, rn.' I t V , ' DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads th news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures mane uy ur. i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, II 1 1 jp LIST - Hl I j A 1 Is I the nreat kidney, liver li. and bli ladder remedy. e iiisinc (jrcai iticui--i rat Irlutnnh of llir. nln. liTlf Iri-nlh rnUrt HU. 'I covered after year3 of 1)1 scientific research by sj Dr. Kilmer, the eml nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and BrlghTs Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root 13 not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and ftvfl' send your address to i!JiiWiJiV...i3l Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,Bing- ISnjWW IKHKisSS hamton, N. Y. The mg31l regular fifty cent and Hororo-.flmp-no. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggist. Biliousness "Ilmvo itaeit yoiirvnluitlilc CAM'A III'. IN and Unit liicm perfect. Couliln t do without them. 1 linvo used thoin forhomu tlmo for indigestion ami lillloiiHiicssuiidnni now com l'JOO Ii5 Real Estate Transfers. Trtinxfi'iH for tin) week ending Weil; nesiliiy, Sept. 10, furnished by J !! Ditiley nf the Webster County Abstract company Wlllimii IM-iingCo. to Ulintoti ll.'Cash'i.di'td, MjiwJ, wj c w J sej 8 .'1 0 3 William J. Vance to Wesley Wilson, wil, lots'Jl 'i'i block 12 I till Villi' Seltoreil K. Morcy to Stephen Hruce, w il, block I Morcy'.s add to ltluo Hill South Western Ins. Co to (Jeo. 1$. Middltiton, i':d, c aw wj sej tl'J 1 112 Kiliih M. Secly, hush, to I). H. SpniioRlu, wil.C'iscl SI! 1 12 1). 1). Spanoglo to (Jeo 11. Middlti ton, wd, ejsei !22 1 12 C. 11. Tonehworth to W. K. Mont gomery, w (I, lot II block 12, Guidu Hock Win, K. Montgomery to (Jeo. Hooves, w d, sumo Harrison Kailoy and wife- to Wm. II. liarcus, w d, lot 1 block 4, Vnnees add to Guido Kodk John AShceloy and wiio to Win. II liarcus, wd, lots and 3 block 4, VancoH add to Guido Hock Martha Ann Columbia to.Sinion" 11. Walker, wd part n s$ M 1 4 William U liarcus and wifo to Simon U. Walker, w d, part nej soH 1 0 1 psnn.n...nnnnnnnn.......n....n..nn....ii 1 050 1000 150 300 800 1800 1G00 Total Mortgages Hold, $40117. Mortgages released, $780.'). $70JG pie Urn tlic family. i..,ni ,.nr,.,i iiiimmi'ful tlirm. tout cry one. . . ill . . ...Itt.i.nl Itinm In nco IHOU, you will never uu Hiimmk "'" " " l.UW. A. MAIU, jmuuuv.ii. i. CANDY CATHARTIC i,AmMin tcvdccocvo THAOI MANN SISISTIfttD t'letusnt. I'nlalatiln. Potent. Taste flood. Do Oixxt, Nerer Mlrkon. Weaken, ur llrlpo. 10c. JSc. 6O0. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... H.rll.t H,m,i, rp;, I Mr if , Mlrrtl, lit. Tf. Ml W.Tfl.HP Sold unit iriiarnntppil tir all drag- I UBAU iititi to (Jllltt: Tobacco liable AFTER WORKOREXERCM3EM PONDS EXTRACT Soothes Tirod Mutclos; Rcmovoa Soreness and Stiffness. Don't talto tho weak, watery Witch Haiel preparation., represented to bo "the samo as" POND'S EXTRACT, which easily sour nnd nenerally con tain " wood alcohol," a deadly poison. K THHTASTEVCRV Tf tIuuSSj Wm Kepubllcan Float Convention. Tho Hepublican electors of the 40th. Uoprosentitivo District, consisticg of tlic- counties of Adams and Webster, ate requested to send delegates to meet in convention nt liluo Hill, Nebraska, on Saturday, September, 27th. 1002, nt 1 o'clock p. in. for tho purpose of placing in nomination a enmudato for represe ntative for said Kith. Representative district, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly comu beforo said convention. Tho counties are entitled to lopesontation in said convention as follow, to-wit-Adams county, 18 delegatus, Webster county, 12 dolegHtes. A.T. Hiutton, Chairman. Don't Be Fooledi Take the gen original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madlion Midi elite Co., Madlioa, WU. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, .13 centi. Never el4 In bulk. Accept no asbitr tale. Aik your druggist. m Iilllll'ini PitHa, Fortune Favors A Texan. "Having distressing pains in head back and stomach, and being without appetite, I begun to use Dr. King's Now Life I'illfl," wiites W. 1 White head, of Kenncdule, Tex., "and soon fall llko a now num." Infallible in stomach iliul liver troubles Only 2.1c at C. h. Cotting's drug store. