The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1902, Image 2

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    Red Cloud Chief.
There Is nothing humorous about
Inscription for Tracy's tombstone:
The wages of sin Is death."
Flirtation rhymes with vacation
this summer, Just as It always did.
Mining coal with bayonets Is not a
happy solution of the strlko problem.
Death succeeded In arresting Tracy,
but tho deputy sheriffs claim tho ro
ward. Tho crown prince, wo hope, did not
throw his birthright In tho fnco of
the kaiser.
In caso wo should annex Haytl,
would wo also havo to annex tho
Haytlan generals?
nclng crowned and convalescent,
King Edward has now become an I to
n uninteresting personage
Bandit Tracy did not dlo In vain.
Ho has achieved a place In tho wax
tlgure class at dlmo niuseumB.
Some of tho baseball players say
they bcltovo In respecting contracts.
Ah, tho game Isn't what it useu to be!
Knnsns City bartenders are threat
ening to strlko for shorter hours. Wo
have no hesitancy in hoping they will
Tho girl's mother soys that story
about tho prlnco's Infutuatlon Isn't
true. IJut do girl's mothers nlways
Premier Sngasta Is about to retire
from the command of tho Spanish
ship of Btnte. Look out for another
When a visitor takes an hour ol
Mr. Schwab's tlmo ho may bo Bald
to bo squandering money with reck'
less prodigality.
When all tho railways get through
combining, guess whether It will be
Morgan or Rockefeller who will own
the entire bunch.
As to that Chicago woman who
cowed a burglar Just by looking him
In tho eye well, say! what couldn't
nhe do to a husband?
Until Dr. Depew Is Interviewed con
corning tho coronation tho United
States will not feel sure that every
thing In Great Britain Is as it Bhould
Incidentally the genorous gift of Or
borne house, made by King Edward to
the English people, will relievo the
donor of tho largo cost of Its mainte
nance. J. Plerpont Morgan denies that hit
ship deal isn't going through, nnd re
gards it as a kind of sacrilege that the
ridiculous report should havo been
Tho New Hampshlro paper that lint
just published a Christmas poem t
either forcing tho season or behind
tho times. You may draw your owe
Society notes nro being sifted
pretty eloso In New York, whero the
Information la telegraphed that tu
baby camel of Central Purk has i
pair of now boots.
A Missouri editor who threatened tc
write an artlclo entitled "Hell anc
Who Will Ilo Thero" has been warned
against tho publication of libelous mat
ter by tho entlro town.
May Yoho and Strong havo mcl
again. Now If they will clasp handi
nnd stroll far Into somo deep, darl
cavern, pulling tho cavern in nftei
them, all will bo forgotten.
' Tho dcceptlvo toadstool, whlet
looks llko u mushroom, Is doing itt
Jiest to rcduco tho contingent of tin
superfluous population that llvei
through tho drowning senson.
Ex-Queen Llluokalnnl Is grumbllnj
becnuso sho has to pay an lucomo taj
of flCO on her annual nllownnco o:
7,li00, but sho ough. to reniombci
that sho Is in luck to have an Incomt
to bo taxed.
A Cincinnati health omcor Iiob be
gun a campaign against dirty popes
currency becauso It carries dlsenst
germs. Most people In Cincinnati o'
elsewhere would bo glad to expost
themselves frequently.
Oaynor and Greene have boon so
at liberty by tho Canadian court. Per
baps tho next time this governmen
tries to get a man extradited it wll
pick out somebody who has no mono;
to hire eminent lawyers.
The czar has Just presented thi
kaiser a gold smoking set, and thi
kaiser has Just given tho czar a goli
writing set. The rest of ub meane.
mortals will havo to wait till Christ
mas before we can afford to swop pret
The boy nt Chester, Pa., who swlrai
bo much that ho dreamed ho wai
diving tho other night nnd fount
when he camo to himself that ho hat
dived head foremost down a flight o
stairs, ought to havo a tub of colt
water set beside his bed.
