s ?rf .ik. A auriittOiialUiviibtititiitiaAaj Do Vow Realize What a Convenience a Fountain Pen is. It almost an indispens ible atticle to any one who does any writ ing. We have the best. All 14k Gold Pens with hard rubber holders. Every school toucher in tho county in fact everyone who does uol want to be left in tliu 9 9 9 a 9 a 9 9 9 9 9 rut, hut who wishes to be up to (Into, should have one. Prices $1.00 to $5.00. Satitfactlon Guaranteed. Newhouse Bros. tflWWfiWflWTMQWHWWflfWWQWW WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Choice baled hay at Roby's. W. W. Wright went to Geneva Wed nefday morning. W. N. Richardson was in Guide Rock Wednesday. Mrs. I. Shcpardyon of Uiveilon was in Ued Cloud Wednesday. Joe Fogel has some good light bar ue.s which he is selling cheap. Peter Albright is very sick at his home in the northwest part of the city. Ludlow Bros, have a quantity of line brick for sale at their yards north of town. Walter Kaley, now located at Del Norte, Colorado, is expected home in a short time. Mrs. George Morhart went to Guide Hock Wednesday for a visit with her paronts. W. W. Wright returned Friday oven ing after an exteuded tour of the east, crn states. Miss Anna Jarboe is visiting for a few days with her brothor and frieuds vest of town. Mr?. (Jrace Wiles arrived Saturday from Orleans for a visit with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Fort. For a clean, easy shavo or an up-to date hair-cut, call at Ward Hiatt's bar ber shop. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. James lirown and young son returned home Tuesday after visiting relatives in Long Island, Kan., for two weeks. Mm. E.W. Moranvillo returned home last Thursday evening after a two months' visit with her orother at Law rence, Kan. Miss Minnie Hieher, who has been in Campbell for some time, returned Tuesday to her homo north of this city for a short visit. Miss Francos McChesnoy, who has been visiting with Miss Boulah Hall in this city, loturned to her home in Mc Cook Monday evening. Otto Skjolver, daughter Ada and brother Hans passed through this city Monday on their way to St. Paul, Miuu., where they fo for and extended visit with relatives and ftionds. At the regular business meeting of the Congregational church, hold last Friday afternoon, it was decided to ex tend a call to tho Rev. D. D. Hambiv to tho permanent pastorate of the church. Mr. Hambly has not yot dof. initely decided to accept tbo call. ,t fcESK One A private conversation. r You old tool. (I) You will, will you. U!) I'll learn you to go und buy a lot ol cheap Harness and Hardwaro bofo.. you getJ.O. Butlkk's prices on lirsi ul.tss goods ot urn hhiiih kind. ( !l) Taki that, (!!!) and lt, (!!I!) and that. Now vnu ill chump will ou learn some things GENERA! CITY NEWS. Kead Argabrighl's surprise "ad." Cha. Hunter of Inavalo was in the city Tuesday. Frank Shelter of Alma was in the city Tuesday. If vmi want job work of ony kind call and see u. "Doe" Hull of Hluo Hill was In the city Wednesday. Chas. BikIh'o and Will Ely were in Guide Rock Tuesday. L. Pyle of Blue Hill was transacting business in this city Monday. H. 11. Cox of Bladen was transacting business in this city Tuesday. Ora Montgomery of Guide Bock was a Bed Cloud visitor Tuesday. Albert Overleeso of Biverton was on our streets Tuesday of this week. George Clauson is at work near Cowlcs this week rebuilding bridges. For Sale A thread cabinet and a second-hand showcase. F. Newhouse. C. A. Ferguson of Orleans, Nebraska, was a business visitor in this city Tues day. J. M. Dority of Bladen was attend ing to business mutters in this city Tuesday. M. O. and K. E. Mceks of Superior worn looking after business matters in this city Monday. C. .J.Wilson of Smith Center, Kan sa, canio to this city Tuesday for a visit with relatives in the neighbor hood. Mrs. Wnde, mother of Mrs. M P.Dix on, doparted for her homo in Fort Scott, Kansas, after an extended visit in this city. Person, the sewing machine expert, repairs organs and sewing machines, at the second store. All work guaran teed. Prices reasonable. Mrs. C D. Lloyd of Galveston, Texas, is visiting with Paul Storey and wife. Mrs. Lloyd was formerly a resident of Webster county and resided near Cowlcs. Robt. McBrido and wifo camo to this city tho tirst of the week for a visit with relatives and frionds. Bobt. will goto Omaha and Chicago beforo to turning to Kearney again. When you nwako in the morning feeling like the end of a