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postolllco at Hud Cloud, Neb. raskfl, for tho WCOk ondlng Soptombor, 11, 1002. Ucsslo Austin 0. Herman Grensiug. A. E. Harris. W. II. Kennody-2, Geo. Myers. Wm. l'liilllps. Cora Tayot. Theso letter."! will bo stmt to tho dead lottor oillce September 26, if not called for beforo. When calling for above please say "advortiscd." T. C. Hack Kit, Postmaster. Statk of Ohio, Citv okTui.kdu, I Lucas Countv. p Fkank J. Chknky makes oath that he is senior partner of tho lit 111 of F J. Ciif.nky & Co., doing business in tho City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that Miid lirni will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDHKI) DOLLARS for eacli and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Cataimiii Cuhk. FHANKJ. CIIKNKV. Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed in my presence, thitfOiu day vf Decem ber, A.I). 1880. . A. W. GLKASON, j skal J. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on tho blood a tut niucoiu sui faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7."iu. Hull's Family Pills utc the bust. A Bos Wild Ride Eor Life. Witli family around expecting him to die, and a sun riding for life, 18 miles, to got Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs, and colds, W. II. Drown, of Loesville, Intl., en dured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured liim. He writes; "I now sleep soundly avary night." Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pn umonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and grip prove its maU'hluss merit for all throat and lung tratibles. Guaranteed bottles r0c and 81.00. Trial bottlas frao at C. L. Cot ting's drug store. Low Rates to the Black Hills 'i'l Iliirlingtun Hoiitcliasaiiinninciil I rules to the Dlack Hills nf s tu 1). kni:i for the following ilaii'- .1 1 ,' 1 t i:i August 1 to 11, a:i, si, :io, :n s. p. 11 111 her 1 to 10. On other d tjsu: ti! S ( t iiiher 15 low rates somuwlial liigim ti'iin those in effect on .lie nliove ilnie-' wi I bo of feted. Sylvan Like, j-.ot S.uiims, Deadwootl, IjndCity, Spcsr f ib and a number of other points in the 18 nek Hiils nro well worth visiting. Any Hiiilingtoii Houto agent will be gl-nl to tell joti more about these e.toui. -inns A Parson's Noble Act "I want all tho world to know," wn'esltev. C.J. Duillong, of Asliawa, It. I , "what a thoroughly good and reliable medicine 1 found in Klcetric Hitters. Thov cured me of jiundlci' and liver troubles that had caused 11.0 gteiit MilTcring for many years For it gonuiiie, ull-aiounil cure they exivi an) tiling 1 ever saw." Klectrio Hitters are tho surprise of all for their wonder ful work in liver, kidney nnd stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by C. L. Cotting. ( Wifa J LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA. Every Day In September and October Via the Burlington Route. To Ban Francisco, Sacramont , Los Angeles, Sau Diego and many other poiuts in California, tho Burlington Houte has mulo tlio extraordinarily low rate of 8M.00 from Hod Clolui Neb Tourist sleeper daily from Omaha, Lin coin, Hastings and other main lino points. Stopovers allowed at many California poiuts. Ask the Burlington agent or write, J, Francis, general pas senger agent, Omaha. MRS. L. S. ADAMS. Of Unttcatoii, Tpxtxa. "Wine of Cardul is Indeed a blessing tu tired women. Having suffered for stven years with weakness and bear Ins;. down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardul was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who Lave disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any o theso ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at homo with tliis great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases 'which doctors have failed to benefit. "Why