Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Wood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. inc KiancyT are your blood purifiers they fil ter out the waste or Impuriilei In the blood. K they arc sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from cx cess of uric acid in the blood, due to reelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady tieart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working In pumping thick, kldney polsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a timnle bottle bv mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or Dtaaaer irouoic. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer it Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Real Estate Trimfm. Tim following ttjunfi'i-, Html by tho Wi'biti-i (J'lii.M A i-trn U I I' III llll' ll l mtf V , 11. A:Q ltil'"-i.l - ' Xiivit'i liiiin v it, I l I 11! K it t It. C ti 1 1 v .Jt'iiiiin it .i.i i f il, putt n ii v i HI I I (i M. AIcK'ib uml if " 'i tuInuSnillick, w il, m 7 'J 11 L'liironl .J. 1'opt' nnil wifii t" M 1 Miller, wil.s 1VJ II Mary J. Ilunnm-l to I'lri'l l Mycin, w il, lots 17 uml H, block 7, Innviili! KcmIIiiiuhI M. WIImiii ami wlln to K. .1. DuliilinVi wil, lots I anil 0, block I.Swuc.j'uiulilllinii to Hluo Hill liiuirn B. Uii.aril ami htisbainl toBllon h. (JuuinK w il, lots 7 nnil 8, block 1!, Swi-ryN ml- illtion to Hluo Hill II. I'. Sowtor ami wlfn to Mary B. Kessol, w il, sw 15 2 11 Hurbort II. Wntson anil wilu to Albeit Wntillo, w il, lots II ami 4, block 18, Hindu n J. 1 Halo anil wife to Biniiia 1. Lion Coffee, In 111 ounce! of puf coftt to tho pound. ulio knnn how much coffo and how much stalo cihjj and slue-called gluJng there Is In eoatml codenT I.ton I'olTeels all coif e never slated. Tha li"l l'ck kp It frwh nd par. 100 20 !)00 air.o :j50 Homo of Kwunpllnot. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If tun Imti-ii't n n irulnr. tionllliy iiioTrim nt of tlm bom In mry ln jmiru III uml be. hirp jrour iHiwilmiiiiii'miillm will tot ri- In II"' cliiiiif Tin lrntili)lPorilll iIn,Ii lUimi rini Th;i smooth J..t,iinlil, iii"tiilit ' hiU'li'lf Wo bowels cltarnml cli'uii lulu Inki' Jg4 CANDY wEM um i nnrt i iu EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY riruitnt, VftMtMil. I'otrnt. ThjIkOoo.!. rtnllood, JlMir Hlckiii. Uiskrn.nr ilrlpe, 10, . nd M wnn Iirr Ikii Urliii lor lot minplc, nil booklet nn irallh ,ilclnn a BTUII4M1 HKSrilt IOSPINT, tllitAI.0 ur KTT TOItK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN You pay 10 cents fbr Cigars not so good as LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER Half, wil, undivided lot 10, block I, lied Cloud 2.-W) Cli'iili's Spend) ami wlfn to Win. V. Thmivti, w il, w. 20 :U 2800 Philander Talbot mid wifo to Andy Guy, m-J 17 2 I) 2825 Total Mot tinges filed, S7830. Mortxag'S luloasrd, $11107. $10023 Firemen's Tournament. The tunth annual tournament of the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen':) association will bo held nt Grand Island August 5, 0, and 7. 'J he eitiz' na of thatcjty have contributed llbeially t a fund for prizes and the secretary assuies the public, 'ind paiticuloriy tl o volunteer lireinen of the state, that the list of pne, cash and medal", hrs novir in the history of tho associ.itnui been mote libel al. The leading even s will be vai ions hose laces, hook and ladder races, foot incus, patades, lad der climbing contest", coupling cor tests, etc , etc. (Jooil music will be m attendance and (Ji and Island is go inn to do eveitliiug possible to entertain tlm liieineii of tho state and their ftiunil". Shake It Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Base, a powder. It cutes painful, snittrtlng, neivotis feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the iing out of corns nnd bunions. It's the gieutcst conifoit discovery of the ago. Alleu's Foot-Baso makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Jt 19 a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by nil druggists nnd shoo stores. Don't accept any substitute. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package free. Ad dress Allen S Olmsted, Lo Koy, N Y CIGAR STRAIBHT-S r. n it w i a. MArfrU PfcORIA.Ul. Don't Be Fooledi Take the cn original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Midlion Medl cine Co., Madlton, Wit. It keeoe vou well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, ;tz cents. Never aol4 In bulk. Accept no aubtth tute, Alk jour druegUt. B twm m TR&.-v Made fltaa5rd till Cu. In every town ami illagc may be had the Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. I JOIING. rOTTBK, KTTORNeY-HT- L.TKIM, Ovor Mi.or's Grocery Store. imr"' Jt.tOc DnwMa. Genuine stamped C. C C. Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something utt as good." Rheumatism Cured in a Day Mttlcuiri' for rliiMimntlMM nnil iiummIkIr ri'Hilll) (iiroln from iiiiuto tliri'o ilii) IIhho tlou upon tin- fc)ktum Is ri'iimrkHulv nmlnnH UtIoiih, ItrcintiM-x mi oiuo thp rniiHP nnil uio UltHHkU ImmeillHtt'l) iln!Hr Tho tlrntitoo KrcHtlrbLMicilm "acciitu niM i ii, k. Orleo. hud Cloud, Neli. To the Northern Lakes. The IJurlingtoii Uoute announces un ooiumonly low rates to lauo resorts nt Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Iowa for tho following dates: July 0 to 10, August 1 to 15, Soptomber 1 to 10. Better ask tho nearest Burlington Houto ngont about tho above excursions and tako advantage of the low rates namod. ACTION OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION EXPLAINED f i Reduction in Valuations by County Assessors Obliged the Board to Lta - Make Similar Reductions in Railroad Valuations. P'OW Careful Investigation Shows thnt Nebraska Knl'roads Arc- Still Asuessd Too IHph. ComparcJ wltli All utiicr rroperty mine .-inttf. ;oiw tnttino ms wMUwnuwai.A4.-w t7 lrr- Ri.(oriii Hoiii'Jh in the L.tltr "JOs. v - ... . 7.-.T. .. r.:.;. .. ....,..,. (iKiiipa uniier me Ainiinriiv m iim- nmini ..-......, tliiH Iin.uu OI K(iiini7nii'in inun f,, ?, m ; ror rears naet It tins boen uullo Kcncrnlly conlenilcil that tho rullnndH Hhoiild to required to Dl ir i .t ir ju.i haro of taxation" NVbrnHka hnn hint a hucmhMiiii of reform iiilmliili'trutlonH. who unud thli aigument us ono of tho cHwntlal tl uikfl of tho platform on whlrli thoy worn olcK-d TIrto hnH bwn a Hucti-ii-lon of cliwiKc In tho political complexion of wlint l Ur iv.n uii tho Doard of Iiiutllxutttm. romposcd of the Hovfinor, Trrnsuror and tho Auditor of 8tn.tr Ourlii!: thr-c ui cennlvn rnnviiMFH tho rHllromln hn. not pr.-aon piI lh"r Ida to tho peopK but In enrh en -o hno jva ted un til th pxrHH whom th- p-op'o nl ould Bid I wcr lorlid to ofTIr-, und then prcnented the iuts on of rullroad taxutlon to thorn when they nctcd an ollltera of It com tint durlnt tl.d ri.inl Irn lir, tltl',. lin( llln 1 V lUhllL'lltl. dim rrnllo and nopoullst RoX'Tr i" nnd membiTt of this boml In sutcpssloii Th o mi'n eiictod to o."'- hio ln-i'ti ro lrcupiilntlvo cttlz -na nnd men of 'nt;frltv i ml hnnor. who h.ivo t iken i l onth to do wlutt tlu-y considered rlsht In tie In T'Sts of thu peo, l nnil In tubscrlV Irm to thin oath, t' p nt thp paino time nwiar to do their duty In aero Inner with the l.iw Tlie follnwli- iib'e -v. lit hov- th" TPlTtlvo aR"" mpiit or etch aitnl iln'ratlon for t'.i. ,v a.i'.e )ear, 'Ii wln thp ninoui t ahX0K d .it l"-t !nm . ')', I '" Fonal property an nil property In the ttalo ili.nnK tlio irluus admlnlstra loiu: Oovernor. t'arty. Voi- Tlnyer .. xioyd . . . Crounao . Crounvi . Hnlcomb Hoicomb aoleomb oleomb Poyntpr , Poynter , Bavoco .. Itrp ibl'ctn Dumuornt Republican noiuiMlcan ropulist , ..ropulist , ropullit PopulUt ropuitst , Pepullt Ittpubllcan 1" 1SD1 1N1 111 lj 19M U97 1K 1M 1I04 1J01 Limit. I'l""! "41 7 J f.'