Recent Fighting in Colombia
Tells on the Rebels
Aibit at Align llnlre Una lint Limited
Hnpply Strmlned IteUtlon Hetween
Colombia nml Nlrtirafim Not
I.lkrlr to Continue
The stfamship City of Porn arrived
at Panama August 21 from Central
American ports. Her passengers re
port that the revolutionary gunboat
Pad 1 11a Is at Corlnto, Nicaragua, where
sho Is believed to have gone to secure
coal and ammunition. The revolution
ists at Agua Dulce are said to have but
a limited supply of ammunition as a
result of tho recent severe fighting In
that district.
Government ofllrlals at Pannmn have
expressed the hope that following the
negotiations opened In Washington
tho early part of this month for the
establishment of 11 n entente eordlnlc
between the governments of Colombia
and Nicaragua conducted by Scnor
Concha, the Colombian minister and'
Renor Corca. the Nicaragua!! minister
at Washington, Nicaragua will cease
helping the revolutionary general Her
rcra unless that country Is actually
desirous of creating complications with
General Salazar, governor of Pana
ma, received u telegram from the Co
lombian minister of wnr at Ilogota
saying that 3,000 men hnd nlrendy been
dispatched to Colon to reinforce the
troops on the Isthmus.
Colombia and Nlcnrngua have of lato
been viewing each other with sus
picion. Colombia has asserted that
Nicaragua Is responsible for much of
the trouble on the Isthmus of Panama
and that revolutionary expeditions
have formed on NIcnragunn soil.
There have been strong Intimations
that Colombia would adopt counter
Bteps by an Invasion of Nicaragua.
The negotiations of the ministers of
theso two countries nt Washington,
referred to In the above dispatch, are
believed to hold good prospects that
each country will respect the luws of
lint KfTort to l'rctenl n Wnlillng- Mt-ntu
With Illmiinl Kiilltir
11. E. Perkins nnd .Miss Clara Seher
mer of Deadwood, S. 1)., were married
Thursday. They were to have been
married Tuesday evening, and the Jus
tico of the peace and Invited friends
assembled at the home of the bride,
but she did not uppenr and could not
be located. The guests ate the wed
ding dinner and went home. It. trans
pired that several ladles who objected
to the young man hnd spirited the girl
away and detained her until after the
appointed hour, finally releasing her
ou her promise that she would not
marry. This morning ePrklns had an
interview with her, with the result
that they were quietly mnrrled before
further Interference could be inter
Fair Helm Willing to (iUe .Mm, I'nlr'n
Kutiite to Her People
The contents of the will of Mrs.
Charles Fair have become known, says
a Snn Francisco dispatch. She disposes
of an estate approximating $3(10,000.
The mother Is given a Hie annuity of
$-.500. Four brothers and two sisters
nro left legacies of $10,000 each. Tho
children of her dead sisters are also
provided for. The remainder of the
estate Is left to her huslmnd.
Tho Fnlr heirs, to avoid litigntlon,
have decided to offer Mrs. Fair's rela
tives her entire estate If they will fore
go nil claims which they may believe
they have upon Charles Fair's estate.
Fern for Meut Iimpentlnn
The Btnto department has received
from United States Ambassador White
nt Berlin, copies of the otllclal German
proclamation with regard to the fees
to bo charged for the Inspection of
meats brought Into Germany from
The fecB embrace compensation for
tho removal and transport of samples,
for notifications, registering the In
spection books, drawing up for certifi
cates and such traveling on the pait
of tho expert meat Inspectors ns may
bo necessnry.
(!rn. l'riinr SI gel Meinl
General Franz Slgel. the famous sol
dier, politician nnd editor, died nt his
home in New York Thursday morning.
Tho general hod been falling for two
years, the result of old age and a gen
eral break-down, but It was only Sun
day last thnt he Anally surrendered and
took to his bed. The end was peaceful,
with hlB family at his bedside. He
was born In Iloston, November 18, 1824.