not begin to get well today? All druggists havo $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thodford's Black-Draught should bo used. ForadTtceandllteratnre.aildrcii.glTlne; iyniptomi, IheLadlM' AdTlsory Oepart- iiicni, mo immianwu .looicino 10. luuuwooga, i renn. Not Doomed For Life, ''I was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McConnellsville, O., "for piles, and listulu, but, when all failod, Duckleu's Arnica Salve cured 1110 in two weeks." Cures burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, eruptions, salt rheum, piles or no pay 25c at C. L. Cotting's drug store. iWINECARDU! fShavff,r You arc "Next" at Oliver SchafTnit's Barber Shop, Basement Potter-Wright Building BON TON :BflKERY and cftfE.' When in Cow 11 eat. at the Bon Ton wliuie it is clean, cool and no Hies. '15 cent Meals at All Hours (Soua Fountain is Opkn l SFifty-siv tlilluicnt kinds of summer X drinks. W. S. I3EN3E, Prop. COLVIN & BARCUS, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Lock llox X. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold sect exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADK. TKIIM HEASONAULK To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fulls to cine. E. W. Grove's signature li.;n each box. 25c. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days. Morton I.. 11111 of Lebanon. I ml. tnti: "Mv vrlfu had ltitlnimnatory rliuiimatlhin In every miifrcli! and Joint; tier MiITerlni; was terrible and her body am! faruvrcru uwooleu almost lieyoml reroKiiltlon ; had been In bed for nix wccWh and had clKht phyHlclniiR, but received tut benefit until "lie tried the .MyMlu Cure fur.ltheumatlMn. It kavc immediate relief and ithu was Hble tu walk about in three day, lam Mire Ithavcd her life." Sold by 11. E. (Irlce. DniKKlkt, i;iuuii, ieii. Crtirr Afr (.tornA 5 ajwmwd urumiu, : Razors Honed,; lied Rheumatbm Cured in a Day. MvfitlnCuro for rheumatism and tieurnlKla readily cures In from one to three tUyt. lth nc tlou upon tho system Ih remarkable Htnlrnvh terloiiH. It remoTCH at once the chikc and the disease Immediately dliaiipcam. The tlrstilosc rreallythcnetltK. 7.'i cents and II. Sold by II, K. Uriee. dtiiKKM. Ked Cloud. Neb. JOHN BAHKLEV, House Moving and Raising A Sl'KCIALTV. All work guaranteed satisfactory. ' Your work solicited. JUHNG. POTTEK, HTTORNGY-KT- L.TXlai; Over Mi.or's (Jroeery Store. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.. ANIJ J ALL KINDS OF EDGE? lUULb bHAKlJhWHU All kinds of barber work executed promptly nnd satisfaction guai anteed. Stops the Cough and Works olf the Cold Laxative Dromo-Ouinino Tabids cures a colli in one day. No cure, no pay 3; cents. t,lOc Genuine stamped C. C C. Never acid In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." ECHICHCHTCR'S ENGLISH EHNYR0YAL PILLS YT--v Orlalnal and Only tlrnulnr. JLVHA'K. Al-.i.r.li.l.l. l.nir..itlruiilK In IlKII nt (luld ni.l.lllo boir. ...1 lib tint ilbboa. TaLvnoothrr. Itrruar WmKt ru Hubattlutlonn and Imita tions. Huj nt jour limxcttl, vr mo 1 4p. la Lap. lot I'nrtlruUrn. TrMlmanlnlf M "ItflU r for l.ndlm.-'m Ifllw, lj rt. lurnMnll. lo.lllill rr.tlnmnltlt Holllif llru.rl.t.. f 'IiII.mIw l'l.n.lKl ilm-. llculluu Oils puprr Mulioii It, I'lillu., l'a. CXdCaK They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carets Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. r I r ii Will it Pay to Attempt "Freak Taxation?" Reason fa? Comparison with Other States."- (Issued Un'der Authority of the KUllroadsbf Ncbmska.) 