The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1902, Image 5

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ri'iatancD r
One jear...
Rntorcd at the potit office at Ited Cloud, h'cb.n
aocond class mail matte:.
Varnished on application.
State Ticket.
Kur iloernor.
J. II, MlfiKKV,
Of I'olk County,
for l.lcuteiinut Governor,
r o. jt'Ull.TON,
Of DoiikIrk Count).
Kor Secretary of Stnte,
ni;uit(iK w.,
(f IMrhnnlenii Coiinlr.
I'or Stale Treasurer.
I of Viilloy Coiiiii).
I'or Statu A' ..Hot'
cu.uti.r.s wr.sros,
Of Mierldnn Count
I'or Attorney (Jeiiernt.
of (Inge County.
KorCommlfloner Public-bunds nnd llulltlinnc
' 'IKOItOK t. I'OI.I.MElt,
Of Nuckolls County
For Superintendent l'ubllc Instruction.
Of WnliliiKton County
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman, r.ili DMrlet.i
O. W. NOItltlS,
of Ited Wl.low County
County Ticket.
I'or Keprcfontntlve lllh PlMrlct,
l i ClIAltl.KS llUNTUIt.
Of IiimhIc Township.
I'or County Alt rney,
Of Ited Cloud, !)! Wnrd.
I'or Commissioner, let Dlt ,
Of Stillwater I'reelnct.
I'or Commissioner, till Ilt..
Of Ited Cloud I'reelnct
Not all investments pay cash rilvi
rienris. Tho things that aro really
worth most in this lifn rio not make
monoy, they cost money: tho hum, the
church anil the school.
Tho Nation says that V. H. Thoiup
Hon was never in tho employ ol a rail
road corporation anil cites us to the
issue of tho Nation of duly 'J 1th In
which lie (Mr. Thompson) assorts that
bo nevor received any money fiom a
railroad corporation. This does not
explain bow it happens that lie has
continually ridden on passes and rail
roads do not issue passes for nothing.
Do tboy, Mr. Haley
There has never been 11 tlmo in the
history of Nebraska when the Hepub
Means were inure certain of success
than this year. The cry of the opposi
lion that tho Republican candidates
aro railroad tools has lost its H'oct, us
they bavo always raised the same cry,
no matter who was nominated. It is
riono to divert attention fiom their own
record, which was very fuvornbW to
tho railroad interests of tho state.
Blue Valley Blado.
Stop and think a moment, my popu
ullst ft lend. Why did you nllilUte
with tho populits movomont? Was it
tnrlfT, or silver, or wunl? Tho silver
question is dead and has boon buried,
and has uot tbo republican position on
tho tariff question boon so thoroughly
proven correct ns to bo now boyond
any question! Then what is thoro left
for you? Aro you merely with tho
demo-pops bocattso you arc anti-republican!
Every elTort is now being made
by tho democratic loaders to hunt up
sonio tssuo to stand upon, but 'so far
their efforts have been futllo.
The city officers should not delay in
taking up tho matter of paying the old
0 per cent water bonds, but should go
to work nt once. We would suggest
that refunding bonds drawing not
more than 4 per cent bo issued and
that these bonds bo of small ilenomi
nation, optional with tho city after live
years. By doing this wo boltevo that
the majority if not nil of tbo now bonris
would bo purchased by people hero at
home, who now havo money lying idle
and which Is doing thorn no good. By
investing in these bonds they would be
getting some interest on their monej
nnd it would also bo an Invostmont that
would bo porfectly safe. Tno interest
money would in tills way remain hen
in the' county and bo retained nt home
Let us pny these bonds nnd therebj
reduce the Interest charges by so much
at least.
His Career a High Incentive.