Ho came to the United Stntes In 1852,
was in the civil war, in which he dis
tinguished himself. He was the hero
of a famous wartime poem, "I Fights
MIt Slgel."
llemile Ilonrhlll Iteml
A cablegram from Portsmouth, Eng
land, announces the death there of lies
sle Bonehlll, the vamous vaudeville
Knit In Thirty-nine Ynti
James Morris, a wealthy landowner,
living at Fairmont, W. Vn., and noted
aa a prophet Is working on a book
entitled "The Time of the End Ac
cording to Hlble Chronology." It pre
dicts startling things during the next
few years among them being the resur
rections of the righteous dead In 1931
and the second coming of Christ and
tho mlllenlum in 1941. Morris, it Is
claimed, predicted forty years ago the
war with Spain, the trouble between
Great Britain and the Doers, the Gnl
veston horror and the Martinique disaster.
Hpnnltli 1'eopleAlmont Hearty to Heller
Their Ruler fnmmn
A Madrid, August 21, dispatch says:
A correspondent learns confirmatory
details of tho suspicious eccentricity
of King Alfonso's behavior during his
recent provincial tour. His majesty
repeatedly gave evidence of a lack of
mental balance, nnd almost drove Gen
eral Paeheco, his chief attendant, fran
tic. At the Ovcillo reception the king
complained of being bored and asked
why he could not go to bed. Paeheco
explained that etiquette demanded that
the people must leave first. A moment
later, during a hush, the king doubled
his fists nnd placed them to his mouth
In Imitation of a bugle and sounded
tnps. Everybody stood aghast and
looked toward tho king, who again
sounded taps, stretched his nrniB and
yawned. The people took the hint nnd
filed out.
At Leon the king was met by a bril
liant procession to escort him to the
town hnll. On his way tho triumphal
arch attracted his attention. In a loud
voice he called on his driver to stop,
unslung his enmera and took pictures
of tho arch from every conceivable
position, delaying the procession ten
At Santander tho king received the
city's keys on a Btrect stand. As the
keys were handed to his majesty tho
people shouted "Long live the king."
In the stillness which followed, the
king leaned toward Duke Deveragua,
who was on another stand, nnd shout
ed: "Say. duke, you did not get any
thing this time, (.Id you? No long life
for you,"
Then he laughed boisterously at the
duke's confusion. While nt Cabadongn
he visited a famous shrine, accompan
ied by the bishop. When shown the
sacred relics he laughed at them nnd
said he did not believe In "such non
sense." These are 11 few of the typical
doings or the king. His actions have
caused the people of the provinces to
fenr their ruler Is really demented.
I IIIiioIm (iriiln Driller' .Ammlutlnn till
cuane (JiK'ntlon
A Chicago, August 21, dispatch says:
In mi effort to devise a plan for pre
venting a recurrence of corners In oats
and corn, such as those of Inst month,
directors and otllceis or the Illinois
grain dealers' nssoelnCoii held a con
ference here today. The members said
that some satisfactory arrangement
would be made before the end of the
meeting. The consensus of opinion
seemed to be thut the association
should ask the directors of the board
of trade to assist the grain dealers In
this crisis by making u commercial
basis or difference In prices by which
the grain grading below contract muy
be applied at a uniform difference on
such grain grading below such contract
The system of grnln Inspection ns
applied In Illinois wns condemned by
several of the members.
Touimhlp Will It 11 n Komi
The Kansas & Southern railway, op
erating between Illaine and Westmore
land, Kuu.. n distance of ten miles, has
been placed In the hnnds of receivers
on application of tho Hock Creek town
ship board because the owners. Knn
sas City capitalists, had discharged Its
employes and given notice thnt opera
tions would bo suspended indefinitely.
The township hourd. which bought
J31.fi00 In bonds In the road when It
was built, taking stock In exchange,
proposes to operate the line. Ilotb
sides are guarding the property.
