The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 12, 1902, Image 2

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Two Mon Precipitated a Distnnco
of Eighty Foot
Were. At Work nil tlm limlili of u Smoke
atnrk When .Support Onto Wny,
Handing Them Itoiiillouit tu tlm
(trniiiut Olhrr Niim
Frank Smith, 11 mechanic, and John
KiiiiIh, ii inllltnry convict from Tort
Hhorldnn, III., fell from u scaffolding
and were killed while working on tliu
Hinokobtaek nt the new federal peni
tentiary, nt Leavenworth, Kmi. They
worn working Inwlde 11 heavy sheet Iron
tube, rlvelliiK IkiHh They were
Mtnnellng on n scaffolding which watt
attached hy four hooks In rivet holes,
ne of the hooks broke. Itolh men fell
ntxly feet. striking a i ross beam, nml
from this twenty feet moie on to a pile
it tools and brick. Smith hns been n
Mheot and wrought Iron worker foi
yearn and lived In Leavenworth.
En ilia wns a soldier when he was con
victed of robbery and sent to Leaven
worth to Hervo a two years' sentence.
Two Trillin 1 rj- to l'ii ,,n the Mum
Trut k
A flrokrn How dlHputeh of Soptem
.ler 7 snys: When ontoilng tlm ynnls
here at 5:C0 this morning, the through
Riirllngtnn St. lmls-Rllllngs dyer,
west-bound, collided with n freight on
rIiio. wrecking both engines and over
turning the baggage and mall coaches
r the passenger. A negro tramp,
whose Identity hns nol bren detor
liilued. was killed while riding on the
platfoim of the mall mi The vvicck
delayed trafllc east ami west several
The rnnsn of the wreck, which Is the
most disastrous over exiieiienceel In
thlH section, was that the engine ()r
a freight train, which hud been side
tracked near the depot, shunting enrs
and making up Its trnln In the ynrds.
had run out on the main line prepara
tory to barking down to Its train.
.lusl as It got onto the main track. No.
11. the St. Louis passenger, due nt
"Ilrokcn How nt fiili-l. swung mound the
curve and dashed Into the freight en
gine. Tho engineer or the passenger
a' the freight engine while applying
the brakes, preparatory to stopping
at. the depot, and this alone pi nimbly
aertrd a terrible uilasirophe. as the
passengerH on the Hi. Louis train were
fdill in their bunks.
Ab let was, tho track was torn up for
J distance of fifty feet and the engines distributed about the main track
,r and Hidings. The express and mall
oars on the passenger were splintered,
but bayond severe bruises their occu
pant r escaped unhurt.
ffwclRlUU of tlicSlxtli I'Ulrlcl Nomlimle
.1. CV I.. Wlly of Siirsent
The BodnllRt parly of the Sixth dis
trict held a delegate ((invention at
Drokon Dow Saturday Dr. L. I. Ro
gen, of Sherman county, was elected
chairman and J. F Smith, of the same
county, secretary of the socialist party
of the Sixth dlstrlrt J. (V . Wisely,
tir tho Sargent New Era. whose paper
has supported the socialist party since
the Kansas City convention, wns nomi
nated by acclamation for congress.
Inferring to the nomination. Mr.
"lsely's paper says "It certainly Is nn
lionor to be the stundnrcl-bearer of a
party which Hands for the doctrines
nuiu-latril hy Abraham Lincoln, which
Htands for justice, freedom nnd fra
ternity and the establishment of a
nystun wherein the Golden Utile can
lie universally practiced "
C. A. Snyder, of muster county, wns
nominated for state senator, Fltteenth
S. P. Groat, of Broken How. and N.
K. Leo, of Hound Vnlley, were nomi
nated for representatives, Fifty-sixth
district, and Fred Cuiumlngs, of Coo
leyton, for county attorney
The. platforms adopted pledge the
nominees. If elected, to use all honor
able moans to have sotlallst principles
Immediately enacted Into law
lm rHe U Cler V.'iirt Sinn ISIC)
- Whiten llvtter Tlimi Nrirrors
The census buri'iiu hns Issued a
mtntcment showing the Increasing ago
of the population from dorado to de
er de. The statement gives the results
il computing the median. Instend of
tl average age The medlnn Is such
' nue that half the population Is un
' r it and half is over It. The median
n ,e of the total population In 11)00
aR 22.R. as compnrcel with "il ! In 1 890.