misspent life, your mouth full of fur and your soul full of regrets, tako Rocky Mountain Tea. Great medicine. C. L. Cotting. A. C. Hosmcr who has been identi fied with tho editorial and mechanical departments of tho Nation for somo timo past has resigned and boon super ceded by J. E. Kesler who has held a position on the Cm Kir for many years. J. O. Early, who has been night op erator for '.ho B. & M. at this placo for somo time, has been transferred to Fort Morgan, Col., and left for there Monday evoning. G. W. Overatroot of Macon City, Mo., arrived here Tues day morning to tako his place. Elmer Ross had tho misfortune to lose a good horse Monday night. When tho horse was fed in the evening it was apparently all right and as well as over, but in tho morning it was found dead in tho stall. The horse bad ap parently died without a struggle. F. Bradbrook and Chas. Shultz went to Campbell Tuesday morning and re turned in the evoning. They went up after their photographic apparatus which they used in the car at that placo and which they no longoj oper ate, it having been sold to J. Ross of Riverton. Miss Charlotto Worly of Lincoln has been elected principal of the Rod Cloud high school for tho ensuing year. Miss Worly comes highly recommended as a teacher of marked ability. Chan cellor Andrews of tho Stato University speaks in tho highest terms of bor worth and scholarship. G. Hlldrothof Franklin was a Red Cloud visitor Tuesday and mado this office a pleasant call. Mr. Hildreth is treasurer of the Interstate G A. R LReunion association and came to this city for the purposo of securing brick and brick masons. Ho states that it is expected that thoro will bo sovoral new brick buildings erected in Frank lin this fall. It is estimated that tbo damage done by tho high water of tho past few weeks will bo such h to requrie tho wholo of tho tax levy for this year 10 repair, as the damages will run up in the thousands of dollars, Work of re pairing and replacing bridges has al ready begun and is advancing as fast as possible. Tho county is just a little handicapped now, owing to tho fact that there is but one pile driver. Invitations are out for tho wedding of J. R. Grconhalgb of Cowles to Miss Emma Truscott, in tbo Chiiitlan church of Doer Lodge, Mont., on Thursday of next week. Mr. Green halgh is one of Cowles' most progress ive btiBinoss men and a member of the linn of Greenhalgh Bros. and is well liked and rospectcd bv all who know him. Tiik Chirk unites with his many frionds in wishing him much joy, and may his only tmub'es bo little ones. Turnip seed at Ruby's. Wm. Hlavaty of Sp Ing Ranch, Neb raska, ws in tbo city Wednesday. M.K anil G N. Fail Held of Guide Hock weie in the city Wednesday. Geo. llollistrr was in McCook l'lies day anil Wednesday of this week. F. V. Taylor, undei taker and em balm r, opposite Cutting's ding stole. Save money by using a water meter Moihait Bios, will put one in for you, Clara and Mattiu Abel leiivo this morning fur a visit with friends in Chi cago. Mr. Chas. Bushee wont to Guide Rock Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives. A. C. Ilosmor left Thursday morning for Omaha to attend to somo business matters there. Chas. Beck who formerly clerked in a storo in this city loft for tho west Monday evening, John Griltlith nnd wifo entertained a number of friends at an informal sup per Tuesday evoning.' Mrs. A. Calmos, an old time resident of this county, is visiting at tho homo of her jathcr, L. Dehart. Chas. Sponco nnd wifo of Bladen were in tho city Monday attending to somo business matters. Wonted. A good girl to work. Good wages. Enquire of Hubert Neuerberg at depot lunch counter. Wanted. A couple of young pigs. Enquire of F. Nowhouso or at Now house Bros, jewelry store. , C. W. Kaley left Tuesday morning for Lincoln and Omaha to attend to business matters in those places. W by not get one of thoso good lly nets for your horse, of Joo Fogel, while he is selling them so cheap? J. R. Mercer aud wifo returned homo Wednesday from 11 pleasure trip to Denver and other Colorado points. Oliver Wright has accepted a posi tion in tho blacksmith shop of Wolf Bros., recently vacated by Ira Wolf. Claro Ncsbit, who is now n brake man on tho B. & M. out of Oxford was in tho city tho fore part of tbo week. A good second hand horso-power threshing rig for sale cheap. For fur ther information inquire of Popo Bros. C. D. McMillan who spent a wcok vis iting with tbo folks hero returned