Cftuilulilia! Clarion
Tho career of Judge Norris, the re
publican candidate (or congress in this
district, should bo nil incentive to
every young man with energy and am
bltlon. Beginning, as most young at
torneys do, in a country town, he
proved hlmsolt u lawyer in the true
suuse of the word! by bis loyalty nnd
fidelity to his cllonts and by the zeal
nnd energy with which ho guarded
their Intorosts. No cllont over regret
ted employing Goorge Norris: tho
zoal and earnestness with which ho
went into a case inado success certain.
g In summor can bo provontcd
W 1.. inlln
Scott's Emulsion
Its as bonoflolal In summor as
Inwlntor. If you aro woak or
run down, It will build you up.
Rend for free sample.
SCOTT Kt IIOWNit, Chemists,
409.413 I'tnrl Street, New York.
50c nnu ji.oo; nil iiniKKiMS.
Recognizing his character iitul ability
tho njr)pi! of Furnas county nutria hint
eotintv attorney, notwithstanding the
(net thtit tliu county wus fusion by n
huge iniijiiiity. The sniiti' zcul of font
Iusncs characterized his nets ns county
attorney, us rilil Ills acts while in this
employ of other clients. That person
ality, peiKVeicncc tmri strnightfor
wmrincs.s, which cntlonieil hint to bin
clients mill to tlio people of Furnas
count 3', elected him district judge in
Ibid anil re.electeri bin. to that position
in 18!K), notwithstanding bis putty was
liirffuly in the minority at both election?.
As a judge George V. Norris has won
the esteem anil respect of all who bavo
come in contact with him without to
garil to party umTiatlons. Hie Miccess
as n lawyer, his tecoril a u jtulgo, bis
popularity us n thorough wcstcinet-imil
his personality as a man glvonsstirunco
that the Fifth congressional district
will bo jcpreseuteri in tho next congress
by a upublicaii.
John H. Mickey.
From the Columbus Journal.
The following sketch of tho life of
Hop John II. Mickey, tho republican
candidate for governor, taken from
our history of Nebraska, compiled in
1883, isltbe story of ti very busy man
who bus como to prominence by his
success as one who bns proven himself
to bo an excellent business manager.
All that bo possesses bns been nceuinu
luted in Nebraska and tbo voters will
bo safe in trusting tbo nil airs of tho
state in the custody of a man who has
proven l.lmsolf so worthy In the man
agement of bis own privulo affairs:
"Hon. John 11 Mickey, bankor.Oseo-
ola and Stromsborg, senior member of
tho linn of Mickey, Nnnco & Morrill,
ciimu to Nebraska in September, 1808,
mid took up a homestead on section 2,
town 111, range 1 west, Hackberry pro
duct. In tbo winter of 1801) ho moved
out and settled on tho claim, bo being
0110 of tho vi ry Ihtt settlors In the pie
cinct, nlsn served as first school treas
urer of tho pteclnct. In 1870 be was
elected county treasuier of Polk conn,
ty, holding the t-tllon at bis residence
until 1872 Upon tbo locating of tho
county sent at (.Kccola ho moved to
the village, holding that office for ton
years, rrtor 10 1110 organization 01 iuu
county be was appointed assessor of
Polk county by tbo board of commis
sioners of Butler county. In 1871) bo
opened their present bank, which was
operated tinder his own nmno until
1831, when the nbovo linn was incor
porated. Ho was elected to tho legis
lature in 1880 from tho Thirty-lifth
assembly district; was one of tbo origi
nal members of tho Methodist Episco
pal Church society of Osceola precinct;
was also one of the instigators of the
Polk County A ricullural society and
was its lirst treasurer. Ho enlisted in
tho Into war of tho rebellion, in Des
Moines county, Iowa, August, 1803, in
company D, Eighth Iowa volunteer
cavilry, and solved until the closo of
the war; is now 11 member of tho G. A
It., and is a charter member of J. F.
Reynolds Post, No. i.G. Ho erected the
tlrst frame bouse in Polk county."