The median age of Hie white popula
tion In the last reusus jear wns 'JIl.-l
and the colored. Including negroes. In
llnus nnd Mongolians, was 111" while
in WHO the white population was 'J2 I
and the adored IK.,1
The ropoit shows there was an In
Txaso In the median age or the white
population from ISlu to 1900 amount
Inn In the ninety oar to 7.1.
No llHiiuiije hy Trout
The frost that visited Yankton, S.
1 recently did little damage. In low
places com was Injured somewhat but
not to any extent. First reports havo
proved somewhat exaggerated and
worn followed by much more reassur
ing ones. 7'he general yield will not
be affected hy the visitation.
Fred Durgt tlneslied on his farm
three mllea northeast of Yankton. Ho
repot tB a yield of rye, twenty-flvn
bushels to tho acre, and sixty bushels
of oats per acre. This Is the beat
showing bo far this season,
Tlm Mi ii of the t'oiiKregutinii Workeil
nnd lln Women Out IHimer for Them
Armoiirdale, Knnsrs, can boast of a
church built In one lay. The church
Is tho llaptlst chapel at Fourteenth
street mid Seott avenue, in the district
known as "led town " The chinch Is
JO feet by HI! feet and was built be
tween .suntlse and sunset Inst Mon
day. The congregation of the Armour
dale llaptlst chin di on May 2." began
holding meetings In the homes of the
members. My the latter pint of August
tho chinch had a membership ("
sixty-two. On August 2 the congre
gation purchased the two lots at
Fourteenth street and Siott avenue.
Then the problem of building a church
cntiio up. They had not the money to
hire the building done so they decided
to hold an old time "building bee."
n n i event morning forty men as
sembled at tho site of the pioposcd
chinch. Some cart led saws, some hiiin
merH nnd other what tools they could
llnil nbout their homes. The men
wmked with a will and by night the
church wns finished The women of
the congregation In the meantime pre
paied a dinner which was served on
the grounds to the workmen.
Sunday afternoon at .1 o'clock the
Rev. F. L. Streeter. pastor of the Ar
nioiirdnle Hnptlst chinch, preached the
dedliatory sermon In the little chinch
which was built in a day.
llniiH licit of llio Senile to hi Nep.intteil
for Nlr.iti'Rlr I'lirpoiui
A Foil III ley, Kas., special says' In
structions from the war department
have stopped nil piepaiatmy work on
the present camp slte.wliere the troop
to take pari In the maneuvers were
to he mobilized In the Smoky Hill bot
toms. Present Indications point to a
divided camp for strategic purposes,
presumably with the Infantry and ar
tillery on the Pawnee Hats, east of
the post, nnd the cnvaliy on the Re
publican lints, one mile north of Junc
tion City. The hospital and signal
corps may be under the bluffs and
close to the post proper This action
piobably Is the result of the meeting
of tho tactical board of ofllcers at Oinn
lia. Mayor II. II. Macomb, aitlllery
corps, lias arilved from Washington,
and Is at woik on a topographical map
of the rcForvatlon.