1 INAVALE. PelnjiHl rnrrcbpondetiru Tliero was ijuite a party assembled at tlio home ol our genial towns man, Mr K. 1) Davis, Inst Sunday, l'hosu present weiu Mr. and Mrs. C Hunter and son, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Davis and son, Mr. Bay McCalltmi, out Agent, Mr Sam. Lindsey from northeast of town, Mr. and Mrs C C. Miller, Mrs F. B. Baker, of lltuuansvillt' Mo,, who is a sister of Mr. Davis and Mr. .lames ' Tenins, an old time friou I fiom Wis i cmimii. The table was bountifullv DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Ufonumvl You cart be cured of any form of tobacco unlno MiiT. be ni.de well, .tronBl inacnMlc. full ol tnat makes weak men MroiiK, Many roTb Un pound, in ten dajrb. Over 500.000 C -:A"idin,n5lS&..Cure KUfantee.l.' Hook Eii!n38 Jn5?Ul- A,lJress STI'.RI.INQ KBIUtOV CO., Chicago or New York. 437 m . PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM piMSMa uiil bttutlDM tot 04lr. l'rufUDUl n laiurlftnt vrnafh Mnver FnlU to JUilore Orj Curti Klp diwtHi n hilr ttllinf' spread with, not only the substantial thums of life, but with all tho delicacies of the season, Mrs. Davis tuteitaiued in liei usual eliarmiiig maimer so it is needless to say it was a very enjoyable tunc 8W& Tola alfuataro is on every box of the geaulo Uxitive Bromo-Quinine Tbtu tit rmdy that oum eold ! oaie Uy mmmattMgmtmiMvizmmwi BtUKtS WrltHt Ml tiat Alio. un ilwt Uougb tijrrup. 'I'BJiten Good. DH In time. Hold by drugglntn. . d Theso great increasos mean a great doal to tho laboring mon, and they mean a great deal to tho producing class who have tho chance to feed a larger number of working men. And tho working men have tho monoy to pay for tho produce. There nro at the present timo 1,000, 000 more hands employed in tho fac tories and iudustrios of the country than thcro were in 1606. This repro Bouts u wage oarning of moro than one million dollars per day. In 1800 the f too silver saoutora talkotl much about the silver interests and their impor- tttuco to the country. What a small item tho silver buBlnesa is after all, compared with the Increased amount of monoy paid oat for wages. In the stato of Nebraska, aooordlng 10 mo government reportt, 137 institu tions employed 033 hands in March, 1805. Tho samo institutions in March, 1898, omployod 1,284. Tho total In croaso in wages paid amounted to $28, 637.31 for tho month. Taking tho wholo country over, tho wages paid per tyiplta for tho mouth of March, 1805, averaged a LOO; for March, 1808, tho average was 138.00 a not gain of over 11 per cent. In the articles which have hntnedVat'cly preceded this, we have given the details of taxes paid by the railroads of Nebraska, atid the amounts they have paid in the several counties of the state, and It will be noticed that in the foot-notes which accompany the figures given, there is a line of comparisons, showing what other states have done in regard to the taxation of railroads which run through their common wealths. In the matter of taxation, as in any other business matter, the people of Nebraska desire to, and nat urally should keep in Hue with what is done in other states. No greater disaster could occur to the state of Nebraska, than if, by ill-advised action, it should throw itself out of line regarding matters of taxation of corporate property or of any property. It may be a taking proposition for a demagogue to advocate the over taxing of railroad companies and thereby work a hardship against them that would not accrue to other lines of property within the state, but it would be an advertisement that would pass through the whole United States, proclaiming that the p '" of Nebraska did not intend to be as fair with capu... ' ntatcs of the Union. It would reproduce here in Nebraska that prejudice which took Kansas a term of at least ten years to dispel. The comparisons which we have made in these foregoing statements Include every state in the Union, with the exception of Massachusetts. In Massachu setts, New York and several other states, laws have been passed which work a hardship against railroad corporations. In New York, the onerous tax paid by the New York Central railroad is being tested in the courts; its ill-advised law is working a hardship against that road, while not injuring the others in the state to any extent. In Massachusetts, through a contract made in the early days between the corpora tions and the state, and their excise laws, the taxes are out of line with what is done in other states, and there is a general movement among the business people of that state looking to