime,, Coal and Cement. garfieLd. Dean Smith Is again at homo working Tor his tathor, helping him to get in readiness to feed a load of cattle Miss Cora Wolf wont, to Rod Cloud Monday whoro sho wlUisnjourn this wook then she will return Jtu her homo at Clarke, Nobraska. -y Tho party at Schneiders just across tho line, last Saturday nigtU, was well attended and was quite an- enjoyable affair. Mrs. Pearl Ailes Is quite scrtonsly ill with a cold. A littlo boy came to town latft week and concluded to make a long dtay with Mr. and Mrs. Art. Parsons. There was a party of yoiing people assembled at tho now corn crib of Chas Ailes on Monday night and chased chased several hours away with merry 41 i t f games, me lames were present in only limited numbers. Georgo Coon has already placed bis feeders In tho yard nndliascomnionced to get them on feed. if CORE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood arc found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow a'nd some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of. fat. 'Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by fcedinc the bone marrow and the SDleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. , For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Semi for free sample. SCOTT & IIOWNlt, Chcmi'H, 409.41$ 1'carl Mrrrl. NewYork. joe. aud f 1,00 1 all druggists. GUIDE ROCK. Ernest Jones and Earl Crary are spending this week in Lincoln, taking In the sights. I. B. Colvin drives a now span of bays now, on ac:ount of tho incrooso of tho real estato businoss. Colvin nnd Barcus sold two farms this week near North Branch. R. S. Proudlit is having a Uno trado this fall. Tho farmers urn lots of wheat in thu bin and aro building new barns and corn cribs to hold tho big corn crop. Rodert Uarison is building quito an addition to his residence in town. Let tho good work go on. Mr. Bragg and Mr. Riscl of Boaver township, two of our most energetic farmers, were in the first of tho week And thoy say their corn crop is good enough for nny county. You never hear themjgrowling about hard times or tho dry weather. Frank Guy and Attorney Overman returned, Monday, from their busijcss trip to Oranha, Wo had a small scrap and law suit last Saturday night, before Squiro Colvin. Both parties ontored pleas of guilty and paid their lines and tbo cases wore dismissed. John Dunbar and brother say tho Republican river is a lino place to catch fish and big ones too. Tho frost did not hurt tho corn crop hero it was to far along for Jack Prost. Wednesday, tho pony which Wm. Miners youngest son was riding to school fell with him and tho boy's arm was broken below tho elbow. Dr. Pace was called and set tho arm. Boys should bo careful and not rldo to fast CONTINUED ON TAE 8. Books Fortune Favors A Texan, "Having distressing pains in head back and stomach, and being without appetite, I began to uso Dr. King's Now Life Pills," writes W. P. Wh ite hoad, of Konnediile, Tex., "and soon fnii. Hko a now man." Infalllblo in stomach and liver troubles. Only 25o nt O. L Colting's drug store. Given Free. Commencing, Saturday, June 21st. Below we. give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arabian Ntghti (9)Nw and Tteviaedldltlon The Fortnuea of Nlgol.... Scott Iranhoe ............. Scott lleyond the City (9) A. Conan Dojle Strange Secreta... ....A. Conan Doyle All Sort and Condition! or Men.... ... ........... lleiant and Klce Jet................................Edwardt Knight Errant................. Iyall Boppo the Conicrlpt... Anthony Trollope Chicot the .Teller........... ....... ...Dutnaa Counteiu do t'hrny....................0umaii Love and Liberty..- .Dumaa The Conscript - - Dumaa Vlcomto do llraKclonne........ ............ .Dumaa CouKuelo .- Sand The OoimtcBH of Hii(tolita(lt..............Snd Indiana - Sand Pnnchou the Cricket....... ............fcHiul Deldce ... ..- -Warden Confensloimof an KiiRlleh Opium Enter . . -De Qulncy OoldKlHle Mnrlltt A Daughter ol llelli - lllack Tho Froiitlcmmcii Vi) .............. .-..-.-Atuiard The Ullthcdiile Homnnce Jliuvlhornc Ardath Marie Corclll Uarda................. .-... El) its rilgrlm'H 1'roKrcita . lluiijnn Tho Decmittcra . Hall C'alno Humphrey Clinker Sinollct Corliino De Stacl I'arla Sketch Hook Thackeray Tho Man Who Was Hood Menlsk Jack Horner.. Mary 8. Tlernnii Homoiielle .- MaryS. Tlernnii fcodlandcrit Tlios. Hardy TheDcsiro of tho Eyes..... Grant Allen Not In the" VroapectiH Danforth Janiunt9. ...... . - Loll A New Noto .McMahon DraKon'a Tcelh -.Serrano The Cedar Star - Mann The Crystal liutton-. ThomaN A LIvIiir Me llourget One of these tjooks will be given with eyery dollar you pay on subspription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free, l,f you pay two dollars on subscription you get two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one 01 tnese handsome bqoks. One Minute Cough Cure, cure That Is what it was made Mr. Come in and get one before they ar aU gone. ."- !W I! . lit ajrriiifcnlftf JlMJ1fl"tfvl'"wwimlr'11' WtKtKHt' riTtVjtti&tijm tf fMf ' ai... .-- .. fHW S''W La m " K mmmAlJfcl--J3BMB3biM ... ' '"inn ,. iu