The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1902, Image 1

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4r . -.?rr!gr5tr-rwr :. f Tt-r-g
ob Ihl B ujh Pjt zzfl v-B
Carpet Samples.
i yd. square samples of all wool Ingrains, 25c each.
Axmlnster and Velvet Samples and Carpet Rem
nants, 65c yard.
1 pattern Union Carpet, special selling at 25c yd.
2 patterns C warp Supers, " , " at 47JC yd.
1 pattern all wool 47AC yd.
1 pattern Moquette 85c yd.
.rw-ra try ,f f
Money Back if You
rVhW vvj ma"ig
er:.,5r5v"iv?r.'?r?-'TS'f,iff' ' "r
City Dray and
Uoods Delivered to any part
telephone:no. 52.
rou will do worsAH'liai this if ycu
i't buv your hnriftS. and hardware
of J. 0. Hutlor, noxrvimo.
Stops the Couch and Works off the Cold
Laxatlvo Hromo-Quinlnn Tablets cures
cold in ono day. No euro, no pay
Si cents,
Smyrna Rugs,
30x60 in S2.00.
Smyrna Rugs,
36x72 in $3.00.
Smyrna Rugs,
4SX84 in $5.00.
Are Not Satisfied.
Express Line,
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowoh
AFTER sHjivmm,
C00I1, Comforts and Heals the Skin, Enabling
the Mott Tender Face to Enoy a Clot
Shave Without Unpleasant Reiulti.
Avoid dangerous, Irritating Witch
Haiel preparation, represented to bo
"tho same ai" POND'S EXTRACT,
which easily sour nnd generally contain
" wood alcohol," a deadly poison.
J oiink rorin;
0,'or Mizer's (Jrvrrj Store.
A good Hi in would bo acceptable.
Mrs (Jeorgo Hager, two sons ami
Miss M11 bol Waller aro rttttiiulin tlio
iiiturstiiti; reunion at I-'tjink lin.
Miss Edith Edson was very much
distressed last weok by tlio loss of two
of liur best friends (.littlo pray kittens).
A oarching party was formed and
they woru found and immediately re
turned, to tlio delight of their mis
Mr. Addison Kitchey has returned to
his school duties in Iowa.
A number of our teachers arc in Itctl
Cloud this week in attendanco at tho
Iho M. E. pulpit was very ably tilled
last Sunday nJRlit by Kev. Pearson,
presiding lder of this district.
Mrs Hippetoo and son Claudo re
turned on Tuesday from their trip to
tho mountains.
Mrs. Wm. Teak and children have
gone to Franklin to visit relatives and
tako in the reunion.
K. T. Foo has taken pormanent
charge of tho postoflice, Mr. Putnam
having resigned.
Mr. Geo. Harris returned to Camp
bell Tuesday after a few days bore.
Paul Storey and wifo of Red Cloud
were hero on Tuesday.
The ladies of the Congregational
church gave an ice cream social in tho
A. O. U. W. ball Friday afternoon and
evening. An enjoyable time was had
and a neat sum realized.
Last Friday was a red letter day for
tho Cowles baseball club. In the aft
ornoon a gamo of ball was played be
tween Cowles and Uladen, which re
sulted in score of 4 to 0 in favor of
Cowles. Tho liladcn boys played good
ball and are gentlemanly fellows. In
tho evening tho club gavo a bowery
danco which was well attended and a
delightful time was enjoyed by all,
besides netting tho boys a goodly sum.
Cy Jennings drove in tho first part
of tho week. He started out lust spring
for an overland trip through Oklaho
ma, but found nothinz that suited him
so well as Nohinska. Ho purchased a
farm near limning, and eamo back
after some of the furniture they had
left here, lie left for his now homo
Invitations are out for tlio wedding
of Miss Lottie .')ojli and James Mo
Uiidc, to take place Thursday, August
Mr. Hates of Iowa, u friend of tho
Denton Hros., has returned to his homo
after several days' stay in this vicin
II. II. Watson lias decided to stay in
Webster county a while longer and
has rented the A, II. Alexander farm
south of town.
I'M Hotiman and Al Fish roturncd to
Minion last week.
L. E. Spenco and wifo enjoyed tin
excursion rido into tho Hlack Hills tho
past week.
Sunday tho Bladen ball team went
down to Leroy to play tho Hohstein
team. Tho scoro was 8 to G iu favor of
Mrs. Newbouso was up from Red
Cloud to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wash Heed.
Frank Minnx spent several days in
this vicinity visiting friends.
C. K. Hicks is getting tho addition
to his homo nearly finished.
