I TOLTJME XXX. The MINER Shirt Waists. To the woman who wishes to make every dollar count; to the woman who appreciates the neces sity of economy, and to the woman who usually makes her own waists, this sale offers oppor tunities to secure a waist at less than she can buy the cloth to make it. July Sale price of 78c to 50c. July Sale price of oSc to 63c. July Sale price of $i.3S to Syc. July Sale price of $1.50 to $1 .00. Other Values at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25 FURNITURE! Sewing Rockers, $1.00, $1 25 and $.50. Kitchen Cupboards, $5.50 to 12.50. Kitchen Chairs 50c. Bedroom Suites, $14.00, 15.00, 16.00 and upward. Couches, $7.00, 9.00 to 20.00. Wood seat Dining Chairs from $1.00 upward. Cane seat Dining Chairs from 70c upward. MINER BROS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. CROOKED CREEK. Tho etoiin last Thuisday night did considciablo ditmngo to tho coin. Miss UowMir, fiinn Michigan, is vis iting nt Kd Diukion's mid expects to renmin n cniilu of weeks. Mr. Hedge has a now separator She menus business now. Kd Soaton says tho storms and high water have dono him $000 worth of damage this summer. (Jus ltoutN has his secmd nop of alfalfa almost up. Messrs. Morbmt A: Cutter were up tho creek Monday buying cattlo. Threshing is progressing very slowlj on account of tho grain being so wot. Mr. Hrtisb says tho rnin lust Thurs day night wns tho heaviest that lias fallen at bis placo this summer, as well astl 1 ziml, which tried to blow bit wrJ"N and rack, with a load on, thrdbgb bis house, It didn't damage tho uouso much, but it smashed the rack. Tho now owner of tbo old Popo place ii making somo good improvements in tbo way of new buildings. A new Wash Goods. Calico. grnnary is iliendy completed. Kd Dickson and family spout Sunday with Mrs. Dicksou in Red Cloud. LINE. Weather wauu and diy. Cutting grain is over with. Tho Fruit brothers nio threshing on Statu cieek, nenr Mount Hope, while Al Slaby is threshing on tho river bot tom. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of North Hraueh and Hev. Hiadloy of Concordia were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shuck this week. Mr. Milligan of Red Cloud wns cut ting alfalfa for L. A. Hnskius this week. Tho corn bids fair for a good yield probably 50 bushels per acre. Potatoes aro good on tho upland and gardens are doing nicely. L-. A. liaskins' tenant on tho liver sold his entire interest in tho ctop to Mr. Arneson for 8125. Tho Wesloyan Methodists will hold a series of meetings at Pleasant Dale, d'strict No. 29, this week and next, KED CLOUD, NEHKASKA, ,11'LY 25. 1!))L Store, Our July Sale on Wash Goods was productive of very heavy sales and consequently many remnants containing from 3 to 8 yards in a piece. In order to clean this stock up we will sell these short lengths: July Sale price 9 and 10c, now 6c. July Sale price 14c, now oc. July Sale price 25c, now iSc. Commencing July 25 and con tinuing up to and including Au gugt 10th we will sell our entire stock of Standard Prints in blue, black, grays, reds and Fancy Prints at 4AC. beginning at 7 110 each evening. Tho barn of Reuben Keoglo, which binned last wetik, was insured in two companie- . Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's Tournament Tenth annual event, to bo bold at (it and Island August 0 to 7. Half rates from all Nebraska points via tho Uur lington Route. Tho Nebraska Volun toor Fii onion's Association has ar ranged to hold its annual tournnmont at Grand Island. Nearly $1,500 has been appiopiinted for cash prizes, in addition to miiny valuablo medals and trophies, for exhibition drills, contests and races. Fiicmcu will attend from all pints of the stato. For this oc casion tho Hui lington Routo has mado a rate of one faro for tho round trip. Tickets on sale August 4 to 7, inclusive, good returning until August 8. Ask thu liurlintou Routo agent or write J. Francis, (ienernl Passenger Agent, Omaha. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablots. All druggists refund tho money iT7t fails to euro. K. W, Grove's signature is un each box. 25c. GotFespondence. BLADEN. R A. Simp-on, one of Itlno Hill's real estate men, was in this city Tliui day. Mis. lint lington of Rnsohml is vl iting with her brother, Win Kile. Mr. Feist went, to Lincoln Fridn, leturuing Monday evening. Mr Waytnan's ear-old child met witli a painful accident Thursday even ing A huge piece of plaster fell fiom tho ceiling and struck tho child on the nrin, bteaking it near tbo elbow. Mr. Corey of Fail bury was in this village tho latter part of last week in tbo interest of n hail insurat co com pany. An exciting game of baseball was played on the home diamond Fiiday between Hlndon nnd Cowles. Scoio, 1 to 2 in favor of Hlndon. Themcmbeis of tho Cowles team aro a very gentle manly set of young men who like sport. James Turner, who has been visiting bis mother northeast of town, re tinned to Lincoln tho tlrst of tho week. Real estato in Hladcn has been changing bands quite lively tho past few days. H. L. Richondifor sold his home to Mrs Gritlitb, mother of Mrs. Mead West. II. H. Watson sold to A. Waulle, who contemplates moving to town. Cbas. Spencu has purchased tho Tooker property. Friends from near Lnwrenco were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Horn. It is snid that this village is soon to havj a wedding. A couplo of our young people havo decided to go to housekeeping. Dr. Pottits of Kansas City, a brother- in-law of Charles Harlman, is in this villago on business. Tho Hlndon band has reorganized nnd will begin practico at onco. Mr". Kummel returned Monday to her home at Rothville, Mo. Mrs. Fred KnufTmnn is at Lincoln visiting with her son John. Mrs. It. Lee of Lawienco was visit ing in this villngo tho ilrst of this week. L. C. Keith contemplates moving to Hastings in tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hritton, living south of town, were happily surprised by their daughter, who lives at Hunt ington, Ore., coming to pay them n visit. Last Friday a footrace between Tody linker of this placo and a Mr. Richey or Cowles caused a little amusement for tho people of this village. On ac count of tbo recent rnin there was somo difllculty in finding a race track. Kvcrbody was there, and it is said by those who witnessed tho race that Toady stood somo show of winning until ho "potered out." COWLES. Prof. Thompson is putting down a now well. Moll Morgan had a uinaway a few dnys ago which cost him a now wagon- A valuablo two year old colt of Jack Wallor's got badly cut on tho barb wire fouco one day ln.it week. Dr. Owen's wifo arrived last Fiiday from Misssuri. Where she has been visiting relatives; tho Dr. wears a bioadur smile. Lou Real's wheat wont 'J.'l bushels to tho acre, pretty good for this year. Tho tains Thursday night raised the creek again almost as high as before, tho railroad track and also tho wagon road was left in pretty bad sbapo. Tho ball team wont to Hlndon last Fridav. or part of them rather scores '2 to 4 but Hlndon look out when you como down hero you may havo tho full toara to play against. Jim liager is following the thrashing machine as band cutter. The ladies of the Christian church Items of Interest a Reported bv Chief Reporters at Several Nearby Localities. gave an ico eieam social last Sntutday evening although it was pietty colli for ice eieiini Coin in this vicinity looks lino NORTH BRANCH, KAS. Roasting eais two tho older of tho day. Mis Fied Ken worthy is no better at this wiiting. Miss Oin Watt is very sick with ap peudicotis, Louisa Toland is wot king for Dr. C F. Moianvilln of Guide Rock. Mollio Clino is working at Mr. J. F Watts. D.O liaskins and wifn from 0.tla noma ai e visiting his