VI. line t'olloMH Nehriiiku
Amos (!. Gerald of Falrlleld, Is about
to embark In a novel enterprise nt
South Freeport. Me., where ho has en
closed a large tract of land, will etoss
several put it blooded buffaloes or bison
which he owns, with a herd of polled
Angus or On) way cows, recently pur
chased. He says: "The polled Angus,
originally Italian stock, has been
found best suited to crossing with tho
thoroughbred bison. A half-breed of
this type gives marked satisfaction, a
lhree-(iiarter animal retains the vigor
ous physique of the cow with many
charaitetlstics of the bison Similar
experiments have been successful In
Nebraska, where the hair of the hnlf
li ced has attained a high commercial
UrotriiN Whllr Sri-king a Hodr
While nttemptlng to recover the
body of Qcorgo. the li-yoar-old son of
Anton Cerny, William Sutton, aged 30,
was drowned in the raceway of the
Cooper mills In the presence of 200
spectators. Cedar Haphls, la. Sutton
had been urged to take a coik jacket,
can led by William Davis, who recent
ly escaped death in the burning of nn
Inebriate asylum in Chicago, but de
clined the offer, saying that he was
not afraid of di owning.
Tower Man I' re vent. Ulan-iter
In the yards of the Southern Pacific
railway nt West Oakland. Cnl., a run
away freight engine was mnklug for
a dozen or so trains standing along
tho platform and crowded with hun
dreds of passengers, when a tower man
Just In the nick of time switched tho
engine onto a side track. A collision
was narrowly averted and the engine,
which had attained a high speed, dual
ly plunged Into tho bay.
Mm. Nation .lecrnl
Cnirle Nation, who remains In Now
York, says she Is doing great work
for hor homo In Kansas City for
drunkards' wives and will have Its
foundation stone laid soon. "I am go
ing to dovote all the money I nmko
lecturing to the building of this
home," Bald Mis. Nation. She was
Jeered by a small audience nt Roeka
Him Won Ituei AirulliHt lleutli
Alvin C. Drake, whose wife and
daughter traveled S20 miles in twenty
hours uud twelve minutes in a special
train on the Santa Fe road to loach his
bedside after being iiitormed of his
critical illness, died at his home In
Denver, Col. He was the pioneer char
coal manufacturer of Colorado, and
one of the wealthiest men In the state.
He was born at Allenburg. N Y., Id
C'liiiKri'h'iniui ilm-kHon Injured
Congressman Jackson of the Third
Kansas district, nfter speaking at Min
eral, while on his way to his carriage,
stepped off the sidewalk into a rut.
His tight leg was broken just iilmvn
tho ankle. He was taken to the homo
of Leslie Patterson In Mineral. Mr.
Jackson's appointments will lie lllled
by Judge Sapp of Oalena until Mr
Jackson lecovers.
Find ArroMH tin' Contliieiit
William I). Lord, chnrged with em
bezzling $1G.OOO from S. 11. Hall & Co.
of Minneapolis, was aneated at Inde
pendence, Kan. Lord wntt a tnist-
eel employee of Mr. Hall, tho "Mln-
neapolls potato king." lie escaped
befoto the theft was detected, and for
a year and a half tho ollicera havo
been after him. Ho was followed to
the State of Washington, but eluded
the ofllcers. Georgo A. Loth, a deputy
Blierlff of Minneapolis, left Immediate
ly with his prisoner.
Agod Elm Crook Citizen Commits
Hti'lii III I rotil of I'nloii I'jillli' Trnln
Ail .Vpii.iriiillT llellhi rule unit l.nui;-
I'liiiineil Ollnr Vi'in of IJi-ii"
ernl Interest lo tin lietuli r
AuguM Jiim l.i. a man seventy years
old, residing tit Kim ('took, was struck
by a Union 1'iirlflc freight train anil in
stantly killed. Everything shows that
ho deliberately walked in fiont of it,
with Miicidal intent. .Ia.i.i was a wid
ower, his wife having died about live
years ago. For Nvornl years lie had
talked us though he did not care to live,
although he had no special cause for do
siKjiidaiicy. He enine to Klin Creek
in IHT'.i.
I'lflv Mn Iltltlgi'iitlv scitrehlni;
.Murderer I'rcil Kuril
Fifty men under (ominnnd of Sheriff
Lusk. of Hurl county, Nebraska, nro
scouring (he wild" tiling Hie Missouri
liver, above and below Decatur, in the
hope of laptuiiug a lleelng niuiderer.
