The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 12, 1902, Image 3

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"'r,ur ""i might partlilp.itc limine set Ills l nip tin- homy old
re tilled 111 11 crown, n tu i.niinti ....,i -..i,,iti....i .... " Mmmv
"MoiO Will"! glldoth by tilt'
Than wots tin miller of "
A wise kin;; sought n sHtlttHtd mini To this end he advoi Used ii piizt
gold. It uas ii "free for-nll." n holm- In which the contented poor anil
. ..V..
wiiHu io cinim tbe rewind, their fuoon wieathod In luipp Incus anil with songs
on their lips. Imt each was tnrnoil nv.ay with the miction. "If satisfied
with your lot In life vvhv neck o this prize?" Ami they went away crest
fallen, while the jolly old king burst th lnlttons off his royal vest laugh
ing. turned away with the question. "If satisfied with jour lot In life why seek
'p UiIh prize?" And they went nwny crestfallen, while the Jolly old king
burst the huttons off his i0ynl wet lnuglilng.
The habe at Its. voting nml buxom mothcr'B breast wants the moon. When
the Infant has Brown to manhood's estate he wants not only the moon, hut
the world with u barbed wire fence mound It. Ho seems unmindful of the
truth that the earth would be as much "an elephant on hi hands" as would
the moon have been In his adolescent days. As a babe he was not satisfied
with that sweet mother's breast; as a man the blessings Innumerable are not
sufficient. Me sees not the glories about him and the water runs away, past
his mill while he pooh It not
A young man wnlkliiB along n siuous path of nature with beauties at
eveiy step, discovered n coin of Bold In his path. Uvory alterwaid he bent
his eyes earthward to the rude path beneath his feet In search of pelf, fo:
K'tful of the Blorlous world about him and the bun sotting In golden aureoles
upon the mountain peaks of life. He died a miser and the water that gurgled
by his cabin door latched onward In derisive requiem.
Amid the (lowers of the country, the anemones that burU In the spilng
time and nro called by the children "dow-dtopa," the forget-me-nots of nil
vanclnB sunshine in shaded nook, the wild rores that tincture of a rara
avis perfume, the apple blot boms and the lilacs, the lilies of the valley and
the violets amid all these god-llko. beait thiobblngs of natuie, the pastoral
people Ioiib for the unnatural city. The Bind cry of the water as It sings past
the miller Is not heard there Is sighing for coal smoke and turmoil and
struggle. Thus it is with us ever, the water of life pluiiBcs by us unheeded
we long for the sandy desert and the nrtlllelnl IhliiBS of life.
Yestenlav the miller behold Ills wife, blu elillilinn iin.l Unit dear old
In a non-committal wirt of way he noticed them as ho hurried
The next day he was blind, Inrtnntly the mind. springing
upbraids him. Never again may he see the waters at his
a vauue. weird, rlivthm be hours the iilnKliliiL- nectar. He
knows that millions of prism-like (hops are flashing rainbows In the sun.
but he cannot hop. The disregarded brook has become a river or life he
cannot lave In the beauty about him Is no more and there Is nothing left
but daikno8s, longing and despnlr.
In life we bully our bight with things which do not satisfy and from
the busy mart and strenuous brawl of existence, yearn to reach back with
innocence to that brook which rippled past our early youth. Alas! It has
grown muddy and commonplace, humid and fishy the glass Is shattered and
the golden bowl lies in cutting fragments nt our heart.
".More water glldoth by the mill
Than wot the miller of."
Happy the ninn who sees the glory of the rainbow, the Iridescent scintil
lations of a varl-hued Joy. In the things that are true and simple.
"The mill will never grind
With the water that Is past."
A luckless editor recently advised his constituency to kill their dogs ant
fiuy pigs. He was a practical publisher uud be k:.ovv many people could bettei
aflord to Teed fielr wnsto food to hogs than to canines. A storm of protest
followed the editor's suggestion. One writer says in reply:
"Yes, kill your dear old faithful, mindful, thankful, trustful dog and buy a
pig. Hut when you come homo nrter a hard day's toll don't expect that, same
pig to moot yon two blocks away with a joyful little cry of welcome at every
Jump. Sometimes when you feel unusually blue and It seems that the whole
world Ib knocking against you. don't c.pect It to nestle up to your side and.
laying its head within your lap, wag out Its unalloyed sympathy."