the correction of this abuse. In Harper's Weekly of February 15, 1902, the fol lowing is an extract from an editorial in regard to this mattet. "There is a very strong movement in the state of Massachusetts for rational corporation laws. The commonwealth la waking up to the fact that, under its present lawa, large modern corporations cannot be organised in the atate, and Massachusetts capital is seeking investment elsewhere. Not only the corpora tion law is restrictive and narrow, but the tax laws arc as unreasonable as those of New York. Both states tax all the property of a corporation wherever it is situated, and this is double taxation. An effort is being made in New York and will be made in Massachusetts to put an end to this system of double taxation. There Is a feeling abroad that New Jersey should not remain the refuge of all comblna- rf'lfT i? I ta;.:lj!'" tlons which Svant liberal treulittent." In Wisconsin it appears that they hs,Vc an entire ly "different form of taxation for railroad corporations 'from other states, as the taxes arc collected in the form of an excise tax, being collected on the gross earnings of the companies "in such a way that while the tax is heavy on thosn roads which have a large earning capacity, it ti very light on those which are operating at a loss. This form of taxation looks fair, but it would not be popular in Nebraska, because all of the taxes charged against railroad corporations in Wisconsin arc turned into the. state treasury and they are relieved from paying taxes locally along their lines. In the poorer counties of Nebraska, this would mean practically bankruptcy. In Wisconsin there is a general movement looking towards a Change in the form of taxation. After having tried a law something of the same character as that of Wis consin, Michigan has returned to the direct form of taxation. This whole subject of the payment of taxes on the part of the railroad corporations resolves itself into a question us to how much of their revenue should be diverted to this purpose. If the taxes were out of reason, it would place Nebraska in an unenviable light before all Investors. Kor political reasons, a few men have made them selves prominent by advocating a system of double taxation of railroad property in the state, but when the people once understand what is done, and how it is done, we do not believe their efforts will avail. The railroads of Nebraska, up totlie present time, have not earned an undue amount oil the investment made; for a series of years there was no profit derived from the investment as a whole on Nebraska rail roads, and while during 1900 two of the railroads paid a fair dividend on the capital invested, very many of the railroads in the atate failed to render any returns whatever to their owners. Nebraska has not as yet got the population, aer the completed system of railroads which would war rant this state in imposing such obligations on the corporations which now exist, that would drive all future investors in such property from the state. The figures which have been given are all from reliable data which can be investigated by any one so disposed; the averages per mile being from the report of the Iutcr-State Commerce Commission, and the details of the business of the different roads are taken from their official reports, while the figures here In Nebraska are taken from the auditors' officts of the different railroads. We will now continue ouricomparisons with other property in the state, showing some remarkable facts concerning the changes in value in various counties, and how by these changes, the railroads have been obliged to carry more than their proportionate share of taxation. Tho following tno.o"iM nmumlmt'iit to the I'oiistltullon of tile Mate of Nelirutka. as herein after net fortli la full, Ih Mibmllted to the elect ort of the state of Nebraska, to be voted iinoa at the general election to be held Tuesday. November 4, A. I). IWU' n . " A Joint resolution roo!liiB to amend cectlon nnu of attlcle llfteen of the Coimtltutluii of muciaiu oi .