The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1902, Image 4

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runiinip.t) bt
Ouo year 1 k.
Itxraonth V
Entered at inc pout office at lied Cloud, Nub,a
ccond class mall matter.
l'tirnlslied on application.
State Ticket.
Tor (louTiior,
Of l'olk Count).
For Mciitt'iintit Governor,
K. (I. M'lIIMON,
of Dotixlas Count).
l'or SCftvllltjr nf Stute,
or Itlcliardsoti Count),
I'or Statu Trctisurur,
Of Valley County,
for State Atiilllur'
OfMicrldati Count).
I'or Attorney (Iciicral,
Of (Jane Cuuuty.
For Commissioner Public, l.andts and lltilldliu:,
(IKOItdK 1). KOl.I.MKlt,
Of Nnrkolla County.
I'or Superintendent Public Instruction.
Of WasliltiKton Count)'.
Congressional Ticket.
I'or CoBRrcHsman, Alii Ultrlct,t
o. w. Noimta,
of lted Wl.loiv County,
County Ticket.
For ltcprcfcntat!vo4lth District,
Of Inavalo Township.
For County Attorney.
Of lted Cloud, !M Ward,
For Commissioner, 1st Mat.,
Of .Stillwater l'reclnct.
For Commissioner, 4tli Dlst,,
or lted Cloud l'reclnct.
Republican Senatorial Convention.
Tho Republican convention of tho
l'nonty-sixth senatorial district is
horoby called to moot In Suporlor,
Nuckolls county, Nebraska, on Tues
day,Soptombor2, 1002, nt2o'clock p.m.,
for tho purpose of placing in nomina
tion a candidate for state sonator and
for tho transaction of such other busi
ness ns may como beforo tho corvon
tion. l'ho representation of tho counties
of said district is as follows: Franklin,
10 delegates; Webster, 13 delegates,
nd Nuckolls, 14 delegates.
io proxies allowed and delegates
present cast tho full vote of delegation
from their county.
James Uuiiden, Chairman.
Jno. K., Secretary.
Somo years ngo tho women of Colo
rado woro granted tho right to vote.
Now a few of thorn demand tho privi
j ge of having t saloon just like the
men. Whoro will this end? Fremont
Colonel Kosewator stops tho press
loug onough to inquire, "Can Mercer
be elected?" Well I don't know, colo
nel; that will depend, upon whether or
not David gots the Republican votes of
the district, the Beo'a among the others.
The Northern Pacillc railroad has
issued an order railing the salaries of
about 400 telegraph operators Sept. 1
The action was voluntary on tho part
of the railway company and will add
about $25,000 per month to tho pay loll
of tho company. The raise of salary
varies in amount from 12.50 to 910 per
Conditions ato constantly varying,
conscquoutly what was correct yester
day may not ba to day. While thore
may be somo few instances in which
tho tariff may need revision, thoso
instances aro few and their revision is
only mado necessary by changing
conditions. The present tttrilT law
stands on suro foundations aud
approved principles, remarks an ex
clnugo. It is like a house with a fuv
faulty stones in the wall, but with a
solid foundation anil strong as ever for
all tho purposes for which it was con
structed. No owner of such a house
would entertain for a moment it prop
osition to tear down tho wholu house
because of tin unimportant or trilling
weakness. So no statesman thinks for
n luomuut of making tiny radical
uuiuigo in Uiu tut ill as it stands today.
. The News cotisidiis it "nomiveoi'k"
to doslgnatootii coudiduto for governor
Kaitnui" Mickey. It is on the same
level of nousonso as it was when Hryan
was photographed with ovei.illsonaiid
u pitchfork in his hand-,. They ate both
farmers, of couisc, the same as tho
writer is, aud nuiuiy every limine, s
man in town. Hut what signities it. ,f
Mickey or Hryan is a fat mei ? A farim r
is just us good us u lawyer, m a lawyer
is just ns good as a farmer, provided
always that ho is. A man's occupation
don't make him honest or competent.
There mo honest men us well as dishon
est' men in every walk of life. Wo sup.
poso tho idea is that it will ticklo the
fnruieis that ouo of their number has
been named for a high ollieo uml they
say Consumption can bo cured."