The Jloatrho bloodhounds were tele
graphed lor Saturday and a desperate
battle Is oxp"cted before the man is
Fred Kama Is the man's name and
he seems possessed of a doslie to emu
late Outlaw Tituj. Hi Ims already
killed one man. Sheriff Stiaiu of Mo
nona county. Iowa, and with a gun
and plenty of ammunition, he has
Bwoin Hint he won't be captincd alive.
Kams Is well known In Nebiaska, hav
ing once lowed a ciowd of Indians on
the reservation in Thuiston uiiinty
and escaped after a thrilling running
The last hcuid ol Kams was that
he hud eiossed the Missouri into Ne
braska, and with n three days" stmt
it Is evident that he will only be taken
by concerted action on the pail of the
ofllcers of the towns within a radius
of a hundred mllcii mound
Supremo Court ('niiiiuliloni'r Annoiinccil
to MiM'ril Hcjuor
Oeorge W. Day, (ommhaloner of
the Nebraska supremo court, will havo
an oppoituulty to slip down and as
sume the ermine of the district court
in Dentins, Sarpy and Washington
counties this full.
Judge W. W. Keysor of the bench in
the Fourth judicial district, handed his
resignation to (lovernor Savage at
noon Monday. He did this in order
to accept a chair In the Washington
university luw school at St. Ioitls, Mo.
To fill this vacancy the governor an
nounced that he would appoint Oeorgo
W. Day, one of the Biiptomo court
commissioners at present. It Is be
lieved that Mr. Day will accept, for
the life of the commission will expire
next April.
.Seiiiln for 4uitllii:irl
A niiiglianiton, 17. Y sjioeial says:
A very romantic wedding took place, at
tho leriilence of Mr. nnd Mrr. Paul
Droxel of t'ortlnnel when Tlieodoro
Aelolph lierget of Elk ('reek, Neb., wns
married to Anna Frieda Meckel of Ger
many. Herget unci Miss Meckel were
eiiKaK'l in (icrinnny years ngo. Ifo
eaino to America to make his fortune,
leaving lus hvvoct heart m the father
land. Locating in the west he becanie
a wealthy land owner at. Elk I'rcok.
Then ho wrote home to find his sweet
heart was still waiting. He sent for hor
and the liapjiy union was the result.
Moron lit Olil T'rlekK
The war department Is auvlsed by
cable from General Chaffee, dated Ma
nila. September Oth, or an attack on
American troops at Matlllng Falls,
seven miles from Camp Vocars, Min
danao, on September 1st. First Lieu
tenant W. M. Parker, of the Eleventh
Infantry and two boldlers were wound
ed, and one was killed. The dispatch
"I have authorized Urlgadler Gen
eral Sumner to move troops Into the
Maclu country and exact promises of
good behavior In the future from the
elattos nnd tholr followers. The troops
have been attacked twelve times since
May 2d with a loss to ub or four killed
ami twelve wounded. We havo re
mained all the time quiet, seeking
friendship nnd acting in self defenso
IIoiink Kobbeil nml Klreil
Firo destroyed the home of John
Nlckerson at Grand Island while the
family was nbsent. Tho fnthor and
son are In Denver, and tho mother
nnd another son. during the former's
Illness, were with a neighbor. When
first discovered a window wns found
open, and It Is the general belief that
the house wns liurBlnrreci unci me urn
was set to It to hide the evlcleneo of
the crime. The Insurance will not
more than cover half the loss. An ad
jacent residence, that of n Mr. Amlck,
alscv started burning, hut was saved
by the arrival of the fire department.
