The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 05, 1902, Image 6

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Red Cloud Chief.
published WEEKLY.
nun CLOUD.
Young King Alfonso RcomB to regard
Spain as quite a neat plaything.
A mnn who Is too poor to own an
BUtomobllo escaped tho danger of driv
ing one.
Many n man would rather give his
wlfo $200,000 (If ho had it) than go
On second confederation the French
liavo decided not to havo a revolution
at tlila time.
If tho Doer generals like to hear
shouting let them wait until they
coino to this country.
Tho latest romhlnntlnn naturally
loadH to tho Inquiry, "What shall the
harvester harvest ho?"
In Venezuela the rebels want to he
tho government a while and to let tho
other fellows he tho rebels.
Tho boy who wants to ho like Tracy
should seriously reflect whether ho
would llko to end llko Tracy.
And poor old William Waldorf Astor
didn't even have u chauco to stand
outside nnd hold the horses.
Experience hns shown that It Is pos
sinlc to organize a trust so big that
one human brain can't manage it.
Tho now "Inconspicuous" uniforms
of our soldiers will not servo to make
their deeds of daring less noticeable.
A Philadelphia man has been asleep
ten days. Nothing llko tho profound
quiet of that town to Induco slumber.
Thoso who havo Investigated tho
noiseless mosquito say It Is fully
equipped In all Its business depart
inents. Tho Fair rclntlvcs have been so
busy quarreling over the 110,000,000
estate that they have had no time to
shed tenrs.
A leading American actress has
Just ordered fifteen wonderful Paris
gowns for tho elevation of tho drnmn
next winter.
It Is said that the Chinese, although
a musical people, havo no nntlonnl air.
Mr. Souca should promptly remedy
this deficiency.
By this tlmo King Edward should
be well enough accustomed to his now
crown to leave It on tho hatrack when
ho goes in to dinner.
Tho mnn who hnB bought Santos
Dumont's airship now has a chanco
to get his news in tho papers and
maybe on a tombstone, too.
Young Wllllo K. Vnnderbllt says
he's going to quit being nn automobllo
scorcher. Ho must know of somo
other fast gumo thnt Is less danger
ous. Ono of tho old settlers snys Chicago
Is derived from nn Indian word mean
ing Btrong. Perhaps iho Indians got
their first ImpresHlon from the stock
yards. Tho crown that King Edward woro
for a short tlmo may bo worth $4,500,
000, but thero Is no question that n GO
cent hammock hat Is much more com
fortuble. A man In Topclcn went to n dentist
to have a tooth filled nnd robbed tlio
dentist of nil his gold. Evidently tho
dentist dhlu't properly kill tho pa
tient's nerve.
Commend us to tho Paris Matin for
journalistic gallantry. Tho only thing
"doing" In tho world of continental
news, nnd tho story killed at tho re
quest of a woman!
No father of n 5-year-old will say
that tho $10,000 Just paid by a Now
Jersey street railway company for
causing the loss of a llttlo girl's hand
In a trolley car accident was too
A Jnpnnoso philanthropist Is to tho
foro with tho discovery that tho leaf
of tho cofTco plant, rolled In n cigar
ette nnd smoked, will produce nn In
tenso dlsllko for tobacco. Smokers
should take warning.
The king of Sweden threw off his
coat tho other day nnd assisted in
rescuing twenty-thrco persons from
drowning. He is tho kind of king thnt
would havo thrown off his crown hail
ho huppened to havo It on at tho tlmo.
Tho refusal of the government to
give buck to Spain nrtlllery taken in
Cuba "hns created a bad Impression In
Madrid." Considerable anxiety will
be aroused throughout America when
this is generally known.
A corn crop of fully 2,500,000,000
bushels If now assured, thus making
certain that there will bo enough corn
for making whisky, with a lot left for
those who prefer corn bread.
Much Interest Is displayed among
tho brethren of tho road In tho enso of
tho Lockport mnn who ents, drinks
nnd sleeps nt ono and tho same timo.
Dr. nourcart, tho Swiss minister to
London, has refused to como to Wash
Ington, It will now bo necesBnry for
Washington to go to the mountain.
