The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1902, Image 8

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Thousanda Have Kidney Trouble
nnd Don't Know it.
IIowlFo 1'lnd Out.
Fill a bottle or common class with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
.. sediment or ret-
-"Tl ,"n'' inuica,e3 an
,i i-- unhealthy condl
Hon of tho kid
neys, If it stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass It or pain in
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
.- There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a. medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sties.
You may have a sample bottle of thli
wonderful discovery
and a book that tellsi
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
address Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Blnehamton. N. Y. When wrltlnr men-
tlon reading this generous offer In this paper.
rtnnx of Bwamp-noot,
If you him n't n ri-iriilar, lirnltliy nioviMiiuit or th
fiowtli iirr (In). )uuio III or will he Kirp your
howclii mien, Hint ho wrll. Kcirrr.ln tlin lmtuf rlo
lent plusl!" or pill poison. In tlinmt mil. TIhi ninoiith
rtt, mulct, iniMt l rtirtwnjr of killing tJio howoH
clrnrnnd ilinn llo UUi,
PI, stunt, VnUtnUc, I'ulrnl. Tli Oornl. pnOood,
Hrir Hlckin, Wrnkin, ur llrlpi-, 10, , unci M rents
Cfr hoi. Hrlto for mo immi'lr, nil booklet on
-4llh. Aildrrit U
sriiimo kkbedt ronrm, niiiAi.oor w tous.
tlotior in Quality than most
10 Cigars
Compare them with other Cigar and
yon find good reasons for their costing
(be dealer more than other brand
MUNk r icwis, pr.oRU.ui.
Don't Be Fooledi
Taka tht gen original
Mid only by Madlton Medi
cine Co., Madison, Wli, It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, ,13 cents. Never sola
in duik. Accept no substi
tute. Ask your druggist.
Wc7Tsjf)n,sj'aiyis n-i.
Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk.
Dcware 01 tne dealer who tries to sell
"something fust as good."
CHiCHtnTCn'3 enough
fcCiV 4 Orltfltiiil mitt Onlj Jrnulm
KJ.-7Svn(ri.. AiMrf-!utia i..c.k nrmrW
wr i iiii;iii,.vn;us i;m,i.IM
Vln ICFU an I Until mM -villa Utin tlA.
1 lth tituo ttlilutn I 1 .... ..... tt. ...
TT frJ I'mieTcrou Nuliatlltitlonn und IiiiKm
I Iuii st. Hvj of yuiir lirug((st or sni I lr. iq
UlBDi fur I'urtltnilufB. 1 il.t.l.ii
L fjf "1 Hi lift Tor I uIU,Htn ffftr, h rr
i urn null. iii.iiMo Tratimonitia Hutlbt
kll ttrnlaf M S.IC I .'
Mention lui. ,.;,; Nlmiou sV i'lffi,." .Z
Health for 10 Cents.
A lively liver, pure blood, clean
6kin, bright eyes, perfect health
Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure them for you. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc.
ana i ai o K
JP 7 YourLlfeawayl
tSSftlt ni"d,e '." ,roaK. Magnetic, full c
new life and vigor by taking HO. TO. BAD
that makes weak men strong M.,nv fl
SLJ,0US if" drs. Over 500.000
wt ;dA."iSn,BSit?;Cure Knieeu."
- vhimu ui cw ore J(
OIesne ud Uaime Hit ntlr.
1'romutM a laiuntnl rrovth.
nerer rails to liMtdre Qrar
Cam iwlp dlmm BsriUu
This algnature la on erery box of the genulaa
Lixitive uromoguinine
the remedy that car m cola la oat slay
I Bjrun. Tutes Uuxl.
