The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1902, Image 2

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V vAv - v -
offered at prices greatly below regular
retail prices.
Shirt Waists.
Shirt Waists of good fashion, of exclusive
designs, become unusually low priced and
easy to buy.
Blue and Pink, white yoke, lace Cf -v
trimming, usual price $3, now ,5
A nice line in Green, Tans,
Blue and Browns, usual price
$2.50, now
Others at 40c, 55c,
62 1-2c and 75c.
and Calicoes.
-4 Percales, all Standard
Prints, in Reds, Blacks, j
Grays, Blues, etc., at....- i mJ&
We do not limit you to
"WWAvA sfyJP'ksyJ
Stacking nnd threshing grain is tho
order of tho dav. Tho steam thresh
ifll aro junking short work of tho
threshing here.
Mrs. Ayres, Mrs. Womor and Miss
Alpha Clark aro at homo again after n
pleasaut visit on tho coast with rela
tives and friouils.
Ed Mathes and wifo woro at Smith
Center Monday and Tuesday.
Mllt'limmons is running a big steam
hreshor near Womor.
Wonder what has bocomo of tho
sfttoon-to-onors? It would bo a treat
to boar onb of tho genuine old croakers
croak onco more.
Mrs. Wykoll' is on the sick list with
something Hko typhoid fever. Dr.
Morrison has chargo of tho caso. Ho
is very successful in all fever cases.
Ansa Pounds has just threshed one
of tho heaviest pieces of oats ever
raised in this section.
Mrs. Mathes was over tho lino in
Nebraska visiting hor sister, Mrs. Will
Druno Schneider wears his hat on
ouo sido of his head sinco that young
man camo to his homi'.
Ooco more th'o pooplo of Kansas ate
viulroly,i5fy J.Le statu text boi' ?ora
niissVVy' Kivo J!U'S "B ll,ry
clmiujvS .glycol books of tho stato
of 'Kansas, fhjs jrear they have again
OCTIIilMi utifMif 1 1-if" ' "" 'w.
vv - Nw - Nys ,vvAw,
changed them. Kansas Is blessed with
somo of tho blessedest laws of any stale
in tho Union. For instance, tho ox.
omplion law, where a few men pay all
tho taxes; thon this populist text book
1 iw and, worst of all, tho prohibition
law, whoro a man has to go dry or
steal his neighbor's jug.
Will Ziou is building a now grnnnry.
Tho hi wiud took tho roof oil of
Ans. Pounds granary and part of tho
big barn roof.
lUidgcs aro out and roads aro in bail
Tho Womer school olllcers aro look
ing for a first class school teacher tho
right man can get good wages.
In our last wo reported tho salu of
Aus Pounds farm but scorns Ans got
weak kneed and payed tho party to let
him keep tho farm Ans knows ho lias
ono of the best farms in Smith county.
Uncle Dan says that if any nico
young wi low wants a good mau hois
on tho mourner's bench and au appli
cation would bo uonsidored at once.
Dr. Morrison is in his now oflioo the
doctor has a tiuo stoiu and olUcu.
Kdd Mathos has added another store
room for tho shoo and hat department
tho Mathes aro hustlers.
Makes the fires of lifo burn with a
steady glow. Renews tho golden,
happy days of jouth, Tniit'ri what
Kooky Mountain Tea iloes. .15 cents.
O. L. Cottiftg.
t'" U -: V - .. - - a'Jgj
Items of Interest as
Gowespondenee. ::,
Nearby Localities.
Kd llngaii has just returned fiom a
visit in Decatur and Norton counties,
Ivtnsns. whi'fH ho H'ib visiting his sou
S uiiui'l. Hit -ays wheat is line, yield
ing from '!) to 10 IiihIioIs pur acre. He
siys film is imrulng up t r tin not winds
111 parts of both counties, they having
had no rain fur three weeks.
K S. (lurliur was .town from lied
Cloud the lirst of the wool:.
.Miss I. izio Stephen, niece of W. tl.
