4' Just as well as used to see." .& VJfS Aftk u . rm;- Wi 'If?. r 74 Ll Thcie is in) one little thing on ctiith that will all on! elrioily In Oplo () llllll'll pleaSUtO us to litul gla-sos that will give .hem t'noil vision after the eyes begin l" fail something tlmt will on able them "to mm' as they used M." Wo especially solicit a call Horn those whoe present Kinases are not satisfactory or who have (ailed to liuil glass .satis faction elsewhere. Wo want to help you see as you used to sue. Newhouse Jewelers and Opticians. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Girl wanted at City Bakery. Head Argabright's surprise "ad." Wanted Dishwasher at the Hon Ton. ThroshinR coal at Moby's at from $1 23 t to 7 00. Col. Lurid of Iuavalo was in the city Tuesday. If vou want job work of ony kind call and ace us. John Leo of Campbell was in this city Wednesday. Frank Stcut of Hays City, Kan., was in tho city Wednesday. Win. Kirkpatrick of Guide Hock was in this city Wednesday. Miss Kdna Henderson left Tuesday morning for Kansos City. Miss Watt of Guide Hock was in the city tho last of last week. Joe Fogel has some Rood light bar ness which ho i3 selling cheap. GeorRe Heed has accepted a position in Turnuro Bros.' grocery store Hubert T. Potter returned Tuesday from bis visit to the Pacilic coast. Mr. Imhotl, from near Guido Hock, was trading in this city yesterday. Fred Woifo left last ovoninR for Ash land, Nob., for a visit with relatives. Suve money by using a water meter Morhart Bros, will put one in for you. F. V. Taylor, undertaker and em fcalmnr, opposite Cotting's drug store. T. Tophaui and wife, from near Guide Hock, were in this city Satur day. John Marsh of Guido Hock waWof their lots and will begin tho crec- transacting business in this city Mon day. Ludlow Bros, have a quantity of tine luick for sale at their yards north of town. For lire, lightning and tornado in surance sec L. H. Fort, iu Damerell block. Frank Cllno of Burr Oak, Kan , transacted business in this city Wed nesday. County Tic.isuror McOrary returned Sunday fiom his visit with relatives in Indiana. Will Foster of Bmr Oak, Kan , w:t trading with the merchants iu this citj Wednesday. Stipheu Baylesof (initio Hock was attending to business mat ets in this city Tuesday. Oiinty Commissioner Win Hiehmri and wlfo of Guido Hook weio In this city Saturday. WANTi!D-Hor-nnnil cattlo to p..s ttii'i', w iniUx uurtli of lU-tl Cloud Olivuit UKUUli. vt... M-uTPiti Cui-iiHDter of Kr.iikltn was vlliii'g m M'9 'o1'1 ll"' tlrst of the week ). H.CttiU of Hltidiu .vas looking after busines manors In this city tin lirst of tho weffi. Oscar IVel and fnliiily drovo to uail ... . .. . it... ..f lint tnnt. fur ti IA visit with lenitives Wanted A good girl to woi k. Good wajtps. h'A'iicif Hubert Neucrbc at depot M counter. IT if ,-..ii nut mi abstract of title t your land or town lot, call on L. II. Fort, In Damerell block. Will Fruit returned to his homo in j this city the tirst of this week after au extended stay in Wyoming. I T L Penman and wife returned to this city Thursday morning after an , extended visit in Colorado. i , i Unbelt Barkley came up from Kat.- 'mi City Sunday and returned to that plaee Wednesday morning. Mrs. Howard Catlier, who was for a number of years a resident of this city, is visiting relatives in Ked Cloud. N by not get one of tho-o good lly nets for your horse, of ,Joo Fogul, while he Is selling them so cheap? Otto Oleson, an attorney from Neb raska City, stopped over in this city for a few days' visit with Dr. Damerell. Mrs. Henry MeCunu anri grand daughter L'thel went to Inavalo Mon day morning for a visit with relatives near that placo Miss Fiances Harmon lias recovered from her recent illness and is once more back at her work in Turnuro Bros.' store. Ludlow Bros, had tho misfortune to lose a good horse, the first of tho week, through Its having got au overdose of wheat Mrs. Al Slaby returniri Wednesday to her homo south of this city, after a visit with relatives in McCook aud Denver. Halph Foo went to Denver Wednes day. He intends to spend tho balanco of his vacation in tho mountains of Colorado. Mrs. Lulu Fuller caino to this city Wednesday for a visit with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Potter, and friends. Judgo G. W. Norris Hopublican candidate for congress from this dis