sister Mt 8. Gecro. Mr. Davis is putting up alfalfa on his faun west of town. Alice Fishburn is homo from Colo rado. Rev. J. J. Campbell and Rev. Hrad loy aro holding n camp mooting in No braska. DRY CREEK. K. Soatoa is stneking his alfalfa this week. 1'ho wind blow Mr. Hulsebush's bnrn over Thursday night, killing two horses and one hog. Miss Nell Cockroll spont Sunday with Lorn Decker. Mrs J. Kmlck called on her son Sun day. Quito a gang of railroad mon havo camped down by Mr. Frisbio's repair ing the railroad botweon Cowles nnd Lester. Mr. and Mrs. A Deckor spont Sun day afternoon with Oscar Kmick and family. Fied Bright attended church al Red Cloud Sunday. Mr. Conrad Starko is out from Mil waukee visiting his undo, Gotliob Rasser. STATE CREEK. Lloyd Carpenter was thrown from a horso a few days ngo and considerably bruised. MiMi Viola Ward of Red Cloud is visaing on our creek with old friends and acquaintances. Incoming from town last Saturday 11 2o pound sack of Hour was lost from our wagon. Finder will confer a favor by leaving samo at Tiik C'iiikk ollico. Rov. Con Hnwitt of Geneva, Neb., formorly of this part, was visiting heio last week. Tho new biidgo north of Scrivnor's was oullt last week by tho road supor intondent. Al Scrivnor sold a lino 1,000 pound cow to Win. Rifo last week for !1J cents per pound. Wo aio soiry to repoit tho death of Miss Myitlo Fitgorald, who died last Satuiday, a full account of which will bo found in another pail of this paper. BATIN. Mis. Hretthauer and son William havo como homo fiom Kansas, wheio they havo been visiting. A. I. H.ittan has moved his corn cub nnd granaiy anil is putting n stono foundation under them Miss Kunico Kelly was tho guosl of Miss Grace Wilson of Otto one day last week. K. W. Coplon has cut tho second ciop of alfalfa. Honry Lanibrocht and Snm Sorren son havo each built a now granary. C. F. Cathor is having material hauled for another Inrgo granary on his farm. Mr. Wolfoof Red Cloud was in this vicinity Friday. C. M. Wilson vnccinnted sovcral head of cattlo last Thursday for Mr. Holt, having lopt sovcral bend from blackleg. tttzfsi NUMlJEtt 2S Books Given Free. Commencing, Saturday, Jane 21st. Iielow we give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arabian NIrIiIh (3) New ntul Kovlsed Edition Tho rortnuvB of NIkoI Scott IvhiiIioo Scott IIcjoim! the City (3) . A. Coiinn Ilojrlo HtmiiKU KecrelH A. C'oiinn I)olo All sortH and Condition of Men .. ... llcxMit nnd Itlcu .let Kd Urdu KnlRlit Krrnnt ... I, nil lloppo tho Conscript .... Anthony Trollope Chicot the .tenter . ... Diiiiihn Countess ile Chnrny ..........t)mumt I.oo nnd Mhcrl) I)nmnn Tho Coniicrlpt- Iliimnn Vlromtu do llrKelonno..... Dumnit CoiiMielo bund The I'omitctx of Hndolstiidt .Sand Indlnim baud Kanchon tho Cricket ............... Sand Duldeu ..... . . Warden Confessions of nu Kiifillah Opium Knter - .... l)o (Jnliicy Hold KIhIo . Mnrlllt A DniiKhtor ol llcth llhiek Tho Krontlcmmou (3) Almurd The llllthediihi Itinimnrc Ilnwthorne Ardnth Marie Corelll llnrdn Ebern l'llsrlm'H I'roKrcus .. Ilimnn Tho DeeniKterN . Hull Ciilno Hiimphri'y Clinker . . Smollct t'orlntio - . . Do hliiel J'HrlH Sketch Hook Tlmckemy The Mini Who Wns Hood . Merrick Jnelc Horner . ... Mnry 8, Tlerimn IlomoHcllo - MnryS Tlerimn WoudhtndcrK Thos Hiirdy Thel)elroof the ByoM Ornnt Allen Not In the I'roDpcrliiN Dimforth UiimutiUh . l.oti A Ntw Nolo MrMiihon DrHKtm'n Teeth Serrano Tho Cedar Mar Maim TheCrjMal lltitton - Thomas A I.UIhk l.lo .... .. Iiournet One of these books will be tfiven with every dollar you pay on subscription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free. If you pay two dollars on subscription you yet two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one of these handsome books. Come in and get one before they are all gone. ,,f-v4-. $jo. .'kju i '' , lJL t&t&ffl lf rr-Ti "..?