I'limi'linte fit I In to Open
L. A. Sartell, nn aeronuut or Fair
well. Mich., whs probably fatally In
jured nt Dnnvllle. III., as the result of
a parachute leap from a balloon 1,200
feet above the earth.
When he leaped from the balloon
the parachute failed to open and he
was dashed to tho earth. His reet
were driven six Inches Into the ground
nnd he sustained a compound fracturo
of both limbs.
Snrtell's wife was recently killed In
a similar manner nt Cairo, 111.
Aeuliuililii Wilt I'lirm
Advices from Manila report a feeling
of deep Interest In the future move
ments of Agtilnaldo and Mablnl. Tho
former has announced his Intention of
taking ui) agricultural pursuits In Ca
vlto province. He declines to enter
into nny polltlcnl discussions. He can
not get over the Idea of letting others
legislate for the Filipinos nnd would
rather die than prostitute his con
science. SeleeU Chler or Stuff
Gen. Ell Torrance, commander-in-chief
of the G. A. It., has selected Col.
A. Noel Hlakemnn. Ills chlef-of-stuff,
as chief inn rs hnl of the parade of vet
erans to ho held on October 8, during
the national encampment. General
Torrance's selection Is In accordance
with the established precedent that tho
commander-in-chief's chief of staff
shall command the encampment pa
rade. MeeiiRT Hot Strike
The merchants nnd brokers Thurs
day were forced to do the work of tho
messenger boys nnd all the business
depending upon the telegraphic ser
vice was seriously obstructed as a re
sult or the second strike or the mes
senger boys. The Western Union tried
to employ messenger boys In the place
of the strikers, but were unable to
do so.
Cowl Famine. Threatened
An immediate hard coal famine
threatens Chicago. In the entire city
there was not more than 60,000 tons on
hand August 21, and as one-half of
that has already been contracted for
or bought outright, the public has only
25,000 tons of the hard fuel available
for purchase.
Usually at this tlmo of the year
thero are 300,000 tons of hard coal
within the corprate limits. Hereto
fore unlimited quantities could be pur
chased at $7.25 u ton, but now the ma
jority of tho dealers are asking $8.50
a ton, and some of them want $9.
A well known business man was
standing nt a street corner talking
with a friend the other afternoon,
when a seedy looking chnp. with n
bloated countenance and n whining
voice, npproached and tackled the
business man for the loan of a dollar.
The business man gruffly declined tho
shabby chap's appeal and told him to
be on his way In n canter.
This rather puzzled the companion
of tho buelnesB mnn, who knew that
the latter was of an extremely ehnrl
table and open-hnnded disposition
a man who rnrely resisted tiio appeal
or the commonest street beggar nnd
who made It a point never to turn
down nn appeal for financial old from
unrortunnte rrlends or rormor days.
Tho business mnn chewed In silence
on the end of his cigar for a while
and then he snld:
"You no doubt think It odd thnt I
sent that fellow, whom you could sec
knew mo by my first name, on his
way with such suddennos and asper
ity. So I might ns well put you right
In the mntter. That fellow is the only
man In the world thnt I actually hate
and despise nnd 1 marvel nt his gall
for bracing me for as much ns a shoe
string. And I'll tell you why I despise
him We two nre or exactly the snme
nge nnd we were brought up together
In this town in the same neighbor
hood. He was tho model or tho neigh
Take It as one will, there Is some
thing Impressive In tho danger or
demise or royalty. Wo mortals have
buihled up nnd exnitcd the worldly
fabric ol our existence as high as we
can. We have constructed outposts
and redoubts and Inner nnd outer
walls, and keep nnd tnnctunry, nnd
some or ns hnve placed high up and
over nnd above all a king.