to his homo at Malvern, Iowa, Saturday. V. F. Mooro of Orleans has taken a position as helper in the B. & M. freight houso here, formerly hold by W. K. Hayes. Miss Vanco Foo returned to hor homo in this city on tho oarly train Monday after a visit with relatives in Denver. Mrs, Elmer Delong and children ar rived in tho city Monday for an ex tended visit with hor sister Mrs. W. A. Mitchell. Mrs. C. C. Rants who has boon vis iting with her son N. S. Rants, for somo time left for her borne in Juniata Thursday. The annual pionioof the M. E. church has been postponed on occount of the serious illness in the family of some of its members. Phil Fitzgerald and wife of Garden City, Kansas, came to this city Mon day for a visit with relatives in this city and vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Smith departed for her homo in Randall, Kan., Monday morn ing after a short visit with James Bur den and family. Miss Ella Mohlin of Grinnell, Iowa, arrived in this city tho first of tho week for an extended visit with C. B. Crono and family. Wm. Brown and wifo of Colorado City, Col., camo to this city Monday to attend tbo funeral of Mrs. Brown's sis ter, Mrs. Susio Brown. Miss Vivian Uossard of McCook came to this city Monday morning for a visit with Mrs. W. G. Blank, wifo of tho proprietor of the Fair store. jprwv Machine Oils. We have only the best grades and can give you low prices. Owners of 1 I threshing machines 4 are invited to in spect our oils and obtain our special low prices in quan tics. Chas. L. Cotting,: J THE DRUGGIST ; experiment with a , paint that is "just as good' ;vhen you can get the old' reliable Heath & Mili ic.an 1 'that lias stood the test for, half a century? 1 have a complete stock. II. li.CRIL'li. Amos McClintoek of Riverton spent Sunday in this city. Miss Howser of Dowagiac, Midi., a nieeoof Mrs. S. C Dickson, arrived in tho city Tuesday morning for on ex tended visiit. Mrs. Taylor of Bonklemon, Nobras ka, arrived in tho city Monday morn ing for an extended visit with her old timo friends J. H Smith and family. Tho series of entertainments which were to have been given last night by the Ladies' Guild of tho Episcpal oliuioh were postponed on account of the storm. Reuben Keagle's barn, south of the river, burned yesterday. Loss about WOO. Tho building wns insured for $300 in tho Union Fire Insurance Com pany of Lincoln. Win. Larue, engineer of the switch engine hero, is laying olt this week and is taking care of his little sou who is seriously ill. Mr. MeKaini of McCook is taking his place. Rounds out tho hollow place? .smooths out lines that creep -tbout one's fce; woos toses hack to faded cheeks. '1 hat's what Rocky Mountain 'Tea does. :1j cent. C. L. Cotting. Married, at tho ollleo of the county judge, Wednesday, July US, James li Bradshaw, aged 21, to Beitha M. Dun afon, aged 10, both of Franklin county, Judge Edson olticiating. Don't bo persuadel into taking some thing said to bo "just as good" as Mad son Medicino Co.'s Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. .15 cents, no more, no less. C. L. Cotting. Miss Carrio Hols worth living three miles north of tho city was tho fortu nato Under of the baloon sent up on the evening of tho tth of July by Hadcll At Co. and which drew prize No. 1 con sisting of a ladies' shirt waist. Rev. Geo. W. Hummel of Bluo Hill was in tho city tho first of tho week. Mr. Hummel has just returned from Iowa and reports crop conditions there vory much tho same as hero if thoro is any dill'oreiico it is in favor of Neb raska. Wo observe that there has been a change mado in tho ofllcors of tho Peoples bank. Tho ofllcers now aro J. L. Miner, president; H. C. Miner, vico president; W. A. Sherwood, cash ier and Miss Irono Miner, assistant cashior. Mrs. L. H. Van Cleave, daughter Nettie, and granddaughter, Blanche Hurlburt, left for their borne in Ash land, Neb., last Monday morning after an extended visit at the home of Mrs Van Cleavo's daughter. Mrs. Fred Wolfe of this rity. A. J.Tomlinsoa left last evoning for Capo Nome where ho goes to do tho assessment work nn his claims. John says the trip will only tako him eleven days and further that ho expects to go down far enough on his claims to toll whether thoro is anything in them or not. John has fourteen claims in tho vicinity of Capo Nome. Services at tbo Methodist Episcop 1 church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rev. M. P, Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P, Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep worth Lnaguo, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Brunor superintendent; Epworth League, 1 o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president. Episcopal services: Every first Sun day in tho month: Morning, at 10:30, litany, holy communion; evening, at 7:80. evening prayer and sermon. Every third Sunday in tho month Morning, 10:30, corning prayer and sermon; evening, 7:30. ovoning prayer and sermon. Evorybody welcomed. E. U.Bruu, rector. The work of grading Fourth avenuo east of Webster slroot was begun last Monday morning.' Horeaftor tho sur plus wator from this street will ilow toward tho oast, and not down tho main street. It is understood that as soon as tho work of grading is com pleted Mr. Crabill will extend the street railway tracks and keop his cars undercover. Sorvicos at tho Church ot Christ will bo hold as usual next Lord's day. Froachlng at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the minister, T. A. Meredith. Biblo school at noon.Tiaco Shorer superin tendent. Junior O.E., 3 p.m., Mrs. Moro dith acting superintendent. Prayor mooting Wednesdayat 8 p. m. Special music nt morning and evoning preach ing sorvicos. We will make you wel come. Como and give us tho oppor tunity. Why fA Summer Sermon on TSi Biggest Reduction on Clothing, Men's and Boys', Ever Known in Red Cloud. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. A Twenty Year Life Policy In an Old Line Company is. the best kind ot lite insurance. Tho cash value of the policy at tbo end of tho period is moro man you have paid. Fire, Lightning, Tornado andl Life Insurance, Lin the Vest Old Lino or Mutual' Companies. O. C. Teel, Agt.,1 Rkd Cloud, Nkhuaska. Death by Lightning Stroke. Last Friday afternoon at about 1:30 Mrs. S.'A. Brown, was standing in a small wash room at hor homo in Choyonno, Wyoming, when sho was in stantly killed by n bolt of lightning. Tho bolt ontored through tho roof of the shed aud strucK Mr. Brown di rectly on tho tou of tho hoad passing from thoro down her hor right sido and and leg. Part of tier hairjwas burned away and her right sido, breast and log were burned 111 a fearful manner, tier clothing took tire and had it not been for the timely arrival of a Mr. Si Smith her body would have boon con sumed. Tho body was brought to this city for burial arriving hero on tho oarly morning train Wednesday. Funeral services woro conducted by Rev. T. A. Meredith in tho Christian church at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Tho do cousod was a daughter of Stephon Bayles formerly of this city hut now of Guido Rock and was born in Cowles in this county in 187d and was uiaruod to Stephen Brown in 1888 in this city and has boon a resident of Choyonno for tho past year, where her husband has boon at work for tho U. P. R. R. as car repairer. Her husbaad was at Hins dalo whon tho bult struck, but was summoned to Choyonno by telegraph as soon as possible. Sho loaves to mourn hor death a husband and three childron, two girls nnd a boy, aged thiriAnn nlnvun and four years respec tively and a fathor, four brothers and threo sisters. Hor mother and ono sister died and woro buried horo somo years ago Tho deceased was a member of tho Baptise church, a good mother, loving sister anJ daughtei and the bereaved relatives have tho sympathy of a largo circlo of friends in thin city and vicin ity. CLOTHES, We are selling Hot Weather Clothing so cheap that you are foolish to be uncomfortable this hot weather. Men's Hot Weather Suits, 75c to $6.00. Flannels, Serges and Crashes. Men's Straw Hats, 25c to $1.75- The Prices on Everything Cut to Smithereens. I Harvest ! and Gook iStouesl After harvest you need a Cook Stove or Range. We are prepared for just such circumstances by having a full line of the best goods the market affords. Come in and ex amine the line. We are sure that we can please you with qual ity and price. We have a few Fancy t t i fr I on hand that we are making a special price to close out stock. This is a bar gain and should not be passed. t I I I Morhart Hardware fr fr TTr1??TVft 1 Screen Doors 9 a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Stock of Sizes 9 I Still Complete. t . 9 9 9 9 9 a 9 I Bros. 3 I ' Co. 9 9 -a :J fr If fr fr fr fr fr fr I fr fr I I t ft ft I fr t ft I fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr ft I ft fr ft I ft A JJU Wjk u. sw 'Sji'fi Cai3 m&Mtimwm mmmm ilHW5" J