Tig vs. dog! That Is the question. Whether 'tis better to suffer the stings
and arrows of poverty with the friendship of a dog, or to eat spare-ribs and
brown gravy with no dog at the corner of the tablecloth waiting for the bones.
This is a momentous question when one lookn the faithful old dog In the eye,
as It weie. On the other hand, it is equally as great a Ion when one
hears the contented grunt of the rotund porker sloughing In his swill. It Is,
however, merely a battle between friendship and plutocracy, and there Is yet
mother's fate,
home to sleep,
to supremacy.
ory et. In
The largest Protostun' church In
the United States, so far as numbers
go is "The llaptlst Temple " of Phlhi
lelphla. The Temple's present membership
In 2,728, nnd Its congregations twice
each Sunday In the year -excepting
in the summer months- average over
5,000 with ninny clamoring In inln
lor entrnnco.
Ui Sunday school has a member
ship of nearly 2.000, its fourteen
Christian F.ndenvor societies have
.1,000 names on their rolls, and the ag
gregate membership or the dozen
other minor societies Is close on 000.
It linn 1.000 members actively Inter
ested in missionary work. It supports
n half dozen foreign mlsslonnrles.and
It has given hair a hundred ministers
to the Hnptlst church.
It supports three city missions, Ite
rated In the slums, besides n Chinese
mission, nnd It has been the parent
jf three prosperous Baptist churches
pensnry 31;'. poisons who made 1.2K2
visits. The staff now consists of ten
physicians, three resident physicians
and fllvtuen nurses. The Temple
congregation bus raised I00,000 for
the hospital's support. The state,
recognizing the good work of the In
stlttttiou, last year appropriated $15,
000 toward Its maintenance.
For the support of all these various
charitable and religious enterprises
Hr. Conwell and his congregation, In
almost twenty years of their joint
labors have raised nearly $800,000.
The greater poitlon of this money
has come In voluntarily, without the
least solicitation.
Gospel Going to Tribes Hitherto Un
acquainted with It.
Tour hitherto unknown tongues so
far as print Is concerned are now
being added to the list or languages
r- : . ti
fthich were once Temple missions
the Tioga church, with n membership
of 1,000; tho Phllmont, with a mem
bership of fiOO, and the Logan, which
has about 100 communlcnnts.
It Is the most earnest and largest
contributor to the llaptlst Home for
Old Ladles and llaptlst Orphanage.
The Sunday Ilreakfast association, a
unique Philadelphia organization,
which feeds thousands of poor every
year; the Life Lino League and the
Point Hreezo .Mission, whose object
Is to look after sailors, and the Open
Door Mission, for the aid of fallen
women each n large charity In Itself
arc largely supported by Temple
funds and workers.
The Temple has a chorus of 200
voices for ten months In the year. It
gives an annual rnlr, preparations Tor
which are begun months in advance,
and which ts attended by at least
20,000 persons.
On nn average twenty-five religious
incotlllL'K of vnrlnuu l.ln.tu ir I. ..1,1 in
1... i.i ... 1 .i.. .- ... .. .. .... . .. . .. ...... .... . '
im- iiiiiififiu in niiiHiner iroin me suuinpoiui 01 uouicKiicntiou. riio young the Temple weekly. This does not
woman In her hoity-toity, glad clothes, cavorting down the boulevard with n ' Include meetings or trustees ami biisl
squealing little pig under her arm would undoubtedly create quite an lmpres-n0SH meetings or the various socio
slon as she progressed Besides making 11 spectacle or herr.elf the din raised ties. "There's somi.tiiini. imin,. .. i
Is a
pioposltion Is n cold-blooded one: Shall wo kill Towser, our faithful, wag which nro mien tn nm-mm !,. i. '
tailed friend, for filthy lucre in the form of a little bunch of pork? That is I member or imt ami nn .ini.,i.' ..v.,,.