And now there comes n time for the
glorification or this brave work, when
the king shall take his place upon his
throne, and his lords and vnssuls and
people throughout hair the world shall
rejoice. There shnll be great pomp
and gorgeousness. and ancient rite
mil ceremonial, and revelry and roast
ing. In a magnificent old cathedral the
rich light shall shimmer and reflect
on Innumerable Jewels, and on gnr
tnents or cloth or gold and ermine,
and here shall be assemoled the pride
nnd pomp and chivalry or n grent
nation to do honor ar.d homage to
their sovereign lord.
Suddenly, In the midst or nil the
gaudy preparation there comes nn
unbidden guest, a guest toot enters
the roynl palace with the same mien
Druid Hill Park, near Superintend
ent Cassell's residence, was the scene
on Sunday or one or the fiercest hat
ties ever rought between crows on
the one side mid u large chicken bnwk
on the other, and, perhaps, the only
battle or Its kind in which the hawk
suffered defeat, says the Baltimore
It is a well-known fact thnt the re
lations between hawks and crows havo
been strained perhaps since creation,
hawks neglecting no opportunity to
destroy young crows before they leave
tho nests. Representatives of the
two species of birds rarely meet with
out a battle. They usually fight in
midair. This Is no doubt the reason
why the hawk has won so ninny vic
tories. Fully twelve or fifteen crows took
pnrt In Sunday's battle. The hawk
was attacked In midair whllo hovering
over a crow's nest. Tho onslaught
made him furious nnd ho retaliated
by swooping down on the treo In
which tho nest was built. The crows
were determined to drive off the
enemy nnd mndo a systematic nnd
concerted onslaught on the Intruder.
First one and then nnothor would
European Governments Experiment
ing In Many Ways.
No innovation in European nutomo
bllo practice within the last year or
two has attnlned such Importance ns
the trial of alcohol In the plnce of
gasoline. The attempt to eftect a
substitute has been stimulated by,
jr it did not originate In, two potent
rorces. One Is the desire of the ror
elgn rarmerB to find n uso for the
superabundant nnd cheap spirit man
ufactured rrom sugar beet refuse and
from potatoes. The other Is the ag
gressively helpful nttltnde assumed
by tho French and German govern
ments. Several exhibitions havo been
held within the last few months to
illustrate the many practical applica
tions which enn be made or alcohol,
and In Franco two months ago an elab
orate series or tests was made, under
the auspices of tho minister of agri
culture, to show Its special fitncBB for
propelling vehicles. By the French it
Is customary to employ a mixture of
alcohol and gasoline, and not the lat
ter alone, because the gasoline engine
can then be retained with little mod
ification. In Germany nn effort Is be
ing made to perfect a motor working
on the snme general principle; explo
sionbut different enough In details
borhood, 1 was the hoodlum of the
neighborhood. And that by was
thrown up to me morning, noon ar.d
night. I never did anything absolu
tely vIcloiiB or wrong, but 1 was sim
ply a tough kid, at the ltfl of all
the boyish deviltry going on nnd never
out or mischief,
"That fellow was n marvel or all
that was goody-goody in n boy. He
never got Into mlschler. He nqver
got In trouble with his folks. He wns
the whole thing ns to tidiness, punc
tuality nt school, lesson-lenrnlng nnd
nil that sort or thing. So, or course,
ho wns thrown nt my honci constantly.
My mother nnd all or my sisters every
time I got Into some sort or a scrape
that required a whaling would wind
It nil up by asking me why 1 couldn't
be H'.:c little So-and-so, naming that
fellow. Naturally I grew to hate him.
I couldn't help hating him.
I longed to kick the dnyllghtB out of
him, but I wns Solemnly assured that
if I ever did so 1 would be put In a
reform school and thnt scared me.
Hut I woke up nnd went to bed hill
ing thnt model boy.