Naturonlonowon'tdolt. Itnoods
help. Doctors say
"Scott's Emulsion
Is tho best holp." But you must
contlnuo Its use ovon in hot
If you hove not tried It, send for free sample.
SCOTT to HOWJfU, Chemists,
407-415 Pearl Strict, New York.
Soc. nnd Ji.ooj all druggist.
will vote for him rcgntdlessof northing
elso. l'h is idea is iici'Mxriiily accom
panied by the fuillier idea that farmer.
are all cnumps anil idiots This (Hurt
to form I'lnssus, and to set oc against
'lie other, is most contemptible. Th a
is the gi cutest sin Hilly Hryun will have
to answer for. Ho N continually harp
ing about the "common people," as
hough they wete a class of rcgiolcred
tliroughbtetls who were dillorent ftom
the lest of us WJij not beswnsibleevi n
in politic!-? Albion News.
How silly people do get in n cam
paign ! Mr. Mickey, tho republican
candidate, having saved money on his
farm and in his bank, loaned n sum to
a Polk county farmer; and, ns is usual
in such cases, took n tirst and second
mortgage, tho latter being for about
forty dollars, It being merely at. interest
mortgage. Of course, iiko all other
second mortgages it covers tho same
property ns tho lirst instrument, con
sequently it shows a whole lot of secur
ity for such n small loan. Now a soul
less opposition describes that mortgage
in detail, using it to prove that Mr.
Mickey is a Shylock, a venal vampire,
and nil those other things that a candi
date becomes in tho eye of an oppnent.
The fact of the mutter is that upon
nearly every encumbered property
theio is one of theso second mortgages,
which shows a lidiculotisly large
amount of security. It is tho usual
business way of making a loan, but
that does not hinder pcoplo from at
tempting to uiako political capital out
of it.
As a matter of fact, if tho farmer
intended to pay tho loan (and tlioy pay
nowadays) it would make no difference
how much property was named in tho
instrument; that would not niako a
cent's difference to tho debtor.
Tho Daily is not in politics, and is
neither working for nor agaicst Mr.
Mickey, but such such cheap methods
of campaigning deserve censure, no
matter who employs them. Nebraska
City Weekly.
Next Sunday there will bo services at
tho Hpiscopal church at 10:.'!0 a. m. and
at 8 p. tu. Kvorybody welcome.
Services at tho Methodist Kpiscop 1
church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a m.
and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Roy. M. P.
Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P.
Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep
worth Leaguo, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Bruner,
superintendent; Epworth League, 7
o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president.
Services at the Church of Christ will
be hold as usual next Lord's day.
Freachmg at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. by
tho minister, T. A. Meredith. Bible
school at noon, Trace Sherer superin
tendent. Junior O. E.,3 p.m., Mrs. Mere
dith acting superintendent. Prayer
meeting Wednosdayat 8 p. m. Special
music at morning and evening proach
ing sorvices. We will niako you wol
come. Como and give us tiio oppor
That old copybook maxim finds its
most forceful application in the waste of
vitality, which is called "burning the
candle at both ends." A woman is
often tempted lieyoud her strength by
domestic or social demands. Some day
she awakens from this waste of strength
to the woeful want of it. She has In
come weak, nervous and miserable.
l?or weak, nervous, run-down women,
there is no better tonic and nervine Hum
IJr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
restores the ntmetite, quiets the nerves
nnd gives refreshing bleep. It cures
local diseases peculiarly womanly which
undermine the general health. It makes
weak women strong, sick women well.
"No doubt you have forKOtten tnc tint after
ou read my Utter ou will temembcr tut?,"
tiles Mrs. Annie I! Moriim. of jS:lli Avenue.
i b W , Kujtioke Vii "III Hie ear 1S47. I wrote
lo 3u for advice, which you i;ae me free of
I charei When I wrote to you I wain wreck , I
mum 1101 uaiK Miaigm lor pains 111 my ao;o
tneu could not sit down, lie down, or Ket nuy
ease ut all I li id what was catted the twt doc
tor here, hut did not eel any better until I went
through n course of vour medicine I took cl);ht
tmttlci e.ich of 'l'aoritc Prescription ' and
Miolden Medical Discovery, und ten Unties of
the ' I'le.ifam Pellets ' I tell you the medicine
made cure of me "
Weak and sick women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All
correspondence is held as strictly private.
Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, lluflalo, N. Y
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness.
-vv s
Mrs. Lulu Fuller letiirnetl to Ih-i
home in Bethany Thursday, nft-r a
visit witli hut- parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J ft Pottct.tiear this city.
John KlINon brought a bunch of
cattle over from Ksbon. Kan., the Hist
of the week. Ttieio wete two cat
loads tivrraging 1100 pound, nnd tlu-j
topped the market in Kansas City. The
cattle wi re fed in Spanoglu'u pasture
Clyde Kppenon was nNo over from
IMion helping K.lison with the cat'le
If theie is one tiling above nil others
that the city should do it is to have the
weeds cut that mo .standing in tin
stieetaiid to have the sidewalk re
paiied. The sun lloweis in some
places are higher than an avLiagi
nun's i cad aud side walks aro a posi
tivo menace. Cut the weeds mitt ic
pair the walks
(.ii-orge Lindscy will leavo Sattttday
with his cattle for the State Fair at
Lincoln. We ditl not iemn how manj
ho will take. Ho expects, if lie can
get the proper transportation, to tue
the cattle to the Kansas State Fair und
also tho fails ut Wichita und Hutchin
son, Kan.
Mrs. A. J. Tomlinson left Thursday
morning for a visit with her brother iu
Loadvillc, Col. Before returning home
she will visit in Denver, where sho ex
pects to be joined by her husband on
his way back from Nomo City, Alasku,
where ho has been looking after his
mining interests.
Tho Ladies' Guild of tho Episcopal
church postponed, on account of the
unfavorable weather, the danco which
was to have takou place- at tho home
of Mrs. S. Templo north of this city
Moudny evening, to Wednesday even
ing, when it was given in Bonse's hull
There was a merry crowd present and
all seemed to enjoy themsolves. Klmer
Crone presided at tho piano.
Wednesday ovenine a number nf
Tres Harwood's friends treated him to
a surprise party, tho occasion holmr his
31st birthday. Refreshments consist
ing 01 ico cream and cake were served.
Mrs. Harwood had ovidentlv been tnlrf
something, as sho seemed to be pro-
p-iroi tor guests. A pleasant evening
was spent and all unite in voting Mrs.
Harwood a capital entertainer.
Last Saturday, night the Fraternal
Aid Association held their first session
in tho now hall in tho Potter building
After the session of the lodgo all the
mourners present retired to the Bon
Ton and there supper was given in
honor of Mrs. T. A Wilburu, who has
been tho prosident of tho lodgo for the
past year, and who left for her new
homo in Lincoln, Nob , Monday.
A South Dakota rancher has oostnd
the following on a tree near his resi
lience: "My wife Sarrah has loft my
ranch when I dideii't Doo a thing Too
hurnnd I Want it Distinctly under
stood that any man as takes hur in the
Keers for hur on mi account Will gtt
himsolf Pumped so Full of ledthetsum
tenderfoot will locate him for a mineral
claim. A word to the wise is sufficient
and orter work on fools."
Thursday afternoon ono of Frank
Huffer's boys got his right hand in a
faed mill and it was badly crushed.
Medical aid was summoned as soon as,
possible and it was found neccessary
to remove the second, third and fourth
fingeis. Very quick time was made by,
the doctors in getting to the house',
which is southwest of this city. la
about ono half of an honr after the ac
dident the physicians were there.
Hugh Miner left Sunday for Chicago,
whoro he will purchase the fall stock
of goods for the tlrm of Miner Bros.
Pile addition of another store rooni'
and other improvements in their facil
ities for doing business mado by tho
tinu this season have added greatly
to their already largo business. With
the arrival of tho new fall and winter
goods, Miner Bros, will have ono of
thu larges: and most comploto stocks
of general merchandise west of tho
Missouri river.