trict was in Hed Cloud for a few hours, Wednesday. . Mrs. Fred Turnuro gavo a party for -a number of her lady friends, Wednes day afternoon, in honor of tho Mcs dames Taylor. Quito a number of Hed Cloud people were iu attendance at tho reunion at Franklin this week. All report having had a good Mill". E. E. Young, ex-county superintend ent of Nemaha county, was transact ing business in this community for a few days this week. Mrs. A. Heady, ueo Patmoro, of Au rora, camo to this city Wednesday for the purpose of disposing of some farm property near hero. County Commissioner Overman was testing tbo new Western grader Mon day on tho road between tbo railroad and tho river bridge. Tho Mesdames Taylor sisters of tho Turn n ro Bros. Del and Fred of this city leave, this morning, for their home in Maryville, Missouri. All members of tho Fratornal Aid Ascociation are requested to bo pres ent at tho next regular meeting, Au gust 33. Bnsinoss of importance Prof. H. L. Sams of Eltnwood, Neb., who was foimerly principal of the schools ot this city, :s one of tho in structors at tho teachers' institute. Medical Journal desires a represent ative in this locality. Permanent em ployment. Salary and commission. Ad dress 151 East 72nd St., New York City. On Monday Boren Bros, began mov- Iprg their frame barn to tho back end tion of tho short time. brick addition in a very Will Anderson and wife of Franklin, and Mrs. Tina LonR of Keota, iowa. Came to this city, Tuesday, for a visit with Mrs. E. Andersou aud friends iu tliis vicinity. Makes the lires of life burn with a steady glow. Kenows tho golden, happy days of youth. That's what Hocky Mountain Tea does. :ir cents. C. L. Cuttings. Dr. Creighton will install an X-ray machine in his otlleo about tho middle of next mouth. The X-ray is said to have a great tin dicinal value, cspocialh in cases of cancer Georgo Catlier of Catherton precinct has been threshing his wheat this week. We learn that ono Held which contained about 1U0 acres tinned out more than 10 bushels to the acre. Tliuro Is a pretty girl In an itlpluo ha. A sweoter girl in a sailor brim, But tho handsomest girl you'll ever si e. Is tho sensible girl who uses Ho.kj Mountain Ton. C. L, Cotting. Wolfo Bros, wish to announce) tlmt iney iniouu iu quiv iiiuiuiiiig niriii ma chinery All machinery, buggies, and wagons will bo sold out, regardless of cost. See tlieiii for any thing you ma W.illt Lost. Botwoou lienor, Ivans , and Hed Cloud, a long loathor pocket book conlainii'g $'i and three receipts for dues in older of Odd Follows, Hurii r will leave at this cilice ami receive re wind. lflarry and lloltuii Lotson loft, Sun ,Vluy evening, for Deadwood, S. Dak., for a islt witn tlieir brother Will, and a trip through tho mountains, Thov will visit Yellowstone Park before thty leturn. Why experiment with a) Cpaint that is "just as good"? Iwhen you can get the old reliable Heath & Milligan rthat lias stood the test for) (half a century? I have a complete stock. H. i. GRICli. 5 Dr. Henry Cook has had the room fotinerly occupied by J. S Gilliam a a law oll'ice, over his store room, re painted and papered and has moved his ollice from the Bontlcy block into these rooms. Tho Hopublican county central com mittee mot in this city last Satmriay. Owing to tho small attendance, due probably to not receiving notice in time, no business of any importance was transacted. If it wasn't popular, if it wasn't loved by tho people, wliy do dealers say. "Wo have something just as good as tho Madison Medicine Co.'s Hocky Mountain Tea" Think it over. .'13 cents. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. Samuol Parkcs and children of Galena, Kan., who were visiting at tho homo of W n. Parkes in this city, left for Indiauola Sunday evening to visit relatives aud expect to go from there to North Park, Col., for a visit with her fathor. Miss Lillian Hamoy left Wednesday for Lake Geneva, Minn. Miss Lillian is a dolegato to tho V. W. C. A. con vention, which meets there, and is sent by the York college. She expects to spend a couple of weeks visiting rela tives in Chicago before sho returns to her homo hero. Jako Nustein returned Monday from St. Joseph. Jako has tho very latest iu hot weather collars, aud is sotting a paco that is hard to follow. Tho collar is of tho stand-up-turn-down variety and is about nineteen