Mindancm, of Philippine) Croup,
Fools Earthquake
Kittling Walt Kill Tnenty Ntlc
American Soldier F.M-iipe Injury
Military Nltimtlon In Territory
It Unlet Other Newi
The wnr department Wednesday re
ceived u cablegram from General
Chaffee, nt Manila, reporting the oc
currence of a series of curthquakrs on
tho Islnnil of Mindanao. Twenty per
sons were killed by falling walls, the
victims all being MoroB. The Amer
icans In the vicinity etunped and the
dispatch says there were no reports
that any of the soldiers occupying that
portion of the Island nffcetcd sus
tained any Injuries. The upheaval oc
curred, presumably, about five days
ago, In tho country ndjucent to the
lake of Lanao, In the Moro section
of tho Island, near Camp Ylekers,
which Is now the headquarters of the
American forces stationed in Minda
nao. General Chaffee says the moun
tains and rivers were considerably dis
turbed and much damage done. This
Is tho first serious earthquake reported
from that country during American oc
cupation of the Philippines. The most
Important previous was In 187:2 In Min
danao, closely following the ei option
of the volcano of Mukatiirin.
General Chaffee also cabled that the
military situation In that section re
mains quiet and unchanged.
Froipert fur (loud Yield of dupiin'
Htnple 1'roilnct I Olonniy
Tho extraordinary weather this year
In Japan mukes the prospects of a
good rlco crop the main food of the
people very gloomy.
The thermometer has hardly reached
80 degrees in the open, and has been
generally dodging around G.r to 75 de
grees. Heavy rain has been falling,
culminating In typhoons on July 10
nnd 11. The wind blew nt hurricane
velocity, tho rivers rose six nnd eight
feet, embankments were cnrrlcd away,
whole villages were Inundated and the
reports of loss of life and damage to
property are daily growing.
Luckily the rain, which Is so dan
gerous there, fell at the right time in
Korea. A magnificent crop of hurley,
which has already been harvested, to
gether with full rice fields, will put
Koreans In an enviable position.
Clilncnn Not Allowed to I.iiikI fending
Treumiry DecWIou
A San Francisco, Cul., August 27,
dispatch says: The 250 Chinese In
tended for the crew of the Pacific mnll
steamer Korea arrived here on the
steamer Gaelic.
Collector of Customs St ration has
again notified the steamship company
that tho Chlneso must be detained on
the Gaelic nnd not even allowed to go
Into tho detention shed, pending a
final decision In the case by the secre
tary of the treasury and the commis
sioner general of immigration.
Tho sailors' union of the Pacific has
entered a strong protest against the
transfer of these Chinese to tho Korea.
The union contends that Chinese can
not be transferred to the Korea with
out bringing them ahhore to be signed
before the United States shipping
commission, and that the net of bring
ing them ashore would constitute a
vlolntlon of the Chinese exclusion act.
Km'npeil for a runtime
Ton O'Hrlon, an escaped convict
from the Montana state prison, has
written the authorities that a state
ment of tho crime lor which he was
Incarcerated bo made public. He saya
thnt his only object In escaping was to
kill Deputy Morgan, whose testimony
convicted him. The letter states It was
written behind n rock while tho writer
was surrounded by officers. Tho hand
writing has been identified.
Ciiatro ItefiiHK Portfolio
Fernandez Castor, ex-civil governor
of Havana and leader of tho autono
mist party, has declined the secretary
ship or agriculture In Palma's cabinet,
mnilo vacant by the resignation of
Emillo Terry. Palma has offered the
portofollo to his brother-in-law, Gen
eral Rlus Ilh era, collector of customs
nt Havana.
Npnln I'lKurlni; on l.nmm
A council of the Spanish ministers
will hear the report of tho ministerial
siib-commlttco on the possibility of
Spain opening negotiations with New
York bankers for the re-establishment
of n bill or credit system on tho bank
of Spain In New York. It Is under
htood In Madrid that n Wall street
syndlcato has offered to open n credit
for n million pesetas provided the In
terest Is paid quarterly.