Thu announcement of tho marriage
of Miss Mnudo Celeste Greenlee,
daughter of J. L. Greeuloo. to Arthur
S.T. J,veu, hits been received in this
city, lho marriage ceromouy was per
fointud iu Kihoka, Mo, August iiO,
and tho yoiiug couple will bo til home
at r-urnilngion, la, after September
10 Mr. and Mrs (Jieeuleo formerly
resided in this eiiy and ulho'iu Blue
Hill. Mr. (iivenleii was at ouo unit
editor of thu Nation and also of the
IS ue Hitio Hill L'.'udci
T iore ato a number of II, io herd of
cattle in this couuty, but tho ownets
seem cott'.eni to let tho facts abutit
their cattle ill itt about at will Nw
we would like to Imvo tiiusu who own
u to stock bring its in all the items of
nows concerning it. If you sell any let
us know who ymi .,ell u to. Holp us
to creato a greater interest in lino stock
of all kinds in ini, county. There aro
numerous herds ot lino cattle, lino hog-t
and linn slucp iu this ojtinty, but
very tew pcoplo know auy thing about
them. Hiing us thu news abutit your
hinds anil lei u publish thu news items
for you and in this wise let others
know what you have
g n
Reduced one-half with
pure soft water, applied
frequently with dropper
or eye cup, will remove
congestion and Instantly
relieve pain and Inflam
mation. CAUTION! Avoid dangeroui, Irrl.
tatlng- Witch Haiti preparation!, rep
relented to bt " the tame at " POND'S
EXTRACT, which easily tour and
eenerally contain "wood alcohol," a
deadly poison.
The Bed Cloud base ball team went
to Cowlcs today to play oall with the
Cnwlcs boys. It is going to bo a good
There will be u game of base ball at
the gtounds west of this city tomorrow
afternoon between u nine from Beach,
Kan,, and tho second nine of this city.
Last Friday afternoon tho baseball
teams of Bladen nnd Cowles crossed
bats on the Bed Cloud grounds. Quite
a crowd witnessed tho game. A. Gu
lusha served as umpiru und seemed to
give goneral satisfaction. The score:
Cowles, 7; Bladen, S.
An interesting gmne of baseball was
played on the home grounds last Sat
urday betwoen Inuvulo unit Bed Cloud,
resulting in n score of r to !J in favor
of Bed Cloud. The features of the
game were tho splendid fielding by
Bert Garber and the pitching by Conn
for tbo home team.
Yesterday the tirst base ball nine of
Bed Cloud crossed bats with tho lirst
nine of Blue Hill and mot defeat by a
score of 4 to b. Wo should call it the
tirst nine because tho boys wero about
tho ago when boys lirst begin to play
ball. Minor Sherwood was captaiu of
the Red Cloud nine and one of the
Koehler boys was captain of tho Blue
Hill nine. Miss Irene Miner hired the
rigs which took tho boys from here.
All lovers of the great American
game of base ball should seo tho game
to be played iu this city, next Tuesday
afternoon, between Bladen and Bed
Cloud. This game will be interesting,
as Bladen is after revenge. Tho Bed
Cloud boys went up to Bladen a short
time ago and defeated Bladen and now
Bladen think it can defeat Bed
Cloud ion the home grounds. Come
out and seo this game. It will certainly
bo worth your while.
Rural Free Delivery for Red Cloud.
H. J. Oruisby, an inspector of rurnl
free delivery routes, was in this city
this week. Mr. Ormsby drove over
and mapped out font' routes out of
this city and yesternay examined the
fourteen applicants who had applied
for positions as mail carriers. In a
conversation with a reporter for this
paper Mr. Ormsby stated that unless
the people living along these routes
would fix up the roads in much better
shape there was but very little hope
of getting the routes established. The
mail carriers must drive over their
routes in a certain length of time and
unless the roads are placed in a much
better condition than they are in at
present the carriers cannot do It inside
of a time limit. While recognizing the
conditions and difficulties under which
the roads have been kept open this
year, Mr. Ormsby says be can only
hold theso routes h rerv short timp.
f --
nd then if the roads are not put in
good condition he can not make a
favorable report. Butal freo delivery,
therefore, depends entirely on good
roads. The routes laid out run ns fol
lows: One north nnd northwest, one
eist nnd northeast, another south and
southwest, and tho other south and
southeast from this city.