Bold Iit drueiilttii.
ueet uoutin Bjru
in nme.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Unl Clnucl Nob. Sept. 3 VM2. Hoard
of Count v ComiiilsMniii'is met penur-
cut to nljiiiiniiiicnt, iiiciiiIkm prcsunt
V. Hichunl, V. ll.C.nlni'li,,) (J Over
niiui,J. U. Wilson anil Win. A. May
Applit'iitinu liavini; bcun ninth) ly
I.'tito 'riitnnriM ninl K H. 'I'lionms, to
Irivu tho fol!owitii school Intitls up.
praised (or tliu purptisu of sain, nw
ninl ij of st'ction I)!, townsliip !l north,
rungu 11 west, tlm following eoinnilltt't'
weiu appointed, K. II. (Jurtncli, C. II.
Wilson, anil J. (J Ovciinan.
On mntioM tit'itsuiur was Itistt tiutcd
to H-fiuid K. Itobbini SO on puisonal
Tho bond of 11 liuck O. II. K. O. No
20, nppiovctl.
In tliu muttur of tho oironious ass-
ossmont of awl 15 10, county treasurer
is outhorizod to utlucu tliu tax fiom
913 to $10.40 and credit school tax to
school district 74.
This your committee nppointed to
view public highways between section
1G 17 in (initio Hook precinct rcfuso to
appropriate tlOO for ditch and recom
mend opening up old wnter course.
In regard to bridge southeast of Guitlo
Hock.Sbridgo ordered. Committco F.
H. Oerlacb, J. (i. Overman and V.
On motion board adjourned to meet
Sept.. 'J, HKW, 8 a.m.
Sept. H. 02. Hoartl met pursurant to
adjonrnmont mcnibors all present.
Motion inado and scconctl that tho
claim of Hoitibono & Nixon bo reject
ed ayes: Richard, (larlacb, Ovoiinan,
Tho road petition of A Honts ot al
).(' Ovetuian,;Kiclinitl, (iailacli was
a)ipointo I as a committcuto viow h:iiiic.
I'hti ticiisiuor whs instiuctcd to Hull
lots l'J i:i It. H. Holieis aild to Hluo
Motion iiiatlo by Wilson and .scconctl
by Ovoimau lliat tliu tlcliiKpiciil tax
list bo lot to Nation ui legal rate, ayes
Wilson, Hichaid, Ovciinan, Mny, Oar-Inch.
Husulatiou ollurctl by (iatlach ro-
solved that heroifter wo ntlopt tli
customary price of Nuckolls county in
p'i merit of bar docket which i $1(3 f n
auh tut in of cotiit. Tho fotegoing
rciilotion wis adopted.
Motion Hindu antl cairlctl tho county
couiniKsioiioM icceivo at next icgulnr
meeting Oct. 7, 02 scaled bids for the
furnishing gootl soft coal fir the county
use for the ensuing year
A number of claiini wcto allowed
and wanants ordered tliawn on villi
oils funds.
List Satuttlay afteiiioon a nine fiom, Kan., made up of players fiom
the lit si and second teams of tint
place, came over to Hod Cloud for a
game with the second team of this
city. Tho game was ropleto with eirors
and poor playing generally by both
teams. The gamo lasted for over two
hours nnd nt its closo Heach had the
best of it by n score, of !r to II). Score
by innings:
Heach 5 0 1 1 2 1 3 10 126
Hod Cloud 2 0 3 0 3 2 1 .'I 0-19
On Tuesday tho first team of Hladen
camo tlown to Red Cloud for n gamo
with tho firs' nino of this city. Tho
gamo was interesting from start to
llnish nnd both teams played good
ball. Ijonnio Day of Hivcrton pitched
for Red Cloud nnd would have won his
gamo with the proper kind of suppott.
'looker pitched a gootl gamo for Hladen
and was well supported. Hladen matte
three nus in the fust idling, giving
them a h'atl which the Hud Cloud boys
could not oveiconio. Hairy Jones um
piled the game, anil gave general sat
iufaction. Final score Hladen 7, Red
Cloud 1
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days
Morton I. Mill of I.cIirikiii lint, nitv "Mj
wife Inn) iiillmniniitory rliumiintlMn hi cur
miiM'lc anil Joint, tier miITl'iIiik ki tcrrllilo hiii)
tier lioil j ninl fittu Here swnoh'ii almost liojouil
rctOKiillliiii: liiul been In livil forMx ueukh Hint
Mini vlKlit iilijclclniiH, tint received no hcncllt
until hlio tried tlio MjHlc cure for.ltheimnUlMii.
