The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1902, Image 1

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R em n ants
I r.s ttSLlatesRSj. MM?Li&&m6i&i i ' I'll il i , IWili i i 1 i
rrH iiuh pBH ujHH CCfe H OL.
Ll 1! .1 f if B k
Hto lftH "H 1 l CCI iB
Hh B EEH H rl mI
h 3-
Carpet Samples.
i yd. square samples of all wool Ingrains, 25c each.
Axminster and Velvet Samples and Carpet Rem
nants, 65c yard.
1 pattern Union Carpet, special selling at 25c yd.
2 patterns C warp Supers, " " at 47AC yd.
1 pattern all wool 47AC yd.
1 pattern Moquette 85c yd.
Money Back if You
8 Duroc
All eligible to'register.
or at my farm, 2 miles south
City Dray and
i Jersey
Goods Delivered to any part
Chicago,- Lumber -Yard.
Lumber, Lime, Coal vvati. Cement.
y r?S ni ';' '?
IM &HViiBKHIIKt ii5iCFHW--EJFr3Tir--2t - - . - J- H. r --HaAWE. T, IV X I P-.'Svs-feT.'-- .H ?t HWw H H BHB
mrna Rugs,
30x60 in $2.00.
Smyrna Rugs,
36x72 in $3.00.
Smyrna Rugs,
48XS4 in $5.00.
Are Not Satisfied.
Inquire of MW. Dickerson
and 3 mrles west of Red
Express Line-
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
i .iitoi
k. . j,."a'' "y rL"T , .
L5rHiMA&i.. m- - III III 11 I 1 i:!!.
Tho needed min hns conic to com
pluto ono of tho heaviest crops of corn
per :icio in tho history of Webster
county Theto nro about 20 ncrcs in
ono Hold near Guide Rock which it is
said by good corn taisers will mako 00
bushels per aeie, and that is good
Peat I Roland and wifohavo returned
fioui their visit in tho east part of the
state, i'hoy icpoit n very plrusant
QAd Hownid has put chnscd whnt used
to bo known us tho John Menns farm.
Price, $3,300.
Mrs. Norris has her houso almost
Amos DiPon has tho now addition to
his houso almost done.
W. H. Bnrcus has his now barn fin
ished and will move to his now houso
Mr. Walker, from South Dakota, is
expected to arrive in (Juido Rock with
his family about Sedtetubor 5, to mako
this plaeo his home.
Rev. Covert, pastor of tho Baptist
church, preached his farewell sermon
Sunday night. Ho has made many
friends hero in tho past two years.
Wilford Hogan bought a half interest
in the restaurant with Frank Guy. Tho
boys are quite erergetio and wo pre
diet success for them.
Wm. Sawyer is at Hardy moving a
hrgo bouse this week. Last week he
moved a largo building lor T. W. Cole
at Nelson.
Joe Fellman is in town this week.
Ho formerly lived north of town, but
left hero with his parents several years
ago. His parents now live in St.
Colvin & Marcus arc exDcctinr? lnml
buyers soon from Iowa and Dakota.
Listyourjproperty with them if you
want to sell.
Colvin & Bareus tako subscriptions
for tho Siipeimr Journal, Wobstor
County Atgus, Nebraska Farmer and
James B Colvin has opened n repair
shop at Kuii Hold, Not).
William Montgomery sent ii load of
lino young poultry to Red Cloud Tues
day. County Cleik K S. (Jatbor was
down Sunday and Monday.
W A Secloy's now triphammer can
bo heard piotty regularly now.
Rev. Covet t has his goods loaded and
ruady for shipment to Illinois.
Sam Smith of Bostwick was on our
streets Monday.
Lislm Woodward and son brought in
a nice load of watormolons Wednes
day. Two loads of Yankoo pumpkins woro
for salo on tho streets this week.
John Ogolvio was over from Kimsna
Wednesday. John says praiiio hay is
good and plontiful this year.
Shcriir McArthur was lioro Wodnes
day. Of course there is no ono in
Guido Rock that ho is looking for.
The Hagan brothers have returned
from their trip north. They report corn
extra heavy to the Dakota lino.
John Kropp has returned from Kan
mb to take charge of his school.
Percy Grandstaff and James Morey
leavo Monday for Fremont, where thoy
will attend school.
W. W.Keith will have a public sale
August 21. He expects to go south
for the winter.
Elmer McCoy bought a bunch of
western horses, which ho is breaking
and lining for salo or trade.
Mrs. Leonard, neo Roth, of Cedar
Ripide, la, is the guest of Mrs.
Push by.