Automobile lUpleiilcH
The Heel Devil, nn automobile built
In Omaha, exploded In that city whllo
standing on tho strec;t. PnrtH of tho
mnehlno were carried ono hundred
feet nnd tho cushion of tlio seat was
hilowii on ton of a three-atory building,
Tho machine wns mint nnn owncu uy
Harry Sharp, who with threo com
panions were in a saloon nenrby whon
tho explosion occurred. They would
have been killed had they been mount
ed on the sents. The machine was
run by Uonm with gasollno fuel. The
cause of the explosion Is unknown.
.Nlmrlrf tt ri.itlitiuntitli t'upliiri) Queer
.Vl t lit JC StruiiKiT
lialtRiuotith olllcers recently arrest
ed a stranger whose actions ver
lather ciuecr. He seemed to be under
the hnlliicliiaflcm that he was being
followed by someone who wanted to
kill hint. At the- jail the man told
ShetllT Mcllilde he believed It would
be best to kill himself and thus foil
his pcrsoeiiloj', but the olllior succeed
ed In talking him out of that notion.
He gave his name as William Jours,
but would give no Information as to
where he came from or where he lives.
He said he has a sister named Mis.
Nora H.ilrd, who resides nt Henkelman,
Neb. The sheriff coiiimiiiilcntul with
the authorities at that place, but they
refilled that there was no woman by
thut name there. Later the sheilff tel
ephonic! to the Lincoln asylum, hut
was infoi nied Dial no patient by the
inline of Jones Intel dlsiippcaiocl from
that Institution. A search of his
pockets brought to light two cinders,
each the size of a man's fist, which ho
had doubtless flicked up uliing Hie
lallioad track with which to protect
himself against his linuglnnry foe. He
appears to be between tliltty and thirty-five
years of age.
Crulier Dei Moines to tliite Her Inllliil
Dip on Septeiiilier '!(
As the United States cruiser Des
Moines, which in to bo sent ovei board
at the ship yard at Quliicy, Muss., on
September 1!0, Is the most Important
war vessel Completed In n Mu"aciiit
sitls Vhlp yard since the days of tho
eail American navy, Secretary of th"
Navy Moody ha'i designate d Miss
Clam N. Caili'ton. of Haverhill, to
represent the state at the launching
The cruiser will be christened by
Mls.s Elsie Muconiher. of l'es Moines,
but Cat let on will sever tin cord
which lelcascs the vessel on the waM.
Ml?s Caiicton hi the ilnuht,r of (Jen.
ii. t'ailetcin, formerly mayor of Haver
hill, nnd nt present a member of the
slate legislature.
limit illli liiioui:cr.
While on i onto to the fair load of
passengers a hack belonging to Xehust
llros. was upset and the passengers
spilled out. Sam Hockley received a
bad out on the head nnd Internal In
Juilcs that ate likely to prove fatal.
W. A. Strain was badly e lit on the
head and Is seiiously Injuied. It. II.
Drown was erus.icd between tho hack
and the ground and his condition Is
bad. Frank Lebenu had several fin
gers bioken. Four or live others weto
more or less bruised.
I'relltllt lloilte VV'rei ked
The' Santa Fe freight house at Su
petlor. Neb., has been completely
wrecked by a ft eight train being
backed Into It. one car being half way
in the building, which wns also
knocked fiom Its foundation of piling.
The engineer states that in pushliiK
the long train In the darkness he
thought he was on the main track.
Someone had left the switch open. The
cars were not Injured.
Wilier Kill Knllre t'uiml
Water has been run tlnough to tho
extreme lower end or the Goring canal,
making the total distance water Is car
ried In this ditch nbout si'venty-llvo
miles. The canal. In the Geiing valley,
hns done good work for a new ditch,
and there are splendid crops. Next
year will give the Crelghton valley
fnnnei-K the chance they have been
waiting for for seven or eight yearn.
Anti-Servian disturbances are
spreading over Croatia.
Levi Ashenlelter. a noted Indian
lighter. Is dead nt Covina. Cat.
Machinists of the Sunta Fe had their
wages raised 2.'i cents a day.