.". 'i R7.IStl4l ftt.ci7.ni: S2.SW.W3 R1.9.J7 79.29 1. AS 7S M8 "W 77.890.017 78,04t,r: 79.C7J.196 Lot. t).:tS,5'4 t.ni m 2?.01JJi5 3S.3II ITS MKtG014 3.1 574 3 M (M9.HS3 K.751.4'3 M.l 405 31.13,9') Jl)"""l 3",3iV ' 3 K.T"') S3 22.4oi.n:.t Js.ioi fl'5 2S.1JJ.CHI ," ?0S W.1IJ Hi.m.'sn It'tlt r id ti tnl Tejnr mil. J"0"'i5.': 29 Co.1M 21 Sill S71 2S 2V, '"2 2.". f ' u: 26."!C? -n 2.(i, hl1 "C 412 DS All I'rop; -1"-,7!'"1 IV 12.2".') 191 7' 12 191 7171 17142ir 17 078 27 1C-. Vj:."l 1--SI0"! 19 10" 171 74. ;i 174, 139.1 M From thin -tatemMit It will he wen that thy r.itlroa.1 and telenraph property had a valuation In 1W1 10 2-10 tier cent li than It was In 1K. and that lots ar aUo uaaoaicd for 10 3-10 per cent lei, while the valuo of personal property has decreased 17 per cent In that same time. Tho only property that appears to show any Incroaso whatever la In tho Item of lands, which hows an Increase of 7 3-10 per cent. Howcrer. we Rive here a statement of the Increase In quantities asse-sed In the following: Items reported In 1SP9 and 1901. which should be conalderod along with these apparent Increases and decreases In assessment: Per Cent As-eased In 18M Assessed In 1901. Increase 16.s74.ll0 acres Improved 17.304.770 acres Improved O 13.t67.7r7 acres unimproved 14.M0.MS acres unimproved 9 9 ,824,327 cattle 8,313 918 cattle 42 17,3 sheep . 410.63 sheep 130 t3S M2 hOKS 1,460,777 hogs 13 ;08I mllea railroad 8,T miles railroad IS. g Now. how are all these decrease- and variations In asaeasment brought about" In 18M and 1394 the assessors throufh the various counties so materially reduced the assessment of lands, lots and personalproperty that the railroad valuations itven by the Board of Uquallaatlon In prior years was away above that figure which would obtain an equality In taxation with other property Owing to the popular cry of increased ae-ex-ment of railroad corporations, the Board of Equalization wa; deterred from materially reducing the snme In 194, and In that year the railroads paid practically twenty-five per cent more tax than they In Mstlce should hae No one accused Oovernor Hoicomb of being any more friendly to tho railroad corporations than the law would raqulre him to be. but In 1S95 the presentation was made to the board In such a mnnner thnt a material reduc tion was made In the asseaament of the railroads In Ne- Lrnsltn. That beard acted In this mutter under the'r oath, wl'leh obllfed them to equalize the aseFH"d N.tlio of the railroads aud make that appessment conform lo valuations placed on other propify The m--mer.; made at that time was only fair to the companies and put them back near to where they should have beci However, the local asiessors continued to redure thi valuation on lands, lots and personal property, until U9H, the railroads were again paying twonty-Hve per rent more tat than thev, under the constitution and law, should be required to do. Since 1898 the local assessors have increaaed the valui tlon a little, but as was shown In a former iidvertl-'-ment. the railroads were assessed 31,169 per mile mor value than thev shnjld have been In 1900, and are still palng more th.