Haicus, who has been visiting her undo
and aunt for somo weeks, left Monday
for Kossville, 111., her home. Shu was
well pleased with this country.
James Harris, who is well known in
Webster county, has been in tho Al
berta district, Canada, tor about three
mouths, returning to Guide 11 ck re
cently. Ho was visiting his daughter
and u brother who live there, also a
number of friends who moved theie
from this county somo time ago. Mr.
Harris seems much pleased with that
part of Canada and says if ho can get
Mrs. Harris to go ho will make that
country his future home. Ho says it is
a great stock country; also good for
oats, rye, barley, wheat and all kinds
of vegetables. Tbero is also plenty of
fish and game.
W. H. liarcus sold his residence
property lust week to a Mr. Walker
from South Dakota, for 11,600. Mr.
Walker expects to move to Guide Hock
in September.
Manuel Peters is building an addi
tion to tho house of Lew Ely, in the
west part of town.
W. A. Uarcus was down from Blue
Hill Sunday visiting bis father and
mother. He is kept pretty busy at the
Blue Hill creamery.
A crowd of young folks went out
Saturday night t J Andrew Guy's to a
social. All report n line time.
Mr. Cnrlin, who has been away for
several months nt work, camo homo
sick, but is now able to be around on
the streets.
Hairy McCormal took n change of
venuo iu liis suit with Mr. Leggett of
North Branch. Tho tiiitl was sot for
Wednesday at Hed Cloud.
Alfalfa hay is the heaviest in this
part ever known. Tho thiid crop is
now ready to cut and is making two
tons per aero.
Somo funnel s aiu talking of an aver
ago of fifty bushels of corn per acre,
and should the weather bo favorablo
thiough August they will not bo dis
appointed. Wo believe in Webster and
Jewell counties.
Tho now furnituro store of tho Mont
gomery boys is getting ready for busi
ness. They received a full car of fur
nituro this week. They will open jtiBt
north of tho meat market.
Colvin & Marcus sold tho Bird land
west of town last week to Mrs. Camp
boll for 82,000. They still have more
land for sale at a bargain.
Mr. M, Lamb and Mr. Morrison from
North Uronsh woro over Monday. Mr.
Lamb is talking of starting a hardwaro
storo in North Brnnch.
Pearloy Koland and wifo started for
tho eastern part of tho stato for a visit
with Mr. Ho I ami's parents. Thoy ex
pect to stop at Lincoln two days.
A. J Hayes left Tuesday morning
for Sulphur Springs for tho benefit of
his health. Wo hope ho may bo greatly
boufited by the trip.
H.'cclved loo Into for latl week's Issue.
A daughter of Frank Bollom, of Oug,
is tho guest of Editor Spcnco,
Elmer Pashby celebrated his 20th
birthday by entortaing citito a number
of young folks.
W. Koilh, M. D., of Fail Held, Nob ,
was homo a couple of days last wook.
Air, Hammond surprised his many
friends by dropping in on them Tues
- r
day. Some nine years ago he sold his
farm southeast of this phico ami re
moved to Hitchcock county and this is
the tirst visit he and his wifo have
Hindu their many friends in this vicin
ity. Mr. ll.immond will leave iu a few
days for Illinois, but his wifo wil. re
main bote for seveial weeks. Mr Him
iiiotul thinks he did well by making
the change ami mowing up with the
C. E. Hicks received a car load of
lumber recently.
Mr. Crum received his thresher last
Thursday evening. It camo in on tho
Chovalier, tho implement man, went
east Monday morning.
W. W. Day of Lincoln is hero in tho
interest of the Hankers' Life.
Geo. Spickcral and wifo have gone
to Sidney, Nob., to spend a few weeks
with his brother.
Charles Hartman and wifo went to
Hastings the first of this week.
Mrs. J. L. Grnndstafr was a passen
ger east Wednesday morning.
Dr. Naultis wa3 down from Hastings
last Tbundny looking after somo pa
Percy GrandstafT has moved back to
his farm.