It is a shame, a measly shame, for
tho fusionists to leave Helen Gouger
out in tho rain. Why don't they pay
her what they ngrrod to pay! They
got tho worst of the bargain, of course,
but they ought to bo used to getting
tho worst of it by this time. If tboy
know what she was when thoy 111 ado
tho bargain, why do thoy kick? If
thoy did not know, they ought, to pay
for buying a cat in u bag. Of course
wo used tho word "oat" purely in a
figurative sense in this connection. But
wo do insist, if tho fusion manage) s
agreed to pay this unsophisticated and
unprotected female $25 por diem, they
ought to pay It if it Kills 'em. York
Tho esteemed fusionists tiro trying
to create tho impression that J. 11.
Mickey is 11 bloated bondholder, a plu
tocrat. It is reasonable to suppose
that ho is conifoi lastly well oil' us a
natural result of a life of industry m d
economy, coupled with native abilitj,
but he is far fiom being uCiumus. Tho
fact (hat ho has been successful is a
very good recommendation. A man
who fails to maku a success of his
own business is not apt to boriitin
guisheil for good maiiagomoutwheii ho
undertakes I ho control of pidiliu busi
ness, Mr. Mickey has known tho pov
erty tturi privations which were tho lot
of most of tho pioneers, and whatevoj
ho lias, has been earned. Beatrice Ex
press. (
Mr, Bryau is in the east, banqueting
and roasting Cleveland and Hill, jinri
at tho same time advocating demo
cratic harmony. It must, however,
ba motii.o with bis Idea of ricmociacy
As bis hlcns anil thoo of tho old
school democracy very widely ditTcr,
baimony does not eem proible. In
his declatation of Intention to defeat
any convention nomination that does
not also indorse his Kansas City plat
form, he is simply laying a chip on bis
shoulder that tho ( luvelnni'-Hlll wing
of democracy will take delight In
knocking oil; and tho people can bo
usurori of another four yeat.s of re
publican prospentj ; a thing wo feel
couliilenl they much desire unit will
fully appieciate S'erllng I3un.
RIIey-Brokaw Wedding.
.Julj !J0 was the date, of a very pretty
weriillug at tho home of the bride's
parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Austin lliley of
this county. The bride was .li""U II.
Hi ey and the gtoom Mr. William II.
Brokaw of Sowanl countv, this state.
The btiilesniald was Miss (trace On.stot
of lliverton, Net)., and the best man
the brlile'.s brother, Clyde Uiley. Rev.
George Hummel of Blue Hill pel formed
tho eetemony.
The bible was one of Webster coun
ty's most successful teacbeis and has
a great many friends, who wish her
happiness, long life and prospetity in
her now life. Her father is well known
as a successful farmer and business
man anil bns served two terms us a
legislator from this county.
Tho groom is the son of William
Brokaw of Seward county, Nebraska,
one of tho bctt respected and most
prosperous farmors in bis part of the
stato. Tho groom is also a teacher,
and that ho is successful is proven by
tho fact that be lias been re elected to
the Fi'incipalship at lice, Neb , for tbo
coming year.
Tbo wedding was solemnized at high
noon, anil an original and pretty fea
ture of the service was that tho bridal
pair, together with their utiendants,
were all ready in their triaees in the
parlor, where the ceremony was to be
perfoimed, and at tho hour set the
guests, led by the minister, marched
into tliu room to the utraius of the
wedding maicli from "Lohengrin."
Tho ring ceremnny(wns used.
Tho bride's dress was of white silk
ami that of the hriricMiinit! pale blue.
The groom wot 0 the conventional black
with a white silk vest.
A number of useful anil pretty pres
ents were received by tbo bridal pair,
and among them some good broad gold
Tho happy couple left on the after
noon train for Coloiailo, where thoj
will spend their honeymoon among the
mountain''. They will Do at home in
Uee, Neb , after September 1.
Woodman Log-Rolling At Seward.