-n their fair portion of taxe. During the veara of hard tlnws In Nebraska, tha railroads accepted this Injustice and paid the .taxes charged, hoping by the assistance thus rendered the poorer counties of the state to tide over the unfor tunate condition of affairs, and In many Instances thejf paid the tax charged while their stockholders got noth- ""'Several members of the Board of Equalisation that have been elected In the last ten years were honestly Impressed with the belief that railroad corporation were not pa1ng their Just portion of tax, but when tha facts have been laid before them they In each Instance, Irrespective of party, resueoted their oath and went na further In taxlnc the nliroads than they could go anit still In their conscience believe thnt th-y were giving that, equality In tnxatlon guaranteed under our ua-tltutlon. In our next article v will give some of the detail regarding the chanie- made In valuations for a xerlea of years. These fltr -e- will be given, not to antag onize any Interest but merely as Information Some corporations may not be paying their share of taxes hut an Investigation will show that they are not railroad corporations The changes made in the valuation placed on ilitler ent kinds of property through the state of Nebraska have been erratic and hardly explainable. From the appear ance of the reports made, it is evident that the com, ty ascssora have valued the property within their respective counties more with a view of adopting a valuation that would raise suflicicut money for the county purposes, irrespective of any determined value. The result is that the various counties do not coincide at all in regard to price of any article which should have a general relative value. We give below a statement of changes In values re ported on those Items which are generally recognized aa having a relative value throughout the btatc: 1889 VAMMt 4.0S Improved Laud, acres. . . .5 Unimproved hand, acres. 2.'23 Horses 18.05 Cattle 4.79 Mules 21.37 Hogs 1.13 Sheep 59 Franchises 1,013.57 Water Craft 357.34 1893 V Al,U K 5 3.94 2.07 12.54 4.18 14.40 1.33 .81 143.10 1,474.00 1001 vAi.im S 3.61 1.13 7.01 4.43 S.07 1.06 .1.3 154.71 4.81 It will be noticed that while the tendency has been to report lower values on .ill these Item., they have not been reported on a gradual decline in all cases. The highest assesment made in the state on most classes of property was In 1893. In that ) ear improved lands in Douglas county wcie assessed at $15.43, while in 1900 they were assessed at but ill. 82. In Clay county im proved lands in 1893 were assessed at 55.31, while in l'00 they were assessed at but $3.13. In Lancaster count i 1893 lands were assessed at 55.03 and in 1900 at but 4.ii2, while in Saline count) they reported improved lauds m 1893 at a valuation of $10.55 per acre, w Inch were reported in 1900 at hut $3,43. So It would appear to an investiga tor that Saline county needed money in 1893, and that their Immediate wants were not so pressing in 1900, but this change In valuation of their property obliged the railroads In that county to fay ont-fifth of the taxes fan! in the county for the year 1900, while in 1893 they only were obliged to pay one-tenth of the amount collected. Some newspaper critics who advocate a material advance in the assessment of railroad property on account of their betterment aud conditions, aud the im. provemenU that have been made In the past ten years, should carefully consider the figures given in Bulletin No. 5. It will be noticed that there has been an increase in acreage of improved lands returned for taxation amounting to 62.7 per cent, of the lands reported In 1889 Thls la accounted for by ttie fact that im 1889 Urga nam- rmmmmmwimmwmwmmimm iw mmmwmwmtmiimtmmtM'i M Ctfcf-gem P-irifii'ii- Ir'' AUtlco bv our physlcl ins, Tree h-imiue of S.' OJl.ni rUrilKjr Medicine. Ur, Kuv'sllomo Treatment. a lit i jco B: liiimrairu ijf0KUcrrlllnK8mptiins, causes of dlsoa-cs, btst ttcatment, al-i m my ...... iniu