tie i. fr fr fr fr Do You Realize ivtat a l Convenience a Fountain Pen 1 ti i"W is. It almost an indispens ible atticle to any one who docs any writ ing. Wo have the best. All 14k Gold Pens with hard rubber holders. Every school teacher in tho county in fact everyone wlio 4 does not wnnt to bo loft in the 4 a a a 4 4 a 9 a 4 4 a rut, but who wishes to bo up to ilntc, should havo ono. Prices $f.0O to $5.00. Satitfaction Guaranteed. Newhouse Bros. flltllll WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Read Argabright's surprise "ad.1' Miss Lois Popo is visiting relatives Id Riverton this week. W. H Scott of Hluo Hill was in Uod Cloud tho first of tho week. J. Cathor, of Carey, Ohio, is visiting at the homo of C. V. Kaloy. Mrs. J no. Foster and daughter Blanche wero in Guide Hock Thursday. Mrs. E P. Quivey of tho Homo for the friendless was in tho city Satur day. Ted Saunders went to Franklin Mon day to work in tho brick yard at that place. Mrs. E. B. Koon of York, Neb., is vis iting with her sister, Mrs. 11. J. Clark of this city. - Mrs. W. C. Hurd of Cowles was in 9 this city Thursday and made this office a pleasant call. Miss Edna Black of Bloomington was visiting with Miss Francis Harmon the tirst of tho week. Miss Eva Barbor of Bloomington is visiting with Miss Boulah Harmon In thiscity, this week. Ed Becker, an old time Red Cloud boy, now of Lincoln, was in the city the first of the weok. Fay Tool who has boen visiting in bloomington returned to her home in this city Monday morning. Evening Subject at Christian Church Sunday July 27 th. "What think ye of Christ T Whose Son is he?" Mr?. James Morauville of McCook arrived in this city yesterday for a abort visit with relatives. Mrs. Aaron Conover left for Dan ville. III., Tuesday morning, where she w goes to visit with rolativos and friends. Edgar Cotting expects to go to Mex ico Cit7, Mexico, whore he has a posi tion in the General office of the Mexico Central It. R. Person, tho sowing machine expert, repairs organs and sowing machines, at the second store. All work guaran teed. Prices reasonable. Hounds out tho hollow places ;sniooths out lines that creep about ono'a face; woos roses back to faded cheeks. That's 4V what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cent?. C. L. Cotting, Dr. J. W. Moranvillo and wifo expect to leave noxt went: lor an oxionaeu trip through Colorado. Thoy go for tho benotit of tho doctor's health and expect to romain during the balance of summer. IsvAisk Oke A private conversation. .'in old fool, m You will, will you. A fl!) I'll learn you to go and buy a lot of cheap Harnow and Hardware boforo you got J.O. Butlku's prices on tirst class goods of tho samn kind. (II) Take A that, (III) and that, (III1) and that. Now you old chump will you learn some thiug?" GENERAL CITY NEWS. Wanted Dishwasher at tho Bon Ton. Threshing coal at RobyNat from 81 S. lo $7 CO. If you want job wotk of ony kind call and see us. Mrs Dr. Moranvillo was visiting in Guide Rook, Thursday. Joe Fogel has some good light har ness which he is selling cheap. James llunlcii ami family wetu visit ing with relatives in Bladen Sunday. F. V. Taylor, undertaker ami em balmnr, opposite Cutting's drug store. Mrs. W. B. Householder of Bladen was shopping in this city Wednesday. Save money by using n water meter Morhart Btos. will put ono in for you. For Sale A thread cabinot and a seeond-hniid showcase. F. Newhouse. Ludlow Bros havo a quantity of lino brick for sale at their yards north of town. E M. 'Poland of North Brauch was transacting bttsiuess m this city Wed nesday. Miss Boulah Hall went to Hastings Wednesday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Bornico Hunter of RivoJton vis ited with her cousin Miss Lois Popo, in this city, tho tirst of tho weok. For a clean, easy shavo or an up-to dato hair-cut, call at Ward Hiatt'a bar ber shop. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. Wheolor of Burlington, la., an export in tempering and making tools, was in tho city tho last of tho weok. Wanted. A good girl to work. Good wages. Enquire of Hubert Nouorberg at depot lunch counter. Wanted. A couple of young pigs. Enquire of F. Newbouso or at Now house Bros, jewelry storo. County Treasurer Georgo McCrary will loavo next Sunday for a visit with relatives near Torre Haute, Ind. Why not get ono of those good fly nets for your horse, of Joe Fogol, whilo ho is soiling them so cheap? A good second band horso-powor threshing rig for salo cheap. For fur thor information inquiro of Popo Bros George Ovoring returned to his home in this city