HkhM' linmeillnle relief hiiiI kIiu whs utile tu
wiilknliont In three diijs, I inn nireltMied
her life." hold hy II. E. (Jrlcc. DrugKlM, Ited
flouil. Nul.
Qm iiii !! i immnaay j
w A sallow complexion, dizziness.
biliousness and a coated tontmo
are common indications of liver
antl kidney diseases. Stomach antl
bowel troubles, severe as they aro,
eivo iinnicdiato warning by pain,
tit licr and kidney troubles,
inoiign less painiui at tne start, nro
mucli liartlcr to cure. Thcuford's
Hlratk-Draiiflht never fails to bene-
lit diseased liver antl weakened kid
noys. It sthrs up tho torpid liver
to throw off tho germs of lever and
ague. It is a certain proventivo
of cholera and Bright's discaso of
tho kidneys. With kidneys re
inforced by Thedford'u Black
Draught thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in tho midst of yel
low fovcr. Many families live in
perfect health and hnvo no other
doctor than Thedford'g Black
Draught. It is always on hand for
uao in on emergency and saves
many cxpensivo calls of a doctor.
Mulllns,S.C, March 10, 1991.
I have used Thedford's Black-Draught
far three Vfiri anHlhiu nnt k.Jlx.
to a doctor since I have been taking ft
t is we dc j i imuicine ior me mat is
on the market for liver and kidney
uuuuicj aim uyjpcpiia ana otner
lompiainu. k,v. a. u. LtWIb
Not Doomed For Life.
"I was treated for three years by
good do'MoH," writes W. A. (Jreer,
McConncllsvtHe, O., "for piles, and
llslula, but, when all failed, Hucklcn's
Ainlca Salve ctiietl me in two weeks.'
Ciiiw but ns, bruises, cut", corns, sores,
oniition, salt rlieiim, piles or no pay.
'i'm al C. I.. Cotting'a ding store.
Statement of Taxes Paid by the Union Pacific Railroad in 1901,
in Nebraska.
s v
. JL
"V. r
(Issued Under Authority of
Coitntv Taxks Paid
Uoone 5 3,704 84
Buffalo 20,097 84
Butler 5,802 27
Cheyenne 14,915 97
Colfa 0,590 73
Custar 3,105 84
Dawson 33,400 07
Deuel (i,g((4 20
Dodge 12,000 88
Douglas 32,053 31
Gage (i.r.sCJ 9
Greeley 1,543 21
"all 14,801 40
Howard g,t)42 42
Keith 10,03140
Kimball 7,409 08
I.ancaRtcr 5,145 89
Lincoln 28.802 80
Madison 3,243 43
Merrick 15,778 01
Nance 5,333 19
I'lattei 13,318 16 .
Polk 2,00:180
Sarpy 3,018 f9
Saunderi 5,),,7 93
Sherman 3,749 00
Valley 2,o(U 87
Total, 047 50 Miles 2o7,S:i 51-S31 1 ,12perml1e
Taxes) paid Main Line, 5221,173 SO -107 38 miles -$173
22 per mile.
Taxes paid Branches, 570,002.02480 18 milea-SlGO.-00
per mile.
.0 -,'
the Railroads of Nebraska.)
The trunk line of the Unoin Pacific passes across
the state of Nebraska, antl it is a valuable property.
The figures presented show that it pays taxes amount
ing to $473.22 per mile in the ttate of Nebraska, and
through the payment of this amount of tax in this
state, it made the average tax per mile 5202.79 on the
whole line of road in the year 1900. The Inter-State
Commerce Commission reports show that the average
tax paid by railroads in Nebraska was 5198.86 and the
average west of the Mibsissippi was but 8171.45.
These figures show that in Nebraska the Union Pacific
Railroad pays much more tax than the average rail
road pays, and it pays much more proportionate taxes
than it should pay.