During a storm on a lake near Kala-
nia7oo. Mich., u yacht containing threo
men was capst.eei ami uii cirowiieu.
The Independent Drowery company
plant of Cincinnati wns destroyed hy
lire. Uiss $100,01)0. Two llremen were
family hurt.
The London ICcououiist says steamer
nfter steamer Is being chartered to
carry pig lion from Kurope to tho
United States.
Minneapolis lallioad men indicted
for manipulating rates are to be ar
rested at tho Instance of the Interstate)
commerce commission.
A tnrnnclo struck the towns of Albla
and Hlteman, In. In tho latter place It
Is reported that several houses were
blown away.
While riding In Paris, Michael, tho
bicyclist, had a terrible collision with
Huret, the French champion, nnd tho
latter was probably permanently dis
abled. The transport Duford arrived at Snn
Francisco, rorty-one elnys from Ma
nllu. The long trip vvus caused by her
putting In nt Honolulu on account of
defective) mnchlnery. The liufiud
brings 000 men of the Kighth, Fif
teenth and Twenty-sixth Infantry and
ninety-six sick.
The house of representatives at a
vana decided to make amendments to
the bill providing for a loan of $:tn,
000,000. This step will necessitate the
sending or the bill back to the senate
for consideration by a conference eoni
mlttee It Is unilerati'od that Prsei
elent Palma objects vehy strongly to
the plan for the establishment of a
lottery to ptovlde means for mooting
the loan.
A ship which hns arilved at Costa
Itlca fiont the vicinity of the Colom
bian liberals' encampment brings a re
pot t that the government forces at
Agua Dulce recently suriendcred to
General Horrern, tho liberal com
mander, with largo supplies of war
The steam yncht Arrow owned by
Chalks H. Fllno, in a speed test at
Irvington-on-the-Hudbon, covered a
knot In one minute 32 seconds, boat
ing all previous records Tho tlmo
shows that tho yacht coveicd a dis
tance equal to A lnnd mllu In 1 PJ. Tho
best previous reeotd was 1,37 for the
land mile.
If a Week More of Good Weathor
I'loil In Some Section, Hut Nol lleniv
Bunnell to Do .Mtieli I In inline ttiilu-
full I. kilt unit llurillr Worth
.Mentioning 0,thcr News
Ten days mine without sever frosts
and the major portion of Nebraska's
corn crop will be beyond the leach of
Injury. So says Director Ixiveland of
the Nebraska ellmaie and crop service.
He summnrlcH conditions thus:
The past week has been cool and dry
Very light floats occurred In very low
plnces. but not sufllciently severe to
kill even tender vegetutlnn, except In
a few Instances.
The rain fall has generally been too
small to mensuie.
The pusl week has been nn excellent
one for haying and threshing througn
out the state It Is the flist week
since harvest commenced that thM
work could continue practically lr a'l
paits of the state uninterrupted by
lain foi th whole week. Grain In
shock and stm k wns bonoiilcd by the
city weather, and much hay wns se
emed uninjured by rain.
Coin bus matuicd more rapldl, than
during any piece ding week this hea
son. Much ol the eaily planlrel corn
Is now beyond possible injury by frost,
and ten day oi two weeks without se
veie frosts will place all but the' very
late fields nut of clanger.
The dry weathei of the past week
has been very favorable for the ad
vancement of all kind of farm work.
Threshing has progiessed inpldl.v. and
considerable piaiile bay has been si
eiiied in excellent condition. The past
week was the most favorable one of
the season for ripening com The
lust elnys oi the week, being warm and
dry, won especially favorable, and
corn is maturing nicely throughout the
fireiileit iiiouiil Ker llelil li. l uiteil
Stiilen Trrimiirr
A Wushlngto dispatch says: The sum
.if gold now in the United States treas
ury exceeds that of any previous time
in the history of the country, nnd with
one possible exception, il exceeds that
of any country at any time in the his
tory of the world, The single reported
exception Is that of Russia about eight
years ago. when that country was pre
paring to resume gold payments.