Monday morning after an extended business and ploasuro trip in Colorado. A large number of Red Cloud citi zens attended tho base ball games at Superior Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Miss Nellie Warren roturned to her home in this city, Thursday morning after a visit with a friend, Miss Sadie Lee, in Superior. Miss Mabel Murphy who has been visiting at the home of Frank Abey, near this city, roturned to her home in Edgar Wednesday. Mrs. E. Rife left Monday morning for her old home in Lincoln, where she goes to make an extended visit with relatives and friends. Joe Blair, an old time Red Cloud boy, who is now on the road for a jew elry firm, was in the city today re newing acquaintances. J. O. Butler and wife went to Hast, ings Wednesday to visit with relatives and incidently to attend the race meet ing held there this week. The Telephone Company have had a number of men at work this week put ting up another long distance wire be tween Hastings and this city. W. M. Grannis and Georgo Ross of Blue Hill were Red Cloud visitors Monday. Mr. Grannis was doing busi ness with tho county treasurer. Mrs. Cbas. Palmer and son Ray re turned to their homo in this city Wed nesday from St. Paul, Minn., wbero they havo been on an extended visit. F. E. McKeoby passed through this city Monday morning on his way to Superior. Tho McKeebys are now lo cated in Puoblo, Col., in tho drug busi ness. T. E. Penman, wifo nnd daughter left Monday for a pleasure tiip through Colorado ami tho west. Percy McBridu has ehargo of his store during his ab sence. Oscar Potter, an old time Rod Cloud boy, came to the city Saturday and left with his mother tor Douglas, Wyo , whole he and his brother Archie are in business together. Mrs. J R. Bennett ami sou Earl re. turned to their home at In wood Iowa Thursday morning after an oxtendod visit at tho home of Mrs. Bennett's cousin J. S. Gilham of this city. Don't bu persuaded into taking some thing said to bo "just as good" as Mad son Medicine Co.'s Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing liko it. 35 cents, no more, no less. C. L. Cotting, Episcopal sorvicos: Every lirst Sun day in tho month: Morning, at 10:30, litany, holy communion; evening, at 7:30, oveninp prayer and sermon. Every third Sunday in tho month: Morning, 10:30, morning prayer and sermon; evening, 7:30. evening piavet and sermon. Everyb!y welcome I. E U. Brim, rector. Miss Bessie Hatlield returned to her homo in this city Saturday eu-hing from Fall City, Neb. Shu w:i at'"oni piuied by her sister, Mrs. Ethel Pile, who will pay her parents a short umI When you awake in the mm mug tccling like the end o( a misspent iilc, your in null full of fur and mit soul full of rcgiets, take Rocky Mountain I'ea. Gteat medicine. t L Cotting Wolfe Bios, wish to announce that they intend to quit bundling farm ma chinery All machinery, buggies, and wagons will be sold out, regardless of cost. See them for any thing you may want. Dave Lantz and family left this city Tuesday morning for Franklin, where ho has accepted a position in the new briik yard which has been started by W. E Bruco of Superior and E. Fit, of this city. A. C. Hosmer, who has for years boon connected with various newspa per enterprises in Red Cloud, has en tered tho tick! again hero and will soon begin tho publication of tho fourth paper in this city. W. L. McMillan expects to havo his bowling alley in running order beforo tho lirst of August. It will bo ono of tho tinest in the stato. Tho intention at present is to set aside a certain aft ernoon oach week exclusively for tho ladies. Georgo Beardsloo and wifo roturned this morning from Santa Anna, Califor nia, whoro they spend the past winter iu tho hope of benefiting Mrs. Beard- sloe's health, but as tbo climato did not agreo with hor they decided to return to Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Oron M. Smith loft Wednesday morning for the homo of Mrs. Smith's parents near Kansas City. Mrs. Smith is an invalid and could not bo takon in tho regular day coaches, so a cot was provided for hor and she and hor husband rodo in tho baggago car. Sorvicos at the Mothodist Episcopal church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m. and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rev. M. P. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P. Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep worth Leaguo, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Brunor, suporintendont; Epworth Loaguo, 7 o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president. The members of tho Degree of Honor gave Mrs. John Wolf a surprise last evoning. A number of the members met at the home of Mrs. E.J. Orering, Sr., and from there went to the home of Mrs. Wolf on First avenue. The surpriso was a complete ono. The evoning was pleasantly spent by all present. A dainty lunch was served. Harry Goblo, a former Red Cloud boy, now of Pueblo, Col., arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit with relatives. Harry is now working for tho Denver & Rio Grande railroad, running out of Pueblo, and says be obtained a leave of absence for ten days on account of having met passen ger train ou the main line through not having a time table with him. Little Esther Storey, daughter of Paul Storey, fell from a piano stool Thursday and broke her arm. She got on the stool for the purpose of retch ing something on top of the piano and the stool top turned, throwing her to the floor. One of the bones of the fore arm was broken midway between the elbow and tho wrist. At tho present writing she is progressing as well as could be expected. Dost thou know tho editore, Dear Subscriber, As he glances sadly o'er, Dear Subscriber, Thoso subscription books of his Murmers on the air, "Gee-whizz, I Wish Thoy Would Come In And Whack UP I" 0VWV 4 Machine Oils. We have only the J best grades and can give you low prices. j threshing machines J are invited to in spect our oils and obtain our special low prices in quan ties. Chas. L. Cotting, l THE DRUGGIST Why experiment with a) f paint that is "just as good"? f xwhen ou can get the old I reliable 1 IkatiuK: Mn.i h.anj p rth.it lias stood the test for) r (half a century? 1 hae as C icoiuplete stock. ( 11. hi. ('.KICK. ) I Fiank lowdi-n, seciftnty of the Cowdeit Kaley Clothing Company, will leave net Sunday for the east to pur chase the companj s full mid winter stock of goods He will iro diiLvl to St. Louis, ami fiom thete a ill piob ably go to Chicago ami New Yoik The tit m has had a prosperous year E. Fit went to Franklin Monday evening to j tin with V. E. Bruce of Superior in building a brick yard there Franklin will do considerable building this fall and expects to use a huge quantity of brick. Franklin is fortunate in securing so good a workman as Mr. Fitz, and should he succeed in securing tho contracts for the buildings to be erected, thoso who employ him will bo satisfied with hit work. Services at tho Church of Christ will bo held as usual next Lord's day. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. by tho minister, T. A. Meredith. Biblo school at noon, Trace Sheror superin tendent. J uuior C. E.,3 p.m., Mrs. More tilth acting superintendent. Prayer mooting Weduesdayat 8 p. m. Special music at morning and evening preach ing sorvicos. Wo will make you wel como. Come aud give us the oppor tunity. Grand Island city and Hall connty may jointly purchase a pair of woll trained hounds for hunting criminals. They havo about concluded thero that tho recent oxporiencos with tho Waldo mor llauboldt murdor, the Wood River burglary and tho jail breakers have moro than cost them tho price of hounds. Grand Island may also havo a stono pile for tramps and vagrants to work on. Thoy seem to bo working a refo.m up there. Columbus Journal What is called an Italian Luncheon was served at tho home of Mrs. Homor Sherwood, from 3 o'clock till 0, yester day afternoon to about 00 invited guests. Tbo lunch consistod princi pally of Macaroni, Choose, and Toma toes which boing considered the favorite Italian dishes. Tho guests were treated to some very fine musio furnished by Miss Beatrix Mizer, and Miss Alice Remsberj. Tho rooms hid boen very prettily decorated in tho national colors of Italy, red, whito, and groon. Miss Mizer sang some Italian songs and Miss Remsborg presided at the piano. Mrs. Abble Polloy died at tho homo of hor daughter. Mrs. O. C. Bell, at 5:40 yesterday afternoon after an illness of three years. She leaves ono daughter, Mrs. O. C. Bell; ono son, Frank J. Pol ley of Raymond, and threo sisters, Mrs. Lydia MoFarland, Mrs. W. E. Gosper, Mrs. Harriet Hinnian, all of Lincoln; also a brother in Ohio, acd a sister in New York. Mrs. Polloy was seventy-five years of age, and had lived in Lancaster county since 1874. Her husband, Hiram Polloy, died three years ago. The funeral will be from 931 D street, Sunday, at 10 o'clock, and the interment will take place at Ray mond at 2:30 p.m. State Journal. Charles Hazleton and Warren Stoner of Kansas City came to this placo last Thursday morning to do somo hunt ing, but tho sheriff and gamo wardon of this