The tonnage given the Union Pacific in 1900
amounted to 548,206 tons of freight for each mile of
railroad, and for purposes of comparison, we will com
pare with the Pennsylvania railroad system, the great
est freight carrying roadsint he world-a system of roads
that handled in 1900, 3,250,587 tons of freight for each
mile of road (nearly six times the tonnage of the
Union Pacific).
The wildest western boomer would not compare
the Union Pacific with the Pennsylvania system of
railroads. The Pennsylvania railroad system having
net earnings of 530,440,621.19 in 1900, while the Union
Pacific earned but 59,071,606.79, and still this great
system of railroads running through the states of
Pennsylvania, Now York, New Jersey, Maryland,
Delcware and Virginia, paid but 5307.49 tax per mile
in 1900.
Tax per mile, Pennsylvania Railroad $307 49
Tax per mile, Union Pacific Main Line in Nebraska 473 22
Tax per mile, Northern Pacific Railroad in 1900 163 72
Average Tax per mile in Nebraska, 1900 198 86
(InterState Commerce Commission.)
Statement of the Taxes Paid by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis
& Omaha Railway Company in 1901.
Douglas 5 2,810 70
Cuming 2,127 91
Stanton 35157
Dixon 8,338 42
Cedar 6,230 40
Knox 3,730 16
Thurston 4,757 71
Madison 875 41
Burt G,782 34
Pierct 1,215 72
Washington 6,890 49
Wayne 8,487 31
Dakota 6,793 78
Total, 271.16 milei.... $59,402 92 $219.03 MTmlle.
This section of road is the Nebraska end of the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway
The traffic furnished this portion of the road is so
much less than what isgiven the lineeast of tlicMiisouri
River, that while the whole road in 1900 earned $2,751.
80 net earnings per mile, the line in Nebraska earned
but $1,270.41, or less than one half the average. How
ever it will be seen that on the Nebraska line, they
paid 5219.05 per mile tax.
It is our aim to make comparisons with roads un
der similar conditions, cither in earning capacity or
location, and in these comparisons not using immed
iate adacent states, so that the complete line of com
parisons will ultimately cover nearly the whole
So in this bulletin we will take some southern
states, among others, for lines of comparison.
Tennessee )
Louisiana )
Georgia )
Alabama J
New York )
Connecticut f
Yazoo & M. R R ,
Florida Central ,
Georgia & Ala. R. R
Central N. E. R. R
(Inc. 1'oushUpslB Urldgt)
Tax Paid
Net Esralap
Per Mite
You arc "Next" at
Oliver SchafTnit's
Barber Shop,
Hascmont Potter Wright Building. J
Seissops Ground, j
Razors Honed,
All kinds of barber work executed!
promptly antl satisfaction
Statk of Ohio, City okToi.edo,
Lucas County. f "'
Frank J. Cdenky makes oath that
ho is sonior partner of tho Mrm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in tho
City of Toledo, County antl State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each nnd every case of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hai.i.'s
Catakkii Cuiik.
Sworn to beforo mo nnd subscribed
in my prosenro, this Oih day of Decem
ber, A. 1). 1880.
j seal Notary Public.
I lall'- Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally, antl acts diiectlv on tho blood nnd
nitifotu surfaces of tho system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. C1IKNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Soltl by Druggists, 7."c.
Mall's Fnmily Pills ate the best.
Low Rates to the Black Hilis
Tho Burlington Route has announced
low Kites to tlio Black Hills of South
Dakota for tho following dates: July 1
to 13. August 1 to 14, 23, 21, HO, 31. Sep
tember 1 to 10. On other days until Sep
tember 15 low latos soniewhnt higher
tban thoso in effect on the above dates
will bo offered. Sylvan Lake, Hot
Spiings, Deadwood, LnadCity, Spear
fish antl a number of other points in the
Black Hills nro well worth visiting. Any
Burlington Routo ngent will bo glatl to
tell you more nbout these excursions.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Lnxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho monoy if it
fails to cure. E. W. Orovo's signature
is on each box. 2.c.