inches in cir cumference and nearly throe fourths of au inch iu height. Dr. Creighton, assisted by Dr. Cook of this city and Dr. Paco of Guido Hock, performed last Sunday a very dillicult abdominal operation on a Mrs. Fringer, living near Guido Hock. Tho operation consisted in tho removal of a raro tumor from tho nbriominal cavity. This operation is one of tho most dilli cult surgical operations anri, as it was successfully performed, rellocts credit on these physicians. UitioiiUoikbUiUittthUottiilUiUiUftbifctfcthtfctfctfcUif- 4 4 c- fr fr fr fr 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 These hot days make you think of cool, shady spots and a first class hammock. The shady spot is not hard to find. -s-fr fr c-f-s-f-s-( s-f-s-c-f- f- e-f-c-e- We have the Hammocks Prices ranging From $7.50 Up. We have a line Ham 4 4 4 4 4 a 5 a i 4 4 4 .a 4 .j 4 mock for with Vallance 1 Extra 1 enutn and well woven. All the Latest Patterns, Be sure and look our lino before you chase. ovcr pur- Morhart Bros. Hardware Co. qitT111T10"!or'1'j'TT''r'rT'T1i1l1iTirt'T Hammocks BAD WRECK AT HOLDREGE. William Francisco Killed, Two Othm Iniuwd Lant Monday, at about l'-' ill) p. m . occulted a riia-tiou wreck on tin Burlington road just east of the round iioum' at lloliliege, ;sct. lUlair Francisco, Engineer on freight train Mo. 1 17, was killed, and Ed Moiitaugui and A E Houchlu weie seikmsly iu jureri. Freight train No 117, drawn by en giue No. ISM, was just pulling out or the main line aud was to be follownl by the light engine No UK, with Ed M 'iitangue as ei gineer. Engine No llll was urn up the high line, expecting to go down the cut-oil onto the main line. An extra freight, with a double header, coming down the high line, struck engine No 111! a it was parti on the cut oil and wax thrown againt engine No. 1 1H , in ehaige of Engiueei FraneNco, on the main line. Botli en gines on the high line tlaiu weie thrown from the track and weie com pletely wrecked. Engine No. 111! had its tender wiecked, while No liU ivn stripped of its cab on the engineer's side, broken badly and the tender damaged. All the engineers jumped. A car of shelled corn was tlitown on Francisco, burying him and, it is supposed, Caus ing death instntitly. When his body was recovered it was found ho had a great gash over tho left temple. His chest was crushed iii and several ribs broken. Evt Montniiguo had his right hip and lower part of his back injured, and A. E. Houchin, ono of. the engineers on the high lino train, recclvod a severe sprain of tho right ankle. Public opinion at Holdrege seems to lay the blamo for tho accident on the light engine aud tho wonder is that no more lives were lost. Win. Francisco, tho man who wa killed, was for a number of years a resident of this city. Ho began brak ing for tho B, & M. about 18S(5 and a few years later quit tho train service and went to work iu tho engine depart ment. Ho moved from here, some time about 1802, to McCook, where he has since made his homo. He was about 15 years of ago mid was twice married. His lirst marriage was to a Miss Anna Murphy of this city, a daughter of James Murphy, who died hero n, fow years ago, and about a year after the death of his first vifo he mar ried a lady in Hastings. Ed Montaugue has been au engineer on the B & M. for a number- of years aud was at ono time a resident of this city, but for tho past eight or ton years has made his home injOxford. A. E. Houchin, or "Tink," as he is commonly called, is related to tho Houchins of Garlield township nod was brought up in this county. He began his railroading career at this place. His homo is now in Holdrege. New Masonic Lodge Room. The Masonic lodge today began to movo into their now quarters in tho Potter building. They will have, when they get settled, tho best arranged and ventilated and as handsome quarters as aro to bo found in tho state. "With perhaps one exception, and that in Boulder, Col., tbo best lodgo rooms west of tho Mississipi river," was the comment made by a gentleman who also said that he had visited the best between tho river and the mountains. m Argabright's Studio Removed. G. V. Argabright moved his studio the lirst of tho week from tho Damerell block to tho Potter building. Mr. Ar gabright will have tho rooms back of Charles Potter's ollice and when ho is snttled will have