Iloer A tree nn UUInIiiii
The Uoer leaders are so satisfied
with the progress of the settlement of
affairs mat they will not need to re
turn to tho continent nfter they visit
England. An agreement has been
reached among them ns to the disposal
of tho money now held by Former
President Kruger and Dr. Leyds. Whnt
this agreement Is, Is not yet known.
Aetlon Agnlnnt Mrtnter number Annuel
iitlnn nt liiiinii City
Tho mnster plumbers association Is
declared to be a trust operating In
violation of the Missouri anti-trust Inw
In a petition filed at Kansas City
Wednesday In the circuit court by W.
It. Young, a local plumber, who alleges
that his business has been ruined by
mombers of- the comblno who havo re
fused to sell him supplies because ho
was not n member. Young asks !30,
000 damages.
roitnmitrr (,'nn flip Jmt n Utile Into
The cthlca of "political activity" on
the part of postmasters linn been ex
pounded by Assistant Postmnster Gen
eral Wynne, who hns answered an In
quiring government official, who want
ed to know If he hud a right to act
as a delegate to a convention. "You
nre not prohibited from Joining a polit
ical club nor making voluntary finan
cial contributions outside of the gov
ernment building, nor from nctlng nB
n delegate to a county, state or con
gressional convention," Bays Wynne's
letter. "You should not, however,
serve as chairman of a state or county
committee, nor take an nctive part In
conducting a political convention, nor
make yourself unduly prominent in
local political matters."
Advlic Innfiillntlon of Wlrelen Outfit
on livery
The navy department has made pub
lic Admiral Hlgglnson's report on the
capture by his squadron of the vcsscIb
under Commander Plllsbury. The ad
miral Bays Plllsbury's fleet was de
ficient In speed, but his evasion of the
outside scouts and arrival on the const
undetected was very creditable to him.
The result of the operation, the ad
miral says, was to gather very valu
able Information for tho intelligence
ofllcc concerning the capabilities for
defense nnd menus of communication
nlong the New England coast from
Cape Cod to Portland. He urges tho
establishment on all nnvul vessels, re
gardless or expense, of u wireless out
Itlter (ilven up tlie Keinnlii of Superin
tendent C. 1. OUnn
A message received nt Burlington
headquarters at Lincoln, Wednesday
afternoon, gave the Information that
tho body or C. P. Olson, the late su
perintendent or bridges, who was
drowned Monday at Burlington, had
been recovered.
Ever since the accident occurred tho
search has been vigorously prosecuted.
At noon Wednesday the river gave up
Its dead, and the remains were round
at Montrose, twenty-three miles below
Tho body will be brought to Lincoln.
Ko Danger of Foreign Fleet (letting
Foothold Alnntr Long IkIiiiiiI
According to ndvlces received at tho
war department, tho shore defenses of
Long Island sound, at Newport. New
London nnd Narrngansett have been
put In such good condition In anticipa
tion of the lomlng maneuvers that, if
nctuul wnr was Impending, nnd ir tho
United States navy co-operated, they
would be absolutely Impregnable to
the attacks ot the combined navies or
tho world. Such Is Mnjor General
MacArthur's opinion utter a careful
Inspection of tho torts defending that
stretch of coast.
Tim Mmlthft Were, There.
Tho Holsteln. In., fair, which opened
Wednesday had a novel attraction for
Its first day In the nature or a reunion
or tho great Smith fnmlly. This Is the
first reunion or the kind ever held.
An Invitation was extended to every
man, woman or child named Smith,
Sinythe. Smyth, Schmidt. Schmltt or
Schmld. Some or every denomination
were there nnd much merriment was
the result. The fulr management gave
premiums to the homeliest Smith, the
handsomest Smith, the tnllest Smith,
the shortest Smith, the oldest Smith,
the youngest Smith, the largest Smith,
and the smallest Smith.
To (Set Cleur Title
Attorney-General Knox sailed for
Europe Wednesday on the Oceanic.