Half Rates to Hastings.
(. A. R. reunion, September 8 to 13,
1902. The Burlington route announces
one faro for tho round trip from all
points in Nebraska to Hastings on ac
count of the annual reunion of the
Grand ArniT of tho Republi:, to be
hold on above dates. Ask tho Bur
lingtoo loute agent about dates,
routes, train service
It's Cool in Colorado.
August 1 to 14, 23, 24, 30,31, Soptem
her 1 to 10.
On tho nbovo days tho Burlington
will sell i ountl trip tickets to Denver,
Colorado Springs, Pueblo and many
other Colorado points at extraordinar
ily low lates.
It's cool in Colorado all summer long,
anil t licit) ai u hundteds of lesnrt.sin
tlio Rot'kiei wbt'io one may escape
from tlio lieut ot the plains antl spend
an ulllngethcr delightful vacation A
caul to .1. Fiancis, (inniMal Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb. will bting you a
gnoil supply of Colorado booklets Hint
will help you plan jourtiip.
A Parson's Noble Act
' I want all the woiltl to know,"
wiilesRnv. C.J. Buillnng, of Ashaway,
R. I., "what a thoroughly good and
tollable medicine I found in Klecliic
Bitteis. Thov cured me of jaundice
antl liver troubles Hint had mused mo
great stilleiing for ninny jeais For
a genuine, albnrountl euio they excel
anything 1 ever saw." Electric Bitters
are the surpriso of all for their wonder
ful work in liver, kidney nnd stomach
troubles. Don't fail to try them.
Only GOc. Satisfaction guaranteed by
C. L. Cotting.
A Boy's Wild Ride Eor Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, antl a son riding for life, 18
miles, to got Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption, coughs, nnd colds,
W. H. Brown, of Leesvillo, Intl., en
d ti red death's ngonics from asthma,
but this wonderful modicino gave
instant relief and soon cured him. He
writes; "I now sleep soundly every
night." Like marvelous cures of con
sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis,
coughs, colds, and grip provo its
matchless merit for nil throat nnd lung
troubles. Guaranteed bottlea 60c and
1.00. Trial bottles frco nt O. L. Cot
ting's drug store.
Genuino Rocky Mountain Toa made
hy tho Mndison Modicino Co., is mado
or raro and costly hot hs not found in
nny other preparation, therefor got tho
kind you road about, a.1 cts. C. L.
.BAKEflY and GR
When in town eat at (tho
I! in Ton wheio it is o:n,
cool and no Mies.
15 cent Meals at All Hours.
,Soda Fountain is Opkn !
Fifty.siv tlilletent kintU of stimmmX
W. S. BENSE, Prop.
Lock Uox 23. Guide Rock, Neb.
KM kinds of property bought, sold nd
House Moving and Raising
a specialty.
All work guaranteed satisfactory.
Your work solicited.
Over's Grocery Stoic.
,1ll,?.011,lo,diiK propoMMl nmciiilmcnt to (lie
roiitltiilloii of Hit.. Mute of Ncl.niskH, as Iicrcln
after m fortli In full, is ciitniiltti,! ti. tho etc"
or i of the Mute of Nel.rn-ka. lo ho oteil upon
nt thu iiutiernl election to be held Tik-m v.
Noemljer4, A. 1). Wi '
A Joint resolution propohlnc to mneti.l kcIIoii
J, ''' We llficen of the I'onMllntloii of
theMiite ot Nelirnvkii. reliitlxe to the niBii
ner of MiMnltiliiK nnd ndoptlnc ninend
NebraBkn -ol,,,,l"ll" ' die Mate of
lit It Htolrnl ninl Ihmrtfd by tht f.tgiflaturt
oj tltt Mali oj .Wliiiitht:
Sri Tfn I Tim, tuflll.... .. - -..-. ...