"Well, now he's a booze bum nnd
he braces me on the public street for
a dollar. Time Is a pretty hot old
boy, Isn't he? But I'd rather give all
the money I have on earth to build a
Mormon church than ever hand thnt
ex-model boy one cent."
or authority thnt he docs tho poorest
hovel In the land. Vain all the elab
orately constructed outposts nnd re
doubts, nnd Inner and outer walls,
and keep and sanctuary. Not nil the
armed rorco or all the world, not nil
Its pride and pomp and chivalry can
hinder one Jot the advance of the
Intruder, writes Frederic V. Collins
in the Washington Times. He passes
all the Imposing barriers that sur
round the king, in one disdainful step,
nnd lo! the sovereign lord who Is
about to ascend his throne amid the
ohelsnnces or his nobles nnd the plau
dits or his people, lies stricken nnd
helpless, nnd envying, perhaps, the
humblest peasant who has health and
And so, however, reluctantly, wc
acknowledge this grand work or hu
mnn vanity, a "baseless rabrle." And
we recull the lines or the greatest or
We are such stuff as dreams are made
And our little lives are rounded by a
Force is at best a fearrul thing, even
In n righteous cause. Schiller.
drive at 111 111 and In n short time
ground under tho tree was strewn
with leathers.
Tho hawk rought with bill nnd
claws, while the crows used only their
bills. The fight became so hot thnt
the hawk was compelled to leave the
tree, and. being too exhausted to fly,
sank to the ground. There he mado
n final stand, nnd the battle was an
Interesting one, passengers on the
Emory Grove cars being among tho
spectators. First one crow nnd then
nnother would give the hawk a dig
with his hill and then Jump bnck to
escape the savage plunges or tho
The hawk rought ns long as he
could stand on his reet. Even while
lying 011 his side or back he kept up
the struggle. Tho crows, however,
were relentless nnd kept pecking
nwny until their adversary roll dead.
Then they flew off a considerable dis
tance nnd patched up their cuts and
bruises as best they could. Not a
slngl one of their number wns Killed.
New York Press.
Usually when you wnnt your um
brella It Is not here, but over there.
to burn pure nlcohol. The problem has
not been fully worked out, nor, for
thnt matter, is tho economy of nico
tic)! fully ascertained. Enough Is
known on this point, however, nnd also
as to its efllclency, to make It n for
midable rival or gasoline In countries
where there Is no revenue tax on veg
etable spirit. New York Tribune.
Cigars for Crowned Heads.
Making cigars ror princes nnd po
tentates nnd crowned heads Is a grent
business In Havana. It is a good ad
vertising feature. It gives the cigar
makers a prestige which they cannot
get in nny other way. King Edward
has his cigars specially made. All tho
cigars that aro made for crowned
heads by Cuban manufacturers aro
bought by the men they are made
for, and scrupulous caro is exercised
In tho matter. Tho only men who
ever get any of theso cigars either
get them on orders rrom royal per
sonages or thoy get them as guests
or tho royalty. A particular, kind or
tobneco Is used In tho manurncture of
these elgnrs. Take tho case, for ln
stnnce, of tho czar of Russia. Cigars
that aro made for him nre branded
with the Russian coat of arms, and
he buys all tho cigars the ractory can
make out or tho materlo'ind In tho
wny riecifled by his cy'
Some Have Fallen as Molten Masses
From a Volcano's Crater.
Ordinarily the meteora that flash
across the sky at stated periods ol
time burn themselves out in the up
per air, but occasionally a meteoric
mass lasts long enough jo reach the
earth. One fell on MsJ5, 1900, at
Felix, Ala. Meteors wWsoen on the
occasion referred to a-f sundry ex
plosions were heard, whllo later on
a mass of meteoric substanco weigh
ing seven pounds was discovered Im
bedded In soft soil. This meteorite
was analyzed and found to be built ujf
of such minerals as olivine, augltc,
trlollte, nickel Iron and graphlto car
bon. The dark color of the Felix stone i3
stated to be due to tho presence In
fair amount of the last-named sub
stance. The Interest attaching to me
teorites, of course, centers around the
fnct that thoy enable us to obtain
glimpses of the composition of other
worlds than ours. Astronomy Is well
agreed on the unity of chemical com
position wnlch marks the orbs, and
even tho timple fact that It is hydro
gen gas which blazes In the sun anr
gives us our light and heat Is a testi
mony to this fact. Meteoric Iron and
carbon similarly display links botween
these erratic bodleB and our own
Fall of the Level Since 1894 Amounts
to Nearly Six Feet.