-ciraKu, reiatue to the man tier of MibmlttiiiK and adopting amend neat, to the Constitution of the Mate of Nebraska, lit it Htsolml anil Knaclnl ly tht l.aiittaturt of tht .stale oj .Xebiwku: Ski this I. That -ectlon one of article llfteen of the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska Ur amended to read us follown; .vcllon I. Either branch of the lecMaturf may propose amendments to this Constitution, and If the same be agreed to by three llfthi of the members elected to each house, such pro posed amendments shall be entered on the Journals, with the cns and nays, and published , iuwi utti-ui-iitii m-cK iii m icasi one newspa per In each county where a newspaper Is pub 1 shed, for thirty days Immediately preiedliiR lie next election of senators and repretenta tlvcs, at whlcli election tho same sliBllbesub mlttcdlotheelecloiNfor approval or rejection, and If a majority of the electors voting at mcli election on such proposed amendment. Khali vote to adopt such amendment, tho same thall become a part of this Constitution. When more than one amendment Is submitted nt thesant electlpii. they shall bo so submitted as to en sbk' tu."Jlvctors to vote ou each amendment separately, All ballot! used at such election on such nluciiiiment or amcndmentH shall liuve written or printed thereon tho lollowlng: For porp;jSA amendment to the Constitution retail".. tohrar 'i'f1 ,lht' bubJ?ct or lb (Wndment) and. tioiireiutjngiofhcre i(18Crt the subject oftba Buii'imua'ni, and the vote of each elcctot such amendment or amendments shall bo designated by the elector by making a cross wllh a pen i pencil In a circle or square to be placed at tho right of the lines the words "For or Against" the proposed amendments, as he shall desire tu vote thereon, or by Indicfttinc bW preference on a voting machine when such machine is In use. I, (Jeo. W. Marsh, secretary of state of thr state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constltu lion ot the Male of Nebraska Is n true and correct copy of thu original enrolled and en grossed bill as passed liv the twenty seventh session of the leglslaluto of th Mate of Ne iirnsna. appears from seld original bl 1 ou tile lit this olllee. and that said proposed amend meat i submitted to the iiualllled vo ers of the Male of Nebraska for their adoption or rejec tlou at the general cloillnu to be held on Tuex day thu 4th day of November, A. I). lui in tcstlmnu) whereof, I have hereunto set my ban and alllxed the great seal of tho Slate ol Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 221 day of .Inly, In thu carof Our l.unl Due Thousand Nine Hundred ami Two, of Hid Independence of the United Mates the one Hundred and Twenty seventh, nud of this state thu Thirty sixth. UKO. W. MAUSII. Imkali Secretary of Mate. TIMETABLE. B & M. B.Y It ED ULOUD NED It, LINCOLN OMAHA CIIWAUO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and ull points cast and south. DENY Eli HELENA UUT'JE SAL'I LAKE C' PORTLAND SAX FRANCISCO and all poinlt west. r7Z en No, No, No No. tiuins leave as rou.owa: 13. 1'assenger dally for Obcrllu nnd St. Francis branches, Ox ford, McCook, Ueuveraud all points west 8;io a.m. 14. I'asseuger dally for St. Joe, Kansas Clly, Atchison, si, bonis. Lincoln via Wymote and all points east and south 2 -3' a.m 21, I'assengcr. dally. Dcnyer, all points in Colorado, Utah and California .. .. g.oj p M , ti. Passenger, dally for St. Joe. Kansas city. AtchtioiftVaiit Louis and all polnti eaitV.la louth 1 io.ti1. . -- xtw Ns. 1T4. Accommodation, dally excent ngs. urana :?.! all Sunday. Haitln land, Ulack Ullla and points in the northwet... :0oM, No, 173. Dally except Sunday, tfx ford and Intermediate polnuiJiaop.is, SUeplng. dining, and reclining chair cant' (eats free) on through trains. Tlcteta aold arji BR"o"rSnaS " '"y P,at ,n tt K c.Tioro,n,r.'rj,nAe sksmwj k."8k Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, (Juneral PaiiiriMT, Altnt Omaha. Nahrmkn ' ,us1" ramnftri "Wl1!! THE CHIEF, $1.00 per year. km IV ' SN