P.iilip Wolf, Ray Mclllieo ami Elmer
- 5vj wr " "" w
msrfr '- ,r-T".srrV'Kr-T? "?!. '
Items of Interest as
Reported by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
Pashby expect to attend school at
Grand Island this winter.
Mrs. Miller Adams of Hastings came
down ft om Hastings to visit her father
and mother, Mr undMi.s Wash Reed.
It is reportod that II Pounds has
purchnsed of Philip Fussier tho eighty
acres just east of town, for which ho
paid 83,000.
Wo havo had several good rams tho
past week, which insuio the corn crop,
help fall plowing and put a sinilu upon
everybody's face.
C. K. Hicks lost a stack of wheat by
llro one day this week. It U supposed
to havo been struck by lightning. By
hard wor other stauks near it were
Shoriil McArthur was up in this
vicinity looking for somo horse thieves
ono day last week.
Frank Burden will movo into tho
Boyd house, across the track.
James McBrido and Miss Lottio
Doyle were married at tho homo of tho
bride on Thursday, the 21st, by tho
Rov. Young. Tho couplo aro among
Bladen's best young people and have
the good wishes of their many friends.
A young daughter came to tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Droscher.
Mrs. Wash Reed returned homo tho
latter part of the week from Red
Cloud, where she has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Nowhouso.
Our deputy postmistress presented
the postmaster with a young son Mon.
day morning. Of course Will was
Wo havo had a number of good rains
lately, for which wo aro thankful.
Mrs. Herbert McKean, who has been
soriously ill, is now a little bettor and
hopes aro entertained of her comploto
A. B. Wiggins at rived homo last Sat
urday from a landseeking excursion in
Harlan county, Kansas, and Coloiado
This is his .second honiesuckiiig this
year and ho is now satisfied that theio
aro worse places than Nebraska
Tins timo it is n boy and G W. Diako
wears n broad sinilu.
Henry Paisons lias tented Frank
Honson's faim and has moved onto it.
Ho is satisfied to tako the eNpitienco
of othois about money growing on
bushes in vaiious other localities.
Mr. Ormsby, tho United States spo
cial examiner of rural free delivery
routes, was looking over a route- in
Garliold Saturday. Ilo says that if the
farmers do not immediately repair tho
roads his report will bo unfavoiablo.
J. J Smith is at homo again after n
short visit in Illinois.
Dean Smith is back from Kansas for
a short visit with his parents.
trunk Daugherty is now riding his
biko around tho neighborhood trying
to sell naps to ihoso in need of geo
graphical -m historical lore.
Mm. L. 1). Fox left Tuesday on an
oxtondod visit to friends and rolativos
in Michigan, her old homo, which sho
has not visited since moving west in
Tho sowing circlo hold at Mrs. Mary
Ailcs' on last Wednesday was well at
tended. Good cheer was in abund-
anco at noon and an enjoyable timo
was bad. 'J he ladies did tho work, as
usual on such occasions, and tho mon
wasted their time pitching horseshoes.
Farmers feel very much encouraged
sinco the rain.
Fall plowing has commenced.
Mrs. Win. Peak andchildien returned
Friday from Franklin, whoro they havo
boon visiting relatives.
Miss Edith Edsnn wont to Dcwocso
Saturday for a visit with i datives,
A number of teacheis camo in on
I 'V'
"."-TTUri. -B-i"
the train Saturday from Red Cloud ,
where they had been attending tho
Norton Watson and brido of Lincoln
aro visiting tho family of J. B. Wat
son. Mrs. Georgo linger and sons and
Miss Mabel Waller returned Saturday
from tho reunion at Franklin.
Henry Koeney and wifo aro attend
ing cainpmeeting at Deweoso this
Tho ladius of tho M. K. church served
ice cieaiu in tho iooiih back of tho
postollico Saturday.
A social danco was given at the
homo of N. W. CralVoid Monday night.
All icpoit a pleasant timo.
Bladen and Cowlos played their third
game of base ball on tho Red Cloud
diamond last Saturday. Tho game was
very interesting and exciting and re
sulted in a score of 7 to .'1 in favor of
A number of our young folks aro en
joying an outing at Lo Roy thic wcok .
Weather cloudy ami cool; somo rain.
Mr. Shuck is busy hauling brick and
lumber to repair bis houso. William
Campbell has tho contract to do tho
David 'Iripp is doing somo masonry
work for W. J. Haskins this week.
W.J. Haskins and 8. C. Shuck aro
tho owners of a cream separator of tho
latest improved pattern.
The United States rural f reo dolivory
route inspector was in Lino this week
locating a route.
Miss Nellie Bon of Cowles was in Lino
this week visiting friends.