"I am going abroad for the purpose
of obtaining n clenr title to tho prop
erty of ttie Panama Canal company,"
said Mr. Knox. "I shall also investi
gate the treaty between the Panama
Canal company nnd the Colombian
government, which Is to be transferred
to us. I havo no doubt that every
thing will go through nil right." nt Hut tie Creek
Five employes of the llnttle Creek,
Mich., sanitarium, nurses, probation
ers nnd stenographers, were drowned
nt Uiko Goguno Wednesday evening ns
a result of n collision between tho
steamer Welcome and a rowbont con
taining n party of young people. Flvo
girls hnd been out for a row about
the lake with it young .man and were
returning to the snnitarlum villa.
I. II. Hurley Injured
J. H. Hurley, n well-known Lincoln
druggist, suffered a broken leg and
possibly interim! injuries Wednesday
forenoon nt Malcolm. Tho horse ho
was driving took fright at n hand car,
turned suddenly about, upset the car
riage and threw Mr. llarley violently
to the earth. Ills left leg was broken
Just above the ankle.
A Futul Tight
Lizzie Hall, twenty-six years old,
and Joseph Campbell arc dead and an
unknown man is dying in Ilelhvue
hospital, New York, as the result, the
police say, of a quarrel In the woman's
According to the police, the two men
entered the npart meats and tho quar
rel ensued, during which four shots
were fired.
N'elmnkiinn for Xinj'
The ncndemlc board of tho nnval
academy at Aannapolls havo recom
mended that the following bo accepted
as having passed their mental exami
nations for admission ns midshipmen:
Class of 1000 E. A. Wallason, Illi
nois; M. F. Drelmnl, Nebraska; S. A.
Tufllndor, Illinois.
After firing two ineffectual shots nt
his wife. Dora, and his step-daughter,!
Lillian Choen. David Segal killed him
soir, says a Boston dispatch. It Is said;
his mlud was unbalanced.
Cholera Strengthening Its Grip in
tho Far East
Unthreiik F.iteuilltiir t'nrtlur TIihii
Kver llcfore .lam the Strick
en, nil I'euple Dying by the
Hundred Ihilly Other Neirn
A Victorln, 13, C. August 28. dispatch
Bays: The epidemic or cholera Is
reaching alarming propel lions on tho
other side or the Pacific, tho outbreak
extending further and having more
victims than over before repotted.
It extends from the island of Java
to Japan, nnd almost every city on the
const nnd many from the Interior arc
affected. The disease, too, is being
contracted by Europeans as well as
natives. In Hong Kong, from the first
of the outbreak to August fi. there had
been 025 cases, six of the patients be
ing Europeans, nnd Gil deaths, of
whom four were Europeans.
In Tien Tsln, the Inst report placed
the number of cases for the year at
1,019 and 701 deatliB. within the city
wnlls, and 1.01G enscs and GO.'l deaths
outside the city wnlls. In other plueen
In China the proportion of cases nnd
deaths Is Just nR great.
A dispatch says hundreds have died
In Java. A writer from Kuelln Kwansl
province snys:
"I write from n city stricken with
n violent epidemic or cholera. People
nre dying by hundreds dally. Outside
the city over 1,000 have died. Whole
ramllles are reported to have died."
In Japan the disease Is working fear
ful havoc.
The Doungcr Kinpre of (J III on (IreM
CaiiiinlHHlnner llurrett
A Tacoma, Wash.. August 28. dis
patch states: Oriental ndvlces just re
ceived state that tho audience granted
nt Pekln by the emperor and empress
downger of China to John IJarrett.
commissioner general for the St. Louis
world's fair, was exceptionally notable
and remarkable. It was tho first time
In the history or the Chlneso court thnt
their majesties havo ever received any
commissioner rrom n rorclgn lnnd on
a similar mission, but this innovation
was rollowed by n still more striking
one. At the conclusion or ndtlresses
the empress dowager. In violation or
nil precedents, Invited the minister and
commissioner to ascend the throne
dais, where she engaged them In prlv
ato conversation through n high offi
cial. Atter asking ninny questions
about America, the president and the
world's fair, she atated that China
would take part and Fend an lmperlnl
commissioner In order to promote the
commerce and the rriendly relations
of both countries, and particularly re
quested Mr. Ilarrctt to convey to Presi
dent Hoosevelt Chlnn's deep apprecia
tion of the generous nttitudo of the
United States toward that country dur
ing the recent troubles.