Win, Staloy and family went to Sew
ard county last week, whero he has
secured work.
Miss Bessie Lee of Lawrence was
visiting with friends here.
William Strieker met with quite a
painful accident last week. He bad a
pipe in his mouth and was working
around his team. One of tho horses
threw its bead (.round to drive oil a
fly and accidentally struck tho pipe,
driving tho stem through the tonsil and
otherwise injuring tho throat.
C. E. Hicks made a business trip to
the western part of tho stato.
SheritT McArthur made a business
trip to this village last Saturday.
11. II. Watson lost one of his carriage
horses. It fell dead in tho harness
whilo ho was hauling wheat to markot.
C. A. Easterly and Airs. J. C. Crom
left Wednesday evening for California.
This is tiuo weather for com.
Airs. Fred Konworthy's health is jiiit
about the same.
Mr. Doornail went to Red Cloud
Opal, infaut daughter of J. E. and
Edna Fisburn, is quite sick.
Airs, Simpson of Loveland, Col., is
visiting her father, Air. Collins of this
Airs. Alaggio AlcAlains and sons
Lloyd und Glen spent Sunday at Air.
Airs. L. D. Huynolds of Alontrosn
was a pleasant caller at Air. Camp
bell's Wednesday.
A week ago Wodnesday, whilo Alma
Watt and Delia Haskins wero return
ing homo from a party at Mrs.
Cooper's, their horso becamo fright
ened, ran away and threw Delia into a
wiro fenco, almost severing her hand
from her arm. She is getting along
iinoly under tho care of Dr. O. F. Alor
anvillo. Air. Fennol nnd family of Burr Oak
visited ut Air. Toland's Sunday.
Remember tho 'Frionds quarterly
meeting Satuiday and Sunday, the
common school commencement exer
cises tho lilth and tho Method!! camp
meeting, beginning the 15th.
Wedding bolls expected to ring any
d.iy this week. No rest in town nor
three and one-half miles cast of town.
A crowd of hellers can bo obtained at
either end of tho lino on short notice,
Several of tho teaeheis of this place
havo schools for tho coining year. L.
C. Stanley will teach in district 138, T.
"W. Cllr.o in distric 111), FTLTKing hns
the Fuller school, Mao Stanley the
Walnut bcIhioI, Lucy 'Poland tho Prni-
, rlo r lower school, Eva Colvin tho Put
ney school, Emma 'Poland tho Falrview
school and Stella Turner tho Ash
, Creek school.
Air. Z M Hidley got his foot badly
scalded whilo emptying a boiler of
wash water.
Airs, Toland, who has boon sulToring
for a year from enlargement cf the
livet, is getting much hotter. Her
many friend-" have ll toiled her with
ll iwcrs and fruits all during tho sum
mer. The Beatrice Creamery Co. opened
a skimming station at this place the
llrst of the month. 11. H.Towiiseiid
has chargo of the station.
Mr i. Esther Francis of Highland
spent last week with hor sister, Miss
Maggio Francis of this place.
Tho weather is extra nico and tho
small grain will all bo iu the stack iu n
few days.
Air. Wm. Barrett, who has been sick
for some time, is but littlo hotter.
P. S. Fair has been a convalescent
tor some iimo, is still bothered with a
rheumatic leg.
Samuel Mountford's, hand, which
was pierced with a pitchfork, is heal-
Tho big rains did over $1,000 worth
of damago in Logan township, across
tho lino in Smith county. Iloads and
bridges wcro washed out, and other
damage done. Geo. McMurray has an
old leaning tree on tho creek which
caught three bridges.
Itis estimated that corn in this neigh
borbood will make from 40 to 00
bushels to tho acre.
Oats will not make as much as at
tint anticipated, though they will go
from SO to 50 to tho acre.
Millet looks fine and will soon do to
Somo of tho alfalfa that was not cut
was washed down tho creeks and
draws, though it can all bo cut nnd
will probably make two tons to the
Corn is all tassoled and silked, and
tho earliest is iu roasting ears.