I - v.,...-
by the young leather-lung would completely drown that very desirable little the Temple all tho time." It
"frou-rrou" every woman loves to hear her silken petticoats make. church that is never closed It
No, Ibis wouldn't do nt all. The pig as a pet Is simply Impossible. The tnn8 rending and lounging rr
Ings hundreds or persons mny some
times be found enjoying themselves
Then there is the Templo college,
1 unique church nnnex, which Temple
:hurch money baa largely supported.
tlic question.
But whul about folks who are too poor to own either n dog or a pig?
That Is also the question
Keep the mind healthy ir you don't lay up a cent. The slough or deapono
has nothing for sale that will benefit any one. Be joyous most of the tlna
despite your troubles. Don't be discouraged. Hememb'er the man who had
n good tight hold on the gentleman cow's tall, nnd hang on for dear lite. Tho
weakest thing any man can do Is to give up. Keep trying and burnish brightly
your hopes and expectations. Build air castles and live for their realization
There Is gratlflcntlon In contemplation. We knew a well-educated man who
wns superintendent of city schools. He hnd a misunderstanding with a
pompous member of the bonrd. He lost his position and failed to securo an
other. One night he gave up; got a revolver nnd shot himself. On the morn
lug mall, when his body was cold in death, came a letter offering I1I111 a bettei
position than the one he lost.
Don't give up to-day; wait until tomorrow. Tho sun will shine througn
your cypress frees in time Be of good cheer. All the world loves a laugher
Don't take this lire so seriously that you must he miserable throughout It
Sip the honey rrom the chalice or existence and avoid the thorns. Keep youi
mind filled with roses nnd the perfume of flowers, the love of children nnd
the patriotism of a nation. Bo n man. If you cannot be happy yourself
holn otheis. This Is a key which has unlocked many a rusty heart and set
It to palpitating with rich, pure blood. Take an interest in things about you1
and life will soon be worth the living There was never a night so black but
Hint the glorious sun broke through the clouds lllumlnntlng and sanctifying
When Hod saw how wicked tho primal men or this earth were he de
fitrnyed them, leaving only Noah and his rnmlly to perpetuate us. Just how
wicked a world has to become before we have Noah and his ark upon us If
merely a matter or conjecture, but rrom hearsay It would seem that Nonh'e
second voyage Is not being delayed by Chicago. Wonder what Kind or a Noah
Billy Mason would make!
11 I. n ,. I..n liinLn titllwl miiiH u nnn Vnnk vxnn i.!..!.....! I... 1L V .. 1
BUVUIl l!il "ceil u niiinj iiiiiiiiii-i iiwi mini; niuii u 111 iit-ii-11 ny me lAITO linB tnncVit jr. AOl u(... I. ..,!., t.. . . .
... .i l.o..,l tlm nrfc .iverv nle,,.. l.ennf Mm n.imlmr ,.r .,,..... !... I i"18 A""?1. A2i Students, tllO total
"' ""v.. "":"". ":;;.':",.:; ;:: z::. """."."..." "'"' i ror iim wk
Wnere eiuven cuun-a 111 in 11.11 i;ivii , imii.-oa iiiuiu nun u iiwi-i. 1111 utmiii.
By the way, do you really believe that Btory about Nouh being 950 yean
It was terribly wet on the bottoms that season.
Noah's dovo was tho first homing pigeon known to history, no doubt. Sin
camo home with nn olive branch and Noah knew that fishing wns not good orr
tho entire raco of tho earth. The water wns receding and already chinch bugf
wero claiming the wheat.
What do you suppose became or that dovo, anyhow? "She never vamt
back" that Is, tho third time she was sent away.
It must have been u great year for duokB!