n.vii'U3 im jtiuuriiJuunM in jmiiiu i:iiiuu;i;u, savus UOCIOT S UM1S ASK lor 11 Dr Kay's Renovator I prslcascHpf arMyspip-ln, Constipation llcadiclu, Palpitation of ;p IMdnny diseases and bid results of lt tlrlppc Send for proof of It 5 cures tho wrj worst c iiiari i.nernnu munny iiiseastsanu bin results of I..i(irliU i rim us about all jour symptoms Sold by DruifKlsta. non'ttaku any substitute but KPmUis: us, tacts or II uo and wo will send Dr. Kay's Hinovator by return mail. A in-u nt or W) cent p.irUnk'o nl Dr. Kay 8 Kitmv itor Is .. a. J Ubcnelllanyof tlieso symptoms or mouey refunded by us. UUdrdlltCCQ Adilress, Die. II. ,1. Kay AIi:K'Arj t'o., Sarntoua SnrlniM. N. Y. IMMMMHfnMMMNmfflfXMKMMIJ bers of homesteaders were still perfecting titles to their property and were relieved from taxation in that interim. It should also be noticed that in Omaha from 1893 to 1901 the following building permits have been issued: 1893 1,268,035.00 1894 012,794.00 1895 506,117.00 18 291,153.00 1897 1,2"8,607.00 1898 1,361,257.00 1899 1,005,034.00 1900 1,001,845.00 1901 1,627,304.00 Total $8,972,796.00 This increase in buildings in the cities, and the vast increase in taxable improved lands, which should have added a hundred millions of dollars to the grand assess ment roll of the state, would much more than make up for any amount of improvement on railroad property in the same time. In other words, improvement in the state has more than kept pace with improvement in the railroads. These decreases of valuation in Douglas and Lan caster counties were to such an extent that there was not suflicicut taxable property returned in the cities of Lin coln and Omaha to raise sufficient revenue on which to successfully carry on the city administration without a, tax levy that would be almost prohibitory, and to-day the rate of valuation is placed so low that the rate of taxa tion is entirely out of line with any other city in this section of the country. These cities succeeded in having a special law passed for the purpose of raising revenues in these two places, aud to-day they report one set of valuations for city taxation and another for that of the s'ate and county, and the result is that in their reports the values for taxation for county and state purpose practically run riot. A marked example of the injustice done the cities, themselves by this arrangement is for reports to go out that the assessed valuation per capita in Omaha is the lowest in any city west of the Mississippi, which would indicate to the casual investigator that the place waa poverty stricken, and at the same time this low valua tion obliges a high levy that throws an investor into panic. It is the high levy for taxation that to-day prevent that natural rush of improvement in Omaha that is seen in other cities. Now investors do not know that they can invest here and only pay tax on one-tenth of their investment, aud the agitation to tax stocks and bonds or" railroads in addition to their other values would confirm them in a belief that they would not be fairly treated. P2TATT & FREES CO., Chicago - Lumber - Yard. KKl) CLOUD. NKHKASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRAIESR XvUJM:BE0R1 Co, c DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAIL totiilcllraa: material, Etc. Red cloud. - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. E, Jtf. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTSFOR A DAAS" EX PRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. New Barber i Shop. ! BARKLEY & SCHAFFNIT, Proprietors. IJiisement rotter-Wright Building. Scissors Ground,! Razors Honed, AND ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS SHARPENED All kinds of barber work executed promptly nnd stttisfuction guuntnteetl. GIVE - US - A - CALL. -j BON TON BAKERY and CAFE When in town cat at tho Hon Ton whuro it ia clean, cool and no tlics. 