Fulling MolHture Sine l.ouer Cullforiila
rrom Iteeoinlui; u Uunto
Timely nnd nbundant rnins, the first
for three years, have saved the south
ern end of the territory of lower Cali
fornia from being a barren waste.
J. W. C. Maxwell, who has arrived
at San Francisco from the Mexican
coast on the steamer Ctiracoa. reports
that up to the tlmo the steamer left
Capo San Lucas, at tho very extremity
of the peninsula, over six Inches of
rain had fallen during the last few
weeks. The creeks nnd nrroyas were full
and many canyons which had been like
furnaces for many months hnd run
ning streams.
Early this year thero was a largo
exodus of people from the barren dis
tricts, only the men remaining, in or
der to guard thoir lands, In the hope
that ruin would fall audp revent a
total loss of their small holdings.
Prepare to Deiuuinttriite the Stifety of
Long InIiiiiiI Sound Cltlen
A dispatch says: The entrance to
Ing Island sound is on n complete
war footing and the army Is proparetl
to show thnt It Is next to Impossible
for an Invading fleet to forco n pas
sage and move down upon New York
nnd the other cities along the sound
const. The statement was mndo this
morning by General MucArthur. who
commands the army that Is to repel
tho attack or the nnvy, maneuvers be
ginning Friday night. Upon the slg
nnl corps under Gen. Greeley falls the
chief work nt present. Gen. MncAr
thur went off shore this morning on
his yacht Kunnwn to direct farther
target practice today at the torts.
Searchlight practice Is being maintain
ed at night from the various forts,
making tho sound us bright as Broad
way at night. Admiral Illgginson bus
proceeded to srn.
Swimmer Holbein, who stated to
swim tho English channel from Cape
Grlsncz to Dover, was taken from tho
wathc off Dover parade, ono mile from
shore Thursday morning. Frank
Holmes, of Birmingham, stnrtcd nt 5
o'clock this morning to swim from tho
Eugllbh side, but six miles out wns
seized witli sickness and abandoned the
Tho western tldo was very strong
nnd Impeded Holbein, who wns too ex
hausted to complete tho Inst thrre
qunrters of n mile. Ho had been In
the water twenty-two hours and
twenty-one minutes.
Chnrees Mny Arlne From Certain Kxecn
the t'ouecftftloiiii
Charges against President Palma,
arising rrom certain executive conces
sions, preterred by the house, havo
been prepared and printed nnd Im
peachment proceedings against tho
president nre liable to be sprung any
day. The antl-Palma clement la can
vassing the senate. The president and
Minister Squires are holding dally con
ferences on the matter. The specifica
tions have been handed to Squires.
Neither will spenk for publlcntlon.
The stnte department announces that
although It Is in dally communlcntlon
with Minister Squlers It has not been
advised of any crisis In Cubnn gov
ernmental nffairs, or of any effort be
ing made to Impench President Palma.
North Carol I rm IteptihlientiK Declare for
White Kulo
A Charlotte, N. C, August 28, dis
patch states: The republican state
convention met at Greonesboro today
and Indorsed the candidacy of Thomas
H. Hill, of Halifax. Independent, for
chler Justice of the supreme court, nnd
left blank tho positions of nssoclatc
The convention adopted n resolution
ncccptlng tho constitutional amend
ment of disfranchisement, and binding
the paity not to contest the amend
ment's constitutionality.
Tho convention was composed en
tirely of white men. Contesting dele
gations of negroes were in every In
Btnnce debated. Chnlrmnn Chnrles
Price, or Salisbury, made n speech
congratulating the republican pnrty on
the elimination ot the negro rrom poll
tics In North Carolina, saying that
they were now released from "tho
body of dcuth."