Mrs. Wash Rood is visiting friends at
lied Cloud this week. Wash takes his
meals at tho restaurant.
Al Heed made a trip to tho eastern
part of this statu this weok to buy
apples, tlu in ought Homo a load of
fnlco ones which ho oilers at 70 cents
por bushel.
Hobort Taylor, who spent tho sum
ggg SgrgTgr jaa r5't-yn-nra.-rf
Items of Interest as
Repotted by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
mor in tho east, returned to this place
tho latter part of last week.
Wash Ri-ed has received a largo
stock of fall goods and is increasing bis
stock quite1 rapidly.
Wo are not wishing for another day
like Sunday.
Afuwlight showers, but in no nun
is needed.
Delia lluskins is a little better at
this writing.
Anna Carter is just about the same
as last weok.
The district caiiipmeetiug is iu ses
sion hero now.
Undo Frank Emory of Burr Oak is
visiting his nieco, Mrs. Davis, and at
tending campmeeting.
Husso'.l Carter star ed last Friday
for Artcsla, South Dakota.
Chas. Haworth started for Denver
last Thursday ovening.
Lucy Toland spent Sunday with Mrs.
Maggio McMaincs.
l'ho common school commencement
last Wednesday night was a success.
Tho class address, delivered by Super
intendent O. M. Cliilcott, was fine.
M. H. Burnham, tho Populist nomi
nee for county attorney, was in town
Mr. Toland has purchased tbo Col
lins property, tbo consideration being
Mr. Mooro of Atchison is in this
county adjusting losses for tho Shaw
nee Fire Insuranco Co.
Mrs. Ellen Pollock started last Fri
day for a visit with friends in Arnpa
boo, Nob.
J. S. Turner, county treasurer, was
in town Monday.
N. Heed and family were in Superior
Thursday having some pictures taken.
Mrs. John Ogolvio is homo from hor
visit in Hono county.
Hev. Fuller hold the iiartorly meet
ing at Maplo (Jrovo last Sunday
Miss Kntio Wic hniaii will soon start
for Illinois, where sho will spoil 1 tho
J.H.Arondts has rented the Vow
lers faun for another year.
John Stryker is home from the har
vest fields of Nebraska.
I. W. Crary of (Juide Hock was in
town Tuesday.
Alva Stanton and wife are visiting
old friends in this vicinity.
About forty friends and relatives of
Grandpa and Grandma Campboll gave
thorn a pleasant surpuiso last Monday,
it being their sixtieth wedding anui
versary. All brought well filled bas
kets and a vorv pleasant time was had
by all
It has boon trying hard to rain cvory
nignt tor a week, but has not got
started right yot.
Shock throshing is a thing of tho
past in this neighborhood, for this
Wm. Engel, road supervisor, has
been putting In somo good time work
ing roads part of this wook.
j otiii jsrusu has a full forco of mon
at work helping him put up his prairio
hay. Ho has lots of good hay this
Ueorgo Winton was ablo to bo out a
littlo this weok, but is not yet strong
enough to work.
F. Hickcrson's littlo daughter Flor
onco was taken suddenly sick a few
days ago, but is better now.
A good many of our noighbors have
commenced fall plowing, but tho
ground is very dry and hard.
Hedge brothers aro building a now
nirs. ueiigo is visiting witn tier
J daughtor north of Inavale this week.
A good rain is needed in theso parts
very much.
Tho corn is suffering and will bo
short if wo don't get some moisture
Wo understand that Mr. I linos from
Cowles has bought D. F. Turnkey's
Sam Miller is helping repair tho big
washout on tho B. & M. just north of
this place.
Oscnr Einick is working for Mr.
Seatoti this week.
Mr. Sheldon has purchased a now
hay rack.
There is to bo a party iu this neigh
borhoad soon. Wonder if they'll invito
any "kids."
Ned Html and family spoilt Sunday
nt Al Decker's.
Will Sciivnor, from K'tnsas, is work
ing on Ed Seaton's now house.
John Saladon is helping on Ilulso
binch'.s now bsrn.
(J. W. Baker sold a fat cow last Mon
All is quiet in our part. Somo farm
ers aro trying to plow for small grain,
but find tho soil is gotting dry and
won't work as it did last wook.
Considerable of tho small grain has
been threshed out of tho shock nnd a
great many havo stacked nnd aro in
no great hurry now about threshing,
and think tho grain is roally bottor to
lot it go through tho sweat in tho
stack than in tho shock or granary.
Thcro was some litt'.o excitomont in
our part last wook whon tho stealing
of (ins H ats' cattlo was reported.