oftlieCoiiMKiitloiioftheMHte of NebrnMn bi
mnended to read nt folloHK:
Section 1. Either branch of the lecMature
may propo-c nmeiidmeiif, to this Constitution,
nnd If the (.aiue be agreed to bv three tlfilii of
the members elected to each home. micIi pro
posed amendments Miall bo entered on the
JoiirniiK with the jens and naj-R. nnd publUheil
ntlenst once each week in at leant one newupa
per In each cpimty where it newspaper Is pub
lulled, for thirty days Immedlatel) preiedltiB
the next election of scnatorN and reprchenta
tlvcB. at which election the same Miallbemib
tnlttedlotheelectoisfor approval or rejection,
ana If majority of the electon otliiKatkuch
election on mich proposed amend nent, thall
ote to adopt such amendment, the same shall
become a pnrl of this Constitution. When more
than one amendment la submitted nt the sane
election, they shall be so submitted an to en
able the electors to oie on each amendment
All ballots used nt such election on sucli
amendment ,or amendments shall hae written
or printed thereon Hie ioIIowIiib: For porpoetl
amendment to the Constitution relating to (here
Insert the subject of the amendment) and,
AKHliist proiKiK-d amendment to thoCotiMItu
tlon relatliiK to (here Insert the subject of the
amendment), and the otc of each elector
Ji"iV? ," ,'",cl1 fraeii'lmcnt or amendments
shnll be deslRiinted by the elector by making a
cross wlili ti i pen o pencil In a circle or square-tobi-plaredattherlKlitof
the lines the wordn
tor or 'AKnlnsi" the proposed amendments, an
he shall desire to ole thereon, or by Indicating
his preference on n otlng machine when such
machine Is In use.
..J: lien, .'. Mn,r"h. ccrclary of state of the
state of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to the Ctnisilm
tlon nt the atale of Nebraska Is n true an
correct i-opy or the original enrolled and en
grossed hill hk missel i,v the twcnt seventh
session of the leglshunro of th spue of Ne
briiskn as appears from mid nrltrliiiil hi 1 on
lllo In this olllre. und that snld proposed amend
ment l submllted to the quallm-d vo ers of the
Mnte of Nebraska for their ndoplloii or rejec
tlon at Him general elertlon to lm held on Tues
day, IhiMlh da) of Nu ember. A. I) iwu.
In lesiluiDii whereof, 1 haVu hereunto set m
Imn ami nillxed Die great seal of the Mate of
Ilmii'iit Lliicnln Hits jj,l ,n of Julv. In the
jeiiriiMiiir l.oid OiiuThuiisaud Nine lluiidrid
and 'Ihii. of the Imlepetidciite of tho fulled
NiitCHtlie tine lluiiilnd and Twent) seeulh.
and of this stale the 'I hlrM Ixtli
, , i.i:n. W. M.MISII.
l"rAI-l Mctetan of s.ute.
B. & M. R.Y
;;;) CLOUD NElili.
S'l. LOUIS and
(ill points cast nnd
and all points
13. Passenger dally for Oberlln
and bt. Francis branches. Ox
ford. McCook, Denver and all
points west - - 6-10 .r.
No, 14. l'asscnger dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City, Atchison, St.
Louis, Lincoln via Wymore
and all points east and south 2-3 j n.ra
Nt 21. Vasscurer. dally, Denver, all
points In Colorado, Utah and
California. . .... 8:33 p.n.
No. 22. Passenger, dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City. Atchison, St.
Louis tad all points east and
oath .. 10:00a. st.
1(0. 174. Accommodation, dally eicept
Sunday, Hastings, Grand is
land, Ulack llllli and all
points in the northwest..
N. 173. Dally except Sunday, Ox
ford and Intermedial poliutig :20p.m.
Bleeping, dining, and recllntntftiatr cars.
i seats free) on through trains. TlckV.s sold an
tltnc checked to any point In the United
States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps er Ucket
call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Re4
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General I'assenger
Agent Omaha, Nebraska.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That U what It wu nasi lor.
w An Yaar Kldaev t
I' Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus IMIls cure all kidney Ills. Ram.
i pie free.
i .J'l il!.,,, as. f