county got on to tho fact and Charley nnd his ft lend disappeared Saturday night, leaving in tho hands of tho sheriff and gamo wardon their dogs and a number of shells. Tho game laws of this stato aro vory strict and any constable or sheriff is liable to get into troublo if, when it comos to knowledge that gamo has boon killed coutrary to law, b j does not make an effort to apprehend tho poison violat ing the law. Tho law also provides that an informer shall receive a por tion of the line. On July G Thomas McGinnis was watching a blacksmith at his work, in Hustings, when a piece from the metal on which tho blacksmith was hammer ing Hew up and struck McGinnis in tho eye, puncturing the eyeball. Last Sunday morning the eyeball was re moved. Chloroform had been admin istered, aud after the operation an at tempt was made to revive tho patient, but it was too late. He never regained consciousness, ami died in a few min utes. The body was brought to this city Monday and from hero takon to his homo near Esbou, Ivan , for burial. Interment took placo Wednesday aft ernoon in the St. Ehz.iboth cemetery. Thos, McGinnis was 33 years of ago and had been married only about four years. Ho loaves to mourn his death a wifo and threo childron, two hoys and ono girl, and seven brothors aud three sisters. He had lived iu this vicinity for a number of years and was quite well liked by all who know him. Tho bereaved family has tho sympathy of a large circle of frionds. t,fSf Biggest Reduction on Clothing, Men's and Boys', Ever Known in Bed Cloud. Gowden-Kaley THE STORE THAT Ia Twenty Year Life Policy In an Old Line Company is, the best kind ot lite insurance. k'he cash value of the polloy at thoJ end ol tne penoa is. moro uinu you have paid. Fire, Lightning, Tornado andl Life Insurance, LIn the best Old Line or Mutual Companies. O. C. Teel, Agt,! Red Clodd, Nkbkaska. Public-Sale! Tho undersigned will soil at public auction at tho Boron farm, two milos southeast of Cowles, Tuesday, July 29 Commencing at 10 A. M., 29 Head of Stoek 29 Consisting of 11 head of llorsos, do scribed as follows: Ono bay mare 10 years 'old, weight 1500 lbs; ono gray iiiaro 9 years old, weight 1500 lbs; one gray mare 4 years old, weight 1400 lbs; all in foal by jiek.onn blank gelding 0 years old, weight 1200; ono gray gold intr, weight Ki'K)- one golding 0 year old, weight 1000; aim span of mules, 7 and 8 yeais old, weight 1100 each; one puny male and colt, mare iu foal by 0i'nr;onu (illy 1 year old. 18 head of cattle -1 milch cows, 1 giving milk .low, 1 fiesli, 2 to he fresh soon, 11 calves 5 steers and 0 Hollers from 4 to 10 months old. FARM MACHINERY Smiiiriiir Di-llU mill llM'd l)IHI VL'ill ami the other two, b nh in good condi tion, 1 grass seedoi, I header, 1 binder, 1 eorn Mmller, 1 threo-Hoetinn sleel bar inw, nearlv new, 1 hay ruck-, 1 sod plow, I 12 inch gang plow, I grind stone; also 4 sets of double harness, some household goods and other arti cles too numerous too mention. Terms mf Sale All sums of $3 and under cash. Over that amount one year's time will be given, purchaser giving note and approved security, bearing 10 por cent interest. Five per cent off for cash. Lunuh on grouud. L. L. and A. A. BOH EN. C L. WINHtEV, Auctioneer. PARKER'S HAIR. BALSAM ClMSMf uJ txuiin lb Cult. I'romoU laiurlnl fnnrtn. Mr Vtila to Biiton Pray Ckw Ktlp diMw hilr Uliliit uur uj lis imiimni uiigi. juc, ou f i vu imiami A Summer Sermon on CLOTHES, We are selling Hot Weather Clothing so cheap that you ara foolish to be uncomfortable this hot weather. Men's Hot Weather Suits, 75c to 6.00. Flannels, Serges and Crashes. Men's Straw Hats, 25c to $1-75- The Prices on Everything Cut to Smithereens. Clothing Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. ! Harvest 1 and Gook ? ! Stoaes I 3 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 i 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 After harvest you need a Cook Stove or Range. We are prepared for just such 2 circumstances by having a full line of the best goods the market affords. c- t fl fr fr Br C- fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr I fr fr fr fr fr fr fr I Come in and amine the line. ex VVe are sure that we can please you with qual ity and price. We have a few Fancy Doors on hand that we are making a special price to close stock. This is a out gain and should be passed. Stock of Sixes Still Complete. a 4 a a a a 4 a a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Morhart Bros. Hardware Oo. fr fr n . &W- Awsfiaiu W,T mmmmmmmm 3M4)nMSMmc , ''-' ..r 'iS HWlfTT tfcMWJr