Great Salt Lane, In Utah, which for
several years has been slowly but
steadily receding, has, according to
Director Murdock of the United States
weather bureau, now reached tho low
est level recorded Blnce observations
have been taken by tho department
Up to Aug. 1 the lowest mark ever re
corded was on July 11. Since that
time the lake has receded four Inches.
The fall of the water since 1894
amounts to nearly six reet, and on
the low, flat eastern shore this has
resulted In a recession of the water
line during thnt time of fully three
quarters of a mile. Speaking of this
phenomenon Director Murdock said:
"Utah has been In n dry cycle for
seventeen or eighteen years. In this
period the precipitation has been
much below the average. Precipi
tation sometimes moves In cycles of
this kind and duration, and 1 think n
prolonged period of Increased precipi
tation is nenrly due. But It will take
several years to bring the lako back
to Its former level.
Melody, Cash, and Ice Cream.
"I'll give a dollar to have the violin
ist repent that solo," exclaimed a
man, who said he was from Alabama,
to Evangelist Charles H. Yatman nt
the young people's meeting In the tem
ple this morning. The young woman
referred to was Miss Cecelia Bradford,
who had Just finished plnylng "Safe ln
the Arms or Jesus."
"You'll have to bid higher, brother,"
replied Leader Yatman.
"Well, two dollars, then," the man
rrom Alabama shouted back.
"Make It five nnd I'll nsk Miss Brad
ford to repeat the solo," retorted Mr.
"Here's the money," said the south
erner, hnndlng the evnngellst a bank
Miss Bradford played the hymn
ngnln. When she hnd finished Mr.
Yatman tnld: "Half of this money I
will turn Into the hind being raised
ror the marine cnrnlval on Wesley
lnke and the other half I will give
to Miss Bradford to spend for ice
The donor of the bill expressed his
satisfaction and ns soon ns tho meet
ing adjourned the talented violinist
gathered her chums about her and
started ror nn ice cream parlor.
Ocean Grove Conespondence New
York Press.
Size of Head No Test.
It has been n popular belief, espe
daily since the Invention of phrenol
ogy, thnt the size and shape of tht
head are Intimately relnted to tho in
tellectual capacity. Almost every
body is nccustomed to form dogmatic
judgments or men based upon this
postulate. But tho results of statisti
cal Investigation mnko It appear very
doubtful whether the belief in ques
tion rests upon a sound foundation,
says the Cosmopolitan. Tho conclu
sion is thnt there exists, in tho gen
eral population, very Insignificant
corelntlon between nbllity and either
the size or the shape of tho head.
Vory brilliant men mny have u slight
ly larger head thnn the average, but
the Increase Is so smnll that no
weight can be laid on it In our Judg
ment of ability. This Is in accord
with the results of other attempts to
apply a scientific test to the ussurap.
tlons of phrenology.
War and the Birth Rate.
War not only influences tho mor
tnllty of the army in the Hold, but has
a maleficent effect on tho birthrate
and deatn rate of the country which is
fighting. A low blrtn rate may be ex
plained to some extent, by tho fact
that when a nation is at war her peo
ple at home are Iosb prosperous and
consequently marriages aro not so fre
quent. The increase of the death rate oc
curs, probably, for tho reason thnt
food is scarcer and also lause at a
time when a country is B,jed in a
disastrous wnr, the mlrJPIf ta ln.
habitants are adversely affected
Those who are In delicate health or
who nre attacked with sickness, sue
cumb much more readily when tho
spirits are low than when In a normal
condition. It Is. Indeed, tho reaction
Rcrord UPn " bo,v. Medlcol