Potatoes never woro hotter.
Somo havo commenced fall plowing
for wheat.
Saturday was annual school election
day in Kuisas.
Weather warm and dry.
Airs S. C. Shuck was thrown from a
buggy, injuring hor right arm and loft
shoulder, while coining homo from
town last Friday.
Airs. Joo iCochor is vary sick and un -
dor tho doctor's caro.
Airs. S. Shuck received a crate of tino
peaches from her mother in Oklahoma.
William Van Dyko is now living at
Montrose, Kan , with Airs. L. D. Ray
nobis and Mrs, A. J. Croon.
Viola Ward will toach tho Penny
creek school, district No. 8, tho coming
year and and Grace Kellogg will teach
V.fctont&MAskins is visiting in lino
AlrsVL. D?ftynolds visited relatives
in Li nl last weok, after a trip to Lin
coin, ami reports tho swampy land ful 1
of water and somo bad track owing to
the heavy rainfall.
Charloy Anderson and best girl
spent Sunday at F. D. Hutchinsjn.
W. I. Haskins und f.tmily spent Sun
day at Clark Stovous.
Frionds rocoivod word that Frank
Martin of Garfield has purchased land
in Montanu Airs. Alartin nnd family
went to join hor husband in their now
Tho Wosleyan Methodist fourth
quarterly meeting will bo hold at
Pleasant Dale school house, District !!D,
August 17.
Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold
Laxative liromo-Quinino Tablots euros
a cold in ono day. No euro, no pay
25 cents,
Jane 21st.
Below we give a partial list
of the books we have
on hand at present.
Arabian Nights (9) Now nnd Revised Edition
Tho Fortunes of Nigel .. Scott
lvanhoo ....................................... Scott
Ilcyond tho City (3) A. Conan Doylo
Strange Sccret............A. Conan Dojlo
All Sorts and Conditions of Men
. . Ilent and Itlco
Jet...... ............................................ .Kdwards
Knight Krratit I.ynll
llcppo tho Conscript Anthony Trollope
Chicot tho Jester Dumnfi
Countess do Cliarny..................Duinfts
Lovo nnd Llbcrty.................-..I)umas
Tho CoiiBcrlpt ... Diimn
Vlcomto do llrKClomiu...... .Uitnmi
CoiiMiclo Sand
Tho Conntcfcs of HudolslntJt. Snntl
Indlann bund
I'anclion llio Cricket.......................... Snnd
Dcldco ..... .Warden
Confessions of an llnnllsh Opium l.atcr ..
... Do Qnlney
Gold Klslo Mnrlllt
A DiitiK.itcr ol Iletli Illnck
Thn Frontiersmen (',') Almnrd
Tho lillthcditlo Komnncu ...........IIiuvl!iorne
Ardath Mario CorcOII
l!nrdi... ........ ......... . .... UhCTH
PilKrlm'ii Progroki, . llunyaii
Tho DeemUcrs Hall Ciilno
Humphrey Clinker ... - Smotlct
Corlnno... - ....l)o Stacl
Paris Sketch Hook Thackcrny
Tho Man Who Was Good Men I 'k
Jack Horner. . Mary S. Tlennn
Ilomosollo Mary S. Tlernan
Woodlandors. .Thos. Hnrdy
Tho Dcslro of tho Eyes. . Grant Allen
Not In tho Prospectus Hnnfortli
Itamuntcli... ....... . . . ..I.otl
A New Note . McMnhon
Dragon's Teeth. ...Serrano
Tho Cedar Star Mann
Tho Cryhtal llntton ... Thomas
A Living Lie...
" "
One of these books will
be given with every dollar
you pay on subscription. If
you pay one years subscrip
tion in advance or one dol
lar of back subscription you
get orie of these handsome
books free. If you pay two
dollars on subscription you
get two books, if you pay
$3 on subscription you get
three books, etc. For every
dollar you pay on subscrip
tion you get one of these
handsome books.
Come in and get
one before they
are all gone.
? tawMfsacl