Low rates for toiiiid trip Augiwt 21
via Burlington Route. For tho annual
log rolling and picnic of tiio Modern
'Woodmen ot Anieiica to bo held Au
gust 21 at Seward, Nebr., the Burling
ton Route has made tliu low rate of one
and ono-thlid faro for the round nip
from nearly nil points in Nebraska.
For additional information about rates,
tickets, train service, etc., apply to the
neat est Burlington Route agent or to
J. Fuancis, General Passenger Agent,
$45 to California and Return.
Tickets on sale April SI to 27, May 27
to June. 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal
stopover arrangements and return
limits. For additional information ask
the nearest agent, Burlington Route,
or write for a California folder to J.
Francis, General Passenger Ageut,
Builington Rcuto, Omaha, Neb.
The jury returned a verdict of acci
dental death on the man who fell from
the window ledge on which he had fallen
asleep. But the death was really due to
,m-M.i carelessness
which made
the accident
There are a
freat many
Ives sud
denly termi
nated as a
result of
although the
medical cer
tificate may
read "heart
When n man
his stomach
and neelccts
the warning symptoms of disease, lie is
carelessly inviting calnuiity.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
orgnns of digestion and nutrition. It
enables the perfect digestion and assimi
lation of food, which makes strength.
It stimulates the liver, cures biliousness,
nnd removes bilious impurities from the
"I liail been troubled with a pain In lower
port ofmy stonmcli for three year, so aerere I
thniiiiht It would Will me in time." writes Mr.
Aaron van uam, 01 (Kenalngtou) M9 l")'h St.
Chicago, III. " I could hardly wor
Ily work, It re
elt like
a big wtiKht batik-Inn on me and i;ot ho bad that
1 uari loinkcmeiucine, 1 inert hlonucn Bitters
for a time, but it did no good o l wrote to Dr.
R. V. Tierce for advice, which he gare me Im
mediately. I followed hi directions; used two
bottles or his medicine and was cured. I had a
torpid lirer which was troubllag nt lastead of
cramps (as I thought), so Dr Pierce told me,
I have pleasure in living now; have gained in
weight 15 pounds since then."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation, They do not beget the pill
the coffee roaster uses
to elaie his coffee with
would von ear. Hint ktnrl nf
eggs? Then why drink them?
Lion Coffee
has no coating of storage eggs,
giue, etc. its coiice pure,
unadulterated, Iresh, strong
ana ot tiellenttul flavor
anu aroma.
Uniform quality and
frf-fthnfMis nrft Inflnrail
bj Uis sealed package.
Repair the River Road
Funnels and otbcis living .south of
the river and along tho liver bottoms
ate complaining, urn! justly, too, of the
e uilitio. of the loads leading into Red
Cloud. Tbo road from the river In ulge
t" tho It. iV M. right of way is in a
honible condition. While this maj
not be due to any di reliction on the
putt of the toad oveiseer or the count)
eoiiimisslonoic,' It would si em to an
outsider that something could bit done
toward making the road passable.
Red Cloud is losing its grip on the
trade from south of the river, from no
other cause than d'lapidatcd cnuriition
of this toau. Farmers 1I0 not care to risk
their lives anil their property merely
for the privilege of trading in Red
Cloud mid 110 one can blame them.
There has never been a time in tho
history of this city when tho river road
received the attention it deserved. The
county authorities seem to want to
place tho burden on the merchants of
this city, while tho merchants main
tain that Red Cloud p.iys enough taxes
into tho treasury to Keep the roads
in good condition. This may, or may
not, bo tbo case, but it is nevertheless
a fact that Red Cloud will lose heavily
ttnles! so nothing is done, mid done
soon, townrd giving the people from
south of tho river an oppotttinity to
riiivo to Red Clotiil without endanger
ing their lives and property.
Big Damage Suit Filed
1). S 1'helps of Bladen began a dam
nge suit in tho district court last Fii
day against V. S. Hall, for fatso Im
ptisonment. It seems now that it will
bo Mr. Phelps' turn at tbo bat, and
that ho may bo able to make some
persons pay for the trouble and worry
to which he has been put in the past,
out ot whom he claims is Mr. Hall.