Young .Mini Step Into H Tank of Ited
Hot (ireime
J. D. L. South, an employ of tho
Lincoln Gns & Electric company,
Lincoln, Neb., wns the victim of a
peculiar accident. He wns putting In
a pipe at the power house when tho
formnn called him to make some re
pairs on n boiler. It wa3 very dark
there and to reach the corner where
the boiler was stationed It was neces
sary to walk along a pipe about n toot
wide. Accidentally slipping, his right
foot plunged Into a tank of hot grease.
This tank Is being continuity filled with
hot water and refuse rrom the engine,
finding Its way to the sewer through
a pipe In the bottom. The young man
quickly pulled his foot out and his
cries for help speedily brought other
employer, to his assistance.
nurleil In h Winding Sheet
Hurlal In n winding sheet only
characterized the funeral or Miss Mary
Redmond Martin, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Martin, or Llewellyn Park,
N. J. The interment of tho body in
Rosednle, without a casket or a box,
was n matter of private concern, the
family said, uml they refused to discuss
It. When the hearse reached the cem
etery the remains were carried to tho
grave and dropped below in a winding
sheet. Miss Martin wns twenty. Tho
Martins are well !; own and wealthy.
llepoHlte of AxheHtoN
A valuable deposit of asbestos has
been proved up near the Ropes gold
mine, several iiiIIch from Ishpemlng,
iMIch., nnd n local company has been
organized to develop the find. Numer
ous test pits have been dug nnd tho
asbestos has been found to exist in a
deposit SOO feet long by 200 feet In
width. Thero are many thousands or
tons of the mineral In sight.
Tho fiber Is worth $40 n ton.
HurlH llliiiHfir to Dentil
Mrs. Eva Wendt, hysterical with
fright, leaped from a window or tho
fourth floor of a burning lint house
In New York City and was killed.
Four men were Injured, none seriously.
Another woman, In a paroxysm of
fright, severely bit the hand of n flrc
mnn who wns carrying her out. Souvenir
Laborers In the subway excavation
nt the corner of Lafayette and Astor
Places, New York, unearthed a town
crier's bell made of brass with Ivory
handles, a bronze powder flask and an
ofllcer's sword hilt, evidently oneo
studded with gems and Inscribed
"Third New Jersey regiment, 1771."
DepntH Hum
The Grcnt Northern passenger nnd
freight depots nt Sioux Falls, S. D
burned at noon Thursday. Loss, sev
eral thousand dollars. A strong south
wind was blowing and the fire depart
ment could do nothing. Considerable
freight and baggage in the depotn was
Cut ThroiitN of Children
Mrs. Reese Wagner, wlfo or a citizen
of North Little Rock, Ark., nnd hor
two children, nged three nnd six yenrs,
were found dead In bed with thoir
thioats cut. It is believed Mrs. Wag
ner killed tho children nnd then cut
her own throat.
Letters have begun to pour Into tho
office of Stnte Superintendent W. K.
Fowler In response to n notice that
Nebraska was In need of school teach
ers. Thirty letters come Monday of
last week from Kansas. Missouri, Iowa,
and Illinois. One or two enmo from
Chlcngo. Ono man wrote that ho was
working tor nn express company ror
$50 n month, but ho thought ho might
better his condition by coming to Ne
braska and resuming his profession.
The wnge3 paid In country schools In
this state range from $30 to $00 a
Mother of Little Fellow Had No Time
for Petting.
Tho following mny have bearing on
the general conditions of the present
Jay In our cities. It Is n true story:
A friend of mine, a physician, has
given much or his energy nnd scien
tific skill to work amqjg poor chil
dren. One of his methods of helping
them Is to take them on a week's
camping expedition In the country.
One night ns ho sat around tho camp
fire with his little friends, telling
them stories, ho beckoned to him ono
of tho littlest boys, who was sitting
npart from the others, and who some
how invited a "mothering" without
asking for it.
"Climb up here In my lap," said tho
doctor, and the child did so so eager
ly, snuggling to his friend with a sigh
of contentment.
Presently ho looked up into tho dos
tor's face and said thoughtfully, as
though he had been considering the
subject for some time. "My mother
never does this."