$45 to California and Return.
Tickets on salo April 31 to 27, May 27
to June 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal
stopover arrangements and return
limits. For additional information ask
tho nearest agent, Burlington Route,
or write for n California folder to J.
Francis, Genera! Passenger Agent,
Builington Heme, Omaha, Nob.
Vi hi will do worse than this if yen
don't buy your harness nnd lmrdw.ite
of .1. O. IJutlor, 'lest time,
(Wpf twf W
33399 333333333 333333
Our Stocilf
Fall and Wiimir.
01 time and attention to
and are confident we can please you in
Styles, Prices and Quality.
to Child's Calf Shoes,
to Child's Kid Shoes,
fl Children's Shoes, 8 to 12,
jjj at $1.00, 1.10 up to 2.00. itt
jryi -"""iwo jxja iiwm
ive can save you to to 25c on
every pair
Silk Waists.
We are selling our Ladies' Silk Waists at
wholesale prices. We have a beautiful line in
all colors in the new styles. Come in and see
them. We have special bargains all through
our Dry Goods stock that will interest you.
Our Grocery Department is so popular that Jr
IE naraiv renuirRS
Stock and lead in
to Bring us your Produce. We have
m market for it.
1 Turnure Bros. I
To make room for my winter stock I
will sell what is left of my stock of
Summer Underwear AT COST. This
is your opportunity to buy your
Summer Underwear cheap for next
summer. Also a full line of Corsets,
Hoso and Children's Gauze Waists,
Children's Crocheted Summer Hoods
and Jackets.
Highest Market Price Allowed
In Exchange for EGGS.
oiilclin&; material, Bto.
red cloud. - - Nebraska
i J System Plirifir I'fVoAUWco by our physicians, Freo Samiilti of
lllustrati'it book ih'.scrlbltw symptoms, c.ium
valuablu recipes nml prescriptions In plum
Dr. Kav's
cunsthuwry worst cuscs ,of Dyspepsia,
." i.nur mm iviuney uinimm-s umi D.M1 results or i.a lirtppo Send for proof of It c:
imm?MiH.!5.,l.'lil5JJurHyn'Cf,?".M .aold,V.y DruKKiHtB. WttaUo any Mitistltutu K
buthenil ustftcw , Wets orl uomiil wu will Bend Ur Kay's Kenorutor by return malt.
A J5 ci nt or Ml cent nackairo of Dr. Kay s Kuiovutor Is i ! 1 i " j
S loDeiietitunyof ttieso symptoms or money refunded by us UUflraillCeO f
: Address, Dit. IJ. J. Kay Miuitr. Co., Saratoga Spring, N. Y. h
Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold
LtLvitive Hioino-QuiniiKi Tnlilolw'iiics
i cold in ono day. No cm o, no pay
) cents.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day
MiMlcl'iire for rheumatism ami neiirulRla
eadll) lures In from one to three ilujs. Itsac
luu upon thu K't.tem Is remarkable andnm
crluiit. It removes hi ouee the i-wino ami the
llsenH' Immediately disappears. Tl.o lirst dose
anally bciii'llts. 71 cents, hold Uf-Jl. K. GrltS
hed Cloud, Neb.
Shoes is now comolt:
We have given a great
5 to 7 1-2,
at $1 00, 1.10, 1.25.
5 to 7 1-2,
i4- rye di riri i oc t'i'
UW UJJ tU p.W.
of Shoes.
nrlvprnmn.r. vvp hnvp HH w
a itt
- h of (lisuascti, best treatment, also many
lnBKuairc, haves doctor's bills Ask for it. ;
Rennvntni- -
Constipation, Headache. Palpitation of H
To the Northern Lakes,
mo iuiiinp;ton Kouto anuotiin ttn-
commonly low rates to Iiikii iCTWtsof
Miiinesotn, Wiseonsin, South Dakota
and Iowa for tho following dates. July
0 to 15, August I to 15, September I to
10. Heltei ask tho nearest HtirliiiKton
Kouto iiRentnbout tho abovo excursions
antl tnko advantago of tho low rates