as lino a .suite of rooms for tl is purpose as there are to be found iu the state. I Id has added a largo lino of picture moldings and iu tin future, besides being able to obtain line paintings Irom him, you may also lie able to have them framed by an aitist. - . Happy Time and Plenty Monday i.fiernoon occurred the fourth annual picnic of the families of Cha II. Poller and Geo. K. Chunc. The plaee was about two and a half miles southeast of town. Upon ai riv ing al the chosen spot they ioiind Mr. (J. W. Liiul-ay and Mrs. Hadi ll with a ll'iek of children, taken tbiiel) Mi. Eddy. All bad au excellent n and a good lunch and catuu homo ri si as-; oiiable horns Advertised Letters. i List of leiu-is ii'iuainiiig uiiralli-d for ' lit tho poMnlllco at Hod Cloud, Nub.' laska, lor tho week i-nding August '.'I. MHW A Nuton, Mr. Putt, iviii, M ('. Shivey These letn rs will Ijh sent to the dead Utter olllep. Soploinbor I, if not called fur before When calling for above pleaso say "advertisod." T. C Hack lis, P.istinaster. Line Township Convention. The Heputdieuns of Linn township, will meet at Dili school house in ill-J trict No III, on Satunl-iy, .September ll, at 10 a. m , for tho purpose of noun-1 nating township olllcers and trnnsaet( ing such other business as n.ay law-1 lully come bpfoio the meeting. j Uoiit. TuitSKit, Committei man. Ever brought to Red Cloud Is Arriving Every Day. We ha t, a few Light Weight Suits we would like to tret rid of to make room for these goods. We will tnese goons at actual cose, it win pay you to investigate this offer. All the New Fall Styles in HATS now in. Come and see them and get an idea of what you are going to wear this Fall. Let us also remind you that we are selling more Men's and Boys' Shoes than any concern in to select from. CouideD-Kaley THE STORE THAT tww A Twenty Year Life Policy 4n an Old Line Company is. the best kind of life insurance. 'Tho cash valuo of tbo policy at theJ end of tho period is moro than you have paid. Fire, Lightning, Tornado andl Life Insurance, ,la tho best Old Lino or Mutur.P Companies. 0. C. Teel, AgtJ Hkd Cloud, Nkiiiiaska. m wz I have luil occasion to use your lllack.Draucht Stock and Poultry Medl. ti clac and am pleased to say (hat I never used anything for stocK that Save half as good satisfaction. I heartily recom mend It to all own:ri of stuck. J. I). UriLSIIEK. St. Louis, Mo. Sick stock or poultry should not rat cheap stock food any moro than sick persons should expect to be Ciired bv focul. When your stock and iioiiltry aro nick givo tiiein mod icino. Don't Muff them with worth less stock food. Unload tiio bowels and stir up the torpid lier and tho animal will be rured, if it bo possi ble to euro it. Illack-Drauclit Stock and Poultry Medicino unloads tho bowels and stirs up tho torpid liver. It ciiro-i every lnulady of stock it taken in time. Fecuro a L'fl-cent can of lilack-Drntiirht Stock and Poultry .Moriieino aiul it will nav for itself ten timesover. Horses work butter. Cows L'ivo moro milk. I Iocs train flesh. And hens lav moro cues. It solves tho problem of making as much blood, flesh and cticrcv ns nossiblo out of tho snialtest amount or looil con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. -:- .. . 7' . - . . We Ytast Have HoomI The Largest Clothing Stock sell every Suit left in )t the town, Big line now in Clothing Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. TXT1 T S wnai uo m m m m : You Eat S for breakfast. Hard to find any thing this time of the year ? J Try some of that fine bacon which we have and ; m m m which we are sell- ing so cheap. m 3 ShererlBradshaw 5 JJJ Butchers for Tho People. S Bottom have hei n reaehed this week n in j s'tullo To clean ; up all oihu and ends before : moving I will sell any imfi'iiined pieces In " Pastel and Water Colors AT ' YOUR OWJJ PRICE. i Take the pet in e you want and ; l'iy wliii it is woi ih to jmi. This : Hit is BONA KIDK A .special i s'irpii-.e iii ion ffi- all purcha-ni'S ; '' in ti-N oii i ilts or M'lnlios. This is I a u"'i iiiim Half; tin Sale. ARGAEWGHr, The Artist, I P MAIL'S, D.mih.ioII Block. ! KKI) CLOUD, NKB. BOREN BROS. Livery and Feed Barn, On Main St , Hed Cloud, Neb First Class Rigs at rimsonnblo prices, with or without drivers. Call on us. Will treat you right. 'W'W 'W'W'W'WA''W'WWS 1 ', H ft I 'r N ) 1 i- J.-SA rf. f4