"Never holds you In her lap, you
mean, Arthur?"
"No never does." f
"Well, why not?"
Drearily, but with entire resigna
tion, the child answered:
"She works."
Mothers, sociologists, kind peoplo
everywhere, do you hear the child's
answer? Ho has missed not only edu
cation, good times, a pleasant home,
careful bringing up, but ho hns nlso
missed thnt small, Inalienable right
of children being mothered a llttlo
In the hour when the evening shadows
fall, because "she woims." Jany-s
O'Donnell Bennett In Chicago Journ&l.
But It Ig Doubtful If His New Owner
Appreciated Him.
A shrewd old Yankee horse-trader,
atter years or success or a kind to
make David Harum look small, got
badly stuck on a nan so reoblo nnd
spiritless that It squatted like a jock-
rabbit every time its ribs wore
tOllrllPll. Til nnvi' iu.nnr folt irnrv
sore, but determined to do whaho
could to retrieve. He invited a dea
con or the village church ror a ride,
and himself rodo the new horse. See
ing a rabbit, he jabbed the horse with
his heels, and the nnlmnl promptly
squatted. When the deacon Inquired
the cause, the trader explained that
tho horse had the faculties of a set
ter, and set whenever he saw game.
A rise of partridges brought forth
another manifestation, throuch tho
trader's heels; and then tho deacon
Insisted on trading his own horse and
$50 for tho sporting equine. On the
way home, the deacon rode his ww
purchase. Fording a stream, he
raised bis feet to keep them dry and
nceldently jabbed the horso in the
ribs, whereupon the Bat down
In tho wnter, wotting the rider from
feet to chest.
"Whnt's the matter, Zelte?" called
tho deacon. "Ho can't soo no birds
nor rabbits now!"
"Fish, deacon," explained Zeke, sol
emnly. "That critter's a sport thru'
and thru'!"
Embarrassment Caused by Answer of
Thoughtless Youth.
A young lady who had been pouring
tea at a function in a suburban New
Jersey town, having toward the end of
the affair become somewhat fatigued,
sat down In n quiet corner of tho
room, where she witnessed tho follow
ing Incident:
A young man came In and made his
way to the hostess, greeting her nnd
apologizing for his Intencss.
"Awfully glnd to to see you, IJlr.
Blank," said tho hostess. "So good of
you to come. And nil the way from
Now York-, too. But where is your
"1 am commissioned to tender his
regrets. You soo, wo aro so busy just
now thnt it wntj Impossible for both of
us to get away, and so we tossed up to
see which of us should come."
"How nice! Such an original idea!
And you won."
"No," said tho young mnn, nbsontly;
"I lost."
Explanation of Little Value.
An editor on a dally paper has laid
himself open to unkind remarks by
trying to tnko up a collection In his
ofllce. Happening to wnnt a small
coin, ho ttirned to a fellow-worker and
asked tor a quarter.
"Haven't got It, but hero's a dollar,"
tho man replied, as ho tossed It over.
Tho editor put tho dollar In his pocket
and Immediately turned to a special
writer at the next desk and said:
"Miss , could you lend mo a
quarter?" Then, seeing tho mna from
whom lio had got tho dollar grtri, ho
ndded, hastily: "Oh, never mind; I
just got a dollar from Brown."
In analyzing his conduct he said
that Brown's reply that he did not
havo a quarter was apparently the
only pnrt of tho transaction that made
nny impression upon him. But he Is,,
under suspicion in that ofllce, and will J
probably never be ablo to live it down.
Work of Making Cashmere Shawls.
Cashmere shawls are made from tho .
wool of tho CashMicre goat, which
tl.rna t ti the. en.1iti.i.ft unit.,.. rT.l.ft.j.
and Tnrtary. Only tho summer wool?
Is used, and this Is bleached by a prop-i
aratlon of rice flour. For ench coIoredH'
thread a different needle Is UBod. Tholft
process Is so slow thnt when tho dc
sign Is elaborate, the completion of
ono square Inch will occupy three per
sons tor a nay, and a shawl or re
markable beauty would take this nut
ber a yitr far Its execution