In which the British nnd Foirign Bi
ble Society prints the (lospels, nnd
ot theso three nro Tor the benefit of
subjects of his .Majesty. The New
Testament Is to bo turned Into Nynn
Ja. for the tribes of tho Shire river
bank, Nyassalaud, and In this work
the Llvlngstonla Mission of tho Unit
ed I-'iee Church or Scotlnnd, the Ulan
tyre Mission of tho Kstnbllshed
Church of Scotland, nnd the Mycrn
Mission of the Dutch Reformed Church
are collaborating. A verslou In Ya
lunka is nearly ready for natives of
the Falaba district tif Sierra Leone,
nnd In Bugotu ror the Inhabitants or
Ysabel Island one or the Solomon
group. Lastly, a translation Into Vlr
snyau, spoken by some two million
persons In the Philippine archipelago.
Is being undertaken. All are enter
prises or great Interest to philologists.
London Tolegrnph.
Loud Call for Women.
Now that the reconstruction period
has begun In South Airlcn, It has been
discovered Hint there is little or no
employment ror unskilled laborers,
while barmaids, dressmakers, millin
ers nnd hairdressers are scarce and
In good demand at excellent wnges.
Wives, however, are In greatest de
mand, nnd the supply Is rar below the
needs or the hour. A London, Eng
land, correspondent or the Brooklyn
Times, says:
"The scarcity or women In South
Airlcn Is astonishing. In the Trans
vaal there are 13.000 more men than
women; in Cape Town IC.000; In No-
g" ' ' ' 'I'" ' Willi I " i-i -
"" miWlmBmm
" iNTtRIOR ortne TpVPl.E . THE StST4 V '
Since its Inception in 1881 the college
Jones tried to please his wife, ato her biscuits nnd got dyspepsia. Jonoi
r.ndoJ"flrc(l to please, his employer and said employer used him for a hobby
horse and a door mat. Jones, tho editor, sought to pleaso every ruction nnd
they said he wns "all things to all men." Jones traded all over town to keop
each merchant satisfied, and they said his trade didn't amount to anything
Jones went to no church ror rear or offending his patrons In other churches,
nnd tho preachers dubbed him an enemy to religion. Jones did other thiugi
and hnd a detiic of a time, pleasing none. Flnnlly tho doctors criticised hlrn
becauso he did not pntronlzo them and ho pondered. But when the undortakol
refused to speak to him becauso ho didn't die and pntronlzo him he got mad
nnd resolved to pleaso only hlmseir.
Moral Ho lived happily ever afterward.
,2.18, while during tho
samo year over 5,000 attended the
lectures. There nro sixty ofllcers and
Instructors nnd thlrty-nluo courses
of study, many of which nro on a
par with blmilnr courses In tho noted
universities of the land.
When tho college started Its ses
sions were held In tho basement of
the Temple's prcdecpasor, tho draco
church building. Now tho school
occupies a building which cost $100,
000, standing next tho church, and its
equipment is worth $C0,000. It has
been conferring college degrees slnco
Another big Institution that Is de
pendent upoi tho Temple for Its ex
istence Is Samaritan hospital. It
opened in 1893 with five patients, ono
doctor nnd one nurse. It occupied a
privnte dwelling. Today it occiples
nnd owns not only the house where
It started, hut tho adjoining ono, and
Is erecting at a cost of $35,000 an
administration nnd a prlvato ward
building. During Juno of this year
It received 122 cases, nnd at tho dis
tal, G.000; in tho Orange Itlver Colony,
3,000, nnd In Rhodesia, 3,000. This
excess of mon over women makes tho
employment of females by men who
have Inrgo business establishments In
South Africa exceedingly troublesome
as tho young women get mnrrlod very
fnat '
Blindness Is Decreasing.
Tho proportion of sightless to see
ing persons has been watched with
especial Interest In Great Britain and
tho lntest statistics Indicate that it
has fallon In a half century from
about 1.020 In tho million to aomo 870,
or more than 14 per cent. This do
cllno has been so timed as to show
pretty conclusively that it Is tho re
sult of better conditions or living, Im
proved surgery and doubtless a de
crease In tho ratio of perilous to non
perilous employments for the masses
of tho people
Divorce In Switzerland.