Charles Arbucklo, ono of our most
prosperous farmers, talks of building a
now residenco soon.
Mr. Fair will soon build a largo barn.
Ho already has n lino rosidonco.
Wm, Unnott is building a now barn.
Hursel Paino, who has boon in poor
health for a year or two, and who was
better lately, is not ho well at present.
Corn is looking very promising and
somo havo estimated our crop nt 00 or
00 bushels per aero.
Win. Rife of Hed Cloud was doing
business in our p.irt last week.
Fitch Held for Cattle Stealing.
Last Saturday A. Hunts obtained
possession of tho cattlo which had neon
taken from bis pasturo and which
were found iu possession of L. C. Fitch
at Esbon, Ivans. Tho cattle were
brought back and put in tlio pasturo,
Saturday afternoon. Owing to tho
fact that proceeding had been begun iu
the Kansas courts against Fitcii for
bringing stolen property into tho state
ho cannot bo brought to this county for
trial until after tho trial in tlio Kansas
courts, which will bo in November
As inar as wo can learn Fitcho's side
of the story is that ho had boon or was
going north of Lebanon to buy some
cattle and on tlio road met a man and
a boy driving tlioso cattle, tho man
claimed that bo was driving tlio cattle
to Republic county to feed but that ns
ho had heard that crops had boon des
troyed thcro by tho hot weather ho was
anxious to disposo of the cattlo. Fitcii
says that ho finally agreed to glvo the
man $31 each for them.
It was then agreed that Fitch drive
tho cattlo on to his farm and that the
man would go for his team and meet
Fitch in Esbon, nnd thore receive his
money. The preliminary examination
was set for last Monday, but during
tho absonco of County Attorney Over
man, who had gone for requisition
papors, and on tho advice of his attor
ney, Fitch waived examination and
was bound over to tho noxt term of
tho district court, which will be hold
in November. Fitch has boon in Esbon
for tho past few yoars and has borne
nn excollont imputation for fairness
and honesty in his dealings. Fitcii is
the, same man for whom Colonel Win
froy sold three head of horses in thU
city on August 12,
i '
For a clean, easy shavo or an tipto.
date hair-cut, call at Ward iliatt's bar
ber hop '
Jane 21st.
Below we give a partial list
of the books we have
on hand at present.
Arnblnn NIkUh (3) New and Ucvlxcd Kdltlon
Tho Fortunes of Nigel 8cott
Ivmihoo . ..-..Scott
Ileyond the City (U).. A. Connn Doyle
Strnngo .SccretH.. .................. A. Conan Dojrlu
All SortH uiul CoiiiIHIoiih of .Men.........
. Ilcsant nnd Hire
Jet.. KlwarlH
Knight Krranl !,)all
Iloppo tho Conscript...... .Anthony Trollopu
Chicot tho Jester Dumas
ConntehH do C'hnrny ......Dnmns
I.ovo and Llherty ........................... Dumas
Tho Conscript Dumas
Ylcomtu do IlraKclmmo ......Dumas
C'onbiielo.. Sand
Tho Countess of Kudolxtudt Sand
Indiana Sand
ritnrhou the Cricket Sand
Iloldco - Warden
ConfcssloiiHof mi KiikIIhIi Opium l.'nler .
- Dc (Jiilncy
(Sold Klilf Miirlltt
A Daughter ol lleth T lllnek
Tlio I'roiitlertmen (!)) Almnnl
'I'll i! Ullllieil'iltt Itomiuire Hawthorne
Ardnth Miulo Core-Ill
t'nrdu Kherh
Pilgrim' Progress Iliiiiynu
The Deemstern Hall Calnn
Humphrey Clinker Smollet
Corlnno Do Stnel
Paris Sketch Hook Thackeray
The Mhii Who Was (food Men i :k
Jack Horner -. Mary S, Tlcriinii
Homosrllu Mary 3. Tleruau
Wnodlaiidcr Thox. Hardy
The Desire of Iho Eyes (Irnnt Allen
Not Iu tho Prospectus . Danforth
Itamuntch I.ntl
A New Note .. .... . Mc.Mahon
Dragon'M Teeth Serrano
Tho Cedar Star Maun
Tho Costal Mutton ThomiiH
A Living Mo - llourget
One of these books will
be given with every dollar
you pay on subscription. If
you pay one years subscrip
tion in advance or one dol
lar of back subscription you
get one of these handsome
books free. If you pay two
dollars on subscription you
get two books, if you pay
$3 on subscription you get
three books, etc. For every
dollar you pay on subscrip
tion you get one of these
handsome books.
Come in and get
one before they
are" all gone.
!&J tfvtfV