The amount of damages claimed Is
$10,130. Wo suppose tho 3130 is for
witness fees and other which
were not paid last spring owing to the
fact that .he bond put up did not .suf
ficiently cover Hie various items.
Dr Damcrell's Horse Shot.
Last Sunday night Dr. Duinei ell's became violently in.'ri, and went
charging about the stall, linally going
bead foremost through th" side of the
barn. Tho horse's skull was badlj
fractured in the collision with tho barn
and it was tin. tight best to kill it The
horse was shot Monday morning.
County Attorney Overman had drivon
the horse to Blue Hill and back to this
city Suudny nnd it is thought that the
heat affected it to the extent of causing
it to go mad.
Confiscated Dogs Sold.
The dogs which woro used by Chas.
Hazloton and Wm. Stonor, while thoy
thoy woro hunting here a short time,
ago, woro sold Monday aftornoon by
Sheriff McArthur, bringing 82G. There
were also sold oiovon boxoi of shells,
which brought an average of 43 cents
per box. Tho dogs were bought in by
parlio? living hero for James Colo of
Kansas City, owner of the dogs, who
had como to this aity for the purpose
of regaining possession of them.
Pleasant Reception.
Tuesday nfternonn nnd evening Mrs
Fieri Turnuro assisted by Mrs. V. B
Fulton gave a reception to a large
number of lady friends. During the
nfternoon nnd ovoning hnt trimming
contests was indulged in each ludj
trimming a small paper hat Mrs. Del
Turnuro won titst prize in tho afternoon
and Mrs. Ward Hlntt won in tho even
ing. Refreshments wero served both
nfternoon nnd evening, consisting of
ico cronm and cako nnd shorbot A
good timo was had by all those present.
A Pleasant Surprise Party.
Lust Wednesday, August 0, being
Walter Cox's 20.b birthday, ho was
treated to a surptiso parly by his pa
rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Cox, from
near Lestor, nnd a number of friend.
Tho surprise wns 11 complete ono mid
Walter had not oven mi inkling of it,
(. W. Baker nnd family mid Charles
Frisbio and wife of Lester were among
the guests. Mr Bilker's birthday also
fulls on August 0, nnd be was 111 years
of ago on that day.
If it wasn't popular, i( it wasn't loved
by the people, why do dealers say:
"Wo huvo something just as good ns
tho Madison Medicino . Co.'s Rocky
Mountain rTon" Think it over. 35
cents. C, L. Cutting.
This signature la on every box of the genuln
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that cure a cold in oae stay
My Stock of Yarns for Fall and
Winter use is arriving daily.
AH Kinds,
All Qualities,
All Colors.
Also a full
dren's Summer Hoods and Jackets.
Highest Market Price Allowed
in Exchange for EGGS.
Services at the Methodist Episcop 1
church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a 111.
and 8 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. M P.
Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P.
Albright, superintendent; Junior Kp
worth League, .'I o'clock, Mrs. Brunei-,
superintendent; Epworth League, 7
o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president
Episcopal services: Every lirst Sun;
day in the mouth: Morning, at 10:30,
litany, holy communion; evening, nt
c.ju, evening prnyer unit sermon.
Every third Sunday In tho month:
Morning, 10:30, .norning prnyer and
seimon; evening, 7:30. evening prayet
andsotmon. Everybody welcomed. E.
U. Brtin, rector.
Services at the Church of Christ will
bo hold us usual next Lord's ilay.