Ono thousand and twenty-soven de
crees of divorce woro granted In
Switzerland Inst year, which means
193 for every 1,000 marriago
SAIjIjIKS of jestkrs
Mr. Henry Peck Turns at Last
Ownership of the Dog Made Im
mense Difference Retribution for
So Different,
.llbhs Why! Wont's (he mntter
with you, old ninn?
JnbliH (groaning) I've Just
bitten by a lilaukety-blank dog,
Jlbbs Whnt nn outrage' Why don't
you shotit the Infernal beast? He mny
be rabid, Anyhow, It Is a duty you
owe to society, and the dog's owner
ought to be pros
"But It wan your own dog!"
"Oh! Ah er, why, old man, he wns
probably playing with you and hit
deeper than ho Intended! lie's such
n playful dog!"
Retribution at Last.
"These racing automobiles ought to
be suppiessed," remarked Hit- Indlg
unut man.
"Oh, I don't know," replied the low
ly citizen. "I get some enjoyment
out of them."
"You! Why, you never rodo In one
In your II fo."
"Of course not. but think how Inter
esting they are making things for the
soorohiii;; bicyclists, who lumi hereto
fore monopolized the roads. I tell
you, It looks to me like rlg'ileous retribution."
With Cuts.
"Your trouble probably nroso from
Homo forgotten contusion, whereby an
Irrltntlon was caused which communi
cated Itself to tilt "
"O cut nil Hint out!" Interrupted (ho
other. Impatiently.
"But I wns going to explnln," said
the surgeon, "whnt runsed the cancer
ous growth "
"Cut that out, too, doctor!" exclaim
ed thw patient.
Not Impoislble.
"You say tli 3 defendant then execut
ed a backdown. Are those tho words
you used?" asked the lawyer, who was
badgering the witness.
"Yes. sir." answered tho witness.
"I would like to have you Inform
me how a man can 'execute' u back
down." "Well, sir. he could hang his head,
couldn't he?" said the witness,
A Week's End Parly.
Phnmliman You don't know how It
feelH to have hair a dozen mouths to
Batchcllcr Pel haps not. but I'll bet
you 1 realized last night what It mennt
tti have at least a hundred to reed.
I'lmmllinnn Surety, you didn't en
tertain that many.
Bridget Ol can't stay, ma'am, on
lesH ye give me more wages.
Mrs. Illrntn Often What! Why, you
don't know how to cook or do house
work at nil.
Bridget That's Jlst It, ma'am, an'
not knowln how, Hiire the wurk Is all
the harder for me, ma'am.
It Puzzled Him.
"Wc give the savage a rainy-day
skirt for his wife.
"Tell me," he ventures, timidly,
"does this Indicate Hint wo aro gradu
ally being brought up to your standard
of dresB or that you are grndunlly
coming down to ours?"
J 8 Now Bc Good-
Book agent This book, Hlr, will tell
you how to keep hugs from your pota
toes, how to rid your barn or rats
Uncle Kben You ain't got no book
that tells you how to rid a rami uv
hook aglnts, hov yer?
Foiled Again.
Hunted mid harried to his last
stand, the despetnto bandit pours shot
after siiot Into tho Intrepid posso Hint
has suriounded him.
Seeing that escape Is out of tin?
question, be mutters
"At leasi the historical novelist or
the fufuie sbnll have no opportunity
to marry me off n t, mt chapter to
one tif those Impossible homines"
So snyltig, win, a ll8t y,. 0f l)p(i.
mice, he placet the pistol to his head
and pulls Hie trigger.
"This talk about Inventions hour
Injurious to labor Is all nonsense,
said ( (ill v let No. 151,
"Why so?" ashed the guard.
"Becauso It Is. A patent bnrglnr
alarm v.u. the cnuse o' me glltln' llo
years af hard Inbor."
She Might.
"1 wonder If she i egrets her mar
riage?'' "Why should she?"
"Well, you know they're both liter
ary, and now her husband thinks him
self entitled to eery blight Idea die.
"Why Henryl"
Mrr.. Tienry Peck (.1 a. m.) Oh,
Henry, I'm uirald If I go to sleep 1
shall never wako up again.