Reuben Koaglo is tho owner of a now
team, wagon and harness.
Leo Parson was in Lino this.wook.
Tho Fruit brothers aro threshing
near Mount Hopo this wook.
Al Slaby has crossod tho rivor and
will soon thresh for Mr. Maynard.
S. C. Shuck has loased tho Davo An
derson place for $1 uor aero cash.
Rev. J. J. Campboll will preach his
farewell sermon Soptombcr 1 at 11
a. m., at Pleasant Dale.
Cool and damp.
Good weathor for corn.
Fanners aro busy plowing for wheat
Beisio Smith is on tho sick list this
Will Finney and family took dinner
at J. It Cro.iur's Sunday.
Join Downing mid his partner of
Mt. Claro woro buying cattle in this
vicinity last week.
Henry Britten has rented ono of G.
W. Francis' farms, tho place now occu
pied by Mr Piico.
Ad Howard has bought D.ive Fishol's
farm of 100 acres; consideration, $11,
200. Mr. Fishel thinks of going into
business at Bladen
Hi Hondrix and wifo, fioui uoar Bluo
Hill, were visiting at Davo Fishel's last
week. Thoy weio accompanied by Mrs.
Mary Dautht and Jossio and Addio
Williams of Douglass, Nob., sistor and
nieces respectively of Mrs. Hondrix
and D.ivo Fishol. The ladies aro stil I
visiting at Davo's.
m m
Rain enough to mako a good crop of
Adolph Jesiiin sold his lino span of
mulos for 235.
Frank Cauleon is hauling his wheat
to Riverton, getting tho highest market
Mr. and Mrs. Sutton of MIndon have
been visiting thoir brother on Walnut
Sara Arneson spent last wcok witk
Bortba Rinkor at Franklin.
J. C. and H. S. Holcomb havo somo
very fino watormolons.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coulson spent
Wcdnosday with Frank Coulson and
Mr. and Mrs. Bagwell havo moved
onto Mr. Arnold's faim.
Tom Blankenbaker is putting up li's
JMI - LJ ITg - "
. v ju.-MwimiaiMmA
Jane 21st.
Below we give a partial list
of the books we have
on hand at present.
Arabian NIkMs (3) Now mid Ito Iked Edition
The Fortnncs of NIroI . . Scott
IVAtlllOO .... .........Scott
llcyoml tho City (3). ....A. Counn Doylo
StrauRO Secret A. Con nil Doylo
All SortR nnd Coixlltlutu of Men ....
Ilchant and Illco
Jet...... Edward
KtilKtit Krrant.............. ... . I.yall
lleppo tlie Conner! it......AiU!ioiiy TroIIope
Clilco'. the .Tenter ...... ......l)iimnK
CoiintctiH do Charily ... Dmnns
I.oo mid t.llicrly.. Purring
Tho Coiwrlpt.... Duma
VUomtudu llrHKClonnu Duma
Coimielo Sand
The i.'ouutCHS of ItMiluUtiult .. ......Sniicl
tndlaiirt - ......... band
faiicliou the Cricket Sand
Dcldee Warden
Cimfccslminof mi llmjllsli Opium Knter
Do Jiilucy
Hold i:iMo -Marlllt
A Daughter ol Ilcth . IIMrk
Thu rronllciMDCii ('') Alwnril
Tho lllltliulnle Koiiinuru .. . . Ilantliorue
Ardiith .Marie Corclll
I'orda Elium
I'llRrlm'N I'roKrcks lltiiinn
Tho DeemMors . - Hull Crtlno
lluinphri1) Clinker . Smollet
Corlnuu .................... . Do Slael
I'lirln Sketch Uook Thaelserny
The Man Who Wat Hood . .Meril"k
Jack Horner . Mar) S. Tlcriuiu
lliimcelle-......- Mary S. Tleriiau
Woodlanderh Tho. Hardy
ThoIH'MrcoHlie Byes -Grant Allen
Not In tho 1'rot.f.ectiiK . Dnnforth
Itamuntch I.otl
A New Nolo McMahon
DrARou'x Teeth ... Serrano
The Cedar Mar -Mann
ThoCrMnl Mutton - -Thomas
AI.UIiikI.Io - -Ilouricet
One of these books will
be given with every dollar
you pay on subscription. It
you pay one years subscrip
tion in advance or one dol
lar of back subscription you
get one of these handsome
books free. If you pay two
dollars on subscription you
get two books, if you pay
$3 on subscription you get
three books, etc. For every
dollar you pay on subscrip
tion you get one of these
handsome books.
Come in and get
one before they
are all gone.
t ',
vj y
i 1 1 .