At that time Russia is bald to have
had In lta treasury $598,000,000 in gold
The vaults or the United States treas
ury contalneel $573.1130,1 04, an Increase
since July J. 1901. of $79,087,80". This
stock of gold Is now being added to at
Lie rate of from $200,000 to $300,000 a
day, with no prospects of a recession
In the rate of deposits. This condition
of things Is eminently satisfactory to
the tieasury ofllclals, who regaid It as
tho best possible evidence of prosperity
and of confidence In the financial sta
bility of this country.
The gold now coming In Is being re
placed by gold certificates, United
States notes and silver certificates, tho
former being supplied wheio the de
nominations wanted are $20 and over
the United States notes for tens and
silver certificates for fives, twos and
Mnrr Aiiilrronii t'uUill) Wniinilril lo
I'elrr OIhoii
Peter Olson shot his sweetluart,
Mary Andersen, at Omaha and escaped.
Tho girl will piobably die. Her lover
left a letter stating Hint ho intended
to kill her and then take his own life.
Tlw police believe he hns carried out
his threat. The' officers are still
searching for him
The man has been employed In a
dairy The bullet entered her left
breast above the heart. The girl was
the sole support of her family, her
father being a paralytic. She and
Olesen camo fiom Denmnrk In the
same ship and have heen close friends
until lately.
Tho llmni'lirii .May I nlle
The Morgan presbytery of tho Cum
nerland Presbyterian eluiteh, In ses
sion ut Washington, Iud., has voted
in favor of the union of the ('nintim-.
laud Presbyterian churches and the
Presbyterian entire lies.
Similar action was taken at De
catur, III,, nnd It la thought united
uctlon will cause the general assembly
to tako the matter up and discuss It
favorably at their next meeting at
Cuuttanouga, in Mny, 1903
TliriNhur Cioen 'I liremed llrldui
Ab Will Hudson wns crossing the
bridge a half mile ninth of Eagle,
Neb., with his threshing engine the
brldfje gave way, letting the englno
drop about ten feet, badly mashing
noun of the machinery, Hudson and
August Trimble were on tho onglne
but bnved themselves by Jumping.
Kiitoralieil I'lve Iliijs
Rescueis who had been searching
tho inlns of the union colliery In
Gloucestershire, England, discovered
threo men alive, they having been en
tombed 120 hours
City of St, I. null, Mo., Unhhcil lllliid f
ltt Delesnle!
A sensntlon was caused at St, IiOiila
by the Issuance of bench wnrranl'ifor
the at rest of eighteen monibcrKmd
former members of the house of dele
gates on the confession of Delegate
J. K. Murrell, who fled to Mexico last
spilng after being Indicted for bribery
by the December grand jury In con
nection with the nlleged boodllntr oper
ations of the municipal assembly In re
lation to the granting of btreet railroad
franchises, and who unexpectedly re
turned to the city thriugh the efforts
ot the St. lxniiu Post Dispatch, and
Mtriondcroel. He Is now In tho custody
of Circuit Attorney Folk and will, It Is
stated, he granted immunity trout
punishment for turning state's evi
dence. Following are the names of tho al
leged combine members for whom
bench wurrants weic Issued, charging
bribery and perjury In connrctlon with
Subttrbnn street railway and other leg
islation: Ed E. Murrell. John H.
Schnettler, Charles F. Kelly, T. E. Al
bright, George E. Robertson, Louis
Decker, John Helms, Charles A. Outke,
Adolph Mndoiu, II. A. Faulkner, Julius
Lehmann, Edmund Heisch, Otto
Schuinuelior. John A. Sheridan, Charles
J. Denny. William Tamblyn, J. J. Hnn
nlgan nnd Emtio Hnitmnn.
Warrants were served on Messrs. K.