Freaching at 10:30, a. 111. anil 8 p. 111. by
the minister, T. A. Meredith. Bible
school at noon, Trace Sheror superin
tendent Junior C E ,3 p.m., Mrs. Mere
dith acting superintendent. Prayer
Ineeting Wednesilayat 8 p. m. Special
music at morning and evoulng preach
ing services We will make you wel
come. Come nnd givo us tho oppor
Passed Beyond
One of Frinklin county's oldest resi
dents, Grandma Vincent, passed over
thogica'. river of tinio at tho cloe of
Monday evening, nt tho mature nge of
!).- years, being ptobubly the oldest
pel sou in the county. She was the
inotliiit of Al and Huvey Vincent anil
the late Mrs A. B. Stevens. For sov
etal years she has been making lift'
homo with her two miiis. The fuiicri-l
occuneri Tuesday lliverton Review.
Mrs. Vincent win at one time n icsi.
dent of this city, living with her son
Haivey, who was oily engineer heio
for a few yeais.
Use Allen's Foot Ease.
A powder to be shaken in'o tho
shoes. Your feet feel swollen, neivous
and hot, and net tired easily. If oti
havo smutting feet or tight .shoes, try
AllcnS Font-Exse. It cools tho feet nnd
mukos walking easy. Cures swollen,
sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters
and callous spots, relieves corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest nnd
comfort. Try it today. Silri by all
riruggists anil shoo stores for 25 conts.
Don't accept any substitute. Trial
unckngo free. Addiess Allen S Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Dow Are Yoar Kidneys f
Dr. Hobba' Rparairus Pllli euro all kldner 111.
pie free. Add. SlerliDg ltempdr Co, Chicago or N.V
You will do worse than this if yen
don't buy your harness nnd hardware
of J. (). Butler, next time.
8oothoi TIrod Musclos; Romovoa
Soreness and Stiffness.
Don't taVo the weak, watery Witch
Hazel preparations, represented to be
"tne fame aa" I'UHU'S'kau,
which easily sour and generally con
tain " wood alcohol," a deadly poison.
Pk a2SfjpVS aV liri
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
Tbat U what It was made lor.
line of Infants' and Cl
Constination is notliinrr morn
than a ctoccinff of tbo bowels '
and nothinu less than vital stag
nation or death if not relieved.
If every constipated sufferer
could rcali70 that he is allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
system, lie would soon cet relief.
Constipation invites nil kind of
contagion. Headaches, bilious
ness, colds and many other ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels are relieved. Thed
lord's Black-Draught thoroughly
cleans out tho bowels in an easy
nnd natural manner without tho
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics.
lie suro that you get the origi
nal Theriforri's Ulack-Drantrht.
made by The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co. Sold by all druggists in
25 cent and $1.00 packages.
Morgan, Ark., Mar 23, 11)01.
Ilrnuithltooliliililj. 1 keppltlninrliomo
nil the tlmp anil hare ummI It for the list
ten jenni. 1 npTir rato my children
nnr other laxathr. 1 think I rnulil
never tip Mile to work nllhout It
nn nrrouni or lie in if irnuiilt-il 11III1
, ronniipaiion. loar mcJlrlne In 1
1 an 11111 Keep me up.
v. ii. .'irr.iu,A.i.
have been 1 cached this week
at my studio To clean
up nil odds and ends before
moving I wili sell any
utifrnmctl pieces in
Pastel and Water Colors
jYOUH OWfl PfllGE;
Tnko tho picture you want nnd
J pay what it is worth to you. This
J offer is BONA FIDE. A special J
c surprise in store for all purchasers
t nf nrtUta nntfita nt- almliaa Thin la
a genuine Bargain Sale. J
, ARQABKIQHT, The Artist,
UP STAIRS, Damorell Block.
Livery and
Feed Barn,
On Mnin St., Red Cloud, Neb.
First Class Rigs
at reasonable pricos, with or
without drivers. Call on
us. V ill treat you right.
I What Do
i You Eat
for breakfast.
Hard to find any J
thing this time of J
the year ?
Try some of
that fine bacon
which we have and
which we ace scill,
ing so cheap, -r
Sherer Bradshaw 3U
Butchers for the People. T