15 cent Meals at All Hours LSoda Fountain is Open H Fifty-siv different kinds of sunimoi' drinks. W. S. BEN5E, Prop. IOHN HAKKLEY, House Moving and A Sl'KCIAI.TV. Raising All work gunrnntiMMt sittisfiictory. Your work oirited, This signature Is on every box of tho gonulnt Laxative Bromo'Quinine Twets the remedy that cure a cold lu one day DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Llfeawayl you csn be cured of any form or tobacco unltia esslljr, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by talcing MO-TO-BAO, that makes vretk men strong. Many gala ten pounds In ten days. Over 600,000 cured. All druggist. Cure guaranteed. Hook. let and advico l'RUIS. Address ST1!KI,INQ RSMUDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 limill TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y RED CLOUD NEDR LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY S'U LOUIS und (ill points east and louth. DENVER HELENA RUT'IE SAL7 LAKE C'Y PORTLAND S.M FRANCISCO and all jwvito west. T'UINU LEAVE AS fOLLOW: NO. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton h. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. nyn: "My wlfo hurt InllnminHtory rlieiiinntlun in every iniwlt! nnd Joint; hor Mifferlin; wbm tcrrlblo nnd her body and facoMcro tu colon iilmotit beyond rernKiiltlon: had been In bed for six weekx and liml eight tliynlelaiiH, but received no benefit until Hhe tried the MjMlr- Cure for'.liliumuailMu. Ukiuu Imuiedlnte relief and Mie wnn able lu walkabout lu threo dan, lam mro It sncd her life." Sold by II. K. Orlce. DniKKlxt, Kcd Cloud, Neb. "C. C. C." on Every Tablet Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, ioc. U.ff - Ml UV i$ tl Ml Geo. Ross, Contractor and Builder in Brick Plastering t a Specialty. Railroads pay 15 4-10 Par Cent of Taxes Paid in Nebraska. Blue Hill, Neb. 444444444---4 H. racscnger dally for Oberlln nixi m. f ranrih oriuicnen. ux ford, McCook, Dcnverand all points wcM............... ....... 0:10 a.m. No, 14. I'aMciiRer dally for bt. Joe, KnnsaH City, Atchlnon. bt. LouIk. Lincoln via Wymore and all points east and south 1-3'n m H, I'luseiiKer. dally, Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California..... . ...... S.'p.m. 'ii. Passenger, dally for bt. Joe, Kaunas uur. Atcniton, at. Louis aud all points cant aud south 10 00 s m. 14. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hasting!, Grand In land. Illnrk Hills and all points lu the tiortliwcK 1:00 p.m. 1TJ llallj except Sunday, Ox lord and intermediate points 12 20 p m. Sleeping, dining, aud reclining chair cars, (neate free) on through trains. Tickets sold aud , baggage checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For Information, tlmo tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conovcr, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Krancls, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. No No. No. No. COLVIN & BARCUS, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock llox Zi. Guide Hock, Neb. Ml kinds of property bought, sold a nil uxchnnged, COLLECTIONS MADE. TEUM IIEAMINAHLE STATEMENT. Annual Statement of the Cowden-Kaley Clothing Company. IlKMiUHCKS. """"" Merchandise, fixtures, outstanding accounts and cash $13,977 Fm LIAHILITIE8. Capital Hock ... ..-id 000 ft) Due creditors JMU'ie 78 This Is to certify that tho abovo iflSSVmt Is correct to the best of our knowledge. A U. Kalky, Pre, and Trcas II, A, I STtoN, Vice Pre. V, V. Cohpkn, Sec. now Ara Tour Kldaeys f Dr. ttobbs' Boamrui PUUenre all kldner Ills. Hm-' SMfres. Add.titerllDg UemedjCo .Cblcscoorlf.T. ii