E. Murrell. Ke line It If l, Albright, Rob
ci (sou. Helms. Gutkc, Faulkner,
Schumacher ami Hannigan. Albright
and Faulkner ic released In bonds
of $:i0.oou each. .
The other ai rests were allowed to
go to their respective homes In the
eiistodv of deputy sheriffs, who will
remain with them tint 11 they shall have
liirnished suicty for their appearance
in court.
With the exception of William Tam
blyn, who was a member of the last
bouse of delegates, and is now said
to lie in Cleveland, all ot the iudicti'il
delegates are believed to bo in the city
Steps have been taken to secure all
Hitter oT Moroiio Tlirf!itlicil hy UN
V dispatch from Tangier says thf
sultan of Moioeio has oidered that a
Inige ai my be collected in readiness to
leave Fe on December 1. Its destina
tion has not been disclosed.
Recent dispatches from Spain
stated that tho revolt against the sul
tan of Motocco Is preading in an
alarming manner and that it may bo
necessary for the powers to Intervene
if they wish to preserve tho status
huci in the country. The revolt is
headed by the sultan's brother. Mo
hummed, who is pretender to the
tin ono.
Viiuuc Wife MurilorrU
The body of Mrs. James McGinn,
aged twenty-one. of New Castle, wns
found In a pasture field at Hubbard,
near Youngstown, O., Tlitirstlay morn
ing, with the throat cut from ear to
car. The woman and her husband spent
last night at Mnrtin Coyne's home
Coyne if the uncle of Mrs. McGinn
According to admissions there was u
caiousal McGinn Is missing.
Health Ofllcer Frledrieli or Clevnlnnd.
O , has sent a letter to John D. Rocke
teller, calling his nttentlon to the fact
that medical science had aa yet failed
to discover the smallpox germ and that
finch a discovery would probably mean
the elimination of much human misery
and the having of many lives. Ho lisks
Mr. Rockefeller to provide a fund for
the purpose of having an Investigation
carefully carried on.
The battleships, Massac husetts, Ala
banin and Keaibarge, and the cruiser
Drooklyn, arrived at New York from
tho scene of the recent nrmy and
navy maneuvers, tho eastern end of
Long Island bound. Just prior to the
arrival of this squadron the torpedo
flotilla of eight craft passed out or
the Narrows bound to sea.
The safe of the Hubbard. O , post
ofllce. was drilled and blown open.
The robbers secured $300 vvoith of
stamps, $200 from the money order
depaitment, a certificate of deposit on
the Newton Falls. O.. bank for $300
nnd $150 belonging to the postmaster,
W. M. Evans.
Edna, the only child or G. D. Cheat
hnm. and Mary, daughter or Fred
Lilly, both children nbout four years
of ngo, were burned to dentil while
playing In a barn nt Aurora. S. D.
The alarm wns given by Mr. Lilly's
boy, who Is supposed to have acci
dentally set the fire.
Surprised while looting the residence
of "" King, a well-known book
maker, at 1219 Washington houlevnrd.
Chicago, a negro thief lonpcel over the
banisters of tho stairs from tho se
cond to the groun tloor and made his
escape with more than $1,000 woth of
Uecauso the grandparents of fourteen-year-old
llnrvoy Applcgatn, an
orphan, Inslhted Hint he stnrt to
school the boy, who had expressed a
wish to become a farmer, blew out Mid
brains ut his home in Montezuma
Mrs. E P. Johnson, the'l-known
womnn suffragist, uimmlttrTr suhide
nt her homo In St. I,ouls. Insnnlb
through fenr or hydtophohia as tho
result of a bllo of a pet dog, Is be
lieved to have led to the deed.
The. National Candy company, with
an authorized capital Mock of $9,000
000, 1ms boon Incorporated In Now Jei-
aey and has filed Its ntilcles of Incor
poration with the clerk of Hudson
county, New York.
The lire which occurred at Ilogota
N- J , did not dcatroy the Campbell
Paper works iih eiioneously reported,
but the Ilogotu Paper works.