Mr. Peck Kor heaven's sake, no to-sleep!
One Result.
"I mulct stand, ' snyB tho well-romr
person, "that the witnesses or tho
coronation wero limited to slxteon
squnre Inches or spnee. 1 cannot help
wondering whut wns the effect of this
"KfTect?" echoes the other ninn. "It
will do more for tho nobility than nil
the stralght-iront corsets Hint have
been advertised In the Inst ten years.'
She Was Willing.
"Mrs. Weeds," said Mr. Blnkfl, "l"
r.sked your daughter to mniry me nnd
sho referred mo to you."
"I'm sine Hint' very kind of Susie,
but then she alvvnyn was a dutiful girl.
Really. Mr. Blnks, I hadn't iiiought of
marrying again r.t my tlmu of life, Imt
since you insist supposu wo t:inkc tLo
wedding day tho twentieth of this.
Unwilling to Take Chances.
"So you have at last settled on rt
name for the baby?" V
"Yos'm. First, we named him IIoli-,
son. then changed It to Dewey, an'
nttorwurd to Tumlon Schley Johnson.
But now we've named him Jes' plain
Hni. Yo ncvah fludii you'Vo nindo iii
tnistnke when you calls e:n Jos' uoth-..
In' hut Jim." Life. ; i
Dazzling Opportunity. -CaK
The professional mountain climb
er'a foot slipped when ho was near the
summit, nnd he started for the plain
below by the shot test and most direct,
jouto. .
"U&sli!" he eelalmcd, as he wenr
bumping rrom lock to rock, "ir I livo
to reach the bottom what a story this
will make Tor the magazines! "
The Doctor's Dill.
"I'vo come to pay my bill," said the
patient. "One Hundred and ton dol
lars. I believe."
"Yes," said Dr. Pi Ice Price, "mak
ing a tolul or $112,"
"I don't quite understand."
"That brlngB It up to date. Including
to-day. My charge ror office visits,,
you know. Is $2."
A Real Joke.
"I hope. Mr. Starrbarcter," said tho
smiling landlady, "that you uro satis
fled with the table."
"Indeed, I nm, Miss Scrlmpen. These
prunes aro delicious, and If you please,
ma'am, I believe I'll take another of
those luscious chicken wings." Description.
Asked what he thought of the ocean
on his i ot urn from trie seashore, tbu
Blllville cltleu replied:
"Well, sir, it vent further than any
mill pond I ever seen, an' 'pearod to
bo erboiit as rough an' quarrelsome ns
what tho old woman is when I stays
out lute o' nights!" Atlnntr Consti
tution. Comparison.
"Would j on like to trade your niulo
ror this automobile?" asked tho face
tious tourist.
"No, huh," nuswered Krustiis Pink
ley. "Hf a mule gltB control , you
kin alius depen' on him to move
when he gits hungiy. But when a
aiitonioblln balks, do case Is hopeless."'
Mamma Why, While, you nsked
ror two pieces or candy, and you got
them. Aren't you satisfied?"
Willie No'm, I ain't. You gave up
so easy I'm Jest klckln' inesolf 'cnuse
I didn't nst you for more.
Failed to Scare Him.
His Medical Adviser You won't last
long nt this rate, young man. You
nro burning the cnndle at both ends.
Onyboy Very well, doctor. Whfn
the candle Is burnt out I'll light tie
A Slight Confusion.
"I suppose you made It u point not
to miss the Campanile when you woro
abroad last Hummer?"
"Oh, yes," nuswered Mr. Cumro,
uneasily oonseioitM thnt his who's
eye wob on him. "Mn. C. and I al
ways make It a point not to miss any
of the great opern singers."
Hard Luck.
"I hear our mother-in-law hud u
nnrrow escape fioni death yesterday.
"Yes, I seem to have been horn un
der nn evil star; my best dog wis ruu
over and killed nt the same time."
Certainly a Clever Man.
"Is he n good lawyer."
"A good la tv yer! Why. sny! I'vo
known hhn to prove the truth of what.
, 1
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